コード例 #1
ファイル: town_creatures.py プロジェクト: zaghaghi/Tale
 def do_drool(self, ctx: util.Context) -> None:
     if random.random() < 0.3:
         self.location.tell("%s drools. Yuck." % lang.capital(self.title))
         target = random.choice(list(self.location.livings))
         if target is self:
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %sself." % (lang.capital(self.title), self.objective))
             title = lang.capital(self.title)
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %s." % (title, target.title),
                                specific_targets={target}, specific_target_msg="%s drools on you." % title)
コード例 #2
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: shawnantonucci/Tale
 def do_moan(self, ctx: util.Context) -> None:
     if random.random() < 0.3:
         self.location.tell("%s moans. better (run)." % lang.capital(self.title))
         target = random.choice(list(self.location.livings))
         if target is self:
             self.location.tell("%s grabs onto %sself." % (lang.capital(self.title), self.objective))
             title = lang.capital(self.title)
             self.location.tell("%s moans on %s." % (title, target.title),
                                specific_targets={target}, specific_target_msg="%s grabs onto you." % title)
コード例 #3
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: shawnantonucci/Tale
 def notify_action(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> None:
     if actor is self or parsed.verb in self.verbs:
         return  # avoid reacting to ourselves, or reacting to verbs we already have a handler for
     # react on mentioning the medicine
     if "bullets" in parsed.unparsed or "ammo" in parsed.unparsed:
         if self.search_item("ammo", include_location=False):  # do we still have the ammo?
             price = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(self.ammo_price)
             self.tell_others("{Actor} clenches bof of %s's holding even tighter. %s says: "
                              "\"You won't get them for free! They will cost you %s!\""
                              % (self.subjective, lang.capital(self.subjective), price))
             self.tell_others("{Actor} says: \"Good luck with it!\"")
     if random.random() < 0.5:
         actor.tell("%s glares at you." % lang.capital(self.title))
コード例 #4
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def notify_action(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> None:
     if actor is self or parsed.verb in self.verbs:
         return  # avoid reacting to ourselves, or reacting to verbs we already have a handler for
     # react on mentioning the medicine
     if "medicine" in parsed.unparsed or "pills" in parsed.unparsed or "bottle" in parsed.unparsed:
         if self.search_item("pills", include_location=False):  # do we still have the pills?
             price = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(self.pills_price)
             self.tell_others("{Actor} clenches the bottle %s's holding even tighter. %s says: "
                              "\"You won't get them for free! They will cost you %s!\""
                              % (self.subjective, lang.capital(self.subjective), price))
             self.tell_others("{Actor} says: \"Good luck with it!\"")
     if random.random() < 0.5:
         actor.tell("%s glares at you." % lang.capital(self.title))
コード例 #5
ファイル: town_creatures.py プロジェクト: digideskio/Tale
 def heartbeat(self, ctx):
     # note: this village idiot NPC uses a heartbeat mechanism to drool at certain moments.
     # This is less efficient than using a deferred (as the town crier NPC does) because
     # the driver has to call all heartbeats every tick even though they do nothing yet.
     # It's here for example sake.
     self.beats_before_drool -= 1
     if self.beats_before_drool <= 0:
         self.beats_before_drool = random.randint(10, 20)
         target = random.choice(list(self.location.livings))
         if target is self:
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %sself." % (lang.capital(self.title), self.objective))
             title = lang.capital(self.title)
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %s." % (title, target.title),
                                specific_targets=[target], specific_target_msg="%s drools on you." % title)
コード例 #6
ファイル: circle_locations.py プロジェクト: vtbassmatt/Tale
 def handle_verb(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> bool:
     if parsed.verb == "list":
         pets = self.get_pets()
         actor.tell("Available pets at the moment are:", end=True)
         txt = ["<ul>  pet            <dim>|</><ul> price     </>"]
         for i, (pet, price) in enumerate(pets.items(), start=1):
             txt.append("  %-15s  %s" % (pet.name, mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(price)))
         actor.tell("\n".join(txt), format=False)
         return True
     elif parsed.verb == "buy":
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ActionRefused("Buy which pet? Don't forget to name it as well (optional).")
         pets = self.get_pets()
         for pet, price in pets.items():
             if pet.name == parsed.args[0].lower():
                 pet = make_mob(pet.circle_vnum, type(pet))
                 if price > actor.money:
                     raise ActionRefused("You can't afford that pet.")
                 if len(parsed.args) == 2:
                     name = parsed.args[1].lower()
                     pet.title = "%s %s" % (pet.name, lang.capital(name))
                     pet.description += " A small sign on a chain around the neck says 'My name is %s'." % lang.capital(name)
                     pet.name = name
                 pet.following = actor   # @todo make pet charmed as well (see circle doc/src)
                 pet.is_pet = True
                 actor.money -= price
                 actor.tell_others("{Actor} buys %s as a pet." % pet.title)
                 actor.tell("You paid %s and received %s as your new pet. Happy times!"
                            % (mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(price), pet.title))
                 pet.move(actor.location, pet)
                 return True
         raise ActionRefused("There is no such pet!")
         return super().handle_verb(parsed, actor)
コード例 #7
 def handle_verb(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> bool:
     pills = self.search_item("pills", include_location=False)
     if parsed.verb in ("bargain", "haggle"):
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ParseError("For how much money do you want to haggle?")
         if not pills:
             raise ActionRefused("It is no longer available for sale.")
         amount = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.parse(parsed.args)
         price = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(self.pills_price)
         if amount < self.pills_price / 2:
                 "%s glares angrily at you and says, \"No way! I want at least half the original price! "
                 "Did't I tell you? They were %s!\"" %
                 (lang.capital(self.title), price))
             raise ActionRefused()
         self.do_buy_pills(actor, pills, amount)
         return True
     if parsed.verb == "buy":
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ParseError("Buy what?")
         if "pills" in parsed.args or "bottle" in parsed.args or "medicine" in parsed.args:
             if not pills:
                 raise ActionRefused("It is no longer available for sale.")
             self.do_buy_pills(actor, pills, self.pills_price)
             return True
         if pills:
             raise ParseError(
                 "There's nothing left to buy in the shop, except for the pills the apothecary is holding."
             raise ParseError("There's nothing left to buy.")
     return False
コード例 #8
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def handle_verb(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> bool:
     pills = self.search_item("pills", include_location=False)
     if parsed.verb in ("bargain", "haggle"):
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ParseError("For how much money do you want to haggle?")
         if not pills:
             raise ActionRefused("It is no longer available for sale.")
         amount = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.parse(parsed.args)
         price = mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(self.pills_price)
         if amount < self.pills_price / 2:
             actor.tell("%s glares angrily at you and says, \"No way! I want at least half the original price! "
                        "Did't I tell you? They were %s!\"" % (lang.capital(self.title), price))
             raise ActionRefused()
         self.do_buy_pills(actor, pills, amount)
         return True
     if parsed.verb == "buy":
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ParseError("Buy what?")
         if "pills" in parsed.args or "bottle" in parsed.args or "medicine" in parsed.args:
             if not pills:
                 raise ActionRefused("It is no longer available for sale.")
             self.do_buy_pills(actor, pills, self.pills_price)
             return True
         if pills:
             raise ParseError("There's nothing left to buy in the shop, except for the pills the apothecary is holding.")
             raise ParseError("There's nothing left to buy.")
     return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: circle_locations.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def handle_verb(self, parsed: ParseResult, actor: Living) -> bool:
     if parsed.verb == "list":
         pets = self.get_pets()
         actor.tell("Available pets at the moment are:", end=True)
         txt = ["<ul>  pet            <dim>|</><ul> price     </>"]
         for i, (pet, price) in enumerate(pets.items(), start=1):
             txt.append("  %-15s  %s" % (pet.name, mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(price)))
         actor.tell("\n".join(txt), format=False)
         return True
     elif parsed.verb == "buy":
         if not parsed.args:
             raise ActionRefused("Buy which pet? Don't forget to name it as well (optional).")
         pets = self.get_pets()
         for pet, price in pets.items():
             if pet.name == parsed.args[0].lower():
                 pet = make_mob(pet.circle_vnum, type(pet))
                 if price > actor.money:
                     raise ActionRefused("You can't afford that pet.")
                 if len(parsed.args) == 2:
                     name = parsed.args[1].lower()
                     pet.title = "%s %s" % (pet.name, lang.capital(name))
                     pet.description += " A small sign on a chain around the neck says 'My name is %s'." % lang.capital(name)
                     pet.name = name
                 pet.following = actor   # @todo make pet charmed as well (see circle doc/src)
                 pet.is_pet = True
                 actor.money -= price
                 actor.tell_others("{Actor} buys %s as a pet." % pet.title)
                 actor.tell("You paid %s and received %s as your new pet. Happy times!"
                            % (mud_context.driver.moneyfmt.display(price), pet.title))
                 pet.move(actor.location, pet)
                 return True
         raise ActionRefused("There is no such pet!")
         return super().handle_verb(parsed, actor)
コード例 #10
ファイル: wizardtower.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def do_whizz(self, ctx: util.Context) -> None:
     rand = random.random()
     if rand < 0.14:
         self.do_socialize("twitch erra")
     elif rand < 0.28:
         self.do_socialize("rotate random")
     elif rand < 0.40:
         self.location.tell("%s hums softly." % lang.capital(self.title))
コード例 #11
ファイル: wizardtower.py プロジェクト: vtbassmatt/Tale
 def do_whizz(self, ctx: util.Context) -> None:
     rand = random.random()
     if rand < 0.14:
         self.do_socialize("twitch erra")
     elif rand < 0.28:
         self.do_socialize("rotate random")
     elif rand < 0.40:
         self.location.tell("%s hums softly." % lang.capital(self.title))
コード例 #12
 def allow_give_item(self, item: Item, actor: Optional[Living]) -> None:
     if item.name == "pills":
             "say \"Keep the bottle with you, I'll ask when I need it. Let us just leave from this place!\""
         raise ActionRefused()
         raise ActionRefused("%s doesn't want %s." %
                             (lang.capital(self.title), item.title))
コード例 #13
ファイル: teachers.py プロジェクト: elaewin/IntroPython2015
 def insert(self, item, actor):
     """NPC have a bit nicer refuse message when giving items to them."""
     if not self.aggressive or actor is self or actor is not None and "wizard" in actor.privileges:
         super(NPC, self).insert(item, self)
         if self.aggressive and item is not "english paper":
             raise ActionRefused("%s doesn't want %s." % (lang.capital(self.title), item.title))
             self.aggressive = False
コード例 #14
ファイル: town_creatures.py プロジェクト: skirtap/Tale
 def heartbeat(self, ctx):
     # note: this village idiot NPC uses a heartbeat mechanism to drool at certain moments.
     # This is less efficient than using a deferred (as the town crier NPC does) because
     # the driver has to call all heartbeats every tick even though they do nothing yet.
     # It's here for example sake.
     self.beats_before_drool -= 1
     if self.beats_before_drool <= 0:
         self.beats_before_drool = random.randint(10, 20)
         target = random.choice(list(self.location.livings))
         if target is self:
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %sself." %
                                (lang.capital(self.title), self.objective))
             title = lang.capital(self.title)
             self.location.tell("%s drools on %s." % (title, target.title),
                                specific_target_msg="%s drools on you." %
コード例 #15
ファイル: teachers.py プロジェクト: elaewin/IntroPython2015
    def insert(self, item, actor):
        """NPC have a bit nicer refuse message when giving items to them."""
        if item is english_paper:
            super(NPC, self).insert(item, self)
Mr. Bushel takes your English paper with a look of surprise. "Well, better late than never, I suppose."
You take your seat. For the first time in weeks, you won't be in detention all afternoon.""")
            raise ActionRefused("{} doesn't want {}.".format(lang.capital(self.title), item.title))
コード例 #16
ファイル: house.py プロジェクト: skirtap/Tale
 def do_purr(self, ctx):
     if random.random() > 0.5:
         self.location.tell("%s purrs happily." % capital(self.title))
         self.location.tell("%s yawns sleepily." % capital(self.title))
     ctx.driver.defer(random.randint(5, 20), self.do_purr)
コード例 #17
 def testCapital(self):
     self.assertEqual("", lang.capital(""))
     self.assertEqual("X", lang.capital("x"))
     self.assertEqual("Xyz AbC", lang.capital("xyz AbC"))
コード例 #18
ファイル: house.py プロジェクト: jordanaycamara/Tale
 def do_purr(self, driver):
     if random.random() > 0.5:
         self.location.tell("%s purrs happily." % capital(self.title))
         self.location.tell("%s yawns sleepily." % capital(self.title))
     driver.defer(random.randint(5, 20), self, self.do_purr)
コード例 #19
ファイル: house_tpl.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def do_purr(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
     if random.random() > 0.7:
         self.location.tell("%s purrs happily." % capital(self.title))
         self.location.tell("%s yawns sleepily." % capital(self.title))
コード例 #20
 def description(self) -> str:
     if self.search_item("pills", include_location=False):
         return "%s looks scared, and clenches a small bottle in %s hands." % (
             lang.capital(self.subjective), self.possessive)
     return "%s looks scared." % self.subjective
コード例 #21
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def description(self) -> str:
     if self.search_item("pills", include_location=False):
         return "%s looks scared, and clenches a small bottle in %s hands." % (lang.capital(self.subjective), self.possessive)
     return "%s looks scared." % self.subjective
コード例 #22
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: irmen/Tale
 def allow_give_item(self, item: Item, actor: Optional[Living]) -> None:
     if item.name == "pills":
         self.do_socialize("say \"Keep the bottle with you, I'll ask when I need it. Let us just leave from this place!\"")
         raise ActionRefused()
         raise ActionRefused("%s doesn't want %s." % (lang.capital(self.title), item.title))
コード例 #23
 def testCapital(self):
     self.assertEqual("", lang.capital(""))
     self.assertEqual("X", lang.capital("x"))
     self.assertEqual("Xyz AbC", lang.capital("xyz AbC"))
コード例 #24
ファイル: house.py プロジェクト: Ianax/Tale
 def do_purr(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
     if random.random() > 0.7:
         self.location.tell("%s purrs happily." % capital(self.title))
         self.location.tell("%s yawns sleepily." % capital(self.title))
コード例 #25
ファイル: house.py プロジェクト: shawnantonucci/Tale
 def do_birdaction(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
     if random.random() > 0.7:
         self.location.tell("%s chirps." % capital(self.title))
         self.location.tell("%s flys around the room." % capital(self.title))
コード例 #26
ファイル: npcs.py プロジェクト: shawnantonucci/Tale
 def description(self) -> str:
     if self.search_item("ammo", include_location=False):
         return "%s looks at you and shows you a box of ammo in %s hands." % (lang.capital(self.subjective), self.possessive)
     return "%s a creepy old man with wares." % self.subjective