コード例 #1
ファイル: compiler.py プロジェクト: yellalena/sympde
 def __getitem__(self, indices, **kw_args):
     if is_sequence(indices):
         # Special case needed because M[*my_tuple] is a syntax error.
         return Indexed(self, *indices, **kw_args)
         return Indexed(self, indices, **kw_args)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_indexed.py プロジェクト: bannerbyte/SymPy
def test_Indexed_func_args():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    a = symbols('a')
    A = Indexed(a, i, j)
    assert A == A.func(*A.args)
コード例 #3
def test_Lambda():
    e = Lambda(x, x**2)
    assert e(4) == 16
    assert e(x) == x**2
    assert e(y) == y**2

    assert Lambda((), 42)() == 42
    assert unchanged(Lambda, (), 42)
    assert Lambda((), 42) != Lambda((), 43)
    assert Lambda((), f(x))() == f(x)
    assert Lambda((), 42).nargs == FiniteSet(0)

    assert unchanged(Lambda, (x,), x**2)
    assert Lambda(x, x**2) == Lambda((x,), x**2)
    assert Lambda(x, x**2) != Lambda(x, x**2 + 1)
    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y) != Lambda((y, x), y**x)
    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y) != Lambda((x, y), y**x)

    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y)(x, y) == x**y
    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y)(3, 3) == 3**3
    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y)(x, 3) == x**3
    assert Lambda((x, y), x**y)(3, y) == 3**y
    assert Lambda(x, f(x))(x) == f(x)
    assert Lambda(x, x**2)(e(x)) == x**4
    assert e(e(x)) == x**4

    x1, x2 = (Indexed('x', i) for i in (1, 2))
    assert Lambda((x1, x2), x1 + x2)(x, y) == x + y

    assert Lambda((x, y), x + y).nargs == FiniteSet(2)

    p = x, y, z, t
    assert Lambda(p, t*(x + y + z))(*p) == t * (x + y + z)

    eq = Lambda(x, 2*x) + Lambda(y, 2*y)
    assert eq != 2*Lambda(x, 2*x)
    assert eq.as_dummy() == 2*Lambda(x, 2*x).as_dummy()
    assert Lambda(x, 2*x) not in [ Lambda(x, x) ]
    raises(BadSignatureError, lambda: Lambda(1, x))
    assert Lambda(x, 1)(1) is S.One

    raises(BadSignatureError, lambda: Lambda((x, x), x + 2))
    raises(BadSignatureError, lambda: Lambda(((x, x), y), x))
    raises(BadSignatureError, lambda: Lambda(((y, x), x), x))
    raises(BadSignatureError, lambda: Lambda(((y, 1), 2), x))

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        assert Lambda([x, y], x+y) == Lambda((x, y), x+y)

    flam = Lambda( ((x, y),) , x + y)
    assert flam((2, 3)) == 5
    flam = Lambda( ((x, y), z) , x + y + z)
    assert flam((2, 3), 1) == 6
    flam = Lambda( (((x,y),z),) , x+y+z)
    assert flam(    ((2,3),1) ) == 6
    raises(BadArgumentsError, lambda: flam(1, 2, 3))
    flam = Lambda( (x,), (x, x))
    assert flam(1,) == (1, 1)
    assert flam((1,)) == ((1,), (1,))
    flam = Lambda( ((x,),) , (x, x))
    raises(BadArgumentsError, lambda: flam(1))
    assert flam((1,)) == (1, 1)

    # Previously TypeError was raised so this is potentially needed for
    # backwards compatibility.
    assert issubclass(BadSignatureError, TypeError)
    assert issubclass(BadArgumentsError, TypeError)

    # These are tested to see they don't raise:
    hash(Lambda(x, 2*x))
    hash(Lambda(x, x))  # IdentityFunction subclass
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_sequences.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_Idx_limits():
    i = symbols("i", cls=Idx)
    r = Indexed("r", i)

    assert SeqFormula(r, (i, 0, 5))[:] == [r.subs(i, j) for j in range(6)]
    assert SeqPer((1, 2), (i, 0, 5))[:] == [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]
コード例 #5
def test_not_interable():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A = Indexed('A', i, i + j)
    assert not iterable(A)
コード例 #6
def test_complex_indices():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A = Indexed('A', i, i + j)
    assert A.rank == 2
    assert A.indices == (i, i + j)
コード例 #7
ファイル: joint_rv.py プロジェクト: moiseszeleny/sympy
 def pdf(self):
     sym = [Indexed(self.symbol, i) for i in range(self.component_count)]
     return self.distribution(*sym)
コード例 #8
    def _eliminate_inter_stencil_redundancies(self, cluster, **kwargs):
        Search for redundancies across the expressions and expose them
        to the later stages of the optimisation pipeline by introducing
        new temporaries of suitable rank.

        Two type of redundancies are sought:

            * Time-invariants, and
            * Across different space points

        Let ``t`` be the time dimension, ``x, y, z`` the space dimensions. Then:

        1) temp = (a[x,y,z]+b[x,y,z])*c[t,x,y,z]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z] + b[x,y,z]
           temp = ti[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

        2) temp1 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp1 = 2.0*ti[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*ti[x,y,z+1]
        if cluster.is_sparse:
            return cluster

        # For more information about "aliases", refer to collect_aliases.__doc__
        mapper, aliases = collect_aliases(cluster.exprs)

        # Redundancies will be stored in space-varying temporaries
        g = cluster.trace
        indices = g.space_indices
        shape = g.space_shape

        # Template for captured redundancies
        name = self.conventions['redundancy'] + "%d"
        template = lambda i: TensorFunction(
            name=name % i, shape=shape, dimensions=indices).indexed

        # Find the candidate expressions
        processed = []
        candidates = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in g.items():
            # Cost check (to keep the memory footprint under control)
            naliases = len(mapper.get(v.rhs, []))
            cost = estimate_cost(v, True) * naliases
            if cost >= self.thresholds[
                    'min-cost-time-hoist'] and g.time_invariant(v):
                candidates[v.rhs] = k
            elif cost >= self.thresholds[
                    'min-cost-space-hoist'] and naliases > 1:
                candidates[v.rhs] = k
                processed.append(Eq(k, v.rhs))

        # Create temporaries capturing redundant computation
        found = []
        rules = OrderedDict()
        stencils = []
        for c, (origin, alias) in enumerate(aliases.items()):
            temporary = Indexed(template(c), *indices)
            found.append(Eq(temporary, origin))
            # Track the stencil of each TensorFunction introduced
            for aliased, distance in alias.with_distance:
                coordinates = [
                    sum([i, j]) for i, j in distance.items() if i in indices
                rules[candidates[aliased]] = Indexed(template(c),

        # Create the alias clusters
        alias_clusters = clusterize(found, stencils)
        alias_clusters = sorted(alias_clusters, key=lambda i: i.is_dense)

        # Switch temporaries in the expression trees
        processed = [e.xreplace(rules) for e in processed]

        return alias_clusters + [cluster.rebuild(processed)]
コード例 #9
 def A(i):
     if isinstance(i, IdxSym):
         return OperatorSymbol(StrLabel(Indexed('A', i)), hs=0)
         return OperatorSymbol("A_%s" % i, hs=0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: joint_rv.py プロジェクト: moiseszeleny/sympy
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     if isinstance(self.pspace, JointPSpace):
         if (self.pspace.component_count <= key) == True:
             raise ValueError("Index keys for %s can only up to %s." %
                 (self.name, self.pspace.component_count - 1))
         return Indexed(self, key)
コード例 #11
    def probability(self,
        Handles probability queries for discrete Markov chains.


        condition: Relational
        given_condition: Relational/And


            If the transition probabilities are not available
            If the transition probabilities is MatrixSymbol or Matrix


        Any information passed at the time of query overrides
        any information passed at the time of object creation like
        transition probabilities, state space.

        Pass the transition matrix using TransitionMatrixOf and state space
        using StochasticStateSpaceOf in given_condition using & or And.

        check, trans_probs, state_space, given_condition = \
            self._preprocess(given_condition, evaluate)

        if check:
            return Probability(condition, given_condition)

        if isinstance(condition, Eq) and \
            isinstance(given_condition, Eq) and \
            len(given_condition.atoms(RandomSymbol)) == 1:
            # handles simple queries like P(Eq(X[i], dest_state), Eq(X[i], init_state))
            lhsc, rhsc = condition.lhs, condition.rhs
            lhsg, rhsg = given_condition.lhs, given_condition.rhs
            if not isinstance(lhsc, RandomIndexedSymbol):
                lhsc, rhsc = (rhsc, lhsc)
            if not isinstance(lhsg, RandomIndexedSymbol):
                lhsg, rhsg = (rhsg, lhsg)
            keyc, statec, keyg, stateg = (lhsc.key, rhsc, lhsg.key, rhsg)
            if Lt(stateg, trans_probs.shape[0]) == False or Lt(
                    statec, trans_probs.shape[1]) == False:
                raise IndexError(
                    "No information is available for (%s, %s) in "
                    "transition probabilities of shape, (%s, %s). "
                    "State space is zero indexed." %
                    (stateg, statec, trans_probs.shape[0],
            if keyc < keyg:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Incorrect given condition is given, probability "
                    "of past state cannot be computed from future state.")
            nsteptp = trans_probs**(keyc - keyg)
            if hasattr(nsteptp, "__getitem__"):
                return nsteptp.__getitem__((stateg, statec))
            return Indexed(nsteptp, stateg, statec)

        info = TransitionMatrixOf(self, trans_probs) & StochasticStateSpaceOf(
            self, state_space)
        new_gc = given_condition & info

        if isinstance(condition, And):
            # handle queries like,
            # P(Eq(X[i+k], s1) & Eq(X[i+m], s2) . . . & Eq(X[i], sn), Eq(P(Eq(X[i], si)), prob))
            conds = condition.args
            idx2state = dict()
            for cond in conds:
                idx, state = (cond.lhs, cond.rhs) if isinstance(cond.lhs, RandomIndexedSymbol) else \
                                (cond.rhs, cond.lhs)
                idx2state[idx] = cond if idx2state.get(idx, None) is None else \
                                           idx2state[idx] & cond
            if any(
                    len(Intersection(idx2state[idx].as_set(), state_space)) !=
                    1 for idx in idx2state):
                return S.Zero  # a RandomIndexedSymbol cannot go to different states simultaneously
            i, result = -1, 1
            conds = And.fromiter(
                for idx in idx2state)
            if not isinstance(conds, And):
                return self.probability(conds, new_gc)
            conds = conds.args
            while i > -len(conds):
                result *= self.probability(conds[i], conds[i - 1] & info)
                i -= 1
            if isinstance(given_condition,
                          (TransitionMatrixOf, StochasticStateSpaceOf)):
                return result * Probability(conds[i])
            if isinstance(given_condition, And):
                idx_sym = conds[i].atoms(RandomIndexedSymbol)
                prob, count = S(0), 0
                for gc in given_condition.args:
                    if gc.atoms(RandomIndexedSymbol) == idx_sym:
                        prob += gc.rhs if isinstance(gc.lhs,
                                                     Probability) else gc.lhs
                        count += 1
                if isinstance(state_space, FiniteSet) and \
                    count == len(state_space) - 1:
                    given_condition = Eq(Probability(conds[i]), S(1) - prob)
            if isinstance(given_condition, Eq):
                if not isinstance(given_condition.lhs, Probability) or \
                    given_condition.lhs.args[0] != conds[i]:
                    raise ValueError("Probability for %s needed", conds[i])
                return result * given_condition.rhs

        if isinstance(condition, Or):
            conds, prob_sum = condition.args, S(0)
            idx2state = dict()
            for cond in conds:
                idx, state = (cond.lhs, cond.rhs) if isinstance(cond.lhs, RandomIndexedSymbol) else \
                                (cond.rhs, cond.lhs)
                idx2state[idx] = cond if idx2state.get(idx, None) is None else \
                                           idx2state[idx] | cond
            conds = Or.fromiter(
                for idx in idx2state)
            if not isinstance(conds, Or):
                return self.probability(conds, new_gc)
            return sum([self.probability(cond, new_gc) for cond in conds.args])

        if isinstance(condition, Ne):
            prob = self.probability(Not(condition), new_gc)
            return S(1) - prob

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Mechanism for handling (%s, %s) queries hasn't been "
            "implemented yet." % (condition, given_condition))
コード例 #12
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     from sympy.stats.joint_rv import JointPSpace
     if isinstance(self.pspace, JointPSpace):
         return Indexed(self, key)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_mix.py プロジェクト: tashakim/sympy
def test_MarginalDistribution():
    a1, p1, p2 = symbols('a1 p1 p2', positive=True)
    C = Multinomial('C', 2, p1, p2)
    B = MultivariateBeta('B', a1, C[0])
    MGR = MarginalDistribution(B, (C[0], ))
    mgrc = Mul(
                    Pow(Symbol('p1', positive=True),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0))),
                    Pow(Symbol('p2', positive=True),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(1))),
                                          Integer(0))), Integer(-1)),
                                          Integer(1))), Integer(-1))),
                    Add(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(1))),
                    Integer(2))), ExprCondPair(Integer(0), True)),
        Pow(gamma(Symbol('a1', positive=True)), Integer(-1)),
            Add(Symbol('a1', positive=True),
                Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)))),
        Pow(gamma(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0))), Integer(-1)),
        Pow(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('B')), Integer(0)),
            Add(Symbol('a1', positive=True), Integer(-1))),
        Pow(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('B')), Integer(1)),
            Add(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)), Integer(-1))))
    assert MGR(C) == mgrc
コード例 #14
 def Psi(*args):
     return KetSymbol(StrLabel(Indexed(IndexedBase('Psi'), *args)), hs=0)
コード例 #15
    def probability(self, condition, given_condition=None, evaluate=True, **kwargs):
        Handles probability queries for discrete Markov chains.


        condition: Relational
        given_condition: Relational/And


            If the transition probabilities are not available
            If the transition probabilities is MatrixSymbol or Matrix


        Any information passed at the time of query overrides
        any information passed at the time of object creation like
        transition probabilities, state space.

        Pass the transition matrix using TransitionMatrixOf and state space
        using StochasticStateSpaceOf in given_condition using & or And.

        check, trans_probs, state_space, given_condition = \
            self._preprocess(given_condition, evaluate)

        if check:
            return Probability(condition, given_condition)

        if isinstance(condition, Eq) and \
            isinstance(given_condition, Eq) and \
            len(given_condition.atoms(RandomSymbol)) == 1:
            # handles simple queries like P(Eq(X[i], dest_state), Eq(X[i], init_state))
            lhsc, rhsc = condition.lhs, condition.rhs
            lhsg, rhsg = given_condition.lhs, given_condition.rhs
            if not isinstance(lhsc, RandomIndexedSymbol):
                lhsc, rhsc = (rhsc, lhsc)
            if not isinstance(lhsg, RandomIndexedSymbol):
                lhsg, rhsg = (rhsg, lhsg)
            keyc, statec, keyg, stateg = (lhsc.key, rhsc, lhsg.key, rhsg)
            if Lt(stateg, trans_probs.shape[0]) == False or Lt(statec, trans_probs.shape[1]) == False:
                raise IndexError("No information is avaliable for (%s, %s) in "
                    "transition probabilities of shape, (%s, %s). "
                    "State space is zero indexed."
                    %(stateg, statec, trans_probs.shape[0], trans_probs.shape[1]))
            if keyc < keyg:
                raise ValueError("Incorrect given condition is given, probability "
                      "of past state cannot be computed from future state.")
            nsteptp = trans_probs**(keyc - keyg)
            if hasattr(nsteptp, "__getitem__"):
                return nsteptp.__getitem__((stateg, statec))
            return Indexed(nsteptp, stateg, statec)

        if isinstance(condition, And):
            # handle queries like,
            # P(Eq(X[i+k], s1) & Eq(X[i+m], s2) . . . & Eq(X[i], sn), Eq(P(X[i]), prob))
            conds = condition.args
            i, result = -1, 1
            while i > -len(conds):
                result *= self.probability(conds[i], conds[i-1] & \
                            TransitionMatrixOf(self, trans_probs) & \
                            StochasticStateSpaceOf(self, state_space))
                i -= 1
            if isinstance(given_condition, (TransitionMatrixOf, StochasticStateSpaceOf)):
                return result * Probability(conds[i])
            if isinstance(given_condition, Eq):
                if not isinstance(given_condition.lhs, Probability) or \
                    given_condition.lhs.args[0] != conds[i]:
                    raise ValueError("Probability for %s needed", conds[i])
                return result * given_condition.rhs

        raise NotImplementedError("Mechanism for handling (%s, %s) queries hasn't been "
                                "implemented yet."%(condition, given_condition))