コード例 #1
 def f(z):
     return sqrt(Integer(1) / 3) * z**2 + I / 3
コード例 #2
 def _eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(self, bra, **hints):
     if self.label == bra.label:
         return Integer(1)
         return Integer(0)
コード例 #3
def test_complex_e():
    assert_equal("e^{I\\pi}", Integer(-1))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_Float():
    def eq(a, b):
        t = Float("1.0E-15")
        return (-t < a - b < t)

    a = Float(2) ** Float(3)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(8))
    assert eq((pi ** -1).evalf(), Float("0.31830988618379067"))
    a = Float(2) ** Float(4)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(16))
    assert (S(.3) == S(.5)) is False
    x_str = Float((0, '13333333333333', -52, 53))
    x2_str = Float((0, '26666666666666', -53, 53))
    x_hex = Float((0, long(0x13333333333333), -52, 53))
    x_dec = Float((0, 5404319552844595, -52, 53))
    x2_hex = Float((0, long(0x13333333333333)*2, -53, 53))
    assert x_str == x_hex == x_dec == x2_hex == Float(1.2)
    # x2_str and 1.2 are superficially the same
    assert str(x2_str) == str(Float(1.2))
    # but are different at the mpf level
    assert Float(1.2)._mpf_ == (0, long(5404319552844595), -52, 53)
    assert x2_str._mpf_ == (0, long(10808639105689190), -53, 53)

    assert Float((0, long(0), -123, -1)) == Float('nan')
    assert Float((0, long(0), -456, -2)) == Float('inf') == Float('+inf')
    assert Float((1, long(0), -789, -3)) == Float('-inf')

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float((0, 7, 1, 3), ''))

    assert Float('+inf').is_finite is False
    assert Float('+inf').is_negative is False
    assert Float('+inf').is_positive is True
    assert Float('+inf').is_infinite is True
    assert Float('+inf').is_zero is False

    assert Float('-inf').is_finite is False
    assert Float('-inf').is_negative is True
    assert Float('-inf').is_positive is False
    assert Float('-inf').is_infinite is True
    assert Float('-inf').is_zero is False

    assert Float('0.0').is_finite is True
    assert Float('0.0').is_negative is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_positive is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_infinite is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_zero is True

    # rationality properties
    assert Float(1).is_rational is None
    assert Float(1).is_irrational is None
    assert sqrt(2).n(15).is_rational is None
    assert sqrt(2).n(15).is_irrational is None

    # do not automatically evalf
    def teq(a):
        assert (a.evalf() == a) is False
        assert (a.evalf() != a) is True
        assert (a == a.evalf()) is False
        assert (a != a.evalf()) is True

    teq(cos(0.1, evaluate=False))

    # long integer
    i = 12345678901234567890
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(12, ''), Float('12', ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(Integer(i), ''), Float(i, ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(i, ''), Float(str(i), 20))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(str(i)), Float(i, ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(i), Float(i, ''))

    # inexact floats (repeating binary = denom not multiple of 2)
    # cannot have precision greater than 15
    assert Float(.125, 22) == .125
    assert Float(2.0, 22) == 2
    assert float(Float('.12500000000000001', '')) == .125
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(.12500000000000001, ''))

    # allow spaces
    Float('123 456.123 456') == Float('123456.123456')
    Integer('123 456') == Integer('123456')
    Rational('123 456.123 456') == Rational('123456.123456')
    assert Float(' .3e2') == Float('0.3e2')

    # allow auto precision detection
    assert Float('.1', '') == Float(.1, 1)
    assert Float('.125', '') == Float(.125, 3)
    assert Float('.100', '') == Float(.1, 3)
    assert Float('2.0', '') == Float('2', 2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float("12.3d-4", ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(12.3, ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('.'))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('-.'))

    zero = Float('0.0')
    assert Float('-0') == zero
    assert Float('.0') == zero
    assert Float('-.0') == zero
    assert Float('-0.0') == zero
    assert Float(0.0) == zero
    assert Float(0) == zero
    assert Float(0, '') == Float('0', '')
    assert Float(1) == Float(1.0)
    assert Float(S.Zero) == zero
    assert Float(S.One) == Float(1.0)

    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('0.1'), 3) == Float('.1', 3)
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('nan')) == S.NaN
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('Infinity')) == S.Infinity
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('-Infinity')) == S.NegativeInfinity

    assert '{0:.3f}'.format(Float(4.236622)) == '4.237'
    assert '{0:.35f}'.format(Float(pi.n(40), 40)) == '3.14159265358979323846264338327950288'
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_powers_Integer():
    """Test Integer._eval_power"""
    # check infinity
    assert S(1) ** S.Infinity == S.NaN
    assert S(-1)** S.Infinity == S.NaN
    assert S(2) ** S.Infinity == S.Infinity
    assert S(-2)** S.Infinity == S.Infinity + S.Infinity * S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert S(0) ** S.Infinity == 0

    # check Nan
    assert S(1) ** S.NaN == S.NaN
    assert S(-1) ** S.NaN == S.NaN

    # check for exact roots
    assert S(-1) ** Rational(6, 5) == - (-1)**(S(1)/5)
    assert sqrt(S(4)) == 2
    assert sqrt(S(-4)) == I * 2
    assert S(16) ** Rational(1, 4) == 2
    assert S(-16) ** Rational(1, 4) == 2 * (-1)**Rational(1, 4)
    assert S(9) ** Rational(3, 2) == 27
    assert S(-9) ** Rational(3, 2) == -27*I
    assert S(27) ** Rational(2, 3) == 9
    assert S(-27) ** Rational(2, 3) == 9 * (S(-1) ** Rational(2, 3))
    assert (-2) ** Rational(-2, 1) == Rational(1, 4)

    # not exact roots
    assert sqrt(-3) == I*sqrt(3)
    assert (3) ** (S(3)/2) == 3 * sqrt(3)
    assert (-3) ** (S(3)/2) == - 3 * sqrt(-3)
    assert (-3) ** (S(5)/2) == 9 * I * sqrt(3)
    assert (-3) ** (S(7)/2) == - I * 27 * sqrt(3)
    assert (2) ** (S(3)/2) == 2 * sqrt(2)
    assert (2) ** (S(-3)/2) == sqrt(2) / 4
    assert (81) ** (S(2)/3) == 9 * (S(3) ** (S(2)/3))
    assert (-81) ** (S(2)/3) == 9 * (S(-3) ** (S(2)/3))
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-7, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(2, 3)*3**Rational(2, 3)/27
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-2, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 3)/3

    # join roots
    assert sqrt(6) + sqrt(24) == 3*sqrt(6)
    assert sqrt(2) * sqrt(3) == sqrt(6)

    # separate symbols & constansts
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sqrt(49 * x) == 7 * sqrt(x)
    assert sqrt((3 - sqrt(pi)) ** 2) == 3 - sqrt(pi)

    # check that it is fast for big numbers
    assert (2**64 + 1) ** Rational(4, 3)
    assert (2**64 + 1) ** Rational(17, 25)

    # negative rational power and negative base
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-7, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(2, 3)*3**Rational(2, 3)/27
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-2, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 3)/3

    assert S(1234).factors() == {617: 1, 2: 1}
    assert Rational(2*3, 3*5*7).factors() == {2: 1, 5: -1, 7: -1}

    # test that eval_power factors numbers bigger than
    # the current limit in factor_trial_division (2**15)
    from sympy import nextprime
    n = nextprime(2**15)
    assert sqrt(n**2) == n
    assert sqrt(n**3) == n*sqrt(n)
    assert sqrt(4*n) == 2*sqrt(n)

    # check that factors of base with powers sharing gcd with power are removed
    assert (2**4*3)**Rational(1, 6) == 2**Rational(2, 3)*3**Rational(1, 6)
    assert (2**4*3)**Rational(5, 6) == 8*2**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(5, 6)

    # check that bases sharing a gcd are exptracted
    assert 2**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 4)*6**Rational(1, 5) == \
        2**Rational(8, 15)*3**Rational(9, 20)
    assert sqrt(8)*24**Rational(1, 3)*6**Rational(1, 5) == \
        4*2**Rational(7, 10)*3**Rational(8, 15)
    assert sqrt(8)*(-24)**Rational(1, 3)*(-6)**Rational(1, 5) == \
        4*(-3)**Rational(8, 15)*2**Rational(7, 10)
    assert 2**Rational(1, 3)*2**Rational(8, 9) == 2*2**Rational(2, 9)
    assert 2**Rational(2, 3)*6**Rational(1, 3) == 2*3**Rational(1, 3)
    assert 2**Rational(2, 3)*6**Rational(8, 9) == \
        2*2**Rational(5, 9)*3**Rational(8, 9)
    assert (-2)**Rational(2, S(3))*(-4)**Rational(1, S(3)) == -2*2**Rational(1, 3)
    assert 3*Pow(3, 2, evaluate=False) == 3**3
    assert 3*Pow(3, -1/S(3), evaluate=False) == 3**(2/S(3))
    assert (-2)**(1/S(3))*(-3)**(1/S(4))*(-5)**(5/S(6)) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(5, 12)*2**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 4) * \
        5**Rational(5, 6)

    assert Integer(-2)**Symbol('', even=True) == \
        Integer(2)**Symbol('', even=True)
    assert (-1)**Float(.5) == 1.0*I
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_Rational_gcd_lcm_cofactors():
    assert Integer(4).gcd(2) == Integer(2)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(2) == Integer(4)
    assert Integer(4).gcd(Integer(2)) == Integer(2)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Integer(2)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).gcd(3) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(3) == Integer(12)
    assert Integer(4).gcd(Integer(3)) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Integer(3)) == Integer(12)

    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(2) == Rational(2, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(2) == Integer(4)
    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(Integer(2)) == Rational(2, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(Integer(2)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 9)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Integer(4)

    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 9)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(4, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 5).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 45)
    assert Rational(4, 5).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).cofactors(2) == (Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(1))
    assert Integer(4).cofactors(Integer(2)) == \
        (Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(1))

    assert Integer(4).gcd(Float(2.0)) == S.One
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Float(2.0)) == Float(8.0)
    assert Integer(4).cofactors(Float(2.0)) == (S.One, Integer(4), Float(2.0))

    assert Rational(1, 2).gcd(Float(2.0)) == S.One
    assert Rational(1, 2).lcm(Float(2.0)) == Float(1.0)
    assert Rational(1, 2).cofactors(Float(2.0)) == \
        (S.One, Rational(1, 2), Float(2.0))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_Integer_as_index():
    assert 'hello'[Integer(2):] == 'llo'
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_str.py プロジェクト: saadmahboob/sympy
def test_Integer():
    assert str(Integer(-1)) == "-1"
    assert str(Integer(1)) == "1"
    assert str(Integer(-3)) == "-3"
    assert str(Integer(0)) == "0"
    assert str(Integer(25)) == "25"
コード例 #9
 def _eval_commutator_BosonOp(self, other, **hints):
     if 'independent' in hints and hints['independent']:
         # [a, b] = 0
         return Integer(0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_sympify.py プロジェクト: saadmahboob/sympy
def test_issue_4133():
    a = sympify('Integer(4)')

    assert a == Integer(4)
    assert a.is_Integer
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_sympify.py プロジェクト: saadmahboob/sympy
def test_issue_3982():
    a = [3, 2.0]
    assert sympify(a) == [Integer(3), Float(2.0)]
    assert sympify(tuple(a)) == Tuple(Integer(3), Float(2.0))
    assert sympify(set(a)) == set([Integer(3), Float(2.0)])
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_sympify.py プロジェクト: saadmahboob/sympy
 def _sympy_(self):
     return Integer(5)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_sympify.py プロジェクト: saadmahboob/sympy
def test_sympify_function():
    assert sympify('factor(x**2-1, x)') == -(1 - x) * (x + 1)
    assert sympify('sin(pi/2)*cos(pi)') == -Integer(1)
コード例 #14
ファイル: safe_gate.py プロジェクト: keisukefujii/QC_lecture
class ThreeQubitGate(Gate):
    nqubits = Integer(3)
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
 def F(i):
     return Integer(i).factors()
コード例 #16
 def default_args(self):
     return (Integer(0), Symbol("k"))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_IntegerInteger():
    a = Integer(4)
    b = Integer(a)

    assert a == b
コード例 #18
 def _eval_innerproduct_BosonCoherentBra(self, bra, **hints):
     if self.alpha == bra.alpha:
         return Integer(1)
         return exp(-(abs(self.alpha)**2 + abs(bra.alpha)**2 -
                      2 * conjugate(bra.alpha) * self.alpha) / 2)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_conversion_to_mpmath():
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Integer(1)) == mpmath.mpf(1)
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Rational(1, 2)) == mpmath.mpf(0.5)
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Float('1.23', 15)) == mpmath.mpf('1.23')
コード例 #20
 def _eval_innerproduct_BosonVacuumBra(self, bra, **hints):
     return Integer(1)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_hashing_sympy_integers():
    # Test for issue 5072
    assert set([Integer(3)]) == set([int(3)])
    assert hash(Integer(4)) == hash(int(4))
コード例 #22
 def _apply_operator_MultiBosonOp(self, op, **options):
     if not op.is_annihilation:
         return Integer(0)
         return None
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_mod():
    x = Rational(1, 2)
    y = Rational(3, 4)
    z = Rational(5, 18043)

    assert x % x == 0
    assert x % y == 1/S(2)
    assert x % z == 3/S(36086)
    assert y % x == 1/S(4)
    assert y % y == 0
    assert y % z == 9/S(72172)
    assert z % x == 5/S(18043)
    assert z % y == 5/S(18043)
    assert z % z == 0

    a = Float(2.6)

    assert (a % .2) == 0
    assert (a % 2).round(15) == 0.6
    assert (a % 0.5).round(15) == 0.1

    # In these two tests, if the precision of m does
    # not match the precision of the ans, then it is
    # likely that the change made now gives an answer
    # with degraded accuracy.
    r = Rational(500, 41)
    f = Float('.36', 3)
    m = r % f
    ans = Float(r % Rational(f), 3)
    assert m == ans and m._prec == ans._prec
    f = Float('8.36', 3)
    m = f % r
    ans = Float(Rational(f) % r, 3)
    assert m == ans and m._prec == ans._prec

    s = S.Zero

    assert s % float(1) == S.Zero

    # No rounding required since these numbers can be represented
    # exactly.
    assert Rational(3, 4) % Float(1.1) == 0.75
    assert Float(1.5) % Rational(5, 4) == 0.25
    assert Rational(5, 4).__rmod__(Float('1.5')) == 0.25
    assert Float('1.5').__rmod__(Float('2.75')) == Float('1.25')
    assert 2.75 % Float('1.5') == Float('1.25')

    a = Integer(7)
    b = Integer(4)

    assert type(a % b) == Integer
    assert a % b == Integer(3)
    assert Integer(1) % Rational(2, 3) == Rational(1, 3)
    assert Rational(7, 5) % Integer(1) == Rational(2, 5)
    assert Integer(2) % 1.5 == 0.5

    assert Integer(3).__rmod__(Integer(10)) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(10) % 4 == Integer(2)
    assert 15 % Integer(4) == Integer(3)
コード例 #24
 def _eval_commutator_FermionOp(self, other, **hints):
     return Integer(0)
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_fcode.py プロジェクト: toddrme2178/pyccel
def test_fcode_Integer():
    assert fcode(Integer(67)) == "67"
    assert fcode(Integer(-1)) == "-1"
コード例 #26
def test_Modulus_preprocess():
    assert Modulus.preprocess(23) == 23
    assert Modulus.preprocess(Integer(23)) == 23

    raises(OptionError, lambda: Modulus.preprocess(0))
    raises(OptionError, lambda: Modulus.preprocess(x))
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_subs.py プロジェクト: you13/sympy
def test_equality_subs1():
    f = Function('f')
    x = abc.x
    eq = Eq(f(x)**2, x)
    res = Eq(Integer(16), x)
    assert eq.subs(f(x), 4) == res
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_numbers.py プロジェクト: twistedmove/sympy
def test_no_len():
    # there should be no len for numbers
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Rational(2)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Rational(2, 3)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Integer(2)))
コード例 #29
def test_scalar_sympy():
    assert represent(Integer(1)) == Integer(1)
    assert represent(Float(1.0)) == Float(1.0)
    assert represent(1.0 + I) == 1.0 + I
コード例 #30
ファイル: spin.py プロジェクト: tuhina/sympy
 def _represent_JzOp(self, basis, **options):
     jp = JplusOp(self.name)._represent_JzOp(basis, **options)
     jm = JminusOp(self.name)._represent_JzOp(basis, **options)
     return (jp - jm) / (Integer(2) * I)