def testBestHillClimb(self):
        """Test the best hill climb algorithm.

    Test whether it finds the best results as expected.

        # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
        Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')

        # Generate the testing specs.
        specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()

        # Generate the initial generations for a test whose cost function is the
        # summation of the values of all the flags.
        generation_tasks = _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs)
        generations = [
            HillClimbingBestBranch(generation_tasks, set([]), specs)

        # Test the algorithm. The cost function is the summation of all the values
        # of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be 0, i.e.,
        # when all the flags are disabled.
        _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, 0)

        # This test uses a cost function that is the negative of the previous cost
        # function. Therefore, the best result should be found in task with all the
        # flags enabled.
        cost_function = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
        all_flags = list(generation_tasks)[0].GetFlags()
        cost = _ComputeCost(cost_function, specs, all_flags)

        # Generate the initial generations.
        generation_tasks = _GenerateNoFlagTask()
        generations = [
            HillClimbingBestBranch(generation_tasks, set([]), specs)

        # Test the algorithm. The cost function is negative of the summation of all
        # the values of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be
        # 0, i.e., when all the flags are disabled.
        _TestAlgorithm(cost_function, specs, generations, cost)
    def testIterativeElimination(self):
        """Test the iterative elimination algorithm.

    Test whether it finds the best results as expected.

        # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
        Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')

        # Generate the testing specs.
        specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()

        # Generate the initial generations. The generation contains the base line
        # task that turns on all the flags and tasks that each turn off one of the
        # flags.
        generations = _GenerateAllIterativeEliminationTasks(specs)

        # Test the algorithm. The cost function is the summation of all the values
        # of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be 0, i.e.,
        # when all the flags are disabled.
        _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, 0)

        # This test uses a cost function that is the negative of the previous cost
        # function. Therefore, the best result should be found in task with all the
        # flags enabled.
        all_flags_tasks = _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs)
        cost_function = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
        # Compute the cost of the task that turns on all the flags.
        all_flags = list(all_flags_tasks)[0].GetFlags()
        cost = _ComputeCost(cost_function, specs, all_flags)

        # Test the algorithm. The cost function is negative of the summation of all
        # the values of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be
        # 0, i.e., when all the flags are disabled.
        # The concrete type of the generation decides how the next generation will
        # be generated.
        _TestAlgorithm(cost_function, specs, generations, cost)
    def testGeneticAlgorithm(self):
        """Test the Genetic Algorithm.

    Do a functional testing here and see how well it scales.

        # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
        Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')

        # Generate the testing specs.
        specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()
        # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
                                  specs, MUTATION_RATE)

        # Generate the initial generations.
        generation_tasks = GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, NUM_CHROMOSOMES,
        generations = [GAGeneration(generation_tasks, set([]), 0)]

        # Test the algorithm.
        _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, -1)
        cost_func = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
        _TestAlgorithm(cost_func, specs, generations, -1)
コード例 #4
def _ProcessGA(meta_data):
    """Set up the meta data for the genetic algorithm.

    meta_data: the meta data for the genetic algorithm.
    assert BUILD_CMD in meta_data
    build_cmd = meta_data[BUILD_CMD]

    assert TEST_CMD in meta_data
    test_cmd = meta_data[TEST_CMD]

    if OUTPUT not in meta_data:
        output_file = DEFAULT_OUTPUT
        output_file = meta_data[OUTPUT]

    if CONF not in meta_data:
        conf_file = DEFAULT_CONF
        conf_file = meta_data[CONF]

    if NUM_BUILDER not in meta_data:
        num_builders = DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDER
        num_builders = meta_data[NUM_BUILDER]

    if NUM_TESTER not in meta_data:
        num_testers = DEFAULT_NUM_TESTER
        num_testers = meta_data[NUM_TESTER]

    if STOP_THRESHOLD not in meta_data:
        stop_threshold = DEFAULT_STOP_THRESHOLD
        stop_threshold = meta_data[STOP_THRESHOLD]

    if NUM_CHROMOSOMES not in meta_data:
        num_chromosomes = DEFAULT_NUM_CHROMOSOMES
        num_chromosomes = meta_data[NUM_CHROMOSOMES]

    if NUM_TRIALS not in meta_data:
        num_trials = DEFAULT_NUM_TRIALS
        num_trials = meta_data[NUM_TRIALS]

    if MUTATION_RATE not in meta_data:
        mutation_rate = DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE
        mutation_rate = meta_data[MUTATION_RATE]

    specs = flags.ReadConf(conf_file)

    # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
    Task.InitLogCommand(build_cmd, test_cmd, output_file)

    # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
    GAGeneration.InitMetaData(stop_threshold, num_chromosomes, num_trials,
                              specs, mutation_rate)

    # Generate the initial generations.
    generation_tasks = testing_batch.GenerateRandomGATasks(
        specs, num_chromosomes, num_trials)
    generations = [GAGeneration(generation_tasks, set([]), 0)]

    # Execute the experiment.
    _StartExperiment(num_builders, num_testers, generations)