def restore_object(self, attrs, instance=None): #watchers is not a field from the model but can be attached in the get_queryset of the viewset. #If that's the case we need to remove it before calling the super method watcher_field = self.fields.pop("watchers", None) instance = super(WatchedResourceModelSerializer, self).restore_object(attrs, instance) if instance is not None and self.validate_watchers(attrs, "watchers"): new_watcher_ids = set(attrs.get("watchers", [])) old_watcher_ids = set( services.get_watchers(instance).values_list("id", flat=True)) adding_watcher_ids = list( new_watcher_ids.difference(old_watcher_ids)) removing_watcher_ids = list( old_watcher_ids.difference(new_watcher_ids)) User = apps.get_model("users", "User") adding_users = User.objects.filter(id__in=adding_watcher_ids) removing_users = User.objects.filter(id__in=removing_watcher_ids) for user in adding_users: services.add_watcher(instance, user) for user in removing_users: services.remove_watcher(instance, user) instance.watchers = services.get_watchers(instance) return instance
def save_watchers(self): new_watcher_emails = set(self._watchers) old_watcher_emails = set(notifications_services.get_watchers(self.object).values_list("email", flat=True)) adding_watcher_emails = list(new_watcher_emails.difference(old_watcher_emails)) removing_watcher_emails = list(old_watcher_emails.difference(new_watcher_emails)) User = apps.get_model("users", "User") adding_users = User.objects.filter(email__in=adding_watcher_emails) removing_users = User.objects.filter(email__in=removing_watcher_emails) for user in adding_users: notifications_services.add_watcher(self.object, user) for user in removing_users: notifications_services.remove_watcher(self.object, user) self.object.watchers = notifications_services.get_watchers(self.object)
def _push_to_timelines(project, user, obj, event_type, created_datetime, extra_data={}): if project is not None: # Actions related with a project ## Project timeline _push_to_timeline(project, obj, event_type, created_datetime, namespace=build_project_namespace(project), extra_data=extra_data) ## User profile timelines ## - Me related_people = User.objects.filter( ## - Owner if hasattr(obj, "owner_id") and obj.owner_id: related_people |= User.objects.filter(id=obj.owner_id) ## - Assigned to if hasattr(obj, "assigned_to_id") and obj.assigned_to_id: related_people |= User.objects.filter(id=obj.assigned_to_id) ## - Watchers watchers = notifications_services.get_watchers(obj) if watchers: related_people |= watchers ## - Exclude inactive and system users and remove duplicate related_people = related_people.exclude(is_active=False) related_people = related_people.exclude(is_system=True) related_people = related_people.distinct() _push_to_timeline(related_people, obj, event_type, created_datetime, namespace=build_user_namespace(user), extra_data=extra_data) else: # Actions not related with a project ## - Me _push_to_timeline(user, obj, event_type, created_datetime, namespace=build_user_namespace(user), extra_data=extra_data)
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs): pk = kwargs.get("pk", None) resource_id = kwargs.get("resource_id", None) resource = get_object_or_404(self.resource_model, pk=resource_id) self.check_permissions(request, 'retrieve', resource) try: self.object = services.get_watchers(resource).get(pk=pk) except ObjectDoesNotExist: # or User.DoesNotExist return response.NotFound() serializer = self.get_serializer(self.object) return response.Ok(
def restore_object(self, attrs, instance=None): #watchers is not a field from the model but can be attached in the get_queryset of the viewset. #If that's the case we need to remove it before calling the super method watcher_field = self.fields.pop("watchers", None) instance = super(WatchedResourceModelSerializer, self).restore_object(attrs, instance) if instance is not None and self.validate_watchers(attrs, "watchers"): new_watcher_ids = set(attrs.get("watchers", [])) old_watcher_ids = set(services.get_watchers(instance).values_list("id", flat=True)) adding_watcher_ids = list(new_watcher_ids.difference(old_watcher_ids)) removing_watcher_ids = list(old_watcher_ids.difference(new_watcher_ids)) User = apps.get_model("users", "User") adding_users = User.objects.filter(id__in=adding_watcher_ids) removing_users = User.objects.filter(id__in=removing_watcher_ids) for user in adding_users: services.add_watcher(instance, user) for user in removing_users: services.remove_watcher(instance, user) instance.watchers = services.get_watchers(instance) return instance
def get_watchers(self) -> frozenset: """ Default implementation method for obtain a list of watchers for current instance. NOTE: the default implementation returns frozen set of all watchers if "watchers" attribute exists in a model. WARNING: it returns a full evaluated set and in future, for project with 1000k watchers it can be very inefficient way for obtain watchers but at this momment is the simplest way. """ return frozenset(services.get_watchers(self))
def get_watchers(self) -> object: """ Default implementation method for obtain a list of watchers for current instance. """ return services.get_watchers(self)
def get_queryset(self): resource = self.resource_model.objects.get( pk=self.kwargs.get("resource_id")) return services.get_watchers(resource)
def to_native(self, obj): #watchers is wasn't attached via the get_queryset of the viewset we need to manually add it if not hasattr(obj, "watchers"): obj.watchers = [ for user in services.get_watchers(obj)] return super(WatchedResourceModelSerializer, self).to_native(obj)
def to_native(self, obj): ret = super(WatcheableObjectModelSerializer, self).to_native(obj) ret["watchers"] = [ for user in notifications_services.get_watchers(obj)] return ret
def get_queryset(self): resource = self.resource_model.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get("resource_id")) return services.get_watchers(resource)
def to_native(self, obj): #watchers is wasn't attached via the get_queryset of the viewset we need to manually add it if obj is not None and not hasattr(obj, "watchers"): obj.watchers = [ for user in services.get_watchers(obj)] return super(WatchedResourceModelSerializer, self).to_native(obj)