コード例 #1
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: ALGHeArT/sympy
def factor_terms(expr, radical=False):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutatives) is performed.

    If radical=True then a radical common to all terms will be factored
    out of any Add sub-expressions of the expr.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)


    expr = sympify(expr)
    is_iterable = iterable(expr)

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        if is_iterable:
            return type(expr)([factor_terms(i, radical=radical) for i in expr])
        return expr

    if expr.is_Function or is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
        args = expr.args
        newargs = tuple([factor_terms(i, radical=radical) for i in args])
        if newargs == args:
            return expr
        return expr.func(*newargs)

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)
    list_args, nc = zip(*[ai.args_cnc() for ai in Add.make_args(p)])
    list_args = list(list_args)
    nc = [((Dummy(), Mul._from_args(i)) if i else None) for i in nc]
    ncreps = dict([i for i in nc if i is not None])
    for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
        if nc[i] is not None:
        a = Mul._from_args(a) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
        list_args[i] = gcd_terms(a, isprimitive=True)
        # cancel terms that may not have cancelled
    p = Add._from_args(list_args) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    p = gcd_terms(p, isprimitive=True).xreplace(ncreps)
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p)
コード例 #2
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: FireJade/sympy
 def mask(terms):
     """replace nc portions of each term with a unique Dummy symbols
     and return the replacements to restore them"""
     args = [(a, []) if a.is_commutative else a.args_cnc() for a in terms]
     reps = []
     for i, (c, nc) in enumerate(args):
         if nc:
             nc = Mul._from_args(nc)
             d = Dummy()
             reps.append((d, nc))
             args[i] = Mul._from_args(c)
             args[i] = c
     return args, dict(reps)
コード例 #3
ファイル: summations.py プロジェクト: carstimon/sympy
    def _eval_simplify(self, ratio=1.7, measure=None):
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import factor_sum, sum_combine
        from sympy.core.function import expand
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul

        # split the function into adds
        terms = Add.make_args(expand(self.function))
        s_t = [] # Sum Terms
        o_t = [] # Other Terms

        for term in terms:
            if term.has(Sum):
                # if there is an embedded sum here
                # it is of the form x * (Sum(whatever))
                # hence we make a Mul out of it, and simplify all interior sum terms
                subterms = Mul.make_args(expand(term))
                out_terms = []
                for subterm in subterms:
                    # go through each term
                    if isinstance(subterm, Sum):
                        # if it's a sum, simplify it
                        # otherwise, add it as is

                # turn it back into a Mul

        # next try to combine any interior sums for further simplification
        result = Add(sum_combine(s_t), *o_t)

        return factor_sum(result, limits=self.limits)
コード例 #4
ファイル: array_utils.py プロジェクト: cklb/sympy
def _parse_matrix_expression(expr):
    if isinstance(expr, MatMul):
        args_nonmat = []
        args = []
        contractions = []
        for arg in expr.args:
            if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
        contractions = [(2*i+1, 2*i+2) for i in range(len(args)-1)]
        return Mul.fromiter(args_nonmat)*CodegenArrayContraction(
                CodegenArrayTensorProduct(*[_parse_matrix_expression(arg) for arg in args]),
    elif isinstance(expr, MatAdd):
        return CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(
                *[_parse_matrix_expression(arg) for arg in expr.args]
    elif isinstance(expr, Transpose):
        return CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
                _parse_matrix_expression(expr.args[0]), [1, 0]
        return expr
コード例 #5
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: jcreus/sympy
def factor_terms(expr):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutative) is performed.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)


    expr = sympify(expr)

    if iterable(expr):
        return type(expr)([factor_terms(i) for i in expr])

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        return expr

    if expr.is_Function:
        return expr.func(*[factor_terms(i) for i in expr.args])

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive()
    list_args, nc = zip(*[ai.args_cnc(clist=True) for ai in Add.make_args(p)])
    list_args = list(list_args)
    nc = [((Dummy(), Mul._from_args(i)) if i else None) for i in nc]
    ncreps = dict([i for i in nc if i is not None])
    for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
        if nc[i] is not None:
        a = Mul._from_args(a) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
        list_args[i] = gcd_terms(a, isprimitive=True)
        # cancel terms that may not have cancelled
    p = Add._from_args(list_args) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    p = gcd_terms(p, isprimitive=True).subs(ncreps) # exact subs could be used here
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p)
コード例 #6
ファイル: array_utils.py プロジェクト: cklb/sympy
 def from_MatMul(expr):
     args_nonmat = []
     args = []
     contractions = []
     for arg in expr.args:
         if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
     contractions = [(2*i+1, 2*i+2) for i in range(len(args)-1)]
     return Mul.fromiter(args_nonmat)*CodegenArrayContraction(
コード例 #7
ファイル: polyroots.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
 def _sqrt(d):
     # remove squares from square root since both will be represented
     # in the results; a similar thing is happening in roots() but
     # must be duplicated here because not all quadratics are binomials
     co = []
     other = []
     for di in Mul.make_args(d):
         if di.is_Pow and di.exp.is_Integer and di.exp % 2 == 0:
             co.append(Pow(di.base, di.exp//2))
     if co:
         d = Mul(*other)
         co = Mul(*co)
         return co*sqrt(d)
     return sqrt(d)
コード例 #8
ファイル: recurr.py プロジェクト: alhirzel/sympy
def rsolve(f, y, init=None):
    Solve univariate recurrence with rational coefficients.

    Given `k`-th order linear recurrence `\operatorname{L} y = f`,
    or equivalently:

    .. math:: a_{k}(n) y(n+k) + a_{k-1}(n) y(n+k-1) +
              \dots + a_{0}(n) y(n) = f(n)

    where `a_{i}(n)`, for `i=0, \dots, k`, are polynomials or rational
    functions in `n`, and `f` is a hypergeometric function or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms in
    `n`, finds all solutions or returns ``None``, if none were found.

    Initial conditions can be given as a dictionary in two forms:

        (1) ``{   n_0  : v_0,   n_1  : v_1, ...,   n_m  : v_m }``
        (2) ``{ y(n_0) : v_0, y(n_1) : v_1, ..., y(n_m) : v_m }``

    or as a list ``L`` of values:

        ``L = [ v_0, v_1, ..., v_m ]``

    where ``L[i] = v_i``, for `i=0, \dots, m`, maps to `y(n_i)`.


    Lets consider the following recurrence:

    .. math:: (n - 1) y(n + 2) - (n^2 + 3 n - 2) y(n + 1) +
              2 n (n + 1) y(n) = 0

    >>> from sympy import Function, rsolve
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> y = Function('y')

    >>> f = (n - 1)*y(n + 2) - (n**2 + 3*n - 2)*y(n + 1) + 2*n*(n + 1)*y(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n))
    2**n*C0 + C1*factorial(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n), { y(0):0, y(1):3 })
    3*2**n - 3*factorial(n)

    See Also

    rsolve_poly, rsolve_ratio, rsolve_hyper

    if isinstance(f, Equality):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    n = y.args[0]
    k = Wild('k', exclude=(n,))

    # Preprocess user input to allow things like
    # y(n) + a*(y(n + 1) + y(n - 1))/2
    f = f.expand().collect(y.func(Wild('m', integer=True)))

    h_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
    i_part = S.Zero
    for g in Add.make_args(f):
        coeff = S.One
        kspec = None
        for h in Mul.make_args(g):
            if h.is_Function:
                if h.func == y.func:
                    result = h.args[0].match(n + k)

                    if result is not None:
                        kspec = int(result[k])
                        raise ValueError(
                            "'%s(%s+k)' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, n, h))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'%s' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, h.func))
                coeff *= h

        if kspec is not None:
            h_part[kspec] += coeff
            i_part += coeff

    for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
        h_part[k] = simplify(coeff)

    common = S.One

    for coeff in h_part.itervalues():
        if coeff.is_rational_function(n):
            if not coeff.is_polynomial(n):
                common = lcm(common, coeff.as_numer_denom()[1], n)
            raise ValueError(
                "Polynomial or rational function expected, got '%s'" % coeff)

    i_numer, i_denom = i_part.as_numer_denom()

    if i_denom.is_polynomial(n):
        common = lcm(common, i_denom, n)

    if common is not S.One:
        for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
            numer, denom = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            h_part[k] = numer*quo(common, denom, n)

        i_part = i_numer*quo(common, i_denom, n)

    K_min = min(h_part.keys())

    if K_min < 0:
        K = abs(K_min)

        H_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
        i_part = i_part.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        common = common.subs(n, n + K).expand()

        for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
            H_part[k + K] = coeff.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        H_part = h_part

    K_max = max(H_part.iterkeys())
    coeffs = [H_part[i] for i in xrange(K_max + 1)]

    result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)

    if result is None:
        return None

    solution, symbols = result

    if init == {} or init == []:
        init = None

    if symbols and init is not None:
        if type(init) is list:
            init = dict([(i, init[i]) for i in xrange(len(init))])

        equations = []

        for k, v in init.iteritems():
                i = int(k)
            except TypeError:
                if k.is_Function and k.func == y.func:
                    i = int(k.args[0])
                    raise ValueError("Integer or term expected, got '%s'" % k)
                eq = solution.limit(n, i) - v
            except NotImplementedError:
                eq = solution.subs(n, i) - v

        result = solve(equations, *symbols)

        if not result:
            return None
            solution = solution.subs(result)

    return solution
コード例 #9
ファイル: summations.py プロジェクト: Igorprostoff/IndSet
    def is_convergent(self):
        r"""Checks for the convergence of a Sum.

        We divide the study of convergence of infinite sums and products in
        two parts.

        First Part:
        One part is the question whether all the terms are well defined, i.e.,
        they are finite in a sum and also non-zero in a product. Zero
        is the analogy of (minus) infinity in products as
        :math:`e^{-\infty} = 0`.

        Second Part:
        The second part is the question of convergence after infinities,
        and zeros in products, have been omitted assuming that their number
        is finite. This means that we only consider the tail of the sum or
        product, starting from some point after which all terms are well

        For example, in a sum of the form:

        .. math::

            \sum_{1 \leq i < \infty} \frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}

        where a and b are numbers. The routine will return true, even if there
        are infinities in the term sequence (at most two). An analogous
        product would be:

        .. math::

            \prod_{1 \leq i < \infty} e^{\frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}}

        This is how convergence is interpreted. It is concerned with what
        happens at the limit. Finding the bad terms is another independent

        Note: It is responsibility of user to see that the sum or product
        is well defined.

        There are various tests employed to check the convergence like
        divergence test, root test, integral test, alternating series test,
        comparison tests, Dirichlet tests. It returns true if Sum is convergent
        and false if divergent and NotImplementedError if it can not be checked.


        .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence_tests


        >>> from sympy import factorial, S, Sum, Symbol, oo
        >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
        >>> Sum(n/(n - 1), (n, 4, 7)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(n/(2*n + 1), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(factorial(n)/5**n, (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(1/n**(S(6)/5), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()

        See Also


        from sympy import Interval, Integral, Limit, log, symbols, Ge, Gt, simplify
        p, q, r = symbols('p q r', cls=Wild)

        sym = self.limits[0][0]
        lower_limit = self.limits[0][1]
        upper_limit = self.limits[0][2]
        sequence_term = self.function

        if len(sequence_term.free_symbols) > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "convergence checking for more than one symbol "
                "containing series is not handled")

        if lower_limit.is_finite and upper_limit.is_finite:
            return S.true

        # transform sym -> -sym and swap the upper_limit = S.Infinity
        # and lower_limit = - upper_limit
        if lower_limit is S.NegativeInfinity:
            if upper_limit is S.Infinity:
                return Sum(sequence_term, (sym, 0, S.Infinity)).is_convergent() and \
                        Sum(sequence_term, (sym, S.NegativeInfinity, 0)).is_convergent()
            sequence_term = simplify(sequence_term.xreplace({sym: -sym}))
            lower_limit = -upper_limit
            upper_limit = S.Infinity

        sym_ = Dummy(sym.name, integer=True, positive=True)
        sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: sym_})
        sym = sym_

        interval = Interval(lower_limit, upper_limit)

        # Piecewise function handle
        if sequence_term.is_Piecewise:
            for func, cond in sequence_term.args:
                # see if it represents something going to oo
                if cond == True or cond.as_set().sup is S.Infinity:
                    s = Sum(func, (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit))
                    return s.is_convergent()
            return S.true

        ###  -------- Divergence test ----------- ###
            lim_val = limit(sequence_term, sym, upper_limit)
            if lim_val.is_number and lim_val is not S.Zero:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

            lim_val_abs = limit(abs(sequence_term), sym, upper_limit)
            if lim_val_abs.is_number and lim_val_abs is not S.Zero:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        order = O(sequence_term, (sym, S.Infinity))

        ### --------- p-series test (1/n**p) ---------- ###
        p1_series_test = order.expr.match(sym**p)
        if p1_series_test is not None:
            if p1_series_test[p] < -1:
                return S.true
            if p1_series_test[p] >= -1:
                return S.false

        p2_series_test = order.expr.match((1 / sym)**p)
        if p2_series_test is not None:
            if p2_series_test[p] > 1:
                return S.true
            if p2_series_test[p] <= 1:
                return S.false

        ### ------------- comparison test ------------- ###
        # 1/(n**p*log(n)**q*log(log(n))**r) comparison
        n_log_test = order.expr.match(
            1 / (sym**p * log(sym)**q * log(log(sym))**r))
        if n_log_test is not None:
            if (n_log_test[p] > 1 or (n_log_test[p] == 1 and n_log_test[q] > 1)
                (n_log_test[p] == n_log_test[q] == 1 and n_log_test[r] > 1)):
                return S.true
            return S.false

        ### ------------- Limit comparison test -----------###
        # (1/n) comparison
            lim_comp = limit(sym * sequence_term, sym, S.Infinity)
            if lim_comp.is_number and lim_comp > 0:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----------- ratio test ---------------- ###
        next_sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: sym + 1})
        ratio = combsimp(powsimp(next_sequence_term / sequence_term))
            lim_ratio = limit(ratio, sym, upper_limit)
            if lim_ratio.is_number:
                if abs(lim_ratio) > 1:
                    return S.false
                if abs(lim_ratio) < 1:
                    return S.true
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----------- root test ---------------- ###
        lim = Limit(abs(sequence_term)**(1 / sym), sym, S.Infinity)
            lim_evaluated = lim.doit()
            if lim_evaluated.is_number:
                if lim_evaluated < 1:
                    return S.true
                if lim_evaluated > 1:
                    return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ------------- alternating series test ----------- ###
        dict_val = sequence_term.match((-1)**(sym + p) * q)
        if not dict_val[p].has(sym) and is_decreasing(dict_val[q], interval):
            return S.true

        ### ------------- integral test -------------- ###
        check_interval = None
        maxima = solveset(sequence_term.diff(sym), sym, interval)
        if not maxima:
            check_interval = interval
        elif isinstance(maxima, FiniteSet) and maxima.sup.is_number:
            check_interval = Interval(maxima.sup, interval.sup)
        if (check_interval is not None
                and (is_decreasing(sequence_term, check_interval)
                     or is_decreasing(-sequence_term, check_interval))):
            integral_val = Integral(sequence_term,
                                    (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit))
                integral_val_evaluated = integral_val.doit()
                if integral_val_evaluated.is_number:
                    return S(integral_val_evaluated.is_finite)
            except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----- Dirichlet and bounded times convergent tests ----- ###
        # TODO
        # Dirichlet_test
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet%27s_test
        # Bounded times convergent test
        # It is based on comparison theorems for series.
        # In particular, if the general term of a series can
        # be written as a product of two terms a_n and b_n
        # and if a_n is bounded and if Sum(b_n) is absolutely
        # convergent, then the original series Sum(a_n * b_n)
        # is absolutely convergent and so convergent.
        # The following code can grows like 2**n where n is the
        # number of args in order.expr
        # Possibly combined with the potentially slow checks
        # inside the loop, could make this test extremely slow
        # for larger summation expressions.

        if order.expr.is_Mul:
            args = order.expr.args
            argset = set(args)

            ### -------------- Dirichlet tests -------------- ###
            m = Dummy('m', integer=True)

            def _dirichlet_test(g_n):
                    ing_val = limit(
                        Sum(g_n, (sym, interval.inf, m)).doit(), m, S.Infinity)
                    if ing_val.is_finite:
                        return S.true
                except NotImplementedError:

            ### -------- bounded times convergent test ---------###
            def _bounded_convergent_test(g1_n, g2_n):
                    lim_val = limit(g1_n, sym, upper_limit)
                    if lim_val.is_finite or (
                            isinstance(lim_val, AccumulationBounds) and
                        (lim_val.max - lim_val.min).is_finite):
                        if Sum(g2_n, (sym, lower_limit,
                            return S.true
                except NotImplementedError:

            for n in range(1, len(argset)):
                for a_tuple in itertools.combinations(args, n):
                    b_set = argset - set(a_tuple)
                    a_n = Mul(*a_tuple)
                    b_n = Mul(*b_set)

                    if is_decreasing(a_n, interval):
                        dirich = _dirichlet_test(b_n)
                        if dirich is not None:
                            return dirich

                    bc_test = _bounded_convergent_test(a_n, b_n)
                    if bc_test is not None:
                        return bc_test

        _sym = self.limits[0][0]
        sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: _sym})
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The algorithm to find the Sum convergence of %s "
            "is not yet implemented" % (sequence_term))
コード例 #10
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: amitsaha/sympy
def _monotonic_sign(self):
    """Return the value closest to 0 that ``self`` may have if all symbols
    are signed and the result is uniformly the same sign for all values of symbols.
    If a symbol is only signed but not known to be an
    integer or the result is 0 then a symbol representative of the sign of self
    will be returned. Otherwise, None is returned if a) the sign could be positive
    or negative or b) self is not in one of the following forms:

    - L(x, y, ...) + A: a function linear in all symbols x, y, ... with an
      additive constant; if A is zero then the function can be a monomial whose
      sign is monotonic over the range of the variables, e.g. (x + 1)**3 if x is
    - A/L(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a function linear in all symbols x, y, ...
      that does not have a sign change from positive to negative for any set
      of values for the variables.
    - M(x, y, ...) + A: a monomial M whose factors are all signed and a constant, A.
    - A/M(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a monomial and constants A and B.
    - P(x): a univariate polynomial


    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import _monotonic_sign as F
    >>> from sympy import Dummy, S
    >>> nn = Dummy(integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    >>> p = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> p2 = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> F(nn + 1)
    >>> F(p - 1)
    >>> F(nn*p + 1)
    >>> F(p2*p + 1)
    >>> F(nn - 1)  # could be negative, zero or positive
    if not self.is_real:

    if (-self).is_Symbol:
        rv = _monotonic_sign(-self)
        return rv if rv is None else -rv

    if self.is_Symbol:
        s = self
        if s.is_prime:
            if s.is_odd:
                return S(3)
                return S(2)
        elif s.is_positive:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.One
                return _eps
        elif s.is_negative:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(-2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.NegativeOne
                return -_eps
        if s.is_zero or s.is_nonpositive or s.is_nonnegative:
            return S.Zero
        return None

    # univariate polynomial
    free = self.free_symbols
    if len(free) == 1:
        if self.is_polynomial():
            from sympy.polys.polytools import real_roots
            from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots
            from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
            x = free.pop()
            x0 = _monotonic_sign(x)
            if x0 == _eps or x0 == -_eps:
                x0 = S.Zero
            if x0 is not None:
                d = self.diff(x)
                if d.is_number:
                    roots = []
                        roots = real_roots(d)
                    except (PolynomialError, NotImplementedError):
                        roots = [r for r in roots(d, x) if r.is_real]
                y = self.subs(x, x0)
                if x.is_nonnegative and all(r <= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_positive else Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_negative else Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
                elif x.is_nonpositive and all(r >= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
            n, d = self.as_numer_denom()
            den = None
            if n.is_number:
                den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            elif not d.is_number:
                if _monotonic_sign(n) is not None:
                    den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            if den is not None and (den.is_positive or den.is_negative):
                v = n*den
                if v.is_positive:
                    return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                elif v.is_nonnegative:
                    return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                elif v.is_negative:
                    return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                elif v.is_nonpositive:
                    return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
        return None

    # multivariate
    c, a = self.as_coeff_Add()
    v = None
    if not a.is_polynomial():
        # F/A or A/F where A is a number and F is a signed, rational monomial
        n, d = a.as_numer_denom()
        if not (n.is_number or d.is_number):
        if (
                a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow) and \
                a.is_rational and \
                all(p.exp.is_Integer for p in a.atoms(Pow) if p.is_Pow) and \
                (a.is_positive or a.is_negative):
            v = S(1)
            for ai in Mul.make_args(a):
                if ai.is_number:
                    v *= ai
                reps = {}
                for x in ai.free_symbols:
                    reps[x] = _monotonic_sign(x)
                    if reps[x] is None:
                v *= ai.subs(reps)
    elif c:
        # signed linear expression
        if not any(p for p in a.atoms(Pow) if not p.is_number) and (a.is_nonpositive or a.is_nonnegative):
            free = list(a.free_symbols)
            p = {}
            for i in free:
                v = _monotonic_sign(i)
                if v is None:
                p[i] = v or (_eps if i.is_nonnegative else -_eps)
            v = a.xreplace(p)
    if v is not None:
        rv = v + c
        if v.is_nonnegative and rv.is_positive:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
        if v.is_nonpositive and rv.is_negative:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
コード例 #11
def rsolve_ratio(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order `k`
    with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation
    `\operatorname{L} y = f`, where `f` is a polynomial, we seek
    for all rational solutions over field `K` of characteristic zero.

    This procedure accepts only polynomials, however if you are
    interested in solving recurrence with rational coefficients
    then use ``rsolve`` which will pre-process the given equation
    and run this procedure with polynomial arguments.

    The algorithm performs two basic steps:

        (1) Compute polynomial `v(n)` which can be used as universal
            denominator of any rational solution of equation
            `\operatorname{L} y = f`.

        (2) Construct new linear difference equation by substitution
            `y(n) = u(n)/v(n)` and solve it for `u(n)` finding all its
            polynomial solutions. Return ``None`` if none were found.

    Algorithm implemented here is a revised version of the original
    Abramov's algorithm, developed in 1989. The new approach is much
    simpler to implement and has better overall efficiency. This
    method can be easily adapted to q-difference equations case.

    Besides finding rational solutions alone, this functions is
    an important part of Hyper algorithm were it is used to find
    particular solution of inhomogeneous part of a recurrence.


    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> from sympy.solvers.recurr import rsolve_ratio
    >>> rsolve_ratio([-2*x**3 + x**2 + 2*x - 1, 2*x**3 + x**2 - 6*x,
    ... - 2*x**3 - 11*x**2 - 18*x - 9, 2*x**3 + 13*x**2 + 22*x + 8], 0, x)
    C2*(2*x - 3)/(2*(x**2 - 1))


    .. [1] S. A. Abramov, Rational solutions of linear difference
           and q-difference equations with polynomial coefficients,
           in: T. Levelt, ed., Proc. ISSAC '95, ACM Press, New York,
           1995, 285-289

    See Also

    f = sympify(f)

    if not f.is_polynomial(n):
        return None

    coeffs = list(map(sympify, coeffs))

    r = len(coeffs) - 1

    A, B = coeffs[r], coeffs[0]
    A = A.subs(n, n - r).expand()

    h = Dummy('h')

    res = resultant(A, B.subs(n, n + h), n)

    if not res.is_polynomial(h):
        p, q = res.as_numer_denom()
        res = quo(p, q, h)

    nni_roots = list(roots(res, h, filter='Z',
        predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys())

    if not nni_roots:
        return rsolve_poly(coeffs, f, n, **hints)
        C, numers = S.One, [S.Zero]*(r + 1)

        for i in range(int(max(nni_roots)), -1, -1):
            d = gcd(A, B.subs(n, n + i), n)

            A = quo(A, d, n)
            B = quo(B, d.subs(n, n - i), n)

            C *= Mul(*[d.subs(n, n - j) for j in range(i + 1)])

        denoms = [C.subs(n, n + i) for i in range(r + 1)]

        for i in range(r + 1):
            g = gcd(coeffs[i], denoms[i], n)

            numers[i] = quo(coeffs[i], g, n)
            denoms[i] = quo(denoms[i], g, n)

        for i in range(r + 1):
            numers[i] *= Mul(*(denoms[:i] + denoms[i + 1:]))

        result = rsolve_poly(numers, f * Mul(*denoms), n, **hints)

        if result is not None:
            if hints.get('symbols', False):
                return (simplify(result[0] / C), result[1])
                return simplify(result / C)
            return None
コード例 #12
def rsolve_hyper(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order `k`
    with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation
    `\operatorname{L} y = f` we seek for all hypergeometric solutions
    over field `K` of characteristic zero.

    The inhomogeneous part can be either hypergeometric or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms.

    The algorithm performs three basic steps:

        (1) Group together similar hypergeometric terms in the
            inhomogeneous part of `\operatorname{L} y = f`, and find
            particular solution using Abramov's algorithm.

        (2) Compute generating set of `\operatorname{L}` and find basis
            in it, so that all solutions are linearly independent.

        (3) Form final solution with the number of arbitrary
            constants equal to dimension of basis of `\operatorname{L}`.

    Term `a(n)` is hypergeometric if it is annihilated by first order
    linear difference equations with polynomial coefficients or, in
    simpler words, if consecutive term ratio is a rational function.

    The output of this procedure is a linear combination of fixed
    number of hypergeometric terms. However the underlying method
    can generate larger class of solutions - D'Alembertian terms.

    Note also that this method not only computes the kernel of the
    inhomogeneous equation, but also reduces in to a basis so that
    solutions generated by this procedure are linearly independent


    >>> from sympy.solvers import rsolve_hyper
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    >>> rsolve_hyper([-1, -1, 1], 0, x)
    C0*(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2)**x + C1*(-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2)**x

    >>> rsolve_hyper([-1, 1], 1 + x, x)
    C0 + x*(x + 1)/2


    .. [1] M. Petkovsek, Hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrences
           with polynomial coefficients, J. Symbolic Computation,
           14 (1992), 243-264.

    .. [2] M. Petkovsek, H. S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, A = B, 1996.
    coeffs = list(map(sympify, coeffs))

    f = sympify(f)

    r, kernel, symbols = len(coeffs) - 1, [], set()

    if not f.is_zero:
        if f.is_Add:
            similar = {}

            for g in f.expand().args:
                if not g.is_hypergeometric(n):
                    return None

                for h in similar.keys():
                    if hypersimilar(g, h, n):
                        similar[h] += g
                    similar[g] = S.Zero

            inhomogeneous = []

            for g, h in similar.items():
                inhomogeneous.append(g + h)
        elif f.is_hypergeometric(n):
            inhomogeneous = [f]
            return None

        for i, g in enumerate(inhomogeneous):
            coeff, polys = S.One, coeffs[:]
            denoms = [S.One]*(r + 1)

            s = hypersimp(g, n)

            for j in range(1, r + 1):
                coeff *= s.subs(n, n + j - 1)

                p, q = coeff.as_numer_denom()

                polys[j] *= p
                denoms[j] = q

            for j in range(r + 1):
                polys[j] *= Mul(*(denoms[:j] + denoms[j + 1:]))

            R = rsolve_poly(polys, Mul(*denoms), n)

            if not (R is None or R is S.Zero):
                inhomogeneous[i] *= R
                return None

            result = Add(*inhomogeneous)
        result = S.Zero

    Z = Dummy('Z')

    p, q = coeffs[0], coeffs[r].subs(n, n - r + 1)

    p_factors = [z for z in roots(p, n).keys()]
    q_factors = [z for z in roots(q, n).keys()]

    factors = [(S.One, S.One)]

    for p in p_factors:
        for q in q_factors:
            if p.is_integer and q.is_integer and p <= q:
                factors += [(n - p, n - q)]

    p = [(n - p, S.One) for p in p_factors]
    q = [(S.One, n - q) for q in q_factors]

    factors = p + factors + q

    for A, B in factors:
        polys, degrees = [], []
        D = A*B.subs(n, n + r - 1)

        for i in range(r + 1):
            a = Mul(*[A.subs(n, n + j) for j in range(i)])
            b = Mul(*[B.subs(n, n + j) for j in range(i, r)])

            poly = quo(coeffs[i]*a*b, D, n)

            if not poly.is_zero:

        if degrees:
            d, poly = max(degrees), S.Zero
            return None

        for i in range(r + 1):
            coeff = polys[i].nth(d)

            if coeff is not S.Zero:
                poly += coeff * Z**i

        for z in roots(poly, Z).keys():
            if z.is_zero:

            (C, s) = rsolve_poly([polys[i]*z**i for i in range(r + 1)], 0, n, symbols=True)

            if C is not None and C is not S.Zero:
                symbols |= set(s)

                ratio = z * A * C.subs(n, n + 1) / B / C
                ratio = simplify(ratio)
                # If there is a nonnegative root in the denominator of the ratio,
                # this indicates that the term y(n_root) is zero, and one should
                # start the product with the term y(n_root + 1).
                n0 = 0
                for n_root in roots(ratio.as_numer_denom()[1], n).keys():
                    if n_root.has(I):
                        return None
                    elif (n0 < (n_root + 1)) == True:
                        n0 = n_root + 1
                K = product(ratio, (n, n0, n - 1))
                if K.has(factorial, FallingFactorial, RisingFactorial):
                    K = simplify(K)

                if casoratian(kernel + [K], n, zero=False) != 0:

    sk = list(zip(numbered_symbols('C'), kernel))

    if sk:
        for C, ker in sk:
            result += C * ker
        return None

    if hints.get('symbols', False):
        symbols |= {s for s, k in sk}
        return (result, list(symbols))
        return result
コード例 #13
ファイル: recurr.py プロジェクト: ananyaha93/sympy
def rsolve(f, y, init=None):
    Solve univariate recurrence with rational coefficients.

    Given k-th order linear recurrence Ly = f, or equivalently:

     a_{k}(n) y(n+k) + a_{k-1}(n) y(n+k-1) + ... + a_{0}(n) y(n) = f

    where a_{i}(n), for i=0..k, are polynomials or rational functions
    in n, and f is a hypergeometric function or a sum of a fixed number
    of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms in n, finds all solutions
    or returns None, if none were found.

    Initial conditions can be given as a dictionary in two forms:

      [1] {   n_0  : v_0,   n_1  : v_1, ...,   n_m  : v_m }
      [2] { y(n_0) : v_0, y(n_1) : v_1, ..., y(n_m) : v_m }

    or as a list L of values:

      L = [ v_0, v_1, ..., v_m ]

    where L[i] = v_i, for i=0..m, maps to y(n_i).

    As an example lets consider the following recurrence:

     (n - 1) y(n + 2) - (n**2 + 3 n - 2) y(n + 1) + 2 n (n + 1) y(n) == 0

    >>> from sympy import Function, rsolve
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> y = Function('y')

    >>> f = (n-1)*y(n+2) - (n**2+3*n-2)*y(n+1) + 2*n*(n+1)*y(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n))
    2**n*C0 + C1*n!

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n), { y(0):0, y(1):3 })
    3*2**n - 3*n!

    if isinstance(f, Equality):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    n = y.args[0]
    k = Wild('k', exclude=(n,))

    h_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
    i_part = S.Zero
    for g in Add.make_args(f):
        coeff = S.One
        kspec = None
        for h in Mul.make_args(g):
            if h.is_Function:
                if h.func == y.func:
                    result = h.args[0].match(n + k)

                    if result is not None:
                        kspec = int(result[k])
                        raise ValueError(
                            "'%s(%s+k)' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, n, h))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'%s' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, h.func))
                coeff *= h

        if kspec is not None:
            h_part[kspec] += coeff
            i_part += coeff

    for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
        h_part[k] = simplify(coeff)

    common = S.One

    for coeff in h_part.itervalues():
        if coeff.is_rational_function(n):
            if not coeff.is_polynomial(n):
                common = lcm(common, coeff.as_numer_denom()[1], n)
            raise ValueError(
                "Polynomial or rational function expected, got '%s'" % coeff)

    i_numer, i_denom = i_part.as_numer_denom()

    if i_denom.is_polynomial(n):
        common = lcm(common, i_denom, n)

    if common is not S.One:
        for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
            numer, denom = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            h_part[k] = numer*quo(common, denom, n)

        i_part = i_numer*quo(common, i_denom, n)

    K_min = min(h_part.keys())

    if K_min < 0:
        K = abs(K_min)

        H_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
        i_part = i_part.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        common = common.subs(n, n + K).expand()

        for k, coeff in h_part.iteritems():
            H_part[k + K] = coeff.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        H_part = h_part

    K_max = max(H_part.iterkeys())
    coeffs = [H_part[i] for i in xrange(K_max + 1)]

    result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)

    if result is None:
        return None

    solution, symbols = result

    if init == {} or init == []:
        init = None

    if symbols and init is not None:
        equations = []

        if type(init) is list:
            for i in xrange(0, len(init)):
                eq = solution.subs(n, i) - init[i]
            for k, v in init.iteritems():
                    i = int(k)
                except TypeError:
                    if k.is_Function and k.func == y.func:
                        i = int(k.args[0])
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Integer or term expected, got '%s'" % k)

                eq = solution.subs(n, i) - v

        result = solve(equations, *symbols)

        if not result:
            return None
            for k, v in result.iteritems():
                solution = solution.subs(k, v)

    return solution
コード例 #14
def test_core_mul():
    x = Symbol("x")
    for c in (Mul, Mul(x, 4)):
コード例 #15
    def bottom_up_scan(ex):
        Transform a given algebraic expression *ex* into a multivariate
        polynomial, by introducing fresh variables with defining equations.


        The critical elements of the algebraic expression *ex* are root
        extractions, instances of :py:class:`~.AlgebraicNumber`, and negative

        When we encounter a root extraction or an :py:class:`~.AlgebraicNumber`
        we replace this expression with a fresh variable ``a_i``, and record
        the defining polynomial for ``a_i``. For example, if ``a_0**(1/3)``
        occurs, we will replace it with ``a_1``, and record the new defining
        polynomial ``a_1**3 - a_0``.

        When we encounter a negative power we transform it into a positive
        power by algebraically inverting the base. This means computing the
        minimal polynomial in ``x`` for the base, inverting ``x`` modulo this
        poly (which generates a new polynomial) and then substituting the
        original base expression for ``x`` in this last polynomial.

        We return the transformed expression, and we record the defining
        equations for new symbols using the ``update_mapping()`` function.

        if ex.is_Atom:
            if ex is S.ImaginaryUnit:
                if ex not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(ex, 2, 1)
                    return symbols[ex]
            elif ex.is_Rational:
                return ex
        elif ex.is_Add:
            return Add(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Mul:
            return Mul(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Pow:
            if ex.exp.is_Rational:
                if ex.exp < 0:
                    minpoly_base = _minpoly_groebner(ex.base, x, cls)
                    inverse = invert(x, minpoly_base).as_expr()
                    base_inv = inverse.subs(x, ex.base).expand()

                    if ex.exp == -1:
                        return bottom_up_scan(base_inv)
                        ex = base_inv**(-ex.exp)
                if not ex.exp.is_Integer:
                    base, exp = (ex.base**ex.exp.p).expand(), Rational(
                        1, ex.exp.q)
                    base, exp = ex.base, ex.exp
                base = bottom_up_scan(base)
                expr = base**exp

                if expr not in mapping:
                    if exp.is_Integer:
                        return expr.expand()
                        return update_mapping(expr, 1 / exp, -base)
                    return symbols[expr]
        elif ex.is_AlgebraicNumber:
            if ex not in mapping:
                return update_mapping(ex, ex.minpoly_of_element())
                return symbols[ex]

        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
コード例 #16
def rsolve(f, y, init=None):
    Solve univariate recurrence with rational coefficients.

    Given `k`-th order linear recurrence `\operatorname{L} y = f`,
    or equivalently:

    .. math:: a_{k}(n) y(n+k) + a_{k-1}(n) y(n+k-1) +
              \cdots + a_{0}(n) y(n) = f(n)

    where `a_{i}(n)`, for `i=0, \ldots, k`, are polynomials or rational
    functions in `n`, and `f` is a hypergeometric function or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms in
    `n`, finds all solutions or returns ``None``, if none were found.

    Initial conditions can be given as a dictionary in two forms:

        (1) ``{  n_0  : v_0,   n_1  : v_1, ...,   n_m  : v_m}``
        (2) ``{y(n_0) : v_0, y(n_1) : v_1, ..., y(n_m) : v_m}``

    or as a list ``L`` of values:

        ``L = [v_0, v_1, ..., v_m]``

    where ``L[i] = v_i``, for `i=0, \ldots, m`, maps to `y(n_i)`.


    Lets consider the following recurrence:

    .. math:: (n - 1) y(n + 2) - (n^2 + 3 n - 2) y(n + 1) +
              2 n (n + 1) y(n) = 0

    >>> from sympy import Function, rsolve
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> y = Function('y')

    >>> f = (n - 1)*y(n + 2) - (n**2 + 3*n - 2)*y(n + 1) + 2*n*(n + 1)*y(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n))
    2**n*C0 + C1*factorial(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n), {y(0):0, y(1):3})
    3*2**n - 3*factorial(n)

    See Also

    rsolve_poly, rsolve_ratio, rsolve_hyper

    if isinstance(f, Equality):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    n = y.args[0]
    k = Wild('k', exclude=(n,))

    # Preprocess user input to allow things like
    # y(n) + a*(y(n + 1) + y(n - 1))/2
    f = f.expand().collect(y.func(Wild('m', integer=True)))

    h_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
    i_part = S.Zero
    for g in Add.make_args(f):
        coeff = S.One
        kspec = None
        for h in Mul.make_args(g):
            if h.is_Function:
                if h.func == y.func:
                    result = h.args[0].match(n + k)

                    if result is not None:
                        kspec = int(result[k])
                        raise ValueError(
                            "'%s(%s + k)' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, n, h))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'%s' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, h.func))
                coeff *= h

        if kspec is not None:
            h_part[kspec] += coeff
            i_part += coeff

    for k, coeff in h_part.items():
        h_part[k] = simplify(coeff)

    common = S.One

    for coeff in h_part.values():
        if coeff.is_rational_function(n):
            if not coeff.is_polynomial(n):
                common = lcm(common, coeff.as_numer_denom()[1], n)
            raise ValueError(
                "Polynomial or rational function expected, got '%s'" % coeff)

    i_numer, i_denom = i_part.as_numer_denom()

    if i_denom.is_polynomial(n):
        common = lcm(common, i_denom, n)

    if common is not S.One:
        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            numer, denom = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            h_part[k] = numer*quo(common, denom, n)

        i_part = i_numer*quo(common, i_denom, n)

    K_min = min(h_part.keys())

    if K_min < 0:
        K = abs(K_min)

        H_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
        i_part = i_part.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        common = common.subs(n, n + K).expand()

        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            H_part[k + K] = coeff.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        H_part = h_part

    K_max = max(H_part.keys())
    coeffs = [H_part[i] for i in range(K_max + 1)]

    result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)

    if result is None:
        return None

    solution, symbols = result

    if init == {} or init == []:
        init = None

    if symbols and init is not None:
        if isinstance(init, list):
            init = {i: init[i] for i in range(len(init))}

        equations = []

        for k, v in init.items():
                i = int(k)
            except TypeError:
                if k.is_Function and k.func == y.func:
                    i = int(k.args[0])
                    raise ValueError("Integer or term expected, got '%s'" % k)
                eq = solution.limit(n, i) - v
            except NotImplementedError:
                eq = solution.subs(n, i) - v

        result = solve(equations, *symbols)

        if not result:
            return None
            solution = solution.subs(result)

    return solution
コード例 #17
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than q.

            if (p == q or p == -q
                    or p.is_Pow and p.exp.is_Integer and p.base == q
                    or p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if p.is_Number and q.is_Number:
                return (p % q)

            # by ratio
            r = p / q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d * q
                    if (rv * q < 0) is True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by differencec
            d = p - q
            if d.is_negative:
                if q.is_negative:
                    return d
                elif q.is_positive:
                    return p

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            # easy
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner == q:
                return p
            # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G is not S.One:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i / G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp / cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp * p
                q = cq * q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv * G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0] * p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G * cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_cse.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_unevaluated_Mul():
    m = [Mul(1, 2, evaluate=False)]
    assert cse(m) == ([], m)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_cse.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_unevaluated_mul():
    eq = Mul(x + y, x + y, evaluate=False)
    assert cse(eq) == ([(x0, x + y)], [x0**2])
コード例 #20
def _separate_sq(p):
    helper function for ``_minimal_polynomial_sq``

    It selects a rational ``g`` such that the polynomial ``p``
    consists of a sum of terms whose surds squared have gcd equal to ``g``
    and a sum of terms with surds squared prime with ``g``;
    then it takes the field norm to eliminate ``sqrt(g)``

    See simplify.simplify.split_surds and polytools.sqf_norm.


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields.minpoly import _separate_sq
    >>> p= -x + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**2 + 2*sqrt(3)*x + 2*sqrt(7)*x - 2*sqrt(21) - 8
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**4 + 4*sqrt(7)*x**3 - 32*x**2 + 8*sqrt(7)*x + 20
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**8 + 48*x**6 - 536*x**4 + 1728*x**2 - 400

    def is_sqrt(expr):
        return expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    # p = c1*sqrt(q1) + ... + cn*sqrt(qn) -> a = [(c1, q1), .., (cn, qn)]
    a = []
    for y in p.args:
        if not y.is_Mul:
            if is_sqrt(y):
                a.append((S.One, y**2))
            elif y.is_Atom:
                a.append((y, S.One))
            elif y.is_Pow and y.exp.is_integer:
                a.append((y, S.One))
                raise NotImplementedError
            T, F = sift(y.args, is_sqrt, binary=True)
            a.append((Mul(*F), Mul(*T)**2))
    a.sort(key=lambda z: z[1])
    if a[-1][1] is S.One:
        # there are no surds
        return p
    surds = [z for y, z in a]
    for i in range(len(surds)):
        if surds[i] != 1:
    from sympy.simplify.radsimp import _split_gcd
    g, b1, b2 = _split_gcd(*surds[i:])
    a1 = []
    a2 = []
    for y, z in a:
        if z in b1:
            a1.append(y * z**S.Half)
            a2.append(y * z**S.Half)
    p1 = Add(*a1)
    p2 = Add(*a2)
    p = _mexpand(p1**2) - _mexpand(p2**2)
    return p
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_sympify.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_issue_17811():
    a = Function('a')
    assert sympify('a(x)*5', evaluate=False) == Mul(a(x), 5, evaluate=False)
コード例 #22
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            Ioo = S.ImaginaryUnit*S.Infinity
            if arg in [Ioo, -Ioo]:
                return S.NaN

            coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2*coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if term.func is log:
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if newa.func is cls:
            if out:
                return Mul(*out)*cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif arg.is_Matrix:
            return arg.exp()
コード例 #23
ファイル: evalf.py プロジェクト: wuxi20/Pythonista
def evalf_mul(v, prec, options):
    from sympy.core.core import C

    res = pure_complex(v)
    if res:
        # the only pure complex that is a mul is h*I
        _, h = res
        im, _, im_acc, _ = evalf(h, prec, options)
        return None, im, None, im_acc
    args = list(v.args)

    # see if any argument is NaN or oo and thus warrants a special return
    special = []
    for arg in args:
        arg = evalf(arg, prec, options)
        if arg[0] is None:
        arg = C.Float._new(arg[0], 1)
        if arg is S.NaN or arg.is_unbounded:
    if special:
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        special = Mul(*special)
        return evalf(special, prec + 4, {})

    # With guard digits, multiplication in the real case does not destroy
    # accuracy. This is also true in the complex case when considering the
    # total accuracy; however accuracy for the real or imaginary parts
    # separately may be lower.
    acc = prec

    # XXX: big overestimate
    working_prec = prec + len(args) + 5

    # Empty product is 1
    start = man, exp, bc = MPZ(1), 0, 1

    # First, we multiply all pure real or pure imaginary numbers.
    # direction tells us that the result should be multiplied by
    # I**direction; all other numbers get put into complex_factors
    # to be multiplied out after the first phase.
    last = len(args)
    direction = 0
    complex_factors = []

    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
        if i != last and pure_complex(arg):
            args[-1] = (args[-1] * arg).expand()
        elif i == last and arg is S.One:
        re, im, re_acc, im_acc = evalf(arg, working_prec, options)
        if re and im:
            complex_factors.append((re, im, re_acc, im_acc))
        elif re:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = re, re_acc
        elif im:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = im, im_acc
            direction += 1
            return None, None, None, None
        direction += 2 * s
        man *= m
        exp += e
        bc += b
        if bc > 3 * working_prec:
            man >>= working_prec
            exp += working_prec
        acc = min(acc, w_acc)
    sign = (direction & 2) >> 1
    if not complex_factors:
        v = normalize(sign, man, exp, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
        # multiply by i
        if direction & 1:
            return None, v, None, acc
            return v, None, acc, None
        # initialize with the first term
        if (man, exp, bc) != start:
            # there was a real part; give it an imaginary part
            re, im = (sign, man, exp, bitcount(man)), (0, MPZ(0), 0, 0)
            i0 = 0
            # there is no real part to start (other than the starting 1)
            wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc = complex_factors[0]
            acc = min(acc, complex_accuracy((wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc)))
            re = wre
            im = wim
            i0 = 1

        for wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc in complex_factors[i0:]:
            # acc is the overall accuracy of the product; we aren't
            # computing exact accuracies of the product.
            acc = min(acc, complex_accuracy((wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc)))

            use_prec = working_prec
            A = mpf_mul(re, wre, use_prec)
            B = mpf_mul(mpf_neg(im), wim, use_prec)
            C = mpf_mul(re, wim, use_prec)
            D = mpf_mul(im, wre, use_prec)
            re = mpf_add(A, B, use_prec)
            im = mpf_add(C, D, use_prec)
        if options.get('verbose'):
            print("MUL: wanted", prec, "accurate bits, got", acc)
        # multiply by I
        if direction & 1:
            re, im = mpf_neg(im), re
        return re, im, acc, acc
コード例 #24
def _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom):
    Computes the minimal polynomial of an algebraic element
    using operations on minimal polynomials


    >>> from sympy import minimal_polynomial, sqrt, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + 3*Rational(1, 3), x, compose=True)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(y) + 1/y, x, compose=True)
    x**2*y**2 - 2*x*y - y**3 + 1

    if ex.is_Rational:
        return ex.q * x - ex.p
    if ex is I:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**2 + 1, x, domain=dom)
        return x**2 + 1 if len(factors) == 1 else x - I

    if ex is S.GoldenRatio:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**2 - x - 1, x, domain=dom)
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return x**2 - x - 1
            return _choose_factor(factors, x, (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, dom=dom)

    if ex is S.TribonacciConstant:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**3 - x**2 - x - 1, x, domain=dom)
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return x**3 - x**2 - x - 1
            fac = (1 + cbrt(19 - 3 * sqrt(33)) + cbrt(19 + 3 * sqrt(33))) / 3
            return _choose_factor(factors, x, fac, dom=dom)

    if hasattr(dom, 'symbols') and ex in dom.symbols:
        return x - ex

    if dom.is_QQ and _is_sum_surds(ex):
        # eliminate the square roots
        ex -= x
        while 1:
            ex1 = _separate_sq(ex)
            if ex1 is ex:
                return ex
                ex = ex1

    if ex.is_Add:
        res = _minpoly_add(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Mul:
        f = Factors(ex).factors
        r = sift(f.items(),
                 lambda itx: itx[0].is_Rational and itx[1].is_Rational)
        if r[True] and dom == QQ:
            ex1 = Mul(*[bx**ex for bx, ex in r[False] + r[None]])
            r1 = dict(r[True])
            dens = [y.q for y in r1.values()]
            lcmdens = reduce(lcm, dens, 1)
            neg1 = S.NegativeOne
            expn1 = r1.pop(neg1, S.Zero)
            nums = [base**(y.p * lcmdens // y.q) for base, y in r1.items()]
            ex2 = Mul(*nums)
            mp1 = minimal_polynomial(ex1, x)
            # use the fact that in SymPy canonicalization products of integers
            # raised to rational powers are organized in relatively prime
            # bases, and that in ``base**(n/d)`` a perfect power is
            # simplified with the root
            # Powers of -1 have to be treated separately to preserve sign.
            mp2 = ex2.q * x**lcmdens - ex2.p * neg1**(expn1 * lcmdens)
            ex2 = neg1**expn1 * ex2**Rational(1, lcmdens)
            res = _minpoly_op_algebraic_element(Mul,
            res = _minpoly_mul(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Pow:
        res = _minpoly_pow(ex.base, ex.exp, x, dom)
    elif ex.__class__ is sin:
        res = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is cos:
        res = _minpoly_cos(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is tan:
        res = _minpoly_tan(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is exp:
        res = _minpoly_exp(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is CRootOf:
        res = _minpoly_rootof(ex, x)
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    return res
コード例 #25
def heurisch(f,
    Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm.

    This is a heuristic approach to indefinite integration in finite
    terms using the extended heuristic (parallel) Risch algorithm, based
    on Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator".

    The algorithm supports various classes of functions including
    transcendental elementary or special functions like Airy,
    Bessel, Whittaker and Lambert.

    Note that this algorithm is not a decision procedure. If it isn't
    able to compute the antiderivative for a given function, then this is
    not a proof that such a functions does not exist.  One should use
    recursive Risch algorithm in such case.  It's an open question if
    this algorithm can be made a full decision procedure.

    This is an internal integrator procedure. You should use toplevel
    'integrate' function in most cases,  as this procedure needs some
    preprocessing steps and otherwise may fail.


     heurisch(f, x, rewrite=False, hints=None)

         f : expression
         x : symbol

         rewrite -> force rewrite 'f' in terms of 'tan' and 'tanh'
         hints   -> a list of functions that may appear in anti-derivate

          - hints = None          --> no suggestions at all
          - hints = [ ]           --> try to figure out
          - hints = [f1, ..., fn] --> we know better


    >>> from sympy import tan
    >>> from sympy.integrals.heurisch import heurisch
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> heurisch(y*tan(x), x)
    y*log(tan(x)**2 + 1)/2

    See Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator":

    [1] http://www-sop.inria.fr/cafe/Manuel.Bronstein/pmint/index.html

    For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:

    [2] K. Geddes, L. Stefanus, On the Risch-Norman Integration
       Method and its Implementation in Maple, Proceedings of
       ISSAC'89, ACM Press, 212-217.

    [3] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (I),
       Proceedings of EUROCAM'82, LNCS 144, Springer, 144-157.

    [4] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (III):
       Use of Tangents, SIGSAM Bulletin 16 (1982), 3-6.

    [5] J. H. Davenport, B. M. Trager, On the Parallel Risch
       Algorithm (II), ACM Transactions on Mathematical
       Software 11 (1985), 356-362.

    See Also

    f = sympify(f)

    # There are some functions that Heurisch cannot currently handle,
    # so do not even try.
    # Set _try_heurisch=True to skip this check
    if _try_heurisch is not True:
        if f.has(Abs, re, im, sign, Heaviside, DiracDelta, floor, ceiling,

    if x not in f.free_symbols:
        return f * x

    if not f.is_Add:
        indep, f = f.as_independent(x)
        indep = S.One

    rewritables = {
        (sin, cos, cot): tan,
        (sinh, cosh, coth): tanh,

    if rewrite:
        for candidates, rule in rewritables.items():
            f = f.rewrite(candidates, rule)
        for candidates in rewritables.keys():
            if f.has(*candidates):
            rewrite = True

    terms = components(f, x)

    if hints is not None:
        if not hints:
            a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])
            b = Wild('b', exclude=[x])
            c = Wild('c', exclude=[x])

            for g in set(terms):  # using copy of terms
                if g.is_Function:
                    if isinstance(g, li):
                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**b)

                        if M is not None:
                                x *
                                (li(M[a] * x**M[b]) -
                                 (M[a] * x**M[b])**(-1 / M[b]) * Ei(
                                     (M[b] + 1) * log(M[a] * x**M[b]) / M[b])))
                            #terms.add( x*(li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - (x**M[b])**(-1/M[b])*Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b])) )
                            #terms.add( x*(li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - x*Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b])) )
                            #terms.add( li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b]) )

                    elif isinstance(g, exp):
                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(erfi(sqrt(M[a]) * x))
                            else:  # M[a].is_negative or unknown
                                terms.add(erf(sqrt(-M[a]) * x))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2 + b * x + c)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                    sqrt(pi / 4 * (-M[a])) *
                                    exp(M[c] - M[b]**2 / (4 * M[a])) * erfi(
                                        sqrt(M[a]) * x + M[b] /
                                        (2 * sqrt(M[a]))))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                    sqrt(pi / 4 * (-M[a])) *
                                    exp(M[c] - M[b]**2 / (4 * M[a])) * erf(
                                        sqrt(-M[a]) * x - M[b] /
                                        (2 * sqrt(-M[a]))))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * log(x)**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                        sqrt(M[a]) * log(x) + 1 /
                                        (2 * sqrt(M[a]))))
                            if M[a].is_negative:
                                        sqrt(-M[a]) * log(x) - 1 /
                                        (2 * sqrt(-M[a]))))

                elif g.is_Pow:
                    if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q == 2:
                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 + b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(asinh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add(asin(sqrt(-M[a] / M[b]) * x))

                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 - b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(acosh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add((-M[b] / 2 * sqrt(-M[a]) * atan(
                                    sqrt(-M[a]) * x / sqrt(M[a] * x**2 - M[b]))

            terms |= set(hints)

    dcache = DiffCache(x)

    for g in set(terms):  # using copy of terms
        terms |= components(dcache.get_diff(g), x)

    # TODO: caching is significant factor for why permutations work at all. Change this.
    V = _symbols('x', len(terms))

    # sort mapping expressions from largest to smallest (last is always x).
    mapping = list(
                zip(*ordered(  #
                    [(a[0].as_independent(x)[1], a)
                     for a in zip(terms, V)])))[1]))  #
    rev_mapping = {v: k for k, v in mapping}  #
    if mappings is None:  #
        # optimizing the number of permutations of mapping              #
        assert mapping[-1][0] == x  # if not, find it and correct this comment
        unnecessary_permutations = [mapping.pop(-1)]
        mappings = permutations(mapping)
        unnecessary_permutations = unnecessary_permutations or []

    def _substitute(expr):
        return expr.subs(mapping)

    for mapping in mappings:
        mapping = list(mapping)
        mapping = mapping + unnecessary_permutations
        diffs = [_substitute(dcache.get_diff(g)) for g in terms]
        denoms = [g.as_numer_denom()[1] for g in diffs]
        if all(h.is_polynomial(*V)
               for h in denoms) and _substitute(f).is_rational_function(*V):
            denom = reduce(lambda p, q: lcm(p, q, *V), denoms)
        if not rewrite:
            result = heurisch(

            if result is not None:
                return indep * result
        return None

    numers = [cancel(denom * g) for g in diffs]

    def _derivation(h):
        return Add(*[d * h.diff(v) for d, v in zip(numers, V)])

    def _deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return _deflation(c) * gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_expr()

        return p

    def _splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()

                q = q.as_expr()

                h = gcd(q, _derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = _splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree() == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = _splitter(cancel(q / s))

                return (c_split[0] * q_split[0] * s, c_split[1] * q_split[1])

        return (S.One, p)

    special = {}

    for term in terms:
        if term.is_Function:
            if isinstance(term, tan):
                special[1 + _substitute(term)**2] = False
            elif isinstance(term, tanh):
                special[1 + _substitute(term)] = False
                special[1 - _substitute(term)] = False
            elif isinstance(term, LambertW):
                special[_substitute(term)] = True

    F = _substitute(f)

    P, Q = F.as_numer_denom()

    u_split = _splitter(denom)
    v_split = _splitter(Q)

    polys = set(list(v_split) + [u_split[0]] + list(special.keys()))

    s = u_split[0] * Mul(*[k for k, v in special.items() if v])
    polified = [p.as_poly(*V) for p in [s, P, Q]]

    if None in polified:
        return None

    #--- definitions for _integrate
    a, b, c = [p.total_degree() for p in polified]

    poly_denom = (s * v_split[0] * _deflation(v_split[1])).as_expr()

    def _exponent(g):
        if g.is_Pow:
            if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q != 1:
                if g.exp.p > 0:
                    return g.exp.p + g.exp.q - 1
                    return abs(g.exp.p + g.exp.q)
                return 1
        elif not g.is_Atom and g.args:
            return max([_exponent(h) for h in g.args])
            return 1

    A, B = _exponent(f), a + max(b, c)

    if A > 1 and B > 1:
        monoms = tuple(ordered(itermonomials(V, A + B - 1 + degree_offset)))
        monoms = tuple(ordered(itermonomials(V, A + B + degree_offset)))

    poly_coeffs = _symbols('A', len(monoms))

    poly_part = Add(
        *[poly_coeffs[i] * monomial for i, monomial in enumerate(monoms)])

    reducibles = set()

    for poly in polys:
        if poly.has(*V):
                factorization = factor(poly, greedy=True)
            except PolynomialError:
                factorization = poly

            if factorization.is_Mul:
                factors = factorization.args
                factors = (factorization, )

            for fact in factors:
                if fact.is_Pow:

    def _integrate(field=None):
        irreducibles = set()
        atans = set()
        pairs = set()

        for poly in reducibles:
            for z in poly.free_symbols:
                if z in V:
                    break  # should this be: `irreducibles |= \
            else:  # set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))`
                continue  # and the line below deleted?
                #               |
                #               V
            irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))

        log_part, atan_part = [], []

        for poly in list(irreducibles):
            m = collect(poly, I, evaluate=False)
            y = m.get(I, S.Zero)
            if y:
                x = m.get(S.One, S.Zero)
                if x.has(I) or y.has(I):
                    continue  # nontrivial x + I*y
                pairs.add((x, y))

        while pairs:
            x, y = pairs.pop()
            if (x, -y) in pairs:
                pairs.remove((x, -y))
                # Choosing b with no minus sign
                if y.could_extract_minus_sign():
                    y = -y
                irreducibles.add(x * x + y * y)
                atans.add(atan(x / y))
                irreducibles.add(x + I * y)

        B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))
        C = _symbols('C', len(atans))

        # Note: the ordering matters here
        for poly, b in reversed(list(zip(ordered(irreducibles), B))):
            if poly.has(*V):
                log_part.append(b * log(poly))

        for poly, c in reversed(list(zip(ordered(atans), C))):
            if poly.has(*V):
                atan_part.append(c * poly)

        # TODO: Currently it's better to use symbolic expressions here instead
        # of rational functions, because it's simpler and FracElement doesn't
        # give big speed improvement yet. This is because cancellation is slow
        # due to slow polynomial GCD algorithms. If this gets improved then
        # revise this code.
        candidate = poly_part / poly_denom + Add(*log_part) + Add(*atan_part)
        h = F - _derivation(candidate) / denom
        raw_numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0]

        # Rewrite raw_numer as a polynomial in K[coeffs][V] where K is a field
        # that we have to determine. We can't use simply atoms() because log(3),
        # sqrt(y) and similar expressions can appear, leading to non-trivial
        # domains.
        syms = set(poly_coeffs) | set(V)
        non_syms = set([])

        def find_non_syms(expr):
            if expr.is_Integer or expr.is_Rational:
                pass  # ignore trivial numbers
            elif expr in syms:
                pass  # ignore variables
            elif not expr.has(*syms):
            elif expr.is_Add or expr.is_Mul or expr.is_Pow:
                list(map(find_non_syms, expr.args))
                # TODO: Non-polynomial expression. This should have been
                # filtered out at an earlier stage.
                raise PolynomialError

        except PolynomialError:
            return None
            ground, _ = construct_domain(non_syms, field=True)

        coeff_ring = PolyRing(poly_coeffs, ground)
        ring = PolyRing(V, coeff_ring)
            numer = ring.from_expr(raw_numer)
        except ValueError:
            raise PolynomialError
        solution = solve_lin_sys(numer.coeffs(), coeff_ring, _raw=False)

        if solution is None:
            return None
            return candidate.subs(solution).subs(
                list(zip(poly_coeffs, [S.Zero] * len(poly_coeffs))))

    if not (F.free_symbols - set(V)):
        solution = _integrate('Q')

        if solution is None:
            solution = _integrate()
        solution = _integrate()

    if solution is not None:
        antideriv = solution.subs(rev_mapping)
        antideriv = cancel(antideriv).expand(force=True)

        if antideriv.is_Add:
            antideriv = antideriv.as_independent(x)[1]

        return indep * antideriv
        if retries >= 0:
            result = heurisch(
                retries=retries - 1,

            if result is not None:
                return indep * result

        return None
コード例 #26
ファイル: monomialtools.py プロジェクト: Jerryy/sympy
 def as_expr(self, *gens):
     """Convert a monomial instance to a SymPy expression. """
     return Mul(*[gen**exp for gen, exp in zip(gens, self.data)])
コード例 #27
def _postprocess_SymbolRemovesOtherSymbols(expr):
    args = tuple(i for i in expr.args if not isinstance(i, Symbol)
                 or isinstance(i, SymbolRemovesOtherSymbols))
    if args == expr.args:
        return expr
    return Mul.fromiter(args)
コード例 #28
    def _eval_product(self, term, limits):
        from sympy.concrete.delta import deltaproduct, _has_simple_delta
        from sympy.concrete.summations import summation
        from sympy.functions import KroneckerDelta, RisingFactorial

        (k, a, n) = limits

        if k not in term.free_symbols:
            if (term - 1).is_zero:
                return S.One
            return term**(n - a + 1)

        if a == n:
            return term.subs(k, a)

        if term.has(KroneckerDelta) and _has_simple_delta(term, limits[0]):
            return deltaproduct(term, limits)

        dif = n - a
        if dif.is_Integer:
            return Mul(*[term.subs(k, a + i) for i in range(dif + 1)])

        elif term.is_polynomial(k):
            poly = term.as_poly(k)

            A = B = Q = S.One

            all_roots = roots(poly)

            M = 0
            for r, m in all_roots.items():
                M += m
                A *= RisingFactorial(a - r, n - a + 1)**m
                Q *= (n - r)**m

            if M < poly.degree():
                arg = quo(poly, Q.as_poly(k))
                B = self.func(arg, (k, a, n)).doit()

            return poly.LC()**(n - a + 1) * A * B

        elif term.is_Add:
            factored = factor_terms(term, fraction=True)
            if factored.is_Mul:
                return self._eval_product(factored, (k, a, n))

        elif term.is_Mul:
            exclude, include = [], []

            for t in term.args:
                p = self._eval_product(t, (k, a, n))

                if p is not None:

            if not exclude:
                return None
                arg = term._new_rawargs(*include)
                A = Mul(*exclude)
                B = self.func(arg, (k, a, n)).doit()
                return A * B

        elif term.is_Pow:
            if not term.base.has(k):
                s = summation(term.exp, (k, a, n))

                return term.base**s
            elif not term.exp.has(k):
                p = self._eval_product(term.base, (k, a, n))

                if p is not None:
                    return p**term.exp

        elif isinstance(term, Product):
            evaluated = term.doit()
            f = self._eval_product(evaluated, limits)
            if f is None:
                return self.func(evaluated, limits)
                return f
コード例 #29
ファイル: exponential.py プロジェクト: sidhantnagpal/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy import logcombine
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2*coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit
                elif coeff.is_Rational:
                    ncoeff = coeff % 2 # restrict to [0, 2pi)
                    if ncoeff > 1: # restrict to (-pi, pi]
                        ncoeff -= 2
                    if ncoeff != coeff:
                        return cls(ncoeff*S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                term_ = logcombine(term)
                if isinstance(term_, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term_.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            argchanged = False
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
                    if newa.args[0] != a:
                        argchanged = True
            if out or argchanged:
                return Mul(*out)*cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()
コード例 #30
ファイル: intersection.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
def _(self, other):
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine

    # Only handle the straight-forward univariate case
    if (len(self.lamda.variables) > 1
            or self.lamda.signature != self.lamda.variables):
        return None
    base_set = self.base_sets[0]

    # Intersection between ImageSets with Integers as base set
    # For {f(n) : n in Integers} & {g(m) : m in Integers} we solve the
    # diophantine equations f(n)=g(m).
    # If the solutions for n are {h(t) : t in Integers} then we return
    # {f(h(t)) : t in integers}.
    # If the solutions for n are {n_1, n_2, ..., n_k} then we return
    # {f(n_i) : 1 <= i <= k}.
    if base_set is S.Integers:
        gm = None
        if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_sets == (S.Integers, ):
            gm = other.lamda.expr
            var = other.lamda.variables[0]
            # Symbol of second ImageSet lambda must be distinct from first
            m = Dummy('m')
            gm = gm.subs(var, m)
        elif other is S.Integers:
            m = gm = Dummy('m')
        if gm is not None:
            fn = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]
                solns = list(diophantine(fn - gm, syms=(n, m), permute=True))
            except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
                # TypeError if equation not polynomial with rational coeff.
                # NotImplementedError if correct format but no solver.
            # 3 cases are possible for solns:
            # - empty set,
            # - one or more parametric (infinite) solutions,
            # - a finite number of (non-parametric) solution couples.
            # Among those, there is one type of solution set that is
            # not helpful here: multiple parametric solutions.
            if len(solns) == 0:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif any(s.free_symbols for tupl in solns for s in tupl):
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    soln, solm = solns[0]
                    (t, ) = soln.free_symbols
                    expr = fn.subs(n, soln.subs(t, n)).expand()
                    return imageset(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
                return FiniteSet(*(fn.subs(n, s[0]) for s in solns))

    if other == S.Reals:
        from sympy.solvers.solvers import denoms, solve_linear

        def _solution_union(exprs, sym):
            # return a union of linear solutions to i in expr;
            # if i cannot be solved, use a ConditionSet for solution
            sols = []
            for i in exprs:
                x, xis = solve_linear(i, 0, [sym])
                if x == sym:
                    sols.append(ConditionSet(sym, Eq(i, 0)))
            return Union(*sols)

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]

        n_ = Dummy(n.name, real=True)
        f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

        re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
        im = expand_complex(im)

        re = re.subs(n_, n)
        im = im.subs(n_, n)
        ifree = im.free_symbols
        lam = Lambda(n, re)
        if im.is_zero:
            # allow re-evaluation
            # of self in this case to make
            # the result canonical
        elif im.is_zero is False:
            return S.EmptySet
        elif ifree != {n}:
            return None
            # univarite imaginary part in same variable;
            # use numer instead of as_numer_denom to keep
            # this as fast as possible while still handling
            # simple cases
            base_set &= _solution_union(Mul.make_args(numer(im)), n)
        # exclude values that make denominators 0
        base_set -= _solution_union(denoms(f), n)
        return imageset(lam, base_set)

    elif isinstance(other, Interval):
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import (invert_real, invert_complex,

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]
        new_inf, new_sup = None, None
        new_lopen, new_ropen = other.left_open, other.right_open

        if f.is_real:
            inverter = invert_real
            inverter = invert_complex

        g1, h1 = inverter(f, other.inf, n)
        g2, h2 = inverter(f, other.sup, n)

        if all(isinstance(i, FiniteSet) for i in (h1, h2)):
            if g1 == n:
                if len(h1) == 1:
                    new_inf = h1.args[0]
            if g2 == n:
                if len(h2) == 1:
                    new_sup = h2.args[0]
            # TODO: Design a technique to handle multiple-inverse
            # functions

            # Any of the new boundary values cannot be determined
            if any(i is None for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):

            range_set = S.EmptySet

            if all(i.is_real for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):
                # this assumes continuity of underlying function
                # however fixes the case when it is decreasing
                if new_inf > new_sup:
                    new_inf, new_sup = new_sup, new_inf
                new_interval = Interval(new_inf, new_sup, new_lopen, new_ropen)
                range_set = base_set.intersect(new_interval)
                if other.is_subset(S.Reals):
                    solutions = solveset(f, n, S.Reals)
                    if not isinstance(range_set, (ImageSet, ConditionSet)):
                        range_set = solutions.intersect(other)

            if range_set is S.EmptySet:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif isinstance(range_set,
                            Range) and range_set.size is not S.Infinity:
                range_set = FiniteSet(*list(range_set))

            if range_set is not None:
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f), range_set)
コード例 #31
 def as_base_exp(self):
     Returns the 2-tuple (base, exponent).
     return self.func(1), Mul(*self.args)
コード例 #32
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            if arg.is_number or arg.is_Symbol:
                coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
                if coeff:
                    if ask(Q.integer(2 * coeff)):
                        if ask(Q.even(coeff)):
                            return S.One
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff)):
                            return S.NegativeOne
                        elif ask(Q.even(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if isinstance(term, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
            if out:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()
コード例 #33
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: you13/sympy
def factor_nc(expr):
    """Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative


    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_nc
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
    (x + A)**2
    >>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
    (x + A)*(x + B)
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import powsimp
    from sympy.polys import gcd, factor

    def _pemexpand(expr):
        "Expand with the minimal set of hints necessary to check the result."
        return expr.expand(deep=True,

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
        return expr
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])

    expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
    if rep:
        return factor(expr).subs(rep)
        args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
        c = g = l = r = S.One
        hit = False
        # find any commutative gcd term
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
            elif a[0]:
                c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
                c = S.One
        if c is not S.One:
            hit = True
            c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
            if g is not S.One:
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc)) / g))
                    args[i][0] = cc
            for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                cc[0] = cc[0] / c
                args[i][0] = cc
        # find any noncommutative common prefix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        l = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][0] = il * args[i][1][0]
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            l = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = args[i][1][lenn:]
        # find any noncommutative common suffix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        r = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][-1] = args[i][1][-1] * il
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            r = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = a[1][:len(a[1]) - lenn]
        if hit:
            mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc) * Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
            mid = expr

        # sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
        # order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
        # a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
        # and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
        # latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
        rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
        unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
        new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
        new_mid = powsimp(factor(new_mid))

        new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)

        if new_mid.is_Pow:
            return _keep_coeff(c, g * l * new_mid * r)

        if new_mid.is_Mul:
            # XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
            # must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
            # checking permutations
            cfac = []
            ncfac = []
            for f in new_mid.args:
                if f.is_commutative:
                    b, e = f.as_base_exp()
                    if e.is_Integer:
                        ncfac.extend([b] * e)
            pre_mid = g * Mul(*cfac) * l
            target = _pemexpand(expr / c)
            for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
                ok = pre_mid * Mul(*s) * r
                if _pemexpand(ok) == target:
                    return _keep_coeff(c, ok)

        # mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
        return _keep_coeff(c, g * l * mid * r)
コード例 #34
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: you13/sympy
    def __init__(self, factors=None):  # Factors
        """Initialize Factors from dict or expr.


        >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> e = 2*x**3
        >>> Factors(e)
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> f = _
        >>> f.factors  # underlying dictionary
        {2: 1, x: 3}
        >>> f.gens  # base of each factor
        frozenset([2, x])
        >>> Factors(0)
        Factors({0: 1})
        >>> Factors(I)
        Factors({I: 1})


        Although a dictionary can be passed, only minimal checking is
        performed: powers of -1 and I are made canonical.

        if isinstance(factors, (SYMPY_INTS, float)):
            factors = S(factors)

        if isinstance(factors, Factors):
            factors = factors.factors.copy()
        elif factors is None or factors is S.One:
            factors = {}
        elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
            factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Number):
            n = factors
            factors = {}
            if n < 0:
                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                n = -n
            if n is not S.One:
                if n.is_Float or n.is_Integer or n is S.Infinity:
                    factors[n] = S.One
                elif n.is_Rational:
                    # since we're processing Numbers, the denominator is
                    # stored with a negative exponent; all other factors
                    # are left .
                    if n.p != 1:
                        factors[Integer(n.p)] = S.One
                    factors[Integer(n.q)] = S.NegativeOne
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Expected Float|Rational|Integer, not %s' % n)
        elif isinstance(factors, Basic) and not factors.args:
            factors = {factors: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
            c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
            i = c.count(I)
            for _ in range(i):
            factors = dict(Mul._from_args(c).as_powers_dict())
            if i:
                factors[I] = S.One * i
            if nc:
                factors[Mul(*nc, evaluate=False)] = S.One
            factors = factors.copy()  # /!\ should be dict-like

            # tidy up -/+1 and I exponents if Rational

            handle = []
            for k in factors:
                if k is I or k in (-1, 1):
            if handle:
                i1 = S.One
                for k in handle:
                    if not _isnumber(factors[k]):
                    i1 *= k**factors.pop(k)
                if i1 is not S.One:
                    for a in i1.args if i1.is_Mul else [
                    ]:  # at worst, -1.0*I*(-1)**e
                        if a is S.NegativeOne:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a is I:
                            factors[I] = S.One
                        elif a.is_Pow:
                            if S.NegativeOne not in factors:
                                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.Zero
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] += a.exp
                        elif a == 1:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a == -1:
                            factors[-a] = S.One
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                            raise ValueError('unexpected factor in i1: %s' % a)

        self.factors = factors
            self.gens = frozenset(factors.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
コード例 #35
ファイル: exponential.py プロジェクト: baoqchau/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            if arg.is_number or arg.is_Symbol:
                coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
                if coeff:
                    if ask(Q.integer(2*coeff)):
                        if ask(Q.even(coeff)):
                            return S.One
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff)):
                            return S.NegativeOne
                        elif ask(Q.even(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if isinstance(term, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
            if out:
                return Mul(*out)*cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif arg.is_Matrix:
            return arg.exp()
コード例 #36
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: you13/sympy
def _monotonic_sign(self):
    """Return the value closest to 0 that ``self`` may have if all symbols
    are signed and the result is uniformly the same sign for all values of symbols.
    If a symbol is only signed but not known to be an
    integer or the result is 0 then a symbol representative of the sign of self
    will be returned. Otherwise, None is returned if a) the sign could be positive
    or negative or b) self is not in one of the following forms:

    - L(x, y, ...) + A: a function linear in all symbols x, y, ... with an
      additive constant; if A is zero then the function can be a monomial whose
      sign is monotonic over the range of the variables, e.g. (x + 1)**3 if x is
    - A/L(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a function linear in all symbols x, y, ...
      that does not have a sign change from positive to negative for any set
      of values for the variables.
    - M(x, y, ...) + A: a monomial M whose factors are all signed and a constant, A.
    - A/M(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a monomial and constants A and B.
    - P(x): a univariate polynomial


    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import _monotonic_sign as F
    >>> from sympy import Dummy, S
    >>> nn = Dummy(integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    >>> p = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> p2 = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> F(nn + 1)
    >>> F(p - 1)
    >>> F(nn*p + 1)
    >>> F(p2*p + 1)
    >>> F(nn - 1)  # could be negative, zero or positive
    if not self.is_real:

    if (-self).is_Symbol:
        rv = _monotonic_sign(-self)
        return rv if rv is None else -rv

    if not self.is_Add and self.as_numer_denom()[1].is_number:
        s = self
        if s.is_prime:
            if s.is_odd:
                return S(3)
                return S(2)
        elif s.is_positive:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.One
                return _eps
        elif s.is_negative:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(-2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.NegativeOne
                return -_eps
        if s.is_zero or s.is_nonpositive or s.is_nonnegative:
            return S.Zero
        return None

    # univariate polynomial
    free = self.free_symbols
    if len(free) == 1:
        if self.is_polynomial():
            from sympy.polys.polytools import real_roots
            from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots
            from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
            x = free.pop()
            x0 = _monotonic_sign(x)
            if x0 == _eps or x0 == -_eps:
                x0 = S.Zero
            if x0 is not None:
                d = self.diff(x)
                if d.is_number:
                    roots = []
                        roots = real_roots(d)
                    except (PolynomialError, NotImplementedError):
                        roots = [r for r in roots(d, x) if r.is_real]
                y = self.subs(x, x0)
                if x.is_nonnegative and all(r <= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_positive else Dummy('pos',
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_negative else Dummy('neg',
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
                elif x.is_nonpositive and all(r >= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
            n, d = self.as_numer_denom()
            den = None
            if n.is_number:
                den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            elif not d.is_number:
                if _monotonic_sign(n) is not None:
                    den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            if den is not None and (den.is_positive or den.is_negative):
                v = n * den
                if v.is_positive:
                    return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                elif v.is_nonnegative:
                    return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                elif v.is_negative:
                    return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                elif v.is_nonpositive:
                    return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
        return None

    # multivariate
    c, a = self.as_coeff_Add()
    v = None
    if not a.is_polynomial():
        # F/A or A/F where A is a number and F is a signed, rational monomial
        n, d = a.as_numer_denom()
        if not (n.is_number or d.is_number):
        if (
                a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow) and \
                a.is_rational and \
                all(p.exp.is_Integer for p in a.atoms(Pow) if p.is_Pow) and \
                (a.is_positive or a.is_negative):
            v = S(1)
            for ai in Mul.make_args(a):
                if ai.is_number:
                    v *= ai
                reps = {}
                for x in ai.free_symbols:
                    reps[x] = _monotonic_sign(x)
                    if reps[x] is None:
                v *= ai.subs(reps)
    elif c:
        # signed linear expression
        if not any(p for p in a.atoms(Pow) if not p.is_number) and (
                a.is_nonpositive or a.is_nonnegative):
            free = list(a.free_symbols)
            p = {}
            for i in free:
                v = _monotonic_sign(i)
                if v is None:
                p[i] = v or (_eps if i.is_nonnegative else -_eps)
            v = a.xreplace(p)
    if v is not None:
        rv = v + c
        if v.is_nonnegative and rv.is_positive:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
        if v.is_nonpositive and rv.is_negative:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
コード例 #37
ファイル: mod.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than or equal q.

            if q == S.Zero:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero")
            if p.is_infinite or q.is_infinite or p is nan or q is nan:
                return nan
            if p == S.Zero or p == q or p == -q or (p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if q.is_Number:
                if p.is_Number:
                    return p%q
                if q == 2:
                    if p.is_even:
                        return S.Zero
                    elif p.is_odd:
                        return S.One

            if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'):
                rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q)
                if rv is not None:
                    return rv

            # by ratio
            r = p/q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if isinstance(d, integer_types):
                    rv = p - d*q
                    if (rv*q < 0) == True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by difference
            # -2|q| < p < 2|q|
            d = abs(p)
            for _ in range(2):
                d -= abs(q)
                if d.is_negative:
                    if q.is_positive:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d + q
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d
                    elif q.is_negative:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d + q

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if isinstance(p, cls):
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(p.args[0], q)
            elif (qinner*(q - qinner)).is_nonnegative:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(-p, cls):
            qinner = (-p).args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(-(-p).args[0], q)
            elif (qinner*(q + qinner)).is_nonpositive:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(p, Add):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)
            # if q same for all
            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                net = Add(*non_mod_l) + Add(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                return cls(net, q)

        elif isinstance(p, Mul):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)

            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                # finding distributive term
                non_mod_l = [cls(x, q) for x in non_mod_l]
                mod = []
                non_mod = []
                for j in non_mod_l:
                    if isinstance(j, cls):
                prod_mod = Mul(*mod)
                prod_non_mod = Mul(*non_mod)
                prod_mod1 = Mul(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                net = prod_mod1*prod_mod
                return prod_non_mod*cls(net, q)

            if q.is_Integer and q is not S.One:
                _ = []
                for i in non_mod_l:
                    if i.is_Integer and (i % q is not S.Zero):
                non_mod_l = _

            p = Mul(*(non_mod_l + mod_l))

        # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G != 1:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)]
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp/cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp*p
                q = cq*q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv*G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0]*p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
コード例 #38
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: you13/sympy
def gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive=False, clear=True, fraction=True):
    """Compute the GCD of ``terms`` and put them together.

    ``terms`` can be an expression or a non-Basic sequence of expressions
    which will be handled as though they are terms from a sum.

    If ``isprimitive`` is True the _gcd_terms will not run the primitive
    method on the terms.

    ``clear`` controls the removal of integers from the denominator of an Add
    expression. When True (default), all numerical denominator will be cleared;
    when False the denominators will be cleared only if all terms had numerical
    denominators other than 1.

    ``fraction``, when True (default), will put the expression over a common


    >>> from sympy.core import gcd_terms
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> gcd_terms((x + 1)**2*y + (x + 1)*y**2)
    y*(x + 1)*(x + y + 1)
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1)
    (x + 2)/2
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=False)
    x/2 + 1
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + y/2, clear=False)
    (x + y)/2
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x)
    (x**2 + 2)/(2*x)
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x, fraction=False)
    (x + 2/x)/2
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2 + 1/x, fraction=False, clear=False)
    x/2 + 1/x

    >>> gcd_terms(x/2/y + 1/x/y)
    (x**2 + 2)/(2*x*y)
    >>> gcd_terms(x/2/y + 1/x/y, fraction=False, clear=False)
    (x + 2/x)/(2*y)

    The ``clear`` flag was ignored in this case because the returned
    expression was a rational expression, not a simple sum.

    See Also
    factor_terms, sympy.polys.polytools.terms_gcd

    def mask(terms):
        """replace nc portions of each term with a unique Dummy symbols
        and return the replacements to restore them"""
        args = [(a, []) if a.is_commutative else a.args_cnc() for a in terms]
        reps = []
        for i, (c, nc) in enumerate(args):
            if nc:
                nc = Mul._from_args(nc)
                d = Dummy()
                reps.append((d, nc))
                args[i] = Mul._from_args(c)
                args[i] = c
        return args, dict(reps)

    isadd = isinstance(terms, Add)
    addlike = isadd or not isinstance(terms, Basic) and \
        is_sequence(terms, include=set) and \
        not isinstance(terms, Dict)

    if addlike:
        if isadd:  # i.e. an Add
            terms = list(terms.args)
            terms = sympify(terms)
        terms, reps = mask(terms)
        cont, numer, denom = _gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive, fraction)
        numer = numer.xreplace(reps)
        coeff, factors = cont.as_coeff_Mul()
        return _keep_coeff(coeff, factors * numer / denom, clear=clear)

    if not isinstance(terms, Basic):
        return terms

    if terms.is_Atom:
        return terms

    if terms.is_Mul:
        c, args = terms.as_coeff_mul()
        return _keep_coeff(
            Mul(*[gcd_terms(i, isprimitive, clear, fraction) for i in args]),

    def handle(a):
        # don't treat internal args like terms of an Add
        if not isinstance(a, Expr):
            if isinstance(a, Basic):
                return a.func(*[handle(i) for i in a.args])
            return type(a)([handle(i) for i in a])
        return gcd_terms(a, isprimitive, clear, fraction)

    if isinstance(terms, Dict):
        return Dict(*[(k, handle(v)) for k, v in terms.args])
    return terms.func(*[handle(i) for i in terms.args])
コード例 #39
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than q.

            if p == q or p == -q or p.is_Pow and p.exp.is_Integer and p.base == q:
                return S.Zero

            if p.is_Number and q.is_Number:
                return (p % q)

            # by ratio
            r = p/q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d*q
                    if (rv*q < 0) is True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by differencec
            d = p - q
            if d.is_negative:
                if q.is_negative:
                    return d
                elif q.is_positive:
                    return p

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            # easy
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner == q:
                return p
            # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G is not S.One:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)]
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp/cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp*p
                q = cq*q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv*G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0]*p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
コード例 #40
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than or equal q.

            if q == S.Zero:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero")
            if p.is_infinite or q.is_infinite or p is nan or q is nan:
                return nan
            if p == S.Zero or p == q or p == -q or (p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if q.is_Number:
                if p.is_Number:
                    return (p % q)
                if q == 2:
                    if p.is_even:
                        return S.Zero
                    elif p.is_odd:
                        return S.One

            if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'):
                rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q)
                if rv is not None:
                    return rv

            # by ratio
            r = p / q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d * q
                    if (rv * q < 0) == True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by difference
            # -2|q| < p < 2|q|
            d = abs(p)
            for _ in range(2):
                d -= abs(q)
                if d.is_negative:
                    if q.is_positive:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d + q
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d
                    elif q.is_negative:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d + q

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(p.args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q - qinner)).is_nonnegative:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign
                return p
        elif (-p).func is cls:
            qinner = (-p).args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(-(-p).args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q + qinner)).is_nonpositive:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign
                return p
        # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G != 1:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i / G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp / cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp * p
                q = cq * q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv * G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0] * p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G * cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
コード例 #41
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: B-Rich/sympy
    def __init__(self, factors=None):  # Factors
        """Initialize Factors from dict or expr.


        >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> e = 2*x**3
        >>> Factors(e)
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> f = _
        >>> f.factors  # underlying dictionary
        {2: 1, x: 3}
        >>> f.gens  # base of each factor
        frozenset([2, x])
        >>> Factors(0)
        Factors({0: 1})
        >>> Factors(I)
        Factors({I: 1})


        Although a dictionary can be passed, only minimal checking is
        performed: powers of -1 and I are made canonical.

        if isinstance(factors, (SYMPY_INTS, float)):
            factors = S(factors)

        if isinstance(factors, Factors):
            factors = factors.factors.copy()
        elif factors is None or factors is S.One:
            factors = {}
        elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
            factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Number):
            n = factors
            factors = {}
            if n < 0:
                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                n = -n
            if n is not S.One:
                if n.is_Float or n.is_Integer or n is S.Infinity:
                    factors[n] = S.One
                elif n.is_Rational:
                    # since we're processing Numbers, the denominator is
                    # stored with a negative exponent; all other factors
                    # are left .
                    if n.p != 1:
                        factors[Integer(n.p)] = S.One
                    factors[Integer(n.q)] = S.NegativeOne
                    raise ValueError('Expected Float|Rational|Integer, not %s' % n)
        elif isinstance(factors, Basic) and not factors.args:
            factors = {factors: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
            c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
            i = c.count(I)
            for _ in range(i):
            factors = dict(Mul._from_args(c).as_powers_dict())
            if i:
                factors[I] = S.One*i
            if nc:
                factors[Mul(*nc, evaluate=False)] = S.One
            factors = factors.copy()  # /!\ should be dict-like

            # tidy up -/+1 and I exponents if Rational

            handle = []
            for k in factors:
                if k is I or k in (-1, 1):
            if handle:
                i1 = S.One
                for k in handle:
                    if not _isnumber(factors[k]):
                    i1 *= k**factors.pop(k)
                if i1 is not S.One:
                    for a in i1.args if i1.is_Mul else [i1]:  # at worst, -1.0*I*(-1)**e
                        if a is S.NegativeOne:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a is I:
                            factors[I] = S.One
                        elif a.is_Pow:
                            if S.NegativeOne not in factors:
                                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.Zero
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] += a.exp
                        elif a == 1:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a == -1:
                            factors[-a] = S.One
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                            raise ValueError('unexpected factor in i1: %s' % a)

        self.factors = factors
            self.gens = frozenset(factors.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
コード例 #42
ファイル: risch.py プロジェクト: devs1991/test_edx_docmode
def heurisch(f, x, **kwargs):
    """Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm.

       This is a heuristic approach to indefinite integration in finite
       terms using the extended heuristic (parallel) Risch algorithm, based
       on Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator".

       The algorithm supports various classes of functions including
       transcendental elementary or special functions like Airy,
       Bessel, Whittaker and Lambert.

       Note that this algorithm is not a decision procedure. If it isn't
       able to compute the antiderivative for a given function, then this is
       not a proof that such a functions does not exist.  One should use
       recursive Risch algorithm in such case.  It's an open question if
       this algorithm can be made a full decision procedure.

       This is an internal integrator procedure. You should use toplevel
       'integrate' function in most cases,  as this procedure needs some
       preprocessing steps and otherwise may fail.


         heurisch(f, x, rewrite=False, hints=None)

             f : expression
             x : symbol

             rewrite -> force rewrite 'f' in terms of 'tan' and 'tanh'
             hints   -> a list of functions that may appear in anti-derivate

              - hints = None          --> no suggestions at all
              - hints = [ ]           --> try to figure out
              - hints = [f1, ..., fn] --> we know better


       >>> from sympy import tan
       >>> from sympy.integrals.risch import heurisch
       >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

       >>> heurisch(y*tan(x), x)
       y*log(tan(x)**2 + 1)/2

       See Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator":

       [1] http://www-sop.inria.fr/cafe/Manuel.Bronstein/pmint/index.html

       For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:

       [2] K. Geddes, L. Stefanus, On the Risch-Norman Integration
           Method and its Implementation in Maple, Proceedings of
           ISSAC'89, ACM Press, 212-217.

       [3] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (I),
           Proceedings of EUROCAM'82, LNCS 144, Springer, 144-157.

       [4] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (III):
           Use of Tangents, SIGSAM Bulletin 16 (1982), 3-6.

       [5] J. H. Davenport, B. M. Trager, On the Parallel Risch
           Algorithm (II), ACM Transactions on Mathematical
           Software 11 (1985), 356-362.

    f = sympify(f)

    if not f.is_Add:
        indep, f = f.as_independent(x)
        indep = S.One

    if not f.has(x):
        return indep * f * x

    rewritables = {
        (sin, cos, cot): tan,
        (sinh, cosh, coth): tanh,

    rewrite = kwargs.pop('rewrite', False)

    if rewrite:
        for candidates, rule in rewritables.iteritems():
            f = f.rewrite(candidates, rule)
        for candidates in rewritables.iterkeys():
            if f.has(*candidates):
            rewrite = True

    terms = components(f, x)

    hints = kwargs.get('hints', None)

    if hints is not None:
        if not hints:
            a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])
            b = Wild('b', exclude=[x])
            c = Wild('c', exclude=[x])

            for g in set(terms):
                if g.is_Function:
                    if g.func is exp:
                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            terms.add(erf(sqrt(-M[a]) * x))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2 + b * x + c)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(sqrt(pi/4*(-M[a]))*exp(M[c]-M[b]**2/(4*M[a]))* \
                                          erf(-sqrt(-M[a])*x + M[b]/(2*sqrt(-M[a]))))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add(sqrt(pi/4*(-M[a]))*exp(M[c]-M[b]**2/(4*M[a]))* \
                                          erf(sqrt(-M[a])*x - M[b]/(2*sqrt(-M[a]))))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * log(x)**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(-I * erf(I *
                                                   (sqrt(M[a]) * log(x) + 1 /
                                                    (2 * sqrt(M[a])))))
                            if M[a].is_negative:
                                        sqrt(-M[a]) * log(x) - 1 /
                                        (2 * sqrt(-M[a]))))

                elif g.is_Pow:
                    if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q == 2:
                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 + b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(asinh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add(asin(sqrt(-M[a] / M[b]) * x))

                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 - b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(acosh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:

            terms |= set(hints)

    for g in set(terms):
        terms |= components(cancel(g.diff(x)), x)

    V = _symbols('x', len(terms))

    mapping = dict(zip(terms, V))

    rev_mapping = {}

    for k, v in mapping.iteritems():
        rev_mapping[v] = k

    def substitute(expr):
        return expr.subs(mapping)

    diffs = [substitute(cancel(g.diff(x))) for g in terms]

    denoms = [g.as_numer_denom()[1] for g in diffs]
        denom = reduce(lambda p, q: lcm(p, q, *V), denoms)
    except PolynomialError:
        # lcm can fail with this. See issue 1418.
        return None

    numers = [cancel(denom * g) for g in diffs]

    def derivation(h):
        return Add(*[d * h.diff(v) for d, v in zip(numers, V)])

    def deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return deflation(c) * gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_expr()
            return p

    def splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()

                q = q.as_expr()

                h = gcd(q, derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree() == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = splitter(cancel(q / s))

                return (c_split[0] * q_split[0] * s, c_split[1] * q_split[1])
            return (S.One, p)

    special = {}

    for term in terms:
        if term.is_Function:
            if term.func is tan:
                special[1 + substitute(term)**2] = False
            elif term.func is tanh:
                special[1 + substitute(term)] = False
                special[1 - substitute(term)] = False
            elif term.func is C.LambertW:
                special[substitute(term)] = True

    F = substitute(f)

    P, Q = F.as_numer_denom()

    u_split = splitter(denom)
    v_split = splitter(Q)

    polys = list(v_split) + [u_split[0]] + special.keys()

    s = u_split[0] * Mul(*[k for k, v in special.iteritems() if v])
    polified = [p.as_poly(*V) for p in [s, P, Q]]
    if None in polified:
    a, b, c = [p.total_degree() for p in polified]

    poly_denom = (s * v_split[0] * deflation(v_split[1])).as_expr()

    def exponent(g):
        if g.is_Pow:
            if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q != 1:
                if g.exp.p > 0:
                    return g.exp.p + g.exp.q - 1
                    return abs(g.exp.p + g.exp.q)
                return 1
        elif not g.is_Atom:
            return max([exponent(h) for h in g.args])
            return 1

    A, B = exponent(f), a + max(b, c)

    if A > 1 and B > 1:
        monoms = monomials(V, A + B - 1)
        monoms = monomials(V, A + B)

    poly_coeffs = _symbols('A', len(monoms))

    poly_part = Add(
        *[poly_coeffs[i] * monomial for i, monomial in enumerate(monoms)])

    reducibles = set()

    for poly in polys:
        if poly.has(*V):
                factorization = factor(poly, greedy=True)
            except PolynomialError:
                factorization = poly
            factorization = poly

            if factorization.is_Mul:
                reducibles |= set(factorization.args)

    def integrate(field=None):
        irreducibles = set()

        for poly in reducibles:
            for z in poly.atoms(Symbol):
                if z in V:

            irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))

        log_coeffs, log_part = [], []
        B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))

        for i, poly in enumerate(irreducibles):
            if poly.has(*V):
                log_part.append(log_coeffs[-1] * log(poly))

        coeffs = poly_coeffs + log_coeffs

        candidate = poly_part / poly_denom + Add(*log_part)

        h = F - derivation(candidate) / denom

        numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0].expand(force=True)

        equations = {}

        for term in Add.make_args(numer):
            coeff, dependent = term.as_independent(*V)

            if dependent in equations:
                equations[dependent] += coeff
                equations[dependent] = coeff

        solution = solve(equations.values(), *coeffs)

        if solution is not None:
            return (solution, candidate, coeffs)
            return None

    if not (F.atoms(Symbol) - set(V)):
        result = integrate('Q')

        if result is None:
            result = integrate()
        result = integrate()

    if result is not None:
        (solution, candidate, coeffs) = result

        antideriv = candidate.subs(solution)

        for coeff in coeffs:
            if coeff not in solution:
                antideriv = antideriv.subs(coeff, S.Zero)

        antideriv = antideriv.subs(rev_mapping)
        antideriv = cancel(antideriv).expand(force=True)

        if antideriv.is_Add:
            antideriv = antideriv.as_independent(x)[1]

        return indep * antideriv
        if not rewrite:
            result = heurisch(f, x, rewrite=True, **kwargs)

            if result is not None:
                return indep * result

        return None
コード例 #43
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: FireJade/sympy
def factor_nc(expr):
    """Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative

    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_nc
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
    (x + A)**2
    >>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
    (x + A)*(x + B)
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    from sympy.polys import gcd, factor

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
        return expr
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])

    expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
    if rep:
        return factor(expr).subs(rep)
        args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
        c = g = l = r = S.One
        hit = False
        # find any commutative gcd term
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
            elif a[0]:
                c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
                c = S.One
        if c is not S.One:
            hit = True
            c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
            if g is not S.One:
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc))/g))
                    args[i][0] = cc
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc[0] = cc[0]/c
                    args[i][0] = cc
        # find any noncommutative common prefix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        l = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][0] = il*args[i][1][0]
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            l = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = args[i][1][lenn:]
        # find any noncommutative common suffix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        r = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][-1] = args[i][1][-1]*il
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            r = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = a[1][:len(a[1]) - lenn]
        if hit:
            mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc)*Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
            mid = expr

        # sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
        # order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
        # a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
        # and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
        # latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
        rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
        unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
        new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
        new_mid = factor(new_mid)

        new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)

        if new_mid.is_Pow:
            return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*new_mid*r)

        if new_mid.is_Mul:
            # XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
            # must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
            # checking permutations
            cfac = []
            ncfac = []
            for f in new_mid.args:
                if f.is_commutative:
                    b, e = f.as_base_exp()
                    assert e.is_Integer
            pre_mid = g*Mul(*cfac)*l
            target = _mexpand(expr/c)
            for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
                ok = pre_mid*Mul(*s)*r
                if _mexpand(ok) == target:
                    return _keep_coeff(c, ok)

        # mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
        return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*mid*r)
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_subs.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_2arg_hack():
    N = Symbol('N', commutative=False)
    ans = Mul(2, y + 1, evaluate=False)
    assert (2 * x * (y + 1)).subs(x, 1, hack2=True) == ans
    assert (2 * (y + 1 + N)).subs(N, 0, hack2=True) == ans
コード例 #45
ファイル: exponential.py プロジェクト: AALEKH/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            Ioo = S.ImaginaryUnit*S.Infinity
            if arg in [Ioo, -Ioo]:
                return S.NaN

            coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2*coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if term.func is log:
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if newa.func is cls:
            if out:
                return Mul(*out)*cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif arg.is_Matrix:
            from sympy import Matrix
            return arg.exp()
コード例 #46
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively. If cubic
    roots are real but are expressed in terms of complex numbers
    (casus irreducibilis [1]) the ``trig`` flag can be set to True to
    have the solutions returned in terms of cosine and inverse cosine

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a list containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True; the list will
    have identical roots appearing next to each other in the result.
    (For a given Poly, the all_roots method will give the roots in
    sorted numerical order.)


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Trigonometric_.28and_hyperbolic.29_method

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    trig = flags.pop('trig', False)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
            if f.length == 2 and f.degree() != 1:
                # check for foo**n factors in the constant
                n = f.degree()
                npow_bases = []
                others = []
                expr = f.as_expr()
                con = expr.as_independent(*gens)[0]
                for p in Mul.make_args(con):
                    if p.is_Pow and not p.exp % n:
                        npow_bases.append(p.base**(p.exp / n))
                    if npow_bases:
                        b = Mul(*npow_bases)
                        B = Dummy()
                        d = roots(
                            Poly(expr - con + B**n * Mul(*others), *gens,
                                 **flags), *gens, **flags)
                        rv = {}
                        for k, v in d.items():
                            rv[k.subs(B, b)] = v
                        return rv

        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, currentroot, k):
        if currentroot in result:
            result[currentroot] += k
            result[currentroot] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for currentroot in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for currentfactor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for currentroot in previous:
                g = currentfactor - Poly(currentroot, f.gen)

                for currentroot in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S.Zero] * f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f, trig=trig)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    (k, ), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S.Zero: k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().is_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        dom = f.get_domain()
        if not dom.is_Exact and dom.is_Numerical:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            result[roots_linear(f)[0]] = 1
        elif f.length() == 2:
            roots_fun = roots_quadratic if f.degree() == 2 else roots_binomial
            for r in roots_fun(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()
            if len(factors) == 1 and f.degree() == 2:
                for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                    _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                    if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                        res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                        if res:
                            if res[0] is None:
                                translate_x, f = res[2:]
                                rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                            result = roots(f)
                            if not result:
                                for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                                    _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                            for r in _try_heuristics(f):
                                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                        for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                            _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                    for currentfactor, k in factors:
                        for r in _try_heuristics(
                                Poly(currentfactor, f.gen, field=True)):
                            _update_dict(result, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for currentroot, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff * currentroot] = k

    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: all(a.is_real for a in r.as_numer_denom()),
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k * rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    # adding zero roots after non-trivial roots have been translated

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero in ordered(result):
            zeros.extend([zero] * result[zero])

        return zeros
コード例 #47
ファイル: polyroots.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively. If cubic
    roots are real but are expressed in terms of complex numbers
    (casus irreducibilis [1]) the ``trig`` flag can be set to True to
    have the solutions returned in terms of cosine and inverse cosine

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a list containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True; the list will
    have identical roots appearing next to each other in the result.
    (For a given Poly, the all_roots method will give the roots in
    sorted numerical order.)


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Trigonometric_.28and_hyperbolic.29_method

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    trig = flags.pop('trig', False)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
            if f.length == 2 and f.degree() != 1:
                # check for foo**n factors in the constant
                n = f.degree()
                npow_bases = []
                others = []
                expr = f.as_expr()
                con = expr.as_independent(*gens)[0]
                for p in Mul.make_args(con):
                    if p.is_Pow and not p.exp % n:
                    if npow_bases:
                        b = Mul(*npow_bases)
                        B = Dummy()
                        d = roots(Poly(expr - con + B**n*Mul(*others), *gens,
                            **flags), *gens, **flags)
                        rv = {}
                        for k, v in d.items():
                            rv[k.subs(B, b)] = v
                        return rv

        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, currentroot, k):
        if currentroot in result:
            result[currentroot] += k
            result[currentroot] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for currentroot in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for currentfactor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for currentroot in previous:
                g = currentfactor - Poly(currentroot, f.gen)

                for currentroot in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S(0)]*f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f, trig=trig)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    (k,), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S(0): k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().is_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        dom = f.get_domain()
        if not dom.is_Exact and dom.is_Numerical:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            result[roots_linear(f)[0]] = 1
        elif f.length() == 2:
            roots_fun = roots_quadratic if f.degree() == 2 else roots_binomial
            for r in roots_fun(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()
            if len(factors) == 1 and f.degree() == 2:
                for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                    _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                    if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                        res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                        if res:
                            if res[0] is None:
                                translate_x, f = res[2:]
                                rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                            result = roots(f)
                            if not result:
                                for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                                    _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                            for r in _try_heuristics(f):
                                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                        for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                            _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                    for currentfactor, k in factors:
                        for r in _try_heuristics(Poly(currentfactor, f.gen, field=True)):
                            _update_dict(result, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for currentroot, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff*currentroot] = k


    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: r.is_real,
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k*rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero in ordered(result):

        return zeros
コード例 #48
ファイル: exprtools.py プロジェクト: MichaelMayorov/sympy
def factor_terms(expr, radical=False, clear=False):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutatives) is performed.

    If radical=True then a radical common to all terms will be factored
    out of any Add sub-expressions of the expr.

    If clear=False (default) then coefficients will not be separated
    from a single Add if they can be distributed to leave one or more
    terms with integer coefficients.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol, Mul, primitive
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)

    When clear is False, a fraction will only appear factored out of an
    Add expression if all terms of the Add have coefficients that are

    >>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=False)
    x/2 + 1
    >>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=True)
    (x + 2)/2

    This only applies when there is a single Add that the coefficient

    >>> factor_terms(x*y/2 + y, clear=True)
    y*(x + 2)/2
    >>> factor_terms(x*y/2 + y, clear=False) == _


    expr = sympify(expr)
    is_iterable = iterable(expr)

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        if is_iterable:
            return type(expr)([factor_terms(i, radical=radical, clear=clear) for i in expr])
        return expr

    if expr.is_Pow or expr.is_Function or is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
        args = expr.args
        newargs = tuple([factor_terms(i, radical=radical, clear=clear) for i in args])
        if newargs == args:
            return expr
        return expr.func(*newargs)

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)
    list_args, nc = zip(*[ai.args_cnc() for ai in Add.make_args(p)])
    list_args = list(list_args)
    nc = [((Dummy(), Mul._from_args(i)) if i else None) for i in nc]
    ncreps = dict([i for i in nc if i is not None])
    for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
        if nc[i] is not None:
        a = Mul._from_args(a) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
        list_args[i] = gcd_terms(a, isprimitive=True, clear=clear)
        # cancel terms that may not have cancelled
    p = Add._from_args(list_args) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    p = gcd_terms(p, isprimitive=True, clear=clear).xreplace(ncreps)
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p, clear=clear)