コード例 #1
ファイル: windbg.py プロジェクト: nosami/knausj_talon
from talon import Context, Module, actions

mod = Module()
mod.list("windows_dlls", desc="A list of shortcut names for windows DLLs")

ctx = Context()

ctx.matches = r"""
mode: user.windbg

ctx.lists["self.windows_dlls"] = {
    "core": "ntdll",
    "en tea": "ntdll",
    "user": "******",

def windows_dlls(m) -> str:
    "Return an register"
    return m.windows_dlls

class user_actions:
    def debugger_clear_breakpoint_id(number_small: int):
        actions.insert(f"bc {number_small}\n")

    def debugger_disable_breakpoint_id(number_small: int):
        actions.insert(f"bd {number_small}\n")
コード例 #2
import logging
from typing import Dict, Sequence

from talon import Context, Module, actions
from .user_settings import get_list_from_csv

mod = Module()
ctx = Context()

mod.list("vocabulary", desc="additional vocabulary words")

# Default words that will need to be capitalized (particularly under w2l).
# NB. These defaults and those later in this file are ONLY used when
# auto-creating the corresponding settings/*.csv files. Those csv files
# determine the contents of user.vocabulary and dictate.word_map. Once they
# exist, the contents of the lists/dictionaries below are irrelevant.
_capitalize_defaults = [
コード例 #3
# a list of homophones where each line is a comma separated list
# e.g. where,wear,ware
# a suitable one can be found here:
# https://github.com/pimentel/homophones
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
homophones_file = os.path.join(cwd, "homophones.csv")
# if quick_replace, then when a word is selected and only one homophone exists,
# replace it without bringing up the options
quick_replace = True
show_help = False

ctx = Context()
mod = Module()
mod.list("homophones_canonicals", desc="list of words ")

main_screen = ui.main_screen()

def update_homophones(name, flags):
    if name != homophones_file:

    phones = {}
    canonical_list = []
    with open(homophones_file, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            words = line.rstrip().split(",")
            canonical_list.append(max(words, key=len))
            for word in words:
コード例 #4
ファイル: paths.py プロジェクト: RichardHladik/knausj_talon
# XXX - this should have os awarenss
from talon import Context, Module, actions

mod = Module()
mod.list("paths_public", desc="Common paths")
mod.list("paths_private", desc="Common private paths")
mod.list("folder_paths_public", desc="Common paths")
mod.list("folder_paths_private", desc="Common private paths")
ctx = Context()

# paths that will work with pivot command
linux_folder_paths = {
    "user services": "~/.config/systemd/user/",
    "services": "/etc/systemd/system/",
    "sessions": "~/.vim/sessions/",
    "plugins": "~/.vim/plugged/",
    "temp": "/tmp/",
    "config": "/etc/",
    "it see": "/etc/",
    "grub": "/etc/default/grub",
    "boot config": "/boot/grub/grub.cfg",
    "user": "******",
    "user bin": "/usr/bin/",
    "user lib": "/usr/lib/",
    "user local": "/usr/local/",
    "user local bin": "/usr/local/bin",
    "user local lib": "/usr/local/lib",
    "log": "/var/log/",
    "shell config": "~/.ohmyzsh/",
    "shell functions": "~/.ohmyzsh/custom/functions/",
    "dot files": "~/dotfiles/",