コード例 #1
ファイル: tabdraw.py プロジェクト: TabMachine/TabMachine
class TabArea(BoxLayout):
    tabCanvas = ObjectProperty(None)
    slide = ObjectProperty(None)
    scrlv = ObjectProperty(None)
    mainBoxLayout = ObjectProperty(None)

    # Constant declaration
    CHAR_WIDTH = 32
    ATLAS_PREFIX = "atlas://Assets/main/"
    ACCEPT_CHARS = ["|", "-", "x", "X", "\\", "/", "~", "*", "h", "p", "b", "r"]
    for num in range(25):

        # Determines if tab can be edited
    editable = False
    inputText = ""

    def scroll_change(self, scrl, instance, value):
        scrl.scroll_x = value

    def slider_change(self, slide, instance, value):
        if value >= 0:
            slide.value = value

            # Set the tab as editable or not editable
            # Allows user to edit the tab if True

    def setEditable(self, setter=True):
        # Adds the 'extend tab' button to the right of the tab
        if not self.editable and setter:
            self.mainBoxLayout.add_widget(Button(text="Extend Tab", size_hint=(0.1, 0.5), on_release=self.extendTab))
            self.mainBoxLayout.add_widget(Button(text="Reduce Tab", size_hint=(0.1, 0.5), on_release=self.reduceTab))

        self.editable = setter

        # Extend each line of the tab by one blank bar

    def extendTab(self, kivyAction):

        # Reduce each line of the tab by one bar

    def reduceTab(self, kivyAction):

        # A callback function to get the user input from the textInput module

    def setInputText(self, instance, value):
        self.inputText = str(value)

        # Detects a user click on the tab, and allows editing if the option is set

    def tabTouched(self, touch):

        if self.editable:
            # Get the indices of the corresponding character of the tab
            xpos = int(touch.x)
            ypos = int(touch.y)
            xIndex = xpos // 32
            yIndex = self.tabNumRows - (ypos // 32)
            print("Coords: " + str(yIndex) + " " + str(xIndex))
            print("This is what your toggle button is: ", toggle_button)
            curr_val = self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex)
            double_digit = False
            modifier = True
            if len(curr_val[1]) != 1:
                double_digit = True
            print("this is the eval of double_digit: ", double_digit)
            if double_digit == True:
                double_val = self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                    "her is solksdflasf: ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 1),
                    " ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex),
                    " ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 2),
                if (
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex) in ("bar", "tbar", "plusbar", "mute", "slide", "vibrato")
                    or self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex)[0] == "norm"
                    modifier = False
                    # if ((double_val in ('bar' , 'tbar' , 'plusbar' , 'mute' , 'slide' , 'vibrato')) or double_val[1].isdigit()):
                    # modifier = False
                    "her is solksdflasf: ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 1),
                    " ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex)[0],
                    " ",
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 2),
                next_val = self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                if (
                    self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex) in ("bar", "tbar", "plusbar", "mute", "slide", "vibrato")
                    or self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex)[0] == "norm"
                    modifier = False
                    # if ((next_val in ('bar' , 'tbar' , 'plusbar' , 'mute' , 'slide' , 'vibrato')) or next_val[1].isdigit()):
                    # modifier = False
            print("Result of modifier: ", modifier)
            if toggle_button == "slide":
                self.inputText = "/"
                print("This is the inputText: ", self.inputText)
                self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex)
                if double_digit == True:
                    self.inputText = "-"
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    if modifier == True:
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                    self.inputText = "-"
                    if modifier == True:
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex)
            elif toggle_button == "vibrato":
                self.inputText = "~"
                print("This is the inputText: ", self.inputText)
                self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex)
                if double_digit == True:
                    self.inputText = "-"
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    if modifier == True:
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                    self.inputText = "-"
                    if modifier == True:
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex)
            elif toggle_button == "squealie":
                self.inputText = "*"
                print("This is the inputText: ", self.inputText)
                if double_digit == False:
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
            elif toggle_button == "hammeron":
                self.inputText = "h"
                print("This is the inputText: ", self.inputText)
                if double_digit == False:
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
            elif toggle_button == "pulloff":
                self.inputText = "p"
                print("This is the inputText: ", self.inputText)
                if double_digit == False:
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                next_val = self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                if double_digit == False:
                    if not (next_val[1].isdigit() or next_val[0] == "-"):
                        self.inputText = "-"
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    self.inputText = "-"
                    self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 1)
                    if (
                        self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                        not in ("bar", "tbar", "plusbar", "mute", "slide", "vibrato")
                    ) or not self.tab.getTabData(yIndex, xIndex + 2)[1].isdigit():
                        self.writeToTab(0, yIndex, xIndex + 2)
                textbox = TextInput(text="", multiline=False)
                inputPopup = Popup(
                    title="Fret Number",
                    size_hint=(None, None),
                    size=(150, 100),
                    # pos = (xpos, ypos)
                inputPopup.bind(on_dismiss=partial(self.writeToTab, row=yIndex, col=xIndex))
                # call tab to rewrite file at (yIndex, xIndex) with input if valid

                # Write input to the tab using tab's write function

    def writeToTab(self, instance, row, col):
        if self.editable:
            # Validate input
            if self.inputText in self.ACCEPT_CHARS:
                # Write to tab
                print("We are writing ", self.inputText, " to the tab!")
                self.tab.write(row, col, self.inputText)

                # Draws the tab to the screen from the given file using a Tab object

    def drawtab(self, filename=""):
        if filename != "":
            self.tabFile = filename
        self.tab = Tab(self.tabFile)
        grid = self.tab.getTabData()
        self.tabNumRows = len(grid) - 1

        # Clear canvas in case a bar was removed
        with self.tabCanvas.canvas:
            for i in range(len(grid)):
                for j in range(len(grid[i])):
                    if isinstance(grid[i][j], str):
                            source=self.ATLAS_PREFIX + grid[i][j],
                            pos=(j * self.CHAR_WIDTH, (self.tabNumRows - i) * self.CHAR_HEIGHT),
                            size=(self.CHAR_WIDTH, self.CHAR_HEIGHT),
                    elif isinstance(grid[i][j], list):
                        for item in grid[i][j]:
                                source=self.ATLAS_PREFIX + item,
                                pos=(j * self.CHAR_WIDTH, (self.tabNumRows - i) * self.CHAR_HEIGHT),
                                size=(self.CHAR_WIDTH, self.CHAR_HEIGHT),