def test_run_command_os_error(self): # This runs the command for real. # OS specific error, fix expectation for other OSes. output = ('Command "executable_that_shouldnt_be_on_your_system ' 'thus_raising_OSError" failed to start.\n' 'Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified' ) if sys.platform == 'win32' else ( 'Command "executable_that_shouldnt_be_on_your_system ' 'thus_raising_OSError" failed to start.\n' 'Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory') self.requests(cost_usd=10., exit_code=1, output=output) task_details = task_runner.TaskDetails({ 'bot_id': 'localhost', 'command': [ 'executable_that_shouldnt_be_on_your_system', 'thus_raising_OSError', ], 'data': [], 'env': {}, 'grace_period': 30., 'hard_timeout': 6, 'io_timeout': 6, 'task_id': 23, }) self.assertEqual(1, self._run_command(task_details))
def test_run_command_os_error(self): self.requests( cost_usd=10., exit_code=1, output_re=( # This is a beginning of's output if binary is not # found. r'^<The executable does not exist or a dependent library is ' r'missing>')) task_details = task_runner.TaskDetails( { 'bot_id': 'localhost', 'command': [ 'executable_that_shouldnt_be_on_your_system', 'thus_raising_OSError', ], 'env': {}, 'env_prefixes': {}, 'extra_args': [], 'grace_period': 30., 'hard_timeout': 6, 'io_timeout': 6, 'isolated': None, 'task_id': 23, }) expected = { u'exit_code': 1, u'hard_timeout': False, u'io_timeout': False, u'must_signal_internal_failure': None, u'version': task_runner.OUT_VERSION, } self.assertEqual(expected, self._run_command(task_details))
def get_task_details(cls, *args, **kwargs): return task_runner.TaskDetails(get_manifest(*args, **kwargs))
def test_run_command_large(self): # Method should have "self" as first argument - pylint: disable=E0213 class Popen(object): """Mocks the process so we can control how data is returned.""" def __init__(self2, cmd, cwd, env, stdout, stderr, stdin, detached): self.assertEqual(task_details.command, cmd) self.assertEqual(self.work_dir, cwd) expected_env = os.environ.copy() expected_env['foo'] = 'bar' self.assertEqual(expected_env, env) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.PIPE, stdout) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.STDOUT, stderr) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.PIPE, stdin) self.assertEqual(True, detached) self2._out = [ 'hi!\n', 'hi!\n', 'hi!\n' * 100000, 'hi!\n', ] def yield_any(self2, maxsize, soft_timeout): self.assertLess(0, maxsize) self.assertLess(0, soft_timeout) for i in self2._out: yield 'stdout', i @staticmethod def wait(): return 0 @staticmethod def kill(): self.mock(subprocess42, 'Popen', Popen) def check_final(kwargs): self.assertEqual( { 'data': { # That's because the cost includes the duration starting at start, # not when the process was started. 'cost_usd': 10., 'duration': 0., 'exit_code': 0, 'hard_timeout': False, 'id': 'localhost', 'io_timeout': False, 'output': base64.b64encode('hi!\n'), 'output_chunk_start': 100002 * 4, 'task_id': 23, }, 'headers': { 'X-XSRF-Token': 'token' }, }, kwargs) requests = [ ( 'https://localhost:1/auth/api/v1/accounts/self/xsrf_token', { 'data': {}, 'headers': { 'X-XSRF-Token-Request': '1' } }, { 'xsrf_token': 'token' }, ), ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', { 'data': { 'cost_usd': 10., 'id': 'localhost', 'task_id': 23, }, 'headers': { 'X-XSRF-Token': 'token' }, }, {}, ), ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', { 'data': { 'cost_usd': 10., 'id': 'localhost', 'output': base64.b64encode('hi!\n' * 100002), 'output_chunk_start': 0, 'task_id': 23, }, 'headers': { 'X-XSRF-Token': 'token' }, }, {}, ), ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', check_final, {}, ), ] self.expected_requests(requests) task_details = task_runner.TaskDetails({ 'bot_id': 'localhost', 'command': ['large', 'executable'], 'data': [], 'env': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'extra_args': [], 'grace_period': 30., 'hard_timeout': 60, 'inputs_ref': None, 'io_timeout': 60, 'task_id': 23, }) expected = { u'exit_code': 0, u'hard_timeout': False, u'io_timeout': False, u'must_signal_internal_failure': None, u'version': task_runner.OUT_VERSION, } self.assertEqual(expected, self._run_command(task_details))
def test_run_command_large(self): # Method should have "self" as first argument - pylint: disable=E0213 class Popen(object): """Mocks the process so we can control how data is returned.""" def __init__(self2, _cmd, cwd, env, stdout, stderr, stdin, detached): self.assertEqual(self.work_dir, cwd) expected_env = os.environ.copy() # In particular, foo=bar is not set here, it will be passed to # run_isolated as an argument. expected_env['LUCI_CONTEXT'] = env['LUCI_CONTEXT'] # tmp file self.assertEqual(expected_env, env) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.PIPE, stdout) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.STDOUT, stderr) self.assertEqual(subprocess42.PIPE, stdin) self.assertEqual(True, detached) self2._out = [ 'hi!\n', 'hi!\n', 'hi!\n' * 100000, 'hi!\n', ] def yield_any(self2, maxsize, timeout): self.assertLess(0, maxsize) self.assertLess(0, timeout) for i in self2._out: yield 'stdout', i @staticmethod def wait(): return 0 @staticmethod def kill(): self.mock(subprocess42, 'Popen', Popen) def check_final(kwargs): self.assertEqual( { 'data': { # That's because the cost includes the duration starting at start, # not when the process was started. 'cost_usd': 10., 'duration': 0., 'exit_code': 0, 'hard_timeout': False, 'id': 'localhost', 'io_timeout': False, 'output': base64.b64encode('hi!\n'), 'output_chunk_start': 100002*4, 'task_id': 23, }, 'follow_redirects': False, 'timeout': 180, 'headers': {'Cookie': 'GOOGAPPUID=42'}, }, kwargs) requests = [ ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', { 'data': { 'cost_usd': 10., 'id': 'localhost', 'task_id': 23, }, 'follow_redirects': False, 'timeout': 180, 'headers': {'Cookie': 'GOOGAPPUID=42'}, }, {'must_stop': False, 'ok': True}, ), ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', { 'data': { 'cost_usd': 10., 'id': 'localhost', 'output': base64.b64encode('hi!\n' * 100002), 'output_chunk_start': 0, 'task_id': 23, }, 'follow_redirects': False, 'timeout': 180, 'headers': {'Cookie': 'GOOGAPPUID=42'}, }, {'must_stop': False, 'ok': True}, ), ( 'https://localhost:1/swarming/api/v1/bot/task_update/23', check_final, {'must_stop': False, 'ok': True}, ), ] self.expected_requests(requests) task_details = task_runner.TaskDetails( { 'bot_id': 'localhost', 'command': ['large', 'executable'], 'env': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'env_prefixes': {}, 'extra_args': [], 'grace_period': 30., 'hard_timeout': 60, 'io_timeout': 60, 'isolated': None, 'task_id': 23, }) expected = { u'exit_code': 0, u'hard_timeout': False, u'io_timeout': False, u'must_signal_internal_failure': None, u'version': task_runner.OUT_VERSION, } self.assertEqual(expected, self._run_command(task_details))