コード例 #1
def test_create_static_html():
    # derive simple system
    mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')
    position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
    positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)
    ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
    origin = me.Point('origin')
    origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)
    center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
    center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)
    block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)
    kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]
    total_force = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed
    forces = [(center, total_force * ceiling.x)]
    particles = [block]
    kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
    kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)
    sys = System(kane,
                     position: 0.1,
                     speed: -1.0
                     mass: 1.0,
                     stiffness: 1.0,
                     damping: 0.2,
                     gravity: 9.8

    # integrate eoms
    t = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 100)
    sys.times = t
    y = sys.integrate()

    # create visualization
    sphere = Sphere()
    viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(ceiling, block, sphere)
    scene = Scene(ceiling, origin, viz_frame)
    scene.generate_visualization_json_system(sys, outfile_prefix="test")

    # test static dir creation
    assert os.path.exists('static')
    assert os.path.exists('static/index.html')
    assert os.path.exists('static/test_scene_desc.json')
    assert os.path.exists('static/test_simulation_data.json')

    # test static dir deletion
    assert not os.path.exists('static')
コード例 #2
def test_create_static_html():
    # derive simple system
    mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')
    position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
    positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)
    ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
    origin = me.Point('origin')
    origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)
    center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
    center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)
    block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)
    kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]
    total_force = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed
    forces = [(center, total_force * ceiling.x)]
    particles = [block]
    kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
    kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)
    mass_matrix = kane.mass_matrix_full
    forcing_vector = kane.forcing_full
    constants = (mass, stiffness, damping, gravity)
    coordinates = (position, )
    speeds = (speed, )
    system = (mass_matrix, forcing_vector, constants, coordinates, speeds)

    # integrate eoms
    evaluate_ode = generate_ode_function(*system)
    x0 = array([0.1, -1.0])
    args = {'constants': array([1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 9.8])}
    t = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 100)
    y = odeint(evaluate_ode, x0, t, args=(args, ))

    # create visualization
    sphere = Sphere()
    viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(ceiling, block, sphere)
    scene = Scene(ceiling, origin, viz_frame)
    scene.generate_visualization_json([position, speed], list(constants), y,

    # test static dir creation
    assert os.path.exists('static')
    assert os.path.exists('static/index.html')
    assert os.path.exists('static/data.json')

    # test static dir deletion
    assert not os.path.exists('static')
コード例 #3
    def setup(self):
        """Setups a simple 1 DoF mass spring damper system visualization."""

        mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')

        position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
        positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)

        kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]

        ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

        origin = me.Point('origin')
        origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)
        center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
        center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)

        block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)
        particles = [block]

        total_force = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed
        forces = [(center, total_force * ceiling.x)]

        kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,

        if sympy_newer_than('1.0'):
            kane.kanes_equations(particles, forces)
            kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)

        self.sys = System(kane)
        self.sys.initial_conditions = {position: 0.1, speed: -1.0}
        self.sys.constants = {
            mass: 1.0,
            stiffness: 2.0,
            damping: 3.0,
            gravity: 9.8
        self.sys.times = np.linspace(0.0, 0.01, 2)

        sphere = Sphere()

        self.ref_frame = ceiling
        self.origin = origin
        self.viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(ceiling, block, sphere)
        self.viz_frame_sym_shape = VisualizationFrame(
            ceiling, block, Sphere(radius=mass / 10.0))
コード例 #4
    def setup(self):
        # This is taken from the example in KanesMethod docstring
        # System state variables
        q, u = me.dynamicsymbols('q u')
        qd, ud = me.dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)

        # Other system variables
        m, c, k = symbols('m c k')

        # Set up the reference frame
        N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

        # Set up the point and particle
        P = me.Point('P')
        P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)

        pa = me.Particle('pa', P, m)

        # Create the list of kinematic differential equations, force list and
        # list of bodies/particles
        kd = [qd - u]
        force_list = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
        body_list = [pa]

        # Create an instance of KanesMethod
        self.KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q], u_ind=[u], kd_eqs=kd)

        # Account for the new method of input to kanes_equations, i.e. the
        # order of the args in the old API is forces, bodies and the new API
        # is bodies, forces.
            self.KM.kanes_equations(body_list, force_list)
            self.first_input = body_list
            self.second_input = force_list
        except TypeError:
            self.first_input = force_list
            self.second_input = body_list
コード例 #5
frame_a = me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_b = me.ReferenceFrame('b')
frame_n = me.ReferenceFrame('n')
x1, x2, x3 = me.dynamicsymbols('x1 x2 x3')
l = sm.symbols('l', real=True)
v1 = x1 * frame_a.x + x2 * frame_a.y + x3 * frame_a.z
v2 = x1 * frame_b.x + x2 * frame_b.y + x3 * frame_b.z
v3 = x1 * frame_n.x + x2 * frame_n.y + x3 * frame_n.z
v = v1 + v2 + v3
point_c = me.Point('c')
point_d = me.Point('d')
point_po1 = me.Point('po1')
point_po2 = me.Point('po2')
point_po3 = me.Point('po3')
particle_l = me.Particle('l', me.Point('l_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p1 = me.Particle('p1', me.Point('p1_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p2 = me.Particle('p2', me.Point('p2_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p3 = me.Particle('p3', me.Point('p3_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
body_s_cm = me.Point('s_cm')
body_s_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_s_f = me.ReferenceFrame('s_f')
body_s = me.RigidBody('s', body_s_cm, body_s_f, sm.symbols('m'),
                      (me.outer(body_s_f.x, body_s_f.x), body_s_cm))
body_r1_cm = me.Point('r1_cm')
body_r1_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_r1_f = me.ReferenceFrame('r1_f')
body_r1 = me.RigidBody('r1', body_r1_cm, body_r1_f, sm.symbols('m'),
                       (me.outer(body_r1_f.x, body_r1_f.x), body_r1_cm))
body_r2_cm = me.Point('r2_cm')
body_r2_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: ruletest3.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
frame_a = me.ReferenceFrame("a")
frame_b = me.ReferenceFrame("b")
frame_n = me.ReferenceFrame("n")
x1, x2, x3 = me.dynamicsymbols("x1 x2 x3")
l = sm.symbols("l", real=True)
v1 = x1 * frame_a.x + x2 * frame_a.y + x3 * frame_a.z
v2 = x1 * frame_b.x + x2 * frame_b.y + x3 * frame_b.z
v3 = x1 * frame_n.x + x2 * frame_n.y + x3 * frame_n.z
v = v1 + v2 + v3
point_c = me.Point("c")
point_d = me.Point("d")
point_po1 = me.Point("po1")
point_po2 = me.Point("po2")
point_po3 = me.Point("po3")
particle_l = me.Particle("l", me.Point("l_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
particle_p1 = me.Particle("p1", me.Point("p1_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
particle_p2 = me.Particle("p2", me.Point("p2_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
particle_p3 = me.Particle("p3", me.Point("p3_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
body_s_cm = me.Point("s_cm")
body_s_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_s_f = me.ReferenceFrame("s_f")
body_s = me.RigidBody(
    (me.outer(body_s_f.x, body_s_f.x), body_s_cm),
body_r1_cm = me.Point("r1_cm")
body_r1_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
コード例 #7
# Set dynamics variables
xc = mech.dynamicsymbols('xc'); # Cart position
xb = mech.dynamicsymbols('xb'); # Box position
xcDot = mech.dynamicsymbols('xcDot'); # Cart velocity
xbDot = mech.dynamicsymbols('xbDot'); # Box velocity

# Create symboloic variables we'll need
m, L, k, g, theta = sympy.symbols('m L k g theta');

# Create reference frame for analysis
N = mech.ReferenceFrame( 'N' );

# Set cart position, mass, and velocity
cPoint = mech.Point( 'cPoint' );
cPoint.set_vel(N, xcDot*N.x);
C = mech.Particle('C', cPoint, 4*m );

# Set box position, mass, and velocity
# Create rotated frame
boxFrame = mech.ReferenceFrame('boxFrame');
boxFrame.orient(N, 'Body', [0, 0, -theta], 'XYZ');
bPoint = mech.Point('bPoint');
bPoint.set_vel(N, xbDot*boxFrame.x);
B = mech.Particle('B', bPoint, m );

# Get the kinetic energy of each component to check results
mech.kinetic_energy(N, C)
mech.kinetic_energy(N, B)

# Set potential energies
C.potential_energy = (1/2)*(2*k)*xc**2;
コード例 #8
    def integrate_pendulum_odes(self, adv_time_vector=None, pos_init=235):
        Method to integrate Nth-order pendulum ODEs.

        # Instantiates physics constants for position, velocity, mass, length, gravity, and time
        q, u = mechanics.dynamicsymbols("q:{0}".format(str(
            self.N))), mechanics.dynamicsymbols("u:{0}".format(str(self.N)))
        m, l = symbols("m:{0}".format(str(self.N))), symbols("l:{0}".format(
        g, t = symbols("g t")

        # Creates intertial reference frame
        frame = mechanics.ReferenceFrame("frame")

        # Creates focus point in intertial reference frame
        point = mechanics.Point("point")
        point.set_vel(frame, 0)

        # Instantiates empty objects for pendulum segment points, reactionary forces, and resultant kinematic ODEs
        particles, forces, kin_odes = list(), list(), list()

        # Iteratively creates pendulum segment kinematics/dynamics objects
        for iterator in range(self.N):
            # Creates and sets angular velocity per reference frame for each pendulum segment
            frame_i = frame.orientnew("frame_{}".format(str(iterator)), "Axis",
                                      [q[iterator], frame.z])
            frame_i.set_ang_vel(frame, u[iterator] * frame.z)

            # Creates and sets velocity of focus point for each pendulum segment
            point_i = point.locatenew("point_{}".format(str(iterator)),
                                      l[iterator] * frame_i.x)
            point_i.v2pt_theory(point, frame, frame_i)

            # Creates reference point for each pendulum segment
            ref_point_i = mechanics.Particle(
                "ref_point_{}".format(str(iterator)), point_i, m[iterator])

            # Creates objects for reference frame dynamics
            forces.append((point_i, m[iterator] * g * frame.x))
            kin_odes.append(q[iterator].diff(t) - u[iterator])
            point = point_i

        # Generates position and velocity equation systems using Kane's Method
        kane = mechanics.KanesMethod(frame, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kin_odes)
        fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations(particles, forces)

        # Creates vector for initial positions and velocities
        y0 = np.deg2rad(
                np.broadcast_to(pos_init, self.N),
                np.broadcast_to(self.vel_init, self.N)

        # Creates vectors for pendulum segment lengths and masses
        length_vector = np.ones(self.N) / self.N
        length_vector = np.broadcast_to(length_vector, self.N)
        self.mass_vector = np.broadcast_to(self.mass_vector, self.N)

        # Instantiates and creates fixed constant vectors (gravity, lengths, masses)
        params = [g] + list(l) + list(m)
        param_vals = [9.81] + list(length_vector) + list(self.mass_vector)

        # Initializes objects to solve for unknown parameters
        dummy_params = [Dummy() for iterator in q + u]
        dummy_dict = dict(zip(q + u, dummy_params))

        # Converts unknown parametric objects into Kane's Method objects for numerical substitution
        kin_diff_dict = kane.kindiffdict()
        mass_matrix = kane.mass_matrix_full.subs(kin_diff_dict).subs(
        full_forcing_vector = kane.forcing_full.subs(kin_diff_dict).subs(

        # Functionalizes Kane's Method unknown parametric objects using NumPy for numerical substitution
        mm_func = lambdify(dummy_params + params, mass_matrix)
        ff_func = lambdify(dummy_params + params, full_forcing_vector)

        # Defines helper method with gradient calculus to use with ODE integration
        def __parametric_gradient_function(y, t, args):
            Helper function to derive first-order equations of motion from parametric arguments.
            values = np.concatenate((y, args))
            solutions = np.linalg.solve(mm_func(*values), ff_func(*values))
            return np.array(solutions).T[0]

        if adv_time_vector is None:
            return odeint(__parametric_gradient_function,
                          args=(param_vals, ))
            return odeint(__parametric_gradient_function,
                          args=(param_vals, ))
コード例 #9
def pendulum_energy(n=1, lengths=1, masses=1, include_gpe=True, include_ke=True):
    # Generalized coordinates and velocities
    # (in this case, angular positions & velocities of each mass) 
    q = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('q:{0}'.format(n))
    u = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('u:{0}'.format(n))

    # mass and length
    m = symbols('m:{0}'.format(n))
    l = symbols('l:{0}'.format(n))

    # gravity and time symbols
    g, t = symbols('g,t')

    # Step 2: build the model using Kane's Method

    # Create pivot point reference frame
    A = mechanics.ReferenceFrame('A')
    P = mechanics.Point('P')
    Origin = P
    P.set_vel(A, 0)

    gravity_direction = -A.x

    # lists to hold particles, forces, and kinetic ODEs
    # for each pendulum in the chain
    particles = []
    forces = []

    gpe = []
    ke = []

    cartVel = 0.0
    cartPos = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        # Create a reference frame following the i^th mass
        Ai = A.orientnew('A' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i], A.z])
        Ai.set_ang_vel(A, u[i] * A.z)

        # Create a point in this reference frame
        Pi = P.locatenew('P' + str(i), l[i] * Ai.x)
        Pi.v2pt_theory(P, A, Ai)

        # Create a new particle of mass m[i] at this point
        Pai = mechanics.Particle('Pa' + str(i), Pi, m[i])

        # Calculate the cartesian position and velocity:
        # cartPos += l[i] * q[i]
        pos = Pi.pos_from(Origin)

        ke.append(1/n * Pai.kinetic_energy(A))
        gpe.append(m[i] * g * (Pi.pos_from(Origin) & gravity_direction))

        P = Pi

    # lengths and masses
    if lengths is None:
        lengths = np.ones(n) / n
    lengths = np.broadcast_to(lengths, n)
    masses = np.broadcast_to(masses, n)

    # Fixed parameters: gravitational constant, lengths, and masses
    parameters = [g] + list(l) + list(m)
    parameter_vals = [9.81] + list(lengths) + list(masses)

    # define symbols for unknown parameters
    unknowns = [Dummy() for i in q + u]
    unknown_dict = dict(zip(q + u, unknowns))

    # create functions for numerical calculation
    total_energy = 0
    if include_gpe:
        total_energy += (sum(gpe)).subs(zip(parameters, parameter_vals))
    if include_ke:
        total_energy += (sum( ke)).subs(zip(parameters, parameter_vals))

    total_energy_func = sympy2torch.sympy2torch(total_energy)

    minimum_energy = total_energy_func(**fixvalue(n, torch.tensor([[0.]*2*n]))).detach()
    return lambda inp: (total_energy_func(**fixvalue(n, inp)) - minimum_energy.to(inp)).unsqueeze(1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: pydata2016.py プロジェクト: sdpython/jupytalk
def example_pydy(ax=None, **options):
    Example from the documentation of

    @param      ax          matplotlib axis
    @parm       options     extra options
    @return                 ax
    # part 1

    from sympy import symbols
    import sympy.physics.mechanics as me

    mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')

    position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
    positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)
    force = me.dynamicsymbols('F')

    ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

    origin = me.Point('origin')
    origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)

    center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
    center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)

    block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)

    kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]

    force_magnitude = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed + force
    forces = [(center, force_magnitude * ceiling.x)]

    particles = [block]

    kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
    kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)

    # part 2

    from numpy import linspace, sin
    from pydy.system import System

    sys = System(kane,
                     mass: 1.0,
                     stiffness: 1.0,
                     damping: 0.2,
                     gravity: 9.8
                     force: lambda x, t: sin(t)
                     position: 0.1,
                     speed: -1.0
                 times=linspace(0.0, 10.0, 1000))

    y = sys.integrate()

    # part 3

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if ax is None:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1,
                             figsize=options.get('figsize', (5, 5)))

    ax.plot(sys.times, y)
    ax.legend((str(position), str(speed)))
    return ax
コード例 #11
def generate_n_link_pendulum_on_cart_equations_of_motion(n, cart_force=True):
    """Returns the implicit form of the symbolic equations of motion for a
    2D n-link pendulum on a sliding cart under the influence of gravity.

    n : integer
        The number of links in the pendulum.
    cart_force : boolean, default=True
        If true an external specified lateral force is applied to the cart.

    mass_matrix : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2 * (n + 1), 2 * (n + 1))
        The symbolic mass matrix of the system which are linear in u' and q'.
    forcing_vector : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2 * (n + 1), 1)
        The forcing vector of the system.
    constants : list
        A sequence of all the symbols which are constants in the equations
        of motion.
    coordinates : list
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the configuration of the system.
    speeds : list
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the generalized speeds of the system.
    specfied : list

    The degrees of freedom of the system are n + 1, i.e. one for each
    pendulum link and one for the lateral motion of the cart.

    M x' = F, where x = [u0, ..., un+1, q0, ..., qn+1]


    q = me.dynamicsymbols('q:' + str(n + 1))
    u = me.dynamicsymbols('u:' + str(n + 1))

    m = symbols('m:' + str(n + 1))
    l = symbols('l:' + str(n))
    g, t = symbols('g t')

    I = me.ReferenceFrame('I')
    O = me.Point('O')
    O.set_vel(I, 0)

    P0 = me.Point('P0')
    P0.set_pos(O, q[0] * I.x)
    P0.set_vel(I, u[0] * I.x)
    Pa0 = me.Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])

    frames = [I]
    points = [P0]
    particles = [Pa0]
    forces = [(P0, -m[0] * g * I.y)]
    kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]]

    for i in range(n):
        Bi = I.orientnew('B' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i + 1], I.z])
        Bi.set_ang_vel(I, u[i + 1] * I.z)

        Pi = points[-1].locatenew('P' + str(i + 1), l[i] * Bi.x)
        Pi.v2pt_theory(points[-1], I, Bi)

        Pai = me.Particle('Pa' + str(i + 1), Pi, m[i + 1])

        forces.append((Pi, -m[i + 1] * g * I.y))

        kindiffs.append(q[i + 1].diff(t) - u[i + 1])

    if cart_force is True:
        F = me.dynamicsymbols('F')
        forces.append((P0, F * I.x))
        specified = [F]
        specified = None

    kane = me.KanesMethod(I, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kindiffs)
    kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)

    mass_matrix = kane.mass_matrix_full
    forcing_vector = kane.forcing_full
    coordinates = kane._q
    speeds = kane._u

    constants = [g, m[0]]
    for i in range(n):
        constants += [l[i], m[i + 1]]

    return (mass_matrix, forcing_vector, constants, coordinates, speeds,
コード例 #12
def generate_mass_spring_damper_equations_of_motion(external_force=True):
    """Returns the symbolic equations of motion and associated variables for a
    simple one degree of freedom mass, spring, damper system with gravity
    and an optional external specified force.

      / / / / / / / /
      |    |     |   | g
      \   | |    |   V
    k /   --- c  |
      |    |     | x, v
     --------    V
     |  m   | -----
        | F

    mass_matrix : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2,2)
        The symbolic mass matrix of the system which are linear in
        derivatives of the states.
    forcing_vector : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2,1)
        The forcing vector of the system.
    constants : tuple, len(4)
        A sequence of all the symbols which are constants in the equations
        of motion, i.e. m, k, c, g.
    coordinates : tuple, len(1)
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the configuration of the system, i.e. x.
    speeds : tuple, len(1)
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the generalized speeds of the system, i.e v.
    specified : tuple, len(1) or None
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the specified variables of the system, i.e F. If
        `external_force` is False, then None is returned.
    external_force : boolean, default=True
        If true a specifed force will be added to the system.


    mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')

    position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
    positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)
    force = me.dynamicsymbols('F')

    ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

    origin = me.Point('origin')
    origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)

    center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
    center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)

    block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)

    kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]

    total_force = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed
    if external_force is True:
        total_force += force
    forces = [(center, total_force * ceiling.x)]

    particles = [block]

    kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
    kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)

    mass_matrix = kane.mass_matrix_full
    forcing_vector = kane.forcing_full
    constants = (mass, stiffness, damping, gravity)
    coordinates = (position, )
    speeds = (speed, )
    if external_force is True:
        specified = (force, )
        specified = None

    return (mass_matrix, forcing_vector, constants, coordinates, speeds,
コード例 #13
SG.v2pt_theory(G, inertial_rf, girdle_rf)

S1 = me.Point('S1')	
S1.set_pos(SG, -l_s*spine1_rf.x)
S1.v2pt_theory(SG, inertial_rf, spine1_rf)

#### PARTICLES (Point masses are used instead of rigid body to simplify the model)
#MASS : spine link, foot
m_spine, m_contact = symbols('m_spine, m_contact')

particles = []

g_p = me.Particle('g_p', G, m_spine)
rc_p = me.Particle('rc_p', RC, m_contact)
sg_p = me.Particle('sg_p', SG, m_spine)
s1_p = me.Particle('s1_p', S1, m_spine)

for part in particles:
	part.potential_energy = part.mass * dot(part.point.pos_from(O), inertial_rf.z)

# force = (point, vector)
# torque = (reference frame, vector)
コード例 #14
ファイル: derive.py プロジェクト: yashu-seth/pydy
# The location of the bobs (at the joints between the links) are created by
# specifiying the vectors between the points.
P1 = O.locatenew('P1', -l[0] * A.y)
P2 = P1.locatenew('P2', -l[1] * B.y)
P3 = P2.locatenew('P3', -l[2] * C.y)

# The velocities of the points can be computed by taking advantage that
# pairs of points are fixed on the referene frames.
P1.v2pt_theory(O, I, A)
P2.v2pt_theory(P1, I, B)
P3.v2pt_theory(P2, I, C)
points = [P1, P2, P3]

# Now create a particle to represent each bob.
Pa1 = me.Particle('Pa1', points[0], m_bob[0])
Pa2 = me.Particle('Pa2', points[1], m_bob[1])
Pa3 = me.Particle('Pa3', points[2], m_bob[2])
particles = [Pa1, Pa2, Pa3]

# The mass centers of each link need to be specified and, assuming a
# constant density cylinder, it is equidistance from each joint.
P_link1 = O.locatenew('P_link1', -l[0] / 2 * A.y)
P_link2 = P1.locatenew('P_link2', -l[1] / 2 * B.y)
P_link3 = P2.locatenew('P_link3', -l[2] / 2 * C.y)

# The linear velocities can be specified the same way as the bob points.
P_link1.v2pt_theory(O, I, A)
P_link2.v2pt_theory(P1, I, B)
P_link3.v2pt_theory(P2, I, C)
コード例 #15
ファイル: mass_spring_damper.py プロジェクト: yatna/sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import sympy as sm
import math as m
import numpy as np

m, k, b, g=sm.symbols('m k b g', real=True)
position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('position speed')
positiond, speedd = me.dynamicsymbols('position speed', 1)
o = me.dynamicsymbols('o')
force = o*sm.sin(me.dynamicsymbols._t)
point_origin.set_vel(frame_ceiling, 0)
particle_block=me.Particle('block', me.Point('block_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_block.point.set_pos(point_origin, position*frame_ceiling.x)
particle_block.mass = m
particle_block.point.set_vel(frame_ceiling, speed*frame_ceiling.x)
force_magnitude = m*g-k*position-b*speed+force
force_block = (force_magnitude*frame_ceiling.x).subs({positiond:speed})
kd_eqs = [positiond - speed]
forceList = [(particle_block.point,(force_magnitude*frame_ceiling.x).subs({positiond:speed}))]
kane = me.KanesMethod(frame_ceiling, q_ind=[position], u_ind=[speed], kd_eqs = kd_eqs)
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations([particle_block], forceList)
zero = fr+frstar
from pydy.system import System
sys = System(kane, constants = {m:1.0, k:1.0, b:0.2, g:9.8},
specifieds={me.dynamicsymbols('t'):lambda x, t: t, o:2},
initial_conditions={position:0.1, speed:-1*1.0},
times = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 10.0/0.01))

コード例 #16
import sympy as _sm
import math as m
import numpy as _np

q1, q2, u1, u2 = _me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 u1 u2')
q1_d, q2_d, u1_d, u2_d = _me.dynamicsymbols('q1_ q2_ u1_ u2_', 1)
l, m, g = _sm.symbols('l m g', real=True)
frame_n = _me.ReferenceFrame('n')
frame_a = _me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_b = _me.ReferenceFrame('b')
frame_a.orient(frame_n, 'Axis', [q1, frame_n.z])
frame_b.orient(frame_n, 'Axis', [q2, frame_n.z])
frame_a.set_ang_vel(frame_n, u1*frame_n.z)
frame_b.set_ang_vel(frame_n, u2*frame_n.z)
point_o = _me.Point('o')
particle_p = _me.Particle('p', _me.Point('p_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_r = _me.Particle('r', _me.Point('r_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p.point.set_pos(point_o, l*frame_a.x)
particle_r.point.set_pos(particle_p.point, l*frame_b.x)
point_o.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
particle_p.mass = m
particle_r.mass = m
force_p = particle_p.mass*(g*frame_n.x)
force_r = particle_r.mass*(g*frame_n.x)
kd_eqs = [q1_d - u1, q2_d - u2]
forceList = [(particle_p.point,particle_p.mass*(g*frame_n.x)), (particle_r.point,particle_r.mass*(g*frame_n.x))]
kane = _me.KanesMethod(frame_n, q_ind=[q1,q2], u_ind=[u1, u2], kd_eqs = kd_eqs)
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations([particle_p, particle_r], forceList)
zero = fr+frstar
コード例 #17
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: noisyoscillator/opty
def n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n,
    """Returns the the symbolic first order equations of motion for a 2D
    n-link pendulum on a sliding cart under the influence of gravity in this

        M(x) x(t) = F(x, u, t)

    n : integer
        The number of links in the pendulum.
    cart_force : boolean, default=True
        If true an external specified lateral force is applied to the cart.
    joint_torques : boolean, default=False
        If true joint torques will be added as specified inputs at each
    spring_damper : boolean, default=False
        If true a linear spring and damper are added to constrain the cart
        to the origin.

    mass_matrix : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2 * (n + 1), 2 * (n + 1))
        The symbolic mass matrix of the system which are linear in u' and q'.
    forcing_vector : sympy.MutableMatrix, shape(2 * (n + 1), 1)
        The forcing vector of the system.
    constants : list
        A sequence of all the symbols which are constants in the equations
        of motion.
    coordinates : list
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the configuration of the system.
    speeds : list
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the generalized speeds of the system.
    specfied : list
        A sequence of all the dynamic symbols, i.e. functions of time, which
        describe the specified inputs to the system.

    The degrees of freedom of the system are n + 1, i.e. one for each
    pendulum link and one for the lateral motion of the cart.

    M x' = F, where x = [u0, ..., un+1, q0, ..., qn+1]

    The joint angles are all defined relative to the ground where the x axis
    defines the ground line and the y axis points up. The joint torques are
    applied between each adjacent link and the between the cart and the
    lower link where a positive torque corresponds to positive angle.

    if n <= 0:
        raise ValueError('The number of links must be a positive integer.')

    q = me.dynamicsymbols('q:{}'.format(n + 1))
    u = me.dynamicsymbols('u:{}'.format(n + 1))

    if joint_torques is True:
        T = me.dynamicsymbols('T1:{}'.format(n + 1))

    m = sym.symbols('m:{}'.format(n + 1))
    l = sym.symbols('l:{}'.format(n))
    g, t = sym.symbols('g t')

    I = me.ReferenceFrame('I')
    O = me.Point('O')
    O.set_vel(I, 0)

    P0 = me.Point('P0')
    P0.set_pos(O, q[0] * I.x)
    P0.set_vel(I, u[0] * I.x)
    Pa0 = me.Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])

    frames = [I]
    points = [P0]
    particles = [Pa0]
    if spring_damper:
        k, c = sym.symbols('k, c')
        forces = [(P0, -m[0] * g * I.y - k * q[0] * I.x - c * u[0] * I.x)]
        forces = [(P0, -m[0] * g * I.y)]
    kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]]

    if cart_force is True or joint_torques is True:
        specified = []
        specified = None

    for i in range(n):
        Bi = I.orientnew('B{}'.format(i), 'Axis', [q[i + 1], I.z])
        Bi.set_ang_vel(I, u[i + 1] * I.z)

        Pi = points[-1].locatenew('P{}'.format(i + 1), l[i] * Bi.y)
        Pi.v2pt_theory(points[-1], I, Bi)

        Pai = me.Particle('Pa' + str(i + 1), Pi, m[i + 1])

        forces.append((Pi, -m[i + 1] * g * I.y))

        if joint_torques is True:


            if i == 0:
                forces.append((I, -T[i] * I.z))

            if i == n - 1:
                forces.append((Bi, T[i] * I.z))
                forces.append((Bi, T[i] * I.z - T[i + 1] * I.z))

        kindiffs.append(q[i + 1].diff(t) - u[i + 1])

    if cart_force is True:
        F = me.dynamicsymbols('F')
        forces.append((P0, F * I.x))

    kane = me.KanesMethod(I, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kindiffs)
    kane.kanes_equations(particles, forces)

    mass_matrix = kane.mass_matrix_full
    forcing_vector = kane.forcing_full
    coordinates = [x for x in kane._q]
    speeds = [x for x in kane._u]

    if spring_damper:
        constants = [k, c, g, m[0]]
        constants = [g, m[0]]
    for i in range(n):
        constants += [l[i], m[i + 1]]

    return (mass_matrix, forcing_vector, constants, coordinates, speeds,
コード例 #18
ファイル: non_min_pendulum.py プロジェクト: yatna/sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import sympy as sm
import math as m
import numpy as np

q1, q2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2')
q1d, q2d = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2', 1)
q1d2, q2d2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2', 2)
l, m, g = sm.symbols('l m g', real=True)
frame_n = me.ReferenceFrame('n')
point_pn = me.Point('pn')
point_pn.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
theta1 = sm.atan(q2 / q1)
frame_a = me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_a.orient(frame_n, 'Axis', [theta1, frame_n.z])
particle_p = me.Particle('p', me.Point('p_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p.point.set_pos(point_pn, q1 * frame_n.x + q2 * frame_n.y)
particle_p.mass = m
f_v = me.dot((particle_p.point.vel(frame_n)).express(frame_a), frame_a.x)
dependent = sm.Matrix([[0]])
dependent[0] = f_v
velocity_constraints = [i for i in dependent]
u_q1d = me.dynamicsymbols('u_q1d')
u_q2d = me.dynamicsymbols('u_q2d')
kd_eqs = [q1d - u_q1d, q2d - u_q2d]
forceList = [(particle_p.point, particle_p.mass * (g * frame_n.x))]
kane = me.KanesMethod(frame_n,
                      q_ind=[q1, q2],
コード例 #19
ファイル: mass_spring_damper.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import sympy as sm
import math as m
import numpy as np

m, k, b, g = sm.symbols("m k b g", real=True)
position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols("position speed")
positiond, speedd = me.dynamicsymbols("position speed", 1)
o = me.dynamicsymbols("o")
force = o * sm.sin(me.dynamicsymbols._t)
frame_ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame("ceiling")
point_origin = me.Point("origin")
point_origin.set_vel(frame_ceiling, 0)
particle_block = me.Particle("block", me.Point("block_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
particle_block.point.set_pos(point_origin, position * frame_ceiling.x)
particle_block.mass = m
particle_block.point.set_vel(frame_ceiling, speed * frame_ceiling.x)
force_magnitude = m * g - k * position - b * speed + force
force_block = (force_magnitude * frame_ceiling.x).subs({positiond: speed})
kd_eqs = [positiond - speed]
forceList = [(particle_block.point,
              (force_magnitude * frame_ceiling.x).subs({positiond: speed}))]
kane = me.KanesMethod(frame_ceiling,
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations([particle_block], forceList)
zero = fr + frstar
from pydy.system import System

sys = System(
コード例 #20
def integrate_pendulum(n,
    """Integrate a multi-pendulum with `n` sections"""
    # -------------------------------------------------
    # Step 1: construct the pendulum model

    # Generalized coordinates and velocities
    # (in this case, angular positions & velocities of each mass)
    q = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('q:{0}'.format(n))
    u = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('u:{0}'.format(n))

    # mass and length
    m = symbols('m:{0}'.format(n))
    l = symbols('l:{0}'.format(n))

    # gravity and time symbols
    g, t = symbols('g,t')

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # Step 2: build the model using Kane's Method

    # Create pivot point reference frame
    A = mechanics.ReferenceFrame('A')
    P = mechanics.Point('P')
    P.set_vel(A, 0)

    # lists to hold particles, forces, and kinetic ODEs
    # for each pendulum in the chain
    particles = []
    forces = []
    kinetic_odes = []

    for i in range(n):
        # Create a reference frame following the i^th mass
        Ai = A.orientnew('A' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i], A.z])
        Ai.set_ang_vel(A, u[i] * A.z)

        # Create a point in this reference frame
        Pi = P.locatenew('P' + str(i), l[i] * Ai.x)
        Pi.v2pt_theory(P, A, Ai)

        # Create a new particle of mass m[i] at this point
        Pai = mechanics.Particle('Pa' + str(i), Pi, m[i])

        # Set forces & compute kinematic ODE
        forces.append((Pi, m[i] * g * A.x))
        kinetic_odes.append(q[i].diff(t) - u[i])

        P = Pi

    # Generate equations of motion
    KM = mechanics.KanesMethod(A, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kinetic_odes)
    fr, fr_star = KM.kanes_equations(forces, particles)

    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # Step 3: numerically evaluate equations and integrate

    # initial positions and velocities – assumed to be given in degrees
    y0 = np.deg2rad(
            np.broadcast_to(initial_positions, n),
            np.broadcast_to(initial_velocities, n)

    # lengths and masses
    if lengths is None:
        lengths = np.ones(n) / n
    lengths = np.broadcast_to(lengths, n)
    masses = np.broadcast_to(masses, n)

    # Fixed parameters: gravitational constant, lengths, and masses
    parameters = [g] + list(l) + list(m)
    parameter_vals = [9.81] + list(lengths) + list(masses)

    # define symbols for unknown parameters
    unknowns = [Dummy() for i in q + u]
    unknown_dict = dict(zip(q + u, unknowns))
    kds = KM.kindiffdict()

    # substitute unknown symbols for qdot terms
    mm_sym = KM.mass_matrix_full.subs(kds).subs(unknown_dict)
    fo_sym = KM.forcing_full.subs(kds).subs(unknown_dict)

    # create functions for numerical calculation
    mm_func = lambdify(unknowns + parameters, mm_sym)
    fo_func = lambdify(unknowns + parameters, fo_sym)

    # function which computes the derivatives of parameters
    def gradient(y, t, args):
        vals = np.concatenate((y, args))
        sol = np.linalg.solve(mm_func(*vals), fo_func(*vals))
        return np.array(sol).T[0]

    # ODE integration
    return odeint(gradient, y0, times, args=(parameter_vals, ))
コード例 #21
ファイル: ruletest3.py プロジェクト: vitarka101/sympy
frame_a = _me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_b = _me.ReferenceFrame('b')
frame_n = _me.ReferenceFrame('n')
x1, x2, x3 = _me.dynamicsymbols('x1 x2 x3')
l = _sm.symbols('l', real=True)
v1 = x1*frame_a.x+x2*frame_a.y+x3*frame_a.z
v2 = x1*frame_b.x+x2*frame_b.y+x3*frame_b.z
v3 = x1*frame_n.x+x2*frame_n.y+x3*frame_n.z
v = v1+v2+v3
point_c = _me.Point('c')
point_d = _me.Point('d')
point_po1 = _me.Point('po1')
point_po2 = _me.Point('po2')
point_po3 = _me.Point('po3')
particle_l = _me.Particle('l', _me.Point('l_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p1 = _me.Particle('p1', _me.Point('p1_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p2 = _me.Particle('p2', _me.Point('p2_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p3 = _me.Particle('p3', _me.Point('p3_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
body_s_cm = _me.Point('s_cm')
body_s_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_s_f = _me.ReferenceFrame('s_f')
body_s = _me.RigidBody('s', body_s_cm, body_s_f, _sm.symbols('m'), (_me.outer(body_s_f.x,body_s_f.x),body_s_cm))
body_r1_cm = _me.Point('r1_cm')
body_r1_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_r1_f = _me.ReferenceFrame('r1_f')
body_r1 = _me.RigidBody('r1', body_r1_cm, body_r1_f, _sm.symbols('m'), (_me.outer(body_r1_f.x,body_r1_f.x),body_r1_cm))
body_r2_cm = _me.Point('r2_cm')
body_r2_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_r2_f = _me.ReferenceFrame('r2_f')
body_r2 = _me.RigidBody('r2', body_r2_cm, body_r2_f, _sm.symbols('m'), (_me.outer(body_r2_f.x,body_r2_f.x),body_r2_cm))
コード例 #22
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me

mass, stiffness, damping, gravity = symbols('m, k, c, g')

position, speed = me.dynamicsymbols('x v')
positiond = me.dynamicsymbols('x', 1)
force = me.dynamicsymbols('F')

ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

origin = me.Point('origin')
origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)

center = origin.locatenew('center', position * ceiling.x)
center.set_vel(ceiling, speed * ceiling.x)

block = me.Particle('block', center, mass)

kinematic_equations = [speed - positiond]

force_magnitude = mass * gravity - stiffness * position - damping * speed + force
forces = [(center, force_magnitude * ceiling.x)]

particles = [block]

kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)
コード例 #23
                    ]).reshape(m2.shape[0], m2.shape[1])
frame_n = me.ReferenceFrame('n')
frame_a = me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_a.orient(frame_n, 'Axis', [x, frame_n.x])
frame_a.orient(frame_n, 'Axis', [sm.pi / 2, frame_n.x])
c1, c2, c3 = sm.symbols('c1 c2 c3', real=True)
v = c1 * frame_a.x + c2 * frame_a.y + c3 * frame_a.z
point_o = me.Point('o')
point_p = me.Point('p')
point_o.set_pos(point_p, c1 * frame_a.x)
v = (v).express(frame_n)
point_o.set_pos(point_p, (point_o.pos_from(point_p)).express(frame_n))
frame_a.set_ang_vel(frame_n, c3 * frame_a.z)
point_p.v2pt_theory(point_o, frame_n, frame_a)
particle_p1 = me.Particle('p1', me.Point('p1_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p2 = me.Particle('p2', me.Point('p2_pt'), sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p2.point.v2pt_theory(particle_p1.point, frame_n, frame_a)
point_p.a2pt_theory(particle_p1.point, frame_n, frame_a)
body_b1_cm = me.Point('b1_cm')
body_b1_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_b1_f = me.ReferenceFrame('b1_f')
body_b1 = me.RigidBody('b1', body_b1_cm, body_b1_f, sm.symbols('m'),
                       (me.outer(body_b1_f.x, body_b1_f.x), body_b1_cm))
body_b2_cm = me.Point('b2_cm')
body_b2_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_b2_f = me.ReferenceFrame('b2_f')
body_b2 = me.RigidBody('b2', body_b2_cm, body_b2_f, sm.symbols('m'),
                       (me.outer(body_b2_f.x, body_b2_f.x), body_b2_cm))
g = sm.symbols('g', real=True)
force_p1 = particle_p1.mass * (g * frame_n.x)
コード例 #24
def multi_mass_spring_damper(n=1,
    """Returns a system containing the symbolic equations of motion and
    associated variables for a simple mutli-degree of freedom point mass,
    spring, damper system with optional gravitational and external
    specified forces. For example, a two mass system under the influence of
    gravity and external forces looks like:


         |     |     |   | g
         \    | |    |   V
      k0 /    --- c0 |
         |     |     | x0, v0
        ---------    V
        |  m0   | -----
        ---------    |
         | |   |     |
         \ v  | |    |
      k1 / f0 --- c1 |
         |     |     | x1, v1
        ---------    V
        |  m1   | -----
           | f1

    n : integer
        The number of masses in the serial chain.
    apply_gravity : boolean
        If true, gravity will be applied to each mass.
    apply_external_forces : boolean
        If true, a time varying external force will be applied to each mass.

    kane : sympy.physics.mechanics.kane.KanesMethod
        A KanesMethod object.


    mass = sm.symbols('m:{}'.format(n))
    stiffness = sm.symbols('k:{}'.format(n))
    damping = sm.symbols('c:{}'.format(n))

    acceleration_due_to_gravity = sm.symbols('g')

    coordinates = me.dynamicsymbols('x:{}'.format(n))
    speeds = me.dynamicsymbols('v:{}'.format(n))
    specifieds = me.dynamicsymbols('f:{}'.format(n))

    ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
    origin = me.Point('origin')
    origin.set_vel(ceiling, 0)

    points = [origin]
    kinematic_equations = []
    particles = []
    forces = []

    for i in range(n):

        center = points[-1].locatenew('center{}'.format(i),
                                      coordinates[i] * ceiling.x)
                       points[-1].vel(ceiling) + speeds[i] * ceiling.x)

        block = me.Particle('block{}'.format(i), center, mass[i])

        kinematic_equations.append(speeds[i] - coordinates[i].diff())

        total_force = (-stiffness[i] * coordinates[i] - damping[i] * speeds[i])
            total_force += (stiffness[i + 1] * coordinates[i + 1] +
                            damping[i + 1] * speeds[i + 1])
        except IndexError:  # no force from below on last mass

        if apply_gravity:
            total_force += mass[i] * acceleration_due_to_gravity

        if apply_external_forces:
            total_force += specifieds[i]

        forces.append((center, total_force * ceiling.x))


    kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling,
    kane.kanes_equations(particles, forces)

    return kane
コード例 #25
def n_link_pendulum_on_cart(n=1, cart_force=True, joint_torques=False):
    """Returns the system containing the symbolic first order equations of
    motion for a 2D n-link pendulum on a sliding cart under the influence of


         o    y   v
          \ 0 ^   g
           \  |
          |  \|   |
      F-> |   o --|---> x
          |       |
           o     o

    n : integer
        The number of links in the pendulum.
    cart_force : boolean, default=True
        If true an external specified lateral force is applied to the cart.
    joint_torques : boolean, default=False
        If true joint torques will be added as specified inputs at each

    kane : sympy.physics.mechanics.kane.KanesMethod
        A KanesMethod object.

    The degrees of freedom of the system are n + 1, i.e. one for each
    pendulum link and one for the lateral motion of the cart.

    M x' = F, where x = [u0, ..., un+1, q0, ..., qn+1]

    The joint angles are all defined relative to the ground where the x axis
    defines the ground line and the y axis points up. The joint torques are
    applied between each adjacent link and the between the cart and the
    lower link where a positive torque corresponds to positive angle.

    if n <= 0:
        raise ValueError('The number of links must be a positive integer.')

    q = me.dynamicsymbols('q:{}'.format(n + 1))
    u = me.dynamicsymbols('u:{}'.format(n + 1))

    if joint_torques is True:
        T = me.dynamicsymbols('T1:{}'.format(n + 1))

    m = sm.symbols('m:{}'.format(n + 1))
    l = sm.symbols('l:{}'.format(n))
    g, t = sm.symbols('g t')

    I = me.ReferenceFrame('I')
    O = me.Point('O')
    O.set_vel(I, 0)

    P0 = me.Point('P0')
    P0.set_pos(O, q[0] * I.x)
    P0.set_vel(I, u[0] * I.x)
    Pa0 = me.Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])

    frames = [I]
    points = [P0]
    particles = [Pa0]
    forces = [(P0, -m[0] * g * I.y)]
    kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]]

    if cart_force is True or joint_torques is True:
        specified = []
        specified = None

    for i in range(n):
        Bi = I.orientnew('B{}'.format(i), 'Axis', [q[i + 1], I.z])
        Bi.set_ang_vel(I, u[i + 1] * I.z)

        Pi = points[-1].locatenew('P{}'.format(i + 1), l[i] * Bi.y)
        Pi.v2pt_theory(points[-1], I, Bi)

        Pai = me.Particle('Pa' + str(i + 1), Pi, m[i + 1])

        forces.append((Pi, -m[i + 1] * g * I.y))

        if joint_torques is True:


            if i == 0:
                forces.append((I, -T[i] * I.z))

            if i == n - 1:
                forces.append((Bi, T[i] * I.z))
                forces.append((Bi, T[i] * I.z - T[i + 1] * I.z))

        kindiffs.append(q[i + 1].diff(t) - u[i + 1])

    if cart_force is True:
        F = me.dynamicsymbols('F')
        forces.append((P0, F * I.x))

    kane = me.KanesMethod(I, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kindiffs)
    kane.kanes_equations(particles, forces)

    return kane
コード例 #26
import sympy.physics.mechanics as _me
import sympy as _sm
import math as m
import numpy as _np

m, k, b, g = _sm.symbols('m k b g', real=True)
position, speed = _me.dynamicsymbols('position speed')
position_d, speed_d = _me.dynamicsymbols('position_ speed_', 1)
o = _me.dynamicsymbols('o')
force = o*_sm.sin(_me.dynamicsymbols._t)
frame_ceiling = _me.ReferenceFrame('ceiling')
point_origin = _me.Point('origin')
point_origin.set_vel(frame_ceiling, 0)
particle_block = _me.Particle('block', _me.Point('block_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_block.point.set_pos(point_origin, position*frame_ceiling.x)
particle_block.mass = m
particle_block.point.set_vel(frame_ceiling, speed*frame_ceiling.x)
force_magnitude = m*g-k*position-b*speed+force
force_block = (force_magnitude*frame_ceiling.x).subs({position_d:speed})
kd_eqs = [position_d - speed]
forceList = [(particle_block.point,(force_magnitude*frame_ceiling.x).subs({position_d:speed}))]
kane = _me.KanesMethod(frame_ceiling, q_ind=[position], u_ind=[speed], kd_eqs = kd_eqs)
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations([particle_block], forceList)
zero = fr+frstar
from pydy.system import System
sys = System(kane, constants = {m:1.0, k:1.0, b:0.2, g:9.8},
specifieds={_me.dynamicsymbols('t'):lambda x, t: t, o:2},
initial_conditions={position:0.1, speed:-1*1.0},
times = _np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 10.0/0.01))

コード例 #27
ファイル: ruletest8.py プロジェクト: vitarka101/sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as _me
import sympy as _sm
import math as m
import numpy as _np

frame_a = _me.ReferenceFrame('a')
c1, c2, c3 = _sm.symbols('c1 c2 c3', real=True)
a = _me.inertia(frame_a, 1, 1, 1)
particle_p1 = _me.Particle('p1', _me.Point('p1_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
particle_p2 = _me.Particle('p2', _me.Point('p2_pt'), _sm.Symbol('m'))
body_r_cm = _me.Point('r_cm')
body_r_f = _me.ReferenceFrame('r_f')
body_r = _me.RigidBody('r', body_r_cm, body_r_f, _sm.symbols('m'), (_me.outer(body_r_f.x,body_r_f.x),body_r_cm))
frame_a.orient(body_r_f, 'DCM', _sm.Matrix([1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1]).reshape(3, 3))
point_o = _me.Point('o')
m1 = _sm.symbols('m1')
particle_p1.mass = m1
m2 = _sm.symbols('m2')
particle_p2.mass = m2
mr = _sm.symbols('mr')
body_r.mass = mr
i1 = _sm.symbols('i1')
i2 = _sm.symbols('i2')
i3 = _sm.symbols('i3')
body_r.inertia = (_me.inertia(body_r_f, i1, i2, i3, 0, 0, 0), body_r_cm)
point_o.set_pos(particle_p1.point, c1*frame_a.x)
point_o.set_pos(particle_p2.point, c2*frame_a.y)
point_o.set_pos(body_r_cm, c3*frame_a.z)
a = _me.inertia_of_point_mass(particle_p1.mass, particle_p1.point.pos_from(point_o), frame_a)
a = _me.inertia_of_point_mass(particle_p2.mass, particle_p2.point.pos_from(point_o), frame_a)
a = body_r.inertia[0] + _me.inertia_of_point_mass(body_r.mass, body_r.masscenter.pos_from(point_o), frame_a)
コード例 #28
ファイル: ruletest9.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import sympy as sm
import math as m
import numpy as np

frame_n = me.ReferenceFrame("n")
frame_a = me.ReferenceFrame("a")
a = 0
d = me.inertia(frame_a, 1, 1, 1)
point_po1 = me.Point("po1")
point_po2 = me.Point("po2")
particle_p1 = me.Particle("p1", me.Point("p1_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
particle_p2 = me.Particle("p2", me.Point("p2_pt"), sm.Symbol("m"))
c1, c2, c3 = me.dynamicsymbols("c1 c2 c3")
c1d, c2d, c3d = me.dynamicsymbols("c1 c2 c3", 1)
body_r_cm = me.Point("r_cm")
body_r_cm.set_vel(frame_n, 0)
body_r_f = me.ReferenceFrame("r_f")
body_r = me.RigidBody(
    (me.outer(body_r_f.x, body_r_f.x), body_r_cm),
point_po2.set_pos(particle_p1.point, c1 * frame_a.x)
v = 2 * point_po2.pos_from(particle_p1.point) + c2 * frame_a.y
frame_a.set_ang_vel(frame_n, c3 * frame_a.z)
v = 2 * frame_a.ang_vel_in(frame_n) + c2 * frame_a.y
body_r_f.set_ang_vel(frame_n, c3 * frame_a.z)
v = 2 * body_r_f.ang_vel_in(frame_n) + c2 * frame_a.y
コード例 #29
ファイル: sympyModel.py プロジェクト: sahapriyabrata/NI4C
    def __init__(self, n, lengths=None, masses=1):
        # Step 1: construct the pendulum model

        # Generalized coordinates and velocities
        # (in this case, angular positions & velocities of each mass)
        q = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('q:{0}'.format(n))
        u = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('u:{0}'.format(n))
        f = mechanics.dynamicsymbols('f:{0}'.format(n))

        # mass and length
        m = symbols('m:{0}'.format(n))
        l = symbols('l:{0}'.format(n))

        # gravity and time symbols
        g, t = symbols('g,t')

        # Step 2: build the model using Kane's Method

        # Create pivot point reference frame
        A = mechanics.ReferenceFrame('A')
        P = mechanics.Point('P')
        P.set_vel(A, 0)

        # lists to hold particles, forces, and kinetic ODEs
        # for each pendulum in the chain
        particles = []
        forces = []
        kinetic_odes = []

        for i in range(n):
            # Create a reference frame following the i^th mass
            Ai = A.orientnew('A' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i], A.z])
            Ai.set_ang_vel(A, u[i] * A.z)

            # Create a point in this reference frame
            Pi = P.locatenew('P' + str(i), l[i] * Ai.x)
            Pi.v2pt_theory(P, A, Ai)

            # Create a new particle of mass m[i] at this point
            Pai = mechanics.Particle('Pa' + str(i), Pi, m[i])

            # Set forces & compute kinematic ODE
            forces.append((Pi, m[i] * g * A.x))

            # Add external torque:
            forces.append((Ai, f[i] * A.z))

            kinetic_odes.append(q[i].diff(t) - u[i])

            P = Pi

        # Generate equations of motion
        KM = mechanics.KanesMethod(A, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kinetic_odes)
        fr, fr_star = KM.kanes_equations(particles, forces)

        # Step 3: numerically evaluate equations

        # lengths and masses
        if lengths is None:
            lengths = np.ones(n) / n
        lengths = np.broadcast_to(lengths, n)
        masses = np.broadcast_to(masses, n)

        # Fixed parameters: gravitational constant, lengths, and masses
        parameters = [g] + list(l) + list(m)
        parameter_vals = [9.81] + list(lengths) + list(masses)

        # define symbols for unknown parameters
        unknowns = [Dummy() for i in q + u + f]
        unknown_dict = dict(zip(q + u + f, unknowns))
        kds = KM.kindiffdict()

        # substitute unknown symbols for qdot terms
        mm_sym = KM.mass_matrix_full.subs(kds).subs(unknown_dict)
        fo_sym = KM.forcing_full.subs(kds).subs(unknown_dict)

        # create functions for numerical calculation
        self.mm_func = lambdify(unknowns + parameters, mm_sym)
        self.fo_func = lambdify(unknowns + parameters, fo_sym)

        self.args = parameter_vals

        A, B, _ = KM.linearize(A_and_B=True)
        parameter_dict = dict(zip(parameters, parameter_vals))
        self.A = A.subs(parameter_dict)
        self.B = B.subs(parameter_dict)
        self.state = q + u
コード例 #30
    def setup(self):
        # System state variables
        q = me.dynamicsymbols('q')
        qd = me.dynamicsymbols('q', 1)

        # Other system variables
        m, k, b = symbols('m k b')

        # Set up the reference frame
        N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')

        # Set up the points and particles
        P = me.Point('P')
        P.set_vel(N, qd * N.x)

        Pa = me.Particle('Pa', P, m)

        # Define the potential energy and create the Lagrangian
        Pa.potential_energy = k * q**2 / 2.0
        L = me.Lagrangian(N, Pa)

        # Create the list of forces acting on the system
        fl = [(P, -b * qd * N.x)]

        # Create an instance of Lagranges Method
        self.l = me.LagrangesMethod(L, [q], forcelist=fl, frame=N)