コード例 #1
class Data(tables.IsDescription):
    '''   Description of data table, each row refers to an event/trace   '''
    receiver_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()
    response_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()
    time_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()

    #start_time       = Time ()                             #   Start time of trace
    class time(tables.IsDescription):
        '''   Time, either epoch or human readable   '''
        type_s = tables.StringCol(8)  # 'EPOCH', 'ASCII', or 'BOTH'
        epoch_l = tables.Int64Col()  # Seconds since January 1, 1970
        ascii_s = tables.StringCol(32)  # WWW MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
        micro_seconds_i = tables.Int32Col()

    event_number_i = tables.Int32Col()  #   Event number
    channel_number_i = tables.Int8Col()  #   Channel number
    sample_rate_i = tables.Int16Col()  #   Trace sample rate
    sample_rate_multiplier_i = tables.Int16Col(
    )  #   This will be needed for sample rates < 1 sps
    sample_count_i = tables.Int32Col()  #   Version 2007.191a bleeding
    stream_number_i = tables.Int8Col()  #   Stream
    raw_file_name_s = tables.StringCol(32)  #   Original file name
    array_name_data_a = tables.StringCol(
        16)  #   Name of array that contains trace
    array_name_SOH_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The SOH array name
    array_name_event_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The event table array
    array_name_log_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The log array
コード例 #2
class elevation(tb.IsDescription):
    orbit = tb.Int32Col(pos=1)
    utc85 = tb.Float64Col(pos=2)
    lon = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    lat = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    elev = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    agc = tb.Float64Col(pos=6)
    fmode = tb.Int8Col(pos=7)
    fret = tb.Int8Col(pos=8)
    fprob = tb.Int8Col(pos=9)
コード例 #3
class IDR(tb.IsDescription):
    orbit = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)
    secs85 = tb.Float64Col(pos=1)
    lat = tb.Float64Col(pos=2)
    lon = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    elev = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    agc = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    fmode = tb.Int8Col(pos=6)
    fret = tb.Int8Col(pos=7)
    fprob = tb.Int8Col(pos=8)
コード例 #4
class Trades(tables.IsDescription):
    time = tables.Int64Col()
    trader_id = tables.Int64Col()
    trade_id = tables.Int64Col()
    sequence_id = tables.Int64Col()
    side = tables.Int8Col()
    price = tables.Float64Col()
    quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    origin_id = tables.Int8Col()
    is_auction = tables.BoolCol()
    is_aggressor = tables.BoolCol()
コード例 #5
ファイル: Data.py プロジェクト: ktp-forked-repos/tetris_mcts
class State(tables.IsDescription):
    episode = tables.Int32Col()
    board = tables.Int8Col(shape=(22, 10))
    policy = tables.Float32Col(shape=(n_actions, ))
    action = tables.Int8Col()
    combo = tables.Int32Col()
    lines = tables.Int32Col()
    score = tables.Int32Col()
    child_stats = tables.Float32Col(shape=(6, n_actions))
    cycle = tables.Int32Col()
    value = tables.Float32Col()
    variance = tables.Float32Col()
class analDataPoint(tables.IsDescription):
    random_seed = tables.Int8Col()
    time_delay = tables.Int8Col()
    min_q = tables.Float64Col((54, nb_neurones))
    q_type = tables.Int64Col(54)
    dimension = tables.Float64Col()
    eigvals_real = tables.Float64Col(nb_neurones)
    eigvals_imag = tables.Float64Col(nb_neurones)
    converges = tables.BoolCol()
    train_output = tables.Float64Col((31, 500, 3))
    max_cov_val = tables.Float64Col((3, nb_neurones))
    max_cov_delay = tables.Int8Col((3, nb_neurones))
コード例 #7
ファイル: h52bin_tbl.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2
class GLA(tb.IsDescription):
    orbit = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)
    secs00 = tb.Float64Col(pos=1)
    lat = tb.Float64Col(pos=2)
    lon = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    elev = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    agc = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    energy = tb.Float64Col(pos=6)
    txenergy = tb.Float64Col(pos=7)
    reflect = tb.Float64Col(pos=8)
    fbuff = tb.Int8Col(pos=9)
    fmask = tb.Int8Col(pos=10)
    fbord = tb.Int8Col(pos=11)
    ftrk = tb.UInt8Col(pos=12)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_numpy.py プロジェクト: zequihg50/PyTables
class Record(tb.IsDescription):
    var1 = tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"abcd", pos=0)
    var2 = tb.StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt=b"a", pos=1)
    var3 = tb.BoolCol(dflt=1)
    var4 = tb.Int8Col(dflt=1)
    var5 = tb.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    var6 = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1)
    var7 = tb.UInt16Col(dflt=1)
    var8 = tb.Int32Col(dflt=1)
    var9 = tb.UInt32Col(dflt=1)
    var10 = tb.Int64Col(dflt=1)
    var11 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1.0)
    var12 = tb.Float64Col(dflt=1.0)
    var13 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=8, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    var14 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=16, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float16Col'):
        var15 = tb.Float16Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float96Col'):
        var16 = tb.Float96Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Float128Col'):
        var17 = tb.Float128Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tb, 'Complex196Col'):
        var18 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=24, dflt=(1.+0.j))
    if hasattr(tb, 'Complex256Col'):
        var19 = tb.ComplexCol(itemsize=32, dflt=(1.+0.j))
コード例 #9
ファイル: Convert.py プロジェクト: ArnovanHilten/GenNet
def merge_hdf5_hase(args):
    print(args.genotype, type(args.genotype))
    filepath_hase = args.genotype + '/genotype/{}_' + args.study_name + '.h5'
    g = h5py.File(filepath_hase.format(0), 'r')['genotype']
    num_pat = g.shape[1]
    number_of_files = len(glob.glob(args.genotype + "/genotype/*.h5"))
    print('number of files ', number_of_files)

    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +
    atom = tables.Int8Col()
    filter_zlib = tables.Filters(complib='zlib', complevel=args.comp_level)
    f.create_earray(f.root, 'data', atom, (0, num_pat), filters=filter_zlib)

    print("\n merge all files...")
    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +
    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(number_of_files)):
        gen_tmp = h5py.File(filepath_hase.format(i), 'r')['genotype']
        f.root.data.append(np.array(np.round(gen_tmp[:, :]), dtype=np.int))

    args.outfolder = args.genotype
コード例 #10
class AMASS_Params_Row(tables.IsDescription):
    subject = tables.Int16Col(pos=1)
    gender = tables.Int8Col(pos=2)
    shape = tables.Float32Col(16, pos=3)
    pose = tables.Float32Col(52 * 3, pos=4)
    dmpl = tables.Float32Col(8, pos=5)
    trans = tables.Float32Col(3, pos=6)
コード例 #11
class Tasks(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(128, pos=3)
    day = tables.Time32Col(pos=1)
    idnumber = tables.Int64Col(pos=0)
    task_type = tables.EnumCol(
        ['welcoming', 'balisage', 'logistics', 'security', 'race', 'other'],
    time_start = tables.Time32Col(pos=4)
    time_end = tables.Time32Col(pos=5)
    N_needed = tables.Int8Col(pos=6)
    N_filled = tables.Int8Col(pos=7)
    remarqs = tables.StringCol(128, pos=8)  #
    stuff_needed = tables.StringCol(128, pos=9)  #
    affected_volunteers = tables.Int64Col(pos=10, shape=50, dflt=-1)
コード例 #12
ファイル: storemanualevents.py プロジェクト: cderemble/amf
class Trade(tables.IsDescription):
    time = tables.Int64Col()
    buy_order_id = tables.Int64Col()
    sell_order_id = tables.Int64Col()
    buyer = tables.Int64Col()
    seller = tables.Int64Col()
    price = tables.Float64Col()
    quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    side = tables.Int8Col()
コード例 #13
class Observation(tb.IsDescription):
    """PyTables table descriptor: observation details"""
    telescope = tb.StringCol(32, pos=0)  # Telescope name (always Parkes for us)
    receiver = tb.StringCol(32, pos=1)  # Receiver name (MULTI for us)
    date = tb.Time64Col(pos=2)  # Date - only 32bits reqd for date but using 64
    project_id = tb.StringCol(32, pos=3)  # Project ID number, PXXX for Parkes
    project_name = tb.StringCol(255, pos=4)  # Project name
    observer = tb.StringCol(255, pos=5)  # Observer's name
    num_beams = tb.Int8Col(pos=6)  # Number of beams being used
    ref_beam = tb.Int8Col(pos=7)  # Reference beam
    acc_len = tb.Float32Col(pos=8)  # Accumulation length, in seconds
    bandwidth = tb.Int32Col(pos=9)  # Bandwidth (MHz) (-ve means inverted)
    dwell_time = tb.Float32Col(pos=10)  # Dwell time (sec)
    frequency = tb.Float32Col(pos=11)  # Central frequency (MHz)
    feed_rotation = tb.StringCol(64, pos=12)  # Feed rotation (e.g. STEPPED)
    feed_angle = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)  # Feed angle
    freq_switch = tb.BoolCol(pos=14)  # Frequency switching flag
    obs_mode = tb.StringCol(16, pos=15)  # Observation mode (e.g SCAN)
    scan_rate = tb.Float32Col(pos=16)  # Scan rate, (deg/min)
コード例 #14
 class RegionDescription(t.IsDescription):
     Description of a genomic region for PyTables Table
     ix = t.Int32Col(pos=0)
     chromosome = t.StringCol(100, pos=1)
     start = t.Int64Col(pos=2)
     end = t.Int64Col(pos=3)
     strand = t.Int8Col(pos=4)
     _mask_ix = t.Int32Col(pos=5)
コード例 #15
ファイル: storemanualevents.py プロジェクト: cderemble/amf
class Order(tables.IsDescription):
    time = tables.Int64Col()
    end_time = tables.Int64Col()
    order_id = tables.Int64Col()
    trader = tables.Int64Col()
    action = tables.Int8Col()
    side = tables.Int8Col()
    crossed = tables.BoolCol()
    halted = tables.Int8Col()
    price = tables.Float64Col()
    quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    visible = tables.Int64Col()
    bid0 = tables.Float64Col()
    bid1 = tables.Float64Col()
    bid2 = tables.Float64Col()
    bid3 = tables.Float64Col()
    bid4 = tables.Float64Col()
    ask0 = tables.Float64Col()
    ask1 = tables.Float64Col()
    ask2 = tables.Float64Col()
    ask3 = tables.Float64Col()
    ask4 = tables.Float64Col()
    bid0_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    bid1_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    bid2_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    bid3_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    bid4_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    ask0_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    ask1_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    ask2_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    ask3_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    ask4_quantity = tables.Int64Col()
    bid0_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    bid1_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    bid2_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    bid3_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    bid4_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    ask0_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    ask1_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    ask2_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    ask3_visible = tables.Int64Col()
    ask4_visible = tables.Int64Col()
コード例 #16
ファイル: table-bench.py プロジェクト: zequihg50/PyTables
class Big(tb.IsDescription):
    name = tb.StringCol(itemsize=16)  # 16-character String
    float1 = tb.Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=np.arange(32))
    float2 = tb.Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=2.2)
    TDCcount = tb.Int8Col()  # signed short integer
    #ADCcount    = Int32Col()
    # ADCcount = Int16Col()                   # signed short integer
    grid_i = tb.Int32Col()  # integer
    grid_j = tb.Int32Col()  # integer
    pressure = tb.Float32Col()  # float  (single-precision)
    energy = tb.Float64Col()  # double (double-precision)
コード例 #17
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: morcuended/sapphire
class SimulationParticle(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about the particles hitting a detector

    Simulations which track individual particles write particle information in
    this table.  Position, arrival time and energy, as well as the detector
    which detected this particle are stored.

    .. attribute:: id

        a unique identifier for the simulated event (only unique in this table)

    .. attribute:: station_id

        station identifier, such that you can do::

            >>> station = cluster.stations[station_id]

    .. attribute:: detector_id

        detector identifier, such that you can do::

            >>> station = cluster.stations[station_id]
            >>> detector = station.detectors[detector_id]

    .. attribute:: pid

        a particle identifier. Possible values are determined by the
        simulation package.

    .. attribute:: r, phi

        particle position in polar coordinates

    .. attribute:: time

        arrival time of the particle [ns]

    .. attribute:: energy

        particle energy [GeV]

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    station_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    detector_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    pid = tables.Int8Col()
    r = tables.Float32Col()
    phi = tables.Float32Col()
    time = tables.Float32Col()
    energy = tables.Float32Col()
コード例 #18
ファイル: LMA_h5_write.py プロジェクト: tjlang/lmatools
class Event(T.IsDescription):
    # ascii line for all these data are 64 bytes + 4 for station count + 4 for charge = 72
    # 64+32*5+8+8+4*8 = 272 bytes per record

    time = T.Float64Col()       # Seconds elapsed since start of day
    lat  = T.Float32Col()       # Decimal latitude
    lon  = T.Float32Col()       # Decimal longitude
    alt  = T.Float32Col()       # Altitude, km MSL, WGS84
    chi2 = T.Float32Col()       # Chi-squared solution quality
    power= T.Float32Col()       # Radiated power
    stations = T.UInt8Col()     # Station count
    charge   = T.Int8Col()      # Inferred storm charge
    flash_id    = T.Int32Col()     # Flash ID
    mask     = T.StringCol(4)   # Station mask
コード例 #19
ファイル: Convert.py プロジェクト: ArnovanHilten/GenNet
def impute_hase_hdf5(args):
    t = tables.open_file(args.genotype + args.study_name +
    print('merged shape =', t.root.data.shape)
    num_SNPS = t.root.data.shape[0]
    num_pat = t.root.data.shape[1]

    hdf5_name = args.study_name + '_step3_genotype_no_missing.h5'
    p = pd.read_hdf(args.genotype + '/probes/' + args.study_name + ".h5")
    print('probe shape =', p.shape)

    print("\n impute missing...")
    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +
    atom = tables.Int8Col()

    filter_zlib = tables.Filters(complib='zlib', complevel=args.comp_level)
    f.create_earray(f.root, 'data', atom, (0, num_pat), filters=filter_zlib)

    stdSNPs = np.zeros(num_SNPS)
    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +

    chunk = args.tcm // num_SNPS
    chunk = int(np.clip(chunk, 1, num_pat))

    for part in tqdm.tqdm(range(int(np.ceil(num_SNPS / chunk) + 1))):
        begins = part * chunk
        tills = min(((part + 1) * chunk), num_SNPS)
        d = t.root.data[begins:tills, :].astype("float32")
        d[d == 9] = np.nan
        a = np.where(
            np.ma.array(d, mask=np.isnan(d)).mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], d)
        stdSNPs[begins:tills] = np.std(a, axis=1)

    np.save(args.outfolder + args.study_name + '_std.npy', stdSNPs)
    args.outfolder = args.genotype
    return hdf5_name
コード例 #20
def get_hdf5_table_description(used_variables, decimal_precision):
    columns = dict(
        (var, tb.UInt8Col(pos=idx)) for idx, var in enumerate(used_variables))

    data_start_pos = len(used_variables)
    columns['integral_float64'] = tb.Float64Col(pos=data_start_pos)
    columns['error_float64'] = tb.Float64Col(pos=data_start_pos + 1)

    columns['scale_factor'] = tb.Int8Col(pos=data_start_pos + 2)

    max_len = decimal_precision + 10  # Account for decimal dot and exponent info
    columns['integral_str'] = tb.StringCol(itemsize=max_len,
                                           pos=data_start_pos + 3)
    columns['error_str'] = tb.StringCol(itemsize=max_len,
                                        pos=data_start_pos + 4)

    return columns
コード例 #21
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: morcuended/sapphire
class ShowerParticle(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about shower particles reaching round level

    This table stores particles from shower simulations.  For example, AIRES
    simulations produce ``grdpcles`` files containing all particles which
    reached ground level.  These files can be read and their contents can be
    stored in this table.

    .. attribute:: id

        a unique identifier for the particle (unique in this table)

    .. attribute:: pid

        a particle identifier. Possible values are determined by the
        simulation package.

    .. attribute:: core_distance

        distance from the particle position to the shower core

    .. attribute:: polar_angle

        angle of the particle position vector to a reference line

    .. attribute:: x, y

        particle position

    .. attribute:: arrival_time

        arrival time of the particle [ns]

    .. attribute:: energy

        particle energy [GeV]

    id = tables.UInt32Col()
    pid = tables.Int8Col()
    core_distance = tables.Float32Col()
    polar_angle = tables.Float32Col()
    x = tables.Float32Col()
    y = tables.Float32Col()
    arrival_time = tables.Float32Col()
    energy = tables.Float32Col()
コード例 #22
ファイル: Convert.py プロジェクト: ArnovanHilten/GenNet
def impute_hase_hdf5_no_chunk(args):
    t = tables.open_file(args.genotype + args.study_name +
    print('merged shape =', t.root.data.shape)
    num_SNPS = t.root.data.shape[0]
    num_pat = t.root.data.shape[1]

    hdf5_name = args.study_name + '_step3_genotype_no_missing.h5'
    p = pd.read_hdf(args.genotype + '/probes/' + args.study_name + ".h5")
    print('probe shape =', p.shape)

    print("\n impute missing...")
    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +
    atom = tables.Int8Col()

    filter_zlib = tables.Filters(complib='zlib', complevel=args.comp_level)
    f.create_earray(f.root, 'data', atom, (0, num_pat), filters=filter_zlib)

    stdSNPs = np.zeros(num_SNPS)
    f = tables.open_file(args.outfolder + args.study_name +

    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(t.root.data.shape[0])):
        d = t.root.data[i, :].astype("float32")
        m = np.where(d == 9)
        d[m] = np.nan
        d[m] = np.nanmean(d)
        d = d[np.newaxis, :]
        stdSNPs[i] = np.std(d)

    np.save(args.outfolder + args.study_name + '_std.npy', stdSNPs)

    args.outfolder = args.genotype

    return hdf5_name
コード例 #23
    class orientation(tables.IsDescription):
        '''   Orientation of sensor   '''

        #dip               = Units32 ()                         #   Zero is up
        class dip(tables.IsDescription):
            '''   32 bit float with units   '''
            _v_pos = 2
            units_s = tables.StringCol(16)
            value_f = tables.Float32Col(pos=1)

        #azimuth           = Units32 ()                         #   Zero is north
        class azimuth(tables.IsDescription):
            '''   32 bit float with units   '''
            _v_pos = 1
            units_s = tables.StringCol(16)
            value_f = tables.Float32Col(pos=1)

        channel_number_i = tables.Int8Col()
        description_s = tables.StringCol(1024,
                                         pos=3)  # Any additional comments
コード例 #24
class ProteinTable(tables.IsDescription):
    EntryNr = tables.UInt32Col(pos=1)
    SeqBufferOffset = tables.UInt64Col(pos=2)
    SeqBufferLength = tables.UInt32Col(pos=3)
    OmaGroup = tables.UInt32Col(pos=4, dflt=0)
    OmaHOG = tables.StringCol(255, pos=5, dflt=b"")
    Chromosome = tables.StringCol(255, pos=6)
    LocusStart = tables.UInt32Col(pos=7)
    LocusEnd = tables.UInt32Col(pos=8)
    LocusStrand = tables.Int8Col(pos=9, dflt=1)
    AltSpliceVariant = tables.Int32Col(pos=10, dflt=0)
    CanonicalId = tables.StringCol(20, pos=11, dflt=b"")
    CDNABufferOffset = tables.UInt64Col(pos=12)
    CDNABufferLength = tables.UInt32Col(pos=13)
    MD5ProteinHash = tables.StringCol(32, pos=14)
    DescriptionOffset = tables.UInt32Col(pos=15)
    DescriptionLength = tables.UInt16Col(pos=16)
    SubGenome = tables.StringCol(1, pos=17, dflt=b"")
    RootHogUpstream = tables.Int32Col(pos=18, dflt=-1)
    RootHogDownStream = tables.Int32Col(pos=19, dflt=-1)
コード例 #25
class Elevation(tb.IsDescription):
    time = tb.StringCol(64, pos=1)
    orbit = tb.Int32Col(pos=2)
    utc85 = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    lon = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    lat = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    elev = tb.Float64Col(pos=6)
    agc = tb.Float64Col(pos=7)
    fmode = tb.Int8Col(pos=8)
    fret = tb.Int8Col(pos=9)
    fprob = tb.Int8Col(pos=10)
    fmask = tb.Int8Col(pos=11)
    fbord = tb.Int8Col(pos=12)
    ftrack = tb.Int8Col(pos=13)
    inc = tb.Float64Col(pos=14)
コード例 #26
ファイル: cvs_to_h5.py プロジェクト: zhesu/Penn-haptics-bolt
def populate_h5(input_file, out_file, values_slice):

    csv_file = open(input_file, "r")
    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)

    #getting the headers of, the file, assume they're there
    #skipping empty entries
    entries = reader.next()
    titles = [s for s in entries if s != '' and not s.startswith('#')]
    print "Titles are: ", titles


    def filter(x):
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return 0

    all_rows = []
    for row in itertools.islice(reader, values_slice.start, values_slice.stop,
        class_number = row[0]
        new_row = [class_number]
        new_row.extend(filter(x) for x in row[1:1 + len(titles)]
                       )  #skip class_number and the last two empty elements

    #now let's go to the h5
    h5file = tables.openFile(out_file, mode="w", title="Adjectives")

    description = dict(
        zip(titles, (tables.Int8Col(pos=i + 1) for i in xrange(len(titles)))))
    description["object_id"] = tables.StringCol(8, pos=0)
    table = h5file.createTable("/", "clases", description)
コード例 #27
class Weights(tables.IsDescription):
	value  = tables.Float32Col(shape=(batch_size, 512, 14, 14))   # float  (single-precision)
	labels = tables.Int8Col(shape=(batch_size, nb_classes))
コード例 #28
 class MyTimeRow(tb.IsDescription):
     i8col = tb.Int8Col(pos=0)
     t32col = tb.Time32Col(pos=1)
     t64col = tb.Time64Col(shape=(2, ), pos=2)
コード例 #29
 class TrialData(tables.IsDescription):
     trial_num = tables.Int32Col()
     trigger = tables.StringCol(26)
     response = tables.StringCol(26)
     plot_trigger = tables.Int8Col()
     plot_response = tables.Int8Col()
コード例 #30
class _Location(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(128)
    latitude = tables.Float64Col()
    longitude = tables.Float64Col()
    height = tables.Float64Col()
    bortle_class = tables.Int8Col()