コード例 #1
ファイル: test_finite_rv.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b, t = symbols("p a b t")
    X = Bernoulli("B", p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p
    assert characteristic_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(I * a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(I * b * t)
    assert moment_generating_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(b * t)

    X = Bernoulli("B", p, 1, 0)
    z = Symbol("z")

    assert E(X) == p
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == p * (1 - p)
    assert E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    assert simplify(variance(a * X + b)) == simplify(a**2 * variance(X))
    assert quantile(X)(z) == Piecewise((nan, (z > 1) | (z < 0)),
                                       (0, z <= 1 - p), (1, z <= 1))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli("B", 1.5))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli("B", -0.5))

    # issue 8248
    assert X.pspace.compute_expectation(1) == 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_finite_rv.py プロジェクト: hastebrot/sympy
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b = symbols('p a b')
    X = Bernoulli('B', p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p

    X = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0)

    assert E(X) == p
    assert variance(X) == -p**2 + p
    E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    variance(a * X + b) == a**2 * variance(X)
コード例 #3
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b = symbols('p a b')
    X = Bernoulli('B', p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p

    X = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0)

    assert E(X) == p
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == p * (1 - p)
    assert E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    assert simplify(variance(a * X + b)) == simplify(a**2 * variance(X))
コード例 #4
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b = symbols('p a b')
    X = Bernoulli(p, a, b, symbol='B')

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert Density(X)[a] == p
    assert Density(X)[b] == 1 - p

    X = Bernoulli(p, 1, 0, symbol='B')

    assert E(X) == p
    assert Var(X) == -p**2 + p
    E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    Var(a * X + b) == a**2 * Var(X)
コード例 #5
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        FiniteRV('F', {
            1: S.Half,
            2: Rational(1, 4),
            3: Rational(1, 4)
        DiscreteUniform("Y", list(range(5))),
        Bernoulli("Be", 0.3),
        Binomial("Bi", 5, 0.4),
        BetaBinomial("Bb", 2, 1, 1),
        Hypergeometric("H", 1, 1, 1),

    size = 3
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        for X in distribs_scipy:
            samps = sample(X, size=size)
            samps2 = sample(X, size=(2, 2))
            for sam in samps:
                assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
            for i in range(2):
                for j in range(2):
                    assert samps2[i][j] in X.pspace.domain.set
コード例 #6
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b, t = symbols('p a b t')
    X = Bernoulli('B', p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p
    assert characteristic_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(I * a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(I * b * t)

    X = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0)

    assert E(X) == p
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == p * (1 - p)
    assert E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    assert simplify(variance(a * X + b)) == simplify(a**2 * variance(X))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_finite_rv.py プロジェクト: sudhanshura-i/sympy
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        FiniteRV('F', {1: S.Half, 2: Rational(1, 4), 3: Rational(1, 4)}),
        DiscreteUniform("Y", list(range(5))),
        Bernoulli("Be", 0.3),
        Binomial("Bi", 5, 0.4),
        BetaBinomial("Bb", 2, 1, 1),
        Hypergeometric("H", 1, 1, 1),

    size = 3
    numsamples = 5
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        with ignore_warnings(UserWarning): ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            h_sample = list(sample(Hypergeometric("H", 1, 1, 1), size=size, numsamples=numsamples))
            assert len(h_sample) == numsamples
            for X in distribs_scipy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size))
                samps2 = next(sample(X, size=(2, 2)))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                for i in range(2):
                    for j in range(2):
                        assert samps2[i][j] in X.pspace.domain.set
コード例 #8
def test_bernoulli_CompoundDist():
    X = Beta('X', 1, 2)
    Y = Bernoulli('Y', X)
    assert density(Y).dict == {0: S(2)/3, 1: S(1)/3}
    assert E(Y) == P(Eq(Y, 1)) == S(1)/3
    assert variance(Y) == S(2)/9
    assert cdf(Y) == {0: S(2)/3, 1: 1}

    # test issue 8128
    a = Bernoulli('a', S(1)/2)
    b = Bernoulli('b', a)
    assert density(b).dict == {0: S(1)/2, 1: S(1)/2}
    assert P(b > 0.5) == S(1)/2

    X = Uniform('X', 0, 1)
    Y = Bernoulli('Y', X)
    assert E(Y) == S(1)/2
    assert P(Eq(Y, 1)) == E(Y)
コード例 #9
def test_density_call():
    x = Bernoulli('x', p)
    d = density(x)
    assert d(0) == 1 - p
    assert d(S.Zero) == 1 - p
    assert d(5) == 0

    assert 0 in d
    assert 5 not in d
    assert d(S(0)) == d[S(0)]
コード例 #10
def test_density_call():
    from sympy.abc import p
    x = Bernoulli('x', p)
    d = density(x)
    assert d(0) == 1 - p
    assert d(S.Zero) == 1 - p
    assert d(5) == 0

    assert 0 in d
    assert 5 not in d
    assert d(S.Zero) == d[S.Zero]
コード例 #11
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b, t = symbols('p a b t')
    X = Bernoulli('B', p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p
    assert characteristic_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(I * a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(I * b * t)
    assert moment_generating_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(b * t)

    X = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0)

    assert E(X) == p
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == p * (1 - p)
    assert E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    assert simplify(variance(a * X + b)) == simplify(a**2 * variance(X))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli('B', 1.5))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli('B', -0.5))
コード例 #12
def test_symbolic_conditions():
    B = Bernoulli('B', S(1) / 4)
    D = Die('D', 4)
    b, n = symbols('b, n')
    Y = P(Eq(B, b))
    Z = E(D > n)
    assert Y == \
    Piecewise((S(1)/4, Eq(b, 1)), (0, True)) + \
    Piecewise((S(3)/4, Eq(b, 0)), (0, True))
    assert Z == \
    Piecewise((S(1)/4, n < 1), (0, True)) + Piecewise((S(1)/2, n < 2), (0, True)) + \
    Piecewise((S(3)/4, n < 3), (0, True)) + Piecewise((S(1), n < 4), (0, True))
コード例 #13
def test_symbolic_conditions():
    B = Bernoulli('B', Rational(1, 4))
    D = Die('D', 4)
    b, n = symbols('b, n')
    Y = P(Eq(B, b))
    Z = E(D > n)
    assert Y == \
    Piecewise((Rational(1, 4), Eq(b, 1)), (0, True)) + \
    Piecewise((Rational(3, 4), Eq(b, 0)), (0, True))
    assert Z == \
    Piecewise((Rational(1, 4), n < 1), (0, True)) + Piecewise((S.Half, n < 2), (0, True)) + \
    Piecewise((Rational(3, 4), n < 3), (0, True)) + Piecewise((S.One, n < 4), (0, True))
コード例 #14
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [Bernoulli('B', 0.2), Binomial('N', 5, 0.4)]
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        for X in distribs_pymc3:
            samps = sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3')
            for sam in samps:
                assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
        raises(NotImplementedError, lambda:
               (sample(Die("D"), library='pymc3')))
コード例 #15
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [Bernoulli('B', 0.2), Binomial('N', 5, 0.4)]
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_pymc3:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                   lambda: next(sample(Die("D"), library='pymc3')))
コード例 #16
def test_bernoulli():
    p, a, b, t = symbols('p a b t')
    X = Bernoulli('B', p, a, b)

    assert E(X) == a * p + b * (-p + 1)
    assert density(X)[a] == p
    assert density(X)[b] == 1 - p
    assert characteristic_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(I * a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(I * b * t)
    assert moment_generating_function(X)(
        t) == p * exp(a * t) + (-p + 1) * exp(b * t)

    X = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0)
    z = Symbol("z")

    assert E(X) == p
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == p * (1 - p)
    assert E(a * X + b) == a * E(X) + b
    assert simplify(variance(a * X + b)) == simplify(a**2 * variance(X))
    assert quantile(X)(z) == Piecewise((nan, (z > 1) | (z < 0)),
                                       (0, z <= 1 - p), (1, z <= 1))
    Y = Bernoulli('Y', Rational(1, 2))
    assert median(Y) == FiniteSet(0, 1)
    Z = Bernoulli('Z', Rational(2, 3))
    assert median(Z) == FiniteSet(1)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli('B', 1.5))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Bernoulli('B', -0.5))

    #issue 8248
    assert X.pspace.compute_expectation(1) == 1

    p = Rational(1, 5)
    X = Binomial('X', 5, p)
    Y = Binomial('Y', 7, 2 * p)
    Z = Binomial('Z', 9, 3 * p)
    assert coskewness(Y + Z, X + Y, X + Z).simplify() == 0
    assert coskewness(Y + 2*X + Z, X + 2*Y + Z, X + 2*Z + Y).simplify() == \
                        sqrt(1529)*Rational(12, 16819)
    assert coskewness(Y + 2*X + Z, X + 2*Y + Z, X + 2*Z + Y, X < 2).simplify() \
                        == -sqrt(357451121)*Rational(2812, 4646864573)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_finite_rv.py プロジェクト: vchekan/sympy
def test_density_call():
    x = Bernoulli('x', p)
    d = density(x)
    assert d(0) == 1 - p
コード例 #18
ファイル: coins.py プロジェクト: poke53280/ml_mercari
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import bernoulli

n, p = 1, .33  # n = coins flipped, p = prob of success

s = np.random.binomial(3000, 0.50)

from sympy.stats import Bernoulli, sample_iter
list(sample_iter(Bernoulli('X', 0.8),
                 numsamples=10))  # p = 0.8 and nsamples=10