コード例 #1
def test_log_product_simplify_to_sum():
    from sympy.abc import n, m
    i, j = symbols('i,j', positive=True, integer=True)
    x, y = symbols('x,y', positive=True)
    assert simplify(log(Product(x**i,
                                (i, 1, n)))) == Sum(i * log(x), (i, 1, n))
    assert simplify(log(Product(x**i*y**j, (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m)))) == \
            Sum(i*log(x) + j*log(y), (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m))
コード例 #2
def test_multigamma():
    from sympy.concrete.products import Product
    p = Symbol('p')
    _k = Dummy('_k')

    assert multigamma(x, p).dummy_eq(pi**(p*(p - 1)/4)*\
        Product(gamma(x + (1 - _k)/2), (_k, 1, p)))

    assert conjugate(multigamma(x, p)).dummy_eq(pi**((conjugate(p) - 1)*\
        conjugate(p)/4)*Product(gamma(conjugate(x) + (1-conjugate(_k))/2), (_k, 1, p)))
    assert conjugate(multigamma(x, 1)) == gamma(conjugate(x))

    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert conjugate(multigamma(x, p)).dummy_eq(pi**((p - 1)*p/4)*\
        Product(gamma(conjugate(x) + (1-conjugate(_k))/2), (_k, 1, p)))

    assert multigamma(nan, 1) is nan
    assert multigamma(oo, 1).doit() is oo

    assert multigamma(1, 1) == 1
    assert multigamma(2, 1) == 1
    assert multigamma(3, 1) == 2

    assert multigamma(102, 1) == factorial(101)
    assert multigamma(S.Half, 1) == sqrt(pi)

    assert multigamma(1, 2) == pi
    assert multigamma(2, 2) == pi/2

    assert multigamma(1, 3) is zoo
    assert multigamma(2, 3) == pi**2/2
    assert multigamma(3, 3) == 3*pi**2/2

    assert multigamma(x, 1).diff(x) == gamma(x)*polygamma(0, x)
    assert multigamma(x, 2).diff(x) == sqrt(pi)*gamma(x)*gamma(x - S.Half)*\
        polygamma(0, x) + sqrt(pi)*gamma(x)*gamma(x - S.Half)*polygamma(0, x - S.Half)

    assert multigamma(x - 1, 1).expand(func=True) == gamma(x)/(x - 1)
    assert multigamma(x + 2, 1).expand(func=True, mul=False) == x*(x + 1)*\
    assert multigamma(x - 1, 2).expand(func=True) == sqrt(pi)*gamma(x)*\
        gamma(x + S.Half)/(x**3 - 3*x**2 + x*Rational(11, 4) - Rational(3, 4))
    assert multigamma(x - 1, 3).expand(func=True) == pi**Rational(3, 2)*gamma(x)**2*\
        gamma(x + S.Half)/(x**5 - 6*x**4 + 55*x**3/4 - 15*x**2 + x*Rational(31, 4) - Rational(3, 2))

    assert multigamma(n, 1).rewrite(factorial) == factorial(n - 1)
    assert multigamma(n, 2).rewrite(factorial) == sqrt(pi)*\
        factorial(n - Rational(3, 2))*factorial(n - 1)
    assert multigamma(n, 3).rewrite(factorial) == pi**Rational(3, 2)*\
        factorial(n - 2)*factorial(n - Rational(3, 2))*factorial(n - 1)

    assert multigamma(Rational(-1, 2), 3, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert multigamma(S.Half, 3, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert multigamma(0, 1, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert multigamma(1, 3, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert multigamma(-1.0, 3, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert multigamma(0.7, 3, evaluate=False).is_real == True
    assert multigamma(3, 3, evaluate=False).is_real == True
コード例 #3
def test_change_index():
    b, y, c, d, z = symbols('b, y, c, d, z', integer = True)

    assert Product(x, (x, a, b)).change_index(x, x + 1, y) == \
        Product(y - 1, (y, a + 1, b + 1))
    assert Product(x**2, (x, a, b)).change_index(x, x - 1) == \
        Product((x + 1)**2, (x, a - 1, b - 1))
    assert Product(x**2, (x, a, b)).change_index(x, -x, y) == \
        Product((-y)**2, (y, -b, -a))
    assert Product(x, (x, a, b)).change_index(x, -x - 1) == \
        Product(-x - 1, (x, - b - 1, -a - 1))
    assert Product(x*y, (x, a, b), (y, c, d)).change_index(x, x - 1, z) == \
        Product((z + 1)*y, (z, a - 1, b - 1), (y, c, d))
コード例 #4
def test_MatrixGamma():
    M = MatrixGamma('M', 1, 2, [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert M.pspace.distribution.set == MatrixSet(2, 2, S.Reals)
    assert isinstance(density(M), MatrixGammaDistribution)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    num = exp(Trace(Matrix([[-S(1) / 2, 0], [0, -S(1) / 2]]) * X))
    assert density(M)(X).doit() == num / (4 * pi * sqrt(Determinant(X)))
    assert density(M)([[2, 1], [1, 2]]).doit() == sqrt(3) * exp(-2) / (12 * pi)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 1, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', 1, 2)
    assert density(M)([X, Y]).doit() == exp(-X[0, 0] / 2 - Y[0, 1] / 2) / (
        4 * pi * sqrt(X[0, 0] * Y[0, 1] - X[0, 1] * Y[0, 0]))
    # symbolic
    a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    d = symbols('d', positive=True, integer=True)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', d, d)
    Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', 2, 2)
    SM = MatrixSymbol('SM', d, d)
    M2 = MatrixGamma('M2', a, b, SM)
    M3 = MatrixGamma('M3', 2, 3, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    k = Dummy('k')
    exprd = pi**(-d * (d - 1) / 4) * b**(-a * d) * exp(
        Trace((-1 / b) * SM**(-1) * Y)) * Determinant(SM)**(-a) * Determinant(
            Y)**(a - d / 2 - S(1) / 2) / Product(gamma(-k / 2 + a + S(1) / 2),
                                                 (k, 1, d))
    assert density(M2)(Y).dummy_eq(exprd)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: density(M3 + M)(Z))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: density(M)(1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixGamma('M', -1, 2, [[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixGamma('M', -1, -2, [[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixGamma('M', -1, 2, [[1, 0], [2, 1]]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixGamma('M', -1, 2, [[1, 0], [0]]))
コード例 #5
def test_MultivariateEwens():
    n, theta, i = symbols('n theta i', positive=True)

    # tests for integer dimensions
    theta_f = symbols('t_f', negative=True)
    a = symbols('a_1:4', positive=True, integer=True)
    ed = MultivariateEwens('E', 3, theta)
    assert density(ed)(a[0], a[1], a[2]) == Piecewise(
        (6 * 2**(-a[1]) * 3**(-a[2]) * theta**a[0] * theta**a[1] *
         theta**a[2] /
         (theta * (theta + 1) *
          (theta + 2) * factorial(a[0]) * factorial(a[1]) * factorial(a[2])),
         Eq(a[0] + 2 * a[1] + 3 * a[2], 3)), (0, True))
    assert marginal_distribution(ed, ed[1])(a[1]) == Piecewise(
        (6 * 2**(-a[1]) * theta**a[1] /
         ((theta + 1) * (theta + 2) * factorial(a[1])), Eq(2 * a[1] + 1, 3)),
        (0, True))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MultivariateEwens('e1', 5, theta_f))
    assert ed.pspace.distribution.set == ProductSet(Range(0, 4, 1),
                                                    Range(0, 2, 1),
                                                    Range(0, 2, 1))

    # tests for symbolic dimensions
    eds = MultivariateEwens('E', n, theta)
    a = IndexedBase('a')
    j, k = symbols('j, k')
    den = Piecewise((factorial(n) *
                     Product(theta**a[j] * (j + 1)**(-a[j]) / factorial(a[j]),
                             (j, 0, n - 1)) / RisingFactorial(theta, n),
                     Eq(n, Sum((k + 1) * a[k], (k, 0, n - 1)))), (0, True))
    assert density(eds)(a).dummy_eq(den)
コード例 #6
 def _compute_joint_eigen_distribution(self, beta):
     Helper function for computing the joint
     probability distribution of eigen values
     of the random matrix.
     n = self.dimension
     Zbn = self._compute_normalization_constant(beta, n)
     l = IndexedBase('l')
     i = Dummy('i', integer=True, positive=True)
     j = Dummy('j', integer=True, positive=True)
     k = Dummy('k', integer=True, positive=True)
     term1 = exp((-S(n) / 2) * Sum(l[k]**2, (k, 1, n)).doit())
     sub_term = Lambda(i, Product(Abs(l[j] - l[i])**beta, (j, i + 1, n)))
     term2 = Product(sub_term(i).doit(), (i, 1, n - 1)).doit()
     syms = ArrayComprehension(l[k], (k, 1, n)).doit()
     return Lambda(tuple(syms), (term1 * term2) / Zbn)
コード例 #7
 def _compute_joint_eigen_distribution(self, beta):
     Helper function to compute the joint distribution of phases
     of the complex eigen values of matrices belonging to any
     circular ensembles.
     n = self.dimension
     Zbn = ((2 * pi)**
            n) * (gamma(beta * n / 2 + 1) / S(gamma(beta / 2 + 1))**n)
     t = IndexedBase('t')
     i, j, k = (Dummy('i', integer=True), Dummy('j', integer=True),
                Dummy('k', integer=True))
     syms = ArrayComprehension(t[i], (i, 1, n)).doit()
     f = Product(
         Product(Abs(exp(I * t[k]) - exp(I * t[j]))**beta,
                 (j, k + 1, n)).doit(), (k, 1, n - 1)).doit()
     return Lambda(tuple(syms), f / Zbn)
コード例 #8
def test_factorial_rewrite():
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True, nonnegative=True)

    assert factorial(n).rewrite(gamma) == gamma(n + 1)
    _i = Dummy('i')
    assert factorial(k).rewrite(Product).dummy_eq(Product(_i, (_i, 1, k)))
    assert factorial(n).rewrite(Product) == factorial(n)
コード例 #9
def test_guess():
    i0, i1 = symbols('i0 i1')
    assert guess([1, 2, 6, 24, 120],
                 evaluate=False) == [Product(i1 + 1, (i1, 1, i0 - 1))]
    assert guess([1, 2, 6, 24, 120]) == [RisingFactorial(2, i0 - 1)]
    assert guess([1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216], niter=4) == [
        2**(i0 - 1) * (Rational(27, 16))**(i0**2 / 2 - 3 * i0 / 2 + 1) *
            RisingFactorial(Rational(5, 3), i1 - 1) *
            RisingFactorial(Rational(7, 3), i1 - 1) /
            (RisingFactorial(Rational(3, 2), i1 - 1) *
             RisingFactorial(Rational(5, 2), i1 - 1)), (i1, 1, i0 - 1))
    assert guess([1, 0, 2]) == []
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    assert guess([1, 2, 6, 24, 120],
                 variables=[x, y]) == [RisingFactorial(2, x - 1)]
コード例 #10
 def eval(cls, x, p):
     from sympy.concrete.products import Product
     x, p = map(sympify, (x, p))
     if p.is_positive is False or p.is_integer is False:
         raise ValueError('Order parameter p must be positive integer.')
     k = Dummy("k")
     return (pi**(p * (p - 1) / 4) * Product(gamma(x + (1 - k) / 2),
                                             (k, 1, p))).doit()
コード例 #11
 def test_the_product(l, n, m):
     # Productmand
     s = i**3
     # First product
     a = l
     b = n - 1
     S1 = Product(s, (i, a, b)).doit()
     # Second product
     a = l
     b = m - 1
     S2 = Product(s, (i, a, b)).doit()
     # Third product
     a = m
     b = n - 1
     S3 = Product(s, (i, a, b)).doit()
     # Test if S1 = S2 * S3 as required
     assert combsimp(S1 / (S2 * S3)) == 1
コード例 #12
def test_CircularOrthogonalEnsemble():
    CO = COE('U', 3)
    j, k = (Dummy('j', integer=True,
                  positive=True), Dummy('k', integer=True, positive=True))
    t = IndexedBase('t')
    assert joint_eigen_distribution(CO).dummy_eq(
        Lambda((t[1], t[2], t[3]),
               Product(Abs(exp(I * t[j]) - exp(I * t[k])), (j, k + 1, 3),
                       (k, 1, 2)) / (48 * pi**2)))
コード例 #13
ファイル: exponential.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
 def _eval_expand_power_exp(self, **hints):
     from sympy.concrete.products import Product
     from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
     arg = self.args[0]
     if arg.is_Add and arg.is_commutative:
         return Mul.fromiter(self.func(x) for x in arg.args)
     elif isinstance(arg, Sum) and arg.is_commutative:
         return Product(self.func(arg.function), *arg.limits)
     return self.func(arg)
コード例 #14
 def set(self):
     if not isinstance(self.n, Integer):
         i = Symbol('i', integer=True, positive=True)
         return Product(Intersection(S.Naturals0, Interval(0, self.n//i)),
                                 (i, 1, self.n))
     prod_set = Range(0, self.n + 1)
     for i in range(2, self.n + 1):
         prod_set *= Range(0, self.n//i + 1)
     return prod_set.flatten()
コード例 #15
def test_issue_20848():
    _i = Dummy('i')
    t, y, z = symbols('t y z')
    assert diff(Product(x, (y, 1, z)), x).as_dummy() == Sum(Product(x, (y, 1, _i - 1))*Product(x, (y, _i + 1, z)), (_i, 1, z)).as_dummy()
    assert diff(Product(x, (y, 1, z)), x).doit() == x**z*z/x
    assert diff(Product(x, (y, x, z)), x) == Derivative(Product(x, (y, x, z)), x)
    assert diff(Product(t, (x, 1, z)), x) == S(0)
    assert Product(sin(n*x), (n, -1, 1)).diff(x).doit() == S(0)
コード例 #16
def test_CircularSymplecticEnsemble():
    CS = CSE('U', 3)
    j, k = (Dummy('j', integer=True,
                  positive=True), Dummy('k', integer=True, positive=True))
    t = IndexedBase('t')
    assert joint_eigen_distribution(CS).dummy_eq(
        Lambda((t[1], t[2], t[3]),
                   Abs(exp(I * t[j]) - exp(I * t[k]))**4, (j, k + 1, 3),
                   (k, 1, 2)) / (720 * pi**3)))
コード例 #17
def apply(a, b):
    n = a.shape[0]

    i = Symbol.i(integer=True)
    j = Symbol.j(integer=True)

    return Equality(
        Det(LAMBDA[j:n, i:n](a[Min(i, j)] * b[Max(i, j)])),
        a[0] * b[n - 1] * Product(a[i] * b[i - 1] - a[i - 1] * b[i],
                                  (i, 1, n - 1)))
コード例 #18
def test_multiple_products():
    assert product(x, (n, 1, k), (k, 1, m)) == x**(m**2/2 + m/2)
    assert product(f(n), (
        n, 1, m), (m, 1, k)) == Product(f(n), (n, 1, m), (m, 1, k)).doit()
    assert Product(f(n), (m, 1, k), (n, 1, k)).doit() == \
        Product(Product(f(n), (m, 1, k)), (n, 1, k)).doit() == \
        product(f(n), (m, 1, k), (n, 1, k)) == \
        product(product(f(n), (m, 1, k)), (n, 1, k)) == \
        Product(f(n)**k, (n, 1, k))
    assert Product(
        x, (x, 1, k), (k, 1, n)).doit() == Product(factorial(k), (k, 1, n))

    assert Product(x**k, (n, 1, k), (k, 1, m)).variables == [n, k]
コード例 #19
 def test_the_product(m, n):
     # g
     g = i**3 + 2*i**2 - 3*i
     # f = Delta g
     f = simplify(g.subs(i, i+1) / g)
     # The product
     a = m
     b = n - 1
     P = Product(f, (i, a, b)).doit()
     # Test if Product_{m <= i < n} f(i) = g(n) / g(m)
     assert combsimp(P / (g.subs(i, n) / g.subs(i, m))) == 1
コード例 #20
def test_log_product():
    from sympy.abc import n, m

    i, j = symbols('i,j', positive=True, integer=True)
    x, y = symbols('x,y', positive=True)
    z = symbols('z', real=True)
    w = symbols('w')

    expr = log(Product(x**i, (i, 1, n)))
    assert simplify(expr) == expr
    assert expr.expand() == Sum(i * log(x), (i, 1, n))
    expr = log(Product(x**i * y**j, (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m)))
    assert simplify(expr) == expr
    assert expr.expand() == Sum(i * log(x) + j * log(y), (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m))

    expr = log(Product(-2, (n, 0, 4)))
    assert simplify(expr) == expr
    assert expr.expand() == expr
    assert expr.expand(force=True) == Sum(log(-2), (n, 0, 4))

    expr = log(Product(exp(z * i), (i, 0, n)))
    assert expr.expand() == Sum(z * i, (i, 0, n))

    expr = log(Product(exp(w * i), (i, 0, n)))
    assert expr.expand() == expr
    assert expr.expand(force=True) == Sum(w * i, (i, 0, n))

    expr = log(Product(i**2 * abs(j), (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m)))
    assert expr.expand() == Sum(2 * log(i) + log(j), (i, 1, n), (j, 1, m))
コード例 #21
def test_simple_products():
    assert product(2, (k, a, n)) == 2**(n - a + 1)
    assert product(k, (k, 1, n)) == factorial(n)
    assert product(k**3, (k, 1, n)) == factorial(n)**3

    assert product(k + 1, (k, 0, n - 1)) == factorial(n)
    assert product(k + 1, (k, a, n - 1)) == rf(1 + a, n - a)

    assert product(cos(k), (k, 0, 5)) == cos(1)*cos(2)*cos(3)*cos(4)*cos(5)
    assert product(cos(k), (k, 3, 5)) == cos(3)*cos(4)*cos(5)
    assert product(cos(k), (k, 1, Rational(5, 2))) != cos(1)*cos(2)

    assert isinstance(product(k**k, (k, 1, n)), Product)

    assert Product(x**k, (k, 1, n)).variables == [k]

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Product(n))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Product(n, k))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Product(n, k, 1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Product(n, k, 1, 10))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Product(n, (k, 1)))

    assert product(1, (n, 1, oo)) == 1  # issue 8301
    assert product(2, (n, 1, oo)) is oo
    assert product(-1, (n, 1, oo)).func is Product
コード例 #22
def test__eval_product():
    from sympy.abc import i, n
    # issue 4809
    a = Function('a')
    assert product(2*a(i), (i, 1, n)) == 2**n * Product(a(i), (i, 1, n))
    # issue 4810
    assert product(2**i, (i, 1, n)) == 2**(n*(n + 1)/2)
    k, m = symbols('k m', integer=True)
    assert product(2**i, (i, k, m)) == 2**(-k**2/2 + k/2 + m**2/2 + m/2)
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True, integer=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True, integer=True)
    assert product(2**i, (i, n, p)) == 2**(-n**2/2 + n/2 + p**2/2 + p/2)
    assert product(2**i, (i, p, n)) == 2**(n**2/2 + n/2 - p**2/2 + p/2)
コード例 #23
def test_GaussianUnitaryEnsemble():
    H = RandomMatrixSymbol('H', 3, 3)
    G = GUE('U', 3)
    assert density(G)(H) == sqrt(2) * exp(
        -3 * Trace(H**2) / 2) / (4 * pi**Rational(9, 2))
    i, j = (Dummy('i', integer=True,
                  positive=True), Dummy('j', integer=True, positive=True))
    l = IndexedBase('l')
    assert joint_eigen_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
        Lambda((l[1], l[2], l[3]),
               27 * sqrt(6) * exp(-3 * (l[1]**2) / 2 - 3 * (l[2]**2) / 2 - 3 *
                                  (l[3]**2) / 2) *
               Product(Abs(l[i] - l[j])**2, (j, i + 1, 3),
                       (i, 1, 2)) / (16 * pi**Rational(3, 2))))
    s = Dummy('s')
    assert level_spacing_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
        Lambda(s, 32 * s**2 * exp(-4 * s**2 / pi) / pi**2))
コード例 #24
 def pdf(self, *syms):
     n, theta = self.n, self.theta
     condi = isinstance(self.n, Integer)
     if not (isinstance(syms[0], IndexedBase) or condi):
         raise ValueError("Please use IndexedBase object for syms as "
                             "the dimension is symbolic")
     term_1 = factorial(n)/rf(theta, n)
     if condi:
         term_2 = Mul.fromiter(theta**syms[j]/((j+1)**syms[j]*factorial(syms[j]))
                                 for j in range(n))
         cond = Eq(sum([(k + 1)*syms[k] for k in range(n)]), n)
         return Piecewise((term_1 * term_2, cond), (0, True))
     syms = syms[0]
     j, k = symbols('j, k', positive=True, integer=True)
     term_2 = Product(theta**syms[j]/((j+1)**syms[j]*factorial(syms[j])),
                         (j, 0, n - 1))
     cond = Eq(Sum((k + 1)*syms[k], (k, 0, n - 1)), n)
     return Piecewise((term_1 * term_2, cond), (0, True))
コード例 #25
def test_GaussianSymplecticEnsemble():
    H = RandomMatrixSymbol('H', 3, 3)
    _H = MatrixSymbol('_H', 3, 3)
    G = GSE('O', 3)
    assert density(G)(H) == exp(-3 * Trace(H**2)) / Integral(
        exp(-3 * Trace(_H**2)), _H)
    i, j = (Dummy('i', integer=True,
                  positive=True), Dummy('j', integer=True, positive=True))
    l = IndexedBase('l')
    assert joint_eigen_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
        Lambda((l[1], l[2], l[3]), 162 * sqrt(3) *
               exp(-3 * l[1]**2 / 2 - 3 * l[2]**2 / 2 - 3 * l[3]**2 / 2) *
               Product(Abs(l[i] - l[j])**4, (j, i + 1, 3),
                       (i, 1, 2)) / (5 * pi**Rational(3, 2))))
    s = Dummy('s')
    assert level_spacing_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
               S(262144) * s**4 * exp(-64 * s**2 / (9 * pi)) / (729 * pi**3)))
コード例 #26
def test_GaussianOrthogonalEnsemble():
    H = RandomMatrixSymbol('H', 3, 3)
    _H = MatrixSymbol('_H', 3, 3)
    G = GOE('O', 3)
    assert density(G)(H) == exp(-3 * Trace(H**2) / 4) / Integral(
        exp(-3 * Trace(_H**2) / 4), _H)
    i, j = (Dummy('i', integer=True,
                  positive=True), Dummy('j', integer=True, positive=True))
    l = IndexedBase('l')
    assert joint_eigen_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
        Lambda((l[1], l[2], l[3]), 9 * sqrt(2) *
               exp(-3 * l[1]**2 / 2 - 3 * l[2]**2 / 2 - 3 * l[3]**2 / 2) *
               Product(Abs(l[i] - l[j]), (j, i + 1, 3),
                       (i, 1, 2)) / (32 * pi)))
    s = Dummy('s')
    assert level_spacing_distribution(G).dummy_eq(
               s * pi * exp(-s**2 * pi / 4) / 2))
コード例 #27
    def _compute_normalization_constant(self, beta, n):
        Helper function for computing normalization
        constant for joint probability density of eigen
        values of Gaussian ensembles.


        .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selberg_integral#Mehta's_integral
        n = S(n)
        prod_term = lambda j: gamma(1 + beta * S(j) / 2) / gamma(S.One + beta /
        j = Dummy('j', integer=True, positive=True)
        term1 = Product(prod_term(j), (j, 1, n)).doit()
        term2 = (2 / (beta * n))**(beta * n * (n - 1) / 4 + n / 2)
        term3 = (2 * pi)**(n / 2)
        return term1 * term2 * term3
コード例 #28
def test_Wishart():
    W = Wishart('W', 5, [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert W.pspace.distribution.set == MatrixSet(2, 2, S.Reals)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    term1 = exp(Trace(Matrix([[-S(1) / 2, 0], [0, -S(1) / 2]]) * X))
    assert density(W)(X).doit() == term1 * Determinant(X) / (24 * pi)
    assert density(W)([[2, 1], [1, 2]]).doit() == exp(-2) / (8 * pi)
    n = symbols('n', positive=True)
    d = symbols('d', positive=True, integer=True)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', d, d)
    SM = MatrixSymbol('SM', d, d)
    W = Wishart('W', n, SM)
    k = Dummy('k')
    exprd = 2**(-d * n / 2) * pi**(-d * (d - 1) / 4) * exp(
        Trace(-(S(1) / 2) * SM**(-1) * Y)) * Determinant(SM)**(
            -n / 2) * Determinant(Y)**(-d / 2 + n / 2 - S(1) / 2) / Product(
                gamma(-k / 2 + n / 2 + S(1) / 2), (k, 1, d))
    assert density(W)(Y).dummy_eq(exprd)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: density(W)(1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Wishart('W', -1, [[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Wishart('W', -1, [[1, 0], [2, 1]]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Wishart('W', 2, [[1, 0], [0]]))
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_precedence.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_Product():
    assert precedence(Product(x, (x, y, y + 1))) == PRECEDENCE["Atom"]
コード例 #30
def test_concrete():
    x = Symbol("x")
    for c in (Product, Product(x, (x, 2, 4)), Sum, Sum(x, (x, 2, 4))):