コード例 #1
    def print_jacobian_component(self, s1, s2, assign_to=None, print_zeros=True):

        if s1 == self.energy_term:
            st = sum(
                self.cooling_actions[ca].equation for ca in sorted(self.cooling_actions)
            st = self.species_total(s1)

        if assign_to is None:
            assign_to = sympy.Symbol("d_%s_%s" % (s1.name, s2.name))
        if isinstance(st, (list, tuple)):
            codes = []
            for temp_name, temp_eq in st[0]:
                teq = sympy.sympify(temp_eq)
                codes.append(ccode(teq, assign_to=temp_name))
            codes.append(ccode(st[1], assign_to=assign_to))
            return "\n".join(codes)

        eq = sympy.diff(st, s2.symbol)
        #eq = eq.replace(
        #    lambda x: x.is_Pow and x.exp > 0 and x.exp == sympy.Integer,
        #    lambda x: sympy.Symbol("*".join([x.base.name] * x.exp)),

        if eq == sympy.sympify("0") and not print_zeros:

        return ccode(eq, assign_to=assign_to)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_cnodes.py プロジェクト: dagidagi1/Matrix
def test_goto_Label():
    s = 'early_exit'
    g = goto(s)
    assert g.func(*g.args) == g
    assert g != goto('foobar')
    assert ccode(g) == 'goto early_exit'

    l1 = Label(s)
    assert ccode(l1) == 'early_exit:'
    assert l1 == Label('early_exit')
    assert l1 != Label('foobar')

    body = [PreIncrement(x)]
    l2 = Label(s, body)
    assert l2.name == String("early_exit")
    assert l2.body == CodeBlock(PreIncrement(x))
    assert ccode(l2) == ("early_exit:\n"

    body = [PreIncrement(x), PreDecrement(y)]
    l2 = Label(s, body)
    assert l2.name == String("early_exit")
    assert l2.body == CodeBlock(PreIncrement(x), PreDecrement(y))
    assert ccode(l2) == ("early_exit:\n"
        "{\n   ++(x);\n   --(y);\n}")
コード例 #3
 def genEval(self):
     text = "        bool evaluate(\n"
     for name,v in self.variables:
         if v.is_Matrix:
             args.append("           const Eigen::MatrixXd & %s" % name)
             args.append("           double %s" % name)
     args.append("           bool evalF=true,bool evalJ=true")
     text += ",\n".join(args) + ") {\n"
     text += "           if (evalF) {\n"
     (interm, expr) = cse(self.function,numbered_symbols("__x"));
     for dummy,exp in interm:
         text += "               double %s = %s;\n" % (str(dummy),ccode(exp))
     for i in range(self.function.rows):
         text += "               F(%d) = %s;\n" % (i,ccode(expr[0][i]))
     text += "           }\n"
     text += "           if (evalJ) {\n"
     (interm, expr) = cse(self.J,numbered_symbols("__x"));
     for dummy,exp in interm:
         text += "               double %s = %s;\n" % (str(dummy),ccode(exp))
     for i in range(self.J.rows):
         for j in range(self.J.cols):
             text += "               J(%d,%d) = %s;\n" % (i,j,ccode(expr[0][i,j]))
     text += "           }\n"
     text += "           return true;\n"
     text += "       }\n"
     return text
コード例 #4
def commonsubelim(filename1, filename2):
    modifiedlines = []
    with open(filename1, 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            currentline = line + '\n'
            flag = False
            if ('=' in line):
                line = line.strip(';')
                lines = line.split('=')
                docse = False
                lines[1] = lines[1].replace(' ', '')
                docse = re.search("[0-9]", lines[1])
                if (not docse):
                    lines[1] = eval(lines[1])
                    compressedexpr = cse(lines[1], numbered_symbols("help"))
                    currentline = lines[0] + '='
                    for helper in compressedexpr[0]:
                        flag = True
                        modifiedlines.append("int " +
                                             str(ccode(helper[1], helper[0])) +
                    for i, result in enumerate(compressedexpr[1]):
                        modifiedlines.append("int " +
                                             (ccode(result, "result")))
            if (flag == False):
    with open(filename2, 'w') as file:
        for line in modifiedlines:
コード例 #5
    def get_Integrand_with_c(self):
        For all of this i used the ccode function of sympy to generate C code for the integrand.

        What's happening is, that a C-File with the function, which will get
        integrated over later on, gets created and compiled.

        The generated C-code has not the form i need it to be, so some symbols
        need to be modified. Like exp to cexp and so on.

        I have an option self.Comp_String, which when True causes the C-File to
        get compiled in one OS-Command instead of seperate commands. I tried
        this out, because i thought that the first option could be faster.
        But it was not, if i remember correctly. Also that's not the Bottleneck
        of my programm, so i didn't focus on that any longer.

        Since the integration algorithm is in another file and is except for
        the integration boundaries fixed, i decided just to do it by hand every
        time. Those boundaries are for now also fixed, so it's ok.


        a = ccode(self.lagrangian_without_bound_constr())
        b = ccode(self.boundadness_constraint())
        g = open(get_data('funcprint2.txt'), 'r')
        g1 = g.read()
        Whole_String = ''
        Bibliotheken = '#include <math.h>\n' + '#include <complex.h>\n' + '#include <stdio.h>\n'
        Prototypen = 'static float xsav;\n' + 'static float(*nrfunc)(float,float);\n'
        Integranddef = "float f(float r, float t)" + "{return"
        Begin_von_Func = " 1/(2*cpow(M_PI,2)) + (fmax(creall("
        Func1 = a.replace("exp", "cexp").replace("pow", "cpow").replace(
            "r_0", "r").replace("t_0", "t")
        Func1_End = "),0)"

        Whole_String += Bibliotheken + Prototypen + Integranddef + Begin_von_Func + Func1 + Func1_End

        Func2_Anf = "+ creall("
        Func2 = b.replace("exp", "cexp").replace("pow", "cpow").replace(
            "r_0", "r").replace("t_0", "t")

        if self.Schwartzfunktion:
            Func22 = '))*sin(1.0L*r)*sin(1.0L*r)'
            Func2_End = '*cexp(-(cpow(t,2)/' + "cpow(%2.0f,2)))" % (
                self.T) + ';' + '}\n'
            Whole_String += Func2_Anf + Func2 + Func22 + Func2_End + g1
            Func22 = '))*sin(1.0L*r)*sin(1.0L*r);}\n'
            Whole_String += Func2_Anf + Func2 + Func22 + g1

        if self.Comp_String:
            os.system('gcc -o testlib2' + ' << EOF ' + Whole_String +
                      'EOF -lm')
            f = open('testlib2.c', 'w')
            os.system('gcc -o testlib2 testlib2.c -lm')
コード例 #6
    def temperature_calculation(self,
        # If derivative=True, returns the derivative of
        # temperature with respect to ge.  Otherwise,
        # returns just the temperature function
        ge = sympy.Symbol('ge')
        function_eq = (sympy.Symbol('density') * ge * sympy.Symbol('mh')) / \
            (sympy.Symbol('kb') * (self.gamma_factor()))
        #function_eq = (ge) / \
        #    (sympy.Symbol('kb') * (self.gamma_factor()))
        if derivative == True:
            deriv_eq = sympy.diff(function_eq, ge)
            return ccode(deriv_eq)
        elif derivative_dge_dT == True:
            # when H2 presents, the gamma is dependent on  temperature
            # therefore temperature must iterate to a convergence for a given ge
            # this part evaluates the derivatives of the function ge with respect to T
            T = sympy.Symbol('T')
            f = self.gamma_factor(temp=True) * sympy.Symbol('kb') * sympy.Symbol('T') \
                    / sympy.Symbol('mh') / sympy.Symbol('density')
            dge_dT = sympy.diff(f, T)
            tmp = sympy.Symbol('tmp')
            for sp in self.interpolate_gamma_species:
                # substitute the sympy function with sympy Symbols
                sym_fgamma = sympy.Function('gamma%s' % sp.name)(T)
                sym_dfgamma = sympy.diff(sym_fgamma, T)
                dgamma = sympy.Symbol('dgamma%s_dT' % sp.name)
                dge_dT = dge_dT.subs({sym_dfgamma: dgamma})

                fgamma = sympy.Symbol('gamma%s' % sp.name)
                dge_dT = dge_dT.subs({sym_fgamma: tmp})
                dge_dT = dge_dT.subs({tmp: fgamma})

            return ccode(dge_dT)
        elif get_dge == True:
            T = sympy.Symbol('T')
            dge = self.gamma_factor(
                temp=True) * sympy.Symbol('kb') * T / sympy.Symbol(
                    'mh') / sympy.Symbol('density') - sympy.Symbol('ge')

            tmp = sympy.Symbol('tmp')
            for sp in self.interpolate_gamma_species:
                sym_fgamma = sympy.Function('gamma%s' % sp.name)(T)
                fgamma = sympy.Symbol('gamma%s' % sp.name)
                dge = dge.subs({sym_fgamma: tmp})
                dge = dge.subs({tmp: fgamma})

            return ccode(dge)
            return ccode(function_eq)
コード例 #7
def test_goto_Label():
    s = 'early_exit'
    g = goto(s)
    assert g.func(*g.args) == g
    assert g != goto('foobar')
    assert ccode(g) == 'goto early_exit'

    l = Label(s)
    assert l.is_Atom
    assert ccode(l) == 'early_exit:'
    assert g.label == l
    assert l == Label(s)
    assert l != Label('foobar')
コード例 #8
def C99_print(expr):
    CSE_results = cse(expr, numbered_symbols("helper_"), optimizations='basic')
    lines = []
    for helper in CSE_results[0]:
        if isinstance(helper[1], MatrixSymbol):
            lines.append('const auto ' + str(helper[0]) + '[' + str(helper[1].rows * helper[1].cols) + '];')
            lines.append(ccode(helper[1], helper[0]))
            lines.append('const auto ' + ccode(helper[1], helper[0]))

    for i, result in enumerate(CSE_results[1]):
        lines.append(ccode(result, "result_%d" % i))
    return '\n'.join(lines)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_rewriting.py プロジェクト: stevenleeS0ht/sympy
def test_compiled_ccode_with_rewriting():
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    x = Symbol('x')
    about_two = 2**(58/S(117))*3**(97/S(117))*5**(4/S(39))*7**(92/S(117))/S(30)*pi
    # about_two: 1.999999999999581826
    unchanged = 2*exp(x) - about_two
    xval = S(10)**-11
    ref = unchanged.subs(x, xval).n(19) # 2.0418173913673213e-11

    rewritten = optimize(2*exp(x) - about_two, [expm1_opt])

    # Unfortunately, we need to call ``.n()`` on our expressions before we hand them
    # to ``ccode``, and we need to request a large number of significant digits.
    # In this test, results converged for double precision when the following number
    # of significant digits were chosen:
    NUMBER_OF_DIGITS = 25   # TODO: this should ideally be automatically handled.

    func_c = '''
#include <math.h>

double func_unchanged(double x) {
    return %(unchanged)s;
double func_rewritten(double x) {
    return %(rewritten)s;
''' % dict(unchanged=ccode(unchanged.n(NUMBER_OF_DIGITS)),

    func_pyx = '''
#cython: language_level=3
cdef extern double func_unchanged(double)
cdef extern double func_rewritten(double)
def py_unchanged(x):
    return func_unchanged(x)
def py_rewritten(x):
    return func_rewritten(x)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
            [('func.c', func_c), ('_func.pyx', func_pyx)],
            build_dir=folder, compile_kwargs=dict(std='c99')
        err_rewritten = abs(mod.py_rewritten(1e-11) - ref)
        err_unchanged = abs(mod.py_unchanged(1e-11) - ref)
        assert 1e-27 < err_rewritten < 1e-25  # highly accurate.
        assert 1e-19 < err_unchanged < 1e-16  # quite poor.
コード例 #10
ファイル: generate_derivatives.py プロジェクト: thnam/Offline
    def build_cse_fn(symname, symfunc, symbolslist):
        tmpsyms = numbered_symbols("R")
        symbols, simple = cse(symfunc, symbols=tmpsyms)

        code = "double %s(%s)\n" % (str(symname), ", ".join(
            "double const& %s" % x for x in symbolslist))
        code += "{\n"
        for s in symbols:
            code += "    double %s = %s;\n" % (ccode(s[0]), ccode(s[1]))
        code += "    double result = %s;\n" % ccode(simple[0])
        code += "    return result;\n"
        code += "}\n"

        return code
コード例 #11
 def temperature_calculation(self, derivative=False):
     # If derivative=True, returns the derivative of
     # temperature with respect to ge.  Otherwise,
     # returns just the temperature function
     ge = sympy.Symbol('ge')
     function_eq = (sympy.Symbol('density') * ge * sympy.Symbol('mh')) / \
         (sympy.Symbol('kb') * (self.gamma_factor()))
     #function_eq = (ge) / \
     #    (sympy.Symbol('kb') * (self.gamma_factor()))
     if derivative == True:
         deriv_eq = sympy.diff(function_eq, ge)
         return ccode(deriv_eq)
         return ccode(function_eq)
     return ccode(eq)
コード例 #12
    def get_Integrand_with_ctypes(self):

        a = ccode(self.lagrangian_without_bound_constr())
        b = ccode(self.boundadness_constraint())

        Whole_String = ''

        Bibliotheken = '#include <math.h>\n' + '#include <complex.h>\n' + '#include <stdio.h>\n'
        Integranddef = "double f(int n, double args[n])" + "{return"
        Begin_von_Func = " 1/(2*cpow(M_PI,2)) + (fmax(creall("  #I added, 1/2*pi^2 because
        #the Integral can be zero,
        #and then the integration takes
        #very long due to error control.
        #By adding the factor above we make
        #the integral one bigger, and then
        #at the and we just need to substract it
        Func1 = a.replace("exp", "cexp").replace("r_0", "args[0]").replace(
            "pow", "cpow").replace("t_0", "args[1]")
        Func1_End = "),0)"
        Whole_String += Bibliotheken + Integranddef + Begin_von_Func + Func1 + Func1_End

        Func2_Anf = "+ creall("
        Func2 = b.replace("exp", "cexp").replace("r_0", "args[0]").replace(
            "pow", "cpow").replace("t_0", "args[1]")
        g = open(get_data('funcprint.c'), 'r')
        g1 = g.read()

        if self.Schwartzfunktion:
            Func22 = '))*sin(1.0L*args[0])*sin(1.0L*args[0])'
            Func2_End = '*cexp(-(cpow(args[1],2)/' + "cpow(%2.0f,2)))" % (
                self.T) + ';' + '}\n'
            Whole_String += Func2_Anf + Func2 + Func22 + Func2_End + g1
            Func22 = '))*sin(1.0L*args[0])*sin(1.0L*args[0]);}\n'
            Whole_String += Func2_Anf + Func2 + Func22 + g1
        if self.Comp_String:
            os.system('gcc -x c -shared -o testlib2.so -fPIC' + ' << EOF ' +
                      Whole_String + 'EOF')

            f = open('testlib2.c', 'w')

            os.system('gcc -x c -shared -o testlib2.so -fPIC testlib2.c')

コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, symbsol, V, kappa=1):

        x, y, t = smp.symbols('x[0], x[1], t')
        rhs = symbsol.diff(t) \
              + (kappa * (symbsol.diff(x))).diff(x) \
              + (kappa * (symbsol.diff(y))).diff(y) 

        from sympy.printing import ccode
        self.sol = Expression(ccode(symbsol), t=0.0)
        self.rhs = Expression(ccode(rhs), t=0.0)
        self.V = V

        v = TestFunction(V)
        u = TrialFunction(V)
        # Assemble system
        M = assemble(inner(u, v)*dx)
        A = assemble(kappa * inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx)
        # Convert DOLFIN representation to numpy arrays
        rows, cols, values = M.data()
        self.M = sps.csr_matrix((values, cols, rows))
        """csr matrix for the mass"""
        rows, cols, values = A.data()
        self.A = sps.csr_matrix((values, cols, rows))
        """csr matrix representing the weak discrete 
        :math:`-\\nabla \\cdot (\\kappa \\nabla )` operator"""

        # treatment of the boundary values
        nv = self.A.shape[0]
        auxu = np.zeros((nv,1))
        self.bcinds = []
        self.bc = DirichletBC(self.V, self.sol, 'on_boundary')
        self.bcdict = self.bc.get_boundary_values()
        auxu[self.bcdict.keys(),0] = self.bcdict.values()

        self.rhsbc = - self.A*auxu    
        # indices of the innernodes
        self.invinds = np.setdiff1d(range(nv),self.bcinds).astype(np.int32)
        # condense the coeff mats to the inner nodes 
        self.M = self.M[self.invinds,:][:,self.invinds]
        self.A = self.A[self.invinds,:][:,self.invinds]

        self.rhsbc = self.rhsbc[self.invinds,:]

        self.bcvals = auxu[self.bcinds]
コード例 #14
ファイル: hydrogenic.py プロジェクト: rainson/QMC2
    def extraToFile(self, path):

        raw = """double %sOrbitals::get_dell_alpha_phi(const Walker* walker, int qnum, int i){
    double dphi;
    return dphi;
}""" % self.name

        shell = """if (qnum == _q_) {

        dphi = __expr__
    } else """

        Z = Symbol('Z', positive=True, real=True)

        code = "    "

        for i in range(self.maxImplemented/2):

            psi = self.orbitals[i]
            qNums = self.stateMap[i] 
            genFac = self.genericFactor(qNums, basic=False)
            kdiff = diff(psi, k).factor(genFac)/psi*Z
            simple = self.makeReadable(str(kdiff))

            nec, necList = self.getNecessities(kdiff)
            expr = printing.ccode(kdiff) + ";"
            expr = self.replaceCCode(expr, necList)

            #hack to get the right indent
            nec = "\n".join([" "*4  + nec_i for nec_i in nec.split("\n")])

            subCode = shell
            subCode = subCode.replace("\n\n    __necessities__", nec)\
                             .replace("__expr__", expr)\
                             .replace("__simple__", simple)\
                             .replace("_q_", str(i))
            code += subCode
        code = code.strip("else ")
        ccode = raw.replace("__code__", code)
        with open(pjoin(path, "%sOrbitalsAlphaDeriv.cpp" % self.name), 'w') as f:
コード例 #15
    def solve_equilibrium_abundance(self, species):
        """write the equilibrium abundance of species sp"""
        from sympy.solvers import solve

        eq = self.species_total(species)
        equil_sol = solve(eq, species)
        return ccode(equil_sol[0], assign_to=species)
コード例 #16
    def getNecessities(self, expr):

        s = printing.ccode(expr)

        nec = []
        necS = ""
        necS2 = ""

        for i, x in enumerate(self.xi):
            l = len(regxp.findall("pow\(%s\, \d+\)" % x, s))

            if regxp.findall("[^\w]?%s[^\w]" % x, s):
                necS += "    %s = walker->r(i, %d);\n" % (x, i)

            if l > 0:
                x2 = x + "2"
                necS2 += "    %s = %s*%s;\n" % (x2, x, x)

        necS = ("%s\n%s" % (necS, necS2)).strip("\n")

        #Manually add the lineshifts so that if no nec, then no lineshift
        if necS:
            necS = "\n\n" + necS

        return necS, nec
コード例 #17
    def getNecessities(self, expr):
        s = printing.ccode(expr)        
        nec = []
        necS = ""
        necS2 = ""

        for i, x in enumerate(self.xi):
            l = len(regxp.findall("pow\(%s\, \d+\)" % x, s))
            if regxp.findall("[^\w]?%s[^\w]" % x, s):
                necS += "    %s = walker->r(i, %d);\n" % (x, i)

            if l > 0:
                x2 = x + "2"
                necS2 += "    %s = %s*%s;\n" % (x2, x, x)

        necS = ("%s\n%s" % (necS, necS2)).strip("\n")
        #Manually add the lineshifts so that if no nec, then no lineshift        
        if necS:
            necS = "\n\n" + necS
        return necS, nec
コード例 #18
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: apdavison/lib9ML
 def rhs_xml(self):
     rhs = self.expand_integer_powers(self.rhs)
     s = ccode(rhs, user_functions=self._random_map)
     s = self.strip_L_from_rationals(s)
     s = self._ccode_print_warn_re.sub('', s)
     s = self._multiple_whitespace_re.sub(' ', s)
     return s
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_cnodes.py プロジェクト: dagidagi1/Matrix
def test_sizeof():
    typename = 'unsigned int'
    sz = sizeof(typename)
    assert ccode(sz) == 'sizeof(%s)' % typename
    assert sz.func(*sz.args) == sz
    assert not sz.is_Atom
    assert sz.atoms() == {String('unsigned int'), String('sizeof')}
コード例 #20
def GenerateInterpolationFunction(et, p, scalar):
    ir = getReferenceRules(p, 0)[et]
    basis = getBasisFunctions(et, p)
    ndof = len(basis)
    nips = len(ir)
    if nips!=ndof:
        raise RuntimeError("Number of ips ({}) and dofs ({}) doesn't match for element {} and order {}".format(nips, ndof, et,p))
#     mat = zeros((ndof,ndof), numpy.float64)
    mat = zeros(ndof)
    for i,ip in enumerate(ir):
        for j,phi in enumerate(basis):
            mat[i,j] = phi(*ip)

    invmat = mat**-1
#     invmat = numpy.linalg.inv(mat)
    code = "#ifdef {}\n".format(str(et).replace('.','_'))
    code += "#if ORDER=={}\n".format(p)
    code += GetHeader(et, p, basis, scalar)
    x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
    func = 0*x
    values = symbols(("f[{}] "*ndof).format(*range(ndof)))
    for i in range(ndof):
        func += basis[i](x,y,z)*sum([invmat[i,j]*values[j] for j in range(ndof)])
    code += "  return " + str(ccode(horner(func,wrt=x))) + ";\n"
    code += "}\n"
    code += "#endif\n"
    code += "#endif\n\n"
    return code
コード例 #21
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: sshyran/nineml-python
 def rhs_xml(self):
     rhs = self.expand_integer_powers(self.rhs)
     s = ccode(rhs, user_functions=self._random_map)
     s = self.strip_L_from_rationals(s)
     s = self._ccode_print_warn_re.sub('', s)
     s = self._multiple_whitespace_re.sub(' ', s)
     return s
コード例 #22
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: nsk6999/pype9
 def assign_str(self, lhs, rhs):
     rhs = Expression.expand_integer_powers(rhs)
     nmodl_str = ccode(rhs, user_functions=Expression._cfunc_map,
     nmodl_str = Expression.strip_L_from_rationals(nmodl_str)
     nmodl_str = nmodl_str.replace(';', '')
     return nmodl_str
コード例 #23
 def print_jacobian_component(self, s1, s2, assign_to=None):
     if s1 == self.energy_term:
         st = sum(self.cooling_actions[ca].equation
                  for ca in sorted(self.cooling_actions))
         st = self.species_total(s1)
     if assign_to is None:
         assign_to = sympy.Symbol("d_%s_%s" % (s1.name, s2.name))
     if isinstance(st, (list, tuple)):
         codes = []
         for temp_name, temp_eq in st[0]:
             teq = sympy.sympify(temp_eq)
             codes.append(ccode(teq, assign_to=temp_name))
         codes.append(ccode(st[1], assign_to=assign_to))
         return "\n".join(codes)
     return ccode(sympy.diff(st, s2.symbol), assign_to=assign_to)
コード例 #24
 def print_ccode(self, species, assign_to=None):
     #assign_to = sympy.IndexedBase("d_%s" % species.name, (count_m,))
     if assign_to is None:
         assign_to = sympy.Symbol("d_%s[i]" % species.name)
     if species == self.energy_term:
         return self.print_cooling(assign_to)
     return ccode(self.species_total(species), assign_to=assign_to)
コード例 #25
    def convert_to_c(self):
        """Returns a list with the c source code for the SymPy expressions


        >>> from sympy.parsing.sym_expr import SymPyExpression
        >>> src2 = '''
        ... integer :: a, b, c, d
        ... real :: p, q, r, s
        ... c = a/b
        ... d = c/a
        ... s = p/q
        ... r = q/p
        ... '''
        >>> p = SymPyExpression()
        >>> p.convert_to_expr(src2, 'f')
        >>> p.convert_to_c()
        ['int a = 0', 'int b = 0', 'int c = 0', 'int d = 0', 'double p = 0.0', 'double q = 0.0', 'double r = 0.0', 'double s = 0.0', 'c = a/b;', 'd = c/a;', 's = p/q;', 'r = q/p;']

        self._ccode = []
        for iter in self._expr:
        return self._ccode
コード例 #26
ファイル: hydrogenic.py プロジェクト: liangjj/QMC2
    def extraToFile(self, path):

        raw = """double %sOrbitals::get_dell_alpha_phi(const Walker* walker, int qnum, int i){
    double dphi;
    return dphi;
}""" % self.name

        shell = """if (qnum == _q_) {

        dphi = __expr__
    } else """

        Z = Symbol('Z', positive=True, real=True)

        code = "    "

        for i in range(self.maxImplemented/2):

            psi = self.orbitals[i]
            qNums = self.stateMap[i] 
            genFac = self.genericFactor(qNums, basic=False)
            kdiff = diff(psi, k).factor(genFac)/psi*Z
            simple = self.makeReadable(str(kdiff))

            nec, necList = self.getNecessities(kdiff)
            expr = printing.ccode(kdiff) + ";"
            expr = self.replaceCCode(expr, necList)

            #hack to get the right indent
            nec = "\n".join([" "*4  + nec_i for nec_i in nec.split("\n")])

            subCode = shell
            subCode = subCode.replace("\n\n    __necessities__", nec)\
                             .replace("__expr__", expr)\
                             .replace("__simple__", simple)\
                             .replace("_q_", str(i))
            code += subCode
        code = code.strip("else ")
        ccode = raw.replace("__code__", code)
        with open(pjoin(path, "%sOrbitalsAlphaDeriv.cpp" % self.name), 'w') as f:
コード例 #27
ファイル: compile_sympy.py プロジェクト: EPFL-LCSB/skimpy
def generate_a_code_line_simplfied(input , optimize=False):
    i, e, input_subs = input

    # Use common sub expressions instead of simpilfy
    # Generate directly unique CSE Symbols and tranlate them to ccode
    if optimize:
        common_sub_expressions, main_expression = cse(e.simplify())
        common_sub_expressions, main_expression = cse(e)

    # Generate unique symbols for the common subexpressions
    cse_subs = {}
    common_sub_expressions_unique = []
    for this_cse in common_sub_expressions:
        gen_sym = str(this_cse[0])
        unique_sym = Symbol("cse_{}_{}".format(i,gen_sym))
        cse_subs[ this_cse[0]] = unique_sym
            [unique_sym,this_cse[1]] )

    # Substitute the cse symbols in mainexpression and other cse
    for this_cse in common_sub_expressions_unique:
        this_cse[1] = this_cse[1].subs(cse_subs)

    main_expression = main_expression[0].subs(cse_subs)

    cython_code = ''
    for this_cse in common_sub_expressions_unique:
        cython_code=cython_code+'double {} = {} ;\n'.format(str(this_cse[0]),

    cython_code = cython_code+"output_array[{}] = {} ;".format(i,ccode(main_expression

    # Substitute integers in the cython code
    cython_code = re.sub(r"(\ |\+|[^e]\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)([1-9])(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)",
                         r"\1 \2.0 \3 ",

    for str_sym, array_sym in input_subs.items():
        cython_code = re.sub(r"(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)({})(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)".format(str_sym),
                             r"\1 {} \3 ".format(array_sym),

    return cython_code
コード例 #28
 def print_mass_density(self):
     # Note: this assumes things are number density at this point
     eq = sympy.sympify("0")
     for s in sorted(self.required_species):
         if (s.weight > 0):
             if s.name in self.skip_weight: continue
             eq += s.symbol * s.weight
     return ccode(eq)
コード例 #29
    def _call_printer(self, routine):
        code_lines = []

        # Compose a list of symbols to be dereferenced in the function
        # body. These are the arguments that were passed by a reference
        # pointer, excluding arrays.
        dereference = []
        for arg in routine.arguments:
            if isinstance(arg, ResultBase) and not arg.dimensions:

        return_val = None
        for result in routine.result_variables:
            if isinstance(result, Result):
                assign_to = routine.name + "_result"
                t = result.get_datatype('c')
                code_lines.append("{0} {1};\n".format(t, str(assign_to)))
                return_val = assign_to
                assign_to = result.result_var

                # order='none' is an optimization not in upstream
                constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr,
            except AssignmentError:
                assign_to = result.result_var
                code_lines.append("%s %s;\n" %
                                  (result.get_datatype('c'), str(assign_to)))
                constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr,

            for name, value in sorted(constants, key=str):
                code_lines.append("double const %s = %s;\n" % (name, value))
            code_lines.append("%s\n" % c_expr)

        if return_val:
            code_lines.append("   return %s;\n" % return_val)
        return code_lines
コード例 #30
ファイル: evaluator_generator.py プロジェクト: amanzi/ats-dev
 def renderModelMethodImplementation(self):
     if self.expression is not None:
         implementation = ccode(self.expression)
         implementation = "ASSERT(False)"
     return render('model_methodImplementation.cc', dict(evalClassName=self.d['evalClassName'],
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: unix0000/sympy-polys
def test_ccode_boolean():
    assert ccode(x&y) == "x&&y"
    assert ccode(x|y) == "x||y"
    assert ccode(~x) == "!x"
    assert ccode(x&y&z) == "x&&y&&z"
    assert ccode(x|y|z) == "x||y||z"
    assert ccode((x&y)|z) == "x&&y||z"
    assert ccode((x|y)&z) == "(x||y)&&z"
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_rewriting.py プロジェクト: stevenleeS0ht/sympy
def test_create_expand_pow_optimization():
    cc = lambda x: ccode(
        optimize(x, [create_expand_pow_optimization(4)]))
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert cc(x**4) == 'x*x*x*x'
    assert cc(x**4 + x**2) == 'x*x + x*x*x*x'
    assert cc(x**5 + x**4) == 'pow(x, 5) + x*x*x*x'
    assert cc(sin(x)**4) == 'pow(sin(x), 4)'
    # gh issue 15335
    assert cc(x**(-4)) == '1.0/(x*x*x*x)'
    assert cc(x**(-5)) == 'pow(x, -5)'
    assert cc(-x**4) == '-x*x*x*x'
    assert cc(x**4 - x**2) == '-x*x + x*x*x*x'
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert cc(x**i - x**2) == 'pow(x, i) - x*x'
    # gh issue 20753
    cc2 = lambda x: ccode(optimize(x, [create_expand_pow_optimization(
        4, base_req=lambda b: b.is_Function)]))
    assert cc2(x**3 + sin(x)**3) == "pow(x, 3) + sin(x)*sin(x)*sin(x)"
コード例 #33
    def print_cooling(self, assign_to):
        eq = sympy.sympify("0")
        for term in self.cooling_actions:
            eq += self.cooling_actions[term].equation

        if self.cie_cooling == 1:
            cie_fudge = self.cie_optical_depth_correction()
            eq = eq * cie_fudge

        return ccode(eq, assign_to=assign_to)
コード例 #34
ファイル: compile_sympy.py プロジェクト: EPFL-LCSB/skimpy
def generate_a_code_line(input, optimize=False):
    i, e, input_subs = input

    if optimize:
        cython_code = "output_array[{}] = {} ".format(i, ccode(e.simplify()), standard='C99')
        cython_code = "output_array[{}] = {} ".format(i,ccode(e, standard='C99'))

    # Substitute integers in the cython code
    cython_code = re.sub(r"(\ |\+|[^e]\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)([1-9])(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)",
                         r"\1 \2.0 \3 ",

    for str_sym, array_sym in input_subs.items():
        cython_code = re.sub(r"(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)({})(\ |\+|\-|\*|\(|\)|\/|\,)".format(str_sym),
                             r"\1 {} \3 ".format(array_sym),
    return cython_code
コード例 #35
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: A-Falaize/pyphs
def _str_scal_func_update(method, name, objlabel):
    expr = getattr(method, name + '_expr')
    update_h = '\nvoid {0}_update();'.format(name)
    update_cpp = '\nvoid {0}::{1}_update()'.format(objlabel, name) + '{'
    symbs = expr.free_symbols
    if any(symb in method.args for symb in symbs):
        c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
        update_cpp += '\n_{0} = {1};'.format(name, c)
    update_cpp += '\n};'
    return update_h, update_cpp
コード例 #36
ファイル: parse.py プロジェクト: alexsusu/video-diff
def GenCode(exp):
    # From http://docs.sympy.org/dev/modules/utilities/codegen.html
    [(c_name, c_code), (h_name, c_header)] = codegen(
        ("exp", exp), "C", "test", header=False, empty=False)

    print("c_code = %s" % c_code)
    print("ccode = %s" % ccode(exp))

    #!!!! TODO TODO TODO: we should check if we have symbolic denominator and generate code that takes care to check if the denominator is 0 and if so to abort the compuatation
    return None
コード例 #37
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: A-Falaize/pyphs
def _str_scal_func_init_data(method, name):
    expr = getattr(method, name + '_expr')
    init_data = '{1} {0}_data = '.format(name, CONFIG_CPP['float'])
    symbs = expr.free_symbols
    if any(symb in method.args for symb in symbs):
        init_data += "0.;"
        c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
        init_data += '{};'.format(c)
    return init_data
コード例 #38
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: pyphs/pyphs
def _str_scal_func_update(method, name, objlabel):
    expr = getattr(method, name + '_expr')
    update_h = '\nvoid {0}_update();'.format(name)
    update_cpp = '\nvoid {0}::{1}_update()'.format(objlabel, name) + '{'
    symbs = expr.free_symbols
    if any(symb in method.args for symb in symbs):
        c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
        update_cpp += '\n_{0} = {1};'.format(name, c)
    update_cpp += '\n};'
    return update_h, update_cpp
コード例 #39
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: pyphs/pyphs
def _str_scal_func_init_data(method, name):
    expr = getattr(method, name + '_expr')
    init_data = '{1} {0}_data = '.format(name, CONFIG_CPP['float'])
    symbs = expr.free_symbols
    if any(symb in method.args for symb in symbs):
        init_data += "0.;"
        c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
        init_data += '{};'.format(c)
    return init_data
コード例 #40
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: A-Falaize/pyphs
def _str_mat_func_update(method, name, objlabel):
    mat = types.matrix_types[0](getattr(method, name + '_expr'))
    update_h = '\nvoid {0}_update();'.format(name)
    update_cpp = '\nvoid {0}::{1}_update()'.format(objlabel, name) + '{'
    for m, n, expr in mat.row_list():
            symbs = expr.free_symbols
            if any(symb in method.args() for symb in symbs):
                c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
                update_cpp += '\n_{0}({1}, {2}) = {3};'.format(name, m, n, c)
    update_cpp += '\n};'
    return update_h, update_cpp
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: gnulinooks/sympy
def test_ccode_Piecewise():
    p = ccode(Piecewise((x,x<1),(x**2,True)))
    s = \
if (x < 1) {
else {
    assert p == s
コード例 #42
ファイル: custom_ccodegen.py プロジェクト: tkphd/pycalphad
    def _call_printer(self, routine):
        code_lines = []

        # Compose a list of symbols to be dereferenced in the function
        # body. These are the arguments that were passed by a reference
        # pointer, excluding arrays.
        dereference = []
        for arg in routine.arguments:
            if isinstance(arg, ResultBase) and not arg.dimensions:

        return_val = None
        for result in routine.result_variables:
            if isinstance(result, Result):
                assign_to = routine.name + "_result"
                t = result.get_datatype('c')
                code_lines.append("{0} {1};\n".format(t, str(assign_to)))
                return_val = assign_to
                assign_to = result.result_var

                # order='none' is an optimization not in upstream
                constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr, human=False,
                                                 assign_to=assign_to, dereference=dereference, order='none')
            except AssignmentError:
                assign_to = result.result_var
                    "%s %s;\n" % (result.get_datatype('c'), str(assign_to)))
                constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr, human=False,
                                                 assign_to=assign_to, dereference=dereference, order='none')

            for name, value in sorted(constants, key=str):
                code_lines.append("double const %s = %s;\n" % (name, value))
            code_lines.append("%s\n" % c_expr)

        if return_val:
            code_lines.append("   return %s;\n" % return_val)
        return code_lines
コード例 #43
    def __init__(self, N, omega=None, nu=None, scheme='TH'):

        self.N = N
        if scheme == 'TH':
            self.mesh = smamin_thcr_mesh.getmake_mesh(N)
            self.V = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 2)
            self.Q = dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 1)
        elif scheme == 'CR':
            self.mesh = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(N, N)  # , 'crossed')
            self.V = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CR", 1)
            self.Q = dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0)
        self.velbcs = setget_velbcs_zerosq(self.mesh, self.V)
        self.Pdof = 0  # dof removed in the p approximation
        self.omega = omega
        self.nu = nu

        x, y, t, nu, om = smp.symbols('x[0], x[1], t, nu, omega')

        ft = smp.sin(om*t)

        u1 = ft*x*x*(1 - x)*(1 - x)*2*y*(1 - y)*(2*y - 1)
        u2 = ft*y*y*(1 - y)*(1 - y)*2*x*(1 - x)*(1 - 2*x)
        p = ft*x*(1 - x)*y*(1 - y)

        du1 = smp.diff(u1, t)
        du2 = smp.diff(u2, t)

        rhs1, rhs2, rhs3 = comp_symb_nserhs(u=u1, v=u2, p=p, nu=self.nu)

        from sympy.printing import ccode
        self.v = Expression((ccode(u1), ccode(u2)),
                            t=0.0, omega=self.omega)
        self.p = Expression((ccode(p)),
                            t=0.0, omega=self.omega)
        self.fv = Expression((ccode(rhs1), ccode(rhs2)),
                             t=0.0, omega=self.omega, nu=self.nu)
        self.fp = Expression((ccode(rhs3)),
                             t=0.0, omega=self.omega)
        self.vdot = Expression((ccode(du1), ccode(du2)),
                               t=0.0, omega=self.omega)

        bcinds = []
        for bc in self.velbcs:
            bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values()

        # indices of the inner velocity nodes
        self.invinds = np.setdiff1d(range(self.V.dim()), bcinds)
コード例 #44
 def genEval(self):
     text = "        bool evaluate(\n"
     for name,v,lD in self.variables:
         if isinstance(v, Matrix):
             args.append("           const Eigen::Matrix<double, %d, 1> & %s" % (v.rows, name))
             args.append("           double %s" % name)
     args.append("           Eigen::Matrix<double, %d, 1> * F" % self.function.rows)
     for name,v,localDim in self.variables:
         if isinstance(v, Matrix):
             args.append("           Eigen::Matrix<double, %d, %d> * J%s" % (self.J.rows, localDim, name))
             args.append("           Eigen::Matrix<double, %d, 1> * J%s" % (self.J.rows, name))
     text += ",\n".join(args) + ") {\n"
     text += "           if (F) {\n"
     (interm, expr) = cse(self.function,numbered_symbols("__x"));
     for dummy,exp in interm:
         text += "               double %s = %s;\n" % (str(dummy),ccode(exp))
     for i in range(self.function.rows):
         text += "               (*F)(%d) = %s;\n" % (i,ccode(expr[0][i]))
     text += "           }\n"
     text += "           if (%s) {\n" % " && ".join([ "J" + name for name,v,lD in self.variables ])
     (interm, expr) = cse(self.J,numbered_symbols("__x"));
     for dummy,exp in interm:
         text += "               double %s = %s;\n" % (str(dummy),ccode(exp))
     colBase = 0;
     for name,v,localDim in self.variables:
         for i in range(self.J.rows):
             for j in range(0, localDim):
                 text += "               (*J%s)(%d,%d) = %s;\n" % (name, i,j,ccode(expr[0][i,colBase + j]))
     text += "           }\n"
     text += "           return true;\n"
     text += "       }\n"
     return text
コード例 #45
ファイル: evaluator_generator.py プロジェクト: amanzi/ats-dev
    def renderModelDerivImplementations(self):
        impls = []

        for arg,var in zip(self.args,self.vars):
            if self.expression is not None:
                print "differentiation of", self.expression, "with respect to", var
                implementation = ccode(self.expression.diff(var))
                implementation = "ASSERT(False)"
                                     myMethod="D%sD%s"%(self.d['myKeyMethod'],''.join([word[0].upper()+word[1:] for word in arg.split("_")])),
        return '\n\n'.join(impls)
コード例 #46
ファイル: Cmodel.py プロジェクト: JDureau/ssm
    def make_C_term(self, term, no_correct_rate, derivate=None, inverse=None, human=False, force_par=False, xify=None, set_t0=False):

        """transform a term into its ssm C expression OR the ssm C
        expression of its derivate, differentiating against the
        derivate (if derivate not None) OR compute inverse function

        #prefix all the state variable and parameters by ssm___ to
        #avoid namespace collision with Sympy as QCOSINE letters are
        #used by SymPy

        myterm = self.change_user_input(term)
        safe = ''

        for r in myterm:
            if r in self.all_par:
                safe += 'ssm___' + r
            elif inverse and r == inverse:
                safe += 'ssm___' + r
                safe += r

        if derivate:
	    sy = Symbol(str('ssm___' + derivate)) if derivate != 'x' else Symbol(derivate)
	    pterm = diff(sympify(safe), sy)
        elif inverse:
            if inverse in myterm:
                sy = Symbol(str('ssm___' + inverse))
                pterm = solve(sympify(safe), sy)
                if not pterm:
                    raise SsmError("can't find a solution to " + term + "=0 solving for " + inverse)
                elif len(pterm)!=1:
                    raise SsmError("no unique solution for " + term + "=0 solving for " + inverse)
                    pterm = pterm[0]
                pterm = sympify(safe)

            pterm = sympify(safe)

        #remove the ssm___ prefix
        #term = ccode(simplify(pterm)).replace('ssm___', '') ##NOTE simplify is just too slow to be used...
        term = ccode(pterm).replace('ssm___', '')

        #make the ssm C expression
        return self.generator_C(term, no_correct_rate, force_par=force_par, xify=xify, human=human, set_t0=set_t0)
コード例 #47
ファイル: cfem.py プロジェクト: VT-ICAM/cfem
    def __init__(self, convection_field, forcing_function):
        self._forcing_function = forcing_function
        self._convection_field = convection_field

        dx0 = sg.diff(convection_field[0], x)
        dx1 = sg.diff(convection_field[1], x)
        dy0 = sg.diff(convection_field[0], y)
        dy1 = sg.diff(convection_field[1], y)

        to_ccode = lambda u: sp.ccode(

        self._forcing_code = _forcing_template.format(
            **{'forcing_expr': to_ccode(forcing_function)})

        self._convection_code = _convection_template.format(**
            {'value0_expr': to_ccode(convection_field[0]),
             'value1_expr': to_ccode(convection_field[1]),
             'dx0_expr': to_ccode(dx0),
             'dx1_expr': to_ccode(dx1),
             'dy0_expr': to_ccode(dy0),
             'dy1_expr': to_ccode(dy1)})

        self.so_folder = tf.mkdtemp(prefix="cfem_") + os.sep
        # even if the object is not instantiated, we can still clean it up at
        # exit.
        atexit.register(lambda folder=self.so_folder: shutil.rmtree(folder))
        shutil.copy(_module_path + "makefile", self.so_folder)
        shutil.copy(_module_path + "cfem.h", self.so_folder)
        with open(self.so_folder + "funcs.c", 'w') as fhandle:
            fhandle.write("#include <math.h>\n")
            fhandle.write("#include \"cfem.h\"\n")

        current_directory = os.getcwd()
            self.so = np.ctypeslib.load_library("libfuncs.so", "./")
            self.so.cf_forcing.restype = ct.c_double
            self.so.cf_forcing.argtypes = [ct.c_double, ct.c_double,
            self.so.cf_convection.restype = CConvection
            self.so.cf_convection.argtypes = [ct.c_double, ct.c_double]
コード例 #48
def expr_body(expr, **kwargs):
    if not hasattr(expr, '__len__'):
        # Defined in terms of some coordinates
        xyz = set(sp.symbols('x[0], x[1], x[2]'))
        xyz_used = xyz & expr.free_symbols
        assert xyz_used <= xyz
        # Expression params which need default values
        params = (expr.free_symbols - xyz_used) & set(kwargs.keys())
        # Body
        expr = ccode(expr).replace('M_PI', 'pi')
        # Default to zero
        kwargs.update(dict((str(p), 0.) for p in params))
        # Convert
        return expr
    # Vectors, Matrices as iterables of expressions
        return [expr_body(e, **kwargs) for e in expr]
コード例 #49
ファイル: arguments.py プロジェクト: A-Falaize/pyphs
def _str_args_init_data(method, name):
    mat = types.matrix_types[0](method.inits[name])
    mat_dic = dict((((i, j), e) for i, j, e in mat.row_list()))
    init_data = 'vector<{1}> {0}_data ='.format(name, CONFIG_CPP['float']) + ' {'
    crop = False
    for n in range(mat.shape[1]):
        for m in range(mat.shape[0]):
            crop = True
            data = "0., "
            if (m, n) in mat_dic.keys():
                expr = mat[m, n]
                symbs = expr.free_symbols
                if not any(symb in method.args() for symb in symbs):
                    c = ccode(expr, dereference=dereference(method))
                    data = 'float({0}), '.format(c)
            init_data += data
    if crop:
        init_data = init_data[:-2]
    init_data += '};'
    return init_data
コード例 #50
    def make_C_term(self, term, no_correct_rate, derivate=None, human=False):

        """transform a term into its plom C expression OR the
        plom C expression of its derivate, differentiating
        against the derivate (if derivate not None)


        #prefix all the state variable and parameters by plom___ to
        #avoid namespace collision with Sympy as QCOSINE letters are
        #used by SymPy

        myterm = self.change_user_input(term)
        safe = ''

        for r in myterm:
            if r in self.all_par:
                safe += 'plom___' + r
                safe += r

        if derivate:
            sy = Symbol(str('plom___'+derivate))
            pterm = diff(sympify(safe), sy)
            pterm = sympify(safe)

        #remove the plom___ prefix                
        #term = ccode(simplify(pterm)).replace('plom___', '') ##NOTE simplify is just too slow to be used...
        term = ccode(pterm).replace('plom___', '')

        #make the plom C expression
        if human:
            return term
            return self.generator_C(term, no_correct_rate)
コード例 #51
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: HomaiRS/fenics_ii
def expr_body(expr, **kwargs):
    if not hasattr(expr, '__len__'):
        # Defined in terms of some coordinates
        xyz = set(sp.symbols('x[0], x[1], x[2]'))
        xyz_used = xyz & expr.free_symbols
        assert xyz_used <= xyz
        # Expression params which need default values
        params = (expr.free_symbols - xyz_used) & set(kwargs.keys())
        # Body
        expr = ccode(expr).replace('M_PI', 'pi')
        # Default to zero
        kwargs.update(dict((str(p), 0.) for p in params))
        # Convert
        return expr
    # Vectors, Matrices as iterables of expressions
        foo = tuple(expr_body(e, **kwargs) for e in expr)
        # sp.Matrix flattens so we need to reshape back
        if isinstance(expr, sp.Matrix):
            if expr.is_square:
                matrix = np.array(foo).reshape(expr.shape)
                foo = tuple(tuple(row) for row in matrix)

        return foo
コード例 #52
ファイル: abwip.py プロジェクト: highlando/misc-scripts
def exact_stokes_sol():
    import sympy as smp
    from sympy import diff, sin, cos, pi
    from sympy.printing import ccode

    x, y, t, nu, om = smp.symbols('x[0],x[1],t,nu,om')

    ft = smp.sin(om*t)
    u1 = ft*x*x*(1-x)*(1-x)*2*y*(1-y)*(2*y-1)
    u2 = ft*y*y*(1-y)*(1-y)*2*x*(1-x)*(1-2*x)
    p = ft*x*(1-x)*y*(1-y)

    # Stokes case
    rhs1 = smp.simplify(diff(u1,t) - nu*(diff(u1,x,x) + diff(u1,y,y)) + diff(p,x))
    rhs2 = smp.simplify(diff(u2,t) - nu*(diff(u2,x,x) + diff(u2,y,y)) + diff(p,y))
    rhs3 = smp.simplify(diff(u1,x) + diff(u2,y))

    sol_p = Expression(ccode(p), om=1, t=0)
    sol_v = Expression((ccode(u1), ccode(u2)), om=1, t=0)
    fv = Expression((ccode(rhs1), ccode(rhs2)), om=1, nu=1, t=0) 
    fp = Expression(ccode(rhs3))

    return sol_v, sol_p, fv, fp
コード例 #53
    f.write("// Bardell's hierarchical functions\n\n")
    f.write('// Number of terms: {0}\n\n'.format(len(u)))
    f.write('#include <stdlib.h>\n')
    f.write('#include <math.h>\n\n')
    f.write('#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)\n')
    f.write('  #define EXPORTIT __declspec(dllexport)\n')
    f.write('  #define EXPORTIT\n')
    f.write('EXPORTIT void calc_vec_f(double *f, double xi,\n' +
            '           double xi1t, double xi1r, double xi2t, double xi2r) {\n')
    consts = {0:'xi1t', 1:'xi1r', 2:'xi2t', 3:'xi2r'}
    for i in range(len(u)):
        const = consts.get(i)
        if const is None:
            f.write('    f[%d] = %s;\n' % (i, ccode(u[i])))
            f.write('    f[%d] = %s*(%s);\n' % (i, const, ccode(u[i])))

    f.write('EXPORTIT void calc_vec_fxi(double *fxi, double xi,\n' +
            '           double xi1t, double xi1r, double xi2t, double xi2r) {\n')
    for i in range(len(u)):
        const = consts.get(i)
        if const is None:
            f.write('    fxi[%d] = %s;\n' % (i, ccode(diff(u[i], xi))))
            f.write('    fxi[%d] = %s*(%s);\n' % (i, const, ccode(diff(u[i], xi))))
コード例 #54
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: gnulinooks/sympy
def test_printmethod():
    class fabs(abs):
        def _ccode_(self):
            return "fabs(%s);" % ccode(self.args[0])
    assert ccode(fabs(x)) == "fabs(x);"
コード例 #55
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: gnulinooks/sympy
def test_ccode_Exp1():
    assert ccode(exp(1)) == "exp(1)"
コード例 #56
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: gnulinooks/sympy
def test_ccode_Pow():
    assert ccode(x**3) == "pow(x,3)"
    assert ccode(x**(y**3)) == "pow(x,(pow(y,3)))"
    assert ccode(1/(g(x)*3.5)**(x - y**x)/(x**2 + y)) == \
        "pow((3.5*g(x)),(-x + pow(y,x)))/(y + pow(x,2))"
コード例 #57
ファイル: test_ccode.py プロジェクト: gnulinooks/sympy
 def _ccode_(self):
     return "fabs(%s);" % ccode(self.args[0])
コード例 #58
ファイル: pauto.py プロジェクト: bzhurov/pauto
    def write_ode_c(self, fname):
        f = open(fname, 'w')

        f.write("#include \"auto_f2c.h\"\n")
        f.write("#include \"math.h\"\n")
        f.write("int func (integer ndim, const doublereal *u, const integer *icp,\n")
        f.write("    const doublereal *par, integer ijac,\n")
        f.write("    doublereal *f, doublereal *dfdu, doublereal *dfdp)\n{\n")
        f.write("    /* System generated locals */\n")
        f.write("    integer dfdu_dim1 = ndim, dfdp_dim1 = ndim;\n")
        f.write("    //variables\n")

        for i in xrange(len(self.x)):
            f.write("    double %s = u[%d];\n" % (self.x[i].name, i))

        f.write("\n    //parameters\n")
        for i in xrange(len(self.pv)):
            f.write("    double %s = par[%d];\n" % (self.pv[i].name, i))
        for i in xrange(len(self.pc)):
            f.write("    double %s = %f;\n" % (self.pc[i].name, self.pinit[self.pc[i].name] ))

        for i in xrange(len(self.ode)):
            f.write( "    f[%d] = %s;\n" % (i, ccode(self.ode[i])) )

        f.write("\n    //Jacobian\n")
        f.write("    if (ijac == 0)\n    {\n        return 0;\n    }\n")
        for i, j in np.ndindex((len(self.ode), len(self.x))):
            f.write("    ARRAY2D(dfdu, %d, %d) = %s;\n" % (i, j, ccode(sympy.diff(self.ode[i], self.x[j])) ) )

        f.write("    //Jacobian for parameters\n")
        f.write("\n    if (ijac == 1) \n    {\n        return 0;\n    }\n")
        for i, j in np.ndindex((len(self.ode), len(self.pv))):
            f.write("    ARRAY2D(dfdp, %d, %d) = %s;\n" % (i, j, ccode(sympy.diff(self.ode[i], self.pv[j])) ) )
        f.write("\n    return 0;\n}\n\n\n")
        f.write("int stpnt (integer ndim, doublereal t, doublereal *u, doublereal *par)\n")
        f.write("{\n    //init params\n")
        for i in range(len(self.pv)):
            f.write("    par[%d] = %f;\n" % (i, self.pinit[self.pv[i].name] ))

        f.write("\n    //init variables\n")
        for i in range(len(self.x)):
            f.write("    u[%d] = %2.1f;\n" % (i, self.xinit[self.x[i].name] ))

        f.write("    return 0;\n}\n\n")
        f.write("int pvls (integer ndim, const doublereal *u, doublereal *par)\n")
        f.write("{ return 0;}\n\n")
        f.write("int bcnd (integer ndim, const doublereal *par, const integer *icp,\n")
        f.write("    integer nbc, const doublereal *u0, const doublereal *u1, integer ijac,\n")
        f.write("    doublereal *fb, doublereal *dbc)\n")
        f.write("{ return 0;}\n\n\n")
        f.write("int icnd (integer ndim, const doublereal *par, const integer *icp,\n")
        f.write("    integer nint, const doublereal *u, const doublereal *uold,\n")
        f.write("    const doublereal *udot, const doublereal *upold, integer ijac,\n")
        f.write("    doublereal *fi, doublereal *dint)\n")
        f.write("{ return 0;}\n\n\n")
        f.write("int fopt (integer ndim, const doublereal *u, const integer *icp,\n")
        f.write("    const doublereal *par, integer ijac,\n")
        f.write("    doublereal *fs, doublereal *dfdu, doublereal *dfdp)\n")
        f.write("{ return 0; }\n")