コード例 #1
def test_diopcoverage():
    eq = (2 * x + y + 1)**2
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -2 * t_0 - 1)])
    eq = 2 * x**2 + 6 * x * y + 12 * x + 4 * y**2 + 18 * y + 18
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -t_0 - 3), (2 * t_0 - 3, -t_0)])
    assert diop_quadratic(x + y**2 - 3) == set([(-t**2 + 3, -t)])

    assert diop_linear(x + y - 3) == (t_0, 3 - t_0)

    assert base_solution_linear(0, 1, 2, t=None) == (0, 0)
    ans = (3 * t - 1, -2 * t + 1)
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12, t) == ans
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12,
                                t=None) == tuple(_.subs(t, 0) for _ in ans)

    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 20) is None
    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 5) == set([(2, 1)])
    assert cornacchia(1, 2, 17) == set([(3, 2)])

    raises(ValueError, lambda: reconstruct(4, 20, 1))

    assert gaussian_reduce(4, 1, 3) == (1, 1)
    eq = -w**2 - x**2 - y**2 + z**2

    assert diop_general_pythagorean(eq) == \
        diop_general_pythagorean(-eq) == \
            (m1**2 + m2**2 - m3**2, 2*m1*m3,
            2*m2*m3, m1**2 + m2**2 + m3**2)

    assert check_param(S(3) + x / 3, S(4) + x / 2, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(3) / 2, S(4) + x, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(4) + x, S(3) / 2, S(2), x) == (None, None)

    assert _nint_or_floor(16, 10) == 2
    assert _odd(1) == (not _even(1)) == True
    assert _odd(0) == (not _even(0)) == False
    assert _remove_gcd(2, 4, 6) == (1, 2, 3)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: _remove_gcd((2, 4, 6)))
    assert sqf_normal(2 * 3**2 * 5, 2 * 5 * 11, 2 * 7**2 * 11)  == \
        (11, 1, 5)

    # it's ok if these pass some day when the solvers are implemented
           lambda: diophantine(x**2 + y**2 + x * y + 2 * y * z - 12))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x**3 + y**2))
    assert diop_quadratic(x**2 + y**2 - 1**2 - 3**4) == \
        set([(-9, -1), (-9, 1), (-1, -9), (-1, 9), (1, -9), (1, 9), (9, -1), (9, 1)])
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_diophantine.py プロジェクト: sidgupta234/sympy
def test_diopcoverage():
    eq = (2*x + y + 1)**2
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -2*t_0 - 1)])
    eq = 2*x**2 + 6*x*y + 12*x + 4*y**2 + 18*y + 18
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -t_0 - 3), (2*t_0 - 3, -t_0)])
    assert diop_quadratic(x + y**2 - 3) == set([(-t**2 + 3, -t)])

    assert diop_linear(x + y - 3) == (t_0, 3 - t_0)

    assert base_solution_linear(0, 1, 2, t=None) == (0, 0)
    ans = (3*t - 1, -2*t + 1)
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12, t) == ans
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12, t=None) == tuple(_.subs(t, 0) for _ in ans)

    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 20) is None
    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 5) == set([(2, 1)])
    assert cornacchia(1, 2, 17) == set([(3, 2)])

    raises(ValueError, lambda: reconstruct(4, 20, 1))

    assert gaussian_reduce(4, 1, 3) == (1, 1)
    eq = -w**2 - x**2 - y**2 + z**2

    assert diop_general_pythagorean(eq) == \
        diop_general_pythagorean(-eq) == \
            (m1**2 + m2**2 - m3**2, 2*m1*m3,
            2*m2*m3, m1**2 + m2**2 + m3**2)

    assert check_param(S(3) + x/3, S(4) + x/2, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(3)/2, S(4) + x, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(4) + x, S(3)/2, S(2), x) == (None, None)

    assert _nint_or_floor(16, 10) == 2
    assert _odd(1) == (not _even(1)) == True
    assert _odd(0) == (not _even(0)) == False
    assert _remove_gcd(2, 4, 6) == (1, 2, 3)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: _remove_gcd((2, 4, 6)))
    assert sqf_normal(2 * 3**2 * 5, 2 * 5 * 11, 2 * 7**2 * 11)  == \
        (11, 1, 5)

    # it's ok if these pass some day when the solvers are implemented
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x**2 + y**2 + x*y + 2*y*z - 12))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x**3 + y**2))
    assert diop_quadratic(x**2 + y**2 - 1**2 - 3**4) == \
        set([(-9, -1), (-9, 1), (-1, -9), (-1, 9), (1, -9), (1, 9), (9, -1), (9, 1)])
コード例 #3
def intersection_sets(a, b):
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_linear
    from sympy.core.numbers import ilcm
    from sympy import sign

    # non-overlap quick exits
    if not b:
        return S.EmptySet
    if not a:
        return S.EmptySet
    if b.sup < a.inf:
        return S.EmptySet
    if b.inf > a.sup:
        return S.EmptySet

    # work with finite end at the start
    r1 = a
    if r1.start.is_infinite:
        r1 = r1.reversed
    r2 = b
    if r2.start.is_infinite:
        r2 = r2.reversed

    # If both ends are infinite then it means that one Range is just the set
    # of all integers (the step must be 1).
    if r1.start.is_infinite:
        return b
    if r2.start.is_infinite:
        return a

    # this equation represents the values of the Range;
    # it's a linear equation
    eq = lambda r, i: r.start + i * r.step

    # we want to know when the two equations might
    # have integer solutions so we use the diophantine
    # solver
    va, vb = diop_linear(eq(r1, Dummy('a')) - eq(r2, Dummy('b')))

    # check for no solution
    no_solution = va is None and vb is None
    if no_solution:
        return S.EmptySet

    # there is a solution
    # -------------------

    # find the coincident point, c
    a0 = va.as_coeff_Add()[0]
    c = eq(r1, a0)

    # find the first point, if possible, in each range
    # since c may not be that point
    def _first_finite_point(r1, c):
        if c == r1.start:
            return c
        # st is the signed step we need to take to
        # get from c to r1.start
        st = sign(r1.start - c) * step
        # use Range to calculate the first point:
        # we want to get as close as possible to
        # r1.start; the Range will not be null since
        # it will at least contain c
        s1 = Range(c, r1.start + st, st)[-1]
        if s1 == r1.start:
            # if we didn't hit r1.start then, if the
            # sign of st didn't match the sign of r1.step
            # we are off by one and s1 is not in r1
            if sign(r1.step) != sign(st):
                s1 -= st
        if s1 not in r1:
        return s1

    # calculate the step size of the new Range
    step = abs(ilcm(r1.step, r2.step))
    s1 = _first_finite_point(r1, c)
    if s1 is None:
        return S.EmptySet
    s2 = _first_finite_point(r2, c)
    if s2 is None:
        return S.EmptySet

    # replace the corresponding start or stop in
    # the original Ranges with these points; the
    # result must have at least one point since
    # we know that s1 and s2 are in the Ranges
    def _updated_range(r, first):
        st = sign(r.step) * step
        if r.start.is_finite:
            rv = Range(first, r.stop, st)
            rv = Range(r.start, first + st, st)
        return rv

    r1 = _updated_range(a, s1)
    r2 = _updated_range(b, s2)

    # work with them both in the increasing direction
    if sign(r1.step) < 0:
        r1 = r1.reversed
    if sign(r2.step) < 0:
        r2 = r2.reversed

    # return clipped Range with positive step; it
    # can't be empty at this point
    start = max(r1.start, r2.start)
    stop = min(r1.stop, r2.stop)
    return Range(start, stop, step)
コード例 #4
ファイル: fancysets.py プロジェクト: hridog00/Proyecto
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling, floor
        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import sign

        if other is S.Naturals:
            return self._intersect(Interval(1, S.Infinity))

        if other is S.Integers:
            return self

        if other.is_Interval:
            if not all(i.is_number for i in other.args[:2]):

            # In case of null Range, return an EmptySet.
            if self.size == 0:
                return S.EmptySet

            # trim down to self's size, and represent
            # as a Range with step 1.
            start = ceiling(max(other.inf, self.inf))
            if start not in other:
                start += 1
            end = floor(min(other.sup, self.sup))
            if end not in other:
                end -= 1
            return self.intersect(Range(start, end + 1))

        if isinstance(other, Range):
            from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_linear
            from sympy.core.numbers import ilcm

            # non-overlap quick exits
            if not other:
                return S.EmptySet
            if not self:
                return S.EmptySet
            if other.sup < self.inf:
                return S.EmptySet
            if other.inf > self.sup:
                return S.EmptySet

            # work with finite end at the start
            r1 = self
            if r1.start.is_infinite:
                r1 = r1.reversed
            r2 = other
            if r2.start.is_infinite:
                r2 = r2.reversed

            # this equation represents the values of the Range;
            # it's a linear equation
            eq = lambda r, i: r.start + i * r.step

            # we want to know when the two equations might
            # have integer solutions so we use the diophantine
            # solver
            a, b = diop_linear(eq(r1, Dummy()) - eq(r2, Dummy()))

            # check for no solution
            no_solution = a is None and b is None
            if no_solution:
                return S.EmptySet

            # there is a solution
            # -------------------

            # find the coincident point, c
            a0 = a.as_coeff_Add()[0]
            c = eq(r1, a0)

            # find the first point, if possible, in each range
            # since c may not be that point
            def _first_finite_point(r1, c):
                if c == r1.start:
                    return c
                # st is the signed step we need to take to
                # get from c to r1.start
                st = sign(r1.start - c) * step
                # use Range to calculate the first point:
                # we want to get as close as possible to
                # r1.start; the Range will not be null since
                # it will at least contain c
                s1 = Range(c, r1.start + st, st)[-1]
                if s1 == r1.start:
                    # if we didn't hit r1.start then, if the
                    # sign of st didn't match the sign of r1.step
                    # we are off by one and s1 is not in r1
                    if sign(r1.step) != sign(st):
                        s1 -= st
                if s1 not in r1:
                return s1

            # calculate the step size of the new Range
            step = abs(ilcm(r1.step, r2.step))
            s1 = _first_finite_point(r1, c)
            if s1 is None:
                return S.EmptySet
            s2 = _first_finite_point(r2, c)
            if s2 is None:
                return S.EmptySet

            # replace the corresponding start or stop in
            # the original Ranges with these points; the
            # result must have at least one point since
            # we know that s1 and s2 are in the Ranges
            def _updated_range(r, first):
                st = sign(r.step) * step
                if r.start.is_finite:
                    rv = Range(first, r.stop, st)
                    rv = Range(r.start, first + st, st)
                return rv

            r1 = _updated_range(self, s1)
            r2 = _updated_range(other, s2)

            # work with them both in the increasing direction
            if sign(r1.step) < 0:
                r1 = r1.reversed
            if sign(r2.step) < 0:
                r2 = r2.reversed

            # return clipped Range with positive step; it
            # can't be empty at this point
            start = max(r1.start, r2.start)
            stop = min(r1.stop, r2.stop)
            return Range(start, stop, step)
コード例 #5
def convert_eq(U: Set[Equation], func: str):
	for e in U:
		for x in list(LS):
			num = LS.count(x) - RS.count(x)
			if x in var_count:
				if first:
					var_count[x] = var_count[x] + num
					var_count[x] = var_count[x] - num
				if first:
					var_count[x] = num
					var_count[x] = -num
			LS[:] = [y for y in LS if y != x]
			RS[:] = [y for y in RS if y != x]
		if len(RS) != 0:
			for x in RS:
				var_count[x] = -RS.count(x)
				RS[:] = [y for y in RS if y != x]
	#convert to an equation
	e = ""
	variables = list()
	row = list()
	for x in var_count:
		temp = str(x)
		i += 1
		e = e + str(var_count[x]) +"*"+ temp + (" + " if i < len(var_count) else "")
		temp = symbols(temp, integer=True, positive=True)
	e = parse_expr(e)
	#This will give solutions, but not limited to positive, so ACU
	sol = diop_linear(e)
	F = deepcopy(func)
	j = 0 
	delta = SubstituteTerm()
	zeros = set()
	for term in sol:
		regex = r'-[\d]*[\*]*[-]*(t_[\d]+)'
		match = re.findall(regex, str(term))
		for m in match:
	sol2 = list()
	for term in sol:
		for z in zeros:
			term = re.sub(z, '0', str(term))
	for x in range(0, len(variables)):
		if row[x] == 0:
			temp = Variable(str(variables[x]))
			delta.add(temp, temp)
			var_list = list()
			num = '0'
			if '*' in str(sol2[j]):
				num, var = str(sol2[j]).split("*", 1)
				var = str(sol2[j])
			var = Variable(var)
				num = int(num)
				num = parse_expr(num)
			func = Function(func, 2)
			ran = str()
			if num > 0:
				for y in range(0, num):
					if y == 0:
						ran = ran
					if y >= 1 and y <= num-2:	
						ran = ran + F + '(' + str(var) + ','
					if y == num-1:
						ran = ran + str(var) 
					if y == num:
						num = num		
				for y in range(2, num):
					ran = ran + ')'	
				ran = var				
			y = Variable(str(sol2[j]))
			if num > 0:
				T = FuncTerm(Function(str(func.symbol), 2), [str(var),ran])
				T = var	
			z= Variable(str(variables[x]))
			delta.add(z, T)
			j+= 1
	return delta
コード例 #6
ファイル: fancysets.py プロジェクト: pkgodara/sympy
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling, floor
        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import sign

        if other is S.Naturals:
            return self._intersect(Interval(1, S.Infinity))

        if other is S.Integers:
            return self

        if other.is_Interval:
            if not all(i.is_number for i in other.args[:2]):

            # In case of null Range, return an EmptySet.
            if self.size == 0:
                return S.EmptySet

            # trim down to self's size, and represent
            # as a Range with step 1.
            start = ceiling(max(other.inf, self.inf))
            if start not in other:
                start += 1
            end = floor(min(other.sup, self.sup))
            if end not in other:
                end -= 1
            return self.intersect(Range(start, end + 1))

        if isinstance(other, Range):
            from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_linear
            from sympy.core.numbers import ilcm

            # non-overlap quick exits
            if not other:
                return S.EmptySet
            if not self:
                return S.EmptySet
            if other.sup < self.inf:
                return S.EmptySet
            if other.inf > self.sup:
                return S.EmptySet

            # work with finite end at the start
            r1 = self
            if r1.start.is_infinite:
                r1 = r1.reversed
            r2 = other
            if r2.start.is_infinite:
                r2 = r2.reversed

            # this equation represents the values of the Range;
            # it's a linear equation
            eq = lambda r, i: r.start + i*r.step

            # we want to know when the two equations might
            # have integer solutions so we use the diophantine
            # solver
            a, b = diop_linear(eq(r1, Dummy()) - eq(r2, Dummy()))

            # check for no solution
            no_solution = a is None and b is None
            if no_solution:
                return S.EmptySet

            # there is a solution
            # -------------------

            # find the coincident point, c
            a0 = a.as_coeff_Add()[0]
            c = eq(r1, a0)

            # find the first point, if possible, in each range
            # since c may not be that point
            def _first_finite_point(r1, c):
                if c == r1.start:
                    return c
                # st is the signed step we need to take to
                # get from c to r1.start
                st = sign(r1.start - c)*step
                # use Range to calculate the first point:
                # we want to get as close as possible to
                # r1.start; the Range will not be null since
                # it will at least contain c
                s1 = Range(c, r1.start + st, st)[-1]
                if s1 == r1.start:
                    # if we didn't hit r1.start then, if the
                    # sign of st didn't match the sign of r1.step
                    # we are off by one and s1 is not in r1
                    if sign(r1.step) != sign(st):
                        s1 -= st
                if s1 not in r1:
                return s1

            # calculate the step size of the new Range
            step = abs(ilcm(r1.step, r2.step))
            s1 = _first_finite_point(r1, c)
            if s1 is None:
                return S.EmptySet
            s2 = _first_finite_point(r2, c)
            if s2 is None:
                return S.EmptySet

            # replace the corresponding start or stop in
            # the original Ranges with these points; the
            # result must have at least one point since
            # we know that s1 and s2 are in the Ranges
            def _updated_range(r, first):
                st = sign(r.step)*step
                if r.start.is_finite:
                    rv = Range(first, r.stop, st)
                    rv = Range(r.start, first + st, st)
                return rv
            r1 = _updated_range(self, s1)
            r2 = _updated_range(other, s2)

            # work with them both in the increasing direction
            if sign(r1.step) < 0:
                r1 = r1.reversed
            if sign(r2.step) < 0:
                r2 = r2.reversed

            # return clipped Range with positive step; it
            # can't be empty at this point
            start = max(r1.start, r2.start)
            stop = min(r1.stop, r2.stop)
            return Range(start, stop, step)
コード例 #7
ファイル: intersection.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
def intersection_sets(a, b):
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_linear
    from sympy.core.numbers import ilcm
    from sympy import sign

    # non-overlap quick exits
    if not b:
        return S.EmptySet
    if not a:
        return S.EmptySet
    if b.sup < a.inf:
        return S.EmptySet
    if b.inf > a.sup:
        return S.EmptySet

    # work with finite end at the start
    r1 = a
    if r1.start.is_infinite:
        r1 = r1.reversed
    r2 = b
    if r2.start.is_infinite:
        r2 = r2.reversed

    # this equation represents the values of the Range;
    # it's a linear equation
    eq = lambda r, i: r.start + i*r.step

    # we want to know when the two equations might
    # have integer solutions so we use the diophantine
    # solver
    va, vb = diop_linear(eq(r1, Dummy()) - eq(r2, Dummy()))

    # check for no solution
    no_solution = va is None and vb is None
    if no_solution:
        return S.EmptySet

    # there is a solution
    # -------------------

    # find the coincident point, c
    a0 = va.as_coeff_Add()[0]
    c = eq(r1, a0)

    # find the first point, if possible, in each range
    # since c may not be that point
    def _first_finite_point(r1, c):
        if c == r1.start:
            return c
        # st is the signed step we need to take to
        # get from c to r1.start
        st = sign(r1.start - c)*step
        # use Range to calculate the first point:
        # we want to get as close as possible to
        # r1.start; the Range will not be null since
        # it will at least contain c
        s1 = Range(c, r1.start + st, st)[-1]
        if s1 == r1.start:
            # if we didn't hit r1.start then, if the
            # sign of st didn't match the sign of r1.step
            # we are off by one and s1 is not in r1
            if sign(r1.step) != sign(st):
                s1 -= st
        if s1 not in r1:
        return s1

    # calculate the step size of the new Range
    step = abs(ilcm(r1.step, r2.step))
    s1 = _first_finite_point(r1, c)
    if s1 is None:
        return S.EmptySet
    s2 = _first_finite_point(r2, c)
    if s2 is None:
        return S.EmptySet

    # replace the corresponding start or stop in
    # the original Ranges with these points; the
    # result must have at least one point since
    # we know that s1 and s2 are in the Ranges
    def _updated_range(r, first):
        st = sign(r.step)*step
        if r.start.is_finite:
            rv = Range(first, r.stop, st)
            rv = Range(r.start, first + st, st)
        return rv
    r1 = _updated_range(a, s1)
    r2 = _updated_range(b, s2)

    # work with them both in the increasing direction
    if sign(r1.step) < 0:
        r1 = r1.reversed
    if sign(r2.step) < 0:
        r2 = r2.reversed

    # return clipped Range with positive step; it
    # can't be empty at this point
    start = max(r1.start, r2.start)
    stop = min(r1.stop, r2.stop)
    return Range(start, stop, step)