コード例 #1
ファイル: ellipse.py プロジェクト: robotment/sympy
    def _do_ellipse_intersection(self, o):
        """The intersection of two ellipses.

        Private helper method for `intersection`.

        seq = self.equation()
        variables = self.equation().atoms(C.Symbol)
        if len(variables) > 2:
            return None
        x, y = variables
        oeq = o.equation(x=x, y=y)
        # until the following line works...
        # result = solve([seq, oeq], [x, y])
        # return [Point(*r) for r in result if im(r[0]).is_zero and im(r[1]).is_zero]
        # we do this:
        if self.center[0] == o.center[0] or self.center[1] == o.center[1]:
            result = solve_poly_system([seq, oeq], x, y)
            return [
                Point(*r) for r in result
                if im(r[0]).is_zero and im(r[1]).is_zero

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Off-axis Ellipse intersection not supported.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_complexes.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_as_real_imag():
    n = pi**1000
    # the special code for working out the real
    # and complex parts of a power with Integer exponent
    # should not run if there is no imaginary part, hence
    # this should not hang
    assert n.as_real_imag() == (n, 0)

    # issue 6261
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sqrt(x).as_real_imag() == \
        ((re(x)**2 + im(x)**2)**Rational(1, 4)*cos(atan2(im(x), re(x))/2),
     (re(x)**2 + im(x)**2)**Rational(1, 4)*sin(atan2(im(x), re(x))/2))

    # issue 3853
    a, b = symbols('a,b', real=True)
    assert ((1 + sqrt(a + b*I))/2).as_real_imag() == \
               (a**2 + b**2)**Rational(
                   1, 4)*cos(atan2(b, a)/2)/2 + S.Half,
               (a**2 + b**2)**Rational(1, 4)*sin(atan2(b, a)/2)/2)

    assert sqrt(a**2).as_real_imag() == (sqrt(a**2), 0)
    i = symbols('i', imaginary=True)
    assert sqrt(i**2).as_real_imag() == (0, abs(i))

    assert ((1 + I) / (1 - I)).as_real_imag() == (0, 1)
    assert ((1 + I)**3 / (1 - I)).as_real_imag() == (-2, 0)
コード例 #3
    def eval(cls, arg, H0=None):
        Returns a simplified form or a value of Heaviside depending on the
        argument passed by the Heaviside object.

        The ``eval()`` method is automatically called when the ``Heaviside`` class
        is about to be instantiated and it returns either some simplified instance
        or the unevaluated instance depending on the argument passed. In other words,
        ``eval()`` method is not needed to be called explicitly, it is being called
        and evaluated once the object is called.


        >>> from sympy import Heaviside, S
        >>> from sympy.abc import x

        >>> Heaviside(x)

        >>> Heaviside(19)

        >>> Heaviside(0)

        >>> Heaviside(0, 1)

        >>> Heaviside(-5)

        >>> Heaviside(S.NaN)

        >>> Heaviside(x).eval(100)

        >>> Heaviside(x - 100).subs(x, 5)

        >>> Heaviside(x - 100).subs(x, 105)

        H0 = sympify(H0)
        arg = sympify(arg)
        if arg.is_negative:
            return S.Zero
        elif arg.is_positive:
            return S.One
        elif arg.is_zero:
            return H0
        elif arg is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN
        elif fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
            raise ValueError(
                "Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ."
                % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_f_expand_complex():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)

    assert f(x).expand(complex=True) == I*im(f(x)) + re(f(x))
    assert exp(x).expand(complex=True) == exp(x)
    assert exp(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cos(x) + I*sin(x)
    assert exp(z).expand(complex=True) == cos(im(z))*exp(re(z)) + \
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_refine.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_complex():
    assert refine(re(1/(x + I*y)), Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)) == \
        x/(x**2 + y**2)
    assert refine(im(1/(x + I*y)), Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)) == \
        -y/(x**2 + y**2)
    assert refine(re((w + I*x) * (y + I*z)), Q.real(w) & Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)
        & Q.real(z)) == w*y - x*z
    assert refine(im((w + I*x) * (y + I*z)), Q.real(w) & Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)
        & Q.real(z)) == w*z + x*y
コード例 #6
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import im
        v = cls._eval_number(arg)
        if v is not None:
            return v

        if arg.is_integer or arg.is_finite is False:
            return arg
        if arg.is_imaginary or (S.ImaginaryUnit*arg).is_real:
            i = im(arg)
            if not i.has(S.ImaginaryUnit):
                return cls(i)*S.ImaginaryUnit
            return cls(arg, evaluate=False)

        # Integral, numerical, symbolic part
        ipart = npart = spart = S.Zero

        # Extract integral (or complex integral) terms
        terms = Add.make_args(arg)

        for t in terms:
            if t.is_integer or (t.is_imaginary and im(t).is_integer):
                ipart += t
            elif t.has(Symbol):
                spart += t
                npart += t

        if not (npart or spart):
            return ipart

        # Evaluate npart numerically if independent of spart
        if npart and (
            not spart or
            npart.is_real and (spart.is_imaginary or (S.ImaginaryUnit*spart).is_real) or
                npart.is_imaginary and spart.is_real):
                r, i = get_integer_part(
                    npart, cls._dir, {}, return_ints=True)
                ipart += Integer(r) + Integer(i)*S.ImaginaryUnit
                npart = S.Zero
            except (PrecisionExhausted, NotImplementedError):

        spart += npart
        if not spart:
            return ipart
        elif spart.is_imaginary or (S.ImaginaryUnit*spart).is_real:
            return ipart + cls(im(spart), evaluate=False)*S.ImaginaryUnit
        elif isinstance(spart, (floor, ceiling)):
            return ipart + spart
            return ipart + cls(spart, evaluate=False)
コード例 #7
ファイル: ellipse.py プロジェクト: tomtwohats/sympy
    def _do_ellipse_intersection(self, o):
        """The intersection of two ellipses.

        Private helper method for `intersection`.

        x = Dummy('x')
        y = Dummy('y')
        seq = self.equation(x, y)
        oeq = o.equation(x, y)
        result = solve([seq, oeq], [x, y])
        return [Point(*r) for r in result if im(r[0]).is_zero is not False and im(r[1]).is_zero is not False]
コード例 #8
ファイル: ellipse.py プロジェクト: Narsil/sympy
    def _do_ellipse_intersection(self, o):
        """The intersection of two ellipses.

        Private helper method for `intersection`.

        x = Dummy("x")
        y = Dummy("y")
        seq = self.equation(x, y)
        oeq = o.equation(x, y)
        result = solve([seq, oeq], [x, y])
        return [Point(*r) for r in result if im(r[0]).is_zero and im(r[1]).is_zero]
コード例 #9
ファイル: delta_functions.py プロジェクト: vasdommes/sympy
 def eval(cls, arg):
     arg = sympify(arg)
     if arg is S.NaN:
         return S.NaN
     elif fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
         raise ValueError(
             "Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ."
             % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)))
     elif arg.is_negative:
         return S.Zero
     elif arg.is_positive:
         return S.One
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_diff.py プロジェクト: PWJ1900/Rlearncirq
def test_diff_no_eval_derivative():
    class My(Expr):
        def __new__(cls, x):
            return Expr.__new__(cls, x)

    # My doesn't have its own _eval_derivative method
    assert My(x).diff(x).func is Derivative
    assert My(x).diff(x, 3).func is Derivative
    assert re(x).diff(x, 2) == Derivative(re(x), (x, 2))  # issue 15518
    assert diff(NDimArray([re(x), im(x)]), (x, 2)) == NDimArray(
        [Derivative(re(x), (x, 2)), Derivative(im(x), (x, 2))])
    # it doesn't have y so it shouldn't need a method for this case
    assert My(x).diff(y) == 0
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_complexes.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_derivatives_issue_4757():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', imaginary=True)
    f = Function('f')
    assert re(f(x)).diff(x) == re(f(x).diff(x))
    assert im(f(x)).diff(x) == im(f(x).diff(x))
    assert re(f(y)).diff(y) == -I * im(f(y).diff(y))
    assert im(f(y)).diff(y) == -I * re(f(y).diff(y))
    assert Abs(f(x)).diff(x).subs(f(x), 1 + I * x).doit() == x / sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert arg(f(x)).diff(x).subs(f(x),
                                  1 + I * x**2).doit() == 2 * x / (1 + x**4)
    assert Abs(f(y)).diff(y).subs(f(y), 1 + y).doit() == -y / sqrt(1 - y**2)
    assert arg(f(y)).diff(y).subs(f(y), I + y**2).doit() == 2 * y / (1 + y**4)
コード例 #12
ファイル: exponential.py プロジェクト: jhonsnow456/sympy
 def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
     """ Careful! any evalf of polar numbers is flaky """
     i = im(self.args[0])
         bad = (i <= -pi or i > pi)
     except TypeError:
         bad = True
     if bad:
         return self  # cannot evalf for this argument
     res = exp(self.args[0])._eval_evalf(prec)
     if i > 0 and im(res) < 0:
         # i ~ pi, but exp(I*i) evaluated to argument slightly bigger than pi
         return re(res)
     return res
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_complexes.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_zero_assumptions():
    nr = Symbol('nonreal', real=False, finite=True)
    ni = Symbol('nonimaginary', imaginary=False)
    # imaginary implies not zero
    nzni = Symbol('nonzerononimaginary', zero=False, imaginary=False)

    assert re(nr).is_zero is None
    assert im(nr).is_zero is False

    assert re(ni).is_zero is None
    assert im(ni).is_zero is None

    assert re(nzni).is_zero is False
    assert im(nzni).is_zero is None
コード例 #14
    def eval(cls, nu, z):
        if z.is_zero:
            if nu.is_zero:
                return S.Infinity
            elif re(nu).is_zero == False:
                return S.ComplexInfinity
            elif re(nu).is_zero:
                return S.NaN
        if z.is_imaginary:
            if im(z) is S.Infinity or im(z) is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero

        if nu.is_integer:
            if nu.could_extract_minus_sign():
                return besselk(-nu, z)
コード例 #15
ファイル: bessel.py プロジェクト: LuckyStrikes1090/sympy
    def eval(cls, nu, z):
        if z.is_zero:
            if nu.is_zero:
                return S.Infinity
            elif re(nu).is_zero is False:
                return S.ComplexInfinity
            elif re(nu).is_zero:
                return S.NaN
        if z.is_imaginary:
            if im(z) is S.Infinity or im(z) is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero

        if nu.is_integer:
            if nu.could_extract_minus_sign():
                return besselk(-nu, z)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_refine.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_sign():
    x = Symbol('x', real = True)
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.positive(x)) == 1
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.negative(x)) == -1
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.zero(x)) == 0
    assert refine(sign(x), True) == sign(x)
    assert refine(sign(Abs(x)), Q.nonzero(x)) == 1

    x = Symbol('x', imaginary=True)
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.positive(im(x))) == S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.negative(im(x))) == -S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert refine(sign(x), True) == sign(x)

    x = Symbol('x', complex=True)
    assert refine(sign(x), Q.zero(x)) == 0
コード例 #17
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if iterable(args[0]):
            if isinstance(args[0], Point) and not evaluate:
                return args[0]
            args = args[0]

        # unpack the arguments into a friendly Tuple
        # if we were already a Point, we're doing an excess
        # iteration, but we'll worry about efficiency later
        coords = Tuple(*args)
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates not permitted.')

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(
                dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                      for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
        if len(coords) == 2:
            return Point2D(coords, **kwargs)
        if len(coords) == 3:
            return Point3D(coords, **kwargs)

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
コード例 #18
def test_evalf_with_zoo():
    assert (1 / x).evalf(subs={x: 0}) == zoo  # issue 8242
    assert (-1 / x).evalf(subs={x: 0}) == zoo  # PR 16150
    assert (0**x).evalf(subs={x: -1}) == zoo  # PR 16150
    assert (0**x).evalf(subs={x: -1 + I}) == nan
    assert Mul(2, Pow(0, -1, evaluate=False),
               evaluate=False).evalf() == zoo  # issue 21147
    assert Mul(x, 1 / x, evaluate=False).evalf(subs={x: 0}) == Mul(
        x, 1 / x, evaluate=False).subs(x, 0) == nan
    assert Mul(1 / x, 1 / x, evaluate=False).evalf(subs={x: 0}) == zoo
    assert Mul(1 / x, Abs(1 / x), evaluate=False).evalf(subs={x: 0}) == zoo
    assert Abs(zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == oo
    assert re(zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == nan
    assert im(zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == nan
    assert Add(zoo, zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == nan
    assert Add(oo, zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == nan
    assert Pow(zoo, -1, evaluate=False).evalf() == 0
    assert Pow(zoo, Rational(-1, 3), evaluate=False).evalf() == 0
    assert Pow(zoo, Rational(1, 3), evaluate=False).evalf() == zoo
    assert Pow(zoo, S.Half, evaluate=False).evalf() == zoo
    assert Pow(zoo, 2, evaluate=False).evalf() == zoo
    assert Pow(0, zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == nan
    assert log(zoo, evaluate=False).evalf() == zoo
    assert zoo.evalf(chop=True) == zoo
    assert x.evalf(subs={x: zoo}) == zoo
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_solveset.py プロジェクト: pabloferz/sympy
def test_solve_trig():
    from sympy.abc import n

    assert solveset_real(sin(x), x) == Union(
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * pi * n), S.Integers), imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * pi * n + pi), S.Integers)

    assert solveset_real(sin(x) - 1, x) == imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * pi * n + pi / 2), S.Integers)

    assert solveset_real(cos(x), x) == Union(
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * pi * n - pi / 2), S.Integers), imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * pi * n + pi / 2), S.Integers)

    assert solveset_real(sin(x) + cos(x), x) == Union(
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * n * pi - pi / 4), S.Integers), imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * n * pi + 3 * pi / 4), S.Integers)

    assert solveset_real(sin(x) ** 2 + cos(x) ** 2, x) == S.EmptySet

    assert solveset_complex(cos(x) - S.Half, x) == Union(
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * n * pi + pi / 3), S.Integers), imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * n * pi - pi / 3), S.Integers)

    y, a = symbols("y,a")
    assert solveset(sin(y + a) - sin(y), a, domain=S.Reals) == Union(
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2 * n * pi), S.Integers),
        imageset(Lambda(n, -I * (I * (2 * n * pi + arg(-exp(-2 * I * y))) + 2 * im(y))), S.Integers),
コード例 #20
def test_solve_sqrt_3():
    R = Symbol("R")
    eq = sqrt(2) * R * sqrt(1 / (R + 1)) + (R + 1) * (sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 / (R + 1)) - 1)
    sol = solveset_complex(eq, R)

    assert sol == FiniteSet(
            S(5) / 3 + 4 * sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3,
            -sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
            + 40 * re(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) * (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9) ** (S(1) / 3))) / 9
            + sqrt(30) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
            + S(5) / 3
            + I
            * (
                -sqrt(30) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
                - sqrt(10) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
                + 40 * im(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) * (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9) ** (S(1) / 3))) / 9

    # the number of real roots will depend on the value of m: for m=1 there are 4
    # and for m=-1 there are none.
    eq = -sqrt((m - q) ** 2 + (-m / (2 * q) + S(1) / 2) ** 2) + sqrt(
        (-m ** 2 / 2 - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4) ** 2
        + (m ** 2 / 2 - m - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4) ** 2
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: solveset_real(eq, q))
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_solveset.py プロジェクト: pabloferz/sympy
def test_issue_9778():
    assert solveset(x ** 3 + 1, x, S.Reals) == FiniteSet(-1)
    assert solveset(x ** (S(3) / 5) + 1, x, S.Reals) == S.EmptySet
    assert solveset(x ** 3 + y, x, S.Reals) == Intersection(
        Interval(-oo, oo),
        FiniteSet((-y) ** (S(1) / 3) * Piecewise((1, Ne(-im(y), 0)), ((-1) ** (S(2) / 3), -y < 0), (1, True))),
コード例 #22
ファイル: point.py プロジェクト: peterstangl/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if iterable(args[0]):
            if isinstance(args[0], Point) and not evaluate:
                return args[0]
            args = args[0]

        # unpack the arguments into a friendly Tuple
        # if we were already a Point, we're doing an excess
        # iteration, but we'll worry about efficiency later
        coords = Tuple(*args)
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates not permitted.')

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
        if len(coords) == 2:
            return Point2D(coords, **kwargs)
        if len(coords) == 3:
            return Point3D(coords, **kwargs)

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
コード例 #23
ファイル: dense.py プロジェクト: chaffra/sympy
    def as_real_imag(self):
        """Returns a tuple of the real part of the input Matrix
           and it's imaginary part.

           >>> from sympy import Matrix, I
           >>> A = Matrix([[1+2*I, 3], [4+7*I, 5]])
           >>> A.as_real_imag()
           [1, 3],
           [4, 5]]), Matrix([
           [2, 0],
           [7, 0]]))
           >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, w
           >>> B = Matrix([[x, y + x * I], [z + w * I, z]])
           >>> B.as_real_imag()
           [        re(x), re(y) - im(x)],
           [re(z) - im(w),         re(z)]]), Matrix([
           [        im(x), re(x) + im(y)],
           [re(w) + im(z),         im(z)]]))

        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
        real_mat = self._new(self.rows, self.cols, lambda i, j: re(self[i, j]))
        im_mat = self._new(self.rows, self.cols, lambda i, j: im(self[i, j]))

        return (real_mat, im_mat)
コード例 #24
def test_solve_sqrt_3():
    R = Symbol('R')
    eq = sqrt(2) * R * sqrt(1 /
                            (R + 1)) + (R + 1) * (sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 /
                                                                 (R + 1)) - 1)
    sol = solveset_complex(eq, R)

    assert sol == FiniteSet(*[
        S(5) / 3 + 4 * sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) /
        3, -sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 +
        40 * re(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) *
                     (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9)**(S(1) / 3))) / 9 +
        sqrt(30) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 + S(5) / 3 + I *
        (-sqrt(30) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 -
         sqrt(10) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 + 40 * im(1 / (
             (-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) *
             (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9)**(S(1) / 3))) / 9)

    # the number of real roots will depend on the value of m: for m=1 there are 4
    # and for m=-1 there are none.
    eq = -sqrt((m - q)**2 + (-m / (2 * q) + S(1) / 2)**2) + sqrt(
        (-m**2 / 2 - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4)**2 +
        (m**2 / 2 - m - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 -
         S(1) / 4)**2)
    unsolved_object = ConditionSet(
        Eq((-2 * sqrt(4 * q**2 * (m - q)**2 + (-m + q)**2) + sqrt(
            (-2 * m**2 - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) - 1)**2 +
            (2 * m**2 - 4 * m - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) - 1)**2)
            * Abs(q)) / Abs(q), 0), S.Reals)
    assert solveset_real(eq, q) == unsolved_object
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_solveset.py プロジェクト: z-campbell/sympy
def test_solve_sqrt_3():
    R = Symbol('R')
    eq = sqrt(2) * R * sqrt(1 /
                            (R + 1)) + (R + 1) * (sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 /
                                                                 (R + 1)) - 1)
    sol = solveset_complex(eq, R)

    assert sol == FiniteSet(*[
        S(5) / 3 + 4 * sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) /
        3, -sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 +
        40 * re(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) *
                     (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9)**(S(1) / 3))) / 9 +
        sqrt(30) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 + S(5) / 3 + I *
        (-sqrt(30) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 -
         sqrt(10) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3 + 40 * im(1 / (
             (-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) *
             (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9)**(S(1) / 3))) / 9)

    # the number of real roots will depend on the value of m: for m=1 there are 4
    # and for m=-1 there are none.
    eq = -sqrt((m - q)**2 + (-m / (2 * q) + S(1) / 2)**2) + sqrt(
        (-m**2 / 2 - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4)**2 +
        (m**2 / 2 - m - sqrt(4 * m**4 - 4 * m**2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 -
         S(1) / 4)**2)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: solveset_real(eq, q))
コード例 #26
ファイル: integers.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.calculus.accumulationbounds import AccumBounds

        def _eval(arg):
            if arg in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
                return AccumBounds(0, 1)
            if arg.is_integer:
                return S.Zero
            if arg.is_number:
                if arg is S.NaN:
                    return S.NaN
                elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
                    return S.NaN
                    return arg - floor(arg)
            return cls(arg, evaluate=False)

        terms = Add.make_args(arg)
        real, imag = S.Zero, S.Zero
        for t in terms:
            # Two checks are needed for complex arguments
            # see issue-7649 for details
            if t.is_imaginary or (S.ImaginaryUnit * t).is_real:
                i = im(t)
                if not i.has(S.ImaginaryUnit):
                    imag += i
                    real += t
                real += t

        real = _eval(real)
        imag = _eval(imag)
        return real + S.ImaginaryUnit * imag
コード例 #27
ファイル: dense.py プロジェクト: zhengcheng233/sympy
    def as_real_imag(self):
        """Returns a tuple of the real part of the input Matrix
           and it's imaginary part.

           >>> from sympy import Matrix, I
           >>> A = Matrix([[1+2*I, 3], [4+7*I, 5]])
           >>> A.as_real_imag()
           [1, 3],
           [4, 5]]), Matrix([
           [2, 0],
           [7, 0]]))
           >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, w
           >>> B = Matrix([[x, y + x * I], [z + w * I, z]])
           >>> B.as_real_imag()
           [        re(x), re(y) - im(x)],
           [re(z) - im(w),         re(z)]]), Matrix([
           [        im(x), re(x) + im(y)],
           [re(w) + im(z),         im(z)]]))

        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
        real_mat = self._new(self.rows, self.cols, lambda i, j: re(self[i, j]))
        im_mat = self._new(self.rows, self.cols, lambda i, j: im(self[i, j]))

        return (real_mat, im_mat)
コード例 #28
def real_root(arg, n=None, evaluate=None):
    """Return the real *n*'th-root of *arg* if possible.


    n : int or None, optional
        If *n* is ``None``, then all instances of
        ``(-n)**(1/odd)`` will be changed to ``-n**(1/odd)``.
        This will only create a real root of a principal root.
        The presence of other factors may cause the result to not be

    evaluate : bool, optional
        The parameter determines if the expression should be evaluated.
        If ``None``, its value is taken from


    >>> from sympy import root, real_root

    >>> real_root(-8, 3)
    >>> root(-8, 3)
    >>> real_root(_)

    If one creates a non-principal root and applies real_root, the
    result will not be real (so use with caution):

    >>> root(-8, 3, 2)
    >>> real_root(_)

    See Also

    root, sqrt
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs, im, sign
    from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
    if n is not None:
        return Piecewise((root(arg, n, evaluate=evaluate),
                          Or(Eq(n, S.One), Eq(n, S.NegativeOne))),
                              root(Abs(arg), n, evaluate=evaluate),
                          And(Eq(im(arg), S.Zero), Eq(Mod(n, 2), S.One))),
                         (root(arg, n, evaluate=evaluate), True))
    rv = sympify(arg)
    n1pow = Transform(
        lambda x: -(-x.base)**x.exp, lambda x: x.is_Pow and x.base.is_negative
        and x.exp.is_Rational and x.exp.p == 1 and x.exp.q % 2)
    return rv.xreplace(n1pow)
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_ode.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_noncircularized_real_imaginary_parts():
    # If this passes, lines numbered 3878-3882 (at the time of this commit)
    # of sympy/solvers/ode.py for nth_linear_constant_coeff_homogeneous
    # should be removed.
    y = sqrt(1+x)
    i, r = im(y), re(y)
    assert not (i.has(atan2) and r.has(atan2))
コード例 #30
def test_quaternion_complex_real_addition():
    a = symbols("a", complex=True)
    b = symbols("b", real=True)
    # This symbol is not complex:
    c = symbols("c", commutative=False)

    q = Quaternion(w, x, y, z)
    assert a + q == Quaternion(w + re(a), x + im(a), y, z)
    assert 1 + q == Quaternion(1 + w, x, y, z)
    assert I + q == Quaternion(w, 1 + x, y, z)
    assert b + q == Quaternion(w + b, x, y, z)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: c + q)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: q * c)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: c * q)

    assert -q == Quaternion(-w, -x, -y, -z)

    q1 = Quaternion(3 + 4*I, 2 + 5*I, 0, 7 + 8*I, real_field = False)
    q2 = Quaternion(1, 4, 7, 8)

    assert q1 + (2 + 3*I) == Quaternion(5 + 7*I, 2 + 5*I, 0, 7 + 8*I)
    assert q2 + (2 + 3*I) == Quaternion(3, 7, 7, 8)
    assert q1 * (2 + 3*I) == \
    Quaternion((2 + 3*I)*(3 + 4*I), (2 + 3*I)*(2 + 5*I), 0, (2 + 3*I)*(7 + 8*I))
    assert q2 * (2 + 3*I) == Quaternion(-10, 11, 38, -5)

    q1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
    q0 = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert q1 + q0 == q1
    assert q1 - q0 == q1
    assert q1 - q1 == q0
コード例 #31
def test_solve_trig():
    from sympy.abc import n
    assert solveset_real(sin(x), x) == \
        Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*pi*n), S.Integers),
              imageset(Lambda(n, 2*pi*n + pi), S.Integers))

    assert solveset_real(sin(x) - 1, x) == \
        imageset(Lambda(n, 2*pi*n + pi/2), S.Integers)

    assert solveset_real(cos(x), x) == \
        Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*pi*n - pi/2), S.Integers),
              imageset(Lambda(n, 2*pi*n + pi/2), S.Integers))

    assert solveset_real(sin(x) + cos(x), x) == \
        Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - pi/4), S.Integers),
              imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + 3*pi/4), S.Integers))

    assert solveset_real(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2, x) == S.EmptySet

    assert solveset_complex(cos(x) - S.Half, x) == \
        Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + pi/3), S.Integers),
              imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - pi/3), S.Integers))

    y, a = symbols('y,a')
    assert solveset(sin(y + a) - sin(y), a, domain=S.Reals) == \
        Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi), S.Integers),
        -I*(I*(2*n*pi +arg(-exp(-2*I*y))) + 2*im(y))), S.Integers))
コード例 #32
ファイル: delta_functions.py プロジェクト: sixpearls/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg, k=0):
        Returns a simplified form or a value of DiracDelta depending on the
        argument passed by the DiracDelta object.

        The ``eval()`` method is automatically called when the ``DiracDelta`` class
        is about to be instantiated and it returns either some simplified instance
        or the unevaluated instance depending on the argument passed. In other words,
        ``eval()`` method is not needed to be called explicitly, it is being called
        and evaluated once the object is called.


        >>> from sympy import DiracDelta, S, Subs
        >>> from sympy.abc import x

        >>> DiracDelta(x)

        >>> DiracDelta(x,1)
        DiracDelta(x, 1)

        >>> DiracDelta(1)

        >>> DiracDelta(5,1)

        >>> DiracDelta(0)

        >>> DiracDelta(-1)

        >>> DiracDelta(S.NaN)

        >>> DiracDelta(x).eval(1)

        >>> DiracDelta(x - 100).subs(x, 5)

        >>> DiracDelta(x - 100).subs(x, 100)

        k = sympify(k)
        if not k.is_Integer or k.is_negative:
            raise ValueError("Error: the second argument of DiracDelta must be \
            a non-negative integer, %s given instead." % (k,))
        arg = sympify(arg)
        if arg is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN
        if arg.is_nonzero:
            return S.Zero
        if fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
            raise ValueError("Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ." % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)) )
コード例 #33
ファイル: delta_functions.py プロジェクト: Shekharrajak/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg, k=0):
        Returns a simplified form or a value of DiracDelta depending on the
        argument passed by the DiracDelta object.

        The ``eval()`` method is automatically called when the ``DiracDelta`` class
        is about to be instantiated and it returns either some simplified instance
        or the unevaluated instance depending on the argument passed. In other words,
        ``eval()`` method is not needed to be called explicitly, it is being called
        and evaluated once the object is called.


        >>> from sympy import DiracDelta, S, Subs
        >>> from sympy.abc import x

        >>> DiracDelta(x)

        >>> DiracDelta(x,1)
        DiracDelta(x, 1)

        >>> DiracDelta(1)

        >>> DiracDelta(5,1)

        >>> DiracDelta(0)

        >>> DiracDelta(-1)

        >>> DiracDelta(S.NaN)

        >>> DiracDelta(x).eval(1)

        >>> DiracDelta(x - 100).subs(x, 5)

        >>> DiracDelta(x - 100).subs(x, 100)

        k = sympify(k)
        if not k.is_Integer or k.is_negative:
            raise ValueError("Error: the second argument of DiracDelta must be \
            a non-negative integer, %s given instead." % (k,))
        arg = sympify(arg)
        if arg is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN
        if arg.is_positive or arg.is_negative:
            return S.Zero
        if fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
            raise ValueError("Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ." % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)) )
コード例 #34
ファイル: blockmatrix.py プロジェクト: Daaofer/sympyTest
    def as_real_imag(self):
        real_matrices = [re(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks]
        real_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], real_matrices)

        im_matrices = [im(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks]
        im_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], im_matrices)

        return (real_matrices, im_matrices)
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_evalf_default():
    from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import polygamma
    assert type(sin(4.0)) == Float
    assert type(re(sin(I + 1.0))) == Float
    assert type(im(sin(I + 1.0))) == Float
    assert type(sin(4)) == sin
    assert type(polygamma(2.0, 4.0)) == Float
    assert type(sin(Rational(1, 4))) == sin
コード例 #36
ファイル: blockmatrix.py プロジェクト: cklb/sympy
    def as_real_imag(self):
        real_matrices = [re(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks]
        real_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], real_matrices)

        im_matrices = [im(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks]
        im_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], im_matrices)

        return (real_matrices, im_matrices)
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_refine.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def test_im():
    assert refine(im(x), Q.imaginary(x)) == -I*x
    assert refine(im(x), Q.real(x)) is S.Zero
    assert refine(im(x+y), Q.imaginary(x) & Q.imaginary(y)) == -I*x - I*y
    assert refine(im(x+y), Q.real(x) & Q.imaginary(y)) == -I*y
    assert refine(im(x*y), Q.imaginary(x) & Q.real(y)) == -I*x*y
    assert refine(im(x*y), Q.imaginary(x) & Q.imaginary(y)) == 0
    assert refine(im(1/x), Q.imaginary(x)) == -I/x
    assert refine(im(x*y*z), Q.imaginary(x) & Q.imaginary(y)
        & Q.imaginary(z)) == -I*x*y*z
コード例 #38
ファイル: delta_functions.py プロジェクト: sixpearls/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg, H0=None):
        Returns a simplified form or a value of Heaviside depending on the
        argument passed by the Heaviside object.

        The ``eval()`` method is automatically called when the ``Heaviside`` class
        is about to be instantiated and it returns either some simplified instance
        or the unevaluated instance depending on the argument passed. In other words,
        ``eval()`` method is not needed to be called explicitly, it is being called
        and evaluated once the object is called.


        >>> from sympy import Heaviside, S
        >>> from sympy.abc import x

        >>> Heaviside(x)

        >>> Heaviside(19)

        >>> Heaviside(0)

        >>> Heaviside(0, 1)

        >>> Heaviside(-5)

        >>> Heaviside(S.NaN)

        >>> Heaviside(x).eval(100)

        >>> Heaviside(x - 100).subs(x, 5)

        >>> Heaviside(x - 100).subs(x, 105)

        H0 = sympify(H0)
        arg = sympify(arg)
        if arg.is_negative:
            return S.Zero
        elif arg.is_positive:
            return S.One
        elif arg.is_zero:
            return H0
        elif arg is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN
        elif fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
            raise ValueError("Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ." % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)) )
コード例 #39
def test_erfi():
    assert erfi(nan) is nan

    assert erfi(oo) is S.Infinity
    assert erfi(-oo) is S.NegativeInfinity

    assert erfi(0) is S.Zero

    assert erfi(I*oo) == I
    assert erfi(-I*oo) == -I

    assert erfi(-x) == -erfi(x)

    assert erfi(I*erfinv(x)) == I*x
    assert erfi(I*erfcinv(x)) == I*(1 - x)
    assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x)) == I*x
    assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x, evaluate=False)) == I*x # To cover code in erfi

    assert erfi(I).is_real is False
    assert erfi(0, evaluate=False).is_real
    assert erfi(0, evaluate=False).is_zero

    assert conjugate(erfi(z)) == erfi(conjugate(z))

    assert erfi(x).as_leading_term(x) == 2*x/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(x*y).as_leading_term(y) == 2*x*y/sqrt(pi)
    assert (erfi(x*y)/erfi(y)).as_leading_term(y) == x
    assert erfi(1/x).as_leading_term(x) == erfi(1/x)

    assert erfi(z).rewrite('erf') == -I*erf(I*z)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('erfc') == I*erfc(I*z) - I
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnels') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('hyper') == 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('meijerg') == z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], -z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == (sqrt(-z**2)/z*(uppergamma(S.Half,
        -z**2)/sqrt(S.Pi) - S.One))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('expint') == sqrt(-z**2)/z - z*expint(S.Half, -z**2)/sqrt(S.Pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('tractable') == -I*(-_erfs(I*z)*exp(z**2) + 1)
    assert expand_func(erfi(I*z)) == I*erf(z)

    assert erfi(x).as_real_imag() == \
        (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)
    assert erfi(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \
        (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)

    assert erfi(w).as_real_imag() == (erfi(w), 0)
    assert erfi(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erfi(w), 0)

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfi(x).fdiff(2))
コード例 #40
ファイル: ellipse.py プロジェクト: pyc111/sympy
    def _do_ellipse_intersection(self, o):
        Find the intersection of two ellipses.
        seq = self.equation()
        variables = self.equation().atoms(C.Symbol)
        if len(variables) > 2:
            return None
        x, y = variables
        oeq = o.equation(x=x, y=y)
        # until the following line works...
        # result = solve([seq, oeq], [x, y])
        # return [Point(*r) for r in result if im(r[0]).is_zero and im(r[1]).is_zero]
        # we do this:
        if self.center[0] == o.center[0] or self.center[1] == o.center[1]:
            result = solve_poly_system([seq, oeq], x, y)
            return [Point(*r) for r in result if im(r[0]).is_zero and im(r[1]).is_zero]

        raise NotImplementedError("Off-axis Ellipse intersection not supported.")
コード例 #41
 def eval(cls, arg):
     arg = sympify(arg)
     if arg is S.NaN:
         return S.NaN
     elif fuzzy_not(im(arg).is_zero):
         raise ValueError("Function defined only for Real Values. Complex part: %s  found in %s ." % (repr(im(arg)), repr(arg)) )
     elif arg.is_negative:
         return S.Zero
     elif arg.is_positive:
         return S.One
コード例 #42
ファイル: quaternion.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
    def add(self, other):
        """Adds quaternions.


        other : Quaternion
            The quaternion to add to current (self) quaternion.


            The resultant quaternion after adding self to other


        >>> from sympy import Quaternion
        >>> from sympy import symbols
        >>> q1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
        >>> q2 = Quaternion(5, 6, 7, 8)
        >>> q1.add(q2)
        6 + 8*i + 10*j + 12*k
        >>> q1 + 5
        6 + 2*i + 3*j + 4*k
        >>> x = symbols('x', real = True)
        >>> q1.add(x)
        (x + 1) + 2*i + 3*j + 4*k

        Quaternions over complex fields :

        >>> from sympy import Quaternion
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> q3 = Quaternion(3 + 4*I, 2 + 5*I, 0, 7 + 8*I, real_field = False)
        >>> q3.add(2 + 3*I)
        (5 + 7*I) + (2 + 5*I)*i + 0*j + (7 + 8*I)*k

        q1 = self
        q2 = sympify(other)

        # If q2 is a number or a SymPy expression instead of a quaternion
        if not isinstance(q2, Quaternion):
            if q1.real_field and q2.is_complex:
                return Quaternion(re(q2) + q1.a, im(q2) + q1.b, q1.c, q1.d)
            elif q2.is_commutative:
                return Quaternion(q1.a + q2, q1.b, q1.c, q1.d)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Only commutative expressions can be added with a Quaternion."

        return Quaternion(q1.a + q2.a, q1.b + q2.b, q1.c + q2.c, q1.d + q2.d)
コード例 #43
ファイル: sparse.py プロジェクト: chaffra/sympy
    def as_real_imag(self):
        """Returns tuple containing (real , imaginary) part of sparse matrix"""
        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
        real_smat = self.copy()
        im_smat = self.copy()

        for key, value in self._smat.items():
            real_smat._smat[key] = re(value)
            im_smat._smat[key] = im(value)

        return (real_smat, im_smat)
コード例 #44
ファイル: miscellaneous.py プロジェクト: asmeurer/sympy
def real_root(arg, n=None, evaluate=None):
    """Return the real nth-root of arg if possible. If n is omitted then
    all instances of (-n)**(1/odd) will be changed to -n**(1/odd); this
    will only create a real root of a principal root -- the presence of
    other factors may cause the result to not be real.

    The parameter evaluate determines if the expression should be evaluated.
    If None, its value is taken from global_evaluate.


    >>> from sympy import root, real_root, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, n

    >>> real_root(-8, 3)
    >>> root(-8, 3)
    >>> real_root(_)

    If one creates a non-principal root and applies real_root, the
    result will not be real (so use with caution):

    >>> root(-8, 3, 2)
    >>> real_root(_)

    See Also

    root, sqrt
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs, im, sign
    from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
    if n is not None:
        return Piecewise(
            (root(arg, n, evaluate=evaluate), Or(Eq(n, S.One), Eq(n, S.NegativeOne))),
            (Mul(sign(arg), root(Abs(arg), n, evaluate=evaluate), evaluate=evaluate),
            And(Eq(im(arg), S.Zero), Eq(Mod(n, 2), S.One))),
            (root(arg, n, evaluate=evaluate), True))
    rv = sympify(arg)
    n1pow = Transform(lambda x: -(-x.base)**x.exp,
                      lambda x:
                      x.is_Pow and
                      x.base.is_negative and
                      x.exp.is_Rational and
                      x.exp.p == 1 and x.exp.q % 2)
    return rv.xreplace(n1pow)
コード例 #45
ファイル: bessel.py プロジェクト: LuckyStrikes1090/sympy
    def eval(cls, nu, z):
        if z.is_zero:
            if nu.is_zero:
                return S.One
            elif (nu.is_integer and nu.is_zero is False) or re(nu).is_positive:
                return S.Zero
            elif re(nu).is_negative and not (nu.is_integer is True):
                return S.ComplexInfinity
            elif nu.is_imaginary:
                return S.NaN
        if z.is_imaginary:
            if im(z) is S.Infinity or im(z) is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero

        if z.could_extract_minus_sign():
            return (z) ** nu * (-z) ** (-nu) * besseli(nu, -z)
        if nu.is_integer:
            if nu.could_extract_minus_sign():
                return besseli(-nu, z)
            newz = z.extract_multiplicatively(I)
            if newz:  # NOTE we don't want to change the function if z==0
                return I ** (-nu) * besselj(nu, -newz)

        # branch handling:
        from sympy import unpolarify, exp

        if nu.is_integer:
            newz = unpolarify(z)
            if newz != z:
                return besseli(nu, newz)
            newz, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
            if n != 0:
                return exp(2 * n * pi * nu * I) * besseli(nu, newz)
        nnu = unpolarify(nu)
        if nu != nnu:
            return besseli(nnu, z)
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_solveset.py プロジェクト: pabloferz/sympy
def test_solve_sqrt_3():
    R = Symbol("R")
    eq = sqrt(2) * R * sqrt(1 / (R + 1)) + (R + 1) * (sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 / (R + 1)) - 1)
    sol = solveset_complex(eq, R)

    assert sol == FiniteSet(
            S(5) / 3 + 4 * sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3,
            -sqrt(10) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
            + 40 * re(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) * (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9) ** (S(1) / 3))) / 9
            + sqrt(30) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
            + S(5) / 3
            + I
            * (
                -sqrt(30) * cos(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
                - sqrt(10) * sin(atan(3 * sqrt(111) / 251) / 3) / 3
                + 40 * im(1 / ((-S(1) / 2 - sqrt(3) * I / 2) * (S(251) / 27 + sqrt(111) * I / 9) ** (S(1) / 3))) / 9

    # the number of real roots will depend on the value of m: for m=1 there are 4
    # and for m=-1 there are none.
    eq = -sqrt((m - q) ** 2 + (-m / (2 * q) + S(1) / 2) ** 2) + sqrt(
        (-m ** 2 / 2 - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4) ** 2
        + (m ** 2 / 2 - m - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) / 4 - S(1) / 4) ** 2
    unsolved_object = ConditionSet(
                -2 * sqrt(4 * q ** 2 * (m - q) ** 2 + (-m + q) ** 2)
                + sqrt(
                    (-2 * m ** 2 - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) - 1) ** 2
                    + (2 * m ** 2 - 4 * m - sqrt(4 * m ** 4 - 4 * m ** 2 + 8 * m + 1) - 1) ** 2
                * Abs(q)
            / Abs(q),
    assert solveset_real(eq, q) == unsolved_object
コード例 #47
ファイル: point.py プロジェクト: B-Rich/sympy
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
     check = True
     if isinstance(args[0], Point):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         check = False
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 2:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if check:
         if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
             raise ValueError('Imaginary args not permitted.')
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
             [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
             for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
コード例 #48
ファイル: evalf.py プロジェクト: arghdos/sympy
def get_integer_part(expr, no, options, return_ints=False):
    With no = 1, computes ceiling(expr)
    With no = -1, computes floor(expr)

    Note: this function either gives the exact result or signals failure.
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
    # The expression is likely less than 2^30 or so
    assumed_size = 30
    ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = evalf(expr, assumed_size, options)

    # We now know the size, so we can calculate how much extra precision
    # (if any) is needed to get within the nearest integer
    if ire and iim:
        gap = max(fastlog(ire) - ire_acc, fastlog(iim) - iim_acc)
    elif ire:
        gap = fastlog(ire) - ire_acc
    elif iim:
        gap = fastlog(iim) - iim_acc
        # ... or maybe the expression was exactly zero
        return None, None, None, None

    margin = 10

    if gap >= -margin:
        ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = \
            evalf(expr, margin + assumed_size + gap, options)

    # We can now easily find the nearest integer, but to find floor/ceil, we
    # must also calculate whether the difference to the nearest integer is
    # positive or negative (which may fail if very close).
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10

    re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc = None, None, None, None

    if ire:
        re_, re_acc = calc_part(re(expr, evaluate=False), ire)
    if iim:
        im_, im_acc = calc_part(im(expr, evaluate=False), iim)

    if return_ints:
        return int(to_int(re_ or fzero)), int(to_int(im_ or fzero))
    return re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_args.py プロジェクト: 101man/sympy
def test_sympy__functions__elementary__complexes__im():
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import im
    assert _test_args(im(x))
コード例 #50
ファイル: ast.py プロジェクト: KonstantinTogoi/sympy
 def _cast_nocheck(self, value):
     from sympy.functions import re, im
     return (
         super(ComplexType, self)._cast_nocheck(re(value)) +
         super(ComplexType, self)._cast_nocheck(im(value))*1j
コード例 #51
ファイル: ast.py プロジェクト: KonstantinTogoi/sympy
 def _check(self, value):
     from sympy.functions import re, im
     super(ComplexType, self)._check(re(value))
     super(ComplexType, self)._check(im(value))
コード例 #52
ファイル: funcmatrix.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
 def as_real_imag(self):
     return (re(Matrix(self)), im(Matrix(self)))
コード例 #53
ファイル: singularity_functions.py プロジェクト: cmarqu/sympy
    def eval(cls, variable, offset, exponent):
        Returns a simplified form or a value of Singularity Function depending on the
        argument passed by the object.

        The ``eval()`` method is automatically called when the ``SingularityFunction`` class
        is about to be instantiated and it returns either some simplified instance
        or the unevaluated instance depending on the argument passed. In other words,
        ``eval()`` method is not needed to be called explicitly, it is being called
        and evaluated once the object is called.

        >>> from sympy import SingularityFunction, Symbol, nan
        >>> from sympy.abc import x, a, n
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, n)
        SingularityFunction(x, a, n)
        >>> SingularityFunction(5, 3, 2)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, nan)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0).subs(x, 3)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, n).eval(3, 5, 1)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, n).eval(4, 1, 5)
        >>> x = Symbol('x', positive = True)
        >>> a = Symbol('a', negative = True)
        >>> n = Symbol('n', nonnegative = True)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, n)
        (-a + x)**n
        >>> x = Symbol('x', negative = True)
        >>> a = Symbol('a', positive = True)
        >>> SingularityFunction(x, a, n)


        x = sympify(variable)
        a = sympify(offset)
        n = sympify(exponent)
        shift = (x - a)

        if fuzzy_not(im(shift).is_zero):
            raise ValueError("Singularity Functions are defined only for Real Numbers.")
        if fuzzy_not(im(n).is_zero):
            raise ValueError("Singularity Functions are not defined for imaginary exponents.")
        if shift is S.NaN or n is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN
        if (n + 2).is_negative:
            raise ValueError("Singularity Functions are not defined for exponents less than -2.")
        if shift.is_negative:
            return S.Zero
        if n.is_nonnegative and shift.is_nonnegative:
            return (x - a)**n
        if n == -1 or n == -2:
            if shift.is_negative or shift.is_positive:
                return S.Zero
            if shift.is_zero:
                return S.Infinity
コード例 #54
ファイル: point.py プロジェクト: KonstantinTogoi/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
        on_morph = kwargs.get('on_morph', 'ignore')

        # unpack into coords
        coords = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args

        # check args and handle quickly handle Point instances
        if isinstance(coords, Point):
            # even if we're mutating the dimension of a point, we
            # don't reevaluate its coordinates
            evaluate = False
            if len(coords) == kwargs.get('dim', len(coords)):
                return coords

        if not is_sequence(coords):
            raise TypeError(filldedent('''
                Expecting sequence of coordinates, not `{}`'''
        # A point where only `dim` is specified is initialized
        # to zeros.
        if len(coords) == 0 and kwargs.get('dim', None):
            coords = (S.Zero,)*kwargs.get('dim')

        coords = Tuple(*coords)
        dim = kwargs.get('dim', len(coords))

        if len(coords) < 2:
            raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                Point requires 2 or more coordinates or
                keyword `dim` > 1.'''))
        if len(coords) != dim:
            message = ("Dimension of {} needs to be changed"
                       "from {} to {}.").format(coords, len(coords), dim)
            if on_morph == 'ignore':
            elif on_morph == "error":
                raise ValueError(message)
            elif on_morph == 'warn':
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                        on_morph value should be 'error',
                        'warn' or 'ignore'.'''))
        if any(i for i in coords[dim:]):
            raise ValueError('Nonzero coordinates cannot be removed.')
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates are not permitted.')
        if not all(isinstance(a, Expr) for a in coords):
            raise TypeError('Coordinates must be valid SymPy expressions.')

        # pad with zeros appropriately
        coords = coords[:dim] + (S.Zero,)*(dim - len(coords))

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                 for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))

        # return 2D or 3D instances
        if len(coords) == 2:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point2D(*coords, **kwargs)
        elif len(coords) == 3:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point3D(*coords, **kwargs)

        # the general Point
        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)