コード例 #1
def main():
    x = Symbol("x")
    s = Poly(A(x), x)
    num = list(reversed(s.coeffs()))[:11]

    print s.as_expr()
    print num
コード例 #2
ファイル: trees.py プロジェクト: archipleago-creature/sympy
def main():
    x = Symbol("x")
    s = Poly(A(x), x)
    num = list(reversed(s.coeffs()))[:11]

    print s.as_expr()
    print num
コード例 #3
def simplify(polynom):
    """Simplifies a function with binary variables
    polynom = Poly(polynom)
    new_polynom = 0
    variables = list(polynom.free_symbols)

    for var_i in variables:
        coefficient_i = polynom.as_expr().coeff(var_i)/2
        for degree in range(polynom.degree()-1):
            coefficient_i += polynom.as_expr().coeff(var_i ** (degree+2))
        if coefficient_i.is_Float:
            new_polynom += float(coefficient_i) * var_i
            new_polynom += float(coefficient_i.as_coefficients_dict()[1]) * var_i
        for var_j in variables:
            if var_j != var_i:
                coefficient_j = coefficient_i.coeff(var_j)
                if coefficient_j.is_Float:
                    new_polynom += float(coefficient_j) * var_i * var_j
                    new_polynom += float(coefficient_j.as_coefficients_dict()[1]) * var_i * var_j
    return new_polynom + polynom.as_expr().as_coefficients_dict()[1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: mathutils.py プロジェクト: bioduds/mceliece-1
def first_alpha_power_root(poly, irr_poly, p, elements_to_check=None):
    poly = Poly([(Poly(coeff, alpha) % irr_poly).trunc(p).as_expr()
                 for coeff in poly.all_coeffs()], x)
    test_poly = Poly(1, alpha)
    log.debug(f"testing f:{poly}")
    for i in range(1, p**irr_poly.degree()):
        test_poly = (Poly(Poly(alpha, alpha) * test_poly, alpha) %
        if elements_to_check is not None and i not in elements_to_check:
        value = Poly((Poly(poly.eval(test_poly.as_expr()), alpha) % irr_poly),
        log.debug(f"testing alpha^{i} f({test_poly})={value}")
        if value.is_zero:
            return i
    return -1
コード例 #5
def plot(ax):
    # Declare x to be a sympy symbol, not a python variable
    x = symbols('x')

    # Declare the polynomial "fn" by providing the coefficients
    # of each term in in decreasing (exponent) order
    fn = Poly([1, -2, -120, 22, 2119, 1980],
              x)  # fn(x) = 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 11x + 52
    #fn = Poly([2, -2, -11, 52], x)  # fn(x) = 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 11x + 52

    # Find the real-only roots of the polynomial
    # and store in a numpy array of floats
    fn_zeros = np.asarray([np.float(r) for r in real_roots(fn)])

    # Find the symbolic first derivative of "fn" and locate the real-only
    # zeros of this derivative to find the extrema (tangent) points
    fn_d1 = Derivative(fn, x, evaluate=True)
    fn_d1_zeros = np.asarray([np.float(r) for r in real_roots(fn_d1)])

    # Combine the zeros of "fn" and the zeros of the derivative of "fn" into a
    # a single numpy array, then sort that array in increasing order. This array
    # now contains the x-coordinate of interesting points in the "fn" polynomial
    x_pts = np.sort(np.concatenate((fn_zeros, fn_d1_zeros)))

    # Get the minimum and maximum of the interesting points array
    x_min, x_max = x_pts[0] - 1, x_pts[-1] + 1
    print(f"x_min = {x_min:.4f}, x_max = {x_max:.4f}")

    xa = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1000)

    # Label the graph and draw (0,0) axis lines
    ax.axhline(0, color='gray')
    ax.axvline(0, color='gray')

    # Create a numpy callable (numeric) function from the symbolic "fn" polynomial
    fn_lambda = lambdify(x, fn.as_expr(), modules='numpy')

    ax.plot(xa, fn_lambda(xa), linewidth=2)

    # Plot the zeros and derivative roots on the line graph
    ax.scatter(fn_zeros, fn_lambda(fn_zeros), color='red')
    ax.scatter(fn_d1_zeros, fn_lambda(fn_d1_zeros), color='green')

    # Set the graph title to the polynomial expressed in LaTeX format
    ax.set_title(f"$y = {latex(fn.as_expr())}$")
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mamchecker/mamchecker
def tex_lin(a, b):
    p = Poly([a, b], x, domain='QQ')
    return latex(p.as_expr())
コード例 #7
class QUBOModel:   
    def __init__(self, model=0):

        model : sympy.core.expr.Expr or subclasses
            should have as input the objective function
        self.poly_model = model
        self.objective_function = deepcopy(model)
        self.constraints = []
        self.penalties = []
        self.qubo_matrix = None
        self.slacks = []

    def poly_model(self):
        """The function, which will be transformed into a qubo_matrix
        return self._poly_model

    def poly_model(self, polynom):
        if isinstance(polynom, (int, float)):
            self._poly_model = polynom
        elif not Poly(polynom).is_quadratic:
            raise ValueError(
                "The poly_model is not quadratic and therefore "
                "cannot be transformed into a QUBO."
            self._poly_model = Poly(polynom)

    def variables(self):
        """Set of variables in the QUBOModel Object
        if not isinstance(self.poly_model, (int, float)):
            variables = self.poly_model.free_symbols
            penalties = penalty_symbols_as_set(self.penalties)
            if penalties:
                return variables.difference(penalties)
            return variables
        return set()

    def num_variables(self):
        return len(self.variables)

    def binary_variables(self):
        """Set of variables, without slack variables
        binary_variables_temp = set()
        if self.objective_function != 0:
            binary_variables_temp = binary_variables_temp.union(
        if not np.array(self.constraints).all():
            for cons in self.constraints:
                if cons is not None:
                    binary_variables_temp = binary_variables_temp.union(cons.variables)
            penalties = penalty_symbols_as_set(self.penalties)
            if penalties:
                return binary_variables_temp.difference(penalties)
            return binary_variables_temp
        return binary_variables_temp

    def num_binary_variables(self):
        return len(self.binary_variables)

    def slack_variables(self):
        if not np.array(self.slacks).all():
            return set()

        slack_variables_temp = set()
        for slack_cons in self.slacks:
            if slack_cons is not None:
                slack_variables_temp = slack_variables_temp.union(slack_cons.free_symbols)
        return slack_variables_temp

    def num_slack_variables(self):
        return len(self.slack_variables)

    def offset(self):
        """The constant in the poly_model, which will not be considered in the qubo_matrix
        if self.poly_model != 0:
            return float(self._poly_model.as_expr().as_coefficients_dict()[1])
        return 0

    def offset_objective_function(self):
        if self.objective_function != 0:
            return float(self.objective_function.as_expr().as_coefficients_dict()[1])
        return 0

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.variables)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(Size={len(self)})"

    def model_to_qubo(self, return_offset=False):
        """Transforms the QUBO Model into a Matrix,
        which can be used as an input for various solver

        matrix: np.array
            QUBO Matrix of the model.
        if isinstance(self.poly_model, (float, int)):
            return 0
        penalties = penalty_symbols_as_set(self.penalties)
        variables = sort_variables(self.variables.difference(penalties))
        if penalties:
            matrix = np.zeros((self.num_variables, self.num_variables), dtype=object)
            matrix = np.zeros((self.num_variables, self.num_variables))

        for var_i_index, var_i in enumerate(variables):
            coefficient_i = self.poly_model.as_expr().coeff(var_i)
            for degree in range(self.poly_model.degree()-1):
                coefficient_i += self.poly_model.as_expr().coeff(var_i ** (degree+2))
            if coefficient_i.is_Float:
                matrix[(var_i_index, var_i_index)] = float(coefficient_i)
            elif coefficient_i.free_symbols.issubset(penalties):
                matrix[(var_i_index, var_i_index)] = coefficient_i
                matrix[(var_i_index, var_i_index)] = float(
            for var_j_index, var_j in enumerate(variables):
                if var_j != var_i:
                    coefficient_j = coefficient_i.coeff(var_j)
                    if coefficient_j.is_Float:
                        matrix[(var_i_index, var_j_index)] = float(coefficient_j)/2
                        matrix[(var_j_index, var_i_index)] = float(coefficient_j)/2
                    elif coefficient_j.free_symbols.issubset(penalties):
                        matrix[(var_i_index, var_j_index)] = coefficient_j/2
                        matrix[(var_j_index, var_i_index)] = coefficient_j/2
                        matrix[(var_i_index, var_j_index)] = float(
                        matrix[(var_j_index, var_i_index)] = float(

        self.qubo_matrix = matrix
        if return_offset:
            return self.qubo_matrix, self.offset
        return matrix

    def add_constraint(self, constraint, kind, penalty=None, bounds=None):
        """Adds Constraint to the objective function or the model.
        If a less than or greater than constraint is added, the corresponding
        slack variable doesnt consider any other constraint.
        The slackvariable has the symbol name "_z".

        constraint : sympy
            constraint, which should be added to the objective function
        kind : string
            'eq' (equal), 'gt' (greater or equal than) or 'lt' 
            (less or equal than) (in)equality
        penalty : float or symbol, optional
            Penalty factor for the constraint, 
            by default: upper - lower bound of the constraint
        bounds : tuple, optional
            lower and upper bound for the constraint, by default None

            poly_model + penalty * (constraint ** 2)

            is raised if the constraint is not linear. 
            Otherwise it cannot transformed into a QUBO
            is raised if neither of the kinds above is given for kind
        if not Poly(constraint).is_linear:
            raise ValueError(
                "The Constraint is not linear and therefore it "
                "cannot be transformed into a QUBO"

        if penalty is None:
            penalty = sum([abs(coef) for coef in Poly(constraint).coeffs()])

        constraint, special = special_constraint(constraint, kind)
        if special or kind =='eq':
            if bounds is not None:
                    "The bounds will be ignored, since there are no "
                    "slack variables required."
            if kind == 'eq':
                cons = Constraint(constraint, kind, penalty)
                self.poly_model = self.poly_model + cons.penalty * cons.constraint**2
            cons = Constraint(constraint, kind, penalty, special)
            self.poly_model = self.poly_model + cons.penalty * cons.constraint

            self.constraints = np.append(self.constraints, cons)
            self.slacks = np.append(self.slacks,cons.slack)
            self.penalties = np.append(self.penalties, cons.penalty)
            return cons

        elif kind in ('lt', 'gt'):
            if kind == 'gt':
                constraint = -1 * constraint
            if bounds is None:
                cons = Constraint(
                cons = Constraint(

            if cons.slack == 400:
                return self.poly_model
            if cons.slack == 0:
                warnings.warn('The constraint is an equation')
                self.poly_model = self.poly_model + cons.penalty * cons.constraint**2
                self.slacks = np.append(self.slacks, cons.slack)
                self.constraints = np.append(self.constraints, cons)
                self.penalties = np.append(self.penalties, cons.penalty)
                return cons

            if kind == 'gt':
                cons.constraint -= cons.slack
                cons.constraint += cons.slack

            self.constraints = np.append(self.constraints, cons)
            self.poly_model = self.poly_model + penalty * (cons.constraint ** 2)
            self.slacks = np.append(self.slacks, cons.slack)
            self.penalties = np.append(self.penalties, cons.penalty)
            return cons
            raise NameError('Unknown kind of inequality')

    def evaluate_objective_function(self, bitstring):
        """Evaluates the objective function for the bitstring

        bitstring : np.array
            a bistring array with 0 and 1

            solution of objective function at the point bitstring

            if the length of bitstring is not the same as the amount of variables
            without slack variables
            if bitstring has an element, which is non zero or not one
        if any(bit != 0 or bit != 1 for bit in bitstring):
            raise ValueError("bitstring must only of 0 and 1s")
        if not (self.num_binary_variables == len(bitstring) or self.num_variables == len(bitstring)):
            raise ValueError("The shape of the solution and the model does not fit.")
        return bitstring @ self.qubo_matrix[0:len(bitstring), 0:len(bitstring)] @ bitstring \
                + self.offset_objective_function

    def evaluate_model(self, bitstring):
        """Evaluates the model, which includes the constraints.

        bitstring : np.array
            a bistring array with 0 and 1

            solution of model at the point bitstring

            if the length of bitstring is not the same as the amount of variables of the model
            if bitstring has an element, which is non zero or not one
        if any(bit != 0 or bit != 1 for bit in bitstring):
            raise ValueError("bitstring must only of 0 and 1s")
        if self.num_variables != len(bitstring):
            raise ValueError("The shape of the solution and the model does not fit")
        return bitstring @ self.qubo_matrix @ bitstring + self.offset

    def subs(self, input, inplace=False):
        """Substitues the sympy symbols in the model with the input

        input : array
            The array should contain tuples with one symbol and one int or float.
        inplace : bool, optional
            if true, the whole model will be subsituted, otherwise a copy will
            be created. By default False

            The return is the QUBOModel object

        if inplace:
            self.poly_model = self.poly_model.subs(input)
            for i, penalty in enumerate(self.penalties):
                if isinstance(penalty, Symbol):
                    self.penalties[i] = self.penalties[i].subs(input)
            if self.qubo_matrix is not None:
                self.qubo_matrix = subs_matrix(self.qubo_matrix, input)
            return self

        QUBOModel_copy = deepcopy(self)
        QUBOModel_copy.poly_model = QUBOModel_copy.poly_model.subs(input)
        for i, penalty in enumerate(QUBOModel_copy.penalties):
            if isinstance(penalty, Symbol):
                QUBOModel_copy.penalties[i] = QUBOModel_copy.penalties[i].subs(input)
        if QUBOModel_copy.qubo_matrix is not None:
            QUBOModel_copy.qubo_matrix = subs_matrix(QUBOModel_copy.qubo_matrix, input)
        return QUBOModel_copy
コード例 #8
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: mamchecker/mamchecker
 def tex_poly(gc, domain='ZZ'):
     p = Poly(gc, x, domain='ZZ')
     ltx = latex(p.as_expr())
     return ltx
コード例 #9
ファイル: infmax.py プロジェクト: pholme/exact-importance
        G0.add_edge(argv[2 + 2 * i], argv[3 + 2 * i])

    for v in G0.nodes():
        G0.node[v]['state'] = 'S'

    s = ''
    for i in range(2 + 2 * nl, len(argv)):
        me = argv[i]
        s += me + ' '
        if me not in G0.nodes():
            print me, 'not in G'
        G0.node[me]['state'] = 'I'

    #G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G0,label_attribute='id')
    G = deepcopy(G0)

    onum = Poly(0, x)
    oden = Poly(1, x)
    stepdown(Poly(1, x), Poly(1, x))

    a = onum.gcd(oden)
    onum, no = onum.div(a)
    oden, no = oden.div(a)

    # the output format is: [active nodes (separated by blanks)], [solution polynomial]
    print s.strip() + ', (' + str(onum.as_expr()) + ')/(' + str(
        oden.as_expr()) + ')'

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #
コード例 #10
ファイル: mp2wmi.py プロジェクト: UCLA-StarAI/mpwmi
    def _piecewise_symbolic_integral(cache, integrand, x, y=None):
        Computes the symbolic integral of 'x' of a piecewise polynomial 'integrand'.
        The result might be a sympy expression or a numerical value.

        integrand : list
            A list of (lower bound, upper bound, polynomial)
        x : object
            A string/sympy expression representing the integration variable
        cache_hit = [0, 0] if (cache is not None) else None

        res = 0
        for l, u, p in integrand:
            symx = symvar(x)
            symy = symvar(y) if y else symvar("aux_y")
            syml = Poly(to_sympy(l), symy, domain="QQ")
            symu = Poly(to_sympy(u), symy, domain="QQ")

            if type(p) != Poly:
                symp = Poly(to_sympy(p), symx, domain="QQ")
                symp = Poly(p.as_expr(), symx, symy, domain="QQ")

            #print("integrating", symp.as_expr(), f"in d{symx} with bounds", [syml.as_expr(), symu.as_expr()])
            if cache is not None:  # for cache = True
                """ hierarchical cache, where we cache:
                 - the anti-derivatives for integrands, retrieved by:
                       (None, None, integrand key)
                 - the partial integration term, retrieved by:
                       (lower bound key, None, integrand key)
                       (None, upper bound key, integrand key)
                 - the whole integration, retrieved by:
                       (lower bound key, upper bound key, integrand key)
                # cache keys for bounds
                k_lower = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(syml)
                k_upper = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(symu)
                k_poly = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(
                    symp)  # cache key for integrand polynomial
                k_full = (k_lower, k_upper, k_poly)

                #print("========= KEYS =========")
                #print("lower:", syml.as_expr(), "-->", k_lower)
                #print("upper:", symu.as_expr(), "-->", k_upper)
                #print("poly:", symp.as_expr(), "-->", k_poly)
                if k_full in cache:
                    # retrieve the whole integration
                    cache_hit[True] += 1
                    symintegral = MP2WMI.tuple_to_sympy(
                        cache[k_full], symx, symy)
                    symintegral = symintegral.subs(symintegral.gens[0], symy)

                    # retrieve partial integration terms
                    terms = [None, None]
                    k_part_l = (k_lower, k_poly)
                    k_part_u = (k_upper, k_poly)
                    if k_part_l in cache:
                        partial_l = MP2WMI.tuple_to_sympy(
                            cache[k_part_l], symx, symy)
                        terms[0] = partial_l.subs(partial_l.gens[0], symy)

                    if k_part_u in cache:
                        partial_u = MP2WMI.tuple_to_sympy(
                            cache[k_part_u], symx, symy)
                        terms[1] = partial_u.subs(partial_u.gens[0], symy)

                    if None not in terms:
                        cache_hit[True] += 1
                        # retrieve anti-derivative
                        k_anti = (k_poly, )
                        if k_anti in cache:
                            cache_hit[True] += 1
                            antidrv = MP2WMI.tuple_to_sympy(
                                cache[k_anti], symx, symy)

                            cache_hit[False] += 1
                            antidrv = symp.integrate(symx)
                            cache[k_anti] = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(antidrv)

                        # cache partial integration terms
                        if terms[0] is None:
                            terms[0] = Poly(antidrv.as_expr(),
                                                {symx: syml.as_expr()})
                            terms[0] = Poly(terms[0].as_expr(),
                            cache[k_part_l] = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(terms[0])

                        if terms[1] is None:
                            terms[1] = Poly(antidrv.as_expr(),
                                                {symx: symu.as_expr()})
                            terms[1] = Poly(terms[1].as_expr(),
                            cache[k_part_u] = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(terms[1])

                    #print("subs: (", terms[1].as_expr(), ") - (", terms[0].as_expr(), ")")
                    symintegral = terms[1] - terms[0]
                    if not isinstance(symintegral, Poly):
                        symintegral = Poly(symintegral,
                    cache[k_full] = MP2WMI.sympy_to_tuple(symintegral)

            else:  # for cache = False
                antidrv = symp.integrate(symx)
                lower = Poly(antidrv.as_expr(), symx,
                             domain=f'QQ[{symy}]').eval({symx: syml.as_expr()})
                lower = Poly(lower.as_expr(), symx, symy, domain="QQ")
                upper = Poly(antidrv.as_expr(), symx,
                             domain=f'QQ[{symy}]').eval({symx: symu.as_expr()})
                upper = Poly(upper.as_expr(), symx, symy, domain="QQ")
                symintegral = upper - lower

            res += symintegral
            #print("integral:", symintegral.as_expr())

        #print("RESULT:", res)
        return res, cache_hit
コード例 #11
ファイル: mpwmi.py プロジェクト: UCLA-StarAI/mpwmi
    def piecewise_symbolic_integral(self, integrand, x, y=None):
        Computes the symbolic integral of 'x' of a piecewise polynomial 'integrand'.
        The result might be a sympy expression or a numerical value.

        integrand : list
            A list of (lower bound, upper bound, polynomial)
        x : object
            A string/sympy expression representing the integration variable
        res = 0
        #logger.debug(f"\t\t\t\tlen(integrand): {len(integrand)} --- y: {y}")
        for l, u, p in integrand:
            symx = symvar(x)
            symy = symvar(y) if y else symvar("aux_y")

            syml = Poly(to_sympy(l), symy, domain="QQ")
            symu = Poly(to_sympy(u), symy, domain="QQ")
            #logger.debug(f"\t\t\t\t\tl: {l} --- u: {u} --- p: {p}")
            if type(p) != Poly:
                symp = Poly(to_sympy(p), symx, domain="QQ")
                symp = Poly(p.as_expr(), symx, domain=f"QQ[{symy}]") if y else p

            if self.cache is not None:  # for cache = True
                """ hierarchical cache, where we cache:
                 - the anti-derivatives for integrands, retrieved by the same
                       integrand key
                 - the partial integration term, retrieved by the same
                       (integrand key, lower / upper bound key) pair
                 - the whole integration, retrieved by the same
                       (integrand key, lower bound key, upper bound key) pair
                bds_ks = [MPWMI.cache_key(syml)[0],
                          MPWMI.cache_key(symu)[0]]  # cache keys for bounds
                bds = [syml.as_expr(),
                p_ks = MPWMI.cache_key(symp)  # cache key for integrand polynomial
                trm_ks = [(bds_ks[0], p_ks[0]),
                          (bds_ks[1], p_ks[0])]
                if (bds_ks[0], bds_ks[1], p_ks[0]) in self.cache:
                    # retrieve the whole integration
                    self.cache_hit[True] += 1
                    symintegral = self.cache[(bds_ks[0], bds_ks[1], p_ks[0])]
                    symintegral = symintegral.subs(symintegral.gens[0], symy)
                    terms = []
                    for tk in trm_ks:  # retrieve partial integration terms
                        if tk in self.cache:
                            trm = self.cache[tk]
                            trm = trm.subs(trm.gens[0], symy)

                    if None not in terms:
                        self.cache_hit[True] += 1
                        if p_ks[0] in self.cache:  # retrieve anti-derivative
                            self.cache_hit[True] += 1
                            antidrv = self.cache[p_ks[0]]
                            antidrv_expr = antidrv.as_expr().subs(antidrv.gens[0], symx)
                            antidrv = Poly(antidrv_expr, symx,
                                           domain=f"QQ[{symy}]") if y \
                                else Poly(antidrv_expr, symx, domain="QQ")
                            self.cache_hit[False] += 1
                            antidrv = symp.integrate(symx)
                            for k in p_ks:  # cache anti-derivative
                                self.cache[k] = antidrv

                        for i in range(len(terms)):
                            if terms[i] is not None:
                            terms[i] = antidrv.eval({symx: bds[i]})
                            terms[i] = Poly(terms[i].as_expr(), symy, domain="QQ")
                            for k in p_ks:  # cache partial integration terms
                                self.cache[(bds_ks[i], k)] = terms[i]

                    symintegral = terms[1] - terms[0]
                    for k in p_ks:  # cache the whole integration
                        self.cache[(bds_ks[0], bds_ks[1], k)] = symintegral

            else:  # for cache = False
                antidrv = symp.integrate(symx)
                symintegral = antidrv.eval({symx: symu.as_expr()}) - \
                              antidrv.eval({symx: syml.as_expr()})

            res += symintegral
            #logger.debug(f"\t\t\t\t\tsymintegral: {symintegral}")
        return res
コード例 #12
    for v in G.nodes():
        if G.node[v]['state'] != 'V':
            for u in G.nodes():
                if G.node[u]['state'] != 'V':
                    G.node[u]['state'] = 'S'
            G.node[v]['state'] = 'I'
            onum = Poly(0, x)
            oden = Poly(1, x)

            stepdown(Poly(1, x), Poly(1, x))

            a = onum.mul(soden)
            b = sonum.mul(oden)
            c = a.add(b)
            d = oden.mul(soden)
            a = d.gcd(c)
            sonum, no = c.div(a)
            soden, no = d.div(a)

            print '(' + str(sonum.as_expr()) + ')/(' + str(
                soden.as_expr()) + ')'
            print '-------------'

    a = soden.mul_ground(G.number_of_nodes())
    b = sonum.gcd(a)
    c, no = sonum.div(b)
    d, no = a.div(b)
    print s.strip() + ', (' + str(c.as_expr()) + ')/(' + str(d.as_expr()) + ')'

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #
コード例 #13
from sympy import Poly, div
from helpers import poly_from_int, int2base

base = 2
expression = Poly('x**2 + 1', modulus=base)

# enumerate polynomials
enumerate_from = '010'
enumerate_to = '111'
digits = len(enumerate_to)

for i in range(int(enumerate_from, base), int(enumerate_to, base) + 1):
    print(int2base(i, base).rjust(digits, '0'))

    divider = poly_from_int(i, base)
    q, r = div(expression.as_expr(), divider.as_expr(), modulus=base)

    if r != 0:

    print('%s - OK' % divider)
コード例 #14
    return f_4


order = 4
K_x, coef = K_var_no_central([y, a], order)
eq1 = Poly(xpunto, x, y).subs(x, K_x)
eq1_filtrada = filtro_f(eq1, [x, y, a], order)

eq2 = Poly(diff(K_x, y) * ypunto, x, y, a)
eq2 = eq2.subs(x, K_x)
eq2_filtrada = filtro_f(eq2, [x, y, a], order)

eq_final = Poly(eq1_filtrada - eq2_filtrada, x, y, a)
eq_final_info = eq_final.as_expr().as_coefficients_dict()
monomios = eq_final_info.keys()
monomios2 = []
for monos in monomios:

list_res = {}
for j in range(len(monomios2)):
    monos = monomios2[j]
    for k in range(len(coef)):
        coeff = coef[k]
        res = solve(monos, coeff)
        if len(res) > 0:
            if coeff not in list_res:
                list_res[coeff] = res[0]