コード例 #1
ファイル: eric.py プロジェクト: fraserphysics/metfie
 def __init__(self):
     h, g, h0, g0, a, d = sympy.symbols('h g h0 g0 a d')
     #g1 = sympy.Max(-d, g0 + h0 - 1/(4*a))
     g1 = g0 + h0 - 1/(4*a)
     h1 = h0 - 1/(2*a)
     parabola = d - a*h*h       # =g on boundary
     slope = g1 + h - h1        # =g on line with slope=1 through z1
     h2 = sympy.solve(parabola-slope,h)[0] # First solution is above z1
     g2 = h2 - h1 + g1          # Line has slope of 1
     g3 = g1
     h3 = sympy.solve((parabola-g).subs(g, g1),h)[1] # Second is on right
     r_a = sympy.Rational(1,24) # a=1/24 always
     self.h = tuple(x.subs(a,r_a) for x in (h0, h1, h2, h3))
     self.g = tuple(x.subs(a,r_a) for x in (g0, g1, g2, g3))
     def integrate(f):
         ia = sympy.integrate(
             sympy.integrate(f,(g, g1, g1+h-h1)),
             (h, h1, h2)) # Integral of f over right triangle
         ib = sympy.integrate(
             sympy.integrate(f,(g, g1, parabola)),
             (h, h2, h3)) # Integral of f over region against parabola
         return (ia+ib).subs(a, r_a)
     i0 = integrate(1)               # Area = integral of pie slice
     E = lambda f:(integrate(f)/i0)  # Expected value wrt Lebesgue measure
     sigma = lambda f,g:E(f*g) - E(f)*E(g)
     self.d = d
     self.Eh = collect(E(h),sympy.sqrt(d-g0-h0+6))
     self.Eg = E(g)
     self.Sigmahh = sigma(h,h)
     self.Sigmahg = sigma(h,g)
     self.Sigmagg = sigma(g,g)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Maihj/sympy
def test_issue_1572_1364_1368():
    assert solve((sqrt(x**2 - 1) - 2)) in ([sqrt(5), -sqrt(5)],
                                           [-sqrt(5), sqrt(5)])
    assert set(solve((2**exp(y**2/x) + 2)/(x**2 + 15), y)) == set([
        -sqrt(x)*sqrt(-log(log(2)) + log(log(2) + I*pi)),
        sqrt(x)*sqrt(-log(log(2)) + log(log(2) + I*pi))])

    C1, C2 = symbols('C1 C2')
    f = Function('f')
    assert solve(C1 + C2/x**2 - exp(-f(x)), f(x)) == [log(x**2/(C1*x**2 + C2))]
    a = Symbol('a')
    E = S.Exp1
    assert solve(1 - log(a + 4*x**2), x) in (
        [-sqrt(-a + E)/2, sqrt(-a + E)/2],
        [sqrt(-a + E)/2, -sqrt(-a + E)/2]
    assert solve(log(a**(-3) - x**2)/a, x) in (
        [-sqrt(-1 + a**(-3)), sqrt(-1 + a**(-3))],
        [sqrt(-1 + a**(-3)), -sqrt(-1 + a**(-3))],)
    assert solve(1 - log(a + 4*x**2), x) in (
        [-sqrt(-a + E)/2, sqrt(-a + E)/2],
        [sqrt(-a + E)/2, -sqrt(-a + E)/2],)
    assert set(solve((
        a**2 + 1) * (sin(a*x) + cos(a*x)), x)) == set([-pi/(4*a), 3*pi/(4*a)])
    assert solve(3 - (sinh(a*x) + cosh(a*x)), x) == [2*atanh(S.Half)/a]
    assert set(solve(3 - (sinh(a*x) + cosh(a*x)**2), x)) == \
            2*atanh(-1 + sqrt(2))/a,
            2*atanh(S(1)/2 + sqrt(5)/2)/a,
            2*atanh(-sqrt(2) - 1)/a,
            2*atanh(-sqrt(5)/2 + S(1)/2)/a
    assert solve(atan(x) - 1) == [tan(1)]
コード例 #3
ファイル: mathbrain.py プロジェクト: shaond/mathbrain
def qExponentialSameBase_template():
    '''Solves the same base e.g. 2^(2x+1) = 32.'''
    base = choice([2,3,5,7])
    pow_rs = randint(3,6)
    rs = int(pow(base,pow_rs))
    front_num = randint(-100,100)
    while front_num == 0:
        front_num = randint(-100,100)
    lspow = front_num*x+randint(-100,100)
    question = 'Solve ' + tostring(am.parse('%s^(%s) = %s' % (base, lspow, rs)))
    ls_samebase = tostring(am.parse('%s^(%s)' % (base, lspow)))
    rs_samebase = tostring(am.parse('%s^(%s)' % (base, pow_rs)))
    steps = []
    steps.append('Covert right side to be same base as left side. Left side' \
                 ' has a base of: ' + str(base))
    steps.append('As ' + tostring(am.parse('%s^(%s)=%s' % 
                                                 (base, pow_rs, rs))))
    steps.append('Right side is now: ' + tostring(am.parse('%s^(%s)' % 
                                                           (base, pow_rs))))
    steps.append('Therefore ' + ls_samebase + tostring(am.parse('=')) + \
    steps.append('Therefore solve: ' + tostring(am.parse('%s%s%s' %
    steps.append('Note: As bases are same the power equates to each other.')
    answer = []

    if len(solve(Eq(lspow, rs))) > 1:
        answer.append(tostring(am.parse('x = %s' % solve(Eq(lspow, rs))[0])))
        answer.append(tostring(am.parse('x = %s' % solve(Eq(lspow, rs))[0])))

    return question, answer
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: vipulnsward/sympy
def test_solve_inequalities():
    system = [Lt(x ** 2 - 2, 0), Gt(x ** 2 - 1, 0)]

    assert solve(system) == And(
        Or(And(Lt(-sqrt(2), re(x)), Lt(re(x), -1)), And(Lt(1, re(x)), Lt(re(x), sqrt(2)))), Eq(im(x), 0)
    assert solve(system, assume=Q.real(x)) == Or(And(Lt(-sqrt(2), x), Lt(x, -1)), And(Lt(1, x), Lt(x, sqrt(2))))
コード例 #5
def test_RootOf___eval_Eq__():
    f = Function('f')
    r = RootOf(x**3 + x + 3, 2)
    r1 = RootOf(x**3 + x + 3, 1)
    assert Eq(r, r1) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, r) is S.true
    assert Eq(r, x) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, 0) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, S.Infinity) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, I) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
    sol = solve(r.expr)
    for s in sol:
        if s.is_real:
            assert Eq(r, s) is S.false
    r = RootOf(r.expr, 0)
    for s in sol:
        if s.is_real:
            assert Eq(r, s) is S.true
    eq = (x**3 + x + 1)
    assert [Eq(RootOf(eq, i), j) for i in range(3) for j in solve(eq)] == [
        False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False
    assert Eq(RootOf(eq, 0), 1 + S.ImaginaryUnit) == False
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_rootoftools.py プロジェクト: cmarqu/sympy
def test_CRootOf___eval_Eq__():
    f = Function('f')
    eq = x**3 + x + 3
    r = rootof(eq, 2)
    r1 = rootof(eq, 1)
    assert Eq(r, r1) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, r) is S.true
    assert Eq(r, x) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, 0) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, S.Infinity) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, I) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
    assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
    sol = solve(eq)
    for s in sol:
        if s.is_real:
            assert Eq(r, s) is S.false
    r = rootof(eq, 0)
    for s in sol:
        if s.is_real:
            assert Eq(r, s) is S.true
    eq = x**3 + x + 1
    sol = solve(eq)
    assert [Eq(rootof(eq, i), j) for i in range(3) for j in sol] == [
        False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False]
    assert Eq(rootof(eq, 0), 1 + S.ImaginaryUnit) == False
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: vipulnsward/sympy
def test_issue_2813():
    assert solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1, rational=True) == [S(1) / 2 + sqrt(35) / 10, -sqrt(35) / 10 + S(1) / 2]
    # [-0.0916079783099616, 1.09160797830996]
    ans = solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1, rational=False)
    assert len(ans) == 2 and all(a.is_Number for a in ans)
    ans = solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1)
    assert len(ans) == 2 and all(a.is_Number for a in ans)
コード例 #8
ファイル: solverc.py プロジェクト: Johies/CSC411-JJ-Coetzee
def SequentialSolving(eqns):
    sorteq = SortEquations(eqns)
    seqsol = {}
    unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol)) 
    num_unkn = len(unkn)
    while num_unkn == 1 and not sorteq == []:  
        val_unkn = sy.solve(sorteq[0], unkn[0], simplify = False) 
        seqsol[unkn[0]] = sy.Rational(str(round(val_unkn[0], 4)))
    unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol))    
    num_unkn = len(unkn)
    while num_unkn == 1:    
        val_unkn = sy.solve(sorteq[0], unkn[0])   
        seqsol[unkn[0]] = val_unkn[0]
        i = 0
        for eq in sorteq:
            if unkn[0] in sorteq[i]:    
                val_unkn[0] = round(val_unkn[0], 5)    
                repl = eq.subs(unkn[0], sy.Rational(str(val_unkn[0])))
                if not isinstance(repl, sy.Float):
                    sorteq[i] = repl
                    sorteq[i] = repl
        sorteq = RemoveZeros(sorteq)
        if sorteq == []:
            num_unkn = 0
            sorteq = SortEquations(sorteq)
            unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol))
            num_unkn = len(unkn)
    return seqsol
コード例 #9
ファイル: fdlib.py プロジェクト: tj-sun/propagator
def print_assignment(eq, s, s0=0, pochoir=False):
	s1 = print_myccode(s, None, pochoir)
		s2 = print_myccode(simplify(solve(eq,s)[0]), None, pochoir)
		s2 = print_myccode(simplify(solve(eq,s)[0] - s0) + s0, None, pochoir)
	return s1 + '=' + s2
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: StefenYin/sympy
def test_polysys():
    assert set(solve([x**2 + 2/y - 2 , x + y - 3], [x, y])) == \
        set([(S(1), S(2)), (1 + sqrt(5), 2 - sqrt(5)),
        (1 - sqrt(5), 2 + sqrt(5))])
    assert solve([x**2 + y - 2, x**2 + y]) == []
    # the ordering should be whatever the user requested
    assert solve([x**2 + y - 3, x - y - 4], (x, y)) != solve([x**2 + y - 3, x - y - 4], (y, x))
コード例 #11
def solve_eq(rho_m, u_m, u_s):
    u_max, u_star, rho_max, rho_star, A, B = sympy.symbols("u_max u_star rho_max rho_star A B")

    eq1 = sympy.Eq(0, u_max * rho_max * (1 - A * rho_max - B * rho_max ** 2))
    eq2 = sympy.Eq(0, u_max * (1 - 2 * A * rho_star - 3 * B * rho_star ** 2))
    eq3 = sympy.Eq(u_star, u_max * (1 - A * rho_star - B * rho_star ** 2))

    eq4 = sympy.Eq(eq2.lhs - 3 * eq3.lhs, eq2.rhs - 3 * eq3.rhs)

    rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq4, rho_star)[0]
    B_sol = sympy.solve(eq1, B)[0]

    quadA = eq2.subs([(rho_star, rho_sol), (B, B_sol)])

    A_sol = sympy.solve(quadA, A)[0]

    aval = A_sol.evalf(subs={u_star: u_s, u_max: u_m, rho_max: rho_m})
    bval = B_sol.evalf(subs={rho_max: rho_m, A: aval})

    rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq2, rho_star)[0]
    rho_val = rho_sol.evalf(subs={u_max: u_m, A: aval, B: bval})

    return aval, bval, rho_val
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: itsrg/sympy
def test_polysys():
    from sympy.abc import x, y
    assert solve([x**2 + 2/y - 2 , x + y - 3], [x, y]) == \
        [(1, 2), (1 + sqrt(5), 2 - sqrt(5)), (1 - sqrt(5), 2 + sqrt(5))]
    assert solve([x**2 + y - 2, x**2 + y]) is None
    # the ordering should be whatever the user requested
    assert solve([x**2 + y - 3, x - y - 4], (x, y)) != solve([x**2 + y - 3, x - y - 4], (y, x))
コード例 #13
def main(argv):
    u_max, u_star, rho_max, rho_star, A, B = sympy.symbols('u_max u_star rho_max rho_star A B')

    eq1     = sympy.Eq( 0, u_max * rho_max * (1 - A * rho_max - B * rho_max ** 2) )
    eq2     = sympy.Eq( 0, u_max * (1 - 2 * A * rho_star - 3 * B * rho_star ** 2) )
    eq3     = sympy.Eq( u_star, u_max * (1 - A * rho_star - B * rho_star ** 2) )

    eq4     = sympy.Eq( eq2.lhs - 3 * eq3.lhs, eq2.rhs - 3 * eq3.rhs )

    rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq4, rho_star)[0]
    B_sol   = sympy.solve(eq1, B)[0]

    quadA   = eq2.subs([(rho_star, rho_sol), (B, B_sol)])

    A_sol   = sympy.solve(quadA, A)[0]

    aval    = A_sol.evalf(subs = {u_star: 1.5, u_max: 2.0, rho_max: 15.0} )
    bval    = B_sol.evalf(subs = {rho_max: 15.0, A: aval} )

    rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq2, rho_star)[0]
    rho_val = rho_sol.evalf(subs = {u_max: 2.0, A: aval, B: bval} )

    print '      A: %10.5f' % aval
    print '      B: %10.5f' % bval
    print 'rho_max: %10.5f' % rho_val
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Enchanter12/sympy
def test_swap_back():
    f, g = map(Function, 'fg')
    fx, gx = f(x), g(x)
    assert solve([fx + y - 2, fx - gx - 5], fx, y, gx) == \
                 {fx: gx + 5, y: -gx - 3}
    assert solve(fx + gx*x - 2, [fx, gx]) == {fx: 2, gx: 0}
    assert solve(fx + gx**2*x - y, [fx, gx]) == [{fx: y - gx**2*x}]
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Enchanter12/sympy
def test_checking():
    assert set(solve(x*(x - y/x),x, check=False)) == set([sqrt(y), S(0), -sqrt(y)])
    assert set(solve(x*(x - y/x),x, check=True)) == set([sqrt(y), -sqrt(y)])
    # {x: 0, y: 4} sets denominator to 0 in the following so system should return None
    assert solve((1/(1/x + 2), 1/(y - 3) - 1)) is None
    # 0 sets denominator of 1/x to zero so [] is returned
    assert solve(1/(1/x + 2)) == []
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Maihj/sympy
def test_exclude():
    R, C, Ri, Vout, V1, Vminus, Vplus, s = \
        symbols('R, C, Ri, Vout, V1, Vminus, Vplus, s')
    Rf = symbols('Rf', positive=True)  # to eliminate Rf = 0 soln
    eqs = [C*V1*s + Vplus*(-2*C*s - 1/R),
           Vminus*(-1/Ri - 1/Rf) + Vout/Rf,
           C*Vplus*s + V1*(-C*s - 1/R) + Vout/R,
           -Vminus + Vplus]
    assert solve(eqs, exclude=s*C*R) == [
            Rf: Ri*(C*R*s + 1)**2/(C*R*s),
            Vminus: Vplus,
            V1: Vplus*(2*C*R*s + 1)/(C*R*s),
            Vout: Vplus*(C**2*R**2*s**2 + 3*C*R*s + 1)/(C*R*s)},
            Vplus: 0,
            Vminus: 0,
            V1: 0,
            Vout: 0},
    assert solve(eqs, exclude=[Vplus, s, C]) == [
            Rf: Ri*(V1 - Vplus)**2/(Vplus*(V1 - 2*Vplus)),
            Vminus: Vplus,
            Vout: (V1**2 - V1*Vplus - Vplus**2)/(V1 - 2*Vplus),
            R: Vplus/(C*s*(V1 - 2*Vplus))}]
コード例 #17
ファイル: ramp.py プロジェクト: oampo/mini-ramp
    def __init__(self, width, height, x_radius=None,
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.x_radius = x_radius
        self.curve = curve

        self.x, self.y, dx, dy = sympy.symbols("x y dx dy", real=True)
        a, b = sympy.symbols("a b", positive=True, real=True)

        self.ellipse = ((self.x - dx) / a) ** 2 + ((self.y - dy) / b) ** 2 - 1

        self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(dx, self.width),
                                          (dy, b)])

        if curve == Transition.CIRCULAR:
            self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(a, b)])

        ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(self.x, 0),
                                     (self.y, self.height)])

        if curve == Transition.CIRCULAR:
            self.x_radius = self.y_radius = max(sympy.solve(ellipse, b))
            self.angle = math.asin(self.width / self.x_radius)
            self.arc_length = self.x_radius * self.angle

        elif curve == Transition.ELLIPTICAL:
            self.y_radius = max(sympy.solve(ellipse, b))
            # TODO: Fix me
            self.angle = 0
            self.arc_length = 0

        self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(a, self.x_radius),
                                          (b, self.y_radius)])
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self):
        self._qp = {}
        function_type = random.choice([sympy.sin, sympy.cos, 'linear', 'quadratic'])

        if function_type in [sympy.sin, sympy.cos]:
            while True:
                self._qp['domain'] = domains.integer_domain(low=0, high=2, minimum_distance=1)
                m = random.choice([sympy.pi / 2, sympy.pi])
                self._qp['equation'] = k * function_type(m * x)

                area = self._qp['equation'].integrate((x, self._qp['domain'].left, self._qp['domain'].right))

                solution = sympy.solve(area - 1)
                if len(solution) == 0:

                self._qp['k'] = solution[0]

        elif function_type == 'linear':
            self._qp['domain'] = domains.integer_domain()
            m = random.randint(1, 2)
            a = random.randint(7, 12)
            self._qp['equation'] = ((m * x + k) / a).together()

            area = self._qp['equation'].integrate((x, self._qp['domain'].left, self._qp['domain'].right))
            self._qp['k'] = sympy.solve(area - 1)[0]

        elif function_type == 'quadratic':
            self._qp['domain'] = domains.integer_domain()
            self._qp['equation'] = k * (x - self._qp['domain'].left) * (x - self._qp['domain'].right)

            area = self._qp['equation'].integrate((x, self._qp['domain'].left, self._qp['domain'].right))
            self._qp['k'] = sympy.solve(area - 1)[0]
コード例 #19
def main():

  u_max, u_star, rho_max, rho_star, A, B, rho = sympy.symbols('u_max u_star rho_max rho_star A B rho')

  eq1 = sympy.Eq( 0, u_max*rho_max*(1 - A*rho_max-B*rho_max**2) )
  eq2 = sympy.Eq( 0, u_max*(1 - 2*A*rho_star-3*B*rho_star**2) )
  eq3 = sympy.Eq( u_star, u_max*(1 - A*rho_star - B*rho_star**2) )
  eq4 = sympy.Eq(eq2.lhs - 3*eq3.lhs, eq2.rhs - 3*eq3.rhs)
  rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq4,rho_star)[0]
  B_sol = sympy.solve(eq1,B)[0]
  quadA = eq2.subs([(rho_star, rho_sol), (B,B_sol)])

  A_sol = sympy.solve(quadA, A)
  #print A_sol[0]
  #print A_sol[1]

  aval = A_sol[0].evalf(subs={u_star: 1.5, u_max:2.0, rho_max:15.0} )
  bval = B_sol.evalf(subs={rho_max:15.0, A:aval} )
  print aval
  #print A_sol[1].evalf(subs={u_star: 0.7, u_max:1.0, rho_max:10.0} )
  print bval

  eq5 = sympy.Eq( 0, u_max*(1 - 2*aval*rho-3*bval*rho**2) )
  rho_min = sympy.solve(eq5, rho)
  print 'rho_min= ', rho_min
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: amar47shah/sympy
def test_minsolve_linear_system():
    def count(dic):
        return len([x for x in dic.itervalues() if x == 0])
    assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], minimal=True, quick=True)) == 3
    assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], minimal=True, quick=False)) == 3
    assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a], minimal=True, quick=True)) == 1
    assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a], minimal=True, quick=False)) == 2
コード例 #21
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: juanre/econopy
def benefit_from_demand(x, p, demand):
    """Converts the demand curve to the benefit.  It assumes that the
    demand is a x=d(p) function, where the x= is implicit.

    >>> sp.var('x p')
    (x, p)
    >>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, 10/p -1) -
    ...             10*sp.log(x+1))
    >>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, sp.Eq(x, 10/p -1)) -
    ...             10*sp.log(x+1))
    >>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, 100-p) -
    ...             (-x**2/2 + 100*x))
    >>> benefit_from_demand(x, p, sp.Piecewise((0, p < 0),
    ...                                        (-p + 100, p <= 100),
    ...                                        (0, True)))
    -x**2/2 + 100*x
    if isinstance(demand, sp.relational.Relational):
        return sp.integrate(sp.solve(demand, p)[0], (x, 0, x))
    substracting = sp.solve(demand-x, p)
    if substracting:
        toint = substracting[0]
        substracting = sp.solve(demand, p)
        if substracting:
            toint = substracting[0] - x
            return None

    return sp.integrate(toint, (x, 0, x))
コード例 #22
def PlotFor2Param(k1, k2, x, y, yVal, eq1, eq2, eqDet, eqTr, valK1m, valK3m, valK2 = 0.95, valK3 = 0.0032):
    eqk1_1Det = solve(eqDet.subs(x, eq2), k1)
    eqForK1Det = eq1 - eqk1_1Det[0]
    eqK2Det = solve(eqForK1Det.subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3), k2)
    funcK2Det = lambdify(y, eqK2Det[0])
    funcK1Det = lambdify(y, eqk1_1Det[0].subs(x, eq2).subs(k2, eqK2Det[0]).subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3))
    k1DetAll = funcK1Det(yVal)
    k2DetAll = funcK2Det(yVal)
    k1DetPos = [k1DetAll[i] for i in range(len(k1DetAll)) if k1DetAll[i] > 0 and k2DetAll[i] > 0]
    k2DetPos = [k2DetAll[i] for i in range(len(k2DetAll)) if k1DetAll[i] > 0 and k2DetAll[i] > 0]
    hopf, = plt.plot(k1DetPos, k2DetPos, linestyle = '--', color = 'r', label = 'hopf line')

    eqk1_1Tr = solve(eqTr.subs(x, eq2), k1)
    eqForK1Tr = eq1 - eqk1_1Tr[0]
    eqK2Tr = solve(eqForK1Tr.subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3), k2)
    funcK2Tr = lambdify(y, eqK2Tr[0])
    funcK1Tr = lambdify(y, eq1.subs(x, eq2).subs(k2, eqK2Tr[0]).subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3))
    k1AllTr = funcK1Tr(yVal)
    k2AllTr = funcK2Tr(yVal)
    k1PosTr = [k1AllTr[i] for i in range(len(k1AllTr)) if k1AllTr[i] > 0 and k2AllTr[i] > 0]
    k2PosTr = [k2AllTr[i] for i in range(len(k2AllTr)) if k1AllTr[i] > 0 and k2AllTr[i] > 0]
    sadle, = plt.plot(k1PosTr, k2PosTr, color = 'g', label = 'sadle-nodle line')

    plt.xlim([0, 2])
    plt.legend(handles=[hopf, sadle])
コード例 #23
ファイル: spline.py プロジェクト: straup/py-modestMMarkers
def getfunc(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    """ Get a point-returning function for a cubic
        curve over four points, with domain [0 - 3].
    # knowns
    points = p1, p2, p3, p4

    # unknowns
    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = [Symbol(n) for n in 'abcdefgh']

    # coefficients
    xco = solve([(a * i**3 + b * i**2 + c * i + d - p.x) for (i, p) in enumerate(points)], [a, b, c, d])
    yco = solve([(e * i**3 + f * i**2 + g * i + h - p.y) for (i, p) in enumerate(points)], [e, f, g, h])

    # shorter variable names
    a, b, c, d = [xco[n] for n in (a, b, c, d)]
    e, f, g, h = [yco[n] for n in (e, f, g, h)]

    def func(t, d1=False):
        """ Return a position for given t or velocity (1st derivative) if arg. is True.
        if d1:
            # first derivative
            return Point(3 * a * t**2 + 2 * b * t + c,
                         3 * e * t**2 + 2 * f * t + g)

            # actual function
            return Point(a * t**3 + b * t**2 + c * t + d,
                         e * t**3 + f * t**2 + g * t + h)

    return func
コード例 #24
    def generate_x(self, N=1000):
        this sampling method works wit all margins,
        but only frank and independent copulas can be used
        and it is limited to 2 dimensions
        # compute marginal prob of u1
        P_U1 = sy.simplify(sy.diff(self.C,self.U[0]))

        # invert marginal prob of u1
        y = sy.symbols('y')
        tmp = sy.solve(sy.Eq(P_U1,y),self.U[1])
        inv_P_U1 = sy.lambdify((self.U[0],y,self.D),tmp,'numpy')

        # invert margins
        inv_F = {}
        for m in [0,1]:
            u = sy.symbols('u')
            tmp = sy.solve(sy.Eq(self.F[m],u),self.X[m])[0]
            inv_F[m] = sy.lambdify((u,self.P[m]),tmp,'numpy')

        X = np.zeros((N,2))
        for i in range(N):
            u0, y = np.random.uniform(size=2)
            u1 = inv_P_U1(u0,y,self.C_para)
            X[i,0] = inv_F[0](u0,self.F_para[0])
            X[i,1] = inv_F[1](u1,self.F_para[1])

        return X
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Maihj/sympy
def test_issue_3506():
    x = symbols('x')
    assert solve(4**(x/2) - 2**(x/3)) == [0]
    # while the first one passed, this one failed
    x = symbols('x', real=True)
    assert solve(5**(x/2) - 2**(x/3)) == [0]
    b = sqrt(6)*sqrt(log(2))/sqrt(log(5))
    assert solve(5**(x/2) - 2**(3/x)) == [-b, b]
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: itsrg/sympy
def test_swap_back():
    f, g = map(Function, 'fg')
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    a, b = f(x), g(x)
    assert solve([a + y - 2, a - b - 5], a, y, b) == \
                 {a: b + 5, y: -b - 3}
    assert solve(a + b*x - 2, [a, b]) == {a: 2, b: 0}
    assert solve(a + b**2*x - y, [a, b]) == [{a: y - b**2*x}]
コード例 #27
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: nebffa/MathsExams
def maximal_domain(expr, domain=sympy.Interval(-oo, oo)):
    """ Return the maximal domain of an expression.

    >>> maximal_domain(sympy.log(x**2 - 1))
    (-oo, -1) U (1, oo)

    >>> maximal_domain(1 / (x**2 - 4))
    (-oo, -2) U (-2, 2) U (2, oo)

    >>> maximal_domain((x - 2) ** (sympy.Rational(3, 2)))
    (2, oo)

    # 4 possible scenarios:
    #       1. 1/(a) -- a != 0
    #       2. sqrt(b) -- b > 0
    #       3. log(c) -- c > 0
    #       4. tan(d) -- d != the solutions of tan

    for symbol in expr.free_symbols:
        if symbol == x:
            expr = expr.replace(x, sympy.Symbol("x", real=True))
            raise NotImplementedError("only x is currently supported - but that can be easily changed")

    powers = expr.find(sympy.Pow)
    # case 1
    for power in powers:
        if power.args[1] < 0:
            denominator = power.args[0]

            solution = sympy.solve(denominator)
            domain &= -sympy.FiniteSet(solution)

        # case 2
        if isinstance(power.args[1], sympy.Rational):
            if power.args[1].q % 2 != 0:

            sqrt_interior = power.args[0]

            solution = sympy.solve(sqrt_interior > 0)
            domain &= relation_to_interval(solution)

    # case 3
    logs = expr.find(sympy.log)
    for log in logs:
        interior = log.args[0]

        solution = sympy.solve(interior > 0)
        domain &= relation_to_interval(solution)

    # case 4
    if expr.find(sympy.tan) or expr.find(sympy.cot) or expr.find(sympy.sec) or expr.find(sympy.csc):
        raise NotImplementedError("tan/cot/sec/csc are not supported")

    return domain
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Enchanter12/sympy
def test_multivariate():
    assert solve((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x)) == [LambertW(3*S.Exp1)/3]
    assert solve((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, (log(x) + 3*x)**2 - 1)) == \
          [LambertW(3*exp(-sqrt(2)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(sqrt(2)))/3]
    assert solve((x**2 - 2*x - 2).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x)) == \
          [LambertW(3*exp(1 - sqrt(3)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(1 + sqrt(3)))/3]
    assert solve(x*log(x) + 3*x + 1, x) == [exp(-3 + LambertW(-exp(3)))]
    # symmetry
    assert solve(3*sin(x) - x*sin(3), x) == [3]
コード例 #29
	def __generate_polydesc(self):
		# Symbols
		a,x,y = sp.symbols('a x y')
		A,X,MAX = sp.symbols('A X MAX')
		# Attractor limits
		x_min = (4*a**2 - a**3) / 16
		x_max = a / 4
		# Functions
		#  f  : Attr  -> Attr
		#  g  : Attr  -> [0,1]
		#  gi : [0,1] -> Attr
		#  F  = g o f o gi : [0,1] -> [0,1]
		f  = lambda x: a*x*(1-x)
		g  = lambda x: (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
		gi_expr = sp.solve(g(x) - y, x)[0]
		gi = lambda y_val: gi_expr.subs(y,y_val)
		F_expr = g(f(gi(x))).simplify()
		F = lambda x_val: F_expr.subs(x,x_val)
		# Parameters
		# From [Pisarchik]: 3.57 < a < 4
		a_min = sp.Rational(387,100) #357
		a_max = sp.Rational(400,100)
		# Map [0,1] -> [a_max,a_min]
		h  = lambda a: (a - a_min) / (a_max - a_min)
		hi_expr = sp.solve(h(a)-x,a)[0]
		hi = lambda x_val: hi_expr.subs(x,x_val)
		# Discretization of F
		FD = lambda X: (MAX * F(X/MAX)).subs(a, hi(A/MAX)).simplify()
		#FD(X).diff(C) = MAX*(1849*A**2 + 22102*A*MAX + 16049*MAX**2)/(1849*A**2 + 22102*A*MAX + 56049*MAX**2)

		# Taylor coefficients
		C  = [(FD(X).taylor_term(i,X) / X**i).simplify() for i in range(3)]
		# Polynomial descriptor
		num = [c.as_numer_denom()[0] for c in C]
		den = [c.as_numer_denom()[1] for c in C]
		ngcd = sp.gcd(sp.gcd(num[0],num[1]),num[2])
		dgcd = sp.gcd(sp.gcd(den[0],den[1]),den[2])

		# Descriptor
		discrete.__polydesc = {
			'num' : tuple([n/ngcd for n in num]),
			'den' : tuple([d/dgcd for d in den]),
			'N'   : ngcd,
			'D'   : dgcd
		discrete.__polydesc = {
			'num' : tuple([n/ngcd for n in num]),
			'den' : tuple([d/dgcd for d in den]),
			'N'   : ngcd,
			'D'   : dgcd
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_solvers.py プロジェクト: Maihj/sympy
def test_solve_polynomial_cv_1a():
    Test for solving on equations that can be converted to a polynomial equation
    using the change of variable y -> x**Rational(p, q)
    assert solve( sqrt(x) - 1, x) == [1]
    assert solve( sqrt(x) - 2, x) == [4]
    assert solve( x**Rational(1, 4) - 2, x) == [16]
    assert solve( x**Rational(1, 3) - 3, x) == [27]
    assert solve(sqrt(x) + x**Rational(1, 3) + x**Rational(1, 4), x) == [0]
コード例 #31
zinv = Symbol("z^-1")  # z ** -1

# Bilinear transform equation
print_header("Bilinear transformation method")
print("\nLaplace and Z Transforms are related by:")
pprint(Eq(z, exp(s / rate)))

print("\nBilinear transform approximation (no prewarping):")
z_num = exp(s / (2 * rate))
z_den = exp(-s / (2 * rate))
assert z_num / z_den == exp(s / rate)
z_bilinear = together(taylor(z_num, x=s, x0=0) / taylor(z_den, x=s, x0=0))
pprint(Eq(z, z_bilinear))

print("\nWhich also means:")
s_bilinear = solve(Eq(z, z_bilinear), s)[0]
pprint(Eq(s, radsimp(s_bilinear.subs(z, 1 / zinv))))

print("\nPrewarping H(z) = H(s) at a frequency " + pretty(w) +
      " (rad/sample) to " + pretty(f) + " (rad/s):")
pprint(Eq(z, exp(I * w)))
pprint(Eq(s, I * f))
f_prewarped = (s_bilinear / I).subs(z, exp(I * w)).rewrite(sin) \
pprint(Eq(f, f_prewarped))

# Lowpass/highpass filters with prewarped bilinear transform equation
T = tan(w / 2)
for name, afilt_str in [("high", "s / (s - p)"), ("low", "-p / (s - p)")]:
    print_header("Laplace {0}pass filter (matches {0}pass.z)".format(name))
コード例 #32
 def get_extremum(self):
     for suspect in self.remove_simulated_number(solve(self.derivative, x)):
         if self.derivative.diff(x).subs(x, suspect) < 0:
             self.extremums.append(('max', (suspect, self.function.subs(x, suspect))))
         elif self.derivative.diff(x).subs(x, suspect) > 0:
             self.extremums.append(('min', (suspect, self.function.subs(x, suspect))))
コード例 #33
import shlex
valOfK = 0
k = sp.symbols('k', integer=True)
solutions = []
areaValue = 28

A = np.array([k, -3 * k, 1])
B = np.array([5, k, 1])
C = np.array([-k, 2, 1])

areaMatrix = np.vstack((A, B, C))

areaMatrix = sp.Matrix(areaMatrix)
areaMatrixDeterminant1 = areaMatrix.det() - 56
areaMatrixDeterminant2 = areaMatrix.det() + 56
solutions.append(sp.solve(areaMatrixDeterminant1, k))
solutions.append(sp.solve(areaMatrixDeterminant2, k))
valOfK = solutions[0][0]
k1 = int(valOfK)
A = np.array([k1, -3 * k1])
B = np.array([5, k1])
C = np.array([-k1, 2])

def proj(A, B, C):
    X = ((A - B).T)
    Y = ((C - B))
    F = np.matmul(X, Y)
    G = np.matmul(Y.T, Y)
コード例 #34
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # gestion du format d'affichage des probabilités
        # self.nbformat in ['fraction','pourcentage', 'decimal']
        if "nbformat" in kwargs:
            self.nbformat = kwargs["nbformat"]
            self.nbformat = "pourcentage"
        # calcul de la précision
        self.precision = max([
            len(str(float(v)).partition(".")[2]) for v in kwargs.values()
            if type(v) in [float, Rational, One, Zero]

        s = "a ca b cb ab cab acb cacb b_a cb_a b_ca cb_ca a_b ca_b a_cb ca_cb".split(
        global a, ca, b, cb, ab, cab, acb, cacb, b_a, cb_a, b_ca, cb_ca, a_b, ca_b, a_cb, ca_cb
        Symb = [
            a, ca, b, cb, ab, cab, acb, cacb, b_a, cb_a, b_ca, cb_ca, a_b,
            ca_b, a_cb, ca_cb
        # remplissage des données de l'énoncé
        Ltmp = list()
        L2tmp = list()
        L3tmp = list()
        for e in s:
            for f in Symb:
                if e in kwargs and f.name == e:
                    val = kwargs[e]
                    Ltmp.append((f, val))
                    L2tmp.append((e, val))
                elif f.name == e:
                    L3tmp.append((e, "…"))
        self.known = dict(Ltmp)
        self.known_names = dict(L2tmp)
        self.probas = dict(L2tmp)
        # inconnues:
        self.unknown = [s for s in Symb if s.name not in kwargs]
        self.unknown_names = dict(L3tmp)
        # poids pour énoncé
        self.prob_énoncé = dict(L2tmp)
        # poids … pour énoncé complètement vide
        self.prob_énoncé_vide = {e: "…" for e in s}

        # système des contraintes
        if "indep" not in kwargs:
            self.SYS = [
                Eq(a + ca, 1),
                Eq(b + cb, 1),
                Eq(ab + cab, b),
                Eq(ab + acb, a),
                Eq(acb + cacb, cb),
                Eq(cab + cacb, ca),
                Eq(a_b + ca_b, 1),
                Eq(a_cb + ca_cb, 1),
                Eq(b_a + cb_a, 1),
                Eq(b_ca + cb_ca, 1),
                Eq(a * b_a, ab),
                Eq(a * cb_a, acb),
                Eq(ca * b_ca, cab),
                Eq(ca * cb_ca, cacb),
                Eq(b * a_b, ab),
                Eq(b * ca_b, cab),
                Eq(cb * a_cb, acb),
                Eq(cb * ca_cb, cacb)
            self.SYS = [
                Eq(a + ca, 1),
                Eq(b + cb, 1),
                Eq(ab + cab, b),
                Eq(ab + acb, a),
                Eq(acb + cacb, cb),
                Eq(cab + cacb, ca),
                Eq(a_b + ca_b, 1),
                Eq(a_cb + ca_cb, 1),
                Eq(b_a + cb_a, 1),
                Eq(b_ca + cb_ca, 1),
                Eq(a * b_a, ab),
                Eq(a * cb_a, acb),
                Eq(ca * b_ca, cab),
                Eq(ca * cb_ca, cacb),
                Eq(b * a_b, ab),
                Eq(b * ca_b, cab),
                Eq(cb * a_cb, acb),
                Eq(cb * ca_cb, cacb),
                Eq(a * b, ab),
                Eq(a * cb, acb),
                Eq(ca * b, cab),
                Eq(ca * cb, cacb)
        # màj des valeurs connues
        self.SYS = [E.subs(self.known) for E in self.SYS]
        self.noms = list(symbols("A B"))
        if "noms" in kwargs:
            self.noms[0].name = kwargs["noms"][0]
            self.noms[1].name = kwargs["noms"][1]

        # essai infructueux conjugate pour ca cb
        #self.titres = {"a": self.noms[0], "ca": conjugate(self.noms[0]),
        #               "b": self.noms[1], "cb": conjugate(self.noms[1])}

        self.titres = {
            "a": f"<B>{self.noms[0].name}</B>",
            "ca": f"<B><O>{self.noms[0].name}</O></B>",
            "b": f"<B>{self.noms[1].name}</B>",
            "cb": f"<B><O>{self.noms[1].name}</O></B>"

        # dictionnaire des rendus web
        self.r = {
            "mathml": print_mathml,
            "latex": self._latex,
            "str": str,
            "choice": self._format

        # dictionnaire de résolution complète: self.probas
        # auparavant les valeurs inconnues sont remplacées par "…"
        solstmp = solve(self.SYS, self.unknown, dict=True)[0]
        dtmp = {k.name: v for k, v in solstmp.items()}

        if "a" in kwargs or "ca" in kwargs:
            self.makeGrapheviz(1, prob=self.probas)
        elif "b" in kwargs or "cb" in kwargs:  #précaution test elif
            self.makeGrapheviz(2, prob=self.probas)
コード例 #35

# Using solver method

X2 = np.linalg.solve(A, B)

from sympy import Eq, Symbol, solve

y = Symbol('y')
eqn = Eq(y * (8.0 - y**3), 8.0)


# solve
#x+y^2 = 4
#e^x + xy = 3

from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import math

def equation(p):
    x, y = p
    return (x + y**2 - 4, math.exp(x) + x * y - 3)
コード例 #36
# Write a program to solve a classic ancient Chinese puzzle: We count 35 heads and 94 legs among the chickens and rabbits in a farm.
# How many rabbits and how many chickens do we have?
from sympy import Eq, solve
from sympy.abc import x, y

eq1 = Eq((x * 2 + y * 4), 94)
eq2 = Eq(x + y, 35)
print(solve((eq1, eq2), (x, y)))
コード例 #37
def connect():
    maze = read_maze()
    clear = lambda: os.system('clear')
    num_of_steps = 0
    num_of_turnbacks = 0
    dis_and_loc = []
    closest = 50
    with open("dist&hints" + str(PARALLEL_NUM) + ".txt", "w") as f:
    direc_display = {'u': ' ^^^ ', 'r': '    >', 'd': '  V  ', 'l': '<    '}
    buf = 200
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(('maze.csa-challenge.com', 80))
    text = ""
    for i in range(12):
        text += str(s.recv(buf))

    loc_text = text.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")
    loc = [int(loc_text[0]), int(loc_text[1])]

    solution = (-1, -1)
    direc = "u"
    cmd = "n"
    while direc != "q":
        s.send(bytes("i", 'utf-8'))
        reply_to_direc = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
        insert_blocks(maze, loc, reply_to_direc)
        #print(f"{num_of_steps}-{loc}-last_direc: ",direc_display[direc])

        if solution == (-1, -1):
            # didn't find the treasure location yet
            direc, num_of_turnbacks = next_dir_free_roam(
                maze[loc[0]][loc[1]], direc, num_of_turnbacks)
            # found treasure location!
            cur_dist = distance(solution, loc)
            if closest > cur_dist:
                closest = cur_dist
            direc, num_of_turnbacks = next_dir_to_solution(
                maze, maze[loc[0]][loc[1]], direc, num_of_turnbacks, solution,
                loc, closest)

        text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")  # == "> What is your command?"

        if loc == solution:
            print("Entered Solution Location!")

            s.send(bytes('g', 'utf-8'))
            dist = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
            print(f"dist in solution: {dist}")
            text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
            print(f"text in solution: {text}")

            s.send(bytes('i', 'utf-8'))
            info = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
            print(f"info in solution: {info}")
            text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
            print(f"text in solution: {text}")

            for i in range(10):
                os.system('play -nq -t alsa synth {} sine {}'.format(0.3, 440))
            cmd = input(
                f"what is next command? (p - recv more/ i - info / g - distance) "
            while cmd == "p":
                text = s.recv(buf).decode(
                    "utf-8")  # reply to solution in correct location
                cmd = input(
                    f"reply is: {text}, what is next command? (p/i/g) ")

        s.send(bytes('g', 'utf-8'))
        dist = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
        text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")  # == "> What is your command?"
        if dist[:5] != "far f":
            if solution != (-1, -1):
            dis = int(dist.split()[-1].replace("\n", ""))
            dis_and_loc.append((dis, loc))
            s.send(bytes('h', 'utf-8'))
            hint = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
            text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")  # == "> What is your command?"
            if hint[:5] in ["I wis", "I bel", "Reall", "Don't", "Don't"]:
                hint = "irrelevent "
            with open("dist&hints" + str(PARALLEL_NUM) + ".txt", "a") as f:
                f.write(f"steps:{num_of_steps} loc:{loc} d:{dist[:-1]}\n")
            if solution != (-1, -1):

        if len(dis_and_loc) % 100 != 3:

            # send direction command to socket

            s.send(bytes(str(direc), 'utf-8'))
            reply_to_direc = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")

            if reply_to_direc[0] == "0":
                blocked(maze, loc, direc)
            elif reply_to_direc[0] == "1":
                loc = travel(maze, loc, direc)
                emer = input(
                    f"reply_to_direc: {reply_to_direc}, text: {text},  press enter to proceed"
                if emer == "c":
            text = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")  # == "> What is your command?"

            if text[:5] != "> Wha":
                input(f"text: {text} press enter to proceed")
            num_of_steps += 1
            if num_of_steps % 5000 == 0:
            if num_of_turnbacks == 2:
                if input("Done with this path, enter q to stop. ") == "q":
                    direc = "q"
            print("Got close enough (again?)")
            if len(dis_and_loc) == 3:
                eqs = [""] * 3
                d1, loc1 = dis_and_loc[0]
                x1, y1 = loc1
                d2, loc2 = dis_and_loc[1]
                x2, y2 = loc2
                d3, loc3 = dis_and_loc[-1]
                x3, y3 = loc3
                x, y = symbols('x y')
                D = [d1, d2, d3]
                X = [x1, x2, x3]
                Y = [y1, y2, y3]
                for i in range(3):
                    if X[i] < 50:
                        X[i] += 250
                    if Y[i] < 50:
                        Y[i] += 250
                    eqs[i] = ((x - X[i])**2 + (y - Y[i])**2 - D[i])
                sol_dic = solve(eqs, (x, y))
                solution = sol_dic[0]
                solution = [
                    var if var < 250 else var - 250 for var in solution
            print(f"the Nuaglamir is in {str(solution)}")
            if distance(solution, loc) < 5:
                for i in range(5):
                    os.system('play -nq -t alsa synth {} sine {}'.format(
                        0.3, 440))
                cmd = input("We are close. Do you want to take over? (y/n/q) ")
                cmd = "n"
                print("We are close. Didn't let you take over ")
            if cmd == "q":
                direc = "q"
            elif cmd == "y":
                show_area(maze, loc, solution, direc)
                while cmd in "yiludrghspa":

                    cmd = input(
                        "\nWhat is the command?\ni - info\np - recv\ng - dis\nh - hint\ns - solution\nn - return to auto\na - alter target\nDid you get '> What is your command yet?' "
                    if cmd == "a":
                        solution = list(
                            input("write correct target : '(x0,y0): '"))
                    elif cmd == "q":
                        direc = "q"
                    elif cmd != "n":
                        if cmd != "p":
                            if cmd in "ludr":
                                direc = cmd
                            s.send(bytes(cmd, 'utf-8'))
                        reply_to_direc = s.recv(buf).decode("utf-8")
                        if reply_to_direc[0] == "1":
                            loc = travel(maze, loc, direc)
                            print(f"Traveled to: {loc}, Target is: {solution}")
                        show_area(maze, loc, solution, direc)
                        if cmd[0] == "(":
                            cmd = "y"
                cmd = "n"
コード例 #38
ファイル: qwerty.py プロジェクト: N0400464/databasehomework
from db import DataBase

nameFile = input()

def set_model(equataion, solution):
        DataBase.callFunction('set_model', equataion, solution)
        return True
    except BaseException as e:
        return False

def add_log(equataion, log_text):
        DataBase.callFunction('add_log', equataion, log_text)
    except BaseException as e:

with open(nameFile, "r") as t:
    for line in t:
        equataion = str(line)
            s = sympy.solve(line)
            set_model(equataion, str(s))
            if set_model(equataion, None):
                add_log(equataion, 'Error in equation')
コード例 #39
import sympy as sp

a0, a1 = sp.symbols('a0 a1', real=True)
gamma, x = sp.symbols('gamma x', real=True)
v = sp.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma**2)
y = gamma * x


eq1 = sp.Eq(y**2 * a0 + v * gamma**2 * a1)
eq2 = sp.Eq(a0**2 * (-y**2 / gamma**2) + a1**2 * (gamma**2 / y**2), 1)

sp.solve([eq1, eq2], a0, a1)
コード例 #40
 def x_point_of_intersection(self):
     for solution in self.remove_simulated_number(solve(self.function, x)):
         self.x_point_of_intersections.append((solution, 0))
コード例 #41
    def __create_decision_vector(self):
        atoms_of_p_non_key = []
        for i in self.__non_key_species_indices:

        available_mus = list(set.union(*atoms_of_p_non_key))

        # putting them in order for the sake of reproducibility
        available_mus = [i for i in self.__mu_vec if i in available_mus]

        # putting them in order for the sake of reproducibility
        for i in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)):
            atoms_of_p_non_key[i] = [
                j for j in self.__mu_vec if j in atoms_of_p_non_key[i]

        self.__mus_solved_for = []
        for i in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)):
            for j in atoms_of_p_non_key[i]:
                if j in available_mus:
                    if not any([
                            j in atoms_of_p_non_key[ii]
                            for ii in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)) if i != ii


        self.__symbolic_equality_poly_fun = []
        count = 0
        for i in self.__non_key_species_indices:
            count += 1

        variables_in_decision_vector = list(
            set(self.__mu_vec) - set(self.__mus_solved_for))

        self.__decision_vector = [
            i for i in self.__mu_vec if i in variables_in_decision_vector

        true_outflow_reaction_labels = [
            for i in self.__edges_true_outflow

        self.__decision_vector_indices = [
            self.__mu_vec.index(i) for i in self.__decision_vector

        self.__mus_solved_for_indices = [
            self.__mu_vec.index(i) for i in self.__mus_solved_for

        self.__decision_vector_reaction_labels = [
            for i in self.__decision_vector_indices
# Determine o circuito equivalente de Thévenin ($v_{th}$, $R_{th}$) do ponto de vista dos terminais $(a,b)$ do circuito abaixo.
# a) Determine a $v_{th}$.\
# b) Determine a corrente de curto-circuito $i_{cc}$.\
# c) Determine a $R_{th}$ pelo método da fonte auxiliar.

Image("./figures/J7C1.png", width=600)

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np

# +
# define as N variáveis desconhecidas
v1, v2, v3 = sp.symbols('v1, v2, v3')

# define os sistema de N equações
eq1 = sp.Eq(-5.5*v1+10.5*v2-8*v3,-120)             
eq2 = sp.Eq(v1-3*v2+2*v3,25)  
eq3 = sp.Eq(v1+3*v2-10*v3,0)

# resolve o sistema
soluc = sp.solve((eq1, eq2, eq3), dict=True)

v1 = np.array([sol[v1] for sol in soluc])
v2 = np.array([sol[v2] for sol in soluc]) 
v3 = np.array([sol[v3] for sol in soluc]) 

print('Solução do sistema:\n\n v1 = %.2f V,\n v2 = %.2f V,\n v3 = %.2f V.' %(v1, v2, v3))
コード例 #43
# Now set values that we require the mean and variance estimates to be within with prob ~95% i.e. 2sd values
## We want our 2*sd to be less than the *_gam values
mean_gam = 0.0005
var_gam = 0.0005

# Finally set the function to minimise (this relates to time taken for the whole MC run)
delta = 1  # This corresponds to the time required to set up a simulation for given hidden stats
time = N * (n + delta)

# Now set the alpha and beta parameters and perform the constrained optimisation
true_alpha = 0.5
true_beta = 0.5

constraint1 = (mean_gam / 2)**2 - mean_asp_var.subs([(alpha, true_alpha),
                                                     (beta, true_beta)])
constraint2 = (var_gam / 2)**2 - var_asp_var.subs([(alpha, true_alpha),
                                                   (beta, true_beta)])


# Lets solve constraints for N for different values of n
n_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
for n_value in n_values:
    print('n: {}'.format(n_value))
    print('constraint1 -> N: {}'.format(sy.solve(constraint1.subs(n,
    print('constraint2 -> N: {}'.format(sy.solve(constraint2.subs(n,
コード例 #44
ファイル: ex_varform1D.py プロジェクト: pghodake/INF5620
def case3(N,
    Solve -(a(x)u)'=0 on [0,1], u(0)=1, u(1)=0.
    Method: Galerkin.
    a and f must be sympy expressions with x as the only symbol
    (other symbols in a gives very long symbolic expressions in
    the solution and is of little value).
    # Note: a(x) with symbols
    #f = sm.Rational(10,7)  # for a=1, corresponds to f=0 when a=1/(2+10x)
    def a(x):  # very slow
        return sm.Piecewise((a1, x < sm.Rational(1,2)),
                            (a2, x >= sm.Rational(1,2)))

    def a(x):  # cannot be treated by sympy or wolframalpha.com
        return 1./(a1 + a2*x)

    # Symbolic a(x) makes large expressions...
    def a(x):
        return 2 + b*x
    def a(x):
        return 1/(2 + b*x)

    def a(x):
        return 1/(2 + 10*x)

    b = sm.Symbol('b')
    def a(x):
        return sm.exp(b*x)
    if f == 0:
        h = sm.integrate(1 / a, x)
        h1 = h.subs(x, 1)
        h0 = h.subs(x, 0)
        u_exact = 1 - (h - h0) / (h1 - h0)
        # Assume a=1
        f1 = sm.integrate(f, x)
        f2 = sm.integrate(f1, x)
        C1, C2 = sm.symbols('C1 C2')
        u = -f2 + C1 * x + C2
        BC1 = u.subs(x, 0) - 1
        BC2 = u.subs(x, 1) - 0
        s = sm.solve([BC1, BC2], [C1, C2])
        u_exact = -f2 + s[C1] * x + s[C2]
    print 'u_exact:', u_exact

    def integrand_lhs(phi, i, j):
        return a * phi[1][i] * phi[1][j]

    def integrand_rhs(phi, i):
        return f * phi[0][i] - a * dBdx * phi[1][i]

    boundary_lhs = boundary_rhs = None  # not used here

    Omega = [0, 1]
    if B_type == 'linear':
        B = 1 - x
    elif B_type == 'cubic':
        B = 1 - x**3
    elif B_type == 'sqrt':
        B = 1 - sm.sqrt(x)
        B = 1 - x
    if basis == 'poly':
        phi = phi_factory('poly', N, 1)
    elif basis == 'Lagrange':
        phi = phi_factory('Lagrange', N, 1)
        print 'len phi:', len(phi)
        B = phi[0][0] * 1 + phi[0][-1] * 0
        phi[0] = phi[0][1:-1]
        phi[1] = phi[1][1:-1]
    elif basis == 'sines':
        phi = phi_factory('sines', N, 1)
        raise ValueError('basis=%s must be poly, Lagrange or sines' % basis)
    print 'Basis functions:', phi[0]

    dBdx = sm.diff(B, x)

    verbose = True if symbolic else False
    phi_sum = solve(integrand_lhs,
    print 'sum c_j*phi_j:', phi_sum
    name = 'numerical, N=%d' % N
    u = {name: phi_sum + B, 'exact': sm.simplify(u_exact)}
    print 'Numerical solution:', u[name]
    if verbose:
        print '...simplified to', sm.simplify(u[name])
        print '...exact solution:', sm.simplify(u['exact'])

    f_str = str(f).replace(' ', '')
    a_str = str(a).replace(' ', '')
    filename = 'DaDu=-%s_a=%s_N%s_%s.eps' % (f_str, a_str, N, basis)
    # Change from symblic to numerical computing for plotting.
    all_symbols = {}
    if all_symbols:
        for s in all_symbols:
            value = all_symbols[s]
            print 'symbol', s, 'gets value', value
            u[name] = u[name].subs(s, value)
            u['exact'] = u['exact'].subs(s, value)
    print 'Numerical u_exact formula before plot:', u_exact
    comparison_plot(u, [0, 1], filename)
コード例 #45
ファイル: ex04_canopy.py プロジェクト: bmcs-group/oricreate
def get_fr(var_, L, H):
    fx = a_ * (var_ / L)**2 + b_ * (var_ / L)
    eqns = [fx.subs(var_, L), fx.subs(var_, L / 2) - H]
    ab_subs = sp.solve(eqns, [a_, b_])
    fx = fx.subs(ab_subs)
    return fx
コード例 #46
ファイル: ex_varform1D.py プロジェクト: pghodake/INF5620
def case2(N):
    Solve -u''=f(x) on [0,1], u'(0)=C, u(1)=D.
    Method: Galerkin only.
    x = sm.Symbol('x')
    f = 2
    D = 2
    E = 3
    L = 1  # basis function factory restricted to [0,1]
    D = sm.Symbol('D')
    C = sm.Symbol('C')

    # u exact
    f1 = sm.integrate(f, x)
    f2 = sm.integrate(f1, x)
    C1, C2 = sm.symbols('C1 C2')
    u = -f2 + C1 * x + C2
    BC1 = sm.diff(u, x).subs(x, 0) - C
    BC2 = u.subs(x, 1) - D
    s = sm.solve([BC1, BC2], [C1, C2])
    u_e = -f2 + s[C1] * x + s[C2]

    def diff_eq(u, x):
        eqs = {
            'diff': -sm.diff(u, x, x) - f,
            'BC1': sm.diff(u, x).subs(x, 0) - C,
            'BC2': u.subs(x, L) - D
        for eq in eqs:
            eqs[eq] = sm.simplify(eqs[eq])

    print 'Check of exact solution:', diff_eq(u_e, x)

    def integrand_lhs(phi, i, j):
        return phi[1][i] * phi[1][j]

    B = D * x / L
    dBdx = sm.diff(B, x)

    def integrand_rhs(phi, i):
        return f * phi[0][i] - dBdx * phi[1][i]

    boundary_lhs = None  # not used here

    def boundary_rhs(phi, i):
        return -C * phi[0][i].subs(x, 0)

    Omega = [0, L]
    phi = phi_factory('poly3', N, 1)
    #phi = phi_factory('Lagrange', N, 1)
    print phi[0]
    u = {
              verbose=True) + B,
    print 'numerical solution:', u['G1']
    print 'simplified:', sm.simplify(u['G1'])
    print 'u exact', u['exact']
    # Change from symblic to numerical computing for plotting.
    # That is, replace C and D symbols by numbers
    # (comparison_plot takes the expressions with x to functions of x
    # so C and D must have numbers).
    for name in u:
        u[name] = u[name].subs(C, 2).subs(D, -2)
    print 'u:', u
    C = 2
    D = -2  # Note that these are also remembered by u_e
    comparison_plot(u, [0, 1])
コード例 #47

from sympy import latex
from sympy import solve
from sympy import symbols

from sympy import Eq
from sympy import Rational

P, V, n, R, T = symbols('P V n R T')

igl = Eq(P * V, n * R * T)

values = {R: 8.3144621, T: 273, P: 101300, n: 1}

answers = solve(igl.subs(values), V)
answer = answers[0]

print ""
print "The ideal gas law is ", latex(igl)
print ""
print "Where the gas constant R is {} in SI units".format(values[R])
print "Standard temperature is {} Kelvin, or 0 degrees Celsius".format(
print "Standard pressure is {} pascals, or 1 atm".format(values[P])
print ""
print "So, at standard temperature and pressure, one mole of an ideal gas"
print " occupies {} cubic meters of volume".format(answer)
print ""
コード例 #48

# In[ ]:

maxSpeed = 100
#dic to store data
dic = {}
noPositive = 0

# In[24]:

Fc = sympy.symbols("Fc", real=True)
eq = sympy.Eq((Fc)**2, maxSpeed**2)

# In[77]:

Fa, Fb = sympy.symbols("Fa Fb", real=True)
Fx = 0
Fy = 128
eq1 = sympy.Eq((Fy-sqrt(3)*Fx)*Fb-(Fy+sqrt(3)*Fx)*Fa, 0)
eq2 = sympy.Eq(((sqrt(3)/2)*Fb+(sqrt(3)/2)*Fa)**2+(0.5*Fb-0.5*Fa)**2, 10000)
sol=sympy.solve([eq1, eq2])
if sol[0][Fa] >0 and sol[0][Fb]>0:
elif sol[1][Fa] >0 and sol[1][Fb]>0:
コード例 #49
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Nov 17 09:42:30 2018

@author: xsxsz

import sympy as sy
sy.init_printing(use_unicode=True, use_latex=True)
x, y = sy.symbols('x y')
expr = x + y**2
latex = sy.latex(expr)
print(sy.solve(x + 1, x))
print(sy.limit(sy.sin(x) / x, x, 0))
print(sy.limit(sy.sin(x) / x, x, sy.oo))
print(sy.limit(sy.ln(x + 1) / x, x, 0))
print(sy.integrate(sy.sin(x), (x, -sy.oo, sy.oo)))
print(sy.integrate(1 / x, (x, 1, 2)))
print(sy.Rational(1, 2))
コード例 #50
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: Jayun9/bookScanner
fp = f.diff(x)

# evaluate both at x=0 and x=1
f0 = f.subs(x, 0)
f1 = f.subs(x, 1)
fp0 = fp.subs(x, 0)
fp1 = fp.subs(x, 1)

# we want a, b, c, d such that the following conditions hold:
#  f(0) = 0
#  f(1) = 0
#  f'(0) = alpha
#  f'(1) = beta

S = sympy.solve([f0, f1, fp0-alpha, fp1-beta], [a, b, c, d])

# print the analytic solution and plot a graphical example
coeffs = []

num_alpha = 0.3
num_beta = 0.03

for key in [a, b, c, d]:

xvals = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
yvals = np.polyval(coeffs, xvals)

plt.plot(xvals, yvals)
コード例 #51
# coding: UTF-8

# 2直線の交点を求める
# y = -3/2x + 6 , y = 1/2x + 2
from sympy import Symbol, solve  # sympyの中から Symbolとsolveをimport

# 式を定義
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
ex1 = -3.0 / 2 * x + 6 - y
ex2 = 1.0 / 2 * x + 2 - y

# 連立方程式を解く
print(solve((ex1, ex2)))
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_piecewise.py プロジェクト: penenkel/sympy
def test_piecewise_solve2():
    f = Piecewise(((x - 2)**2, x >= 0), (0, True))
    assert solve(f, x) == [2, Interval(0, oo, True, True)]
コード例 #53
def main():
    selected_item = -1
    selected_item2 = -1
    while True:

        if selected_item == -1:
            print("Главное меню")
                selected_item = int(input(">>> "))

        elif selected_item == 1:  # Если выбрали Решение уравнений
            while True:
                if selected_item2 == -1: # Начальный текст
                    print("Решение уравнений")
                        selected_item2 = int(input(">>> "))
                elif selected_item2 == 1:  # Задать символ
                    input("Нажмите [ENTER] чтобы вернуться назад")
                    selected_item2 = -1
                elif selected_item2 == 2:
                    print("Напишите уравнение")
                    yr = input(">>> ").strip().replace(" ", "").split("=")
                    if len(yr) != 2:
                        print("Неверное уравнение")
                        input("Нажмите [ENTER] чтобы вернуться назад")
                        selected_item2 = -1
                            # DEBUG: print(f"{yr=}; {x=}")
                            answer = sympy.solve(sympy.Eq(eval(yr[0]), eval(yr[1])))
                            print("Неверное уравнение")
                            input("Нажмите [ENTER] чтобы вернуться назад")
                            selected_item2 = -1
                            print("Ответ(ы): {}".format(", ".join(str(v) for v in answer)))
                            input("Нажмите [ENTER] чтобы вернуться назад")
                            selected_item2 = -1
                elif selected_item2 == 3:  # Назад
            selected_item = -1
            selected_item2 = -1
        elif selected_item == 2:  # Если выбрали Инфо
            input("Нажмите [ENTER] чтобы вернуться назад")
            selected_item = -1
        elif selected_item == 3:  # Если выбрали Выход
            selected_item = -1
コード例 #54
ファイル: rheometer.py プロジェクト: cbosoft/pi_rheo_proj
def run_test(tag, length, gd_expr, title="Rheometry Test", ln_prefix="rheometry_test", ln_override=None):
    global mot
    # Calculate initial GD for warm up
    gd_expr = str(gd_expr)
    gd = sp.Symbol('gd')
    t = 0.0
    expr = pe(gd_expr) - gd
    gd_val = eval(str(sp.solve(expr, gd)[0]))

    #display([title, "", ""], [""], input_type=inputs.none_)
    ln = "./../logs/{}_{}_{}.csv".format(ln_prefix, tag, time.strftime("%d%m%y_%H%M", time.gmtime()))
    if ln_override != None: ln = ln_override
    blurb = [
                        "(warming up motor)",
                        "{}    {}".format("Electronics".center(38), "Mechanics".center(38)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("Vms:".center(19), "-- V".center(19), "omega:".center(19), "-- rad/s".center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("Ims:".center(19), "-- A".center(19), "gamma dot:".center(19), "-- (s^-1)".center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("".center(19), "".center(19), "tau:".center(19), "-- Pa".center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("PWM DC:".center(19), "-- %".center(19), "mu:".center(19), "-- Pa.s".center(19)),
                        "[{}]".format(" " * 40)
    options = [" "]
    display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)

    mot.start_poll(name=ln, controlled=True, debug_=debug)
    for i in range(0, length):
        gd_expr = str(gd_expr)
        gd = sp.Symbol('gd')
        t = float(copy.copy(i))
        expr = pe(gd_expr) - gd
        gd_val = eval(str(sp.solve(expr, gd)[0]))
        ## Progress bar
        width = 40
        perc = int(math.ceil((i / float(length)) * width))
        neg_perc = int(math.floor(((float(length) - i) / length) * width))
        ## Status
        aspd = mot.get_speed()
        aspd_rads = (aspd * 2 * np.pi) / 60.0
        dc   = mot.ldc
        vms  = mot.volts[7] * dproc.vmsmult
        ims  = dproc.get_current(mot.volts[2])
        gd, __, tau, mu = dproc.calc_mu(1, vms, ims, 15, aspd_rads, dwdt_override=0)
        blurb = [
                "{}    {}".format("Electronics".center(38), "Mechanics".center(38)),
                "{}{}    {}{}".format("Vms:".center(19), "{:.3f} V".format(vms).center(19), "omega:".center(19), "{:.3f} rad/s".format(aspd_rads).center(19)),
                "{}{}    {}{}".format("Ims:".center(19), "{:.3f} A".format(ims).center(19), "gamma dot:".center(19), "{:.3f} (s^-1)".format(gd).center(19)),
                "{}{}    {}{}".format("".center(19), "".center(19), "tau:".center(19), "{} Pa".format(tau).center(19)),
                "{}{}    {}{}".format("PWM DC:".center(19), "{:.3f} %".format(dc).center(19), "mu:".center(19), "{:.2E} Pa.s".format(mu).center(19)),
                "{}s to go...".format(length - i).center(80),
                "[{}{}]".format("#" * perc, " " * neg_perc)
        options = [" "]
        display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)
    blurb = [
            "Processing results..." ]
    options = [" "]
    display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)
    blurb = [
            "Processing complete!" ]
    options = [" "]
    display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)
    return ln
コード例 #55
ファイル: rheometer.py プロジェクト: cbosoft/pi_rheo_proj
def menu(initsel=0):
    global stdscr
    global debug
    global mot
    blurb =     [
                " " #"Welcome to RPi-R: Simple rheometry recording with a Raspberry Pi",
    options =   [
                "Run test",                     # 0
                "Calibrate Motor",              # 1
                "Quit"                          # 4
    res = display(blurb, options)
    if res == 0: ####################################################################################################### RUN TEST: 0
        inp_k = False
        extra_info = " "
        while not inp_k:
            blurb = ["Run sample - setup",
                     "{}{}".format("Length:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Function:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Log tag:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "Enter run length (seconds)"]
            options = [""]
            length = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.string_)
            inp_k = True
                length = int(length)
                inp_k = False
                extra_info = "Input not recognised (must be an integer)"
        # strain rate function
        inp_k = False
        extra_info = " "
        while not inp_k:
            blurb = ["Run sample - setup",
                     "{}{}".format("Length:".center(40), str(length).center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Function:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Log tag:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "Enter strain rate function (inverse seconds)",
                     "Input in form of an expression (gamma dot = ...)",
                     "Max GD = 250, min GD = 5.",
                     "A special case: GD = linear from <MIN> to <MAX>"]
            options = [""]
            gd_expr = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.string_)
            gd_expr_split = gd_expr.split()
            ### Special Cases ###
            if gd_expr_split[0] == "linear":
                gd_min = gd_expr_split[2]
                gd_max = gd_expr_split[4]
                gd_expr = "{0} + (({1} - {0}) / {2}) * t".format(gd_min, gd_max, length)
            inp_k = True
                t = 2
                gd = sp.Symbol('gd')
                expr = pe(gd_expr) - gd
                val = sp.solve(expr, gd)
                if len(val) > 1: raise Exception("you dun entered it rong lol")
                a = eval(str(sp.solve(expr, gd)[0]))
                inp_k = False
                extra_info = "Input not recognised (ensure it is a function of 't', or a constant)"
        # Run tag
        inp_k = False
        extra_info = " "
        while not inp_k:
            blurb = ["Run sample - setup",
                     "{}{}".format("Length:".center(40), str(length).center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Function:".center(40),"gd = {} (s^-1)".format(gd_expr).center(40)),
                     "{}{}".format("Log tag:".center(40), "--".center(40)),
                     "Enter identifier for the run: (test material composition etc)"]
            options = [""]
            tag = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.string_)
            gd_expr_split = gd_expr.split()
            ### Special Cases ###
            if gd_expr_split[0] == "linear":
                gd_min = gd_expr_split[2]
                gd_max = gd_expr_split[4]
                gd_expr = "{0} + (({1} - {0}) / {2}) * t".format(gd_min, gd_max, length)
            inp_k = True
                tag = str(tag)
                inp_k = False
                extra_info = "Input not recognised (how on earth did you input a non-string?!)"
        blurb = ["Run sample - setup",
                 "{}{}".format("Length:".center(40), str(length).center(40)),
                 "{}{}".format("Function:".center(40),"gd = {} (s^-1)".format(gd_expr).center(40)),
                 "{}{}".format("Log tag:".center(40), tag.center(40)),
        options = ["Continue", "Quit"]
        res = display(blurb, options)
        if res == 1: raise CAE
        ln = run_test(tag, length, gd_expr)
        blurb = ["Run sample - complete", "", "output log saved as {}".format(ln)]
        options = ["Continue"]
        res = display(blurb, options)
    elif res == 1: ##################################################################################################### RECAL: 1 -- REMOVE? UNNECESSARY?
        # Recalibrate
        ### Part 1: Current Calibration ###
        len_ccal = 300
        blurb = [   "Current Calibration",
                    "The current drawn due to inefficiencies in the motor will be found in this test.",
                    "The cylinders must be empty, but in position as if a test was being run.",
                    "The test will take around {} minutes.".format(float(len_ccal) / 60.0),
        options = [ "Start", "Skip to motor calibration" ]
        res = display(blurb, options)

        if not res:
            cur_log = "./../logs/ccal_{}.csv".format(time.strftime("%d.%m.%y-%H%M", time.gmtime()))
            mot.start_poll(name=cur_log, controlled=False, debug_=debug)
            for i in range(0, len_ccal):
                dc = (100.0 / (len_ccal - 1)) * i
                width = 40
                # Calculate Progress Percentage
                perc = int(math.ceil((i / float(len_ccal)) * width))
                neg_perc = int(math.floor(((float(len_ccal) - i) / len_ccal) * width))
                # Calculate speed data
                aspd = mot.get_speed()
                aspd_rads = aspd * 2.0 * np.pi / 60.0
                # Get motor supply voltage
                vms = mot.volts[7] * dproc.vmsmult
                if vms == 0: vms = 10**-10
                # Calculate viscosity from sensor data
                gd = dproc.get_strain(aspd_rads)
                if gd == 0: gd = 10**-10
                ico = dproc.get_current_coil(vms)
                ims = dproc.get_current(mot.volts[2])
                iemf = ims - ico
                T = dproc.T_of_Iemf(iemf)
                tau = dproc.get_stress(T, 15)
                if tau < 0: tau = 0.0
                mu = tau / gd
                # Display!
                blurb = [
                        "Current Calibration",
                        "{}    {}".format("Electronics".center(38), "Mechanics".center(38)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("Vms:".center(19), "{:.3f} V".format(vms).center(19), "omega:".center(19), "{:.3f} rad/s".format(aspd_rads).center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("Ims:".center(19), "{:.3f} A".format(ims).center(19), "gamma dot:".center(19), "{:.3f} (s^-1)".format(gd).center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("Iemf:".center(19), "{:.3f} A".format(iemf).center(19), "tau:".center(19), "{:.3f} Pa".format(tau).center(19)),
                        "{}{}    {}{}".format("PWM DC:".center(19), "{:.3f} %".format(dc).center(19), "mu:".center(19), "{:.2E} Pa.s".format(mu).center(19)),
                        "{}s to go...".format(len_ccal - i).center(80),
                        "[{}{}]".format("#" * perc, " " * neg_perc)
                options = [" "]
                display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)
            __, st, __, __, __, __, __, __, cra, __, __, __, Vms, __, __, __ = read_logf(cur_log)
            Vms = filt_r(st, Vms)
            cra = filt_r(st, cra)
            Ims = dproc.get_current(cra)
            blurb = [
                        "Current Calibration",
                        "Processing data..."
            options = [" "]
            display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.none_)
            fit, fit_eqn, coeffs = plot_fit(Vms, Ims, 1, x_name="Vms", y_name="Ico", outp="./../plots/cal_cur.png")
            blurb = ["Current Calibration",
             "Complete! Plot saved as \"./../plots/cal_cur.png\"",
             "Previous fit:",
             "\tIco = Vms * {} + {}".format(dproc.cal_IcoVms[0], dproc.cal_IcoVms[1]),
             "New fit:",
             "\tIco = Vms * {} + {}".format(coeffs[0], coeffs[1])]
            options = ["Save results", "Discard"]
            res = display(blurb, options)
            if res == 0:
                dproc.cal_IcoVms = coeffs
        ### Part 2: Motor Calibration ###
        blurb = [   "Motor Calibration",
                    "The torque output of the motor will be related to the current it draws.",
                    "Required are at least two newtonian reference fluids of known viscosity.",
                    "This calibration does not need to be done every time the rheometer is used,",
                    "but should be done once in a while."
        options = [ "Continue", "Back to main menu" ]
        res = display(blurb, options)
        if res == 1: raise CAE ## Cancellations are exceptional
        ref_logs   = list()
        ref_viscs  = list()
        ref_nams   = list()
        cal_len    = 120
        cal_strain = 125
        finished = False
        count = 1
        while not finished:
            inp_k = False
            ex_inf = ""
            while not inp_k:
                blurb = [   "Motor Calibration: fluid {}".format(count),
                            "Fill the cylinder with a reference fluid up to the \"15ml min\" line.",
                            "Then raise the platform so that the liquid level raises to the \"15ml max\" line.",
                            "Enter the nominal viscosity (in Pa.s), or enter the name of the fluid, OR enter a",
                            "fluid mixture followed by the composition (weight%)",
                            "e.g. '0.01'",
                            "or 'glycerol'",
                            "or '[email protected]' the characters used here are important! Do not deviate."
                options = [" "]
                str_nom_visc = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.string_)
                    ref_viscs.append(float(str_nom_visc))       # assumes is float of nominal viscosity...
                    inp_k = True
                        dproc.get_mu_of_T(str_nom_visc, 25.0)    #   ... or name of species...
                        inp_k = True
                            parts = str_nom_visc.split("@")
                            dproc.get_mu_of_T(parts[0], 25.0, parts[1])
                            inp_k = True
                            ex_inf = "Couldn't understand... Did you spell it correctly?"
                            inp_k = False
            inp_k = False

            while not inp_k:
                blurb = [   "Motor Calibration: fluid {}".format(count),
                            "Enter a name to distinguish this log from the rest:"
                options = [" "]
                str_ref_nam = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.string_)
                blurb = [   "Motor Calibration: fluid {}".format(count),
                options = ["Continue", "Re-enter"]
                rep = display(blurb, options, input_type=inputs.enum_)
                if rep == 0:
                    inp_k = True
            blurb = [   "Motor Calibration: fluid {}".format(count),
                        "Now the fluid will be sheared for {} minutes at a strain of ~{} (s^-1).".format(float(cal_len) / 60.0, cal_strain),
            options = [ "Continue", "Cancel" ]
            res = display(blurb, options)
            if res == 1: raise CAE
            ref_log = "./../logs/mcal_{}_{}_{}.csv".format(ref_nams[-1], ref_viscs[-1], time.strftime("%d.%m.%y-%H%M", time.gmtime()))
            run_test("newt_ref", cal_len, 125, title="Reference {} Test: {}".format(count, ref_nams[-1]), ln_override=ref_log)
            count += 1
            if count == 2:
                finished = False
            else: # count > 2
                blurb = [   "Motor Calibration",
                            "Do you wish to add further reference fluids? ({} so far)".format(count - 1) ]
                options = ["Yes", "No"]
                res = display(blurb, options)
                if res == 1: finished = True
        return 4
    return 1
コード例 #56
ファイル: puntoFijo.py プロジェクト: icpac/python
    if len(pts) > 1:
        ax1.plot(pts, pts, 'o', color='black')

    ax1.grid(True, which='both')
    #eje x
    ax1.axhline(y=0, color='k')
    #eje y
    ax1.axvline(x=0, color='k')

t = symbols('t', real=True)

#definimos dominio de la función
x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.1)
f = lambda t: t**2 + 1
pts = solve(t**2 + 1 - t)
grafFuncion(f, x, 121, pts)
x = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1)
f = lambda t: t**3 - 3*x
pts = solve(t**3 - 3*t - t)
grafFuncion(f, x, 122, pts)"""

x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.1)
f = lambda t: t**2 - 2
pts = solve(t**2 - 2 - t)
grafFuncion(f, x, 122, pts)

コード例 #57
import numpy as np
import sympy
from sympy import cos, sin, sqrt, pi

sympy.var('A, An, T, rho')
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
n = sympy.Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
x = sympy.Symbol('x', positive=True)
L = 7
a = 3 * L / 4
y0 = sympy.Piecewise((A * x / a, ((x >= 0) & (x <= a))),
                     (A * (L - x) / (L - a), ((x > a) & (x <= L))))
Yn = An * sympy.sin(n * pi * x / L)
exp = sympy.integrate(rho * Yn**2, (x, 0, L)) - 1
An = sympy.solve(exp, An)[1].simplify()
Yn = An * sin(n * pi * x / L)

# Finding Modal Force
F0 = 1.
Omega = 0.99 * 1 * pi * sqrt(T / (rho * L**2))
Fx = F0
Fn = sympy.integrate(Fx * Yn, (x, 0, L))

# Finding modal initial conditions
eta0 = sympy.integrate(rho * Yn * y0, (x, 0, L)).simplify()
omegan = n * pi * sqrt(T / (rho * L**2))
k1 = eta0 - Fn / (omegan**2 - Omega**2)
etan = Fn / (omegan**2 - Omega**2) * cos(Omega * t) + k1 * cos(omegan * t)

import matplotlib
コード例 #58
def noneuclidian_distance_calculation():
    from sympy import solve,sqrt

    metric = '0 # #,# 0 #,# # 1'
    (X,Y,e) = MV.setup('X Y e',metric)

    print 'g_{ij} =',MV.metric

    print '(X^Y)**2 =',(X^Y)*(X^Y)

    L = X^Y^e
    B = L*e # D&L 10.152
    print 'B =',B
    Bsq = B*B
    print 'B**2 =',Bsq
    Bsq = Bsq.scalar()
    print '#L = X^Y^e is a non-euclidian line'
    print 'B = L*e =',B

    BeBr =B*e*B.rev()
    print 'B*e*B.rev() =',BeBr
    print 'B**2 =',B*B
    print 'L**2 =',L*L # D&L 10.153
    (s,c,Binv,M,S,C,alpha,XdotY,Xdote,Ydote) = symbols('s c (1/B) M S C alpha (X.Y) (X.e) (Y.e)')

    Bhat = Binv*B # D&L 10.154
    R = c+s*Bhat # Rotor R = exp(alpha*Bhat/2)
    print 's = sinh(alpha/2) and c = cosh(alpha/2)'
    print 'exp(alpha*B/(2*|B|)) =',R

    Z = R*X*R.rev() # D&L 10.155
    Z.obj = expand(Z.obj)
    Z.obj = Z.obj.collect([Binv,s,c,XdotY])
    W = Z|Y # Extract scalar part of multivector
    # From this point forward all calculations are with sympy scalars
    print 'Objective is to determine value of C = cosh(alpha) such that W = 0'
    W = W.scalar()
    print 'Z|Y =',W
    W = expand(W)
    W = simplify(W)
    W = W.collect([s*Binv])

    M = 1/Bsq
    W = W.subs(Binv**2,M)
    W = simplify(W)
    Bmag = sqrt(XdotY**2-2*XdotY*Xdote*Ydote)
    W = W.collect([Binv*c*s,XdotY])

    #Double angle substitutions

    W = W.subs(2*XdotY**2-4*XdotY*Xdote*Ydote,2/(Binv**2))
    W = W.subs(2*c*s,S)
    W = W.subs(c**2,(C+1)/2)
    W = W.subs(s**2,(C-1)/2)
    W = simplify(W)
    W = W.subs(1/Binv,Bmag)
    W = expand(W)

    print 'S = sinh(alpha) and C = cosh(alpha)'

    print 'W =',W

    Wd = collect(W,[C,S],exact=True,evaluate=False)

    Wd_1 = Wd[ONE]
    Wd_C = Wd[C]
    Wd_S = Wd[S]

    print 'Scalar Coefficient =',Wd_1
    print 'Cosh Coefficient =',Wd_C
    print 'Sinh Coefficient =',Wd_S

    print '|B| =',Bmag
    Wd_1 = Wd_1.subs(Bmag,1/Binv)
    Wd_C = Wd_C.subs(Bmag,1/Binv)
    Wd_S = Wd_S.subs(Bmag,1/Binv)

    lhs = Wd_1+Wd_C*C
    rhs = -Wd_S*S
    lhs = lhs**2
    rhs = rhs**2
    W = expand(lhs-rhs)
    W = expand(W.subs(1/Binv**2,Bmag**2))
    W = expand(W.subs(S**2,C**2-1))
    W = W.collect([C,C**2],evaluate=False)

    a = simplify(W[C**2])
    b = simplify(W[C])
    c = simplify(W[ONE])

    print 'Require a*C**2+b*C+c = 0'

    print 'a =',a
    print 'b =',b
    print 'c =',c

    x = Symbol('x')
    C =  solve(a*x**2+b*x+c,x)[0]
    print 'cosh(alpha) = C = -b/(2*a) =',expand(simplify(expand(C)))
コード例 #59
ファイル: Q_13.py プロジェクト: bmoretz/Python-Playground
# A company plans to enclose three parallel rectangular areas for sorting returned goods.
# The three areas are within one large rectangular area and 1400 yd of fencing is available. What is the largest total area that can be​ enclosed?

from sympy import symbols, solve, diff

x, y = symbols('x y', positive=True)

A = 2 * x + 4 * y - 904

y_eq = solve(A, y)[0]

Ax = y_eq * x

dA = diff(Ax, x)

crit_val = solve(dA, x)[0]
short_side = y_eq.subs({x: crit_val})
total_area = Ax.subs({x: crit_val})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Shorter Len: {0} yd'.format(short_side))
    print('Longer side: {0} yd'.format(crit_val))
    print('Total Area: {0} yd^2'.format(total_area))
コード例 #60
ファイル: symbolic.py プロジェクト: yh2424/ahkab
def get_roots(expr):
    """Given the transfer function ``expr``, returns ``poles, zeros``.
    num, den = sympy.fraction(expr)
    return sympy.solve(den, s), sympy.solve(num, s)