コード例 #1
def test_language_creation():
    lang = theories.language()
    sorts = sorted(x.name for x in lang.sorts)
    assert sorts == ['object']

    lang = fstrips.language("test", theories=[])
    sorts = sorted(x.name for x in lang.sorts)
    assert sorts == ['object']

    lang = fstrips.language("test")
    sorts = sorted(x.name for x in lang.sorts)
    assert sorts == ['object']  # The default equality theory should not import the arithmetic sorts either
コード例 #2
def test_copying_and_equality():
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    c = lang.constant(1, lang.Integer)

    x = lang.function('x', lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)
    _ = lang.function('f', lang.Integer, lang.Integer, lang.Integer)

    _ = copy.deepcopy(c)

    phi = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())
    shallow = copy.copy(phi)
    deep = copy.deepcopy(phi)
    # phi3 = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())
    assert isinstance(phi, CompoundFormula)
    assert isinstance(shallow, CompoundFormula)
    assert isinstance(deep, CompoundFormula)
    assert shallow.connective == phi.connective
    assert id(shallow.connective) == id(phi.connective)
    assert id(shallow.subformulas) == id(phi.subformulas)
    assert id(shallow.subformulas[0]) == id(phi.subformulas[0])

    assert deep.connective == phi.connective
    assert id(deep.subformulas) != id(phi.subformulas)
    assert id(deep.subformulas[0]) != id(phi.subformulas[0])
コード例 #3
def test_duplicate_detection_and_global_getter():
    lang = fstrips.language("test")

    t1 = lang.sort('t1')
    c1 = lang.constant('c1', lang.Object)
    f1 = lang.function('f1', lang.Object)
    p1 = lang.predicate('p1')

    # Redeclaring things raises exceptions of appropriate types
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateSortDefinition):
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateConstantDefinition):
        lang.constant('c1', lang.Object)
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateFunctionDefinition):
        lang.function('f1', lang.Object)
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicatePredicateDefinition):

    # Declaring any language element with same name as a language element of a different type also  raises exception
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateDefinition):
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateDefinition):
        lang.constant('t1', lang.Object)
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateDefinition):
        lang.function('c1', lang.Object)
    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateDefinition):

    assert id(lang.get('t1')) == id(t1)
    assert id(lang.get('c1')) == id(c1)
    assert id(lang.get('f1')) == id(f1)
    assert id(lang.get('p1')) == id(p1)

    assert len(lang.get('t1', 'c1', 'f1', 'p1')) == 4
    assert (all(id(x) == id(y) for x, y in zip([t1, c1, f1, p1], lang.get('t1', 'c1', 'f1', 'p1'))))
コード例 #4
def test_special_term_construction():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import max
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    ints = lang.Integer
    two, three = lang.constant(2, ints), lang.constant(3, ints)
    max_ = max(two, three)
    assert isinstance(max_, Term), "max_ should be the term max(Const(2), Const(3)), not the integer value 3"
コード例 #5
def test_load_arithmetic_module_fails_when_language_frozen():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    ints = lang.Integer
    two, three = lang.constant(2, ints), lang.constant(3, ints)

    with pytest.raises(err.DuplicateTheoryDefinition):
        # load_theory() should raise exception since arithmetic theory is already loaded
        theories.load_theory(lang, Theory.ARITHMETIC)
コード例 #6
def test_complex_atom_from_expression_only_functions():
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    x = lang.function('x', lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)
    z = lang.function('z', lang.Integer)

    phi = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= z())
    assert isinstance(phi, CompoundFormula)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_syntax.py プロジェクト: QuMuLab/tarski
def test_arithmetic_terms_does_not_fail_with_load_theory():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    ints = lang.Integer
    two, three = lang.constant(2, ints), lang.constant(3, ints)
    sum_ = two + three
    assert isinstance(
        sum_, Term
    ), "sum_ should be the term +(Const(2), Const(3)), not the integer value 5"
コード例 #8
def test_matrices_constants():
    lang = fstrips.language('test', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    A = lang.matrix([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], lang.Real)
    assert isinstance(A, Matrix)
    N, M = A.shape
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(M):
            assert isinstance(A.matrix[i, j], Term)
コード例 #9
def test_term_refs():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    _ = lang.function('f', lang.Object, lang.Integer)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    tr1 = symref(o1)
    tr2 = symref(o1)
    tr3 = symref(o2)

    assert tr1 == tr2
    assert tr1 != tr3
コード例 #10
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: miquelramirez/d2l
def generate_atomic_bw_language(nblocks):
    """ A STRIPS encoding of BW with a single move action. """
    lang = fstrips.language("blocksworld-atomic")

    lang.predicate('clear', 'object')
    lang.predicate('on', 'object', 'object')
    lang.predicate('diff', 'object', 'object')

    lang.constant('table', 'object')
    _ = [lang.constant(f'b{k}', 'object') for k in range(1, nblocks + 1)]

    return lang
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_syntax.py プロジェクト: QuMuLab/tarski
def test_numeric_sort_deduction():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    plus0 = Constant(1, lang.Integer) + 1
    # Disable the test temporarily until we address issue #93
    # assert plus0.sort == lang.Integer

    # The sorts
    particle = lang.sort('bowl')

    eggs = lang.function('eggs', lang.Object, lang.Integer)
    bowl_1 = lang.constant('bowl_1', particle)
    plus1 = eggs(bowl_1) + 1
コード例 #12
def test_prodterm():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic import prodterm
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    _ = lang.constant(1, lang.Integer)
    _ = lang.constant('o1', lang.Object)
    _ = lang.constant('o2', lang.Object)

    x = lang.function('x', lang.Object, lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Object, lang.Integer)

    o = lang.variable('o', lang.Object)

    product = prodterm(o, x(o) + y(o))
    assert isinstance(product, AggregateCompoundTerm)
コード例 #13
def test_object_function_arity():
    fol = fstrips.language()
    block = fol.sort('block')
    # MRJ: Note that first argument is name of function, following arguments
    # denote the domain and codomain of the function. The previous definition
    # loc = fol.function('loc', 'block')
    # actually defines a 0-arity term, which denotes one element of the sort
    # block, or a mapping between the symbol loc() and a constant of sort block.
    # I think that  what was intended, was an actual function like
    # loc: block -> block, a mapping between elements of the sort block.
    loc = fol.function('loc', 'block', 'block')

    b1 = fol.constant('b1', block)
    b2 = fol.constant('b2', block)

    _ = (loc(b1) == b2)
コード例 #14
def test_term_refs_compound():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    f = lang.function('f', lang.Object, lang.Integer)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)
    _ = lang.get('f')

    t1 = f(o1)
    t2 = f(o1)
    t3 = f(o2)
    assert t1.symbol == t2.symbol
    tr1 = symref(t1)
    tr2 = symref(t2)
    tr3 = symref(t3)

    assert tr1 == tr2
    assert tr1 != tr3
コード例 #15
def test_formula_refs():
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    _ = lang.constant(1, lang.Integer)

    x = lang.function('x', lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)

    phi = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())
    psi = (x() >= y()) & (y() <= x())
    gamma = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())

    fr1 = symref(phi)
    fr2 = symref(psi)
    fr3 = symref(gamma)

    assert fr1 == fr3
    assert fr1 != fr2
コード例 #16
def test_ite():
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    _ = lang.constant(1, lang.Integer)

    x = lang.function('x', lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)

    phi = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())

    t1 = x() + 2
    t2 = y() + 3

    tau = ite(phi, t1, t2)

    assert tau.condition.is_syntactically_equal(phi)
    assert tau.subterms[0].is_syntactically_equal(t1)
    assert tau.subterms[1].is_syntactically_equal(t2)
    assert tau.sort == t1.sort
コード例 #17
def test_complex_atom_from_expression_function_and_constants():
    lang = fstrips.language('artih', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)

    phi = (y() <= 4) & (-4 <= y())
    assert isinstance(phi, CompoundFormula)
コード例 #18
def test_equality_atom_from_expression():
    lang = fstrips.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)
    assert isinstance(y() == 4, Atom)
コード例 #19
ファイル: spider.py プロジェクト: sarathsreedharan/tarski
def generate_spider_language():
    """ The FOL of the IPC18 Spider benchmark  """
    lang = fstrips.language("Spider",
                            theories=[Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    lang.sort("cardposition", "object")
    lang.sort("card_or_tableau", "cardposition")
    lang.sort("card", "card_or_tableau")
    lang.sort("tableau", "card_or_tableau")
    lang.sort("deal", "cardposition")

    lang.constant("discard", "cardposition")  # Domain constant

    lang.predicate("on", "card", "cardposition")
    lang.predicate("clear", "cardposition")
    lang.predicate("in-play", "card")
    lang.predicate("current-deal", "deal")

    # Note that the following predicates are defined in uppercase in the IPC PDDL, but we lowercase
    # for consistency with what the parser does
    lang.predicate("can-continue-group", "card", "cardposition")
    lang.predicate("can-be-placed-on", "card", "card")
    lang.predicate("is-ace", "card")
    lang.predicate("is-king", "card")
    lang.predicate("next-deal", "deal", "deal")
    lang.predicate("to-deal", "card", "tableau", "deal", "cardposition")

    lang.predicate("collect-card", "cardposition")
    lang.predicate("part-of-tableau", "cardposition", "tableau")
    lang.predicate("movable", "card")
    lang.predicate("make-unmovable", "card")
    lang.predicate("make-movable", "cardposition")
    lang.predicate("make-part-of-tableau", "card", "tableau")

    lang.function("total-cost", lang.Real)

                  "card")  # The constants from the smallest instance p01.pddl
    lang.constant("card-d0-s0-v1", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s0-v2", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s1-v0", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s1-v1", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s1-v2", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s2-v0", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s2-v1", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s2-v2", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s3-v0", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s3-v1", "card")
    lang.constant("card-d0-s3-v2", "card")
    lang.constant("pile-0", "tableau")
    lang.constant("pile-1", "tableau")
    lang.constant("pile-2", "tableau")
    lang.constant("deal-0", "deal")
    lang.constant("deal-1", "deal")
    lang.constant("deal-2", "deal")

    return lang
コード例 #20
def test_special_terms_does_not_fail_with_load_theory():
    from tarski.syntax.builtins import BuiltinFunctionSymbol
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    assert Theory.SPECIAL in lang.theories
    _ = lang.get_function(BuiltinFunctionSymbol.MAX)
コード例 #21
def test_load_booleans():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=["boolean"])
    assert len(list(lang.get('Boolean').domain())) == 2
コード例 #22
def test_builtin_constants():
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    ints = lang.Integer
    two = lang.constant(2, ints)
    assert isinstance(two, Constant), "two should be the constant 2, not the integer value 2"