def check(self): tap.plan(len(self.rules)) for i in self.rules: success = i.check(self) if success == 1: self.result["success"] += 1 else: self.result["fail"] += 1 tap.ok(success, i)
def run_test(test: Callable[[TestEnv], None]) -> None: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as upper_dir: env = os.environ.copy() lower_dir = f"{SCRIPT_DIR}/lower" env["LIBOVERLAY_LOWER_DIR"] = lower_dir env["LIBOVERLAY_UPPER_DIR"] = upper_dir env["LD_PRELOAD"] = os.path.realpath( f"{SCRIPT_DIR}/../target/debug/") try: test(TestEnv(upper=Path(upper_dir), lower=Path(lower_dir), env=env)) except: tap.not_ok(f"{test.__name__}") for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): tap.diagnostic(line) else: tap.ok(f"{test.__name__}")
def check_vaultenv_result( process_handle: subprocess.Popen, secrets_version: int, api_version: int ) -> None: """ Check the return code and output of the Vaultenv process under the given process_handle. Emit an appropriate TAP message for the result of the test. """ description = f"v{secrets_version} secrets/v{api_version} API" return_code = process_handle.wait() if return_code != 0: tap.not_ok(f"{description} returned with code {return_code}") return expected_env: Set[str] if secrets_version == 1: expected_env = { "TESTING_KEY=testing42", "TESTING_OTHERKEY=testing8", "TESTING2_FOO=val1", "TESTING2_BAR=val2", "TEST_TEST=testing42", "TEST__TEST=testing42", "_TEST__TEST=testing42", } elif secrets_version == 2: expected_env = { "SECRET_TESTING_KEY=testing42", "SECRET_TESTING_OTHERKEY=testing8", "SECRET_TESTING2_FOO=val1", "SECRET_TESTING2_BAR=val2", } actual_env = set(line.strip() for line in process_handle.stdout.readlines()) if not expected_env <= actual_env: missing = ", ".join(expected_env - actual_env) tap.not_ok(f"{description} missing vars {missing}") return tap.ok(description)