def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print(f"使用方法: python3 {sys.argv[0]} words.txt", file=sys.stderr) print("文件行格式:word [w1_yin w2_yin ... prioroty]") print("举例:你好 [ni hao 100]") print("中括号内为可选内容") sys.exit(1) _, words_path = sys.argv add_words = load_words(words_path) print(add_words) with db.atomic(): WordPhoneTable.bulk_create(add_words, batch_size=100) print(f'done, add {len(add_words)} items')
word_phones.append((word, f"{c1}{c2}")) elif len(phones) == 3: for c1 in phones[0]: for c2 in phones[1]: for c3 in phones[2]: word_phones.append((word, f"{c1}{c2}{c3}")) else: print(f"{word} {phones} lenght great than 3, exiting...") sys.exit(1) to_add_items = [] exist_items = set() for (word, phones) in word_phones: if f"{word}{phones}" in exist_items: continue if len(phones) != len(word)*2: print(f"D: {word} {phones} wrong.") continue num = == word, WordPhoneTable.phones == phones).count() if num > 0: continue to_add_items.append(WordPhoneTable(word=word, phones=phones, priority=1, exist_items.add(f"{word}{phones}") # WordPhoneTable(word=word, phones=phones, priority=1, print(f"add length {len(to_add_items)}") with db.atomic(): WordPhoneTable.bulk_create(to_add_items, batch_size=100) print('done') pass