コード例 #1
def test_delete_log_level_by_name_false():
    """Will delete an log level with non existing name "SYNCOPE_AGAIN".

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.delete_log_level_by_name("SYNCOPE_AGAIN") == False
コード例 #2
def test_get_users_count():
    """Will count the amount of users stored in the Syncope database.

    :return: Should return: 5
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.get_users_count() == 5
コード例 #3
def test_get_users_id_false():
    """Will get all information for user with id: 15.

    :return: Should return: False.
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.get_user_by_id(15) == False
コード例 #4
def test_get_audit_false():
    """Will get all audit rules (Wrong password).

    :return: Should return: True
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.get_audit() == False
コード例 #5
def test_delete_role_false():
    """Will delete the a non existing role.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.delete_role_by_id(9999999) == False
コード例 #6
def test_delete_log_level_by_name():
    """Will delete an log level with name "SYNCOPE".

    :return: Should return: True
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    assert syn.delete_log_level_by_name("SYNCOPE") == True
コード例 #7
def test__post():
    """ Will test __init__ function.
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        data = syn._post("/syncope/cxf/users")
    assert excinfo.value.message == 'No arguments are given to POST.'
コード例 #8
def test_get_user_by_name():
    """Will get all information for user with username: vivaldi

    :return: Should return: 3
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    user_data = syn.get_user_by_name("vivaldi")
    assert user_data['id'] == 3
コード例 #9
def test_get_log_level_by_name_false():
    """Will get all information from non existing log name.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    log_level = syn.get_log_level_by_name("SYNCOPE")
    assert log_level == False
コード例 #10
def test_get_log_levels_false():
    """Will test to get all log levels (Wrong password).

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    roles_data = syn.get_log_levels()
    assert roles_data == False
コード例 #11
def test_get_log_levels():
    """Will test to get all log levels.

    :return: Should return: 17
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    roles_data = syn.get_log_levels()
    assert len(roles_data) == 17
コード例 #12
def test_update_role_false():
    """Will update the role created in previous test, but no correct JSON was given as argument.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    my_role = '{}'
    assert syn.update_role(my_role) == False
コード例 #13
def test_get_children_role_by_id_false():
    """Will get all children information for role with id: 24.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    role_data = syn.get_children_role_by_id(24)
    assert role_data == False
コード例 #14
def test___init__password():
    """ Will test __init__ function if password is provided.

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******")
    assert excinfo.value.message == 'This interface needs an password to work!'
コード例 #15
def test_get_users():
    """Will test to get all users.

    :return: Should return: 5
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    user_data = syn.get_users()
    assert len(user_data) == 5
コード例 #16
def test_reactivate_user_by_name():
    """Will reactivate the user for user username vivaldi.

    :return: Should return: active
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    user_data = syn.reactivate_user_by_name("vivaldi")
    assert user_data['status'] == "active"
コード例 #17
def test_suspend_user_by_name():
    """Will suspend the user for user username vivaldi.

    :return: Should return: suspended
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    user_data = syn.suspend_user_by_name("vivaldi")
    assert user_data['status'] == "suspended"
コード例 #18
def test_get_user_count_by_query():
    """Will count the amount of user which has 'vivaldi' as username.

    :return: Should return: 1
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    search_req = '{"type":"LEAF","attributableCond":{"type":"EQ","schema":"username","expression":"vivaldi"}}'
    assert syn.get_user_count_by_query(search_req) == 1
コード例 #19
def test___init__syncope_url():
    """ Will test __init__ function if syncope_url is provided.

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        syn = syncope.Syncope(username="******", password="******")
    assert excinfo.value.message == 'This interface needs an Syncope URL to work!'
コード例 #20
def test_delete_audit():
    """Will delete an audit rule.

    :return: Should return: True
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    delete_audit_rule = '{"type":"REST","category":"LoggerController","subcategory":null,"event":"listAudits","result":"SUCCESS"}'
    assert syn.delete_audit(delete_audit_rule) == True
コード例 #21
def test_delete_audit_false():
    """Will delete an audit rule.

    :return: Should return: True
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    delete_audit_rule = ''
    assert syn.delete_audit(delete_audit_rule) == False
コード例 #22
def test_get_audit():
    """Will get all audit rules.

    :return: Should return: 1
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    audit_rules = syn.get_audit()
    assert len(audit_rules) == 1
コード例 #23
def test_create_audit_false():
    """Will create an audit rule.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    add_audit_rule = ''
    assert syn.create_audit(add_audit_rule) == False
コード例 #24
def test_get_log_level_by_name_raise():
    """ Will test if an name is given as argument.

    :return: Should catch the ValueError.
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert excinfo.value.message == 'This search needs log level name to work!'
コード例 #25
def test_create_audit_raise():
    """ Will test if an name is given as argument.

    :return: Should catch the ValueError.
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert excinfo.value.message == 'This search needs JSON data to work!'
コード例 #26
def test_get_user_by_id():
    """Will get all information for user with id: 5.

    :return: Should return: puccini
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    user_data = syn.get_user_by_id(5)
    username = user_data['username']
    assert username == "puccini"
コード例 #27
def test_create_or_update_log_level_update():
    """Will update the log level to "WARN".

    :return: Should return: "WARN"
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    update_log_level = '{"name": "org.apache.http", "level": "WARN"}'
    log_level = syn.create_or_update_log_level(update_log_level)
    assert log_level['level'] == "WARN"
コード例 #28
def test_create_or_update_log_level_create():
    """Will create an new loglevel named 'SYNCOPE' with level 'WARN'.

    :return: Should return: json string
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    update_log_level = '{"name": "SYNCOPE", "level": "WARN"}'
    log_level = syn.create_or_update_log_level(update_log_level)
    assert log_level == {'level': 'WARN', 'name': 'SYNCOPE'}
コード例 #29
def test_create_or_update_log_level_false_empty():
    """Will create an new log level, without JSON data.

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    update_log_level = '{}'
    log_level = syn.create_or_update_log_level(update_log_level)
    assert log_level == False
コード例 #30
def test_create_or_update_log_level_create_false():
    """Will create an new loglevel named 'SYNCOPE' with level 'WARN' (Wrong password).

    :return: Should return: False
    syn = syncope.Syncope(syncope_url="", username="******", password="******")
    update_log_level = '{"name": "SYNCOPE", "level": "WARN"}'
    log_level = syn.create_or_update_log_level(update_log_level)
    assert log_level == False