コード例 #1
               and add_time <= '2020-07-10 00:00:00' 
               and charge_type in (0,2)
             group by customer_code, order_number, serial_number, charge_type, flow_type, add_time
res_df = pd.read_sql(query_sql, conn)

# 查询mysql中orders表,条件为未删除的订单
no_delete_sql = """
                select order_code as ordernumber
                  from orders 
                 where order_status != 0
                 group by order_code
no_delete_df = pd.read_sql(no_delete_sql, engine_wms)

# 过滤未删除的订单
pd.merge(res_df, no_delete_df, how='inner', on='ordernumber')

# 将结果数据写进mysql数据库
# 1.删除原有数据
del_sql = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, dstTb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_sql, conn_dest)

# 2.结果更新写入数据库
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, res_df, dstTb)
コード例 #2
                             0 as finish_ontime_cnt,
                             0 as finish_delay_cnt,
                             0 as delete_cnt,
                             0 as submit_cnt,
                             0 as print_cnt,
                             0 as pack_cnt,
                             0 as not_off_cnt ,
                             0 as off_error_cnt ,
                             0 as untreated_abnormal_cnt ,
                             0 as finish_abnormal_cnt ,
                             0 as not_pick_cnt ,
                             0 as not_distri_cnt ,
                             0 as history_unfinish_cnt ,
                             count(1) as history_finish_cnt
                        from order_operation_time ot
                        join orders o on o.order_id =ot.order_id
                        join order_physical_relation opr
                          on opr.order_code=o.order_code
                       where ship_time >=date_add('%s',interval %s hour) and call_wms_time<='%s' and order_status=8 and o.customer_code not in('000010','000016')
                       group by o.warehouse_id,wp_code,is_fba,sm_code, sc_code
                group by warehouse_id,wp_code,is_fba,sm_code, sc_code""" %
                 (time_dif, dtdate, dttoday, time_dif, dttoday, time_dif,
                  dtyesterday_cut, dtyesterday_cut, dtdate_cut,
                  dtyesterday_cut, dtdate, time_dif, dtyesterday_cut))
    res_df = pd.read_sql(query_sql, engine_source)

    # 4、将查询出来的数据存入目标表
    cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, res_df, dstable)
コード例 #3
conn_dest["port"] = fbg_mid_port
conn_dest["user"] = fbg_mid_username
conn_dest["passwd"] = fbg_mid_password
conn_dest["db"] = dstDb
conn_dest["charset"] = "utf8"
engine_dest = ("mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?charset=utf8" % (fbg_mid_username, fbg_mid_password,
                                                                fbg_mid_hostname, fbg_mid_port, dstDb))

# 获取ods订单号
query_ods = "select order_code from orders where order_type = 10"
orders_df = pd.read_sql(query_ods, engine_ods)
orders_str = "','".join(list(orders_df.order_code))

# wms库的费用详情
query_wms = """select cbl_refer_code, currency_code,
                      case when cbl_type = 2 then cbl_value else 0 end as out_amount,
                      case when cbl_type = 3 then cbl_value else 0 end as in_amount 
                 from customer_balance_log cbl 
                where ft_code = 'FBAO' 
                  and cbl_refer_code in ('%s')""" % orders_str
bill_df = pd.read_sql(query_wms, engine_wms)

# 将结果写进mid库-先删除再写入
del_sql = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, dstTb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_sql, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, bill_df, dstTb)
コード例 #4
                         0 as finish_delay_cnt, 
                         0 as delete_cnt, 
                         0 as submit_cnt, 
                         0 as print_cnt, 
                         0 as pack_cnt, 
                         0 as not_off_cnt , 
                         0 as off_error_cnt , 
                         0 as untreated_abnormal_cnt , 
                         0 as finish_abnormal_cnt , 
                         0 as not_pick_cnt , 
                         0 as not_distri_cnt , 
                         0 as history_unfinish_cnt , 
                         count(1) as history_finish_cnt 
                    from order_operation_time ot 
                    join orders o on o.order_id =ot.order_id  
                    join order_physical_relation opr 
                      on opr.order_code=o.order_code 
                   where ship_time >=date_add('%s',interval %s hour) and call_wms_time<='%s' and order_status=8 and o.customer_code not in('000010','000016') 
                   group by o.warehouse_id,wp_code,is_fba,sm_code, sc_code 
            group by warehouse_id,wp_code,is_fba,sm_code, sc_code""" %
             (time_dif, dtdate, dttoday, time_dif, dttoday, time_dif,
              dtyesterday_cut, dtyesterday_cut, dtdate_cut, dtyesterday_cut,
              dtdate, time_dif, dtyesterday_cut))
# 结果保存在字典query_df中
query_df = cf.sql_to_df(engine_source, query_sql)

# 4、将查询出来的数据存入目标表
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, query_df, dstable)
コード例 #5
               union all
               select wsc_code,receiving_code
                 from wh_storage_charges as wsc
                      left join
                      (SELECT receiving_code, reservation_number
                         from reservation_order ro join reservation_order_detail rod on ro.ro_id = rod.ro_id) b 
                      on wsc.reference_code = b.reservation_number
                where wsc_type = 2
charg_df = pd.read_sql(query_charge, engine_source)

# 第一种情况:已计费入库费
charged_df = receive_df.merge(charg_df, how='inner', on=["receiving_code"])

# 第二种情况:未计费入库费--取差集
no_charged_df = receive_df.append(

# 先删除表中旧数据
del_chargedTb = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, chargedTb)
del_noChargeTb = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, noChargeTb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_chargedTb, conn_dest)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_noChargeTb, conn_dest)

# 写入结果表
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, charged_df, chargedTb)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, no_charged_df, noChargeTb)
dstTb = 't_bsc_monitor_warehouseorder_repeat'

# 构建目标数据库连接字典
conn_dest = dict()
conn_dest["host"] = fbg_mid_hostname
conn_dest["port"] = fbg_mid_port
conn_dest["user"] = fbg_mid_username
conn_dest["passwd"] = fbg_mid_password
conn_dest["db"] = dstDb
conn_dest["charset"] = "utf8"
engine_dest = ("mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?charset=utf8" %
               (fbg_mid_username, fbg_mid_password, fbg_mid_hostname,
                fbg_mid_port, dstDb))

bsc_sql = """
        select Order_Number, COUNT(1) as repeat_cnt
          FROM fbg_busi.fbg_busi_bsc_warehouseorder_m
         where business_type = 'as'
         group by Order_Number
         having repeat_cnt > 1
bsc_df = pd.read_sql(bsc_sql, conn)

# 删除原有数据
del_sql = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, dstTb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_sql, conn_dest)
# 写入目标表
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, bsc_df, dstTb)
コード例 #7
dstdb = 'fbg_mid_dw'
dsttb = 't_tmp_bsc_check_tremonth_flow'

# 构建目标数据库连接字典
conn_dest = dict()
conn_dest["host"] = fbg_mid_hostname
conn_dest["port"] = fbg_mid_port
conn_dest["user"] = fbg_mid_username
conn_dest["passwd"] = fbg_mid_password
conn_dest["db"] = dstdb
conn_dest["charset"] = "utf8"
engine_dest = ("mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?charset=utf8" %
               (fbg_mid_username, fbg_mid_password, fbg_mid_hostname,
                fbg_mid_port, dstdb))

# 查询历史数据
query_sql = (
    "SELECT customerCode, orderNumber, serialNumber, ChargeType, flowtype, AddTime"
    " from %s.%s "
    "where addTime >= '2020-06-01 00:00:00' and addTime < '2020-06-17 00:00:00' "
    "and chargeType = 0") % (srcdb, srctb)
query_df = pd.read_sql(query_sql, engine_source)

# 先删除历史数据
del_sql = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstdb, dsttb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_sql, conn_dest)
# 将结果写入结果表
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, query_df, dsttb)
コード例 #8
                       o.order_code,ship_time ,create_currency_code,
                       sum(bi_amount) order_amount 
                  from orders o 
                  join order_operation_time ot 
                    on o.order_id =ot.order_id 
                  left join bil_business_attach bba 
                    on bba.bb_refer_code=o.order_code 
                  left join bil_income bi 
                    on bba.bb_id =bi.bb_id 
                 where ship_time>='%s' and ship_time<'%s' 
                 group by warehouse_id,o.customer_code,o.order_code,ship_time ,create_currency_code"""
           % (startdate, enddate))
wms_df = pd.read_sql(wms_sql, engine_wms_source)

# 3、将查询出来的数据存入目标表
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, wms_df, dstWmsSign)

# 表二:同步表bsc费用明细订单的流水金额
dstBscFlow = 'temp_bsc_warehouseorder_2'
# 删除数据
delete_sql2 = ("delete from %s.%s " % (dbdest, dstBscFlow))
cf.sql_caozuo(delete_sql2, conn_dest)

# 2、查询源数据库数据
df_list = []
for bsc_sourceDB in bsc_sourceDB_list:
    query_bsc_sql = ("""select wo.OrderNumber , 
                               sum(case when FlowType=0 then Amount else 0 end ) as in_money,
                               sum(case when FlowType=1 then Amount else 0 end ) as out_money
                          from %s.warehouseorder wo 
                          left join %s.warehousbillflow wb 
コード例 #9
                          FROM bil_business bb
                          JOIN bil_business_attach bba 
                            ON bb.bb_id=bba.bb_id
                          JOIN bil_income bi 
                            ON bi.bb_id=bba.bb_id
                         WHERE ds_code='as' 
                           and bb_charge_time >= '%s'
                           and bb_charge_time <= '%s'
                     ON bb.bb_refer_code =asro.asro_code
                  where asro_add_time >= '%s'
                    and asro_add_time <= '%s'
                    and asro_code in ('%s')
                  group by asro_code;""" % (start_date, end_date, start_date,
                                            end_date, returnNum_str)
df_total = pd.read_sql(query_wms_total, engine_wms)

# 删除原有数据
del_class = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, dstTb_class)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_class, conn_dest)
del_total = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, dstTb_total)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_total, conn_dest)

# 3.结果更新写入数据库
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, df_class, dstTb_class)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, df_total, dstTb_total)
コード例 #10
          join bil_income bi
            on bba.bb_id = bi.bb_id
          join warehouse w
            on o.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id
         where o.add_time >= '%s'
           and o.add_time < '%s'
         group by o.order_code, w.warehouse_code, o.sm_code, o.order_status;
""" % (start_time, end_time)
wms_df = pd.read_sql(wms_sql, engine_wms)

# 删数据写数据
del_wms = "delete from %s.%s" % (dstDb, wms_tb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_wms, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_mid, wms_df, wms_tb)

# ods数据
ods_tb = "t_monitor_ods_fee_charge"
ods_sql = """
        SELECT o.order_code,
               case when o.order_status = 0 then '删除'
                    when o.order_status = 1 then '草稿'
                    when o.order_status = 2 then '确认'
                    when o.order_status = 3 then '异常'
                    when o.order_status = 4 then '已提交'
                    when o.order_status = 5 then '已打印'
                    when o.order_status = 6 then '已下架'
                    when o.order_status = 7 then '已打包'
                      date_sub(ship_time,interval %s hour) owms_ship_time
                 from orders o
                 join order_operation_time ot on o.order_id =ot.order_id
                 join order_physical_relation opr on opr.order_code=o.order_code
                 LEFT JOIN order_channel_test oc ON o.sc_code=oc.sc_code
                 where call_wms_time>'%s' and call_wms_time<='%s'
                 and order_status >=4 and o.customer_code not in('000010','000016')
                 and sm_code not in ('PICKED_UP_BARTER','PICKED_UP_DESTROY','SHANG_PIN_CHAI_FEN','SHANG_PIN_HE_BING',
                 'TUIJIANZIXUAN','WEIYUBAOTUIJIAN','ZITI') """ %
                     (time_zone, time_zone, dtyesterday, dtdate))
        # 结果保存在字典query_df中
        query_df = cf.sql_to_df(owms_sourceDB, query_sql)

        # 3、将查询出来的数据存入目标表
        cf.df_to_sql(engine_dest, query_df, owms_dstable)

        # 表二:同步表hms容器订单表
        hms_dstable = 'temp_hms_container_details_2'
        # 1、删除目标表中当前仓库的数据
        delete_sql2 = ("delete from %s.%s where warehouse_id=%s" %
                       (dbdest, hms_dstable, owms_warehouseid))
        # 调用函数来操作数据库,删除数据
        cf.sql_caozuo(delete_sql2, conn_dest)

        # 2、查询源数据库数据
        query_sql2 = (
            """select %s as warehouse_id,cd.order_number as order_code,
                         from container c
                         join container_details cd on c.container_id=cd.container_id
コード例 #12
               sum(case currencycode when 'USD' then balance else 0 end) as USD,
               sum(case currencycode when 'EUR' then balance else 0 end) as EUR,
               sum(case currencycode when 'GBP' then balance else 0 end) as GBP,
               sum(case currencycode when 'HKD' then balance else 0 end) as HKD,
               sum(case currencycode when 'AUD' then balance else 0 end) as AUD,
               sum(case currencycode when 'JPY' then balance else 0 end) as JPY
          from gc_bsc_common.signbody s
          left join gc_bsc_amc.SignBodyBalance sb
            on s.AccountCode = sb.AccountCode
         group by CustomerCode
yue_df = pd.read_sql(yue_sql, engine_bsc)
yue_tb = "t_tmp_yue"
del_yue = "delete from %s.%s" % (dbdest, yue_tb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_yue, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_mid, yue_df, yue_tb)
print('1' * 100)

# 子账号数据
account_sql = """
        SELECT CustomerCode,
               count(distinct UserCode) as cnt
          from gc_bsc_usercenter.users
         where AccountType = 1
         group by CustomerCode
account_df = pd.read_sql(account_sql, engine_bsc)
account_tb = "t_tmp_account"
del_account = "delete from %s.%s" % (dbdest, account_tb)
cf.sql_caozuo(del_account, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_mid, account_df, account_tb)
コード例 #13
          from product p 
          left join productdestinationcountry pdc 
            on p.ProductId = pdc.ProductId
          join productcustomsclearance pcc  
            on p.ProductBarcode = pcc.ProductBarcode 
         where LENGTH(pcc.CustomsClearanceNameEn) > 30;
bsc_df = pd.read_sql(bsc_sql, engine_bsc)
bsc_Tb = "t_tmp_bsc_declaredvalue"
del_bsc = "delete from fbg_mid_dw.t_tmp_bsc_declaredvalue"
cf.sql_caozuo(del_bsc, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_mid, bsc_df, bsc_Tb)

wms_sql = """
        select product_barcode,
          from product;
wms_df = pd.read_sql(wms_sql, engine_wms)
wms_Tb = "t_tmp_wms_declaredvalue"
del_wms = "delete from fbg_mid_dw.t_tmp_wms_declaredvalue"
cf.sql_caozuo(del_wms, conn_dest)
cf.df_to_sql(engine_mid, wms_df, wms_Tb)

res_sql = """
        select b.ProductBarcode,