コード例 #1
def get_relevant_facts(proposition,

    newexprs = set()

    if not assumptions:
        assumptions = CNF({S.true})

    if not relevant_facts:
        relevant_facts = set()

    def find_symbols(pred):
        if isinstance(pred, CNF):
            symbols = set()
            for a in pred.all_predicates():
                symbols |= find_symbols(a)
            return symbols
        if isinstance(pred.args, AppliedPredicate):
            return {pred.args[0]}
        return pred.atoms(Symbol)

    if not exprs:
        req_keys = find_symbols(proposition)
        keys = proposition.all_predicates()
        # XXX: We need this since True/False are not Basic
        lkeys = set()
        lkeys |= assumptions.all_predicates()
        if context:
            lkeys |= context.all_predicates()

        lkeys = lkeys - {S.true, S.false}
        tmp_keys = None
        while tmp_keys != set():
            tmp = set()
            for l in lkeys:
                syms = find_symbols(l)
                if (syms & req_keys) != set():
                    tmp |= syms
            tmp_keys = tmp - req_keys
            req_keys |= tmp_keys
        keys |= {l for l in lkeys if find_symbols(l) & req_keys != set()}

        exprs = {
            key.args[0] if isinstance(key, AppliedPredicate) else key
            for key in keys
        return exprs, relevant_facts

    for expr in exprs:
        for fact in fact_registry[expr.func]:
            newfact = fact.rcall(expr)
            newexprs |= set(
                [key.args[0] for key in newfact.atoms(AppliedPredicate)])

    return newexprs - exprs, relevant_facts
コード例 #2
def get_all_relevant_facts(
    # The relevant facts might introduce new keys, e.g., Q.zero(x*y) will
    # introduce the keys Q.zero(x) and Q.zero(y), so we need to run it until
    # we stop getting new things. Hopefully this strategy won't lead to an
    # infinite loop in the future.
    i = 0
    relevant_facts = CNF()
    exprs = None
    all_exprs = set()
    while exprs != set():
        exprs, relevant_facts = get_relevant_facts(
        all_exprs |= exprs
        i += 1
        if i >= iterations:

    if use_known_facts:
        known_facts_CNF = CNF()
        kf_encoded = EncodedCNF()

        def translate_literal(lit, delta):
            if lit > 0:
                return lit + delta
                return lit - delta

        def translate_data(data, delta):
            return [{translate_literal(i, delta)
                     for i in clause} for clause in data]

        data = []
        symbols = []
        n_lit = len(kf_encoded.symbols)
        for i, expr in enumerate(all_exprs):
            symbols += [pred(expr) for pred in kf_encoded.symbols]
            data += translate_data(kf_encoded.data, i * n_lit)

        encoding = dict(list(zip(symbols, range(1, len(symbols) + 1))))
        ctx = EncodedCNF(data, encoding)
        ctx = EncodedCNF()


    return ctx
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_satask.py プロジェクト: legitishan/sympy
def test_extract_predargs():
    props = CNF.from_prop(Q.zero(Abs(x * y)) & Q.zero(x * y))
    assump = CNF.from_prop(Q.zero(x))
    context = CNF.from_prop(Q.zero(y))
    assert extract_predargs(props) == {Abs(x * y), x * y}
    assert extract_predargs(props, assump) == {Abs(x * y), x * y, x}
    assert extract_predargs(props, assump,
                            context) == {Abs(x * y), x * y, x, y}
コード例 #4
def satask(
    props = CNF.from_prop(proposition)
    _props = CNF.from_prop(~proposition)
    if context:
        tmp = CNF()
        context = tmp.extend(context)
    assumptions = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    sat = get_all_relevant_facts(
    if context:

    return check_satisfiability(props, _props, sat)
コード例 #5
def _extract_all_facts(assump, exprs):
    Extract all relevant assumptions from *assump* with respect to given *exprs*.


    assump : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF

    exprs : tuple of expressions




    >>> from sympy import Q
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.cnf import CNF
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.ask import _extract_all_facts
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> assump = CNF.from_prop(Q.positive(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> exprs = (x,)
    >>> cnf = _extract_all_facts(assump, exprs)
    >>> cnf.clauses
    {frozenset({Literal(Q.positive, False)})}

    facts = set()
    if len(exprs) == 1 and isinstance(exprs[0], Relational):
        rel = exprs[0]
        exprs = (rel, rel.reversed)

    for clause in assump.clauses:
        args = []
        for literal in clause:
            if isinstance(literal.lit, AppliedPredicate) and len(
                    literal.lit.arguments) == 1:
                if literal.lit.arg in exprs:
                    # Add literal if it has matching in it
                    args.append(Literal(literal.lit.function, literal.is_Not))
                    # If any of the literals doesn't have matching expr don't add the whole clause.
            if args:
    return CNF(facts)
コード例 #6
def _extract_all_facts(expr, symbol):
    facts = set()
    if isinstance(symbol, Relational):
        symbols = (symbol, symbol.reversed)
        symbols = (symbol,)
    for clause in expr.clauses:
        args = []
        for literal in clause:
            if isinstance(literal.lit, AppliedPredicate):
                if literal.lit.arg in symbols:
                    # Add literal if it has 'symbol' in it
                    args.append(Literal(literal.lit.func, literal.is_Not))
                    # If any of the literals doesn't have 'symbol' don't add the whole clause.
            if args:
    return CNF(facts)
コード例 #7
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.

    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.

    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which, when applied to a
    proposition, simplifies the argument to symbolic ``Boolean`` instead of
    Python built-in ``True``, ``False`` or ``None``.


    proposition : any boolean expression
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : any boolean expression, optional
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x


        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), x > 0)

        It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    binrelpreds = {Eq: Q.eq, Ne: Q.ne, Gt: Q.gt, Lt: Q.lt, Ge: Q.ge, Le: Q.le}
    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
    elif proposition.func in binrelpreds:
        key, args = binrelpreds[proposition.func], proposition.args
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    # convert local and global assumptions to CNF
    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    # extract the relevant facts from assumptions with respect to args
    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, args)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    # convert default facts and assumed facts to encoded CNF
    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    # check the satisfiability of given assumptions
    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        # quick exit if the prerequisite of proposition is not true
        # e.g. proposition = Q.odd(x), assumptions = ~Q.integer(x)
        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            if len(cl) == 1:
                f, = cl
                if f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                    return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict is None:
                elif key in fdict:
                    # quick exit if proposition is directly satisfied by assumption
                    # e.g. proposition = Q.integer(x), assumptions = Q.odd(x)
                    return True
                elif Not(key) in fdict:
                    # quick exit if proposition is directly rejected by assumption
                    # example might be proposition = Q.even(x), assumptions = Q.odd(x)
                    # but known_facts_dict does not have such information yet and
                    # such example is computed by satask.
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
コード例 #8
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Method for inferring properties about objects.


        * ask(proposition)

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)

            where ``proposition`` is any boolean expression


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    if not isinstance(proposition, (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if not isinstance(assumptions, (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, expr = proposition.func, sympify(proposition.arg)
        key, expr = Q.is_true, sympify(proposition)

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, expr)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:
        local_facts_ = CNF.CNF_to_cnf(local_facts)

        # See if there's a straight-forward conclusion we can make for the inference
        if local_facts_.is_Atom:
            if key in known_facts_dict[local_facts_]:
                return True
            if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[local_facts_]:
                return False
        elif (isinstance(local_facts_, And) and
              all(k in known_facts_dict for k in local_facts_.args)):
            for assum in local_facts_.args:
                if assum.is_Atom:
                    if key in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return True
                    if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return False
                elif isinstance(assum, Not) and assum.args[0].is_Atom:
                    if key in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return False
                    if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return True
        elif (isinstance(key, Predicate) and
              isinstance(local_facts_, Not) and local_facts_.args[0].is_Atom):
            if local_facts_.args[0] in known_facts_dict[key]:
                return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(expr)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
コード例 #9
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.

    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.
    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which does not reduce
    the expression to ``None``.


    proposition : any boolean expression
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : any boolean expression, optional
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x


        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, args)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            f, = cl if len(cl) == 1 else [None]
            if f and f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict and key in fdict:
                    return True
                if fdict and Not(key) in known_facts_dict[f.arg]:
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
コード例 #10
ファイル: ask.py プロジェクト: syyunn/sympy
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Method for inferring properties about objects.


        * ask(proposition)

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)

            where ``proposition`` is any boolean expression


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    if not isinstance(proposition,
                      (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if not isinstance(assumptions,
                      (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, expr = proposition.func, sympify(proposition.arg)
        key, expr = Q.is_true, sympify(proposition)

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, expr)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            f, = cl if len(cl) == 1 else [None]
            if f and f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict and key in fdict:
                    return True
                if fdict and Not(key) in known_facts_dict[f.arg]:
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(expr)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
コード例 #11
def generate_code():
    from textwrap import dedent, wrap

    LINE = ",\n        "
    HANG = ' ' * 8
    code_string = dedent('''\
    Do NOT manually edit this file.
    Instead, run ./bin/ask_update.py.

    from sympy.assumptions.ask import Q
    from sympy.assumptions.cnf import Literal
    from sympy.core.cache import cacheit

    def get_all_known_facts():
        Known facts between unary predicates as CNF clauses.
        return {

    def get_known_facts_dict():
        Logical relations between unary predicates as dictionary.

        Each key is a predicate, and item is two groups of predicates.
        First group contains the predicates which are implied by the key, and
        second group contains the predicates which are rejected by the key.

        return {

    x = Symbol('x')
    fact = get_known_facts(x)

    # Generate CNF of facts between known unary predicates
    cnf = CNF.to_CNF(fact)
    p = LINE.join(
            'frozenset((' + ', '.join(
                str(Literal(lit.arg.function, lit.is_Not))
                for lit in sorted(clause, key=str)) + '))'
            for clause in cnf.clauses

    # Generate dictionary of facts between known unary predicates
    keys = [pred(x) for pred in get_known_facts_keys()]
    mapping = generate_known_facts_dict(keys, fact)
    items = sorted(mapping.items(), key=str)
    keys = [str(i[0]) for i in items]
    values = [
        '(set(%s), set(%s))' %
        (sorted(i[1][0], key=str), sorted(i[1][1], key=str)) for i in items
    m = LINE.join([
            wrap("{}: {}".format(k, v),
                 break_long_words=False)) for k, v in zip(keys, values)
    ]) + ','

    return code_string % (p, m)
コード例 #12
ファイル: ask.py プロジェクト: vitarka101/sympy
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.

    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which, when applied to a
    proposition, simplifies the argument to symbolic ``Boolean`` instead of
    Python built-in ``True``, ``False`` or ``None``.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.


    proposition : Any boolean expression.
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : Any boolean expression, optional.
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional.
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    ``True``, ``False``, or ``None``


    TypeError : *proposition* or *assumptions* is not valid logical expression.

    ValueError : assumptions are inconsistent.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x

    ``ValueError`` is raised if assumptions are inconsistent.

    >>> ask(Q.integer(x), Q.even(x) & Q.odd(x))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: inconsistent assumptions Q.even(x) & Q.odd(x)


    Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
    will not give a meaningful result.

    >>> ask(Q.positive(x), x > 0)

    It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    binrelpreds = {Eq: Q.eq, Ne: Q.ne, Gt: Q.gt, Lt: Q.lt, Ge: Q.ge, Le: Q.le}
    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
    elif proposition.func in binrelpreds:
        key, args = binrelpreds[proposition.func], proposition.args
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    # convert local and global assumptions to CNF
    assump_cnf = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    # extract the relevant facts from assumptions with respect to args
    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump_cnf, args)

    # convert default facts and assumed facts to encoded CNF
    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    # check the satisfiability of given assumptions
    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    # quick computation for single fact
    res = _ask_single_fact(key, local_facts)
    if res is not None:
        return res

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)

    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
コード例 #13
def get_relevant_facts(exprs, relevant_facts=None):
    Extract relevant facts from the items in *exprs*. Facts are defined in
    ``assumptions.sathandlers`` module.

    This function is recursively called by ``get_all_relevant_facts()``.


    exprs : set
        Expressions whose relevant facts are searched

    relevant_facts : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF, optional
        Pre-discovered relevant facts


    exprs : set
        Candidates for next relevant fact searching.

    relevant_facts : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        Updated relevant facts.


    Here, we will see how facts relevant to ``Abs(x*y)`` are recursively
    extracted. On the first run, set containing the expression is passed
    without pre-discovered relevant facts. The result is a set containig
    candidates for next run, and ``CNF()`` instance containing facts
    which are relevant to ``Abs`` and its argument.

    >>> from sympy import Abs
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.satask import get_relevant_facts
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> exprs = {Abs(x*y)}
    >>> exprs, facts = get_relevant_facts(exprs)
    >>> exprs
    >>> facts.clauses #doctest: +SKIP
    {frozenset({Literal(Q.odd(Abs(x*y)), False), Literal(Q.odd(x*y), True)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.zero(Abs(x*y)), False), Literal(Q.zero(x*y), True)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.even(Abs(x*y)), False), Literal(Q.even(x*y), True)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.zero(Abs(x*y)), True), Literal(Q.zero(x*y), False)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.even(Abs(x*y)), False),
                Literal(Q.odd(Abs(x*y)), False),
                Literal(Q.odd(x*y), True)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.even(Abs(x*y)), False),
                Literal(Q.even(x*y), True),
                Literal(Q.odd(Abs(x*y)), False)}),
    frozenset({Literal(Q.positive(Abs(x*y)), False),
                Literal(Q.zero(Abs(x*y)), False)})}

    We pass the first run's results to the second run, and get the expressions
    for next run and updated facts.

    >>> exprs, facts = get_relevant_facts(exprs, relevant_facts=facts)
    >>> exprs
    {x, y}

    On final run, no more candidate is returned thus we know that all
    relevant facts are successfully retrieved.

    >>> exprs, facts = get_relevant_facts(exprs, relevant_facts=facts)
    >>> exprs

    if not relevant_facts:
        relevant_facts = CNF()

    newexprs = set()
    for expr in exprs:
        for fact in fact_registry[expr.func]:
            cnf_fact = CNF.to_CNF(fact)
            newfact = cnf_fact.rcall(expr)
            relevant_facts = relevant_facts._and(newfact)
            for key in newfact.all_predicates():
                if isinstance(key, AppliedPredicate):
                    newexprs |= set(key.arguments)

    return newexprs - exprs, relevant_facts
コード例 #14
ファイル: satask.py プロジェクト: vitarka101/sympy
def satask(proposition,
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions using SAT algorithm.

    This function extracts every fact relevant to the expressions composing
    proposition and assumptions. For example, if a predicate containing
    ``Abs(x)`` is proposed, then ``Q.zero(Abs(x)) | Q.positive(Abs(x))``
    will be found and passed to SAT solver because ``Q.nonnegative`` is
    registered as a fact for ``Abs``.

    Proposition is evaluated to ``True`` or ``False`` if the truth value can be
    determined. If not, ``None`` is returned.


    proposition : Any boolean expression.
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value.

    assumptions : Any boolean expression, optional.
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional.
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.

    use_known_facts : bool, optional.
        If ``True``, facts from ``sympy.assumptions.ask_generated`` module
        are passed to SAT solver as well.

    iterations : int, optional.
        Number of times that relevant facts are recursively extracted.
        Default is infinite times until no new fact is found.


    ``True``, ``False``, or ``None``


    >>> from sympy import Abs, Q
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> satask(Q.zero(Abs(x)), Q.zero(x))

    props = CNF.from_prop(proposition)
    _props = CNF.from_prop(~proposition)

    assumptions = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    context_cnf = CNF()
    if context:
        context_cnf = context_cnf.extend(context)

    sat = get_all_relevant_facts(props,
    if context:

    return check_satisfiability(props, _props, sat)
コード例 #15
def compute_known_facts(known_facts, known_facts_keys):
    """Compute the various forms of knowledge compilation used by the
    assumptions system.


    This function is typically applied to the results of the ``get_known_facts``
    and ``get_known_facts_keys`` functions defined at the bottom of
    this file.
    from textwrap import dedent, wrap

    fact_string = dedent('''\
    The contents of this file are the return value of

    Do NOT manually edit this file.
    Instead, run ./bin/ask_update.py.

    from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
    from sympy.logic.boolalg import And
    from sympy.assumptions.cnf import Literal
    from sympy.assumptions.ask import Q

    # -{ Known facts as a set }-
    def get_all_known_facts():
        return {

    # -{ Known facts in Conjunctive Normal Form }-
    def get_known_facts_cnf():
        return And(

    # -{ Known facts in compressed sets }-
    def get_known_facts_dict():
        return {
    # Compute the known facts in CNF form for logical inference
    LINE = ",\n        "
    HANG = ' ' * 8
    cnf = to_cnf(known_facts)
    cnf_ = CNF.to_CNF(known_facts)
    c = LINE.join([str(a) for a in cnf.args])

    p = LINE.join(
            'frozenset((' +
            ', '.join(str(lit) for lit in sorted(clause, key=str)) + '))'
            for clause in cnf_.clauses
    mapping = single_fact_lookup(known_facts_keys, cnf)
    items = sorted(mapping.items(), key=str)
    keys = [str(i[0]) for i in items]
    values = ['set(%s)' % sorted(i[1], key=str) for i in items]
    m = LINE.join([
            wrap("{}: {}".format(k, v),
                 break_long_words=False)) for k, v in zip(keys, values)
    ]) + ','
    return fact_string % (p, c, m)
コード例 #16
def test_to_CNF():
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(~(B | C))) == to_cnf(~(B | C))
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF((A & B) | C)) == to_cnf((A & B) | C)
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A >> B)) == to_cnf(A >> B)
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A >> (B & C))) == to_cnf(A >> (B & C))
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C))) == to_cnf(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C))
    assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A & B)) == to_cnf(A & B)
コード例 #17
def get_all_relevant_facts(proposition,
    Extract all relevant facts from *proposition* and *assumptions*.

    This function extracts the facts by recursively calling
    ``get_relevant_facts()``. Extracted facts are converted to
    ``EncodedCNF`` and returned.


    proposition : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from proposition expression

    assumptions : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from assumption expression

    context : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from assumptions context

    use_known_facts : bool, optional
        If ``True``, facts from ``sympy.assumptions.ask_generated`` module
        are encoded as well.

    iterations : int, optional
        Number of times that relevant facts are recursively extracted.
        Default is infinite times until no new fact is found.




    >>> from sympy import Q
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.cnf import CNF
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.satask import get_all_relevant_facts
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> props = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(x*y))
    >>> assump = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(x))
    >>> context = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(y))
    >>> get_all_relevant_facts(props, assump, context) #doctest: +SKIP
    <sympy.assumptions.cnf.EncodedCNF at 0x7f09faa6ccd0>

    # The relevant facts might introduce new keys, e.g., Q.zero(x*y) will
    # introduce the keys Q.zero(x) and Q.zero(y), so we need to run it until
    # we stop getting new things. Hopefully this strategy won't lead to an
    # infinite loop in the future.
    i = 0
    relevant_facts = CNF()
    exprs = None
    all_exprs = set()
    while True:
        if i == 0:
            exprs = extract_predargs(proposition, assumptions, context)
        all_exprs |= exprs
        exprs, relevant_facts = get_relevant_facts(exprs, relevant_facts)
        i += 1
        if i >= iterations:
        if not exprs:

    if use_known_facts:
        known_facts_CNF = CNF()
        kf_encoded = EncodedCNF()

        def translate_literal(lit, delta):
            if lit > 0:
                return lit + delta
                return lit - delta

        def translate_data(data, delta):
            return [{translate_literal(i, delta)
                     for i in clause} for clause in data]

        data = []
        symbols = []
        n_lit = len(kf_encoded.symbols)
        for i, expr in enumerate(all_exprs):
            symbols += [pred(expr) for pred in kf_encoded.symbols]
            data += translate_data(kf_encoded.data, i * n_lit)

        encoding = dict(list(zip(symbols, range(1, len(symbols) + 1))))
        ctx = EncodedCNF(data, encoding)
        ctx = EncodedCNF()


    return ctx