コード例 #1
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == "x**y"
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == "x % 2"
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == "x and y"
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == "x or y"
    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == "math.pi"
    assert prntr.module_imports == {"math": {"pi"}}

    assert prntr.doprint(x**Rational(1, 2)) == "math.sqrt(x)"
    assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == "math.sqrt(x)"
    assert prntr.module_imports == {"math": {"pi", "sqrt"}}

    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == "math.acos(x)"
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == "x = 2"
    assert (prntr.doprint(Piecewise(
        (1, Eq(x, 0)),
        (2, x > 6))) == "((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)")
    assert (prntr.doprint(
        Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)), (3, Gt(x, 0)),
                  evaluate=False)) == "((2) if (x <= 0) else"
            " (3) if (x > 0) else None)")
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == "(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))"
    assert prntr.doprint(p[0, 1]) == "p[0, 1]"
コード例 #2
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(x**Rational(1, 2)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi', 'sqrt'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise(
        (1, Eq(x, 0)),
        (2, x > 6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
    assert prntr.doprint(p[0, 1]) == 'p[0, 1]'
コード例 #3
ファイル: polyroots.py プロジェクト: NalinG/sympy
def roots_cubic(f, trig=False):
    """Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial."""
    if trig:
        a, b, c, d = f.all_coeffs()
        p = (3*a*c - b**2)/3/a**2
        q = (2*b**3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a**2*d)/(27*a**3)
        D = 18*a*b*c*d - 4*b**3*d + b**2*c**2 - 4*a*c**3 - 27*a**2*d**2
        if (D > 0) == True:
            rv = []
            for k in range(3):
                rv.append(2*sqrt(-p/3)*cos(acos(3*q/2/p*sqrt(-3/p))/3 - k*2*pi/3))
            return [i - b/3/a for i in rv]

    _, a, b, c = f.monic().all_coeffs()

    if c is S.Zero:
        x1, x2 = roots([1, a, b], multiple=True)
        return [x1, S.Zero, x2]

    p = b - a**2/3
    q = c - a*b/3 + 2*a**3/27

    pon3 = p/3
    aon3 = a/3

    if p is S.Zero:
        if q is S.Zero:
            return [-aon3]*3
            if q.is_real:
                if (q > 0) == True:
                    u1 = -root(q, 3)
                    u1 = root(-q, 3)
                u1 = root(-q, 3)
    elif q is S.Zero:
        y1, y2 = roots([1, 0, p], multiple=True)
        return [tmp - aon3 for tmp in [y1, S.Zero, y2]]
    elif q.is_real and q < 0:
        u1 = -root(-q/2 + sqrt(q**2/4 + pon3**3), 3)
        u1 = root(q/2 + sqrt(q**2/4 + pon3**3), 3)

    coeff = I*sqrt(3)/2

    u2 = u1*(-S.Half + coeff)
    u3 = u1*(-S.Half - coeff)

    if p is S.Zero:
        return [u1 - aon3, u2 - aon3, u3 - aon3]

    soln = [
        -u1 + pon3/u1 - aon3,
        -u2 + pon3/u2 - aon3,
        -u3 + pon3/u3 - aon3

    return soln
コード例 #4
ファイル: matplus.py プロジェクト: worldmaker18349276/magicpy
def angle(vec1, vec2, vec3=None):
    if vec3 is None:
        return acos(dot(normalize(vec1), normalize(vec2)))
        if dot(cross(vec1, vec2), vec3) > 0:
            return angle(cross(vec1, vec3), cross(vec2, vec3))
            return 2*pi-angle(cross(vec1, vec3), cross(vec2, vec3))
コード例 #5
def roots_cubic(f, trig=False):
    """Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial."""
    if trig:
        a, b, c, d = f.all_coeffs()
        p = (3 * a * c - b**2) / 3 / a**2
        q = (2 * b**3 - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * a**2 * d) / (27 * a**3)
        D = 18 * a * b * c * d - 4 * b**3 * d + b**2 * c**2 - 4 * a * c**3 - 27 * a**2 * d**2
        if (D > 0) == True:
            rv = []
            for k in range(3):
                rv.append(2 * sqrt(-p / 3) * cos(
                    acos(3 * q / 2 / p * sqrt(-3 / p)) / 3 - k * 2 * pi / 3))
            return list(sorted([i - b / 3 / a for i in rv]))

    _, a, b, c = f.monic().all_coeffs()

    if c is S.Zero:
        x1, x2 = roots([1, a, b], multiple=True)
        return [x1, S.Zero, x2]

    p = b - a**2 / 3
    q = c - a * b / 3 + 2 * a**3 / 27

    pon3 = p / 3
    aon3 = a / 3

    if p is S.Zero:
        if q is S.Zero:
            return [-aon3] * 3
            if q.is_real:
                if (q > 0) == True:
                    u1 = -q**Rational(1, 3)
                    u1 = (-q)**Rational(1, 3)
                u1 = (-q)**Rational(1, 3)
    elif q is S.Zero:
        y1, y2 = roots([1, 0, p], multiple=True)
        return [tmp - aon3 for tmp in [y1, S.Zero, y2]]
    elif q.is_real and q < 0:
        u1 = -(-q / 2 + sqrt(q**2 / 4 + pon3**3))**Rational(1, 3)
        u1 = (q / 2 + sqrt(q**2 / 4 + pon3**3))**Rational(1, 3)

    coeff = S.ImaginaryUnit * sqrt(3) / 2

    u2 = u1 * (-S.Half + coeff)
    u3 = u1 * (-S.Half - coeff)

    if p is S.Zero:
        return [u1 - aon3, u2 - aon3, u3 - aon3]

    soln = [
        -u1 + pon3 / u1 - aon3, -u2 + pon3 / u2 - aon3, -u3 + pon3 / u3 - aon3

    return soln
コード例 #6
ファイル: affine.py プロジェクト: worldmaker18349276/magicpy
def rmat_k2d(d):
    d = normalize(d)
    if d == k:
        rot = eye(3)
    elif d == -k:
        rot = diag(1,-1,-1)
        rot = rquat2rmat(rquat(acos(dot(k, d)), cross(k, d)))
    return rot
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: Lenqth/sympy
def test_C99CodePrinter__precision():
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    f32_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float32}))
    f64_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float64}))
    f80_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float80}))
    assert f32_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sinf(x + 2.1F)'
    assert f64_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sin(x + 2.1000000000000001)'
    assert f80_printer.doprint(sin(x+Float('2.0'))) == 'sinl(x + 2.0L)'

    for printer, suffix in zip([f32_printer, f64_printer, f80_printer], ['f', '', 'l']):
        def check(expr, ref):
            assert printer.doprint(expr) == ref.format(s=suffix, S=suffix.upper())
        check(Abs(n), 'abs(n)')
        check(Abs(x + 2.0), 'fabs{s}(x + 2.0{S})')
        check(sin(x + 4.0)**cos(x - 2.0), 'pow{s}(sin{s}(x + 4.0{S}), cos{s}(x - 2.0{S}))')
        check(exp(x*8.0), 'exp{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(exp2(x), 'exp2{s}(x)')
        check(expm1(x*4.0), 'expm1{s}(4.0{S}*x)')
        check(Mod(n, 2), '((n) % (2))')
        check(Mod(2*n + 3, 3*n + 5), '((2*n + 3) % (3*n + 5))')
        check(Mod(x + 2.0, 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x + 2.0{S}, 3.0{S})')
        check(Mod(x, 2.0*x + 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*x + 3.0{S})')
        check(log(x/2), 'log{s}((1.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log10(3*x/2), 'log10{s}((3.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log2(x*8.0), 'log2{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(log1p(x), 'log1p{s}(x)')
        check(2**x, 'pow{s}(2, x)')
        check(2.0**x, 'pow{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
        check(x**3, 'pow{s}(x, 3)')
        check(x**4.0, 'pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})')
        check(sqrt(3+x), 'sqrt{s}(x + 3)')
        check(Cbrt(x-2.0), 'cbrt{s}(x - 2.0{S})')
        check(hypot(x, y), 'hypot{s}(x, y)')
        check(sin(3.*x + 2.), 'sin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cos(3.*x - 1.), 'cos{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tan(4.*y + 2.), 'tan{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asin(3.*x + 2.), 'asin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acos(3.*x + 2.), 'acos{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan(3.*x + 2.), 'atan{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan2(3.*x, 2.*y), 'atan2{s}(3.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*y)')

        check(sinh(3.*x + 2.), 'sinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cosh(3.*x - 1.), 'cosh{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tanh(4.0*y + 2.), 'tanh{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asinh(3.*x + 2.), 'asinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acosh(3.*x + 2.), 'acosh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atanh(3.*x + 2.), 'atanh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(erf(42.*x), 'erf{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(erfc(42.*x), 'erfc{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(gamma(x), 'tgamma{s}(x)')
        check(loggamma(x), 'lgamma{s}(x)')

        check(ceiling(x + 2.), "ceil{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(floor(x + 2.), "floor{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(fma(x, y, -z), 'fma{s}(x, y, -z)')
        check(Max(x, 8.0, x**4.0), 'fmax{s}(8.0{S}, fmax{s}(x, pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})))')
        check(Min(x, 2.0), 'fmin{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_c.py プロジェクト: rivlakmaster/sympy
def test_C99CodePrinter__precision():
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    f32_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float32}))
    f64_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float64}))
    f80_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float80}))
    assert f32_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sinf(x + 2.1F)'
    assert f64_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sin(x + 2.1000000000000001)'
    assert f80_printer.doprint(sin(x+Float('2.0'))) == 'sinl(x + 2.0L)'

    for printer, suffix in zip([f32_printer, f64_printer, f80_printer], ['f', '', 'l']):
        def check(expr, ref):
            assert printer.doprint(expr) == ref.format(s=suffix, S=suffix.upper())
        check(Abs(n), 'abs(n)')
        check(Abs(x + 2.0), 'fabs{s}(x + 2.0{S})')
        check(sin(x + 4.0)**cos(x - 2.0), 'pow{s}(sin{s}(x + 4.0{S}), cos{s}(x - 2.0{S}))')
        check(exp(x*8.0), 'exp{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(exp2(x), 'exp2{s}(x)')
        check(expm1(x*4.0), 'expm1{s}(4.0{S}*x)')
        check(Mod(n, 2), '((n) % (2))')
        check(Mod(2*n + 3, 3*n + 5), '((2*n + 3) % (3*n + 5))')
        check(Mod(x + 2.0, 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x + 2.0{S}, 3.0{S})')
        check(Mod(x, 2.0*x + 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*x + 3.0{S})')
        check(log(x/2), 'log{s}((1.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log10(3*x/2), 'log10{s}((3.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log2(x*8.0), 'log2{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(log1p(x), 'log1p{s}(x)')
        check(2**x, 'pow{s}(2, x)')
        check(2.0**x, 'pow{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
        check(x**3, 'pow{s}(x, 3)')
        check(x**4.0, 'pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})')
        check(sqrt(3+x), 'sqrt{s}(x + 3)')
        check(Cbrt(x-2.0), 'cbrt{s}(x - 2.0{S})')
        check(hypot(x, y), 'hypot{s}(x, y)')
        check(sin(3.*x + 2.), 'sin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cos(3.*x - 1.), 'cos{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tan(4.*y + 2.), 'tan{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asin(3.*x + 2.), 'asin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acos(3.*x + 2.), 'acos{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan(3.*x + 2.), 'atan{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan2(3.*x, 2.*y), 'atan2{s}(3.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*y)')

        check(sinh(3.*x + 2.), 'sinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cosh(3.*x - 1.), 'cosh{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tanh(4.0*y + 2.), 'tanh{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asinh(3.*x + 2.), 'asinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acosh(3.*x + 2.), 'acosh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atanh(3.*x + 2.), 'atanh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(erf(42.*x), 'erf{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(erfc(42.*x), 'erfc{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(gamma(x), 'tgamma{s}(x)')
        check(loggamma(x), 'lgamma{s}(x)')

        check(ceiling(x + 2.), "ceil{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(floor(x + 2.), "floor{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(fma(x, y, -z), 'fma{s}(x, y, -z)')
        check(Max(x, 8.0, x**4.0), 'fmax{s}(8.0{S}, fmax{s}(x, pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})))')
        check(Min(x, 2.0), 'fmin{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: Lenqth/sympy
def test_SciPyPrinter():
    p = SciPyPrinter()
    expr = acos(x)
    assert 'numpy' not in p.module_imports
    assert p.doprint(expr) == 'numpy.arccos(x)'
    assert 'numpy' in p.module_imports
    assert not any(m.startswith('scipy') for m in p.module_imports)
    smat = SparseMatrix(2, 5, {(0, 1): 3})
    assert p.doprint(smat) == 'scipy.sparse.coo_matrix([3], ([0], [1]), shape=(2, 5))'
    assert 'scipy.sparse' in p.module_imports
コード例 #10
def test_SciPyPrinter():
    p = SciPyPrinter()
    expr = acos(x)
    assert 'numpy' not in p.module_imports
    assert p.doprint(expr) == 'numpy.arccos(x)'
    assert 'numpy' in p.module_imports
    assert not any(m.startswith('scipy') for m in p.module_imports)
    smat = SparseMatrix(2, 5, {(0, 1): 3})
    assert p.doprint(smat) == 'scipy.sparse.coo_matrix([3], ([0], [1]), shape=(2, 5))'
    assert 'scipy.sparse' in p.module_imports
コード例 #11
ファイル: 55837_test_pycode.py プロジェクト: yashkgp/sympy
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: jarthurgross/sympy
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: brandondavid/sympy
def test_SciPyPrinter():
    p = SciPyPrinter()
    expr = acos(x)
    assert 'numpy' not in p.module_imports
    assert p.doprint(expr) == 'numpy.arccos(x)'
    assert 'numpy' in p.module_imports
    assert not any(m.startswith('scipy') for m in p.module_imports)
    smat = SparseMatrix(2, 5, {(0, 1): 3})
    assert p.doprint(smat) == \
        'scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(([3], ([0], [1])), shape=(2, 5))'
    assert 'scipy.sparse' in p.module_imports

    assert p.doprint(S.GoldenRatio) == 'scipy.constants.golden_ratio'
    assert p.doprint(S.Pi) == 'scipy.constants.pi'
    assert p.doprint(S.Exp1) == 'numpy.e'
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_SciPyPrinter():
    p = SciPyPrinter()
    expr = acos(x)
    assert "numpy" not in p.module_imports
    assert p.doprint(expr) == "numpy.arccos(x)"
    assert "numpy" in p.module_imports
    assert not any(m.startswith("scipy") for m in p.module_imports)
    smat = SparseMatrix(2, 5, {(0, 1): 3})
    assert p.doprint(
        smat) == "scipy.sparse.coo_matrix([3], ([0], [1]), shape=(2, 5))"
    assert "scipy.sparse" in p.module_imports

    assert p.doprint(S.GoldenRatio) == "scipy.constants.golden_ratio"
    assert p.doprint(S.Pi) == "scipy.constants.pi"
    assert p.doprint(S.Exp1) == "numpy.e"
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: Lenqth/sympy
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((1, Eq(x, 0)),
                        (2, x>6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
コード例 #16
ファイル: solveset.py プロジェクト: shahrk/sympy
def _invert_real(f, g_ys, symbol):
    """ Helper function for invert_real """

    if not f.has(symbol):
        raise ValueError("Inverse of constant function doesn't exist")

    if f is symbol:
        return (f, g_ys)

    n = Dummy('n')
    if hasattr(f, 'inverse') and not isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction) and \
            not isinstance(f, HyperbolicFunction):
        if len(f.args) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Only functions with one argument are supported.")
        return _invert_real(f.args[0], imageset(Lambda(n,
                                                       f.inverse()(n)), g_ys),

    if isinstance(f, Abs):
        return _invert_real(
                imageset(Lambda(n, n), g_ys).intersect(Interval(0, oo)),
                imageset(Lambda(n, -n), g_ys).intersect(Interval(-oo, 0))),

    if f.is_Add:
        # f = g + h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if g != S.Zero:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n - g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Mul:
        # f = g*h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)

        if g != S.One:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n / g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Pow:
        base, expo = f.args
        base_has_sym = base.has(symbol)
        expo_has_sym = expo.has(symbol)

        if not expo_has_sym:
            res = imageset(Lambda(n, real_root(n, expo)), g_ys)
            if expo.is_rational:
                numer, denom = expo.as_numer_denom()
                if numer == S.One or numer == -S.One:
                    return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                    if numer % 2 == 0:
                        n = Dummy('n')
                        neg_res = imageset(Lambda(n, -n), res)
                        return _invert_real(base, res + neg_res, symbol)
                        return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                if not base.is_positive:
                    raise ValueError("x**w where w is irrational is not "
                                     "defined for negative x")
                return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)

        if not base_has_sym:
            return _invert_real(expo,
                                                log(n) / log(base)), g_ys),

    if isinstance(f, sin):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            sin_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*asin(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], sin_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, csc):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            csc_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*acsc(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], csc_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, cos):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            cos_invs_f1 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + acos(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            cos_invs_f2 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - acos(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            cos_invs = Union(cos_invs_f1, cos_invs_f2)
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], cos_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, sec):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            sec_invs_f1 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + asec(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            sec_invs_f2 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - asec(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            sec_invs = Union(sec_invs_f1, sec_invs_f2)
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], sec_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, tan) or isinstance(f, cot):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            tan_cot_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + f.inverse()(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], tan_cot_invs, symbol)
    return (f, g_ys)
コード例 #17
def test_tensorflow_math():
    if not tf:
        skip("TensorFlow not installed")

    expr = Abs(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.abs(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr)

    expr = sign(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.sign(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr)

    expr = ceiling(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.ceil(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = floor(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.floor(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = exp(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.exp(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = sqrt(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.sqrt(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = x**4
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.pow(x, 4)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = cos(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.cos(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = acos(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.acos(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ),
                               rng=lambda: random.uniform(0, 0.95))

    expr = sin(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.sin(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = asin(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.asin(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = tan(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.tan(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = atan(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.atan(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = atan2(y, x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.atan2(y, x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((y, x), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = cosh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.cosh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = acosh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.acosh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = sinh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.sinh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = asinh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.asinh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = tanh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.tanh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = atanh(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.atanh(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ),
                               rng=lambda: random.uniform(-.5, .5))

    expr = erf(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.erf(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = loggamma(x)
    assert tensorflow_code(expr) == "tensorflow.math.lgamma(x)"
    _compare_tensorflow_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())
コード例 #18
ファイル: solveset.py プロジェクト: Davidjohnwilson/sympy
def _invert_real(f, g_ys, symbol):
    """ Helper function for invert_real """

    if not f.has(symbol):
        raise ValueError("Inverse of constant function doesn't exist")

    if f is symbol:
        return (f, g_ys)

    n = Dummy('n')
    if hasattr(f, 'inverse') and not isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction) and \
            not isinstance(f, HyperbolicFunction):
        if len(f.args) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Only functions with one argument are supported.")
        return _invert_real(f.args[0],
                            imageset(Lambda(n, f.inverse()(n)), g_ys), symbol)

    if isinstance(f, Abs):
        return _invert_real(f.args[0],
                            Union(imageset(Lambda(n, n), g_ys).intersect(Interval(0, oo)),
                                  imageset(Lambda(n, -n), g_ys).intersect(Interval(-oo, 0))),

    if f.is_Add:
        # f = g + h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if g != S.Zero:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n - g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Mul:
        # f = g*h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)

        if g != S.One:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n/g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Pow:
        base, expo = f.args
        base_has_sym = base.has(symbol)
        expo_has_sym = expo.has(symbol)

        if not expo_has_sym:
            res = imageset(Lambda(n, real_root(n, expo)), g_ys)
            if expo.is_rational:
                numer, denom = expo.as_numer_denom()
                if numer == S.One or numer == - S.One:
                    return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                    if numer % 2 == 0:
                        n = Dummy('n')
                        neg_res = imageset(Lambda(n, -n), res)
                        return _invert_real(base, res + neg_res, symbol)
                        return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                if not base.is_positive:
                    raise ValueError("x**w where w is irrational is not "
                                     "defined for negative x")
                return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)

        if not base_has_sym:
            return _invert_real(expo, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n)/log(base)),
                                               g_ys), symbol)

    if isinstance(f, sin):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            sin_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*asin(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], sin_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, csc):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            csc_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*acsc(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], csc_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, cos):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            cos_invs_f1 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + acos(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            cos_invs_f2 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - acos(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            cos_invs = Union(cos_invs_f1, cos_invs_f2)
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], cos_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, sec):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            sec_invs_f1 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + asec(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            sec_invs_f2 = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - asec(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            sec_invs = Union(sec_invs_f1, sec_invs_f2)
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], sec_invs, symbol)

    if isinstance(f, tan) or isinstance(f, cot):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            tan_cot_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + f.inverse()(g_y)), \
                                        S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], tan_cot_invs, symbol)
    return (f, g_ys)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_jscode.py プロジェクト: KonstantinTogoi/sympy
def test_jscode_functions():
    assert jscode(sin(x) ** cos(x)) == "Math.pow(Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x))"
    assert jscode(sinh(x) * cosh(x)) == "Math.sinh(x)*Math.cosh(x)"
    assert jscode(Max(x, y) + Min(x, y)) == "Math.max(x, y) + Math.min(x, y)"
    assert jscode(tanh(x)*acosh(y)) == "Math.tanh(x)*Math.acosh(y)"
    assert jscode(asin(x)-acos(y)) == "-Math.acos(y) + Math.asin(x)"
コード例 #20
def test_jscode_functions():
    assert jscode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "Math.pow(Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x))"
    assert jscode(sinh(x) * cosh(x)) == "Math.sinh(x)*Math.cosh(x)"
    assert jscode(Max(x, y) + Min(x, y)) == "Math.max(x, y) + Math.min(x, y)"
    assert jscode(tanh(x) * acosh(y)) == "Math.tanh(x)*Math.acosh(y)"
    assert jscode(asin(x) - acos(y)) == "-Math.acos(y) + Math.asin(x)"
コード例 #21
def test_C99CodePrinter__precision():
    n = symbols("n", integer=True)
    f32_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float32}))
    f64_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float64}))
    f80_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float80}))
    assert f32_printer.doprint(sin(x + 2.1)) == "sinf(x + 2.1F)"
    assert f64_printer.doprint(sin(x + 2.1)) == "sin(x + 2.1000000000000001)"
    assert f80_printer.doprint(sin(x + Float("2.0"))) == "sinl(x + 2.0L)"

    for printer, suffix in zip([f32_printer, f64_printer, f80_printer], ["f", "", "l"]):

        def check(expr, ref):
            assert printer.doprint(expr) == ref.format(s=suffix, S=suffix.upper())

        check(Abs(n), "abs(n)")
        check(Abs(x + 2.0), "fabs{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
            sin(x + 4.0) ** cos(x - 2.0),
            "pow{s}(sin{s}(x + 4.0{S}), cos{s}(x - 2.0{S}))",
        check(exp(x * 8.0), "exp{s}(8.0{S}*x)")
        check(exp2(x), "exp2{s}(x)")
        check(expm1(x * 4.0), "expm1{s}(4.0{S}*x)")
        check(Mod(n, 2), "((n) % (2))")
        check(Mod(2 * n + 3, 3 * n + 5), "((2*n + 3) % (3*n + 5))")
        check(Mod(x + 2.0, 3.0), "fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x + 2.0{S}, 3.0{S})")
        check(Mod(x, 2.0 * x + 3.0), "fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*x + 3.0{S})")
        check(log(x / 2), "log{s}((1.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)")
        check(log10(3 * x / 2), "log10{s}((3.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)")
        check(log2(x * 8.0), "log2{s}(8.0{S}*x)")
        check(log1p(x), "log1p{s}(x)")
        check(2 ** x, "pow{s}(2, x)")
        check(2.0 ** x, "pow{s}(2.0{S}, x)")
        check(x ** 3, "pow{s}(x, 3)")
        check(x ** 4.0, "pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})")
        check(sqrt(3 + x), "sqrt{s}(x + 3)")
        check(Cbrt(x - 2.0), "cbrt{s}(x - 2.0{S})")
        check(hypot(x, y), "hypot{s}(x, y)")
        check(sin(3.0 * x + 2.0), "sin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(cos(3.0 * x - 1.0), "cos{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})")
        check(tan(4.0 * y + 2.0), "tan{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})")
        check(asin(3.0 * x + 2.0), "asin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(acos(3.0 * x + 2.0), "acos{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atan(3.0 * x + 2.0), "atan{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atan2(3.0 * x, 2.0 * y), "atan2{s}(3.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*y)")

        check(sinh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "sinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(cosh(3.0 * x - 1.0), "cosh{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})")
        check(tanh(4.0 * y + 2.0), "tanh{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})")
        check(asinh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "asinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(acosh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "acosh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atanh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "atanh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(erf(42.0 * x), "erf{s}(42.0{S}*x)")
        check(erfc(42.0 * x), "erfc{s}(42.0{S}*x)")
        check(gamma(x), "tgamma{s}(x)")
        check(loggamma(x), "lgamma{s}(x)")

        check(ceiling(x + 2.0), "ceil{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(floor(x + 2.0), "floor{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(fma(x, y, -z), "fma{s}(x, y, -z)")
        check(Max(x, 8.0, x ** 4.0), "fmax{s}(8.0{S}, fmax{s}(x, pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})))")
        check(Min(x, 2.0), "fmin{s}(2.0{S}, x)")
コード例 #22
from sympy.simplify import simplify
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy.geometry import Line,Point,intersection
from sympy.core import pi,symbols,Symbol,S,N
from sympy.functions import sqrt,acos,log,sin,cos,exp

import numpy
import math


print numpy.arccos(-1)
print math.acos(-1)
print acos(-1)

print acos(0)
print acos(0)

print acos(S.One/2)

x,y,z = symbols('x,y,z')
alpha,beta,gamma = symbols('alpha,beta,gamma')
print x+1
print log(alpha ** beta) + gamma
print sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2
print simplify(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2)

mu,sigma = symbols('mu,sigma')
bell = exp(-(x-mu)**2 / 2*sigma**2)
print bell.diff(x)
print bell.diff(sigma)
コード例 #23
def roots_cubic(f, trig=False):
    """Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial.

    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function, General formula for roots,
    (accessed November 17, 2014).
    if trig:
        a, b, c, d = f.all_coeffs()
        p = (3*a*c - b**2)/3/a**2
        q = (2*b**3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a**2*d)/(27*a**3)
        D = 18*a*b*c*d - 4*b**3*d + b**2*c**2 - 4*a*c**3 - 27*a**2*d**2
        if (D > 0) == True:
            rv = []
            for k in range(3):
                rv.append(2*sqrt(-p/3)*cos(acos(3*q/2/p*sqrt(-3/p))/3 - k*2*pi/3))
            return [i - b/3/a for i in rv]

    _, a, b, c = f.monic().all_coeffs()

    if c is S.Zero:
        x1, x2 = roots([1, a, b], multiple=True)
        return [x1, S.Zero, x2]

    p = b - a**2/3
    q = c - a*b/3 + 2*a**3/27

    pon3 = p/3
    aon3 = a/3

    u1 = None
    if p is S.Zero:
        if q is S.Zero:
            return [-aon3]*3
        if q.is_real:
            if q.is_positive:
                u1 = -root(q, 3)
            elif q.is_negative:
                u1 = root(-q, 3)
    elif q is S.Zero:
        y1, y2 = roots([1, 0, p], multiple=True)
        return [tmp - aon3 for tmp in [y1, S.Zero, y2]]
    elif q.is_real and q.is_negative:
        u1 = -root(-q/2 + sqrt(q**2/4 + pon3**3), 3)

    coeff = I*sqrt(3)/2
    if u1 is None:
        u1 = S(1)
        u2 = -S.Half + coeff
        u3 = -S.Half - coeff
        a, b, c, d = S(1), a, b, c
        D0 = b**2 - 3*a*c
        D1 = 2*b**3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a**2*d
        C = root((D1 + sqrt(D1**2 - 4*D0**3))/2, 3)
        return [-(b + uk*C + D0/C/uk)/3/a for uk in [u1, u2, u3]]

    u2 = u1*(-S.Half + coeff)
    u3 = u1*(-S.Half - coeff)

    if p is S.Zero:
        return [u1 - aon3, u2 - aon3, u3 - aon3]

    soln = [
        -u1 + pon3/u1 - aon3,
        -u2 + pon3/u2 - aon3,
        -u3 + pon3/u3 - aon3

    return soln
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_torch.py プロジェクト: Zer0Credibility/sympy
def test_torch_math():
    if not torch:
        skip("Torch not installed")

    ma = torch.tensor([[1, 2, -3, -4]])

    expr = Abs(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.abs(x)"
    f = lambdify(x, expr, 'torch')
    y = f(ma)
    c = torch.abs(ma)
    assert (y == c).all()

    expr = sign(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.sign(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.randint(0, 10))

    expr = ceiling(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.ceil(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = floor(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.floor(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = exp(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.exp(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    # expr = sqrt(x)
    # assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.sqrt(x)"
    # _compare_torch_scalar((x,), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    # expr = x ** 4
    # assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.pow(x, 4)"
    # _compare_torch_scalar((x,), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = cos(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.cos(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = acos(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.acos(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(0, 0.95))

    expr = sin(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.sin(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = asin(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.asin(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = tan(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.tan(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = atan(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.atan(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    # expr = atan2(y, x)
    # assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.atan2(y, x)"
    # _compare_torch_scalar((y, x), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = cosh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.cosh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = acosh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.acosh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = sinh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.sinh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = asinh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.asinh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = tanh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.tanh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(1, 2))

    expr = atanh(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.atanh(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.uniform(-.5, .5))

    expr = erf(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.erf(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())

    expr = loggamma(x)
    assert torch_code(expr) == "torch.lgamma(x)"
    _compare_torch_scalar((x, ), expr, rng=lambda: random.random())