コード例 #1
def uniquely_named_symbol(xname,
    """Return a symbol which, when printed, will have a name unique
    from any other already in the expressions given. The name is made
    unique by appending numbers (default) but this can be
    customized with the keyword 'modify'.


        xname : a string or a Symbol

        compare : a single arg function that takes a symbol and returns
            a string to be compared with xname (the default is the str
            function which indicates how the name will look when it
            is printed, e.g. this includes underscores that appear on
            Dummy symbols). When ``xname`` is a Symbol, ``compare`` will
            be used to supply the value for ``xname``.

        modify : a single arg function that changes its string argument
            in some way (the default is to append numbers)


    >>> from sympy.core.symbol import uniquely_named_symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> uniquely_named_symbol('x', x)
    def numbered_string_incr(s, start=0):
        if not s:
            return str(start)
        i = len(s) - 1
        while i != -1:
            if not s[i].isdigit():
            i -= 1
        n = str(int(s[i + 1:] or start - 1) + 1)
        return s[:i + 1] + n

    default = None
    if is_sequence(xname):
        xname, default = xname
    x = compare(xname)
    if not exprs:
        return _symbol(x, default, **assumptions)
    if not is_sequence(exprs):
        exprs = [exprs]
    names = set().union(
        [i.name for e in exprs for i in e.atoms(Symbol)] +
        [i.func.name for e in exprs for i in e.atoms(AppliedUndef)])
    if modify is None:
        modify = numbered_string_incr
    while any(x == compare(s) for s in names):
        x = modify(x)
    return _symbol(x, default, **assumptions)
コード例 #2
def test_iterable_is_sequence():
    ordered = [list(), tuple(), Tuple(), Matrix([[]])]
    unordered = [set()]
    not_sympy_iterable = [{}, '', '']
    assert all(is_sequence(i) for i in ordered)
    assert all(not is_sequence(i) for i in unordered)
    assert all(iterable(i) for i in ordered + unordered)
    assert all(not iterable(i) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
    assert all(iterable(i, exclude=None) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
コード例 #3
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
     from sympy.geometry.point import Point, Point3D
     if is_sequence(old) or is_sequence(new):
         if isinstance(self, Point3D):
             old = Point3D(old)
             new = Point3D(new)
             old = Point(old)
             new = Point(new)
         return  self._subs(old, new)
コード例 #4
ファイル: curve.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
    def __new__(cls, function, limits):
        fun = sympify(function)
        if not is_sequence(fun) or len(fun) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Function argument should be (x(t), y(t)) "
                "but got %s" % str(function))
        if not is_sequence(limits) or len(limits) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Limit argument should be (t, tmin, tmax) "
                "but got %s" % str(limits))

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, Tuple(*fun), Tuple(*limits))
コード例 #5
ファイル: sequences.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def sequence(seq, limits=None):
    Returns appropriate sequence object.


    If ``seq`` is a SymPy sequence, returns :class:`SeqPer` object
    otherwise returns :class:`SeqFormula` object.


    >>> from sympy import sequence
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> sequence(n**2, (n, 0, 5))
    SeqFormula(n**2, (n, 0, 5))
    >>> sequence((1, 2, 3), (n, 0, 5))
    SeqPer((1, 2, 3), (n, 0, 5))

    See Also

    seq = sympify(seq)

    if is_sequence(seq, Tuple):
        return SeqPer(seq, limits)
        return SeqFormula(seq, limits)
コード例 #6
    def _interpret_args(args):
        interval_wrong_order = "PlotInterval %s was given before any function(s)."
        interpret_error = "Could not interpret %s as a function or interval."

        functions, intervals = [], []
        if isinstance(args[0], GeometryEntity):
            for coords in list(args[0].arbitrary_point()):
            for a in args:
                i = PlotInterval.try_parse(a)
                if i is not None:
                    if len(functions) == 0:
                        raise ValueError(interval_wrong_order % (str(i)))
                    if is_sequence(a, include=str):
                        raise ValueError(interpret_error % (str(a)))
                        f = sympify(a)
                    except TypeError:
                        raise ValueError(interpret_error % str(a))

        return functions, intervals
コード例 #7
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, *, offset=S.Zero, strides=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import NDimArray

        assumptions, kw_args = _filter_assumptions(kw_args)
        if isinstance(label, str):
            label = Symbol(label, **assumptions)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
            assumptions = label._merge(assumptions)
        elif isinstance(label, (MatrixBase, NDimArray)):
            return label
        elif isinstance(label, Iterable):
            return _sympify(label)
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label)
        obj._shape = shape
        obj._offset = offset
        obj._strides = strides
        obj._name = str(label)

        IndexedBase._set_assumptions(obj, assumptions)
        return obj
コード例 #8
    def __setitem__(self, i, args):
        Parses and adds a PlotMode to the function
        if not (isinstance(i, (SYMPY_INTS, Integer)) and i >= 0):
            raise ValueError("Function index must " "be an integer >= 0.")

        if isinstance(args, PlotObject):
            f = args
            if (not is_sequence(args)) or isinstance(args, GeometryEntity):
                args = [args]
            if len(args) == 0:
                return  # no arguments given
            kwargs = dict(bounds_callback=self.adjust_all_bounds)
            f = PlotMode(*args, **kwargs)

        if f:
            self._functions[i] = f
            raise ValueError("Failed to parse '%s'." %
                             ', '.join(str(a) for a in args))
コード例 #9
ファイル: assume.py プロジェクト: dagidagi1/Matrix
 def _(func):
     for t in types:
         if not is_sequence(t):
             t = (
             )  # for convenience, allow passing `type` to mean `(type,)`
         cls.register(*t, **kwargs)(func)
コード例 #10
    def evalf(self, n=15, subs=None, maxn=100, chop=False, strict=False, quad=None, verbose=False):

        if subs and is_sequence(subs):
            raise TypeError('subs must be given as a dictionary')

        x, y = self.args

        return f_t(x, y)
コード例 #11
    def wrapper(*args):
        out = func(*args)
        # out can be array(1.0) or [array(1.0), array(2.0)]

        if is_sequence(out):
            return [o[()] if is_0d[i] else o for i, o in enumerate(out)]
            return out[()]
コード例 #12
ファイル: gate.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
 def _eval_args(cls, args):
     # _eval_args has the right logic for the controls argument.
     controls = args[0]
     gate = args[1]
     if not is_sequence(controls):
         controls = (controls,)
     controls = UnitaryOperator._eval_args(controls)
     _validate_targets_controls(chain(controls, gate.targets))
     return (Tuple(*controls), gate)
コード例 #13
 def __getitem__(self, indices, **kw_args):
     if is_sequence(indices):
         # Special case needed because M[*my_tuple] is a syntax error.
         if self.shape and len(self.shape) != len(indices):
             raise IndexException("Rank mismatch.")
         return Indexed(self, *indices, **kw_args)
         if self.shape and len(self.shape) != 1:
             raise IndexException("Rank mismatch.")
         return Indexed(self, indices, **kw_args)
コード例 #14
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     from sympy.matrices import zeros
     from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
     from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence
     isMat = lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_Matrix', False)
     if len(args) != 1 or \
             not is_sequence(args[0]) or \
             len(set([isMat(r) for r in args[0]])) != 1:
         raise ValueError(
             expecting a sequence of 1 or more rows
             containing Matrices.'''))
     rows = args[0] if args else []
     if not isMat(rows):
         if rows and isMat(rows[0]):
             rows = [rows]  # rows is not list of lists or []
         # regularity check
         # same number of matrices in each row
         blocky = ok = len(set([len(r) for r in rows])) == 1
         if ok:
             # same number of rows for each matrix in a row
             for r in rows:
                 ok = len(set([i.rows for i in r])) == 1
                 if not ok:
             blocky = ok
             # same number of cols for each matrix in each col
             for c in range(len(rows[0])):
                 ok = len(set([rows[i][c].cols
                               for i in range(len(rows))])) == 1
                 if not ok:
         if not ok:
             # same total cols in each row
             ok = len(set([sum([i.cols for i in r]) for r in rows])) == 1
             if blocky and ok:
                 raise ValueError(
                     Although this matrix is comprised of blocks,
                     the blocks do not fill the matrix in a
                     size-symmetric fashion. To create a full matrix
                     from these arguments, pass them directly to
             raise ValueError(
                 When there are not the same number of rows in each
                 row's matrices or there are not the same number of
                 total columns in each row, the matrix is not a
                 block matrix. If this matrix is known to consist of
                 blocks fully filling a 2-D space then see
     mat = ImmutableDenseMatrix(rows, evaluate=False)
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
     return obj
コード例 #15
def _process_limits(func, limits):
    Limits should be of the form (x, start, stop).
    x should be a symbol. Both start and stop should be bounded.


    * If x is not given, x is determined from func.
    * If limits is None. Limit of the form (x, -pi, pi) is returned.


    >>> from sympy.series.fourier import _process_limits as pari
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> pari(x**2, (x, -2, 2))
    (x, -2, 2)
    >>> pari(x**2, (-2, 2))
    (x, -2, 2)
    >>> pari(x**2, None)
    (x, -pi, pi)
    def _find_x(func):
        free = func.free_symbols
        if len(free) == 1:
            return free.pop()
        elif not free:
            return Dummy('k')
            raise ValueError(
                " specify dummy variables for %s. If the function contains"
                " more than one free symbol, a dummy variable should be"
                " supplied explicitly e.g. FourierSeries(m*n**2, (n, -pi, pi))"
                % func)

    x, start, stop = None, None, None
    if limits is None:
        x, start, stop = _find_x(func), -pi, pi
    if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
        if len(limits) == 3:
            x, start, stop = limits
        elif len(limits) == 2:
            x = _find_x(func)
            start, stop = limits

    if not isinstance(x, Symbol) or start is None or stop is None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(limits))

    unbounded = [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]
    if start in unbounded or stop in unbounded:
        raise ValueError("Both the start and end value should be bounded")

    return sympify((x, start, stop))
コード例 #16
ファイル: blockmatrix.py プロジェクト: sympy/sympy
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     from sympy.matrices import zeros
     from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
     from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence
     isMat = lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_Matrix', False)
     if len(args) != 1 or \
             not is_sequence(args[0]) or \
             len(set([isMat(r) for r in args[0]])) != 1:
         raise ValueError(filldedent('''
             expecting a sequence of 1 or more rows
             containing Matrices.'''))
     rows = args[0] if args else []
     if not isMat(rows):
         if rows and isMat(rows[0]):
             rows = [rows]  # rows is not list of lists or []
         # regularity check
         # same number of matrices in each row
         blocky = ok = len(set([len(r) for r in rows])) == 1
         if ok:
             # same number of rows for each matrix in a row
             for r in rows:
                 ok = len(set([i.rows for i in r])) == 1
                 if not ok:
             blocky = ok
             # same number of cols for each matrix in each col
             for c in range(len(rows[0])):
                 ok = len(set([rows[i][c].cols
                     for i in range(len(rows))])) == 1
                 if not ok:
         if not ok:
             # same total cols in each row
             ok = len(set([
                 sum([i.cols for i in r]) for r in rows])) == 1
             if blocky and ok:
                 raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                     Although this matrix is comprised of blocks,
                     the blocks do not fill the matrix in a
                     size-symmetric fashion. To create a full matrix
                     from these arguments, pass them directly to
             raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                 When there are not the same number of rows in each
                 row's matrices or there are not the same number of
                 total columns in each row, the matrix is not a
                 block matrix. If this matrix is known to consist of
                 blocks fully filling a 2-D space then see
     mat = ImmutableDenseMatrix(rows, evaluate=False)
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
     return obj
コード例 #17
ファイル: sequences.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
    def __new__(cls, periodical, limits=None):
        periodical = sympify(periodical)

        def _find_x(periodical):
            free = periodical.free_symbols
            if len(periodical.free_symbols) == 1:
                return free.pop()
                return Dummy('k')

        x, start, stop = None, None, None
        if limits is None:
            x, start, stop = _find_x(periodical), 0, S.Infinity
        if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
            if len(limits) == 3:
                x, start, stop = limits
            elif len(limits) == 2:
                x = _find_x(periodical)
                start, stop = limits

        if not isinstance(x, (Symbol, Idx)) or start is None or stop is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(limits))

        if start is S.NegativeInfinity and stop is S.Infinity:
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value"
                             "cannot be unbounded")

        limits = sympify((x, start, stop))

        if is_sequence(periodical, Tuple):
            periodical = sympify(tuple(flatten(periodical)))
            raise ValueError("invalid period %s should be something "
                             "like e.g (1, 2) " % periodical)

        if Interval(limits[1], limits[2]) is S.EmptySet:
            return S.EmptySequence

        return Basic.__new__(cls, periodical, limits)
コード例 #18
ファイル: plot_mode_base.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def _set_color(self, v):
         if v is not None:
             if is_sequence(v):
                 v = ColorScheme(*v)
                 v = ColorScheme(v)
         if repr(v) == repr(self._color):
         self._color = v
     except Exception as e:
         raise RuntimeError("Color change failed. " "Reason: %s" % (str(e)))
コード例 #19
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def sfield(exprs, *symbols, **options):
    """Construct a field deriving generators and domain
    from options and input expressions.


    exprs   : py:class:`~.Expr` or sequence of :py:class:`~.Expr` (sympifiable)

    symbols : sequence of :py:class:`~.Symbol`/:py:class:`~.Expr`

    options : keyword arguments understood by :py:class:`~.Options`


    >>> from sympy import exp, log, symbols, sfield

    >>> x = symbols("x")
    >>> K, f = sfield((x*log(x) + 4*x**2)*exp(1/x + log(x)/3)/x**2)
    >>> K
    Rational function field in x, exp(1/x), log(x), x**(1/3) over ZZ with lex order
    >>> f
    (4*x**2*(exp(1/x)) + x*(exp(1/x))*(log(x)))/((x**(1/3))**5)
    single = False
    if not is_sequence(exprs):
        exprs, single = [exprs], True

    exprs = list(map(sympify, exprs))
    opt = build_options(symbols, options)
    numdens = []
    for expr in exprs:
    reps, opt = _parallel_dict_from_expr(numdens, opt)

    if opt.domain is None:
        # NOTE: this is inefficient because construct_domain() automatically
        # performs conversion to the target domain. It shouldn't do this.
        coeffs = sum([list(rep.values()) for rep in reps], [])
        opt.domain, _ = construct_domain(coeffs, opt=opt)

    _field = FracField(opt.gens, opt.domain, opt.order)
    fracs = []
    for i in range(0, len(reps), 2):
        fracs.append(_field(tuple(reps[i:i + 2])))

    if single:
        return (_field, fracs[0])
        return (_field, fracs)
コード例 #20
ファイル: elliptic_curve.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def __contains__(self, point):
     if is_sequence(point):
         if len(point) == 2:
             z1 = 1
             z1 = point[2]
         x1, y1 = point[:2]
     elif isinstance(point, EllipticCurvePoint):
         x1, y1, z1 = point.x, point.y, point.z
         raise ValueError('Invalid point.')
     if self.characteristic == 0 and z1 == 0:
         return True
     return self._eq.subs({self.x: x1, self.y: y1, self.z: z1})
コード例 #21
ファイル: polyoptions.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
    def preprocess(cls, gens):
        if isinstance(gens, Basic):
            gens = (gens, )
        elif len(gens) == 1 and is_sequence(gens[0]):
            gens = gens[0]

        if gens == (None, ):
            gens = ()
        elif has_dups(gens):
            raise GeneratorsError("duplicated generators: %s" % str(gens))
        elif any(gen.is_commutative is False for gen in gens):
            raise GeneratorsError("non-commutative generators: %s" % str(gens))

        return tuple(gens)
コード例 #22
def _parse_symbols(symbols):
    if not symbols:
        return tuple()
    if isinstance(symbols, str):
        return _symbols(symbols, seq=True)
    elif isinstance(symbols, Expr or FreeGroupElement):
        return (symbols, )
    elif is_sequence(symbols):
        if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in symbols):
            return _symbols(symbols)
        elif all(isinstance(s, Expr) for s in symbols):
            return symbols
    raise ValueError("The type of `symbols` must be one of the following: "
                     "a str, Symbol/Expr or a sequence of "
                     "one of these types")
コード例 #23
ファイル: random.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
def _randrange(seed=None):
    """Return a randrange generator. ``seed`` can be
        o None - return randomly seeded generator
        o int - return a generator seeded with the int
        o list - the values to be returned will be taken from the list
          in the order given; the provided list is not modified.


    >>> from sympy.core.random import _randrange
    >>> rr = _randrange()
    >>> rr(1000) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rr = _randrange(3)
    >>> rr(1000) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rr = _randrange([0, 5, 1, 3, 4])
    >>> rr(3), rr(3)
    (0, 1)
    if seed is None:
        return randrange
    elif isinstance(seed, int):
        return randrange
    elif is_sequence(seed):
        seed = list(seed)  # make a copy

        def give(a, b=None, seq=seed):
            if b is None:
                a, b = 0, a
            a, b = as_int(a), as_int(b)
            w = b - a
            if w < 1:
                raise ValueError('_randrange got empty range')
                x = seq.pop()
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError('_randrange sequence was too short')
            if a <= x < b:
                return x
                return give(a, b, seq)
        return give
        raise ValueError('_randrange got an unexpected seed')
コード例 #24
ファイル: gate.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def _eval_args(cls, args):
     targets = args[0]
     if not is_sequence(targets):
         targets = (targets, )
     targets = Gate._eval_args(targets)
     mat = args[1]
     if not isinstance(mat, MatrixBase):
         raise TypeError('Matrix expected, got: %r' % mat)
     #make sure this matrix is of a Basic type
     mat = _sympify(mat)
     dim = 2**len(targets)
     if not all(dim == shape for shape in mat.shape):
         raise IndexError(
             'Number of targets must match the matrix size: %r %r' %
             (targets, mat))
     return (targets, mat)
コード例 #25
ファイル: indexed.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
    def __new__(cls, label, range=None, **kw_args):

        if isinstance(label, str):
            label = Symbol(label, integer=True)
        label, range = list(map(sympify, (label, range)))

        if label.is_Number:
            if not label.is_integer:
                raise TypeError("Index is not an integer number.")
            return label

        if not label.is_integer:
            raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer label.")

        elif is_sequence(range):
            if len(range) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    Idx range tuple must have length 2, but got %s""" %
            for bound in range:
                if (bound.is_integer is False and bound is not S.Infinity
                        and bound is not S.NegativeInfinity):
                    raise TypeError("Idx object requires integer bounds.")
            args = label, Tuple(*range)
        elif isinstance(range, Expr):
            if range is not S.Infinity and fuzzy_not(range.is_integer):
                raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer dimension.")
            args = label, Tuple(0, range - 1)
        elif range:
            raise TypeError(
                The range must be an ordered iterable or
                integer SymPy expression."""))
            args = label,

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **kw_args)
        obj._assumptions["finite"] = True
        obj._assumptions["real"] = True
        return obj
コード例 #26
ファイル: plane.py プロジェクト: moorepants/sympy
 def __new__(cls, p1, a=None, b=None, **kwargs):
     p1 = Point3D(p1, dim=3)
     if a and b:
         p2 = Point(a, dim=3)
         p3 = Point(b, dim=3)
         if Point3D.are_collinear(p1, p2, p3):
             raise ValueError('Enter three non-collinear points')
         a = p1.direction_ratio(p2)
         b = p1.direction_ratio(p3)
         normal_vector = tuple(Matrix(a).cross(Matrix(b)))
         a = kwargs.pop('normal_vector', a)
         evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', True)
         if is_sequence(a) and len(a) == 3:
             normal_vector = Point3D(a).args if evaluate else a
             raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                 Either provide 3 3D points or a point with a
                 normal vector expressed as a sequence of length 3'''))
         if all(coord.is_zero for coord in normal_vector):
             raise ValueError('Normal vector cannot be zero vector')
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, p1, normal_vector, **kwargs)
コード例 #27
ファイル: sequences.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/sympy
    def __new__(cls, formula, limits=None):
        formula = sympify(formula)

        def _find_x(formula):
            free = formula.free_symbols
            if len(free) == 1:
                return free.pop()
            elif not free:
                return Dummy('k')
                raise ValueError(
                    " specify dummy variables for %s. If the formula contains"
                    " more than one free symbol, a dummy variable should be"
                    " supplied explicitly e.g., SeqFormula(m*n**2, (n, 0, 5))"
                    % formula)

        x, start, stop = None, None, None
        if limits is None:
            x, start, stop = _find_x(formula), 0, S.Infinity
        if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
            if len(limits) == 3:
                x, start, stop = limits
            elif len(limits) == 2:
                x = _find_x(formula)
                start, stop = limits

        if not isinstance(x, (Symbol, Idx)) or start is None or stop is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(limits))

        if start is S.NegativeInfinity and stop is S.Infinity:
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value "
                             "cannot be unbounded")
        limits = sympify((x, start, stop))

        if Interval(limits[1], limits[2]) is S.EmptySet:
            return S.EmptySequence

        return Basic.__new__(cls, formula, limits)
コード例 #28
ファイル: repmatrix.py プロジェクト: sidhu1012/sympy
    def copyin_list(self, key, value):
        """Copy in elements from a list.


        key : slice
            The section of this matrix to replace.
        value : iterable
            The iterable to copy values from.


        >>> from sympy import eye
        >>> I = eye(3)
        >>> I[:2, 0] = [1, 2] # col
        >>> I
        [1, 0, 0],
        [2, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])
        >>> I[1, :2] = [[3, 4]]
        >>> I
        [1, 0, 0],
        [3, 4, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])

        See Also

        if not is_sequence(value):
            raise TypeError("`value` must be an ordered iterable, not %s." %
        return self.copyin_matrix(key, type(self)(value))
コード例 #29
def __qsympify_sequence_helper(seq):
       Helper function for _qsympify_sequence
       This function does the actual work.
    #base case. If not a list, do Sympification
    if not is_sequence(seq):
        if isinstance(seq, Matrix):
            return seq
        elif isinstance(seq, str):
            return Symbol(seq)
            return sympify(seq)

    # base condition, when seq is QExpr and also
    # is iterable.
    if isinstance(seq, QExpr):
        return seq

    #if list, recurse on each item in the list
    result = [__qsympify_sequence_helper(item) for item in seq]

    return Tuple(*result)
コード例 #30
def mplot2d(f, var, *, show=True):
    Plot a 2d function using matplotlib/Tk.

    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"Could not match \S")

    p = import_module('pylab')
    if not p:
        sys.exit("Matplotlib is required to use mplot2d.")

    if not is_sequence(f):
        f = [

    for f_i in f:
        x, y = sample(f_i, var)
        p.plot(x, y)

    if show:
コード例 #31
    def extend(self, arg):
        """Adds all series from another plot.


        Consider two ``Plot`` objects, ``p1`` and ``p2``. To add the
        second plot to the first, use the ``extend`` method, like so:

        .. plot::
           :format: doctest
           :include-source: True

           >>> from sympy import symbols
           >>> from sympy.plotting import plot
           >>> x = symbols('x')
           >>> p1 = plot(x**2, show=False)
           >>> p2 = plot(x, -x, show=False)
           >>> p1.extend(p2)
           >>> p1
           Plot object containing:
           [0]: cartesian line: x**2 for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
           [1]: cartesian line: x for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
           [2]: cartesian line: -x for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
           >>> p1.show()

        if isinstance(arg, Plot):
        elif is_sequence(arg) and all([isinstance(a, BaseSeries) for a in arg]):
            raise TypeError("Expecting Plot or sequence of BaseSeries")
        # auto legend
        if len(self._series) > 1:
            self.legend = True
コード例 #32
    def extract_leading_order(self, symbols, point=None):
        Returns the leading term and its order.


        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> (x + 1 + 1/x**5).extract_leading_order(x)
        ((x**(-5), O(x**(-5))),)
        >>> (1 + x).extract_leading_order(x)
        ((1, O(1)),)
        >>> (x + x**2).extract_leading_order(x)
        ((x, O(x)),)

        from sympy.series.order import Order
        lst = []
        symbols = list(symbols if is_sequence(symbols) else [symbols])
        if not point:
            point = [0]*len(symbols)
        seq = [(f, Order(f, *zip(symbols, point))) for f in self.args]
        for ef, of in seq:
            for e, o in lst:
                if o.contains(of) and o != of:
                    of = None
            if of is None:
            new_lst = [(ef, of)]
            for e, o in lst:
                if of.contains(o) and o != of:
                new_lst.append((e, o))
            lst = new_lst
        return tuple(lst)
コード例 #33
    def _contains(self, other):
        from sympy.matrices import Matrix
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset, linsolve
        from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence, iterable, cartes
        L = self.lamda
        if is_sequence(other):
            if not is_sequence(L.expr):
                return S.false
            if len(L.expr) != len(other):
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
    Dimensions of other and output of Lambda are different.'''))
        elif iterable(other):
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
    `other` should be an ordered object like a Tuple.'''))

        solns = None
        if self._is_multivariate():
            if not is_sequence(L.expr):
                # exprs -> (numer, denom) and check again
                # XXX this is a bad idea -- make the user
                # remap self to desired form
                return other.as_numer_denom() in self.func(
                    Lambda(L.variables, L.expr.as_numer_denom()), self.base_set)
            eqs = [expr - val for val, expr in zip(other, L.expr)]
            variables = L.variables
            free = set(variables)
            if all(i.is_number for i in list(Matrix(eqs).jacobian(variables))):
                solns = list(linsolve([e - val for e, val in
                zip(L.expr, other)], variables))
                syms = [e.free_symbols & free for e in eqs]
                solns = {}
                for i, (e, s, v) in enumerate(zip(eqs, syms, other)):
                    if not s:
                        if e != v:
                            return S.false
                        solns[vars[i]] = [v]
                    elif len(s) == 1:
                        sy = s.pop()
                        sol = solveset(e, sy)
                        if sol is S.EmptySet:
                            return S.false
                        elif isinstance(sol, FiniteSet):
                            solns[sy] = list(sol)
                            raise NotImplementedError
                        raise NotImplementedError
                solns = cartes(*[solns[s] for s in variables])
            x = L.variables[0]
            if isinstance(L.expr, Expr):
                # scalar -> scalar mapping
                solnsSet = solveset(L.expr - other, x)
                if solnsSet.is_FiniteSet:
                    solns = list(solnsSet)
                    msgset = solnsSet
                # scalar -> vector
                for e, o in zip(L.expr, other):
                    solns = solveset(e - o, x)
                    if solns is S.EmptySet:
                        return S.false
                    for soln in solns:
                            if soln in self.base_set:
                                break  # check next pair
                        except TypeError:
                            if self.base_set.contains(soln.evalf()):
                        return S.false  # never broke so there was no True
                return S.true

        if solns is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(filldedent('''
            Determining whether %s contains %s has not
            been implemented.''' % (msgset, other)))
        for soln in solns:
                if soln in self.base_set:
                    return S.true
            except TypeError:
                return self.base_set.contains(soln.evalf())
        return S.false
コード例 #34
ファイル: sparsetools.py プロジェクト: bjodah/sympy
def banded(*args, **kwargs):
    """Returns a SparseMatrix from the given dictionary describing
    the diagonals of the matrix. The keys are positive for upper
    diagonals and negative for those below the main diagonal. The
    values may be:
        * expressions or single-argument functions,
        * lists or tuples of values,
        * matrices
    Unless dimensions are given, the size of the returned matrix will
    be large enough to contain the largest non-zero value provided.


    rows : rows of the resulting matrix; computed if
           not given.

    cols : columns of the resulting matrix; computed if
           not given.


    >>> from sympy import banded, ones, Matrix
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    If explicit values are given in tuples,
    the matrix will autosize to contain all values, otherwise
    a single value is filled onto the entire diagonal:

    >>> banded({1: (1, 2, 3), -1: (4, 5, 6), 0: x})
    [x, 1, 0, 0],
    [4, x, 2, 0],
    [0, 5, x, 3],
    [0, 0, 6, x]])

    A function accepting a single argument can be used to fill the
    diagonal as a function of diagonal index (which starts at 0).
    The size (or shape) of the matrix must be given to obtain more
    than a 1x1 matrix:

    >>> s = lambda d: (1 + d)**2
    >>> banded(5, {0: s, 2: s, -2: 2})
    [1, 0, 1,  0,  0],
    [0, 4, 0,  4,  0],
    [2, 0, 9,  0,  9],
    [0, 2, 0, 16,  0],
    [0, 0, 2,  0, 25]])

    The diagonal of matrices placed on a diagonal will coincide
    with the indicated diagonal:

    >>> vert = Matrix([1, 2, 3])
    >>> banded({0: vert}, cols=3)
    [1, 0, 0],
    [2, 1, 0],
    [3, 2, 1],
    [0, 3, 2],
    [0, 0, 3]])

    >>> banded(4, {0: ones(2)})
    [1, 1, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 1]])

    Errors are raised if the designated size will not hold
    all values an integral number of times. Here, the rows
    are designated as odd (but an even number is required to
    hold the off-diagonal 2x2 ones):

    >>> banded({0: 2, 1: ones(2)}, rows=5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    sequence does not fit an integral number of times in the matrix

    And here, an even number of rows is given...but the square
    matrix has an even number of columns, too. As we saw
    in the previous example, an odd number is required:

    >>> banded(4, {0: 2, 1: ones(2)})  # trying to make 4x4 and cols must be odd
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    sequence does not fit an integral number of times in the matrix

    A way around having to count rows is to enclosing matrix elements
    in a tuple and indicate the desired number of them to the right:

    >>> banded({0: 2, 2: (ones(2),)*3})
    [2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1]])

    An error will be raised if more than one value
    is written to a given entry. Here, the ones overlap
    with the main diagonal if they are placed on the
    first diagonal:

    >>> banded({0: (2,)*5, 1: (ones(2),)*3})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: collision at (1, 1)

    By placing a 0 at the bottom left of the 2x2 matrix of
    ones, the collision is avoided:

    >>> u2 = Matrix([
    ... [1, 1],
    ... [0, 1]])
    >>> banded({0: [2]*5, 1: [u2]*3})
    [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
    from sympy import Dict, Dummy, SparseMatrix
        if len(args) not in (1, 2, 3):
            raise TypeError
        if not isinstance(args[-1], (dict, Dict)):
            raise TypeError
        if len(args) == 1:
            rows = kwargs.get('rows', None)
            cols = kwargs.get('cols', None)
            if rows is not None:
                rows = as_int(rows)
            if cols is not None:
                cols = as_int(cols)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            rows = cols = as_int(args[0])
            rows, cols = map(as_int, args[:2])
        # fails with ValueError if any keys are not ints
        _ = all(as_int(k) for k in args[-1])
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise TypeError(filldedent(
            '''unrecognized input to banded:
            expecting [[row,] col,] {int: value}'''))
    def rc(d):
        # return row,col coord of diagonal start
        r = -d if d < 0 else 0
        c = 0 if r else d
        return r, c
    smat = {}
    undone = []
    tba = Dummy()
    # first handle objects with size
    for d, v in args[-1].items():
        r, c = rc(d)
        # note: only list and tuple are recognized since this
        # will allow other Basic objects like Tuple
        # into the matrix if so desired
        if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
            extra = 0
            for i, vi in enumerate(v):
                i += extra
                if is_sequence(vi):
                    vi = SparseMatrix(vi)
                    smat[r + i, c + i] = vi
                    extra += min(vi.shape) - 1
                    smat[r + i, c + i] = vi
        elif is_sequence(v):
            v = SparseMatrix(v)
            rv, cv = v.shape
            if rows and cols:
                nr, xr = divmod(rows - r, rv)
                nc, xc = divmod(cols - c, cv)
                x = xr or xc
                do = min(nr, nc)
            elif rows:
                do, x = divmod(rows - r, rv)
            elif cols:
                do, x = divmod(cols - c, cv)
                do = 1
                x = 0
            if x:
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                    sequence does not fit an integral number of times
                    in the matrix'''))
            j = min(v.shape)
            for i in range(do):
                smat[r, c] = v
                r += j
                c += j
        elif v:
            smat[r, c] = tba
            undone.append((d, v))
    s = SparseMatrix(None, smat)  # to expand matrices
    smat = s._smat
    # check for dim errors here
    if rows is not None and rows < s.rows:
        raise ValueError('Designated rows %s < needed %s' % (rows, s.rows))
    if cols is not None and cols < s.cols:
        raise ValueError('Designated cols %s < needed %s' % (cols, s.cols))
    if rows is cols is None:
        rows = s.rows
        cols = s.cols
    elif rows is not None and cols is None:
        cols = max(rows, s.cols)
    elif cols is not None and rows is None:
        rows = max(cols, s.rows)
    def update(i, j, v):
        # update smat and make sure there are
        # no collisions
        if v:
            if (i, j) in smat and smat[i, j] not in (tba, v):
                raise ValueError('collision at %s' % ((i, j),))
            smat[i, j] = v
    if undone:
        for d, vi in undone:
            r, c = rc(d)
            v = vi if callable(vi) else lambda _: vi
            i = 0
            while r + i < rows and c + i < cols:
                update(r + i, c + i, v(i))
                i += 1
    return SparseMatrix(rows, cols, smat)
コード例 #35
ファイル: evalf.py プロジェクト: arghdos/sympy
    def evalf(self, n=15, subs=None, maxn=100, chop=False, strict=False, quad=None, verbose=False):
        Evaluate the given formula to an accuracy of n digits.
        Optional keyword arguments:

                Substitute numerical values for symbols, e.g.
                subs={x:3, y:1+pi}. The substitutions must be given as a

                Allow a maximum temporary working precision of maxn digits

                Replace tiny real or imaginary parts in subresults
                by exact zeros (default=False)

                Raise PrecisionExhausted if any subresult fails to evaluate
                to full accuracy, given the available maxprec

                Choose algorithm for numerical quadrature. By default,
                tanh-sinh quadrature is used. For oscillatory
                integrals on an infinite interval, try quad='osc'.

                Print debug information (default=False)

        from sympy import Float, Number
        n = n if n is not None else 15

        if subs and is_sequence(subs):
            raise TypeError('subs must be given as a dictionary')

        # for sake of sage that doesn't like evalf(1)
        if n == 1 and isinstance(self, Number):
            from sympy.core.expr import _mag
            rv = self.evalf(2, subs, maxn, chop, strict, quad, verbose)
            m = _mag(rv)
            rv = rv.round(1 - m)
            return rv

        if not evalf_table:
        prec = dps_to_prec(n)
        options = {'maxprec': max(prec, int(maxn*LG10)), 'chop': chop,
               'strict': strict, 'verbose': verbose}
        if subs is not None:
            options['subs'] = subs
        if quad is not None:
            options['quad'] = quad
            result = evalf(self, prec + 4, options)
        except NotImplementedError:
            # Fall back to the ordinary evalf
            v = self._eval_evalf(prec)
            if v is None:
                return self
                # If the result is numerical, normalize it
                result = evalf(v, prec, options)
            except NotImplementedError:
                # Probably contains symbols or unknown functions
                return v
        re, im, re_acc, im_acc = result
        if re:
            p = max(min(prec, re_acc), 1)
            re = Float._new(re, p)
            re = S.Zero
        if im:
            p = max(min(prec, im_acc), 1)
            im = Float._new(im, p)
            return re + im*S.ImaginaryUnit
            return re