コード例 #1
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNRAFromRA(self):
        """Check the array function with a RecArray instance.

        buffer_ = [('Cuke', 123, (45, 67)), ('Tader', 321, (76, 54))]
        names = ['name', 'value', 'pair']
        formats = ['a6', 'Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        ra = numarray.records.array(
            buffer_, names=names, formats=formats)
##            buffer_, names=names, formats=formats, aligned=True)

        names1 = ['newName', 'newValue', 'newPair']
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=ra, descr=zip(names1, formats))
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=buffer_, descr=zip(names1, formats))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra1))

        # Bad number of fields
        badFormats = ['Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=ra,

        # Bad format in the first field
        badFormats = ['a9', 'Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=ra,
コード例 #2
    def testNRAFromNRA(self):
        """Check the array function with a NestedRecArray instance.

        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=self.descr)
        my_Descr = [('ID', 'Int64'),
                    ('data', [('name', [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')]),
                              ('coord', [('x', 'Float32'), ('y', 'f4'),
                                         ('z', 'f4')])])]
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=my_Descr)
        nra2 = nra.array(buffer=nra0, descr=my_Descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra1))

        # Bad number of fields
        badDescr = [('data', [('name', [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')]),
                              ('coord', [('x', 'Float32'), ('y', 'f4'),
                                         ('z', 'f4')])])]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=nra0, descr=badDescr)

        # Bad format in the first field
        badDescr = [('ID', 'b1'),
                    ('data', [('name', [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')]),
                              ('coord', [('x', 'Float32'), ('y', 'f4'),
                                         ('z', 'f4')])])]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=nra0, descr=badDescr)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNRAFromNRA(self):
        """Check the array function with a NestedRecArray instance.

        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=self.descr)
        my_Descr = [('ID', 'Int64'),
            ('data', [('name', [('first','a9'), ('second','a9')]),
            ('coord', [('x','Float32'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])])]
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=my_Descr)
        nra2 = nra.array(buffer=nra0, descr=my_Descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra1))

        # Bad number of fields
        badDescr = [
            ('data', [('name', [('first','a9'), ('second','a9')]),
            ('coord', [('x','Float32'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])])]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=nra0,

        # Bad format in the first field
        badDescr = [('ID', 'b1'),
            ('data', [('name', [('first','a9'), ('second','a9')]),
            ('coord', [('x','Float32'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])])]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=nra0,
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testGetNestedField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test top level nested fields
        # The info field
        buffer = [
            [('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30)],
            [('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10)],
            [('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20)]
        my_descr = [('name', [('first','a9'), ('second','a9')]),
            ('coord', [('x','Float32'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=my_descr)
        modelFirst = model.field('name/first')

        nra1 = nra0.field('info')
        nra1First = nra1.field('name/first')
        nra2 = nra1.field('name')

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(model, nra1))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(modelFirst, nra1First))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(modelFirst, nra3))
コード例 #5
    def testSetSlice(self):
        """Set a nested array slice.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        buffer = [[10, (('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30))],
                  [20, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                  [30, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20))]]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=self.descr)

        nra0[0:3] = model[0:3]

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, model))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_numarray.py プロジェクト: Saeed-Emad/PyTables
    def test05c_modifyingColumns(self):
        """Checking modifying several columns using a numarray buffer."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        dtype = [('x', '(2,)i4'), ('y', '(2,2)f8'), ('z', 'u1')]
        nparray = nra.array(shape=(3, ), descr=dtype)
        nparray.field('x')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('y')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('z')[:] = 2
        table.modifyColumns(3, 6, 1, nparray, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        ycol = ones((3, 2, 2), 'Float64')
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(ycol))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_numarray.py プロジェクト: andreas-h/PyTables
    def test05c_modifyingColumns(self):
        """Checking modifying several columns using a numarray buffer."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        dtype=[('x', '(2,)i4'), ('y', '(2,2)f8'), ('z', 'u1')]
        nparray = nra.array(shape=(3,), descr=dtype)
        nparray.field('x')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('y')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('z')[:] = 2
        table.modifyColumns(3, 6, 1, nparray, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        ycol = ones((3, 2, 2), 'Float64')
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(ycol))
コード例 #8
    def testSetRow2NestedRecord(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.__setitem__ with NestedRecord instances.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        buffer = [[10, (('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30))],
                  [20, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                  [30, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20))]]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=self.descr)

        nra0[0] = model[0]
        nra0[1] = model[1]
        nra0[2] = model[2]

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, model))
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testSetSlice(self):
        """Set a nested array slice.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        buffer = [
            [10, (('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [20, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [30, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20))]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=self.descr)

        nra0[0:3] = model[0:3]

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, model))
コード例 #10
    def testNRAadd(self):
        """Check the addition of nested arrays.

        ra1 = numarray.records.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]],
                                     formats=['Int32', 'Int32'])
        ra2 = numarray.records.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]],
                                     formats=['Int32', 'Int32'])
        ra3 = ra1 + ra2
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=ra1, descr=[('c1', 'Int32'), ('c2', 'Int32')])
        nra2 = nra.array(buffer=ra2, descr=[('a', 'Int32'), ('b', 'Int32')])
        nra3 = nra1 + nra2
        nra4 = nra1 + ra1
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra3._flatArray, ra3))
        self.assertEqual(nra3.descr, nra1.descr)
            common.areArraysEqual(nra4._flatArray, nra1._flatArray + ra1))
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, nra.NestedRecArray.__add__, nra1, 3)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testSetRow2NestedRecord(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.__setitem__ with NestedRecord instances.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        buffer = [
            [10, (('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [20, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [30, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20))]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=self.descr)

        nra0[0] = model[0]
        nra0[1] = model[1]
        nra0[2] = model[2]

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, model))
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNRAFromArrayList(self):
        """Check the fromarrays function.

        # arrayList argument is a list of lists
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=self.descr)
        nra1 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list, formats=self.formats)
        nra2 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list,
            formats=self.formats, names=self.names)
        nra3 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list, descr=self.descr)

        self.assertEqual(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, nra2), False)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra3))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra2))

        # arrayList argument is a list of NestedRecArrays
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=[[1,4],[2,4]], formats=['f8','f4'])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, nra.fromarrays,
            [nra0, nra0.field('c2')], formats=[['f8','f4'],'f4'])
コード例 #13
    def testGetBottomLevelField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test bottom level fields
        nra1 = nra0.field('info/coord/x')
        ra1 = numarray.array([10, 0, 10], type='Float32')
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, ra1))
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNestedRecordCreation(self):
        """Check the creation of NestedRecord instances from NestedRecArrays.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        nrecord = nra0[0]
        self.assert_(isinstance(nrecord, nra.NestedRecord))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nrecord.array))
        self.assertEqual(nrecord.row, 0)
コード例 #15
    def testNestedRecordCreation(self):
        """Check the creation of NestedRecord instances from NestedRecArrays.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        nrecord = nra0[0]
        self.assert_(isinstance(nrecord, nra.NestedRecord))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nrecord.array))
        self.assertEqual(nrecord.row, 0)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testGetBottomLevelField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test bottom level fields
        nra1 = nra0.field('info/coord/x')
        ra1 = numarray.array([10, 0, 10], type='Float32')
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, ra1))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testGetTopLevelFlatField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test top level flat fields
        nra1 = nra0.field('position')
        ra1 = numarray.array([1, 2, 3], type='Int64')
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, ra1))
コード例 #18
    def testGetTopLevelFlatField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test top level flat fields
        nra1 = nra0.field('position')
        ra1 = numarray.array([1, 2, 3], type='Int64')
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, ra1))
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testFlattenNestedRecord(self):
        """Check the flattening of NestedRecord instances.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]
        frecord = nrecord.asRecord()

        self.assert_(isinstance(frecord, numarray.records.Record))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0.asRecArray(), frecord.array))
        self.assertEqual(nrecord.row, frecord.row)
コード例 #20
    def testNestedRecordNestedField(self):
        """Get nested fields from nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        name = nra0.field('info/name')[0]

        self.assertEqual(name.array._names, ['first', 'second'])
        self.assertEqual(name.field('first'), 'Paco')
        self.assertEqual(name.field('second'), 'Perez')
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNRAadd(self):
        """Check the addition of nested arrays.

        ra1 = numarray.records.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]],
            formats=['Int32', 'Int32'])
        ra2 = numarray.records.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]],
            formats=['Int32', 'Int32'])
        ra3 = ra1 + ra2
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=ra1,
            descr=[('c1', 'Int32'), ('c2', 'Int32')])
        nra2 = nra.array(buffer=ra2,
            descr=[('a', 'Int32'), ('b', 'Int32')])
        nra3 = nra1 + nra2
        nra4 = nra1 + ra1
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra3._flatArray, ra3))
        self.assertEqual(nra3.descr, nra1.descr)
            nra1._flatArray + ra1))
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, nra.NestedRecArray.__add__, nra1, 3)
コード例 #22
    def testNestedRecordFlatField(self):
        """Retrieving flat fields from nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        position = nra0.field('position')[0]
        firstName = nra0.field('info/name/first')[0]

        self.assertEqual(position, 1)
        self.assertEqual(firstName, 'Paco')
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNestedRecordNestedField(self):
        """Get nested fields from nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        name = nra0.field('info/name')[0]

        self.assertEqual(name.array._names, ['first', 'second'])
        self.assertEqual(name.field('first'), 'Paco')
        self.assertEqual(name.field('second'), 'Perez')
コード例 #24
    def testFlattenNestedRecord(self):
        """Check the flattening of NestedRecord instances.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]
        frecord = nrecord.asRecord()

        self.assert_(isinstance(frecord, numarray.records.Record))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0.asRecArray(), frecord.array))
        self.assertEqual(nrecord.row, frecord.row)
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNestedRecordFlatField(self):
        """Retrieving flat fields from nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        position = nra0.field('position')[0]
        firstName = nra0.field('info/name/first')[0]

        self.assertEqual(position, 1)
        self.assertEqual(firstName, 'Paco')
コード例 #26
    def testCreateNestedRecArray(self):
        """Check the array function.

        flatarray = numarray.records.array(self.flat_buffer, self.flat_formats)
        common.verbosePrint("""\nTesting the creation of a nested """
                            """recarray: buffer + formats""")
        nra1 = nra.array(formats=self.formats, buffer=self.buffer)
            """\nTesting the creation of a nested recarray: buffer + """
            """formats + names""")
        nra2 = nra.array(names=self.names,
            """\nTesting the creation of a nested recarray: buffer + descr""")
        nra3 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        self.assertEqual(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, nra2), False)

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra3))
コード例 #27
    def testNRAFromArrayList(self):
        """Check the fromarrays function.

        # arrayList argument is a list of lists
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=self.buffer, descr=self.descr)
        nra1 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list, formats=self.formats)
        nra2 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list,
        nra3 = nra.fromarrays(self.array_list, descr=self.descr)

        self.assertEqual(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, nra2), False)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra3))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra2))

        # arrayList argument is a list of NestedRecArrays
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=[[1, 4], [2, 4]], formats=['f8', 'f4'])
                          nra.fromarrays, [nra0, nra0.field('c2')],
                          formats=[['f8', 'f4'], 'f4'])
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testCreateNestedRecArray(self):
        """Check the array function.

        flatarray = numarray.records.array(self.flat_buffer,
        common.verbosePrint( """\nTesting the creation of a nested """
            """recarray: buffer + formats""")
        nra1 = nra.array(formats=self.formats, buffer=self.buffer)
            """\nTesting the creation of a nested recarray: buffer + """
            """formats + names""")
        nra2 = nra.array(names=self.names,
            formats=self.formats, buffer=self.buffer)
            """\nTesting the creation of a nested recarray: buffer + descr""")
        nra3 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        self.assertEqual(common.areArraysEqual(nra1, nra2), False)

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra2, nra3))
コード例 #29
    def testNRAFromRA(self):
        """Check the array function with a RecArray instance.

        buffer_ = [('Cuke', 123, (45, 67)), ('Tader', 321, (76, 54))]
        names = ['name', 'value', 'pair']
        formats = ['a6', 'Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        ra = numarray.records.array(buffer_, names=names, formats=formats)
        ##            buffer_, names=names, formats=formats, aligned=True)

        names1 = ['newName', 'newValue', 'newPair']
        nra0 = nra.array(buffer=ra, descr=zip(names1, formats))
        nra1 = nra.array(buffer=buffer_, descr=zip(names1, formats))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra1))

        # Bad number of fields
        badFormats = ['Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=ra, formats=badFormats)

        # Bad format in the first field
        badFormats = ['a9', 'Int8', '(2,)Int16']
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nra.array, buffer=ra, formats=badFormats)
コード例 #30
    def testNestedRecordSetNestedField(self):
        """Set nested fields of nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]

        ##        nra2 = nra.array(
        ##            buffer = [['Joan', 'Clos']],
        ##            descr = [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')])

        nra2 = nra.array(buffer=[[1, (('Joan', 'Clos'), (10, 20, 30))]],

        ##        nrecord.setfield('info/name', nra2[0])
        nrecord.setfield('info', nra2.field('info')[0])

        my_buffer = [[1, (('Joan', 'Clos'), (10, 20, 30))],
                     [2, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [3, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10.0, 30.0, 20.0))]]
        nra3 = nra.array(buffer=my_buffer, descr=self.descr)

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra3))
コード例 #31
    def testNestedRecordSetFlatField(self):
        """Set flat fields of nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]
        nrecord.setfield('position', 24)
        nrecord.setfield('info/name/first', 'Joan')

        position = nrecord.field('position')
        firstName = nrecord.field('info/name/first')

        self.assertEqual(position, 24)
        self.assertEqual(firstName, 'Joan')
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNestedRecordSetFlatField(self):
        """Set flat fields of nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]
        nrecord.setfield('position', 24)
        nrecord.setfield('info/name/first', 'Joan')

        position = nrecord.field('position')
        firstName = nrecord.field('info/name/first')

        self.assertEqual(position, 24)
        self.assertEqual(firstName, 'Joan')
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testNestedRecordSetNestedField(self):
        """Set nested fields of nested records.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)
        nrecord = nra0[0]

##        nra2 = nra.array(
##            buffer = [['Joan', 'Clos']],
##            descr = [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')])

        nra2 = nra.array(
            buffer = [[1, (('Joan', 'Clos'), (10, 20, 30))]],
            descr = self.descr)

##        nrecord.setfield('info/name', nra2[0])
        nrecord.setfield('info', nra2.field('info')[0])

        my_buffer = [[1, (('Joan', 'Clos'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [2, (('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [3, (('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10.0, 30.0, 20.0))]]
        nra3 = nra.array(buffer=my_buffer, descr=self.descr)

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(nra0, nra3))
コード例 #34
    def testGetNestedField(self):
        """Check the NestedRecArray.field method.

        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=self.buffer)

        # Test top level nested fields
        # The info field
        buffer = [[('Paco', 'Perez'), (10, 20, 30)],
                  [('Maria', 'Luisa'), (0, 2.0, 10)],
                  [('C3Peanut', 'Tofu'), (10, 30, 20)]]
        my_descr = [('name', [('first', 'a9'), ('second', 'a9')]),
                    ('coord', [('x', 'Float32'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])]
        model = nra.array(buffer, descr=my_descr)
        modelFirst = model.field('name/first')

        nra1 = nra0.field('info')
        nra1First = nra1.field('name/first')
        nra2 = nra1.field('name')
        nra3 = nra2.field('first')

        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(model, nra1))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(modelFirst, nra1First))
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(modelFirst, nra3))
コード例 #35
print repr(table.description.info2.info3)
print repr(table.description._v_nested_names)
print repr(table.description.info1._v_nested_names)
print "**** now some for nested records, take that ****"
print repr(table.description._v_nested_descr)
print repr(numpy.rec.array(None, shape=0,
print repr(numpy.rec.array(None, shape=0,
# NumPy recarrays doesn't have the machinery to understand the idiom below,
# please use the above form instead.
###print repr(numpy.rec.array(None, shape=1,
###           names=table.description._v_nested_names,
###           formats=table.description._v_nested_formats))
from tables import nra
print repr(nra.array(None, descr=table.description._v_nested_descr))
print repr(nra.array(None, names=table.description._v_nested_names,
print "**** and some iteration over descriptions, too ****"
for coldescr in table.description._f_walk():
    print "column-->", coldescr
print "**** info2 sub-structure description:\n", table.description.info2
print "**** table representation (long form):\n", repr(table)

# Remember to always close the file
コード例 #36
ファイル: nested-tut.py プロジェクト: dattatele/PyTables
print "**** now some for nested records, take that ****"
print repr(table.description._v_nestedDescr)
print repr(
    numpy.rec.array(None, shape=0, dtype=table.description._v_nestedDescr))
print repr(
# NumPy recarrays doesn't have the machinery to understand the idiom below,
# please use the above form instead.
###print repr(numpy.rec.array(None, shape=1,
###           names=table.description._v_nestedNames,
###           formats=table.description._v_nestedFormats))
from tables import nra

print repr(nra.array(None, descr=table.description._v_nestedDescr))
print repr(
print "**** and some iteration over descriptions, too ****"
for coldescr in table.description._f_walk():
    print "column-->", coldescr
print "**** info2 sub-structure description:\n", table.description.info2
print "**** table representation (long form):\n", ` table `

# Remember to always close the file
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_nestedrecords.py プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Get a nested array slice.

        my_buffer = [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [8, (('C3Peanut', 'Robot'), (10, 30, 20))]]
        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=my_buffer)

        slice_ = nra0[1:2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[1:4]
        model = nra.array(
            [[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[1:4:2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:4]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:7:3]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:]
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, nra0))

        slice_ = nra0[::2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'), (10, 20, 30))],
            [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[4:-2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[-1:-3]
        model = nra.array(None, descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[-5::2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
            [8, (('C3Peanut', 'Robot'), (10, 30, 20))]], descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_numarray.py プロジェクト: Saeed-Emad/PyTables
class TableNativeFlavorTestCase(common.PyTablesTestCase):
    nrows = 100

    dtype = [('value', 'c16'), ('y2', 'f8'),
             ('Info2', [('name', 'a2'), ('value', '(2,)c16'),
                        ('y3', '(2,)f8')]), ('name', 'a2'), ('z2', 'u1')]
    _infozeros = nra.array(descr=dtype, shape=3)
    # Set the contents to zero (or empty strings)
    _infozeros.field('value')[:] = 0
    _infozeros.field('y2')[:] = 0
    _infozeros.field('Info2/name')[:] = "\0"
    _infozeros.field('Info2/value')[:] = 0
    _infozeros.field('Info2/y3')[:] = 0
    _infozeros.field('name')[:] = "\0"
    _infozeros.field('z2')[:] = 0

    _infoones = nra.array(descr=dtype, shape=3)
    # Set the contents to one (or blank strings)
    _infoones.field('value')[:] = 1
    _infoones.field('y2')[:] = 1
    _infoones.field('Info2/name')[:] = " "
    _infoones.field('Info2/value')[:] = 1
    _infoones.field('Info2/y3')[:] = 1
    _infoones.field('name')[:] = " "
    _infoones.field('z2')[:] = 1

    def setUp(self):

        # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
        self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
        fileh = openFile(self.file, "w")
        table = fileh.createTable(fileh.root,
        table.flavor = 'numarray'
        for i in range(self.nrows):
            table.row.append()  # Fill 100 rows with default values
        self.fileh = fileh

    def tearDown(self):

    def test01a_basicTableRead(self):
        """Checking the return of a numarray in read()."""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table[:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Formats of the record:", data._formats
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check the type of the recarray
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the value of some columns
        # A flat column
        col = table.cols.x[:3]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(col, NumArray))
        npcol = zeros((3, 2), type="Int32")
        if common.verbose:
            print "Plain column:"
            print "read column-->", col
            print "should look like-->", npcol
        self.assertTrue(allequal(col, npcol, "numarray"))
        # A nested column
        col = table.cols.Info[:3]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(col, records.RecArray))
        npcol = self._infozeros
        if common.verbose:
            print "Nested column:"
            print "read column-->", col
            print "should look like-->", npcol
        self.assertEqual(col.descr, npcol.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(col), str(npcol))

    def test01b_basicTableRead(self):
        """Checking the return of a numarray in read() (strided version)."""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table[::3]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the value of some columns
        # A flat column
        col = table.cols.x[:9:3]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(col, NumArray))
        npcol = zeros((3, 2), dtype="Int32")
        if common.verbose:
            print "Plain column:"
            print "read column-->", col
            print "should look like-->", npcol
        self.assertTrue(allequal(col, npcol, "numarray"))
        # A nested column
        col = table.cols.Info[:9:3]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(col, records.RecArray))
        npcol = self._infozeros
        if common.verbose:
            print "Nested column:"
            print "read column-->", col
            print "should look like-->", npcol
        self.assertEqual(col.descr, npcol.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(col), str(npcol))

    def test02_getWhereList(self):
        """Checking the return of numarray in getWhereList method."""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.getWhereList('z == 1')
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 100)
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
        self.assertTrue(allequal(data, arange(100, type="Int64"), "numarray"))

    def test03a_readWhere(self):
        """Checking the return of numarray in readWhere method (strings)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.readWhere('color == "ab"')
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), self.nrows)

    def test03b_readWhere(self):
        """Checking the return of numarray in readWhere method (numeric)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.readWhere('z == 0')
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 0)

    def test04a_createTable(self):
        """Checking the Table creation from a numarray recarray."""

        npdata = self._infozeros
        table = self.fileh.createTable(self.fileh.root, 'table2', npdata)
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table2
        data = table[:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "npdata-->", npdata
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.descr, npdata.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(npdata))

    def test04b_appendTable(self):
        """Checking appending a numarray recarray."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        npdata = table[3:6]
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table[-3:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "Last 3 elements of read:", data[-3:]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "npdata-->", npdata
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.descr, npdata.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(npdata))

    def test05a_assignColumn(self):
        """Checking assigning to a column."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        table.cols.z[:] = ones((100, ), dtype='UInt8')
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.cols.z[:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 100)
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
            allequal(data, ones((100, ), dtype="UInt8"), "numarray"))

    def test05b_modifyingColumns(self):
        """Checking modifying several columns at once."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        xcol = ones((3, 2), 'Int32')
        ycol = ones((3, 2, 2), 'Float64')
        zcol = zeros((3, ), 'UInt8')
        table.modifyColumns(3, 6, 1, [xcol, ycol, zcol], ['x', 'y', 'z'])
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertTrue(allequal(data, ycol, "numarray"))

    def test05c_modifyingColumns(self):
        """Checking modifying several columns using a numarray buffer."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        dtype = [('x', '(2,)i4'), ('y', '(2,2)f8'), ('z', 'u1')]
        nparray = nra.array(shape=(3, ), descr=dtype)
        nparray.field('x')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('y')[:] = 1
        nparray.field('z')[:] = 2
        table.modifyColumns(3, 6, 1, nparray, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        ycol = ones((3, 2, 2), 'Float64')
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(ycol))

    def test06a_assignNestedColumn(self):
        """Checking assigning a nested column (using modifyColumn)."""

        npdata = self._infoones
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.cols.Info[3:6]
        table.modifyColumn(3, 6, 1, column=npdata, colname='Info')
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.cols.Info[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "npdata-->", npdata
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.descr, npdata.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(npdata))

    def test06b_assignNestedColumn(self):
        """Checking assigning a nested column (using the .cols accessor)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        npdata = self._infoones
        table.cols.Info[3:6] = npdata
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        data = table.cols.Info[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "npdata-->", npdata
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.descr, npdata.descr)
        self.assertEqual(str(data), str(npdata))

    def test07a_modifyingRows(self):
        """Checking modifying several rows at once (using modifyRows)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Read a chunk of the table
        chunk = table[0:3]
        # Modify it somewhat
        chunk.field('y')[:] = -1
        table.modifyRows(3, 6, 1, rows=chunk)
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        ycol = zeros((3, 2, 2), 'Float64') - 1
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertTrue(allequal(ycol, data, "numarray"))

    def test07b_modifyingRows(self):
        """Checking modifying several rows at once (using cols accessor)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Read a chunk of the table
        chunk = table[0:3]
        # Modify it somewhat
        chunk.field('y')[:] = -1
        table.cols[3:6] = chunk
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Check that some column has been actually modified
        ycol = zeros((3, 2, 2), 'Float64') - 1
        data = table.cols.y[3:6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertTrue(allequal(ycol, data, "numarray"))

    def test08a_modifyingRows(self):
        """Checking modifying just one row at once (using modifyRows)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Read a chunk of the table
        chunk = table[3]
        # Modify it somewhat
        chunk.field('y')[:] = -1
        table.modifyRows(6, 7, 1, chunk)
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Check that some column has been actually modified
        ycol = zeros((2, 2), 'Float64') - 1
        data = table.cols.y[6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertTrue(allequal(ycol, data, "numarray"))

    def test08b_modifyingRows(self):
        """Checking modifying just one row at once (using cols accessor)."""

        table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Read a chunk of the table
        chunk = table[3]
        # Modify it somewhat
        chunk['y'][:] = -1
        table.cols[6] = chunk
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
            table = self.fileh.root.table
        # Check that some column has been actually modified
        ycol = zeros((2, 2), 'Float64') - 1
        data = table.cols.y[6]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
            print "Length of the data read:", len(data)
        if common.verbose:
            print "ycol-->", ycol
            print "data-->", data
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, NumArray))
        # Check the type
        self.assertEqual(data.type(), ycol.type())
        self.assertTrue(allequal(ycol, data, "numarray"))

    def test09a_getStrings(self):
        """Checking the return of string columns with spaces."""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        rdata = table.getWhereList('color == "ab"')
        data = table.readCoordinates(rdata)
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 100)
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
        for idata in data.field('color'):
            self.assertEqual(idata, "ab")

    def test09b_getStrings(self):
        """Checking the return of string columns with spaces. (modify)"""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        for i in range(50):
            table.cols.color[i] = "a  "
        data = table[:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 100)
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
        for i in range(100):
            idata = data.field('color')[i]
            if i >= 50:
                self.assertEqual(idata, "ab")
                self.assertEqual(idata, "a")

    def test09c_getStrings(self):
        """Checking the return of string columns with spaces. (append)"""

        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        table = self.fileh.root.table
        row = table.row
        for i in range(50):
            row["color"] = "a  "  # note the trailing spaces
        if self.close:
            self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
        data = self.fileh.root.table[:]
        if common.verbose:
            print "Type of read:", type(data)
            print "Description of the record:", data.descr
            print "First 3 elements of read:", data[:3]
        # Check that both numarray objects are equal
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, records.RecArray))
        # Check that all columns have been selected
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 150)
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
        # Finally, check that the contents are ok
        for i in range(150):
            idata = data.field('color')[i]
            if i < 100:
                self.assertEqual(idata, "ab")
                self.assertEqual(idata, "a")
コード例 #39
    def testGetSlice(self):
        """Get a nested array slice.

        my_buffer = [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'), (10, 20, 30))],
                     [2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
                     [8, (('C3Peanut', 'Robot'), (10, 30, 20))]]
        nra0 = nra.array(descr=self.descr, buffer=my_buffer)

        slice_ = nra0[1:2]
        model = nra.array([[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[1:4]
        model = nra.array(
            [[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
             [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[1:4:2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:4]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'),
                  (10, 20, 30))], [2, (('Princess', 'Lettuce'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
             [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:7:3]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'),
                  (10, 20, 30))], [4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
             [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[:]
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, nra0))

        slice_ = nra0[::2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[1, (('Cuke', 'Skywalker'),
                  (10, 20, 30))], [3, (('Ham', 'Solo'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
             [5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [7, (('Tofu', 'Robot'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[4:-2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[5, (('Chew', 'Brocoli'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[-1:-3]
        model = nra.array(None, descr=self.descr)
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))

        slice_ = nra0[-5::2]
        model = nra.array(
            [[4, (('Obi', 'Cannoli'),
                  (0, 2.0, 10))], [6, (('Master', 'Yoda'), (0, 2.0, 10))],
             [8, (('C3Peanut', 'Robot'), (10, 30, 20))]],
        self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(slice_, model))