コード例 #1
def test_md5_query(syn, project, schedule_for_cleanup):
    # Add the same Entity several times
    path = utils.make_bogus_data_file()
    repeated = File(path,
                    description='Same data over and over again')

    # Retrieve the data via MD5
    num = 5
    stored = []
    for i in range(num):
        repeated.name = 'Repeated data %d.dat' % i

    # Although we expect num results, it is possible for the MD5 to be non-unique
    results = syn.md5Query(utils.md5_for_file(path).hexdigest())
    assert str(sorted(stored)) == str(sorted([res['id'] for res in results]))
    assert len(results) == num
コード例 #2
def test_download_file_false():
    RENAME_SUFFIX = 'blah'
    # Upload a file
    filepath = utils.make_bogus_binary_file()
    schedule_for_cleanup(filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX)
    file = File(filepath, name='SYNR 619', parent=project)
    file = syn.store(file)
    # Now hide the file from the cache and download with downloadFile=False
    os.rename(filepath, filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX)
    file = syn.get(file.id, downloadFile=False)
    # Change something and reupload the file's metadata
    file.name = "Only change the name, not the file"
    reupload = syn.store(file)
    assert reupload.path is None, "Path field should be null: %s" % reupload.path
    # This should still get the correct file
    reupload = syn.get(reupload.id)
    assert filecmp.cmp(filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX, reupload.path)
    assert reupload.name == file.name
コード例 #3
def test_download_file_false():
    RENAME_SUFFIX = 'blah'
    # Upload a file
    filepath = utils.make_bogus_binary_file()
    schedule_for_cleanup(filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX)
    file = File(filepath, name='SYNR 619', parent=project)
    file = syn.store(file)
    # Now hide the file from the cache and download with downloadFile=False
    os.rename(filepath, filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX)
    file = syn.get(file.id, downloadFile=False)
    # Change something and reupload the file's metadata
    file.name = "Only change the name, not the file"
    reupload = syn.store(file)
    assert reupload.path is None, "Path field should be null: %s" % reupload.path
    # This should still get the correct file
    reupload = syn.get(reupload.id)
    assert filecmp.cmp(filepath + RENAME_SUFFIX, reupload.path)
    assert reupload.name == file.name