def p_check(self, p): """check : CHECK expr THEN NL stat_group | CHECK expr THEN NL stat_group OTHERWISE NL stat_group""" if len(p) == 6: p[0] = Tree('if_then', children={'condition': p[2], 'body': p[5]}, lineno=p.lineno(1)) else: p[0] = Tree('if_th_el', children={'condition': p[2], 'body_1': p[5], 'body_2': p[8]}, lineno=p.lineno(1))
def logic_monomial1(string,i, tree): mine = i.val() if len(string) <= i.val(): return False child = Tree(cargo='&') tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] == '&': child = Tree(cargo='second logic expression') tree.childs.append(child) if second_logic_expression(string,i, child): child = Tree(cargo='logic monomial 1') tree.childs.append(child) if logic_monomial1(string,i, child): print(f'({i.val()})log mon -> & sec log exp log mon') return True else: tree.childs.remove(child) print(f'!({i.val()})log mon -> & sec log exp') i.dec() return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not second logic expression') else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not `&`') return False
def logic_expression1(string, i, tree): mine = i.val() if len(string) <= i.val(): return False child = Tree(cargo='!') tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] == '!': child = Tree(cargo='logic monomial') tree.childs.append(child) if logic_monomial(string,i, child): child = Tree(cargo='logic expression 1') tree.childs.append(child) if logic_expression1(string,i, child): print(f'({i.val()})log exp 1 -> ! log mon log exp 1') return True else: tree.childs.remove(child) i.dec() print(f'({i.val()})log exp 1 -> ! log mon') return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not logic monomial') else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not `!`') return False
def p_stat_group(self, p): """stat_group : L_FIGBRACKET NL stat_list R_FIGBRACKET NL | statement""" if p[1] == '{': p[1] = Tree('border', value=p[1], lineno=p.lineno(1)) p[4] = Tree('border', value=p[4], lineno=p.lineno(1)) p[0] = Tree('group_stat', children=[p[1], p[3], p[4]], lineno=p.lineno(2) + 1) else: p[0] = p[1]
def p_routing(self, p): """routing : type ROUTING VARIABLE var_list NL stat_group RETURN expr ENDSTR NL""" if p[3] in self.functions.keys(): p[0] = Tree('error', value='Function declared earlier', lineno=p.lineno(1)) sys.stderr.write(f'<<<<<Redeclared function\n') else: p[0] = Tree('function', value=str(p[3]), children={'parameters': p[4], 'body': p[6], 'return': p[8]}, lineno=p.lineno(1)) self.functions[p[3]] = p[0]
def operator_precedence_parsing(self, grammar, string): if string[0] == self.marker: return True s = ['' for _ in range(10)] s[0] = self.marker t = 0 # for stack i = 0 # for string n = 0 prn = [] ch = string[i] f_error = False tree_list = [] while t > 0 or ch != self.marker: chose = self.matrix[self.ind(s[t])][self.ind(ch)] if chose in ['<', '=']: # перенос tree_list.append(Tree(ch)) t = t + 1 s[t] = ch i = i + 1 ch = string[i] print(f'Shift: {s[0:t+1]}') elif chose == '>': # свертка while True: length = 0 prn.append(s[t]) for rule in grammar.rules: if s[t] in rule.right_part: length = len(rule.right_part) break tree1 = Tree('S ' + str(n)) n = n + 1 for ind_tr in range(length): tree1.childs.append(tree_list[len(tree_list) - length + ind_tr]) for _ in range(length): tree_list.pop() tree_list.append(tree1) t = t - 1 print(f'Reduce: {s[0:t+1]}') if self.matrix[self.ind(s[t])][self.ind(s[t + 1])] == '<': break else: f_error = True break if not f_error: print(f'Postfix: {prn}') return tree_list[0] else: print(f'Postfix: {prn}') print(self.errors_dict[chose]) return None
def p_math_expr(self, p): """math_expr : expr PLUS expr | expr MINUS expr | expr MUL expr | expr DIV expr | expr AND expr | DENY expr | MOST expr""" if len(p) == 3: p[0] = Tree('calculation', value=p[1], children=p[2], lineno=p.lineno(2)) else: p[0] = Tree('calculation', value=p[2], children=[p[1], p[3]], lineno=p.lineno(2))
def p_stat_list(self, p): """stat_list : PLEASE statement THANK YOU | stat_list statement | statement | NL""" if len(p) == 3: p[0] = Tree('statement list', p[2], children=[p[1], p[2]], lineno=p.lineno(1)) elif p[1] == 'please': p[0] = Tree('statement list', p[3], children=[p[2], p[3]], lineno=p.lineno(1)) else: if p[0] != '\n': p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree('NL', lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_comp(self, p): """comp : EQ expr | LT expr | GT expr | LTE expr | GTE expr""" p[0] = Tree('comparison', value=p[1], children=p[2], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_var_list(self, p): """var_list : variable | var_list COMMA var_list""" if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree('var_list', children=[p[1], p[3]], lineno=p.lineno(2))
def p_digits(self, p): """digits : digit | digits COMMA digits""" if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree('matr', children=[p[1], p[3]], lineno=p.lineno)
def p_indexing(self, p): """indexing : L_SQBRACKET VARIABLE R_SQBRACKET | L_SQBRACKET digit R_SQBRACKET | L_SQBRACKET digits R_SQBRACKET | L_SQBRACKET var_list R_SQBRACKET""" # if len(p) == 3: p[0] = Tree('indexing', children=p[2], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_comp_br(self, p): """comp_br : EQ L_SQBRACKET R_SQBRACKET expr | LT L_SQBRACKET R_SQBRACKET expr | GT L_SQBRACKET R_SQBRACKET expr | LTE L_SQBRACKET R_SQBRACKET expr | GTE L_SQBRACKET R_SQBRACKET expr""" p[0] = Tree('comparison', value=p[1], children=p[4], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def first_logic_expression(string,i, tree): mine = i.val() child = Tree(cargo=string[i.val()]) tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] in ['a', 'true', 'false']: print(f'({i.val()})fir log exp -> a true false') return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not `a` or logic value')
def check_string(self, inp): string = inp.split(' ') i = Integer(0) tree = Tree(cargo=self.start) res = operator(string, i, tree) if res and i.val() == len(string) - 1: print('Строка подходит') return True, tree else: print('Строка не подходит') return False, None
def expression(string, i, tree): mine = i.val() if len(string) <= i.val(): return False child = Tree(cargo='logic expression') tree.childs.append(child) if logic_expression(string,i, child): print(f'({i.val()})exp -> log exp') return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not logic_expression') return False
def operator(string, i, tree): if len(string) <= i.val(): return False mine = i.val() child = Tree(cargo='a') tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] == 'a': child = Tree(cargo='=') tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] == '=': child = Tree(cargo='expression') tree.childs.append(child) if expression(string, i, child): print(f'({i.val()})op -> a = exp') return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not expression') else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not `=`') else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not `a`') return False
def second_logic_expression(string,i, tree): mine = i.val() if len(string) <= i.val(): return False child = Tree(cargo='~') tree.childs.append(child) if string[i.val()] == '~': child = Tree(cargo='first logic expression') tree.childs.append(child) if first_logic_expression(string,i, child): print(f'({i.val()})sec log exp -> ~ fir log exp') return True else: print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not first logic expression') else: tree.childs.remove(child) child = Tree(cargo='first logic expression') tree.childs.append(child) if first_logic_expression(string,i, child): # ################################### print(f'({i.val()})sec log exp -> fir log exp') return True print(f'Position {i.val()} It`s not first logic expression') return False
def p_statement(self, p): """statement : declaration ENDSTR NL | assignment ENDSTR NL | size ENDSTR NL | to ENDSTR NL | resize ENDSTR NL | comp_br ENDSTR NL | for | check | routing | perform ENDSTR NL | command ENDSTR NL | ENDSTR NL""" if len(p) == 4 or len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree('EOS', lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_perform(self, p): """perform : PERFORM VARIABLE var_list""" p[0] = Tree('perform', value=p[2], children=p[3], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def check_string(self, inp): string = inp.split(' ') i = Integer(0) # while i.val() < len(string): tree = Tree(cargo=self.start)
def p_for(self, p): """for : FOR VARIABLE STOP VARIABLE STEP VARIABLE NL stat_group""" p[0] = Tree('for', children={'start': Tree('variable', p[2]), 'step': Tree('variable', p[6]), 'stop': Tree('variable', p[4]), 'body': p[8]}, lineno=p.lineno(1))
def add_child(tree, name): child = Tree(cargo=name) tree.childs.append(child)
def p_check_error(self, p): """check : CHECK expr error""" p[0] = Tree('error', value='Wrong if declaration', lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_routing_error(self, p): """routing : ROUTING error""" p[0] = Tree('error', value='Wrong function declaration', children=p[1], lineno=p.lineno(1)) sys.stderr.write(f'<<<<<Wrong function declaration\n')
def p_ass_error(self, p): """assignment : variable EQQ error""" p[0] = Tree('error', value='Wrong assignment', children=p[1], lineno=p.lineno(2)) sys.stderr.write(f'<<<<<Wrong assignment\n')
def p_assignment(self, p): """assignment : variable EQQ expr""" p[0] = Tree('assignment', value=p[2], children=[p[1], p[3]], lineno=p.lineno(2))
def p_command(self, p): """command : MOVE expr | ROTATE expr | SURROUNDINGS VARIABLE""" p[0] = Tree('command', value=p[1], children=p[2], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_declaration(self, p): """declaration : type var_list EQQ expr""" if len(p) == 5: p[0] = Tree('declaration', children=[p[1], Tree('assign', children=[p[2], p[4]])], lineno=p.lineno(1))
def p_program(self, p): """program : stat_list""" p[0] = Tree('program', children=p[1], lineno=p.lineno(1))