コード例 #1
ファイル: compound_rv.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def _get_newpspace(self, evaluate=False):
     x = Dummy('x')
     parent_dist = self.distribution.args[0]
     func = Lambda(x, self.distribution.pdf(x, evaluate))
     new_pspace = self._transform_pspace(self.symbol, parent_dist, func)
     if new_pspace is not None:
         return new_pspace
     message = ("Compound Distribution for %s is not implemeted yet" %
     raise NotImplementedError(message)
コード例 #2
def _invert_complex(f, g_ys, symbol):
    """ Helper function for invert_complex """

    if not f.has(symbol):
        raise ValueError("Inverse of constant function doesn't exist")

    if f is symbol:
        return (f, g_ys)

    n = Dummy('n')
    if f.is_Add:
        # f = g + h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if g != S.Zero:
            return _invert_complex(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n - g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Mul:
        # f = g*h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)

        if g != S.One:
            return _invert_complex(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n / g), g_ys), symbol)

    if hasattr(f, 'inverse') and \
       not isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction) and \
       not isinstance(f, exp):
        if len(f.args) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Only functions with one argument are supported.")
        return _invert_complex(f.args[0],
                                               f.inverse()(n)), g_ys), symbol)

    if isinstance(f, exp):
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            exp_invs = Union(*[
                           I * (2 * n * pi + arg(g_y)) +
                           log(Abs(g_y))), S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys
                if g_y != 0
            return _invert_complex(f.args[0], exp_invs, symbol)
    return (f, g_ys)
コード例 #3
def test_as_dummy():
    u, v, x, y, z, _0, _1 = symbols('u v x y z _0 _1')
    assert Lambda(x, x + 1).as_dummy() == Lambda(_0, _0 + 1)
    assert Lambda(x, x + _0).as_dummy() == Lambda(_1, _0 + _1)
    eq = (1 + Sum(x, (x, 1, x)))
    ans = 1 + Sum(_0, (_0, 1, x))
    once = eq.as_dummy()
    assert once == ans
    twice = once.as_dummy()
    assert twice == ans
    assert Integral(x + _0, (x, x + 1),
                    (_0, 1, 2)).as_dummy() == Integral(_0 + _1, (_0, x + 1),
                                                       (_1, 1, 2))
    for T in (Symbol, Dummy):
        d = T('x', real=True)
        D = d.as_dummy()
        assert D != d and D.func == Dummy and D.is_real is None
    assert Dummy().as_dummy().is_commutative
    assert Dummy(commutative=False).as_dummy().is_commutative is False
コード例 #4
 def _print_FunctionMatrix(self, expr):
     from sympy.core.function import Lambda
     from sympy.abc import i, j
     lamda = expr.lamda
     if not isinstance(lamda, Lambda):
         lamda = Lambda((i, j), lamda(i, j))
     return '{}(lambda {}: {}, {})'.format(
         ', '.join(self._print(arg) for arg in lamda.args[0]),
         self._print(lamda.args[1]), self._print(expr.shape))
コード例 #5
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     Returns the first derivative of the function.
     if argindex == 1:
         return 1 / self.args[0]
         s = C.Dummy('x')
         return Lambda(s**(-1), s)
         raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_subs.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_functions_subs():
    f, g = symbols('f g', cls=Function)
    l = Lambda((x, y), sin(x) + y)
    assert (g(y, x) + cos(x)).subs(g, l) == sin(y) + x + cos(x)
    assert (f(x)**2).subs(f, sin) == sin(x)**2
    assert (f(x, y)).subs(f, log) == log(x, y)
    assert (f(x, y)).subs(f, sin) == f(x, y)
    assert (sin(x) + atan2(x, y)).subs([[atan2, f], [sin, g]]) == \
        f(x, y) + g(x)
    assert (g(f(x + y, x))).subs([[f, l], [g, exp]]) == exp(x + sin(x + y))
コード例 #7
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                f, g = self.lamda.expr, other.lamda.expr
                n, m = self.lamda.variables[0], other.lamda.variables[0]

                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    t = list(solns[0][0].free_symbols)[0]
                    return None

                # since 'a' < 'b'
                return imageset(Lambda(t, f.subs(a, solns[0][0])), S.Integers)

        if other == S.Reals:
            from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
            from sympy.core.function import expand_complex
            if len(self.lamda.variables) > 1:
                return None

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]

            n_ = Dummy(n.name, real=True)
            f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

            re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
            im = expand_complex(im)

            return imageset(Lambda(n_, re),
                            self.base_set.intersect(solveset_real(im, n_)))
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_applyfunc.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_applyfunc_shape_11_matrices():
    M = MatrixSymbol("M", 1, 1)

    double = Lambda(x, x * 2)

    expr = M.applyfunc(sin)
    assert isinstance(expr, ElementwiseApplyFunction)

    expr = M.applyfunc(double)
    assert isinstance(expr, MatMul)
    assert expr == 2 * M
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_risch.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_DifferentialExtension_misc():
    # Odd ends
    assert DifferentialExtension(sin(y)*exp(x), x)._important_attrs == \
        (Poly(sin(y)*t0, t0, domain='ZZ[sin(y)]'), Poly(1, t0, domain='ZZ'),
        [Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'), Poly(t0, t0, domain='ZZ')], [x, t0],
        [Lambda(i, exp(i))], [], [None, 'exp'], [None, x])
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: DifferentialExtension(sin(x), x))
    assert DifferentialExtension(10**x, x)._important_attrs == \
        (Poly(t0, t0), Poly(1, t0), [Poly(1, x), Poly(log(10)*t0, t0)], [x, t0],
        [Lambda(i, exp(i*log(10)))], [(exp(x*log(10)), 10**x)], [None, 'exp'],
        [None, x*log(10)])
    assert DifferentialExtension(log(x) + log(x**2), x)._important_attrs in [
        (Poly(3*t0, t0), Poly(2, t0), [Poly(1, x), Poly(2/x, t0)], [x, t0],
        [Lambda(i, log(i**2))], [], [None, ], [], [1], [x**2]),
        (Poly(3*t0, t0), Poly(1, t0), [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t0)], [x, t0],
        [Lambda(i, log(i))], [], [None, 'log'], [None, x])]
    assert DifferentialExtension(S.Zero, x)._important_attrs == \
        (Poly(0, x), Poly(1, x), [Poly(1, x)], [x], [], [], [None], [None])
    assert DifferentialExtension(tan(atan(x).rewrite(log)), x)._important_attrs == \
        (Poly(x, x), Poly(1, x), [Poly(1, x)], [x], [], [], [None], [None])
コード例 #10
    def compute_quantile(self, expr, **kwargs):
        if not self.domain.set.is_Interval:
            raise ValueError(
                "Quantile not well defined on multivariate expressions")

        d = self.compute_cdf(expr, **kwargs)
        x = Dummy('x', real=True)
        p = Dummy('p', positive=True)

        quantile = solveset(d(x) - p, x, self.set)

        return Lambda(p, quantile)
コード例 #11
    def compute_quantile(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the Quantile from the PDF.

        Returns a Lambda.
        x, p = symbols('x, p', real=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.set.start

        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = integrate(pdf, (x, left_bound, x), **kwargs)
        quantile = solveset(cdf - p, x, self.set)
        return Lambda(p, Piecewise((quantile, (p >= 0) & (p <= 1) ), (nan, True)))
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_Subs_Derivative():
    a = Derivative(f(g(x), h(x)), g(x), h(x),x)
    b = Derivative(Derivative(f(g(x), h(x)), g(x), h(x)),x)
    c = f(g(x), h(x)).diff(g(x), h(x), x)
    d = f(g(x), h(x)).diff(g(x), h(x)).diff(x)
    e = Derivative(f(g(x), h(x)), x)
    eqs = (a, b, c, d, e)
    subs = lambda arg: arg.subs(f, Lambda((x, y), exp(x + y))
        ).subs(g(x), 1/x).subs(h(x), x**3)
    ans = 3*x**2*exp(1/x)*exp(x**3) - exp(1/x)*exp(x**3)/x**2
    assert all(subs(i).doit().expand() == ans for i in eqs)
    assert all(subs(i.doit()).doit().expand() == ans for i in eqs)
コード例 #13
ファイル: solveset.py プロジェクト: unix0000/sympy
def _solve_real_trig(f, symbol):
    """ Helper to solve trigonometric equations """
    f = trigsimp(f)
    f = f.rewrite(exp)
    f = together(f)
    g, h = fraction(f)
    y = Dummy('y')
    g, h = g.expand(), h.expand()
    g, h = g.subs(exp(I*symbol), y), h.subs(exp(I*symbol), y)
    if g.has(symbol) or h.has(symbol):
        return ConditionSet(Lambda(symbol, Eq(f, 0)), S.Reals)

    solns = solveset_complex(g, y) - solveset_complex(h, y)

    if isinstance(solns, FiniteSet):
        return Union(*[invert_complex(exp(I*symbol), s, symbol)[1]
                       for s in solns])
    elif solns is S.EmptySet:
        return S.EmptySet
        return ConditionSet(Lambda(symbol, Eq(f, 0)), S.Reals)
コード例 #14
 def _marginal_distribution(self, indices, sym):
     sym = ImmutableMatrix([Indexed(sym, i) for i in indices])
     _mu, _sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = self.mu.shape[0]
     for i in range(k):
         if i not in indices:
             _mu = _mu.row_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.col_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.row_del(i)
     return Lambda(tuple(sym), S.One/sqrt((2*pi)**(len(_mu))*det(_sigma))*exp(
         Rational(-1, 2)*(_mu - sym).transpose()*(_sigma.inv()*\
             (_mu - sym)))[0])
コード例 #15
ファイル: compound_rv.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def pdf(self, x, evaluate=False):
     dist = self.args[0]
     randoms = [rv for rv in dist.args if is_random(rv)]
     if isinstance(dist, SingleFiniteDistribution):
         y = Dummy('y', integer=True, negative=False)
         expr = dist.pmf(y)
         y = Dummy('y')
         expr = dist.pdf(y)
     for rv in randoms:
         expr = self._marginalise(expr, rv, evaluate)
     return Lambda(y, expr)(x)
コード例 #16
    def compute_quantile(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the Quantile from the PDF.

        Returns a Lambda.
        x = Dummy('x', integer=True)
        p = Dummy('p', real=True)
        left_bound = self.set.inf
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = summation(pdf, (x, left_bound, x), **kwargs)
        set = ((x, p <= cdf), )
        return Lambda(p, Piecewise(*set))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_risch.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_integrate_primitive():
    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t)],
        'Tfuncs': [log]})
    assert integrate_primitive(Poly(t, t), Poly(1, t), DE) == (x*log(x), -1, True)
    assert integrate_primitive(Poly(x, t), Poly(t, t), DE) == (0, NonElementaryIntegral(x/log(x), x), False)

    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t1), Poly(1/(x + 1), t2)],
        'Tfuncs': [log, Lambda(i, log(i + 1))]})
    assert integrate_primitive(Poly(t1, t2), Poly(t2, t2), DE) == \
        (0, NonElementaryIntegral(log(x)/log(1 + x), x), False)

    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t1), Poly(1/(x*t1), t2)],
        'Tfuncs': [log, Lambda(i, log(log(i)))]})
    assert integrate_primitive(Poly(t2, t2), Poly(t1, t2), DE) == \
        (0, NonElementaryIntegral(log(log(x))/log(x), x), False)

    DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t0)],
        'Tfuncs': [log]})
    assert integrate_primitive(Poly(x**2*t0**3 + (3*x**2 + x)*t0**2 + (3*x**2
    + 2*x)*t0 + x**2 + x, t0), Poly(x**2*t0**4 + 4*x**2*t0**3 + 6*x**2*t0**2 +
    4*x**2*t0 + x**2, t0), DE) == \
        (-1/(log(x) + 1), NonElementaryIntegral(1/(log(x) + 1), x), False)
コード例 #18
def test_Tuple_Eq():
    assert Eq(Tuple(), Tuple()) is S.true
    assert Eq(Tuple(1), 1) is S.false
    assert Eq(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1)) is S.false
    assert Eq(Tuple(1), Tuple(1)) is S.true
    assert Eq(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1, 3)) is S.false
    assert Eq(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1, 2)) is S.true
    assert unchanged(Eq, Tuple(1, x), Tuple(1, 2))
    assert Eq(Tuple(1, x), Tuple(1, 2)).subs(x, 2) is S.true
    assert unchanged(Eq, Tuple(1, 2), x)
    f = Function("f")
    assert unchanged(Eq, Tuple(1), f(x))
    assert Eq(Tuple(1), f(x)).subs(x, 1).subs(f, Lambda(y, (y, ))) is S.true
コード例 #19
def test_subs_CondSet():
    s = FiniteSet(z, y)
    c = ConditionSet(x, x < 2, s)
    assert c.subs(x, y) == c
    assert c.subs(z, y) == ConditionSet(x, x < 2, FiniteSet(y))
    assert c.xreplace({x: y}) == ConditionSet(y, y < 2, s)

    assert ConditionSet(x, x < y, s
        ).subs(y, w) == ConditionSet(x, x < w, s.subs(y, w))
    # if the user uses assumptions that cause the condition
    # to evaluate, that can't be helped from SymPy's end
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert ConditionSet(n, 0 < n, S.Integers) is S.EmptySet
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert ConditionSet(n, n < y, S.Integers
        ).subs(n, x) == ConditionSet(n, n < y, S.Integers)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ConditionSet(
        x + 1, x < 1, S.Integers))
    assert ConditionSet(
        p, n < x, Interval(-5, 5)).subs(x, p) == Interval(-5, 5), ConditionSet(
        p, n < x, Interval(-5, 5)).subs(x, p)
    assert ConditionSet(
        n, n < x, Interval(-oo, 0)).subs(x, p
        ) == Interval(-oo, 0)

    assert ConditionSet(f(x), f(x) < 1, {w, z}
        ).subs(f(x), y) == ConditionSet(f(x), f(x) < 1, {w, z})

    # issue 17341
    k = Symbol('k')
    img1 = ImageSet(Lambda(k, 2*k*pi + asin(y)), S.Integers)
    img2 = ImageSet(Lambda(k, 2*k*pi + asin(S.One/3)), S.Integers)
    assert ConditionSet(x, Contains(
        y, Interval(-1,1)), img1).subs(y, S.One/3).dummy_eq(img2)

    assert (0, 1) in ConditionSet((x, y), x + y < 3, S.Integers**2)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: ConditionSet(n, n < -10, Interval(0, 10)))
コード例 #20
ファイル: frv.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def compute_moment_generating_function(self, expr):
     if self._is_symbolic:
         d = self.compute_density(expr)
         t = Dummy('t', real=True)
         ki = Dummy('ki')
         return Lambda(
                 d(ki) * exp(ki * t),
                 (ki, self.args[1].low, self.args[1].high)))
     expr = rv_subs(expr, self.values)
     return FinitePSpace(
コード例 #21
    def compute_cdf(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the CDF from the PDF.

        Returns a Lambda.
        x, z = symbols('x, z', real=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.set.start

        # CDF is integral of PDF from left bound to z
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = integrate(pdf.doit(), (x, left_bound, z), **kwargs)
        # CDF Ensure that CDF left of left_bound is zero
        cdf = Piecewise((cdf, z >= left_bound), (0, True))
        return Lambda(z, cdf)
コード例 #22
    def compute_cdf(self, expr, **kwargs):
        if not self.domain.set.is_Interval:
            raise ValueError(
                "CDF not well defined on multivariate expressions")

        d = self.compute_density(expr, **kwargs)
        x, z = symbols('x, z', real=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.domain.set.start

        # CDF is integral of PDF from left bound to z
        cdf = integrate(d(x), (x, left_bound, z), **kwargs)
        # CDF Ensure that CDF left of left_bound is zero
        cdf = Piecewise((cdf, z >= left_bound), (0, True))
        return Lambda(z, cdf)
コード例 #23
def JointRV(symbol, pdf, _set=None):
    Create a Joint Random Variable where each of its component is continuous,
    given the following:


    symbol : Symbol
        Represents name of the random variable.
    pdf : A PDF in terms of indexed symbols of the symbol given
        as the first argument


    As of now, the set for each component for a ``JointRV`` is
    equal to the set of all integers, which cannot be changed.


    >>> from sympy import exp, pi, Indexed, S
    >>> from sympy.stats import density, JointRV
    >>> x1, x2 = (Indexed('x', i) for i in (1, 2))
    >>> pdf = exp(-x1**2/2 + x1 - x2**2/2 - S(1)/2)/(2*pi)
    >>> N1 = JointRV('x', pdf) #Multivariate Normal distribution
    >>> density(N1)(1, 2)



    #TODO: Add support for sets provided by the user
    symbol = sympify(symbol)
    syms = list(i for i in pdf.free_symbols if isinstance(i, Indexed)
        and i.base == IndexedBase(symbol))
    syms = tuple(sorted(syms, key = lambda index: index.args[1]))
    _set = S.Reals**len(syms)
    pdf = Lambda(syms, pdf)
    dist = JointDistributionHandmade(pdf, _set)
    jrv = JointPSpace(symbol, dist).value
    rvs = random_symbols(pdf)
    if len(rvs) != 0:
        dist = MarginalDistribution(dist, (jrv,))
        return JointPSpace(symbol, dist).value
    return jrv
コード例 #24
def test_MatrixExpressions():
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n)

    assert str(X) == "X"

    # Apply function elementwise (`ElementwiseApplyFunc`):

    expr = (X.T*X).applyfunc(sin)
    assert str(expr) == 'Lambda(_d, sin(_d)).(X.T*X)'

    lamda = Lambda(x, 1/x)
    expr = (n*X).applyfunc(lamda)
    assert str(expr) == 'Lambda(x, 1/x).(n*X)'
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_NumPyPrinter():
    from sympy.core.function import Lambda
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.adjoint import Adjoint
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.diagonal import (DiagMatrix,
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.funcmatrix import FunctionMatrix
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.hadamard import HadamardProduct
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.kronecker import KroneckerProduct
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.special import (OneMatrix, ZeroMatrix)
    from sympy.abc import a, b
    p = NumPyPrinter()
    assert p.doprint(sign(x)) == 'numpy.sign(x)'
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", 2, 2)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", 1, 5)
    D = MatrixSymbol("D", 3, 4)
    assert p.doprint(A**(-1)) == "numpy.linalg.inv(A)"
    assert p.doprint(A**5) == "numpy.linalg.matrix_power(A, 5)"
    assert p.doprint(Identity(3)) == "numpy.eye(3)"

    u = MatrixSymbol('x', 2, 1)
    v = MatrixSymbol('y', 2, 1)
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u)) == 'numpy.linalg.solve(A, x)'
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u) + v) == 'numpy.linalg.solve(A, x) + y'

    assert p.doprint(ZeroMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.zeros((2, 3))"
    assert p.doprint(OneMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.ones((2, 3))"
    assert p.doprint(FunctionMatrix(4, 5, Lambda((a, b), a + b))) == \
        "numpy.fromfunction(lambda a, b: a + b, (4, 5))"
    assert p.doprint(HadamardProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.multiply(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(KroneckerProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.kron(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(Adjoint(A)) == "numpy.conjugate(numpy.transpose(A))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalOf(A)) == "numpy.reshape(numpy.diag(A), (-1, 1))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagMatrix(C)) == "numpy.diagflat(C)"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalMatrix(D)) == "numpy.multiply(D, numpy.eye(3, 4))"

    # Workaround for numpy negative integer power errors
    assert p.doprint(x**-1) == 'x**(-1.0)'
    assert p.doprint(x**-2) == 'x**(-2.0)'

    expr = Pow(2, -1, evaluate=False)
    assert p.doprint(expr) == "2**(-1.0)"

    assert p.doprint(S.Exp1) == 'numpy.e'
    assert p.doprint(S.Pi) == 'numpy.pi'
    assert p.doprint(S.EulerGamma) == 'numpy.euler_gamma'
    assert p.doprint(S.NaN) == 'numpy.nan'
    assert p.doprint(S.Infinity) == 'numpy.PINF'
    assert p.doprint(S.NegativeInfinity) == 'numpy.NINF'
コード例 #26
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def _set_function(f, self):  # noqa:F811
    expr = f.expr
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr):

    n = f.variables[0]
    if expr == abs(n):
        return S.Naturals0

    # f(x) + c and f(-x) + c cover the same integers
    # so choose the form that has the fewest negatives
    c = f(0)
    fx = f(n) - c
    f_x = f(-n) - c
    neg_count = lambda e: sum(_.could_extract_minus_sign()
                              for _ in Add.make_args(e))
    if neg_count(f_x) < neg_count(fx):
        expr = f_x + c

    a = Wild('a', exclude=[n])
    b = Wild('b', exclude=[n])
    match = expr.match(a * n + b)
    if match and match[a] and (not match[a].atoms(Float)
                               and not match[b].atoms(Float)):
        # canonical shift
        a, b = match[a], match[b]
        if a in [1, -1]:
            # drop integer addends in b
            nonint = []
            for bi in Add.make_args(b):
                if not bi.is_integer:
            b = Add(*nonint)
        if b.is_number and a.is_real:
            # avoid Mod for complex numbers, #11391
            br, bi = match_real_imag(b)
            if br and br.is_comparable and a.is_comparable:
                br %= a
                b = br + S.ImaginaryUnit * bi
        elif b.is_number and a.is_imaginary:
            br, bi = match_real_imag(b)
            ai = a / S.ImaginaryUnit
            if bi and bi.is_comparable and ai.is_comparable:
                bi %= ai
                b = br + S.ImaginaryUnit * bi
        expr = a * n + b

    if expr != f.expr:
        return ImageSet(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
コード例 #27
def apply(*given):

    forall_a, forall_b, equality_a, equality_b = given
    A, B, a, b, fa, gb = analyze(forall_a, forall_b, equality_a)

    eqs = Equality(b, Lambda(a, fa)(gb))
    if equality_b.is_ForAll:
        assert equality_b.variable == b
        assert equality_b.limits == forall_b.limits
        equality_b = equality_b.function

    assert equality_b.is_Equal
    assert equality_b == eqs or equality_b.reversed == eqs

    return Equality(Abs(A), Abs(B), given=given)
コード例 #28
def test_apart_full():
    f = 1 / (x**2 + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == f
    assert apart(f, full=True).dummy_eq(
        -RootSum(x**2 + 1, Lambda(a, a / (x - a)), auto=False) / 2)

    f = 1 / (x**3 + x + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == f
    assert apart(f, full=True).dummy_eq(
        RootSum(x**3 + x + 1,
                Lambda(a, (a**2 * Rational(6, 31) - a * Rational(9, 31) +
                           Rational(4, 31)) / (x - a)),

    f = 1 / (x**5 + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == \
        (Rational(-1, 5))*((x**3 - 2*x**2 + 3*x - 4)/(x**4 - x**3 + x**2 -
         x + 1)) + (Rational(1, 5))/(x + 1)
    assert apart(f, full=True).dummy_eq(-RootSum(
        x**4 - x**3 + x**2 - x + 1, Lambda(a, a / (x - a)), auto=False) / 5 +
                                        (Rational(1, 5)) / (x + 1))
コード例 #29
 def eval_prob(self, _domain):
     sym = list(self.symbols)[0]
     if isinstance(_domain, Range):
         n = symbols('n', integer=True)
         inf, sup, step = (r for r in _domain.args)
         summand = ((self.pdf).replace(sym, n * step))
         rv = summation(summand, (n, inf / step, (sup) / step - 1)).doit()
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, FiniteSet):
         pdf = Lambda(sym, self.pdf)
         rv = sum(pdf(x) for x in _domain)
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, Union):
         rv = sum(self.eval_prob(x) for x in _domain.args)
         return rv
コード例 #30
    def compute_cdf(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the CDF from the PDF.

        Returns a Lambda.
        x = symbols('x', integer=True, cls=Dummy)
        z = symbols('z', real=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.set.inf

        # CDF is integral of PDF from left bound to z
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = summation(pdf, (x, left_bound, floor(z)), **kwargs)
        # CDF Ensure that CDF left of left_bound is zero
        cdf = Piecewise((cdf, z >= left_bound), (0, True))
        return Lambda(z, cdf)