コード例 #1
def test_array_expr_construction_with_functions():

    tp = tensorproduct(M, N)
    assert tp == ArrayTensorProduct(M, N)

    expr = tensorproduct(A, eye(2))
    assert expr == ArrayTensorProduct(A, eye(2))

    # Contraction:

    expr = tensorcontraction(M, (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(M, (0, 1))

    expr = tensorcontraction(tp, (1, 2))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(tp, (1, 2))

    expr = tensorcontraction(tensorcontraction(tp, (1, 2)), (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 3), (1, 2))

    # Diagonalization:

    expr = tensordiagonal(M, (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1))

    expr = tensordiagonal(tensordiagonal(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1), (2, 3))

    # Permutation of dimensions:

    expr = permutedims(M, [1, 0])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(M, [1, 0])

    expr = permutedims(PermuteDims(tp, [1, 0, 2, 3]), [0, 1, 3, 2])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(tp, [1, 0, 3, 2])
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_pycode.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
def test_array_printer():
    A = ArraySymbol('A', (4, 4, 6, 6, 6))
    I = IndexedBase('I')
    i, j, k = Idx('i', (0, 1)), Idx('j', (2, 3)), Idx('k', (4, 5))

    prntr = NumPyPrinter()
    assert prntr.doprint(ZeroArray(5)) == 'numpy.zeros((5,))'
    assert prntr.doprint(OneArray(5)) == 'numpy.ones((5,))'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayContraction(
        A, [2, 3])) == 'numpy.einsum("abccd->abd", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(I) == 'I'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayDiagonal(
        A, [2, 3, 4])) == 'numpy.einsum("abccc->abc", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayDiagonal(
        A, [0, 1], [2, 3])) == 'numpy.einsum("aabbc->cab", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayContraction(
        A, [2], [3])) == 'numpy.einsum("abcde->abe", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(I[i, j, k], I[i, j, k])) == 'I = I'

    prntr = TensorflowPrinter()
    assert prntr.doprint(ZeroArray(5)) == 'tensorflow.zeros((5,))'
    assert prntr.doprint(OneArray(5)) == 'tensorflow.ones((5,))'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayContraction(
        A, [2, 3])) == 'tensorflow.linalg.einsum("abccd->abd", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(I) == 'I'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayDiagonal(
        A, [2, 3, 4])) == 'tensorflow.linalg.einsum("abccc->abc", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayDiagonal(
        A, [0, 1], [2, 3])) == 'tensorflow.linalg.einsum("aabbc->cab", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(ArrayContraction(
        A, [2], [3])) == 'tensorflow.linalg.einsum("abcde->abe", A)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(I[i, j, k], I[i, j, k])) == 'I = I'
コード例 #3
def test_arrayexpr_array_expr_zero_array():
    za1 = ZeroArray(k, l, m, n)
    zm1 = ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    za2 = ZeroArray(k, m, m, n)
    zm2 = ZeroMatrix(m, m)
    zm3 = ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    assert ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, za1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, k, l, m, n)
    assert ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, zm1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, m, n)

    assert ArrayContraction(za1, (3, )) == ZeroArray(k, l, m)
    assert ArrayContraction(zm1, (1, )) == ZeroArray(m)
    assert ArrayContraction(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n)
    assert ArrayContraction(zm2, (0, 1)) == 0

    assert ArrayDiagonal(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n, m)
    assert ArrayDiagonal(zm2, (0, 1)) == ZeroArray(m)

    assert PermuteDims(za1, [2, 1, 3, 0]) == ZeroArray(m, l, n, k)
    assert PermuteDims(zm1, [1, 0]) == ZeroArray(n, m)

    assert ArrayAdd(za1) == za1
    assert ArrayAdd(zm1) == ZeroArray(m, n)
    tp1 = ArrayTensorProduct(MatrixSymbol("A", k, l), MatrixSymbol("B", m, n))
    assert ArrayAdd(tp1, za1) == tp1
    tp2 = ArrayTensorProduct(MatrixSymbol("C", k, l), MatrixSymbol("D", m, n))
    assert ArrayAdd(tp1, za1, tp2) == ArrayAdd(tp1, tp2)
    assert ArrayAdd(M, zm3) == M
    assert ArrayAdd(M, N, zm3) == ArrayAdd(M, N)
コード例 #4
def test_arrayexpr_normalize_diagonal_permutedims():
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(M, Q, N, P)
    expr = ArrayDiagonal(PermuteDims(tp, [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 6, 3, 5]), (2, 4, 5),
                         (6, 7), (0, 3))
    result = ArrayDiagonal(tp, (2, 6, 7), (3, 5), (0, 4))
    assert expr == result

    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q)
    expr = ArrayDiagonal(PermuteDims(tp, [0, 5, 2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 7]), (1, 2, 6),
                         (3, 4))
    result = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, P, N, Q), (3, 4, 5), (1, 2))
    assert expr == result
コード例 #5
def test_arrayexpr_nested_array_elementwise_add():
    cg = ArrayContraction(
        ArrayAdd(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), ArrayTensorProduct(N, M)), (1, 2))
    result = ArrayAdd(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 2)),
                      ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(N, M), (1, 2)))
    assert cg == result

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(
        ArrayAdd(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), ArrayTensorProduct(N, M)), (1, 2))
    result = ArrayAdd(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 2)),
                      ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(N, M), (1, 2)))
    assert cg == result
コード例 #6
def test_arrayexpr_convert_index_to_array_support_function():
    expr = M[i, j]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (M, (i, j))
    expr = M[i, j] * N[k, l]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
                                               (i, j, k, l))
    expr = M[i, j] * N[j, k]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayDiagonal(
        ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 2)), (i, k, j))
    expr = Sum(M[i, j] * N[j, k], (j, 0, k - 1))
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 2)), (i, k))
    expr = M[i, j] + N[i, j]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayAdd(M, N), (i, j))
    expr = M[i, j] + N[j, i]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayAdd(
        M, PermuteDims(N, Permutation([1, 0]))), (i, j))
    expr = M[i, j] + M[j, i]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayAdd(
        M, PermuteDims(M, Permutation([1, 0]))), (i, j))
    expr = (M * N * P)[i, j]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (_array_contraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (1, 2), (3, 4)), (i, j))
    expr = expr.function  # Disregard summation in previous expression
    ret1, ret2 = _convert_indexed_to_array(expr)
    assert ret1 == ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (1, 2), (3, 4))
    assert str(ret2) == "(i, j, _i_1, _i_2)"
    expr = KroneckerDelta(i, j) * M[i, k]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (M, ({i, j}, k))
    expr = KroneckerDelta(i, j) * KroneckerDelta(j, k) * M[i, l]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (M, ({i, j, k}, l))
    expr = KroneckerDelta(j, k) * (M[i, j] * N[k, l] + N[i, j] * M[k, l])
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (_array_diagonal(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
            _permute_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
                          Permutation(0, 2)(1, 3))),
        (1, 2)), (i, l, frozenset({j, k})))
    expr = KroneckerDelta(j, m) * KroneckerDelta(
        m, k) * (M[i, j] * N[k, l] + N[i, j] * M[k, l])
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (_array_diagonal(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
            _permute_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
                          Permutation(0, 2)(1, 3))),
        (1, 2)), (i, l, frozenset({j, m, k})))
    expr = KroneckerDelta(i, j) * KroneckerDelta(j, k) * KroneckerDelta(
        k, m) * M[i, 0] * KroneckerDelta(m, n)
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (M, ({i, j, k, m, n}, 0))
    expr = M[i, i]
    assert _convert_indexed_to_array(expr) == (ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1)), (i, ))
コード例 #7
def test_arrayexpr_derivatives1():

    res = array_derive(X, X)
    assert res == PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, I), [0, 2, 1, 3])

    cg = ArrayTensorProduct(A, X, B)
    res = array_derive(cg, X)
    assert res == PermuteDims(
        ArrayTensorProduct(I, A, I, B),
        [0, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7])

    cg = ArrayContraction(X, (0, 1))
    res = array_derive(cg, X)
    assert res == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I, I), (1, 3))

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(X, (0, 1))
    res = array_derive(cg, X)
    assert res == ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(I, I), (1, 3))

    cg = ElementwiseApplyFunction(sin, X)
    res = array_derive(cg, X)
    assert res.dummy_eq(ArrayDiagonal(
            ElementwiseApplyFunction(cos, X),
        ), (0, 3), (1, 5)))

    cg = ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(sin, X)
    res = array_derive(cg, X)
    assert res.dummy_eq(ArrayDiagonal(
            ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(cos, X)
        ), (1, 4), (3, 5)))

    res = array_derive(A1, A1)
    assert res == PermuteDims(
        ArrayTensorProduct(Identity(3), Identity(2), Identity(k)),
        [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5]

    cg = ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(sin, A1)
    res = array_derive(cg, A1)
    assert res.dummy_eq(ArrayDiagonal(
            Identity(3), Identity(2), Identity(k),
            ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(cos, A1)
        ), (1, 6), (3, 7), (5, 8)
コード例 #8
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    newexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [0] +
            [1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_diag_indices_map = {
        i: tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed)
        for i in expr.diagonal_indices
    for old_diag_tuple, new_diag_tuple in new_diag_indices_map.items():
        if len(new_diag_tuple) == 1:
            removed = [i for i in removed if i not in old_diag_tuple]
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_diag_indices_map.values()
    rank = get_rank(expr.expr)
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    removed = sorted({i for i in removed})
    # If there are single axes to diagonalize remaining, it means that their
    # corresponding dimension has been removed, they no longer need diagonalization:
    new_diag_indices = [i for i in new_diag_indices if len(i) > 0]
    if len(new_diag_indices) > 0:
        newexpr2 = _array_diagonal(newexpr,
        newexpr2 = newexpr
    if isinstance(newexpr2, ArrayDiagonal):
        newexpr3, removed2 = _remove_diagonalized_identity_matrices(newexpr2)
        removed = _combine_removed(-1, removed, removed2)
        return newexpr3, removed
        return newexpr2, removed
コード例 #9
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    expr2 = _array2matrix(expr.expr)
    pexpr = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(
        ArrayDiagonal(expr2, *expr.diagonal_indices))
    if expr == pexpr:
        return expr
    return _array2matrix(pexpr)
コード例 #10
def _(expr: ElementwiseApplyFunction, x: Expr):
    assert get_rank(expr) == 2
    assert get_rank(x) == 2
    fdiff = expr._get_function_fdiff()
    dexpr = array_derive(expr.expr, x)
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(ElementwiseApplyFunction(fdiff, expr.expr), dexpr)
    td = ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 4), (1, 5))
    return td
コード例 #11
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    pexpr = ArrayDiagonal(_array2matrix(expr.expr), *expr.diagonal_indices)
    pexpr = identify_hadamard_products(pexpr)
    if isinstance(pexpr, ArrayDiagonal):
        pexpr = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(pexpr)
    if expr == pexpr:
        return expr
    return _array2matrix(pexpr)
コード例 #12
def test_arrayexpr_push_indices_up_and_down():

    indices = list(range(12))

    contr_diag_indices = [(0, 6), (2, 8)]
    assert ArrayContraction._push_indices_down(contr_diag_indices, indices) == (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
    assert ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(contr_diag_indices, indices) == (None, 0, None, 1, 2, 3, None, 4, None, 5, 6, 7)

    assert ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_down(contr_diag_indices, indices, 10) == (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, (0, 6), (2, 8), None, None, None, None)
    assert ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(contr_diag_indices, indices, 10) == (6, 0, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, None, None)

    contr_diag_indices = [(1, 2), (7, 8)]
    assert ArrayContraction._push_indices_down(contr_diag_indices, indices) == (0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
    assert ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(contr_diag_indices, indices) == (0, None, None, 1, 2, 3, 4, None, None, 5, 6, 7)

    assert ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_down(contr_diag_indices, indices, 10) == (0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, (1, 2), (7, 8), None, None, None, None)
    assert ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(contr_diag_indices, indices, 10) == (0, 6, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7, 5, None, None)
コード例 #13
def _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    if isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayTensorProduct):
        args = list(expr.expr.args)
        diag_indices = list(expr.diagonal_indices)
        mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(
            [_get_subrank(arg) for arg in args])
        tuple_links = [[mapping[j] for j in i] for i in diag_indices]
        contr_indices = []
        total_rank = get_rank(expr)
        replaced = [False for arg in args]
        for i, (abs_pos, rel_pos) in enumerate(zip(diag_indices, tuple_links)):
            if len(abs_pos) != 2:
            (pos1_outer, pos1_inner), (pos2_outer, pos2_inner) = rel_pos
            arg1 = args[pos1_outer]
            arg2 = args[pos2_outer]
            if get_rank(arg1) != 2 or get_rank(arg2) != 2:
                if replaced[pos1_outer]:
                    diag_indices[i] = None
                if replaced[pos2_outer]:
                    diag_indices[i] = None
            pos1_in2 = 1 - pos1_inner
            pos2_in2 = 1 - pos2_inner
            if arg1.shape[pos1_in2] == 1:
                if arg1.shape[pos1_inner] != 1:
                    darg1 = DiagMatrix(arg1)
                    darg1 = arg1
                    ((pos2_outer, pos2_inner), (len(args) - 1, pos1_inner)))
                total_rank += 1
                diag_indices[i] = None
                args[pos1_outer] = OneArray(arg1.shape[pos1_in2])
                replaced[pos1_outer] = True
            elif arg2.shape[pos2_in2] == 1:
                if arg2.shape[pos2_inner] != 1:
                    darg2 = DiagMatrix(arg2)
                    darg2 = arg2
                    ((pos1_outer, pos1_inner), (len(args) - 1, pos2_inner)))
                total_rank += 1
                diag_indices[i] = None
                args[pos2_outer] = OneArray(arg2.shape[pos2_in2])
                replaced[pos2_outer] = True
        diag_indices_new = [i for i in diag_indices if i is not None]
        cumul = list(accumulate([0] + [get_rank(arg) for arg in args]))
        contr_indices2 = [
            tuple(cumul[a] + b for a, b in i) for i in contr_indices
        tc = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(*args), *contr_indices2)
        td = ArrayDiagonal(tc, *diag_indices_new)
        return td
    return expr
コード例 #14
def convert_matrix_to_array(expr: MatrixExpr) -> Basic:
    if isinstance(expr, MatMul):
        args_nonmat = []
        args = []
        for arg in expr.args:
            if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
        contractions = [(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2) for i in range(len(args) - 1)]
        scalar = ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(
            args_nonmat) if args_nonmat else S.One
        if scalar == 1:
            tprod = ArrayTensorProduct(
                *[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in args])
            tprod = ArrayTensorProduct(
                scalar, *[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in args])
        return ArrayContraction(tprod, *contractions)
    elif isinstance(expr, MatAdd):
        return ArrayAdd(*[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in expr.args])
    elif isinstance(expr, Transpose):
        return PermuteDims(convert_matrix_to_array(expr.args[0]), [1, 0])
    elif isinstance(expr, Trace):
        inner_expr = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.arg)
        return ArrayContraction(inner_expr, (0, len(inner_expr.shape) - 1))
    elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
        return ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(
            convert_matrix_to_array(i) for i in expr.args)
    elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
        base = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.base)
        if (expr.exp > 0) == True:
            return ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(base for i in range(expr.exp))
            return expr
    elif isinstance(expr, MatPow):
        base = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.base)
        if expr.exp.is_Integer != True:
            b = symbols("b", cls=Dummy)
            return ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(Lambda(b, b**expr.exp),
        elif (expr.exp > 0) == True:
            return convert_matrix_to_array(
                MatMul.fromiter(base for i in range(expr.exp)))
            return expr
    elif isinstance(expr, HadamardProduct):
        tp = ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(expr.args)
        diag = [[2 * i for i in range(len(expr.args))],
                [2 * i + 1 for i in range(len(expr.args))]]
        return ArrayDiagonal(tp, *diag)
    elif isinstance(expr, HadamardPower):
        base, exp = expr.args
        return convert_matrix_to_array(
            HadamardProduct.fromiter(base for i in range(exp)))
        return expr
コード例 #15
def test_convert_array_to_hadamard_products():

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N) * P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = Q * HadamardProduct(M, N) * P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = Q * HadamardProduct(M, N.T) * P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N) * HadamardProduct(Q, P)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert expr == ret

    expr = P.T * HadamardProduct(M, N) * HadamardProduct(Q, P)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert expr == ret

    # ArrayDiagonal should be converted
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, Q), (1, 3), (0, 2, 4))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    expected = PermuteDims(
        ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(HadamardProduct(M.T, N.T), Q),
                      (1, 2)), [1, 0, 2])
    assert expected == ret

    # Special case that should return the same expression:
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(HadamardProduct(M, N), Q), (0, 2))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == cg
コード例 #16
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_matrix_remove_trivial_dims():

    # Tensor Product:
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b)) == (a * b.T, [1, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T,
                                                   b)) == (a * b.T, [0, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a,
                                                   b.T)) == (a * b.T, [1, 2])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T,
                                                   b.T)) == (a * b.T, [0, 2])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, a.T,
                                                   b.T)) == (a * b.T,
                                                             [0, 1, 2, 4])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, I,
                                                   b.T)) == (a * b.T,
                                                             [0, 2, 3, 4])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I)) == (a, [2, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, a)) == (a, [0, 1])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, b.T, c,
                                                   d)) == (ArrayTensorProduct(
                                                       a * b.T,
                                                       c * d.T), [0, 2, 5, 7])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, I, b.T, c, d,
                                                   I)) == (ArrayTensorProduct(
                                                       a * b.T, c * d.T,
                                                       I), [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9])

    # Addition:

    cg = ArrayAdd(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b), ArrayTensorProduct(c, d))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T + c * d.T, [1, 3])

    # Permute Dims:

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b), Permutation(3)(1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T, [2, 3])

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I, b), Permutation(5)(1, 2, 3, 4))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T, [1, 2, 4, 5])

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, b, a),
                     Permutation(5)(1, 2, 4, 5, 3))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (b * a.T, [0, 3, 4, 5])

    # Diagonal:

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, a), (1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (cg, [])

    # Contraction:

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, a), (1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (cg, [])
コード例 #17
def _(expr: ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc, x: Expr):
    fdiff = expr._get_function_fdiff()
    subexpr = expr.expr
    dsubexpr = array_derive(subexpr, x)
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(dsubexpr,
                            ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(fdiff, subexpr))
    b = get_rank(x)
    c = get_rank(expr)
    diag_indices = [(b + i, b + c + i) for i in range(c)]
    return ArrayDiagonal(tp, *diag_indices)
コード例 #18
def test_array_expr_construction_with_functions():

    tp = tensorproduct(M, N)
    assert tp == ArrayTensorProduct(M, N)

    expr = tensorproduct(A, eye(2))
    assert expr == ArrayTensorProduct(A, eye(2))

    # Contraction:

    expr = tensorcontraction(M, (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(M, (0, 1))

    expr = tensorcontraction(tp, (1, 2))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(tp, (1, 2))

    expr = tensorcontraction(tensorcontraction(tp, (1, 2)), (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 3), (1, 2))

    # Diagonalization:

    expr = tensordiagonal(M, (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1))

    expr = tensordiagonal(tensordiagonal(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert expr == ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1), (2, 3))

    # Permutation of dimensions:

    expr = permutedims(M, [1, 0])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(M, [1, 0])

    expr = permutedims(PermuteDims(tp, [1, 0, 2, 3]), [0, 1, 3, 2])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(tp, [1, 0, 3, 2])

    expr = PermuteDims(tp, index_order_new=["a", "b", "c", "d"], index_order_old=["d", "c", "b", "a"])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(tp, [3, 2, 1, 0])

    arr = Array(range(32)).reshape(2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
    expr = PermuteDims(arr, index_order_new=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], index_order_old=['b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'c'])
    assert expr == PermuteDims(arr, [2, 0, 4, 3, 1])
    assert expr.as_explicit() == permutedims(arr, index_order_new=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], index_order_old=['b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'c'])
コード例 #19
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    newexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [0] +
            [1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed) for i in expr.diagonal_indices
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_diag_indices
    rank = get_rank(expr.expr)
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    removed = sorted({i for i in removed})
    # If there are single axes to diagonalize remaining, it means that their
    # corresponding dimension has been removed, they no longer need diagonalization:
    new_diag_indices = [i for i in new_diag_indices if len(i) > 1]
    return ArrayDiagonal(newexpr, *new_diag_indices), removed
コード例 #20
def test_array_expr_as_explicit_with_explicit_component_arrays():
    # Test if .as_explicit() works with explicit-component arrays
    # nested in array expressions:
    from sympy.abc import x, y, z, t
    A = Array([[x, y], [z, t]])
    assert ArrayTensorProduct(A, A).as_explicit() == tensorproduct(A, A)
    assert ArrayDiagonal(A, (0, 1)).as_explicit() == tensordiagonal(A, (0, 1))
    assert ArrayContraction(A, (0, 1)).as_explicit() == tensorcontraction(A, (0, 1))
    assert ArrayAdd(A, A).as_explicit() == A + A
    assert ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(sin, A).as_explicit() == A.applyfunc(sin)
    assert PermuteDims(A, [1, 0]).as_explicit() == permutedims(A, [1, 0])
    assert Reshape(A, [4]).as_explicit() == A.reshape(4)
コード例 #21
def test_arrayexpr_array_shape():
    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q)
    assert expr.shape == (k, k, k, k, k, k, k, k)
    Z = MatrixSymbol("Z", m, n)
    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(M, Z)
    assert expr.shape == (k, k, m, n)
    expr2 = ArrayContraction(expr, (0, 1))
    assert expr2.shape == (m, n)
    expr2 = ArrayDiagonal(expr, (0, 1))
    assert expr2.shape == (m, n, k)
    exprp = PermuteDims(expr, [2, 1, 3, 0])
    assert exprp.shape == (m, k, n, k)
    expr3 = ArrayTensorProduct(N, Z)
    expr2 = ArrayAdd(expr, expr3)
    assert expr2.shape == (k, k, m, n)

    # Contraction along axes with discordant dimensions:
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ArrayContraction(expr, (1, 2)))
    # Also diagonal needs the same dimensions:
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ArrayDiagonal(expr, (1, 2)))
    # Diagonal requires at least to axes to compute the diagonal:
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ArrayDiagonal(expr, (1, )))
コード例 #22
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_element_to_array_expression():
    A = ArraySymbol("A", (k, ))
    B = ArraySymbol("B", (k, ))

    s = Sum(A[i] * B[i], (i, 0, k - 1))
    cg = convert_indexed_to_array(s)
    assert cg == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B), (0, 1))

    s = A[i] * B[i]
    cg = convert_indexed_to_array(s)
    assert cg == ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B), (0, 1))

    s = A[i] * B[j]
    cg = convert_indexed_to_array(s, [i, j])
    assert cg == ArrayTensorProduct(A, B)
    cg = convert_indexed_to_array(s, [j, i])
    assert cg == ArrayTensorProduct(B, A)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_numpy.py プロジェクト: dagidagi1/Matrix
def test_codegen_extra():
    if not np:
        skip("NumPy not installed")

    M = MatrixSymbol("M", 2, 2)
    N = MatrixSymbol("N", 2, 2)
    P = MatrixSymbol("P", 2, 2)
    Q = MatrixSymbol("Q", 2, 2)
    ma = np.matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    mb = np.matrix([[1, -2], [-1, 3]])
    mc = np.matrix([[2, 0], [1, 2]])
    md = np.matrix([[1, -1], [4, 7]])

    cg = ArrayTensorProduct(M, N)
    f = lambdify((M, N), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb) == np.einsum(ma, [0, 1], mb, [2, 3])).all()

    cg = ArrayAdd(M, N)
    f = lambdify((M, N), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb) == ma + mb).all()

    cg = ArrayAdd(M, N, P)
    f = lambdify((M, N, P), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb, mc) == ma + mb + mc).all()

    cg = ArrayAdd(M, N, P, Q)
    f = lambdify((M, N, P, Q), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb, mc, md) == ma + mb + mc + md).all()

    cg = PermuteDims(M, [1, 0])
    f = lambdify((M, ), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma) == ma.T).all()

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), [1, 2, 3, 0])
    f = lambdify((M, N), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb) == np.transpose(np.einsum(ma, [0, 1], mb, [2, 3]),
                                      (1, 2, 3, 0))).all()

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 2))
    f = lambdify((M, N), cg, 'numpy')
    assert (f(ma, mb) == np.diagonal(np.einsum(ma, [0, 1], mb, [2, 3]),
コード例 #24
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_matrix_diag2contraction_diagmatrix():
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, a), (1, 2))
    res = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg)
    assert res.shape == cg.shape
    assert res == ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(M, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a)), (1, 3))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a, M), (1, 2)))

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, M), (1, 2))
    res = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg)
    assert res.shape == cg.shape
    assert res == ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), M, DiagMatrix(a.T)), (1, 4))

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, M, N, b.T), (1, 2), (4, 7))
    res = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg)
    assert res.shape == cg.shape
    assert res == ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), M, N, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a.T),
                           DiagMatrix(b.T)), (1, 7), (3, 9))

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a, M, N, b.T), (0, 2), (4, 7))
    res = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg)
    assert res.shape == cg.shape
    assert res == ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), M, N, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a),
                           DiagMatrix(b.T)), (1, 6), (3, 9))

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a, M, N, b.T), (0, 4), (3, 7))
    res = _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg)
    assert res.shape == cg.shape
    assert res == ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), M, N, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a),
                           DiagMatrix(b.T)), (3, 6), (2, 9))

    I1 = Identity(1)
    x = MatrixSymbol("x", k, 1)
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", k, k)
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(x, A.T, I1), (0, 2))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg).shape == cg.shape
    assert _array2matrix(cg).shape == cg.shape
コード例 #25
def test_arrayexpr_normalize_diagonal_contraction():
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q)
    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (1, 3, 4)), (0, 3))
    result = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (0, 6)), (0, 2, 3))
    assert expr == result

    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1, 2, 3, 7)), (1, 2, 3))
    result = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7))
    assert expr == result

    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 2, 6, 7)), (1, 2, 3))
    result = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(tp, (3, 4, 5)), (0, 2, 3, 4))
    assert expr == result

    td = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (0, 3))
    expr = ArrayContraction(td, (2, 1), (0, 4, 6, 5, 3))
    result = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7), (2, 4))
    assert expr == result
コード例 #26
def _remove_diagonalized_identity_matrices(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    assert isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal)
    editor = _EditArrayContraction(expr)
    mapping = {
        i: {j
            for j in editor.args_with_ind if i in j.indices}
        for i in range(-1, -1 - editor.number_of_diagonal_indices, -1)
    removed = []
    counter: int = 0
    for i, arg_with_ind in enumerate(editor.args_with_ind):
        counter += len(arg_with_ind.indices)
        if isinstance(arg_with_ind.element, Identity):
            if None in arg_with_ind.indices and any(
                    i is not None and (i < 0) == True
                    for i in arg_with_ind.indices):
                diag_ind = [j for j in arg_with_ind.indices
                            if j is not None][0]
                other = [j for j in mapping[diag_ind] if j != arg_with_ind][0]
                if not isinstance(other.element, MatrixExpr):
                if 1 not in other.element.shape:
                if None not in other.indices:
                editor.args_with_ind[i].element = None
                none_index = other.indices.index(None)
                other.element = DiagMatrix(other.element)
                other_range = editor.get_absolute_range(other)
                removed.extend([other_range[0] + none_index])
    editor.args_with_ind = [
        i for i in editor.args_with_ind if i.element is not None
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    return editor.to_array_contraction(), removed
コード例 #27
def test_convert_array_to_hadamard_products():

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N)*P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = Q*HadamardProduct(M, N)*P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = Q*HadamardProduct(M, N.T)*P
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == expr

    expr = HadamardProduct(M, N)*HadamardProduct(Q, P)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert expr == ret

    expr = P.T*HadamardProduct(M, N)*HadamardProduct(Q, P)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert expr == ret

    # ArrayDiagonal should be converted
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, Q), (1, 3), (0, 2, 4))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    expected = PermuteDims(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(HadamardProduct(M.T, N.T), Q), (1, 2)), [1, 0, 2])
    assert expected == ret

    # Special case that should return the same expression:
    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(HadamardProduct(M, N), Q), (0, 2))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == cg

    # Hadamard products with traces:

    expr = Trace(HadamardProduct(M, N))
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == Trace(HadamardProduct(M.T, N.T))

    expr = Trace(A*HadamardProduct(M, N))
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == Trace(HadamardProduct(M, N)*A)

    expr = Trace(HadamardProduct(A, M)*N)
    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(expr)
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == Trace(HadamardProduct(M.T, N)*A)

    # These should not be converted into Hadamard products:

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 1, 2, 3))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == cg

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(A), (0, 1))
    ret = convert_array_to_matrix(cg)
    assert ret == cg

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 2, 4), (1, 3, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == HadamardProduct(M, N, P)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 3, 4), (1, 2, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == HadamardProduct(M, P, N.T)
コード例 #28
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_matrix_remove_trivial_dims():

    # Tensor Product:
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b)) == (a * b.T, [1, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, b)) == (a * b.T, [0, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b.T)) == (a * b.T, [1, 2])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, b.T)) == (a * b.T, [0, 2])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, a.T, b.T)) == (a * b.T, [0, 1, 2, 4])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, I, b.T)) == (a * b.T, [0, 2, 3, 4])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I)) == (a, [2, 3])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, a)) == (a, [0, 1])

    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, b.T, c, d)) == (
        ArrayTensorProduct(a * b.T, c * d.T), [0, 2, 5, 7])
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(ArrayTensorProduct(a.T, I, b.T, c, d, I)) == (
        ArrayTensorProduct(a * b.T, c * d.T, I), [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9])

    # Addition:

    cg = ArrayAdd(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b), ArrayTensorProduct(c, d))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T + c * d.T, [1, 3])

    # Permute Dims:

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b), Permutation(3)(1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T, [2, 3])

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I, b), Permutation(5)(1, 2, 3, 4))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (a * b.T, [1, 2, 4, 5])

    cg = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(I, b, a), Permutation(5)(1, 2, 4, 5, 3))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (b * a.T, [0, 3, 4, 5])

    # Diagonal:

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, a), (1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (cg, [])

    # Contraction:

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, a), (1, 2))
    assert _remove_trivial_dims(cg) == (cg, [])

    # A few more cases to test the removal and shift of nested removed axes
    # with array contractions and array diagonals:
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(
        OneMatrix(1, 1),
        OneMatrix(1, 1),

    expr = ArrayContraction(tp, (1, 8))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
    assert removed == [0, 5, 6, 7]

    expr = ArrayContraction(tp, (1, 8), (3, 4))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
    assert removed == [0, 3, 4, 5]

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(tp, (1, 8))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
    assert removed == [0, 5, 6, 7, 8]

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(tp, (1, 8), (3, 4))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
    assert removed == [0, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, x, I, I1), (1, 2, 5)), (1, 4))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
    assert removed == [1, 2]

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(x, I1), Permutation(1, 2, 3)), (x.T*x).applyfunc(sqrt)), (2, 4), (3, 5))
    rexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(cg)
    assert removed == [1, 2]

    # Contractions with identity matrices need to be followed by a permutation
    # in order
    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B, C, M, I), (1, 8))
    ret, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(cg)
    assert ret == PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B, C, M), [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1])
    assert removed == []

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B, C, M, I), (1, 8), (3, 4))
    ret, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(cg)
    assert ret == PermuteDims(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B, C, M), (3, 4)), [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1])
    assert removed == []
コード例 #29
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_diagonalized_vector():

    # Check matrix recognition over trivial dimensions:

    cg = ArrayTensorProduct(a, b)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a * b.T

    cg = ArrayTensorProduct(I1, a, b)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a * b.T

    # Recognize trace inside a tensor product:

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, B, C), (0, 3), (1, 2))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(A * B) * C

    # Transform diagonal operator to contraction:

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a), (1, 2))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a)), (1, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A * DiagMatrix(a)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(a, b), (0, 2))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == PermuteDims(
        ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), b), (0, 3)), [1, 2, 0]
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == b.T * DiagMatrix(a)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a), (0, 2))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a)), (0, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A.T * DiagMatrix(a)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(I, x, I1), (0, 2), (3, 5))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I, OneArray(1), I1, DiagMatrix(x)), (0, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == DiagMatrix(x)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(I, x, A, B), (1, 2), (5, 6))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I, OneArray(1), A, B, DiagMatrix(x)), (1, 7)), (5, 6))
    # TODO: this is returning a wrong result:
    # convert_array_to_matrix(cg)

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(I1, a, b), (1, 3, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a*b.T

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(I1, a, b), (1, 3))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), a, b, I1), (2, 6))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a*b.T

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(x, I1), (1, 2))
    assert isinstance(cg, ArrayDiagonal)
    assert cg.diagonal_indices == ((1, 2),)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == x

    cg = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(x, I), (0, 2))
    assert _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(cg) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), I, DiagMatrix(x)), (1, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg).doit() == DiagMatrix(x)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: ArrayDiagonal(x, (1,)))

    # Ignore identity matrices with contractions:

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I, A, I, I), (0, 2), (1, 3), (5, 7))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == cg
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(A) * I

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(Trace(A) * I, I, I), (1, 5), (3, 4))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == cg
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg).doit() == Trace(A) * I

    # Add DiagMatrix when required:

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a), (1, 2))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == cg
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A * a

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a, B), (1, 2, 4))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), B), (1, 2), (3, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A * DiagMatrix(a) * B

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a, B), (0, 2, 4))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), B), (0, 2), (3, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A.T * DiagMatrix(a) * B

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a, b, a.T, B), (0, 2, 4, 7, 9))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1),
                                                DiagMatrix(b), OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), B),
                                               (0, 2), (3, 5), (6, 9), (8, 12))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A.T * DiagMatrix(a) * DiagMatrix(b) * DiagMatrix(a) * B.T

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I1, I1, I1), (1, 2, 4))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I1, I1, OneArray(1), I1), (1, 2), (3, 5))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == 1

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(I, I, I, I, A), (1, 2, 8), (5, 6, 9))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg.split_multiple_contractions()).doit() == A

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, a, C, a, B), (1, 2, 4), (5, 6, 8))
    expected = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), C, DiagMatrix(a), OneArray(1), B), (1, 3), (2, 5), (6, 7), (8, 10))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions() == expected
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == A * DiagMatrix(a) * C * DiagMatrix(a) * B

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I1, b, I1, (a.T*b).applyfunc(cos)), (1, 2, 8), (5, 6, 9))
    expected = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(a, I1, OneArray(1), b, I1, OneArray(1), (a.T*b).applyfunc(cos)),
                                (1, 3), (2, 10), (6, 8), (7, 11))
    assert cg.split_multiple_contractions().dummy_eq(expected)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg).doit().dummy_eq(MatMul(a, (a.T * b).applyfunc(cos), b.T))
コード例 #30
def test_array_expressions_no_canonicalization():

    tp = _array_tensor_product(M, N, P)

    # ArrayTensorProduct:

    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(tp, N)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayTensorProduct(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), N)"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, N)

    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(ArrayContraction(M, (0, 1)), N)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayTensorProduct(ArrayContraction(M, (0, 1)), N)"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 1))

    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1)), N)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayTensorProduct(ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1)), N)"
    assert expr.doit() == PermuteDims(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 1)), [2, 0, 1])

    expr = ArrayTensorProduct(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), N)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayTensorProduct(PermuteDims(M, (0 1)), N)"
    assert expr.doit() == PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), [1, 0, 2, 3])

    # ArrayContraction:

    expr = ArrayContraction(_array_contraction(tp, (0, 2)), (0, 1))
    assert isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction)
    assert isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayContraction)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayContraction(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 2)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 2), (1, 3))

    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayContraction(ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5))
    # assert expr._canonicalize() == ArrayContraction(ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1), (2, 3))

    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayContraction(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 1)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(N, M, P), (0, 1)), (0, 1))

    expr = ArrayContraction(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), (0, 1))
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayContraction(PermuteDims(M, (0 1)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayContraction(M, (0, 1))

    # ArrayDiagonal:

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 2)), (0, 1))
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayDiagonal(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 2)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 2), (1, 3))

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayDiagonal(ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5))
    assert expr._canonicalize() == expr.doit()

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(tp, (0, 1)), (0, 1))
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayDiagonal(ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P), (0, 1)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == expr

    expr = ArrayDiagonal(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), (0, 1))
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayDiagonal(PermuteDims(M, (0 1)), (0, 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayDiagonal(M, (0, 1))

    # ArrayAdd:

    expr = ArrayAdd(M)
    assert isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd)
    assert expr.doit() == M

    expr = ArrayAdd(ArrayAdd(M, N), P)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayAdd(ArrayAdd(M, N), P)"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayAdd(M, N, P)

    expr = ArrayAdd(M, ArrayAdd(N, ArrayAdd(P, M)))
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayAdd(M, N, P, M)
    assert expr._canonicalize() == ArrayAdd(M, N, ArrayAdd(P, M))

    expr = ArrayAdd(M, ZeroArray(k, k), N)
    assert str(expr) == "ArrayAdd(M, ZeroArray(k, k), N)"
    assert expr.doit() == ArrayAdd(M, N)

    # PermuteDims:

    expr = PermuteDims(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), [1, 0])
    assert str(expr) == "PermuteDims(PermuteDims(M, (0 1)), (0 1))"
    assert expr.doit() == M

    expr = PermuteDims(PermuteDims(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), [1, 0]), [1, 0])
    assert expr.doit() == PermuteDims(M, [1, 0])
    assert expr._canonicalize() == expr.doit()