send_idea_command("action EditorCopy") send_idea_command("goto {} {}".format(old_line, old_col)) send_idea_command("action EditorPaste") finally: clip.set(old_clip) def is_real_jetbrains_editor(app, window): if app.bundle not in port_mapping: return False # XXX Expose "does editor have focus" as plugin endpoint. # XXX Window title empty in full screen. return "[" in window.title or len(window.title) == 0 group = ContextGroup("jetbrains") ctx = Context("jetbrains", func=is_real_jetbrains_editor) # , group=group) ctx.keymap({ "comment toggle": Key("cmd-/"), "compile": [Key("ctrl-c"), "c"], "run": [Key("ctrl-c"), "r"], "go to [<dgndictation>]": [ Key("cmd-e"), # idea("action SearchEverywhere"), text, ], "ace [<dgndictation>]": [Key("ctrl-;"), text], "toggle": Key("ctrl-tab"),
sleep(0.5) press('cmd-shift-alt-d') def talon_mode(m): global is_swedish_mode speech.set_enabled(True) engine.mimic('go to sleep'.split()) if is_swedish_mode == True: is_swedish_mode = False sleep(0.5) press('cmd-shift-alt-d') def dragon_mode(m): speech.set_enabled(False) engine.mimic('wake up'.split()) sleep_group = ContextGroup('sleepy') sleepy = Context('sleepy', group=sleep_group) sleepy.keymap({ 'snore': lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), 'activate': lambda m: speech.set_enabled(True), 'dragon mode': dragon_mode, 'talon mode': talon_mode, 'swedish mode': swedish_mode, }) sleep_group.load()
def narrow(m): for d in m["mouseSnapNine.digits"]: mg.narrow(int(d)) def click(): x, y = ctrl.mouse_pos() ctrl.mouse_click(pos=(x, y), button=0, times=1, wait=16000) digits = dict((str(n), n) for n in range(1, 11)) mg = MouseSnapNine() group = ContextGroup("snapNine") ctx = Context("mouseSnapNine", group=group) keymap = { "{mouseSnapNine.digits}+": narrow, "(oops | back)": mg.go_back, "(reset | clear | escape)": mg.reset, "done": [ mg.stop, lambda _: ctx.unload(), lambda _: speech.set_enabled(True), lambda _: click() ], "exit": [mg.stop, lambda _: ctx.unload(), lambda _: speech.set_enabled(True)], }
import time from talon.voice import Context, ContextGroup, Key from ..utils import text def delay(amount): return lambda _: time.sleep(amount) # I don't want to interleave jira navigation with other commands, like dictation. group = ContextGroup("jira") ctx = Context("jira", func=lambda app, win: win.title.endswith(" JIRA2"), group=group) ctx.vocab = ["sub-task", "Dwight"] ctx.keymap({ "dashboard": Key("g d"), "boards": Key("g b"), "issues": Key("g i"), "find": Key("/"), "create": Key("c"), "assign [to] <dgndictation> [over]": [Key("a"), delay(0.6), text], "assign to me": Key("i"), "comment": Key("m"), "edit": Key("e"), "action <dgndictation> [over]": [Key("."), delay(0.6), text], "submit": Key("ctrl+return"), "copy link": Key("cmd+l cmd+c"), "copy id": Key("cmd+l right alt+shift+left alt+shift+left cmd+c"),
from talon import tap, voice from talon.voice import Context, ContextGroup from talon.engine import engine from talon_plugins import speech sleep_group = ContextGroup("sleepy") sleepy = Context("sleepy", group=sleep_group) dictation_group = ContextGroup("dictation") dictation = Context("dictation", group=dictation_group) dictation_group.load() dictation_group.disable() class VoiceType: SLEEPING = 1 TALON = 2 DRAGON = 3 DICTATION = 4 voice_type = VoiceType.TALON last_voice_type = VoiceType.TALON def set_voice_type(type): global voice_type, last_voice_type if voice_type != VoiceType.SLEEPING: last_voice_type = voice_type voice_type = type
from talon.voice import Context, ContextGroup from talon.engine import engine from talon_plugins import speech sleep_group = ContextGroup("sleepy") sleepy = Context("sleepy", group=sleep_group) sleepy.keymap({ "talon sleep": lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), "talon wake": lambda m: speech.set_enabled(True), "dragon mode": [ lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), lambda m: engine.mimic("wake up".split()), ], "talon mode": [ lambda m: speech.set_enabled(True), lambda m: engine.mimic("go to sleep".split()), ], }) sleep_group.load()
is_debug_enabled = enable def open_debug_log(m): # Opens the Talon logs in, which is where print statements and debugging data is usually sent unless Repl is active os.system('open -a Console ~/.talon/talon.log') def on_eye_control(menu_string): # Respect the enabled-ness of default talon ContextGroup for these Voice Commands if talon.enabled: eye_mouse.on_menu(menu_string) context_group = ContextGroup('talon_control') context = Context('talon_control', group=context_group) context.keymap({ # Enable/disable voice recognition 'talon [voice] sleep': lambda m: disable_talon(), 'talon [voice] wake': lambda m: enable_talon(), # Switch between Dragon dictation and Talon recognition 'talon dragon mode': lambda m: enable_dragon_mode(), 'talon standard mode': lambda m: enable_talon(),
def insert_word(self, word): word = str(word).lstrip("\\").split("\\", 1)[0] word = mapping.get(word, word) word = word.rstrip("-") if self.caps: word = word[0].upper() + word[1:] if and word[0] not in punctuation and "\n" not in word: insert(" ") insert(word) self.caps = word in sentence_ends = "\n" not in word def phrase(self, m): for word in m.dgndictation[0]: self.insert_word(word) dictation_group = ContextGroup("dictation") dictation = Context("dictation", group=dictation_group) dictation_group.load() dictation_group.disable() auto_format = AutoFormat() dictation.keymap({"<dgndictation> [over]": auto_format.phrase}) # , "press enter": Key("enter")
(self.offset_x, self.offset_y, self.width, self.height)) def go_back(self, _): last_state = self.states.pop() self.offset_x, self.offset_y, self.width, self.height = last_state self.count -= 1 def narrow(m): mg.narrow(m["mouseSnapSquid.digits"]) digits = dict((str(n), n) for n in range(0, 10)) mg = MouseSnapSquid() group = ContextGroup("squid") ctx = Context("mouseSnapSquid", group=group) keymap = { "{mouseSnapSquid.digits}+": narrow, "squid": [mg.stop, lambda _: ctx.unload(), lambda _: speech.set_enabled(True)], } keymap.update({k: [v, mg.reset] for k, v in click_keymap.items()}) ctx.keymap(keymap) ctx.set_list("digits", digits.keys()) group.load() ctx.unload() startCtx = Context("mouseSnapSquidStarter") startCtx.keymap({ "squid": [
Str(format(parse_dgndictation(m.dgndictation[0]), get_unique_formatters(m)))(None) # Allowing the input of formatter words, with optional formatting # Some formatter words can be entered by using "phrasing", but not all of them accurately, thus this extra method # Examples: # "phraser cram" => 'cram' # "phraser title cram" => 'Cram' # "phraser caps caps" => 'CAPS' def formatted_literal_formatter(m): if enabled(): Str(format([parse_word(m._words[-1])], get_unique_formatters(m)))(None) # Allowing the input of trigger word 'phrasing', with optional formatting # Examples: # "phraser phrasing" => 'phrasing' # "phraser caps phrasing" => 'PHRASING' def formatted_literal_phrasing(m): if enabled(): Str(format(['phrasing'], get_unique_formatters(m)))(None) context_group = ContextGroup('literal_string_entry') context = Context('literal_string_entry', group=context_group) context.keymap({ 'phraser (%s)* phrasing'%(capitalization_string): formatted_literal_phrasing, 'phraser (%s)+'%(formatter_string): formatted_literal_formatter, 'phrasing (%s)* <dgndictation>'%(formatter_string): formatted_literal_phrase, }) context_group.load()
from talon.voice import Context, ContextGroup from talon.engine import engine from talon_plugins import speech sleep_group = ContextGroup('sleepy') sleepy = Context('sleepy', group=sleep_group) dictation_group = ContextGroup('dictation') dictation = Context('dictation', group=dictation_group) dictation_group.load() dictation_group.disable() sleepy.keymap({ 'talon sleep': lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), 'talon wake': lambda m: speech.set_enabled(True), 'dragon mode': [lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), lambda m: dictation_group.disable(), lambda m: engine.mimic('wake up'.split())], 'dictation mode': [lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), lambda m: engine.mimic('go to sleep'.split()), lambda m: dictation_group.enable()], 'talon mode': [lambda m: speech.set_enabled(True), lambda m: dictation_group.disable(), lambda m: engine.mimic('go to sleep'.split())], 'full sleep mode': [lambda m: speech.set_enabled(False), lambda m: dictation_group.disable(), lambda m: engine.mimic('go to sleep'.split())] }) sleep_group.load()