コード例 #1
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Promiskuous/Drawrawr
def comment(username=None,art=None,journal=None,commentID=None):
  if request.method == 'GET':
    commentResult = db.db.comments.find_one({"_id" : commentID})
    if not commentResult: abort(404)
    return render_template("comment.html", comment=commentResult)
    if g.loggedInUser:
      # Filter out broken or incomplete comments
      if "parent" not in request.form or "commentMap" not in request.form or "content" not in request.form: abort(500)
      if len(request.form["content"]) < config.minimumCommentLengthInCharacters: return "0"
      parent = request.form["parent"]
      commentMap = request.form["commentMap"]
      # Comment Reply
      if parent != "" and commentMap != "": 
          parent     = int(request.form["parent"])
          commentMap = util.parseCommentMap(request.form["commentMap"])
        except ValueError: abort(500)
        db.db.comments.update( { "_id" : parent }, {
          "$push" : { commentMap : {
            "authorID"    : g.loggedInUser["_id"]
          , "author"      : g.loggedInUser["username"]
          , "content"     : request.form["content"]
          , "codeContent" : usercode.parse(request.form["content"])
          , "r"           : []
          , "date"        : datetime.datetime.today()
          } }
        return "1"
      # Top Level Comment
        if username:
          location = "u"
          userLookup = db.db.users.find_one({"lowername" : username.lower()})
          if userLookup: home = userLookup["_id"]
          else: abort(500)
        elif art:
          location = "a"
          home = art
        elif journal:
          location = "j"
          home = journal
        else         : abort(500)
        key = db.nextKey("comments")
          "_id"         : key
        , "authorID"    : g.loggedInUser["_id"]
        , "author"      : g.loggedInUser["username"]
        , "content"     : request.form["content"]
        , "codeContent" : usercode.parse(request.form["content"])
        , "r"           : []
        , "home"        : home
        , "homeType"    : location
        , "date"        : datetime.datetime.today()
        return "1"

    else: abort(401)
コード例 #2
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def comment(username=None,art=None,journal=None,commentID=None):
  """Handles posting and getting comments and comment threads."""
  if request.method == 'GET':
    comment_result = comments_model.get_one({"_id" : commentID})
    if not comment_result: abort(404)
    return render_template("comment.html", comment=comment_result)
    if g.logged_in_user:
      # Filter out broken or incomplete comments
      if "parent" not in request.form or "comment_map" not in request.form or "content" not in request.form: abort(500)
      if len(request.form["content"]) < config.minimum_comment_length_in_characters: return "0"
      parent = request.form["parent"]
      comment_map = request.form["comment_map"]
      # Comment Reply
      if parent != "" and comment_map != "": 
          parent     = int(request.form["parent"])
          comment_map = util.parse_comment_map(request.form["comment_map"])
        except ValueError: abort(500)
        comments_model.update( { "_id" : parent }, { comment_map : {
            "author_ID"    : g.logged_in_user["_id"]
          , "author"       : g.logged_in_user["username"]
          , "content"      : request.form["content"]
          , "code_content" : usercode.parse(request.form["content"])
          , "r"            : []
          , "date"         : datetime.datetime.today()
          } }
        , "$push")
        return "1"
      # Top Level Comment
        if username:
          location = "u"
          user_lookup = users_model.get_one({"lowername" : username.lower()})
          if user_lookup: home = user_lookup["_id"]
          else: abort(500)
        elif art:
          location = "a"
          home = art
        elif journal:
          location = "j"
          home = journal
        else: abort(500)
          "author_ID"    : g.logged_in_user["_id"]
        , "author"       : g.logged_in_user["username"]
        , "content"      : request.form["content"]
        , "code_content" : usercode.parse(request.form["content"])
        , "r"            : []
        , "home"         : home
        , "home_type"    : location
        , "date"         : datetime.datetime.today()
        return "1"

    else: abort(401)
コード例 #3
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def manage_journal():
  Renders a page for posting a new journal, with links to edit past journals. 
  Handles the posting of new journals. 
  if g.logged_in_user:
    if request.method == 'GET':
      all_journals = journals_model.get({"author_ID" : g.logged_in_user['_id'] }).sort("_id",-1)
      return render_template("manage_journals.html", all_journals = all_journals)
      if not "journal_title" in request.form or not "journal_content" in request.form or not "journal_mood" in request.form: abort(500)
      if request.form["journal_title"].strip() == "": return "0" # ERROR: 
      key = keys_model.next("journals")
        "_id"          : key
      , "title"        : request.form["journal_title"]
      , "content"      : request.form["journal_content"]
      , "code_content" : usercode.parse(request.form["journal_content"])
      , "mood"         : request.form["journal_mood"]
      , "author"       : g.logged_in_user["username"]
      , "author_ID"    : g.logged_in_user["_id"]
      , "views"        : 0
      , "date"         : datetime.datetime.today()
      return redirect(url_for('view_journal',journal=key))
  else: abort(401)    
コード例 #4
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Promiskuous/Drawrawr
def submitArt():
  if request.method == 'GET':
    if g.loggedInUser:
      return render_template("submit.html")
    else: abort(401)
    if not g.loggedInUser:
    messages = []
    # Image
    if request.form["artType"] == "image":
      image = request.files['upload']
      if not util.allowedFile(image.filename, config.imageExtensions):
        flash(config.fileTypeError + "The allowed filetypes are " + util.printList(config.imageExtensions) + ". ")
      elif image.content_length >= config.maxImageSize:
        flash(config.fileSizeError + "Your image must be at most " + config.maxImageSizeText + ". ")
      elif not ("title" in request.form and "description" in request.form) : 
      elif not request.form["title"]:
        flash("Your title must not be left blank. ")
        fileType = util.fileType(request.files['upload'].filename)
        key = db.nextKey("art")
          "_id"         : key
        , "title"       : request.form["title"]
        , "description" : request.form["description"]
        , "codeDesc"    : usercode.parse(request.form["description"])
        , "author"      : g.loggedInUser["username"]
        , "authorID"    : g.loggedInUser["_id"]
        , "keywords"    : filter (lambda keyword: not keyword in ignoredKeywords.commonWords, map(lambda keyword: keyword.lower() , request.form["title"].split() ) )
        , "mature"      : False
        , "folder"      : "complete"
        , "favorites"   : []
        , "favAmount"   : 0
        , "views"       : 0
        , "date"        : datetime.datetime.today()
        , "filetype"    : fileType
        , "type"        : "image"
        fileLocation = os.path.join(config.artDir, str(key) + "." + fileType)
        storage.push(fileLocation, fileLocation)
        return redirect(url_for('crop',art=key))
  # Audio
  # Literature
  # Craft
  # Cullinary
  # Performance
  return redirect(url_for('submitArt'))
コード例 #5
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Promiskuous/Drawrawr
def manageJournal():
  if g.loggedInUser:
    if request.method == 'GET':
      return render_template("manageJournals.html")
      if not "journalTitle" in request.form or not "journalContent" in request.form: abort(500)
      key = db.nextKey("journals")
        "_id"         : key
      , "title"       : request.form["journalTitle"]
      , "content"     : request.form["journalContent"]
      , "codeContent" : usercode.parse(request.form["journalContent"])
      , "mood"        : request.form["journalMood"]
      , "author"      : g.loggedInUser["username"]
      , "authorID"    : g.loggedInUser["_id"]
      , "views"       : 0
      , "date"        : datetime.datetime.today()
      return redirect(url_for('viewJournal',journal=key))
  else: abort(401)    
コード例 #6
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Catherineee/Drawrawr
def parseUsercode(text):
  return usercode.parse(text)
コード例 #7
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Catherineee/Drawrawr
def settings():
  if request.method == 'GET':
    if g.loggedInUser:
      return render_template("settings.html")
    else: abort(401)
  elif request.method == 'POST':
    if g.loggedInUser:
      # User Icon
      icon = request.files['iconUpload']
      if icon and util.allowedFile(icon.filename,config.iconExtensions):
        try: os.remove(os.path.join(app.config["iconsDir"], g.loggedInUser['lowername'] + "." + g.loggedInUser["icon"]))
          if config.logging: logging.warning("Error: Couldn't remove user \"" + g.loggedInUser['username']+ "\"'s old icon while attempting to upload a new icon. ")
        fileName = g.loggedInUser['lowername'] + "." + util.fileType(icon.filename)
        fileLocation = os.path.join(app.config["iconsDir"], fileName)
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"icon": util.fileType(fileName) }})
        image = Image.open(fileLocation)
        resized = image.resize(config.iconSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        try: resized.save(fileLocation, quality=100)
          if config.logging: logging.warning("Error: Couldn't save user \"" + g.loggedInUser['username'] + "\"'s new icon while attempting to upload a new icon. ")
      # Password
      if request.form["changePassCurrent"] and request.form["changePassNew1"] and request.form["changePassNew2"]:
        if system.cryptography.encryptPassword(request.form["changePassCurrent"], True) == g.loggedInUser['password']:
          if request.form["changePassNew1"] == request.form["changePassNew2"]:
            hashed = system.cryptography.encryptPassword(request.form['changePassNew1'], True)
            db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"password": hashed}})
      # Gender
      if request.form["changeGender"] != g.loggedInUser["gender"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"gender": request.form["changeGender"] }})
      # Profile
      if request.form["changeProfile"] != g.loggedInUser["profile"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"profile": request.form["changeProfile"], "codeProfile": usercode.parse(request.form["changeProfile"]) } })
      # Color Theme
      if request.form["changeColorTheme"] != g.loggedInUser["theme"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"theme": request.form["changeColorTheme"]} })

      return "1"
    else: abort(401)
コード例 #8
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Promiskuous/Drawrawr
def settings():
  if request.method == 'GET':
    if g.loggedInUser:
      if config.betaKey: betaKeys = db.db.betaPass.find({"owner" : g.loggedInUser["username"] })
      else: betaKeys = None
      return render_template("settings.html", betaKeys = betaKeys)
    else: abort(401)
  elif request.method == 'POST':
    if g.loggedInUser:
      # User Messages
      messages = []
      # User Icon
      icon = request.files['iconUpload']
      if icon:
        if not icon.content_length <= config.maxIconSize:
          flash(config.fileSizeError + "Your icon must be at most " + config.maxIconSizeText + ". ")
          if not util.allowedFile(icon.filename,config.iconExtensions):
            flash(config.fileTypeError + "The allowed extensions are " + util.printList(config.iconExtensions) + ". ")
            try: os.remove(os.path.join(config.iconsDir, g.loggedInUser['lowername'] + "." + g.loggedInUser["icon"]))
              if config.logging: logging.warning("Couldn't remove user \"" + g.loggedInUser['username']+ "\"'s old icon while attempting to upload a new icon. ")
            fileName = g.loggedInUser['lowername']
            fileType = util.fileType(icon.filename)
            if fileType.lower() == "jpg": fileType = "jpeg" # Change filetype for PIL
            (mimetype,i) = mimetypes.guess_type(icon.filename)
            fileLocation = os.path.join(config.iconsDir, fileName)
            db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"icon": fileType } } )
            image = Image.open(fileLocation)
            resized = image.resize(config.iconSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
            resized.save(fileLocation, fileType, quality=100)
            storage.push(fileLocation, fileLocation, mimetype = mimetype )
            messages.append("User Icon")
      # Password
      if request.form["changePassCurrent"] and request.form["changePassNew1"] and request.form["changePassNew2"]:
        if system.cryptography.encryptPassword(request.form["changePassCurrent"], True) != g.loggedInUser['password']:
          flash("The new password you gave didn't match the one in the database! ):")
        elif request.form["changePassNew1"] != request.form["changePassNew2"]:
          flash("The new passwords you gave don't match! Try retyping them carefully. ")
          hashed = system.cryptography.encryptPassword(request.form['changePassNew1'], True)
          db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"password": hashed}})
      # Gender
      if request.form["changeGender"] != g.loggedInUser["gender"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"gender": request.form["changeGender"] }})
      # Location
      if request.form["changeLatitude"] != str(g.loggedInUser["latitude"]) or request.form["changeLongitude"] != str(g.loggedInUser["longitude"]):
          latFloat = float(request.form["changeLatitude"])
          lonFloat = float(request.form["changeLongitude"])
          db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"latitude": latFloat, "longitude": lonFloat } } )
        except ValueError:
          flash("The locations you gave were invalid latitude and longitude coordinates! ): ")
      # Profile
      if request.form["changeProfile"] != g.loggedInUser["profile"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"profile": request.form["changeProfile"], "codeProfile": usercode.parse(request.form["changeProfile"]) } })
      # Color Theme
      if request.form["changeColorTheme"] != g.loggedInUser["theme"]:
        db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": {"theme": request.form["changeColorTheme"]} })
        messages.append("Color Theme")
      # Layout
      l1 = util.urlDecode(request.form["changeLayout"])
      l2 = util.urlDecode(request.form["changeLayoutOrder"])
      for key in l2: l2[key] = int(l2[key]) # Converts orderings to integers
      layout = util.concDictValues(l1,l2)
      if not util.compareDicts(layout, g.loggedInUser["layout"]):
        if util.compareDictKeys(layout, g.loggedInUser["layout"]):
          layoutToPush = {}
          for key in layout:
            layoutToPush["layout." + key] = layout[key]
          db.db.users.update({"lowername": g.loggedInUser['lowername']}, {"$set": layoutToPush })
      return render_template("settingsSuccess.html",messages=messages,len=len)
    else: abort(401)
コード例 #9
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def parse_usercode(text):
  """Given usercode text, parses it into HTML and returns it."""
  return usercode.parse(text)
コード例 #10
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def edit_journal(journal):
  """Edits a specific journal given its ID"""
  if g.logged_in_user:
    journal_result = journals_model.get_one({"_id" : journal })
    if not journal_result: abort(404)
    if g.logged_in_user["_id"] != journal_result['author_ID']: abort(401)
    if request.method == 'GET':
      all_journals = journals_model.get({"author_ID" : g.logged_in_user['_id'] }).sort("_id",-1)
      return render_template("edit_journal.html", journal=journal_result, all_journals=all_journals)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if "journal_title" in request.form and "journal_content" in request.form and "journal_mood" in request.form:
          if request.form["journal_title"].strip() != "":
            journals_model.update({"_id": journal}, {"title": request.form["journal_title"], "content": request.form["journal_content"], "code_content": usercode.parse(request.form["journal_content"]), "mood": request.form["journal_mood"] })
            flash("Journal edited successfully! ")
            return redirect(url_for('view_journal', journal = journal) )
  else: abort(401)
コード例 #11
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def submit_art():
  """Displays the artwork submission page and handles the submission of artworks."""
  if g.logged_in_user:
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template("submit.html")
      # Form Validation
      if not ("title" in request.form and "description" in request.form) : 
      elif not request.form["title"]:
        flash("Your title must not be left blank. ")
      art = request.files['upload']
      art_type = None

      # Image
      if request.form["art_type"] == "image":
        if not util.allowed_file(art.filename, config.image_extensions):
          flash(config.file_type_error + "The allowed filetypes are " + util.print_list(config.image_extensions) + ". ")
        elif art.content_length >= config.max_image_size:
          flash(config.file_size_error + "Your image must be at most " + config.max_image_size_text + ". ")
        else: art_type = "image"
      # Audio
      # Literature
      # Animation
      if request.form["art_type"] == "animation":
        if not util.allowed_file(art.filename, config.animation_extensions):
          flash(config.file_type_error + "Your animation must be a " + util.print_list(config.animation_extensions) + " file. ")
        elif art.content_length >= config.max_animation_size:
          flash(config.file_size_error + "Your .swf file must be at most " + config.max_image_size_text + ". ")
        else: art_type = "animation"
      # Craft
      # Cullinary
      # Performance

      if art_type:
        fileType = util.fileType(art.filename)
        key = keys_model.next("art")
        file_location = os.path.join(config.art_dir, str(key) + "." + fileType)
        storage.push(file_location, file_location)
          "_id"         : key
        , "title"       : request.form["title"]
        , "description" : request.form["description"]
        , "code_desc"   : usercode.parse(request.form["description"])
        , "author"      : g.logged_in_user["username"]
        , "author_ID"   : g.logged_in_user["_id"]
        , "keywords"    : filter (lambda keyword: not keyword in ignored_keywords.commonWords, map(lambda keyword: keyword.lower() , request.form["title"].split() ) )
        , "mature"      : False
        , "folder"      : "complete"
        , "favorites"   : []
        , "fav_amount"  : 0
        , "views"       : 0
        , "date"        : datetime.datetime.today()
        , "filetype"    : fileType
        , "type"        : art_type
        if type == "image":
          return redirect(url_for('crop',art=key))
          return redirect(url_for('view_art',art=key))
      return redirect(url_for('submit_art'))
    return redirect(url_for('submit_art'))
  else: abort(401)
コード例 #12
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lambdanaut/Drawrawr
def settings():
  """The user's settings page. Used for changing their profile, account settings, and homepage."""
  if g.logged_in_user:
    if request.method == 'GET':
      if config.beta_key: beta_keys = beta_pass_model.get({"owner" : g.logged_in_user["username"] })
      else: beta_keys = None
      return render_template("settings.html", beta_keys = beta_keys)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
      # User Messages
      messages = []
      # User Icon
      icon = request.files['icon_upload']
      if icon:
        print icon.content_length
        if not icon.content_length <= config.max_icon_size:
          flash(config.file_size_error + "Your icon must be at most " + config.max_icon_size_text + ". ")
          if not util.allowed_file(icon.filename,config.icon_extensions):
            flash(config.file_type_error + "The allowed extensions are " + util.print_list(config.icon_extensions) + ". ")
            try: os.remove(os.path.join(config.icons_dir, g.logged_in_user['lowername'] + "." + g.logged_in_user["icon"]))
              if config.logging: logging.warning("Couldn't remove user \"" + g.logged_in_user['username']+ "\"'s old icon while attempting to upload a new icon. ")
            fileName = g.logged_in_user['lowername']
            fileType = util.fileType(icon.filename)
            if fileType.lower() == "jpg": fileType = "jpeg" # Change filetype for PIL
            (mimetype,i) = mimetypes.guess_type(icon.filename)
            file_location = os.path.join(config.icons_dir, fileName)
            users_model.update({"lowername": g.logged_in_user['lowername']}, {"icon": fileType} )
            image = Image.open(file_location)
            resized = image.resize(config.icon_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
            resized.save(file_location, fileType, quality=100)
            storage.push(file_location, file_location, mimetype = mimetype )
            messages.append("User Icon")
      # Password
      if request.form["change_pass_current"] and request.form["change_pass_new_1"] and request.form["change_pass_new_2"]:
        if cryptography.encrypt_password(request.form["change_pass_current"], True) != g.logged_in_user['password']:
          flash("The new password you gave didn't match the one in the database! ):")
        elif request.form["change_pass_new_1"] != request.form["change_pass_new_2"]:
          flash("The new passwords you gave don't match! Try retyping them carefully. ")
          hashed = cryptography.encrypt_password(request.form['change_pass_new_1'], True)
          users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, {"password": hashed} )
      # Gender
      if request.form["change_gender"] != g.logged_in_user["gender"]:
        users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, {"gender": request.form["change_gender"] })
      # Location
      if request.form["change_latitude"] != str(g.logged_in_user["latitude"]) or request.form["change_longitude"] != str(g.logged_in_user["longitude"]):
          latFloat = float(request.form["change_latitude"])
          lonFloat = float(request.form["change_longitude"])
          users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, {"latitude": latFloat, "longitude": lonFloat } )
        except ValueError:
          flash("The locations you gave were invalid latitude and longitude coordinates! ): ")
      # Profile
      if request.form["change_profile"] != g.logged_in_user["profile"]:
        users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, {"profile": request.form["change_profile"], "code_profile": usercode.parse(request.form["change_profile"]) })
      # Color Theme
      if request.form["change_color_theme"] != g.logged_in_user["theme"]:
        users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, {"theme": request.form["change_color_theme"]} )
        messages.append("Color Theme")
      # Layout
      l1 = util.url_decode(request.form["change_layout"])
      l2 = util.url_decode(request.form["change_layout_order"])
      for key in l2: l2[key] = int(l2[key]) # Converts orderings to integers
      layout = util.conc_dict_values(l1,l2)
      if not util.compare_dicts(layout, g.logged_in_user["layout"]):
        if util.compare_dict_keys(layout, g.logged_in_user["layout"]):
          layout_to_push = {}
          for key in layout:
            layout_to_push["layout." + key] = layout[key]
          users_model.update({"_id": g.logged_in_user['_id']}, layout_to_push)
      return render_template("settings_success.html",messages=messages,len=len)
  else: abort(401)