def test_colorize(self): CONF.colorize = True string = "color this string" colors = {"red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33, "blue": 34, "nocolor": 0} for color in colors: self.assertEqual( "\033[0;{clr}m{string}\033[0;m".format( string=string, clr=colors[color]), colorize(string, color))
def run_given_tests(cls, list_of_tests, file_path, req_str, meta_vars=None): """Loads all the templates and runs all the given tests This method calls run_test method to run each of the tests one by one. :param list list_of_tests: A list of all the loaded tests :param str file_path: Path of the template file :param str req_str: Request string of each template :return: None """ pool = ThreadPool(CONF.syntribos.threads) try: template_start_time = time.time() failures = 0 errors = 0 print("\n ID \t\tTest Name \t\t\t\t\t\t Progress") for test_name, test_class in list_of_tests: test_class.test_id = cls.current_test_id cls.current_test_id += 5 result_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=cli.colorize( test_class.test_id, color="green"), name=test_name.replace("_", " ").capitalize()) if CONF.no_colorize: result_string = result_string.ljust(55) else: result_string = result_string.ljust(60) try: test_class.create_init_request(file_path, req_str, meta_vars) except Exception: print(_( "Error in parsing template:\n %s\n" ) % traceback.format_exc()) LOG.error("Error in parsing template:") break test_cases = list( test_class.get_test_cases(file_path, req_str)) total_tests = len(test_cases) if total_tests > 0: log_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=test_class.test_id, name=test_name) LOG.debug(log_string) last_failures = result.stats['unique_failures'] last_errors = result.stats['errors'] p_bar = cli.ProgressBar( message=result_string, total_len=total_tests) test_class.send_init_request(file_path, req_str, meta_vars) # This line runs the tests t: cls.run_test(t, p_bar), test_cases) failures = result.stats['unique_failures'] - last_failures errors = result.stats['errors'] - last_errors failures_str = cli.colorize_by_percent( failures, total_tests, "red") if errors: errors_str = cli.colorize(errors, "red") print(_( " : %(fail)s Failure(s), %(err)s Error(s)\r") % { "fail": failures_str, "err": errors_str}) else: print(_( " : %s Failure(s), 0 Error(s)\r") % failures_str) run_time = time.time() - template_start_time"Run time: %s sec."), run_time) if hasattr(result, "testsRun"): num_tests = result.testsRun - result.testsRunSinceLastPrint print(_("\nRan %(num)s test(s) in %(time).3f s\n") % {"num": num_tests, "time": run_time}) result.testsRunSinceLastPrint = result.testsRun except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_( '\n\nPausing...Hit ENTER to continue, type quit to exit.')) try: response = input() if response.lower() == "quit": result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) pool.close() pool.join() exit(0) print(_('Resuming...')) except KeyboardInterrupt: result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) pool.close() pool.join() exit(0)
def run_given_tests(cls, list_of_tests, file_path, req_str): """Loads all the templates and runs all the given tests This method calls run_test method to run each of the tests one by one. :param list list_of_tests: A list of all the loaded tests :param str file_path: Path of the template file :param str req_str: Request string of each template :return: None """ try: template_start_time = time.time() failures = 0 errors = 0 print("\n ID \t\tTest Name \t\t\t\t\t\t Progress") for test_name, test_class in list_of_tests: test_class.test_id = cls.current_test_id cls.current_test_id += 5 log_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=test_class.test_id, name=test_name) result_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=cli.colorize(test_class.test_id, color="green"), name=test_name.replace("_", " ").capitalize()) if not CONF.colorize: result_string = result_string.ljust(55) else: result_string = result_string.ljust(60) LOG.debug(log_string) test_class.send_init_request(file_path, req_str) test_cases = list(test_class.get_test_cases( file_path, req_str)) if len(test_cases) > 0: bar = cli.ProgressBar(message=result_string, total_len=len(test_cases)) last_failures = result.stats["failures"] last_errors = result.stats["errors"] for test in test_cases: if test: cls.run_test(test, result) bar.increment(1) bar.print_bar() failures = result.stats["failures"] - last_failures errors = result.stats["errors"] - last_errors total_tests = len(test_cases) if failures > total_tests * 0.90: # More than 90 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "red") elif failures > total_tests * 0.45: # More than 45 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "yellow") elif failures > total_tests * 0.15: # More than 15 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "blue") if errors: last_failures = result.stats["failures"] last_errors = result.stats["errors"] errors = cli.colorize(errors, "red") print(" : {0} Failure(s), {1} Error(s)\r".format( failures, errors)) else: last_failures = result.stats["failures"] print(" : {} Failure(s), 0 Error(s)\r".format( failures)) run_time = time.time() - template_start_time LOG.debug("Run time: %s sec.", run_time) if hasattr(result, "testsRun"): num_tests = result.testsRun - result.testsRunSinceLastPrint print("\nRan {num} test(s) in {time:.3f}s\n".format( num=num_tests, time=run_time)) result.testsRunSinceLastPrint = result.testsRun except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n\nPausing... Hit ENTER to continue, type quit to exit.') try: response = input() if response.lower() == "quit": result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print("Exiting...") exit(0) print('Resuming...') except KeyboardInterrupt: result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print("Exiting...") exit(0)
def run_given_tests(cls, list_of_tests, file_path, req_str, meta_vars=None): """Loads all the templates and runs all the given tests This method calls run_test method to run each of the tests one by one. :param list list_of_tests: A list of all the loaded tests :param str file_path: Path of the template file :param str req_str: Request string of each template :return: None """ try: template_start_time = time.time() failures = 0 errors = 0 print("\n ID \t\tTest Name \t\t\t\t\t\t Progress") for test_name, test_class in list_of_tests: test_class.test_id = cls.current_test_id cls.current_test_id += 5 log_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=test_class.test_id, name=test_name) result_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=cli.colorize( test_class.test_id, color="green"), name=test_name.replace("_", " ").capitalize()) if not CONF.colorize: result_string = result_string.ljust(55) else: result_string = result_string.ljust(60) LOG.debug(log_string) try: test_class.send_init_request(file_path, req_str, meta_vars) except Exception: print(_( "Error in parsing template:\n %s\n" ) % traceback.format_exc()) LOG.error(_LE("Error in parsing template:")) break test_cases = list( test_class.get_test_cases(file_path, req_str)) if len(test_cases) > 0: p_bar = cli.ProgressBar( message=result_string, total_len=len(test_cases)) last_failures = result.stats["failures"] last_errors = result.stats["errors"] for test in test_cases: if test: cls.run_test(test, result) p_bar.increment(1) p_bar.print_bar() failures = result.stats["failures"] - last_failures errors = result.stats["errors"] - last_errors total_tests = len(test_cases) if failures > total_tests * 0.90: # More than 90 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "red") elif failures > total_tests * 0.45: # More than 45 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "yellow") elif failures > total_tests * 0.15: # More than 15 percent failure failures = cli.colorize(failures, "blue") if errors: last_failures = result.stats["failures"] last_errors = result.stats["errors"] errors = cli.colorize(errors, "red") print(_( " : %(fail)s Failure(s), %(err)s Error(s)\r") % { "fail": failures, "err": errors}) else: last_failures = result.stats["failures"] print( _( " : %s Failure(s), 0 Error(s)\r") % failures) run_time = time.time() - template_start_time"Run time: %s sec."), run_time) if hasattr(result, "testsRun"): num_tests = result.testsRun - result.testsRunSinceLastPrint print(_("\nRan %(num)s test(s) in %(time).3f s\n") % {"num": num_tests, "time": run_time}) result.testsRunSinceLastPrint = result.testsRun except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_( '\n\nPausing...Hit ENTER to continue, type quit to exit.')) try: response = input() if response.lower() == "quit": result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) exit(0) print(_('Resuming...')) except KeyboardInterrupt: result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) exit(0)
def test_no_colorize(self): CONF.no_colorize = True string = "No color" self.assertEqual(string, colorize(string))
def run_given_tests(cls, list_of_tests, file_path, req_str, meta_vars=None): """Loads all the templates and runs all the given tests This method calls run_test method to run each of the tests one by one. :param list list_of_tests: A list of all the loaded tests :param str file_path: Path of the template file :param str req_str: Request string of each template :return: None """ pool = ThreadPool(CONF.syntribos.threads) try: template_start_time = time.time() failures = 0 errors = 0 print("\n ID \t\tTest Name \t\t\t\t\t\t Progress") for test_name, test_class in list_of_tests: test_class.test_id = cls.current_test_id cls.current_test_id += 5 result_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=cli.colorize( test_class.test_id, color="green"), name=test_name.replace("_", " ").capitalize()) if not CONF.colorize: result_string = result_string.ljust(55) else: result_string = result_string.ljust(60) try: test_class.create_init_request(file_path, req_str, meta_vars) except Exception: print(_( "Error in parsing template:\n %s\n" ) % traceback.format_exc()) LOG.error("Error in parsing template:") break test_cases = list( test_class.get_test_cases(file_path, req_str, meta_vars)) total_tests = len(test_cases) if total_tests > 0: log_string = "[{test_id}] : {name}".format( test_id=test_class.test_id, name=test_name) LOG.debug(log_string) last_failures = result.stats['unique_failures'] last_errors = result.stats['errors'] p_bar = cli.ProgressBar( message=result_string, total_len=total_tests) test_class.send_init_request(file_path, req_str, meta_vars) # This line runs the tests t: cls.run_test(t, p_bar), test_cases) failures = result.stats['unique_failures'] - last_failures errors = result.stats['errors'] - last_errors failures_str = cli.colorize_by_percent( failures, total_tests) if errors: errors_str = cli.colorize(errors, "red") print(_( " : %(fail)s Failure(s), %(err)s Error(s)\r") % { "fail": failures_str, "err": errors_str}) else: print(_( " : %s Failure(s), 0 Error(s)\r") % failures_str) run_time = time.time() - template_start_time"Run time: %s sec."), run_time) if hasattr(result, "testsRun"): num_tests = result.testsRun - result.testsRunSinceLastPrint print(_("\nRan %(num)s test(s) in %(time).3f s\n") % {"num": num_tests, "time": run_time}) result.testsRunSinceLastPrint = result.testsRun except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_( '\n\nPausing...Hit ENTER to continue, type quit to exit.')) try: response = input() if response.lower() == "quit": result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) pool.close() pool.join() exit(0) print(_('Resuming...')) except KeyboardInterrupt: result.print_result(cls.start_time) cleanup.delete_temps() print(_("Exiting...")) pool.close() pool.join() exit(0)