def run(self): try: while True: _logger.debug('%s start' % self.pandaID) # query job job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.pandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False, fromWaiting=False)[0] # check job status if job == None: _logger.debug('%s escape : not found' % self.pandaID) return if not job.jobStatus in [ 'running', 'sent', 'starting', 'holding', 'stagein', 'stageout' ]: if job.jobStatus == 'transferring' and job.prodSourceLabel in [ 'user', 'panda' ]: pass else: _logger.debug('%s escape : %s' % (self.pandaID, job.jobStatus)) return # time limit timeLimit = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( minutes=self.sleepTime) if job.modificationTime < timeLimit or ( job.endTime != 'NULL' and job.endTime < timeLimit): _logger.debug( '%s %s lastmod:%s endtime:%s' % (job.PandaID, job.jobStatus, str( job.modificationTime), str(job.endTime))) # retry ES merge jobs if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(job): self.taskBuffer.retryJob(job.PandaID, {}, getNewPandaID=True, attemptNr=job.attemptNr, recoverableEsMerge=True) # read back job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.pandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False, fromWaiting=False)[0] destDBList = [] if job.jobStatus == 'sent': # sent job didn't receive reply from pilot within 30 min job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_SendError job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = "Sent job didn't receive reply from pilot within 30 min" elif job.exeErrorDiag == 'NULL' and job.pilotErrorDiag == 'NULL': # lost heartbeat job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Watcher if job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag == 'NULL': if job.endTime == 'NULL': # normal lost heartbeat job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'lost heartbeat : %s' % str( job.modificationTime) else: # job recovery failed job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'lost heartbeat : %s' % str( job.endTime) if job.jobStatus == 'transferring': job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag += ' in transferring' else: # job recovery failed job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Recovery job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'job recovery failed for %s hours' % ( self.sleepTime / 60) # set job status job.jobStatus = 'failed' # set endTime for lost heartbeat if job.endTime == 'NULL': # normal lost heartbeat job.endTime = job.modificationTime # set files status for file in job.Files: if file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': file.status = 'failed' if not file.destinationDBlock in destDBList: destDBList.append(file.destinationDBlock) # event service if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob( job ) and not EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(job): eventStat = self.taskBuffer.getEventStat( job.jediTaskID, job.PandaID) # set sub status when no sucessful events if EventServiceUtils.ST_finished not in eventStat: job.jobSubStatus = 'es_heartbeat' # update job self.taskBuffer.updateJobs([job], False) # start closer if job.jobStatus == 'failed': source = 'jobDispatcherErrorCode' error_code = job.jobDispatcherErrorCode error_diag = job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag try: _logger.debug( "Watcher will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules( self.taskBuffer, job.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job.attemptNr) _logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules is back") except Exception as e: _logger.debug( "apply_retrial_rules excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) # updateJobs was successful and it failed a job with taskBufferErrorCode try: _logger.debug(" will peek the job") job_tmp = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs( [job.PandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=True, fromWaiting=False)[0] if job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode: source = 'taskBufferErrorCode' error_code = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode error_diag = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag _logger.debug( " 2 will call apply_retrial_rules" ) retryModule.apply_retrial_rules( self.taskBuffer, job_tmp.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job_tmp.attemptNr) _logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules 2 is back") except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "apply_retrial_rules 2 excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) cThr = Closer(self.taskBuffer, destDBList, job) cThr.start() cThr.join() _logger.debug('%s end' % job.PandaID) return # single action if self.single: return # sleep time.sleep(60 * self.sleepTime) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() _logger.error("run() : %s %s" % (type, value)) return
def getJob(self, siteName, prodSourceLabel, cpu, mem, diskSpace, node, timeout, computingElement, atlasRelease, prodUserID, getProxyKey, countryGroup, workingGroup, allowOtherCountry, realDN, taskID, nJobs, acceptJson): jobs = [] useGLEXEC = False useProxyCache = False try: tmpNumJobs = int(nJobs) except: tmpNumJobs = None if tmpNumJobs == None: tmpNumJobs = 1 # wrapper function for timeout if hasattr(panda_config, 'global_shares') and panda_config.global_shares == True: tmpWrapper = _TimedMethod(self.taskBuffer.getJobsGShare, timeout) else: tmpWrapper = _TimedMethod(self.taskBuffer.getJobs, timeout), siteName, prodSourceLabel, cpu, mem, diskSpace, node, timeout, computingElement, atlasRelease, prodUserID, getProxyKey, countryGroup, workingGroup, allowOtherCountry, taskID) if isinstance(tmpWrapper.result, types.ListType): jobs = jobs + tmpWrapper.result # make response if len(jobs) > 0: proxyKey = jobs[-1] nSent = jobs[-2] jobs = jobs[:-2] if len(jobs) != 0: # succeed self.siteMapperCache.update() responseList = [] # append Jobs for tmpJob in jobs: response = Protocol.Response(Protocol.SC_Success) response.appendJob(tmpJob, self.siteMapperCache) # append nSent response.appendNode('nSent', nSent) # set proxy key if getProxyKey: response.setProxyKey(proxyKey) # check if glexec or proxy cache is used if hasattr(panda_config, 'useProxyCache' ) and panda_config.useProxyCache == True: self.specialDispatchParams.update() if not 'glexecSites' in self.specialDispatchParams: glexecSites = {} else: glexecSites = self.specialDispatchParams['glexecSites'] if siteName in glexecSites: if glexecSites[siteName] == 'True': useGLEXEC = True elif glexecSites[siteName] == 'test' and \ (prodSourceLabel in ['test','prod_test'] or \ (tmpJob.processingType in ['gangarobot'])): useGLEXEC = True if not 'proxyCacheSites' in self.specialDispatchParams: proxyCacheSites = {} else: proxyCacheSites = self.specialDispatchParams[ 'proxyCacheSites'] if siteName in proxyCacheSites: useProxyCache = True # set proxy if useGLEXEC or useProxyCache: try: # get compact compactDN = self.taskBuffer.cleanUserID(realDN) # check permission self.specialDispatchParams.update() if not 'allowProxy' in self.specialDispatchParams: allowProxy = [] else: allowProxy = self.specialDispatchParams[ 'allowProxy'] if not compactDN in allowProxy: _logger.warning( "getJob : %s %s '%s' no permission to retrive user proxy" % (siteName, node, compactDN)) else: if useProxyCache: tmpStat, tmpOut = response.setUserProxy( proxyCacheSites[siteName]['dn'], proxyCacheSites[siteName]['role']) else: tmpStat, tmpOut = response.setUserProxy() if not tmpStat: _logger.warning( "getJob : %s %s failed to get user proxy : %s" % (siteName, node, tmpOut)) except: errtype, errvalue = sys.exc_info()[:2] _logger.warning( "getJob : %s %s failed to get user proxy with %s:%s" % (siteName, node, errtype.__name__, errvalue)) # panda proxy if 'pandaProxySites' in self.specialDispatchParams and siteName in self.specialDispatchParams['pandaProxySites'] \ and (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(tmpJob) or EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(tmpJob)): # get secret key tmpSecretKey, tmpErrMsg = DispatcherUtils.getSecretKey( tmpJob.PandaID) if tmpSecretKey == None: _logger.warning( "getJob : PandaID=%s site=%s failed to get panda proxy secret key : %s" % (tmpJob.PandaID, siteName, tmpErrMsg)) else: # set secret key _logger.debug("getJob : PandaID=%s key=%s" % (tmpJob.PandaID, tmpSecretKey)) response.setPandaProxySecretKey(tmpSecretKey) # add responseList.append( # make response for bulk if nJobs != None: response = Protocol.Response(Protocol.SC_Success) if not acceptJson: response.appendNode('jobs', json.dumps(responseList)) else: response.appendNode('jobs', responseList) else: if tmpWrapper.result == Protocol.TimeOutToken: # timeout response = Protocol.Response(Protocol.SC_TimeOut) else: # no available jobs response = Protocol.Response(Protocol.SC_NoJobs)'method=noJob,site=%s,node=%s,type=%s' % (siteName, node, prodSourceLabel)) # return _logger.debug("getJob : %s %s useGLEXEC=%s ret -> %s" % (siteName, node, useGLEXEC, response.encode(acceptJson))) return response.encode(acceptJson)
def run(self): try: self.logger.debug("new start: %s attemptNr=%s" % (self.jobStatus, self.attemptNr)) # lock XML self.lockXML = open(self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: self.logger.debug("cannot get lock : %s" % self.xmlFile) self.lockXML.close() # remove XML just in case for the final attempt if not self.ignoreTmpError: try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass return # check if file exists if not os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): self.logger.debug("not exist : %s" % self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: pass return # query job self.job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.jobID], fromDefined=False, fromWaiting=False, forAnal=True)[0] # check if job has finished if self.job == None: self.logger.debug(': job not found in DB') elif self.job.jobStatus in [ 'finished', 'failed', 'unknown', 'merging' ]: self.logger.error(': invalid state -> %s' % self.job.jobStatus) elif self.attemptNr != None and self.job.attemptNr != self.attemptNr: self.logger.error('wrong attemptNr -> job=%s <> %s' % (self.job.attemptNr, self.attemptNr)) elif self.attemptNr is not None and self.job.jobStatus == 'transferring': errMsg = 'XML with attemptNr for {0}'.format( self.job.jobStatus) self.logger.error(errMsg) # FIXME raise RuntimeError, errMsg elif self.jobStatus == EventServiceUtils.esRegStatus: # instantiate concrete plugin adderPluginClass = self.getPluginClass(self.job.VO) adderPlugin = adderPluginClass(self.job, taskBuffer=self.taskBuffer, siteMapper=self.siteMapper, logger=self.logger) # execute self.logger.debug('plugin is ready for ES file registration') adderPlugin.registerEventServiceFiles() else: # check file status in JEDI if not self.job.isCancelled( ) and not self.job.taskBufferErrorCode in [ taskbuffer.ErrorCode.EC_PilotRetried ]: fileCheckInJEDI = self.taskBuffer.checkInputFileStatusInJEDI( self.job) self.logger.debug("check file status in JEDI : {0}".format( fileCheckInJEDI)) if fileCheckInJEDI == None: raise RuntimeError, 'failed to check file status in JEDI' if fileCheckInJEDI == False: # set job status to failed since some file status is wrong in JEDI self.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder errStr = "inconsistent file status between Panda and JEDI. " errStr += "failed to avoid duplicated processing caused by synchronization failure" self.job.ddmErrorDiag = errStr self.logger.debug( "set jobStatus={0} since input is inconsistent between Panda and JEDI" .format(self.jobStatus)) elif self.job.jobSubStatus in ['pilot_closed']: # terminated by the pilot self.logger.debug( "going to closed since terminated by the pilot") retClosed = self.taskBuffer.killJobs([self.jobID], 'pilot', '60', True) if retClosed[0] == True: self.logger.debug("end") try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass # unlock XML if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() return # check for cloned jobs if EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(self.job): checkJC = self.taskBuffer.checkClonedJob(self.job) if checkJC == None: raise RuntimeError, 'failed to check the cloned job' # failed to lock semaphore if checkJC['lock'] == False: self.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "failed to lock semaphore for job cloning" self.logger.debug( "set jobStatus={0} since did not get semaphore for job cloning" .format(self.jobStatus)) # use failed for cancelled/closed jobs if self.job.isCancelled(): self.jobStatus = 'failed' # reset error codes to skip retrial module self.job.pilotErrorCode = 0 self.job.exeErrorCode = 0 self.job.ddmErrorCode = 0 # keep old status oldJobStatus = self.job.jobStatus # set job status if not self.job.jobStatus in ['transferring']: self.job.jobStatus = self.jobStatus addResult = None adderPlugin = None # parse XML parseResult = self.parseXML() if parseResult < 2: # intraction with DDM try: # instantiate concrete plugin adderPluginClass = self.getPluginClass(self.job.VO) adderPlugin = adderPluginClass( self.job, taskBuffer=self.taskBuffer, siteMapper=self.siteMapper, extraInfo=self.extraInfo, logger=self.logger) # execute self.logger.debug('plugin is ready') adderPlugin.execute() addResult = adderPlugin.result self.logger.debug('plugin done with %s' % (addResult.statusCode)) except: errtype, errvalue = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.logger.error( "failed to execute AdderPlugin for VO={0} with {1}:{2}" .format(self.job.VO, errtype, errvalue)) addResult = None self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "AdderPlugin failure" # ignore temporary errors if self.ignoreTmpError and addResult != None and addResult.isTemporary( ): self.logger.debug(': ignore %s ' % self.job.ddmErrorDiag) self.logger.debug('escape') # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type, value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return # failed if addResult == None or not addResult.isSucceeded(): self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # set file status for failed jobs or failed transferring jobs self.logger.debug( "status after plugin call :job.jobStatus=%s jobStatus=%s" % (self.job.jobStatus, self.jobStatus)) if self.job.jobStatus == 'failed' or self.jobStatus == 'failed': # First of all: check if job failed and in this case take first actions according to error table source, error_code, error_diag = None, None, None if self.job.pilotErrorCode: source = 'pilotErrorCode' error_code = self.job.pilotErrorCode error_diag = self.job.pilotErrorDiag elif self.job.exeErrorCode: source = 'exeErrorCode' error_code = self.job.exeErrorCode error_diag = self.job.exeErrorDiag elif self.job.ddmErrorCode: source = 'ddmErrorCode' error_code = self.job.ddmErrorCode error_diag = self.job.ddmErrorDiag elif self.job.transExitCode: source = 'transExitCode' error_code = self.job.transExitCode error_diag = '' #"updatejob has source %s, error_code %s and error_diag %s"%(source, error_code, error_diag)) if source and error_code: try: self.logger.debug( " will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules( self.taskBuffer, self.job.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, self.job.attemptNr) self.logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules is back") except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "apply_retrial_rules excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for file in self.job.Files: if file.type in ['output', 'log']: if addResult != None and file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' else: file.status = 'failed' else: # reset errors self.job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = 0 self.job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'NULL' # set status if addResult != None and addResult.mergingFiles != []: # set status for merging: for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' self.job.jobStatus = 'merging' # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) elif addResult != None and addResult.transferringFiles != []: # set status for transferring for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.transferringFiles: file.status = 'transferring' self.job.jobStatus = 'transferring' # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) else: self.job.jobStatus = 'finished' # endtime if self.job.endTime == 'NULL': self.job.endTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) # output size and # of outputs self.job.nOutputDataFiles = 0 self.job.outputFileBytes = 0 for tmpFile in self.job.Files: if tmpFile.type == 'output': self.job.nOutputDataFiles += 1 try: self.job.outputFileBytes += tmpFile.fsize except: pass # protection maxOutputFileBytes = 99999999999 if self.job.outputFileBytes > maxOutputFileBytes: self.job.outputFileBytes = maxOutputFileBytes # set cancelled state if self.job.commandToPilot == 'tobekilled' and self.job.jobStatus == 'failed': self.job.jobStatus = 'cancelled' # update job if oldJobStatus in ['cancelled', 'closed']: pass else: self.logger.debug("updating DB") retU = self.taskBuffer.updateJobs( [self.job], False, oldJobStatusList=[oldJobStatus], extraInfo=self.extraInfo) self.logger.debug("retU: %s" % retU) # failed if not retU[0]: self.logger.error( 'failed to update DB for pandaid={0}'.format( self.job.PandaID)) # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type, value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return try: # updateJobs was successful and it failed a job with taskBufferErrorCode self.logger.debug(" will peek the job") job_tmp = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs( [self.job.PandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=True, fromWaiting=False)[0] self.logger.debug( "status {0}, taskBufferErrorCode {1}, taskBufferErrorDiag {2}" .format(job_tmp.jobStatus, job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode, job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag)) if job_tmp.jobStatus == 'failed' and job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode: source = 'taskBufferErrorCode' error_code = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode error_diag = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag self.logger.debug( " 2 will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules( self.taskBuffer, job_tmp.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job_tmp.attemptNr) self.logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules 2 is back") except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "apply_retrial_rules 2 excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) # setup for closer if not (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) and self.job.isCancelled()): destDBList = [] guidList = [] for file in self.job.Files: # ignore inputs if file.type == 'input': continue # skip pseudo datasets if file.destinationDBlock in ['', None, 'NULL']: continue # start closer for output/log datasets if not file.destinationDBlock in destDBList: destDBList.append(file.destinationDBlock) # collect GUIDs if (self.job.prodSourceLabel=='panda' or (self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['ptest','rc_test','rucio_test'] and \ self.job.processingType in ['pathena','prun','gangarobot-rctest','hammercloud'])) \ and file.type == 'output': # extract base LFN since LFN was changed to full LFN for CMS baseLFN = file.lfn.split('/')[-1] guidList.append({ 'lfn': baseLFN, 'guid': file.GUID, 'type': file.type, 'checksum': file.checksum, 'md5sum': file.md5sum, 'fsize': file.fsize, 'scope': file.scope }) if guidList != []: retG = self.taskBuffer.setGUIDs(guidList) if destDBList != []: # start Closer if adderPlugin != None and hasattr( adderPlugin, 'datasetMap' ) and adderPlugin.datasetMap != {}: cThr = Closer.Closer( self.taskBuffer, destDBList, self.job, datasetMap=adderPlugin.datasetMap) else: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer, destDBList, self.job) self.logger.debug("start Closer") cThr.start() cThr.join() self.logger.debug("end Closer") # run closer for assocaiate parallel jobs if EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(self.job): assDBlockMap = self.taskBuffer.getDestDBlocksWithSingleConsumer( self.job.jediTaskID, self.job.PandaID, destDBList) for assJobID, assDBlocks in assDBlockMap.iteritems( ): assJob = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs( [assJobID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False, fromWaiting=False, forAnal=True)[0] if self.job == None: self.logger.debug( ': associated job PandaID={0} not found in DB' .format(assJobID)) else: cThr = Closer.Closer( self.taskBuffer, assDBlocks, assJob) self.logger.debug( "start Closer for PandaID={0}".format( assJobID)) cThr.start() cThr.join() self.logger.debug( "end Closer for PandaID={0}".format( assJobID)) self.logger.debug("end") try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass # unlock XML if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() errStr = ": %s %s " % (type, value) errStr += traceback.format_exc() self.logger.error(errStr) self.logger.error("except") # unlock XML just in case try: if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type, value)) self.logger.error("cannot unlock XML")
def appendJob(self,job): # PandaID['PandaID'] = job.PandaID # prodSourceLabel['prodSourceLabel'] = job.prodSourceLabel # swRelease['swRelease'] = job.AtlasRelease # homepackage['homepackage'] = job.homepackage # transformation['transformation'] = job.transformation # job name['jobName'] = job.jobName # job definition ID['jobDefinitionID'] = job.jobDefinitionID # cloud['cloud'] = # files strIFiles = '' strOFiles = '' strDispatch = '' strDisToken = '' strDisTokenForOutput = '' strDestination = '' strRealDataset = '' strRealDatasetIn = '' strProdDBlock = '' strDestToken = '' strProdToken = '' strProdTokenForOutput = '' strGUID = '' strFSize = '' strCheckSum = '' strFileDestinationSE = '' strScopeIn = '' strScopeOut = '' strScopeLog = '' logFile = '' logGUID = '' for file in job.Files: if file.type == 'input': if strIFiles != '': strIFiles += ',' strIFiles += file.lfn if strDispatch != '': strDispatch += ',' strDispatch += file.dispatchDBlock if strDisToken != '': strDisToken += ',' strDisToken += file.dispatchDBlockToken strProdDBlock += '%s,' % file.prodDBlock if strProdToken != '': strProdToken += ',' strProdToken += file.prodDBlockToken if strGUID != '': strGUID += ',' strGUID += file.GUID strRealDatasetIn += '%s,' % file.dataset strFSize += '%s,' % file.fsize if not file.checksum in ['','NULL',None]: strCheckSum += '%s,' % file.checksum else: strCheckSum += '%s,' % file.md5sum strScopeIn += '%s,' % file.scope if file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': if strOFiles != '': strOFiles += ',' strOFiles += file.lfn if strDestination != '': strDestination += ',' strDestination += file.destinationDBlock if strRealDataset != '': strRealDataset += ',' strRealDataset += file.dataset strFileDestinationSE += '%s,' % file.destinationSE if file.type == 'log': logFile = file.lfn logGUID = file.GUID strScopeLog = file.scope else: strScopeOut += '%s,' % file.scope if strDestToken != '': strDestToken += ',' strDestToken += file.destinationDBlockToken.split(',')[0] strDisTokenForOutput += '%s,' % file.dispatchDBlockToken strProdTokenForOutput += '%s,' % file.prodDBlockToken # inFiles['inFiles'] = strIFiles # dispatch DBlock['dispatchDblock'] = strDispatch # dispatch DBlock space token['dispatchDBlockToken'] = strDisToken # dispatch DBlock space token for output['dispatchDBlockTokenForOut'] = strDisTokenForOutput[:-1] # outFiles['outFiles'] = strOFiles # destination DBlock['destinationDblock'] = strDestination # destination DBlock space token['destinationDBlockToken'] = strDestToken # prod DBlocks['prodDBlocks'] = strProdDBlock[:-1] # prod DBlock space token['prodDBlockToken'] = strProdToken # real output datasets['realDatasets'] = strRealDataset # real output datasets['realDatasetsIn'] = strRealDatasetIn[:-1] # file's destinationSE['fileDestinationSE'] = strFileDestinationSE[:-1] # log filename['logFile'] = logFile # log GUID['logGUID'] = logGUID # jobPars['jobPars'] = job.jobParameters # attempt number['attemptNr'] = job.attemptNr # GUIDs['GUID'] = strGUID # checksum['checksum'] = strCheckSum[:-1] # fsize['fsize'] = strFSize[:-1] # scope['scopeIn'] = strScopeIn[:-1]['scopeOut'] = strScopeOut[:-1]['scopeLog'] = strScopeLog # destinationSE['destinationSE'] = job.destinationSE # user ID['prodUserID'] = job.prodUserID # CPU count['maxCpuCount'] = job.maxCpuCount # RAM count['minRamCount'] = job.minRamCount # disk count['maxDiskCount'] = job.maxDiskCount # cmtconfig['cmtConfig'] = job.cmtConfig # processingType['processingType'] = job.processingType # transferType['transferType'] = job.transferType # sourceSite['sourceSite'] = job.sourceSite # current priority['currentPriority'] = job.currentPriority # taskID if job.lockedby == 'jedi':['taskID'] = job.jediTaskID else:['taskID'] = job.taskID # core count['coreCount'] = job.coreCount # jobsetID['jobsetID'] = job.jobsetID # debug mode if job.specialHandling != None and 'debug' in job.specialHandling:['debug'] = 'True' # event service if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(job):['eventService'] = 'True' # prod DBlock space token for pre-merging output['prodDBlockTokenForOutput'] = strProdTokenForOutput[:-1] # event service merge if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(job):['eventServiceMerge'] = 'True' # write to file writeToFileStr = '' try: for outputName,inputList in job.metadata.iteritems(): writeToFileStr += 'inputFor_{0}:'.format(outputName) for tmpInput in inputList: writeToFileStr += '{0},'.format(tmpInput) writeToFileStr = writeToFileStr[:-1] writeToFileStr += '^' writeToFileStr = writeToFileStr[:-1] except: pass['writeToFile'] = writeToFileStr
def execute(self): try: self.logger.debug("start plugin : %s" % self.jobStatus) # backend self.ddmBackEnd = self.job.getDdmBackEnd() if self.ddmBackEnd == None: self.ddmBackEnd = 'rucio' # instantiate DQ2 if self.ddmBackEnd != None: self.dq2api = DQ2.DQ2(force_backend=self.ddmBackEnd) else: self.dq2api = DQ2.DQ2() self.logger.debug("ddm backend = {0}".format(self.ddmBackEnd)) # add files only to top-level datasets for transferring jobs if self.job.jobStatus == 'transferring': self.addToTopOnly = True self.logger.debug("adder for transferring") # use PandaDDM for ddm jobs if self.job.prodSourceLabel == 'ddm': self.pandaDDM = True # check if the job goes to merging if self.job.produceUnMerge(): self.goToMerging = True # check if the job should go to trasnferring tmpSrcDDM = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm tmpSrcSEs = brokerage.broker_util.getSEfromSched(self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).se) destSEwasSet = False brokenSched = False if self.job.prodSourceLabel == 'user' and not self.siteMapper.siteSpecList.has_key(self.job.destinationSE): # DQ2 ID was set by using --destSE for analysis job to transfer output destSEwasSet = True tmpDstDDM = self.job.destinationSE tmpDstSEs = self.job.destinationSE else: tmpDstDDM = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.destinationSE).ddm tmpDstSEs = brokerage.broker_util.getSEfromSched(self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.destinationSE).se) # protection against disappearance of dest from schedconfig if not self.siteMapper.checkSite(self.job.destinationSE) and self.job.destinationSE != 'local': self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "destinaitonSE %s is unknown in schedconfig" % self.job.destinationSE self.logger.error("%s" % self.job.ddmErrorDiag) # set fatal error code and return self.result.setFatal() return # protection against disappearance of src from schedconfig if not self.siteMapper.checkSite(self.job.computingSite): self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "computingSite %s is unknown in schedconfig" % self.job.computingSite self.logger.error("%s" % self.job.ddmErrorDiag) # set fatal error code and return self.result.setFatal() return self.logger.debug('DDM src:%s dst:%s' % (tmpSrcDDM,tmpDstDDM)) self.logger.debug('SE src:%s dst:%s' % (tmpSrcSEs,tmpDstSEs)) if'^ANALY_',self.job.computingSite) != None: # analysis site pass elif self.job.computingSite == self.job.destinationSE: # same site ID for computingSite and destinationSE pass elif tmpSrcDDM == tmpDstDDM: # same DQ2ID for src/dest pass elif tmpSrcSEs == tmpDstSEs: # same SEs pass elif self.addToTopOnly: # already in transferring pass elif self.goToMerging: # no transferring for merging pass elif self.job.jobStatus == 'failed': # failed jobs if self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['managed','test']: self.logTransferring = True elif self.job.jobStatus == 'finished' and EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job): # transfer only log file for ES jobs self.logTransferring = True else: self.goToTransferring = True self.logger.debug('goToTransferring=%s' % self.goToTransferring) self.logger.debug('logTransferring=%s' % self.logTransferring) self.logger.debug('goToMerging=%s' % self.goToMerging) retOut = self._updateOutputs() self.logger.debug('added outputs with %s' % retOut) if retOut != 0: self.logger.debug('terminated when adding') return # remove unmerged if self.job.processingType == 'usermerge' and self.job.prodSourceLabel == 'user' and \ self.jobStatus == 'finished' and self.job.ddmErrorDiag == 'NULL': retMerge = self._removeUnmerged() # failed if not retMerge: self.logger.debug('terminated when removing unmerged') return # succeeded self.result.setSucceeded() self.logger.debug("end plugin") except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) # set fatal error code self.result.setFatal() # return return
def parseXML(self): # get LFN and GUID self.logger.debug('XML filename : %s' % self.xmlFile) # no outputs if self.job.Files == []: self.logger.debug("has no outputs") self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0 # get input files inputLFNs = [] for file in self.job.Files: if file.type == 'input': inputLFNs.append(file.lfn) # parse XML lfns = [] guids = [] fsizes = [] md5sums = [] chksums = [] surls = [] fullLfnMap = {} nEventsMap = {} try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.xmlFile) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) # get metadata fsize = None md5sum = None adler32 = None surl = None fullLFN = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'fsize': fsize = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'md5sum': md5sum = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # check if"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$", md5sum) == None: md5sum = None elif name == 'adler32': adler32 = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'surl': surl = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'full_lfn': fullLFN = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # endpoints self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = [] for epNode in file.getElementsByTagName('endpoint'): self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn].append( str( # error check if (not lfn in inputLFNs) and (fsize == None or (md5sum == None and adler32 == None)): if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(self.job): continue else: raise RuntimeError, 'fsize/md5sum/adler32/surl=None' # append lfns.append(lfn) guids.append(guid) fsizes.append(fsize) md5sums.append(md5sum) surls.append(surl) if adler32 != None: # use adler32 if available chksums.append("ad:%s" % adler32) else: chksums.append("md5:%s" % md5sum) if fullLFN != None: fullLfnMap[lfn] = fullLFN except: # parse json try: import json with open(self.xmlFile) as tmpF: jsonDict = json.load(tmpF) for lfn, fileData in jsonDict.iteritems(): lfn = str(lfn) fsize = None md5sum = None adler32 = None surl = None fullLFN = None guid = str(fileData['guid']) if 'fsize' in fileData: fsize = long(fileData['fsize']) if 'md5sum' in fileData: md5sum = str(fileData['md5sum']) # check if"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$", md5sum) == None: md5sum = None if 'adler32' in fileData: adler32 = str(fileData['adler32']) if 'surl' in fileData: surl = str(fileData['surl']) if 'full_lfn' in fileData: fullLFN = str(fileData['full_lfn']) # endpoints self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = [] if 'endpoint' in fileData: self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = fileData[ 'endpoint'] # error check if (not lfn in inputLFNs) and (fsize == None or (md5sum == None and adler32 == None)): if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(self.job): continue else: raise RuntimeError, 'fsize/md5sum/adler32/surl=None' # append lfns.append(lfn) guids.append(guid) fsizes.append(fsize) md5sums.append(md5sum) surls.append(surl) if adler32 != None: # use adler32 if available chksums.append("ad:%s" % adler32) else: chksums.append("md5:%s" % md5sum) if fullLFN != None: fullLfnMap[lfn] = fullLFN except: # check if file exists if os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type, value)) # set failed anyway self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # XML error happens when pilot got killed due to wall-time limit or failures in wrapper if (self.job.pilotErrorCode in [0,'0','NULL']) and \ (self.job.transExitCode in [0,'0','NULL']): self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "Could not get GUID/LFN/MD5/FSIZE/SURL from pilot XML" return 2 else: # XML was deleted return 1 # parse metadata to get nEvents try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.job.metadata) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) # get metadata nevents = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'events': nevents = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) nEventsMap[lfn] = nevents break except: pass self.logger.debug('nEventsMap=%s' % str(nEventsMap)) # parse json try: import json jsonDict = json.loads(self.job.metadata) for jsonFileItem in jsonDict['files']['output']: for jsonSubFileItem in jsonFileItem['subFiles']: lfn = str(jsonSubFileItem['name']) try: nevents = long(jsonSubFileItem['nentries']) nEventsMap[lfn] = nevents except: pass except: pass self.logger.debug('nEventsMapJson=%s' % str(nEventsMap)) # get lumi block number lumiBlockNr = self.job.getLumiBlockNr() # copy files for variable number of outputs tmpStat = self.copyFilesForVariableNumOutputs(lfns) if not tmpStat: self.logger.error( "failed to copy files for variable number of outputs") return 2 # check files fileList = [] for file in self.job.Files: fileList.append(file.lfn) if file.type == 'input': if file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user', 'panda']: # skipped file file.status = 'skipped' elif self.job.prodSourceLabel in [ 'managed', 'test', 'rc_test', 'ptest' ]: # failed by pilot file.status = 'failed' elif file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': # add only log file for failed jobs if self.jobStatus == 'failed' and file.type != 'log': file.status = 'failed' continue # set failed if it is missing in XML if not file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.jobStatus == 'finished' and \ (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) or EventServiceUtils.isJumboJob(self.job)): # unset file status for ES jobs pass elif file.isAllowedNoOutput(): # allowed not to be produced file.status = 'nooutput' self.logger.debug('set {0} to status={1}'.format( file.lfn, file.status)) else: file.status = 'failed' self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "expected output {0} is missing in pilot XML".format( file.lfn) self.logger.error(self.job.ddmErrorDiag) continue # look for GUID with LFN try: i = lfns.index(file.lfn) file.GUID = guids[i] file.fsize = fsizes[i] file.md5sum = md5sums[i] file.checksum = chksums[i] surl = surls[i] # status file.status = 'ready' # change to full LFN if fullLfnMap.has_key(file.lfn): file.lfn = fullLfnMap[file.lfn] # add SURL to extraInfo self.extraInfo['surl'][file.lfn] = surl # add nevents if nEventsMap.has_key(file.lfn): self.extraInfo['nevents'][file.lfn] = nEventsMap[ file.lfn] except: # status file.status = 'failed' type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type, value)) # set lumi block number if lumiBlockNr != None and file.status != 'failed': self.extraInfo['lbnr'][file.lfn] = lumiBlockNr # check consistency between XML and filesTable for lfn in lfns: if not lfn in fileList: self.logger.error("%s is not found in filesTable" % lfn) self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for tmpFile in self.job.Files: tmpFile.status = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "pilot produced {0} inconsistently with jobdef".format( lfn) return 2 # return self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0
def appendJob(self, job, siteMapperCache=None): # event service merge if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(job): isEventServiceMerge = True else: isEventServiceMerge = False # PandaID['PandaID'] = job.PandaID # prodSourceLabel['prodSourceLabel'] = job.prodSourceLabel # swRelease['swRelease'] = job.AtlasRelease # homepackage['homepackage'] = job.homepackage # transformation['transformation'] = job.transformation # job name['jobName'] = job.jobName # job definition ID['jobDefinitionID'] = job.jobDefinitionID # cloud['cloud'] = # files strIFiles = '' strOFiles = '' strDispatch = '' strDisToken = '' strDisTokenForOutput = '' strDestination = '' strRealDataset = '' strRealDatasetIn = '' strProdDBlock = '' strDestToken = '' strProdToken = '' strProdTokenForOutput = '' strGUID = '' strFSize = '' strCheckSum = '' strFileDestinationSE = '' strScopeIn = '' strScopeOut = '' strScopeLog = '' logFile = '' logGUID = '' ddmEndPointIn = [] ddmEndPointOut = [] noOutput = [] siteSpec = None inDsLfnMap = {} if siteMapperCache != None: siteMapper = siteMapperCache.getObj() siteSpec = siteMapper.getSite(job.computingSite) # resove destSE try: job.destinationSE = siteMapper.resolveNucleus( job.destinationSE) for tmpFile in job.Files: tmpFile.destinationSE = siteMapper.resolveNucleus( tmpFile.destinationSE) except: pass siteMapperCache.releaseObj() for file in job.Files: if file.type == 'input': if strIFiles != '': strIFiles += ',' strIFiles += file.lfn if strDispatch != '': strDispatch += ',' strDispatch += file.dispatchDBlock if strDisToken != '': strDisToken += ',' strDisToken += file.dispatchDBlockToken strProdDBlock += '%s,' % file.prodDBlock if not isEventServiceMerge: strProdToken += '%s,' % file.prodDBlockToken else: strProdToken += '%s,' % job.metadata[1][file.lfn] if strGUID != '': strGUID += ',' strGUID += file.GUID strRealDatasetIn += '%s,' % file.dataset strFSize += '%s,' % file.fsize if not file.checksum in ['', 'NULL', None]: strCheckSum += '%s,' % file.checksum else: strCheckSum += '%s,' % file.md5sum strScopeIn += '%s,' % file.scope ddmEndPointIn.append( self.getDdmEndpoint(siteSpec, file.dispatchDBlockToken)) if not file.dataset in inDsLfnMap: inDsLfnMap[file.dataset] = [] inDsLfnMap[file.dataset].append(file.lfn) if file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': if strOFiles != '': strOFiles += ',' strOFiles += file.lfn if strDestination != '': strDestination += ',' strDestination += file.destinationDBlock if strRealDataset != '': strRealDataset += ',' strRealDataset += file.dataset strFileDestinationSE += '%s,' % file.destinationSE if file.type == 'log': logFile = file.lfn logGUID = file.GUID strScopeLog = file.scope else: strScopeOut += '%s,' % file.scope if strDestToken != '': strDestToken += ',' strDestToken += re.sub( '^ddd:', 'dst:', file.destinationDBlockToken.split(',')[0]) strDisTokenForOutput += '%s,' % file.dispatchDBlockToken strProdTokenForOutput += '%s,' % file.prodDBlockToken ddmEndPointOut.append( self.getDdmEndpoint( siteSpec, file.destinationDBlockToken.split(',')[0])) if file.isAllowedNoOutput(): noOutput.append(file.lfn) # inFiles['inFiles'] = strIFiles # dispatch DBlock['dispatchDblock'] = strDispatch # dispatch DBlock space token['dispatchDBlockToken'] = strDisToken # dispatch DBlock space token for output['dispatchDBlockTokenForOut'] = strDisTokenForOutput[:-1] # outFiles['outFiles'] = strOFiles # destination DBlock['destinationDblock'] = strDestination # destination DBlock space token['destinationDBlockToken'] = strDestToken # prod DBlocks['prodDBlocks'] = strProdDBlock[:-1] # prod DBlock space token['prodDBlockToken'] = strProdToken[:-1] # real output datasets['realDatasets'] = strRealDataset # real output datasets['realDatasetsIn'] = strRealDatasetIn[:-1] # file's destinationSE['fileDestinationSE'] = strFileDestinationSE[:-1] # log filename['logFile'] = logFile # log GUID['logGUID'] = logGUID # jobPars['jobPars'] = job.jobParameters # attempt number['attemptNr'] = job.attemptNr # GUIDs['GUID'] = strGUID # checksum['checksum'] = strCheckSum[:-1] # fsize['fsize'] = strFSize[:-1] # scope['scopeIn'] = strScopeIn[:-1]['scopeOut'] = strScopeOut[:-1]['scopeLog'] = strScopeLog # DDM endpoints['ddmEndPointIn'] = ','.join(ddmEndPointIn)['ddmEndPointOut'] = ','.join(ddmEndPointOut) # destinationSE['destinationSE'] = job.destinationSE # user ID['prodUserID'] = job.prodUserID # CPU count['maxCpuCount'] = job.maxCpuCount # RAM count['minRamCount'] = job.minRamCount # disk count['maxDiskCount'] = job.maxDiskCount # cmtconfig['cmtConfig'] = job.cmtConfig # processingType['processingType'] = job.processingType # transferType['transferType'] = job.transferType # sourceSite['sourceSite'] = job.sourceSite # current priority['currentPriority'] = job.currentPriority # taskID if job.lockedby == 'jedi':['taskID'] = job.jediTaskID else:['taskID'] = job.taskID # core count['coreCount'] = job.coreCount # jobsetID['jobsetID'] = job.jobsetID # debug mode if job.specialHandling != None and 'debug' in job.specialHandling:['debug'] = 'True' # event service or job cloning if EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(job):['cloneJob'] = EventServiceUtils.getJobCloningType(job) elif EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob( job) or EventServiceUtils.isJumboJob(job):['eventService'] = 'True' # prod DBlock space token for pre-merging output['prodDBlockTokenForOutput'] = strProdTokenForOutput[:-1] # event service merge if isEventServiceMerge:['eventServiceMerge'] = 'True' # write to file for ES merge writeToFileStr = '' try: for outputName, inputList in job.metadata[0].iteritems(): writeToFileStr += 'inputFor_{0}:'.format(outputName) for tmpInput in inputList: writeToFileStr += '{0},'.format(tmpInput) writeToFileStr = writeToFileStr[:-1] writeToFileStr += '^' writeToFileStr = writeToFileStr[:-1] except: pass['writeToFile'] = writeToFileStr elif job.writeInputToFile(): try: # write input to file writeToFileStr = '' for inDS, inputList in inDsLfnMap.iteritems(): inDS = re.sub('/$', '', inDS) inDS = inDS.split(':')[-1] writeToFileStr += 'tmpin_{0}:'.format(inDS) writeToFileStr += ','.join(inputList) writeToFileStr += '^' writeToFileStr = writeToFileStr[:-1]['writeToFile'] = writeToFileStr except: pass # no output if noOutput != []:['allowNoOutput'] = ','.join(noOutput) # alternative stage-out if job.getAltStgOut() != None:['altStageOut'] = job.getAltStgOut() # log to OS if job.putLogToOS():['putLogToOS'] = 'True'
def _updateOutputs(self): # return if non-DQ2 if self.pandaDDM or self.job.destinationSE == 'local': return 0 # check files idMap = {} fileList = [] subMap = {} dsDestMap = {} for file in self.job.Files: if file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': # append to fileList fileList.append(file.lfn) # add only log file for failed jobs if self.jobStatus == 'failed' and file.type != 'log': continue # add only log file for successful ES jobs if self.job.jobStatus == 'finished' and EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) and file.type != 'log': continue try: # fsize fsize = None if not file.fsize in ['NULL','',0]: try: fsize = long(file.fsize) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("%s : %s %s" % (self.jobID,type,value)) # append to map if not idMap.has_key(file.destinationDBlock): idMap[file.destinationDBlock] = [] fileAttrs = {'guid' : file.GUID, 'lfn' : file.lfn, 'size' : fsize, 'checksum' : file.checksum} # add SURLs if LFC registration is required if self.useCentralLFC(): fileAttrs['surl'] = self.extraInfo['surl'][file.lfn] if fileAttrs['surl'] == None: raise TypeError,"{0} has SURL=None".format(file.lfn) # get destination if not dsDestMap.has_key(file.destinationDBlock): if file.destinationDBlockToken in ['',None,'NULL']: tmpDestList = [self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm] elif DataServiceUtils.getDestinationSE(file.destinationDBlockToken) != None and \ self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm == self.siteMapper.getSite(file.destinationSE).ddm: tmpDestList = [DataServiceUtils.getDestinationSE(file.destinationDBlockToken)] elif self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).cloud != and \ (not self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm.endswith('PRODDISK')) and \ (not self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user','panda']): # T1 used as T2 tmpDestList = [self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm] else: tmpDestList = [] tmpSeTokens = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).setokens for tmpDestToken in file.destinationDBlockToken.split(','): if tmpSeTokens.has_key(tmpDestToken): tmpDest = tmpSeTokens[tmpDestToken] else: tmpDest = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm if not tmpDest in tmpDestList: tmpDestList.append(tmpDest) dsDestMap[file.destinationDBlock] = tmpDestList # extra meta data if self.ddmBackEnd == 'rucio': if file.lfn in self.extraInfo['lbnr']: fileAttrs['lumiblocknr'] = self.extraInfo['lbnr'][file.lfn] if file.lfn in self.extraInfo['nevents']: fileAttrs['events'] = self.extraInfo['nevents'][file.lfn] elif self.extraInfo['nevents'] != {}: fileAttrs['events'] = None #if not file.jediTaskID in [0,None,'NULL']: # fileAttrs['task_id'] = file.jediTaskID #fileAttrs['panda_id'] = file.PandaID idMap[file.destinationDBlock].append(fileAttrs) # for subscription if self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['managed','test','software','rc_test','ptest','user','rucio_test'] and \'_sub\d+$',file.destinationDBlock) != None and (not self.addToTopOnly) and \ self.job.destinationSE != 'local': if self.siteMapper == None: self.logger.error("SiteMapper==None") else: # get dataset spec if not self.datasetMap.has_key(file.destinationDBlock): tmpDS = self.taskBuffer.queryDatasetWithMap({'name':file.destinationDBlock}) self.datasetMap[file.destinationDBlock] = tmpDS # check if valid dataset if self.datasetMap[file.destinationDBlock] == None: self.logger.error(": cannot find %s in DB" % file.destinationDBlock) else: if not self.datasetMap[file.destinationDBlock].status in ['defined']: # not a fresh dataset self.logger.debug(": subscription was already made for %s:%s" % \ (self.datasetMap[file.destinationDBlock].status, file.destinationDBlock)) else: # get DQ2 IDs tmpSrcDDM = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).ddm tmpSrcSEs = brokerage.broker_util.getSEfromSched(self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).se) if self.job.prodSourceLabel == 'user' and not self.siteMapper.siteSpecList.has_key(file.destinationSE): # DQ2 ID was set by using --destSE for analysis job to transfer output tmpDstDDM = file.destinationSE tmpDstSEs = file.destinationSE else: if DataServiceUtils.getDestinationSE(file.destinationDBlockToken) != None: tmpDstDDM = DataServiceUtils.getDestinationSE(file.destinationDBlockToken) else: tmpDstDDM = self.siteMapper.getSite(file.destinationSE).ddm tmpDstSEs = brokerage.broker_util.getSEfromSched(self.siteMapper.getSite(file.destinationSE).se) # if src != dest or multi-token if (tmpSrcDDM != tmpDstDDM and tmpSrcSEs != tmpDstSEs) or \ (tmpSrcDDM == tmpDstDDM and file.destinationDBlockToken.count(',') != 0): optSub = {'DATASET_COMPLETE_EVENT' : ['http://%s:%s/server/panda/datasetCompleted' % \ (panda_config.pserverhosthttp,panda_config.pserverporthttp)]} # append if not subMap.has_key(file.destinationDBlock): subMap[file.destinationDBlock] = [] # sources optSource = {} # set sources if file.destinationDBlockToken in ['NULL','']: # use default DQ2 ID as source optSource[tmpSrcDDM] = {'policy' : 0} else: # convert token to DQ2 ID dq2ID = tmpSrcDDM # use the first token's location as source for T1D1 tmpSrcToken = file.destinationDBlockToken.split(',')[0] if self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).setokens.has_key(tmpSrcToken): dq2ID = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).setokens[tmpSrcToken] optSource[dq2ID] = {'policy' : 0} # T1 used as T2 if self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).cloud != and \ (not tmpSrcDDM.endswith('PRODDISK')) and \ (not self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user','panda']): # register both DATADISK and PRODDISK as source locations if self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).setokens.has_key('ATLASPRODDISK'): dq2ID = self.siteMapper.getSite(self.job.computingSite).setokens['ATLASPRODDISK'] optSource[dq2ID] = {'policy' : 0} if not optSource.has_key(tmpSrcDDM): optSource[tmpSrcDDM] = {'policy' : 0} # use another location when token is set if not file.destinationDBlockToken in ['NULL','']: tmpDQ2IDList = [] tmpDstTokens = file.destinationDBlockToken.split(',') # remove the first one because it is already used as a location if tmpSrcDDM == tmpDstDDM: tmpDstTokens = tmpDstTokens[1:] # loop over all tokens for idxToken,tmpDstToken in enumerate(tmpDstTokens): dq2ID = tmpDstDDM if self.siteMapper.getSite(file.destinationSE).setokens.has_key(tmpDstToken): dq2ID = self.siteMapper.getSite(file.destinationSE).setokens[tmpDstToken] # keep the fist destination for multi-hop if idxToken == 0: firstDestDDM = dq2ID else: # use the fist destination as source for T1D1 optSource = {} optSource[firstDestDDM] = {'policy' : 0} # remove looping subscription if dq2ID == tmpSrcDDM: continue # avoid duplication if not dq2ID in tmpDQ2IDList: subMap[file.destinationDBlock].append((dq2ID,optSub,optSource)) else: # use default DDM for dq2ID in tmpDstDDM.split(','): subMap[file.destinationDBlock].append((dq2ID,optSub,optSource)) except: errStr = '%s %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2] self.logger.error(errStr) self.result.setFatal() self.job.ddmErrorDiag = 'failed before adding files : ' + errStr return 1 # cleanup submap tmpKeys = subMap.keys() for tmpKey in tmpKeys: if subMap[tmpKey] == []: del subMap[tmpKey] # add data to original dataset for destinationDBlock in idMap.keys(): origDBlock = None match ='^(.+)_sub\d+$',destinationDBlock) if match != None: # add files to top-level datasets origDBlock = if not self.goToTransferring: idMap[origDBlock] = idMap[destinationDBlock] # add files to top-level datasets only if self.addToTopOnly or self.goToMerging: del idMap[destinationDBlock] # skip sub unless getting transferred if origDBlock != None: if not self.goToTransferring and not self.logTransferring \ and idMap.has_key(destinationDBlock): del idMap[destinationDBlock] # print idMap self.logger.debug("idMap = %s" % idMap) self.logger.debug("subMap = %s" % subMap) self.logger.debug("dsDestMap = %s" % dsDestMap) self.logger.debug("extraInfo = %s" % str(self.extraInfo)) # check consistency of destinationDBlock hasSub = False for destinationDBlock in idMap.keys(): match ='^(.+)_sub\d+$',destinationDBlock) if match != None: hasSub = True break if idMap != {} and self.goToTransferring and not hasSub: errStr = 'no sub datasets for transferring. destinationDBlock may be wrong' self.logger.error(errStr) self.result.setFatal() self.job.ddmErrorDiag = 'failed before adding files : ' + errStr return 1 # add data self.logger.debug("addFiles start") # count the number of files regNumFiles = 0 regFileList = [] for tmpRegDS,tmpRegList in idMap.iteritems(): for tmpRegItem in tmpRegList: if not tmpRegItem['lfn'] in regFileList: regNumFiles += 1 regFileList.append(tmpRegItem['lfn']) # decompose idMap if not self.useCentralLFC(): destIdMap = {None:idMap} else: destIdMap = self.decomposeIdMap(idMap,dsDestMap) # add files nTry = 3 for iTry in range(nTry): isFatal = False isFailed = False regStart = datetime.datetime.utcnow() try: if not self.useCentralLFC(): regMsgStr = "DQ2 registraion for %s files " % regNumFiles else: regMsgStr = "LFC+DQ2 registraion with backend={0} for {1} files ".format(self.ddmBackEnd, regNumFiles) self.logger.debug('%s %s' % ('registerFilesInDatasets',str(destIdMap))) out = rucioAPI.registerFilesInDataset(destIdMap) except (DQ2.DQClosedDatasetException, DQ2.DQFrozenDatasetException, DQ2.DQUnknownDatasetException, DQ2.DQDatasetExistsException, DQ2.DQFileMetaDataMismatchException, FileCatalogUnknownFactory, FileCatalogException, DataIdentifierNotFound, RucioFileCatalogException, FileConsistencyMismatch, UnsupportedOperation, exceptions.KeyError): # fatal errors errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) isFatal = True isFailed = True except: # unknown errors errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) isFatal = False isFailed = True regTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - regStart self.logger.debug(regMsgStr + \ 'took %s.%03d sec' % (regTime.seconds,regTime.microseconds/1000)) # failed if isFailed or isFatal: self.logger.error('%s' % out) if (iTry+1) == nTry or isFatal: self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder # extract important error string extractedErrStr = DataServiceUtils.extractImportantError(out) errMsg = "Could not add files to DDM: " if extractedErrStr == '': self.job.ddmErrorDiag = errMsg + out.split('\n')[-1] else: self.job.ddmErrorDiag = errMsg + extractedErrStr if isFatal: self.result.setFatal() else: self.result.setTemporary() return 1 self.logger.error("Try:%s" % iTry) # sleep time.sleep(10) else: self.logger.debug('%s' % str(out)) break # register dataset subscription subActivity = 'Production Output' if not self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user']: for tmpName,tmpVal in subMap.iteritems(): for dq2ID,optSub,optSource in tmpVal: if not self.goToMerging: # make DQ2 subscription for prod jobs self.logger.debug("%s %s %s" % ('registerDatasetSubscription', (tmpName,dq2ID), {'version':0,'archived':0,'callbacks':optSub, 'sources':optSource,'sources_policy':(001000 | 010000), 'wait_for_sources':0,'destination':None,'query_more_sources':0, 'sshare':"production",'group':None,'activity':subActivity, 'acl_alias':None,'replica_lifetime':"14 days"})) for iDDMTry in range(3): out = 'OK' isFailed = False try: self.dq2api.registerDatasetSubscription(tmpName,dq2ID,version=0,archived=0,callbacks=optSub, sources=optSource,sources_policy=(001000 | 010000), wait_for_sources=0,destination=None,query_more_sources=0, sshare="production",group=None,activity=subActivity, acl_alias=None,replica_lifetime="14 days") except DQ2.DQSubscriptionExistsException: # harmless error errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) except: # unknown errors errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) isFailed = True if 'is not a Tiers of Atlas Destination' in str(errValue) or \ 'is not in Tiers of Atlas' in str(errValue) or \ 'RSE Expression resulted in an empty set' in str(errValue) or \ 'RSE excluded due to write blacklisting' in str(errValue) or \ 'used/quota' in str(errValue): # fatal error self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Subscription else: # retry for temporary errors time.sleep(10) else: break if isFailed: self.logger.error('%s' % out) # extract important error string extractedErrStr = DataServiceUtils.extractImportantError(out) if self.job.ddmErrorCode == ErrorCode.EC_Subscription: # fatal error if extractedErrStr == '': self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "subscription failure with %s" % out else: self.logger.error(extractedErrStr) self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "subscription failure with %s" % extractedErrStr self.result.setFatal() else: # temoprary errors self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "could not register subscription : %s" % tmpName self.result.setTemporary() return 1 self.logger.debug('%s' % str(out)) else: # register location tmpDsNameLoc = re.sub('_sub\d+$','',tmpName) for tmpLocName in optSource.keys(): self.logger.debug("%s %s %s %s" % ('registerDatasetLocation',tmpDsNameLoc,tmpLocName, {'lifetime':"14 days"})) for iDDMTry in range(3): out = 'OK' isFailed = False try: self.dq2api.registerDatasetLocation(tmpDsNameLoc,tmpLocName,lifetime="14 days") except DQ2.DQLocationExistsException: # harmless error errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) except: # unknown errors errType,errValue = sys.exc_info()[:2] out = '%s : %s' % (errType,errValue) isFailed = True # retry for temporary errors time.sleep(10) else: break if isFailed: self.logger.error('%s' % out) if self.job.ddmErrorCode == ErrorCode.EC_Location: # fatal error self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "location registration failure with %s" % out self.result.setFatal() else: # temoprary errors self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "could not register location : %s" % tmpDsNameLoc self.result.setTemporary() return 1 self.logger.debug('%s' % str(out)) # set dataset status self.datasetMap[tmpName].status = 'running'
def run(self): try: self.logger.debug("new start: %s attemptNr=%s" % (self.jobStatus,self.attemptNr)) # lock XML self.lockXML = open(self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: self.logger.debug("cannot get lock : %s" % self.xmlFile) self.lockXML.close() # remove XML just in case for the final attempt if not self.ignoreTmpError: try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass return # check if file exists if not os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): self.logger.debug("not exist : %s" % self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: pass return # query job self.job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.jobID],fromDefined=False, fromWaiting=False, forAnal=True)[0] # check if job has finished if self.job == None: self.logger.debug(': job not found in DB') elif self.job.jobStatus in ['finished','failed','unknown','merging']: self.logger.error(': invalid state -> %s' % self.job.jobStatus) elif self.attemptNr != None and self.job.attemptNr != self.attemptNr: self.logger.error('wrong attemptNr -> job=%s <> %s' % (self.job.attemptNr,self.attemptNr)) elif self.attemptNr is not None and self.job.jobStatus == 'transferring': errMsg = 'XML with attemptNr for {0}'.format(self.job.jobStatus) self.logger.error(errMsg) # FIXME raise RuntimeError, errMsg elif self.jobStatus == EventServiceUtils.esRegStatus: # instantiate concrete plugin adderPluginClass = self.getPluginClass(self.job.VO) adderPlugin = adderPluginClass(self.job, taskBuffer=self.taskBuffer, siteMapper=self.siteMapper, logger=self.logger) # execute self.logger.debug('plugin is ready for ES file registration') adderPlugin.registerEventServiceFiles() else: # check file status in JEDI if not self.job.isCancelled() and not self.job.taskBufferErrorCode in [taskbuffer.ErrorCode.EC_PilotRetried]: fileCheckInJEDI = self.taskBuffer.checkInputFileStatusInJEDI(self.job) self.logger.debug("check file status in JEDI : {0}".format(fileCheckInJEDI)) if fileCheckInJEDI == None: raise RuntimeError,'failed to check file status in JEDI' if fileCheckInJEDI == False: # set job status to failed since some file status is wrong in JEDI self.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder errStr = "inconsistent file status between Panda and JEDI. " errStr += "failed to avoid duplicated processing caused by synchronization failure" self.job.ddmErrorDiag = errStr self.logger.debug("set jobStatus={0} since input is inconsistent between Panda and JEDI".format(self.jobStatus)) elif self.job.jobSubStatus in ['pilot_closed']: # terminated by the pilot self.logger.debug("going to closed since terminated by the pilot") retClosed = self.taskBuffer.killJobs([self.jobID],'pilot','60',True) if retClosed[0] == True: self.logger.debug("end") try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass # unlock XML if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() return # check for cloned jobs if EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(self.job): checkJC = self.taskBuffer.checkClonedJob(self.job) if checkJC == None: raise RuntimeError,'failed to check the cloned job' # failed to lock semaphore if checkJC['lock'] == False: self.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "failed to lock semaphore for job cloning" self.logger.debug("set jobStatus={0} since did not get semaphore for job cloning".format(self.jobStatus)) # use failed for cancelled/closed jobs if self.job.isCancelled(): self.jobStatus = 'failed' # reset error codes to skip retrial module self.job.pilotErrorCode = 0 self.job.exeErrorCode = 0 self.job.ddmErrorCode = 0 # keep old status oldJobStatus = self.job.jobStatus # set job status if not self.job.jobStatus in ['transferring']: self.job.jobStatus = self.jobStatus addResult = None adderPlugin = None # parse XML parseResult = self.parseXML() if parseResult < 2: # intraction with DDM try: # instantiate concrete plugin adderPluginClass = self.getPluginClass(self.job.VO) adderPlugin = adderPluginClass(self.job, taskBuffer=self.taskBuffer, siteMapper=self.siteMapper, extraInfo=self.extraInfo, logger=self.logger) # execute self.logger.debug('plugin is ready') adderPlugin.execute() addResult = adderPlugin.result self.logger.debug('plugin done with %s' % (addResult.statusCode)) except: errtype,errvalue = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.logger.error("failed to execute AdderPlugin for VO={0} with {1}:{2}".format(self.job.VO, errtype, errvalue)) addResult = None self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "AdderPlugin failure" # ignore temporary errors if self.ignoreTmpError and addResult != None and addResult.isTemporary(): self.logger.debug(': ignore %s ' % self.job.ddmErrorDiag) self.logger.debug('escape') # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return # failed if addResult == None or not addResult.isSucceeded(): self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # set file status for failed jobs or failed transferring jobs self.logger.debug("status after plugin call :job.jobStatus=%s jobStatus=%s" % (self.job.jobStatus, self.jobStatus)) if self.job.jobStatus == 'failed' or self.jobStatus == 'failed': # First of all: check if job failed and in this case take first actions according to error table source, error_code, error_diag = None, None, None if self.job.pilotErrorCode: source = 'pilotErrorCode' error_code = self.job.pilotErrorCode error_diag = self.job.pilotErrorDiag elif self.job.exeErrorCode: source = 'exeErrorCode' error_code = self.job.exeErrorCode error_diag = self.job.exeErrorDiag elif self.job.ddmErrorCode: source = 'ddmErrorCode' error_code = self.job.ddmErrorCode error_diag = self.job.ddmErrorDiag elif self.job.transExitCode: source = 'transExitCode' error_code = self.job.transExitCode error_diag = '' #"updatejob has source %s, error_code %s and error_diag %s"%(source, error_code, error_diag)) if source and error_code: try: self.logger.debug(" will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules(self.taskBuffer, self.job.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, self.job.attemptNr) self.logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules is back") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("apply_retrial_rules excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s"%(e, traceback.format_exc())) self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for file in self.job.Files: if file.type in ['output','log']: if addResult != None and file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' else: file.status = 'failed' else: # reset errors self.job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = 0 self.job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'NULL' # set status if addResult != None and addResult.mergingFiles != []: # set status for merging: for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' self.job.jobStatus = 'merging' # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) elif addResult != None and addResult.transferringFiles != []: # set status for transferring for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.transferringFiles: file.status = 'transferring' self.job.jobStatus = 'transferring' self.job.jobSubStatus = None # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) else: self.job.jobStatus = 'finished' # endtime if self.job.endTime=='NULL': self.job.endTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) # output size and # of outputs self.job.nOutputDataFiles = 0 self.job.outputFileBytes = 0 for tmpFile in self.job.Files: if tmpFile.type == 'output': self.job.nOutputDataFiles += 1 try: self.job.outputFileBytes += tmpFile.fsize except: pass # protection maxOutputFileBytes = 99999999999 if self.job.outputFileBytes > maxOutputFileBytes: self.job.outputFileBytes = maxOutputFileBytes # set cancelled state if self.job.commandToPilot == 'tobekilled' and self.job.jobStatus == 'failed': self.job.jobStatus = 'cancelled' # update job if oldJobStatus in ['cancelled','closed']: pass else: self.logger.debug("updating DB") retU = self.taskBuffer.updateJobs([self.job],False,oldJobStatusList=[oldJobStatus], extraInfo=self.extraInfo) self.logger.debug("retU: %s" % retU) # failed if not retU[0]: self.logger.error('failed to update DB for pandaid={0}'.format(self.job.PandaID)) # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return try: # updateJobs was successful and it failed a job with taskBufferErrorCode self.logger.debug(" will peek the job") job_tmp = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.job.PandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=True, fromWaiting=False)[0] self.logger.debug("status {0}, taskBufferErrorCode {1}, taskBufferErrorDiag {2}".format(job_tmp.jobStatus, job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode, job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag)) if job_tmp.jobStatus == 'failed' and job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode: source = 'taskBufferErrorCode' error_code = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode error_diag = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag self.logger.debug(" 2 will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules(self.taskBuffer, job_tmp.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job_tmp.attemptNr) self.logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules 2 is back") except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.error("apply_retrial_rules 2 excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) # setup for closer if not (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) and self.job.isCancelled()): destDBList = [] guidList = [] for file in self.job.Files: # ignore inputs if file.type == 'input': continue # skip pseudo datasets if file.destinationDBlock in ['',None,'NULL']: continue # start closer for output/log datasets if not file.destinationDBlock in destDBList: destDBList.append(file.destinationDBlock) # collect GUIDs if (self.job.prodSourceLabel=='panda' or (self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['rucio_test'] + JobUtils.list_ptest_prod_sources and \ self.job.processingType in ['pathena','prun','gangarobot-rctest','hammercloud'])) \ and file.type == 'output': # extract base LFN since LFN was changed to full LFN for CMS baseLFN = file.lfn.split('/')[-1] guidList.append({'lfn':baseLFN,'guid':file.GUID,'type':file.type, 'checksum':file.checksum,'md5sum':file.md5sum, 'fsize':file.fsize,'scope':file.scope}) if guidList != []: retG = self.taskBuffer.setGUIDs(guidList) if destDBList != []: # start Closer if adderPlugin != None and hasattr(adderPlugin,'datasetMap') and adderPlugin.datasetMap != {}: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer,destDBList,self.job,datasetMap=adderPlugin.datasetMap) else: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer,destDBList,self.job) self.logger.debug("start Closer") cThr.start() cThr.join() self.logger.debug("end Closer") # run closer for assocaiate parallel jobs if EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(self.job): assDBlockMap = self.taskBuffer.getDestDBlocksWithSingleConsumer(self.job.jediTaskID,self.job.PandaID, destDBList) for assJobID,assDBlocks in assDBlockMap.iteritems(): assJob = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([assJobID],fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False, fromWaiting=False, forAnal=True)[0] if self.job == None: self.logger.debug(': associated job PandaID={0} not found in DB'.format(assJobID)) else: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer,assDBlocks,assJob) self.logger.debug("start Closer for PandaID={0}".format(assJobID)) cThr.start() cThr.join() self.logger.debug("end Closer for PandaID={0}".format(assJobID)) self.logger.debug("end") try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass # unlock XML if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() errStr = ": %s %s " % (type,value) errStr += traceback.format_exc() self.logger.error(errStr) self.logger.error("except") # unlock XML just in case try: if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.error("cannot unlock XML")
def parseXML(self): # get LFN and GUID self.logger.debug('XML filename : %s' % self.xmlFile) # no outputs if self.job.Files == []: self.logger.debug("has no outputs") self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0 # get input files inputLFNs = [] for file in self.job.Files: if file.type == 'input': inputLFNs.append(file.lfn) # parse XML lfns = [] guids = [] fsizes = [] md5sums = [] chksums = [] surls = [] fullLfnMap = {} nEventsMap = {} guidMap = dict() try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.xmlFile) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) # get metadata fsize = None md5sum = None adler32 = None surl = None fullLFN = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'fsize': fsize = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'md5sum': md5sum = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # check if"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$",md5sum) == None: md5sum = None elif name == 'adler32': adler32 = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'surl': surl = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'full_lfn': fullLFN = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # endpoints self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = [] for epNode in file.getElementsByTagName('endpoint'): self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn].append(str( # error check if (not lfn in inputLFNs) and (fsize == None or (md5sum == None and adler32 == None)): if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(self.job): continue else: raise RuntimeError, 'fsize/md5sum/adler32/surl=None' # append lfns.append(lfn) guids.append(guid) fsizes.append(fsize) md5sums.append(md5sum) surls.append(surl) if adler32 != None: # use adler32 if available chksums.append("ad:%s" % adler32) else: chksums.append("md5:%s" % md5sum) if fullLFN != None: fullLfnMap[lfn] = fullLFN except: # parse json try: import json with open(self.xmlFile) as tmpF: jsonDict = json.load(tmpF) for lfn, fileData in jsonDict.iteritems(): lfn = str(lfn) fsize = None md5sum = None adler32 = None surl = None fullLFN = None guid = str(fileData['guid']) if 'fsize' in fileData: fsize = long(fileData['fsize']) if 'md5sum' in fileData: md5sum = str(fileData['md5sum']) # check if"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$",md5sum) == None: md5sum = None if 'adler32' in fileData: adler32 = str(fileData['adler32']) if 'surl' in fileData: surl = str(fileData['surl']) if 'full_lfn' in fileData: fullLFN = str(fileData['full_lfn']) # endpoints self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = [] if 'endpoint' in fileData: self.extraInfo['endpoint'][lfn] = fileData['endpoint'] # error check if (not lfn in inputLFNs) and (fsize == None or (md5sum == None and adler32 == None)): if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(self.job): continue else: raise RuntimeError, 'fsize/md5sum/adler32/surl=None' # append lfns.append(lfn) guids.append(guid) fsizes.append(fsize) md5sums.append(md5sum) surls.append(surl) if adler32 != None: # use adler32 if available chksums.append("ad:%s" % adler32) else: chksums.append("md5:%s" % md5sum) if fullLFN != None: fullLfnMap[lfn] = fullLFN except: # check if file exists if os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type,value)) # set failed anyway self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # XML error happens when pilot got killed due to wall-time limit or failures in wrapper if (self.job.pilotErrorCode in [0,'0','NULL']) and \ (self.job.taskBufferErrorCode not in [taskbuffer.ErrorCode.EC_WorkerDone]) and \ (self.job.transExitCode in [0,'0','NULL']): self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "Could not get GUID/LFN/MD5/FSIZE/SURL from pilot XML" return 2 else: # XML was deleted return 1 # parse metadata to get nEvents try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.job.metadata) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) guidMap[lfn] = guid # get metadata nevents = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'events': nevents = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) nEventsMap[lfn] = nevents break except: pass # parse json try: import json jsonDict = json.loads(self.job.metadata) for jsonFileItem in jsonDict['files']['output']: for jsonSubFileItem in jsonFileItem['subFiles']: lfn = str(jsonSubFileItem['name']) try: nevents = long(jsonSubFileItem['nentries']) nEventsMap[lfn] = nevents except: pass try: guid = str(jsonSubFileItem['file_guid']) guidMap[lfn] = guid except: pass except: pass self.logger.debug('nEventsMap=%s' % str(nEventsMap)) self.logger.debug('guidMap=%s' % str(guidMap)) # get lumi block number lumiBlockNr = self.job.getLumiBlockNr() # copy files for variable number of outputs tmpStat = self.copyFilesForVariableNumOutputs(lfns) if not tmpStat: self.logger.error("failed to copy files for variable number of outputs") return 2 # check files fileList = [] for file in self.job.Files: fileList.append(file.lfn) if file.type == 'input': if file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user','panda']: # skipped file file.status = 'skipped' elif self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['managed','test'] + JobUtils.list_ptest_prod_sources: # failed by pilot file.status = 'failed' elif file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': # add only log file for failed jobs if self.jobStatus == 'failed' and file.type != 'log': file.status = 'failed' continue # set failed if it is missing in XML if not file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.jobStatus == 'finished' and \ (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) or EventServiceUtils.isJumboJob(self.job)): # unset file status for ES jobs pass elif file.isAllowedNoOutput(): # allowed not to be produced file.status = 'nooutput' self.logger.debug('set {0} to status={1}'.format(file.lfn,file.status)) else: file.status = 'failed' self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "expected output {0} is missing in pilot XML".format(file.lfn) self.logger.error(self.job.ddmErrorDiag) continue # look for GUID with LFN try: i = lfns.index(file.lfn) file.GUID = guids[i] file.fsize = fsizes[i] file.md5sum = md5sums[i] file.checksum = chksums[i] surl = surls[i] # status file.status = 'ready' # change to full LFN if fullLfnMap.has_key(file.lfn): file.lfn = fullLfnMap[file.lfn] # add SURL to extraInfo self.extraInfo['surl'][file.lfn] = surl # add nevents if nEventsMap.has_key(file.lfn): self.extraInfo['nevents'][file.lfn] = nEventsMap[file.lfn] except: # status file.status = 'failed' type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type,value)) # set lumi block number if lumiBlockNr != None and file.status != 'failed': self.extraInfo['lbnr'][file.lfn] = lumiBlockNr self.extraInfo['guid'] = guidMap # check consistency between XML and filesTable for lfn in lfns: if not lfn in fileList: self.logger.error("%s is not found in filesTable" % lfn) self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for tmpFile in self.job.Files: tmpFile.status = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "pilot produced {0} inconsistently with jobdef".format(lfn) return 2 # return self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0
def run(self): try: self.logger.debug("new start: %s attemptNr=%s" % (self.jobStatus,self.attemptNr)) # lock XML self.lockXML = open(self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: self.logger.debug("cannot get lock : %s" % self.xmlFile) self.lockXML.close() # remove XML just in case for the final attempt if not self.ignoreTmpError: try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass return # check if file exists if not os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): self.logger.debug("not exist : %s" % self.xmlFile) try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: pass return # query job self.job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.jobID],fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False, fromWaiting=False, forAnal=True)[0] # check if job has finished if self.job == None: self.logger.debug(': job not found in DB') elif self.job.jobStatus in ['finished','failed','unknown','cancelled','merging']: self.logger.error(': invalid state -> %s' % self.job.jobStatus) elif self.attemptNr != None and self.job.attemptNr != self.attemptNr: self.logger.error('wrong attemptNr -> job=%s <> %s' % (self.job.attemptNr,self.attemptNr)) else: # check file status in JEDI fileCheckInJEDI = self.taskBuffer.checkInputFileStatusInJEDI(self.job) self.logger.debug("check file status in JEDI : {0}".format(fileCheckInJEDI)) if fileCheckInJEDI == None: raise RuntimeError,'failed to check file status in JEDI' if fileCheckInJEDI == False: # set job status to failed since some file status is wrong in JEDI self.jobStatus = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "wrong file status in JEDI" self.logger.debug("set jobStatus={0} since input are already cancelled in JEDI".format(self.jobStatus)) # keep old status oldJobStatus = self.job.jobStatus # set job status if not self.job.jobStatus in ['transferring']: self.job.jobStatus = self.jobStatus addResult = None adderPlugin = None # parse XML parseResult = self.parseXML() if parseResult < 2: # intraction with DDM try: # set VO=local for DDM free if self.job.destinationSE == 'local': tmpVO = 'local' else: tmpVO = self.job.VO # instantiate concrete plugin adderPluginClass = panda_config.getPlugin('adder_plugins',tmpVO) if adderPluginClass == None: # use ATLAS plugin by default from AdderAtlasPlugin import AdderAtlasPlugin adderPluginClass = AdderAtlasPlugin self.logger.debug('plugin name {0}'.format(adderPluginClass.__name__)) adderPlugin = adderPluginClass(self.job, taskBuffer=self.taskBuffer, siteMapper=self.siteMapper, extraInfo=self.extraInfo, logger=self.logger) # execute self.logger.debug('plugin is ready') adderPlugin.execute() addResult = adderPlugin.result self.logger.debug('plugin done with %s' % (addResult.statusCode)) except: errtype,errvalue = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.logger.error("failed to execute AdderPlugin for VO={0} with {1}:{2}".format(tmpVO, errtype, errvalue)) addResult = None self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "AdderPlugin failure" # ignore temporary errors if self.ignoreTmpError and addResult != None and addResult.isTemporary(): self.logger.debug(': ignore %s ' % self.job.ddmErrorDiag) self.logger.debug('escape') # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return # failed if addResult == None or not addResult.isSucceeded(): self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # set file status for failed jobs or failed transferring jobs if self.job.jobStatus == 'failed' or self.jobStatus == 'failed': self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for file in self.job.Files: if file.type in ['output','log']: if addResult != None and file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' else: file.status = 'failed' else: # reset errors self.job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = 0 self.job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'NULL' # set status if addResult != None and addResult.mergingFiles != []: # set status for merging: for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.mergingFiles: file.status = 'merging' self.job.jobStatus = 'merging' # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) elif addResult != None and addResult.transferringFiles != []: # set status for transferring for file in self.job.Files: if file.lfn in addResult.transferringFiles: file.status = 'transferring' self.job.jobStatus = 'transferring' # propagate transition to prodDB self.job.stateChangeTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) else: self.job.jobStatus = 'finished' # endtime if self.job.endTime=='NULL': self.job.endTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()) # output size and # of outputs self.job.nOutputDataFiles = 0 self.job.outputFileBytes = 0 for tmpFile in self.job.Files: if tmpFile.type == 'output': self.job.nOutputDataFiles += 1 try: self.job.outputFileBytes += tmpFile.fsize except: pass # protection maxOutputFileBytes = 99999999999 if self.job.outputFileBytes > maxOutputFileBytes: self.job.outputFileBytes = maxOutputFileBytes # set cancelled state if self.job.commandToPilot == 'tobekilled' and self.job.jobStatus == 'failed': self.job.jobStatus = 'cancelled' # update job self.logger.debug("updating DB") retU = self.taskBuffer.updateJobs([self.job],False,oldJobStatusList=[oldJobStatus], extraInfo=self.extraInfo) self.logger.debug("retU: %s" % retU) # failed if not retU[0]: self.logger.error('failed to update DB') # unlock XML try: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML") return # setup for closer if not (EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job) and self.job.jobStatus == 'cancelled'): destDBList = [] guidList = [] for file in self.job.Files: # ignore inputs if file.type == 'input': continue # skip pseudo datasets if file.destinationDBlock in ['',None,'NULL']: continue # start closer for output/log datasets if not file.destinationDBlock in destDBList: destDBList.append(file.destinationDBlock) # collect GUIDs if (self.job.prodSourceLabel=='panda' or (self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['ptest','rc_test','rucio_test'] and \ self.job.processingType in ['pathena','prun','gangarobot-rctest','hammercloud'])) \ and file.type == 'output': # extract base LFN since LFN was changed to full LFN for CMS baseLFN = file.lfn.split('/')[-1] guidList.append({'lfn':baseLFN,'guid':file.GUID,'type':file.type, 'checksum':file.checksum,'md5sum':file.md5sum, 'fsize':file.fsize,'scope':file.scope}) if guidList != []: retG = self.taskBuffer.setGUIDs(guidList) if destDBList != []: # start Closer if adderPlugin != None and hasattr(adderPlugin,'datasetMap') and adderPlugin.datasetMap != {}: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer,destDBList,self.job,datasetMap=adderPlugin.datasetMap) else: cThr = Closer.Closer(self.taskBuffer,destDBList,self.job) self.logger.debug("start Closer") cThr.start() cThr.join() self.logger.debug("end Closer") self.logger.debug("end") try: # remove Catalog os.remove(self.xmlFile) except: pass # unlock XML if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockXML.close() except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("except") # unlock XML just in case try: if self.lockXML != None: fcntl.flock(self.lockXML.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug(": %s %s" % (type,value)) self.logger.debug("cannot unlock XML")
def parseXML(self): # get LFN and GUID self.logger.debug('XML filename : %s' % self.xmlFile) # no outputs if self.job.Files == []: self.logger.debug("has no outputs") self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0 # get input files inputLFNs = [] for file in self.job.Files: if file.type == 'input': inputLFNs.append(file.lfn) # parse XML lfns = [] guids = [] fsizes = [] md5sums = [] chksums = [] surls = [] fullLfnMap = {} nEventsMap = {} try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.xmlFile) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) # get metadata fsize = None md5sum = None adler32 = None surl = None fullLFN = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'fsize': fsize = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'md5sum': md5sum = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # check if"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$",md5sum) == None: md5sum = None elif name == 'adler32': adler32 = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'surl': surl = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) elif name == 'full_lfn': fullLFN = str(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) # error check if (not lfn in inputLFNs) and (fsize == None or (md5sum == None and adler32 == None)): if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceMerge(self.job): continue else: raise RuntimeError, 'fsize/md5sum/adler32/surl=None' # append lfns.append(lfn) guids.append(guid) fsizes.append(fsize) md5sums.append(md5sum) surls.append(surl) if adler32 != None: # use adler32 if available chksums.append("ad:%s" % adler32) else: chksums.append("md5:%s" % md5sum) if fullLFN != None: fullLfnMap[lfn] = fullLFN except: # check if file exists if os.path.exists(self.xmlFile): type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type,value)) # set failed anyway self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' # XML error happens when pilot got killed due to wall-time limit or failures in wrapper if (self.job.pilotErrorCode in [0,'0','NULL']) and \ (self.job.transExitCode in [0,'0','NULL']): self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "Could not get GUID/LFN/MD5/FSIZE/SURL from pilot XML" return 2 else: # XML was deleted return 1 # parse metadata to get nEvents try: root = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.job.metadata) files = root.getElementsByTagName('File') for file in files: # get GUID guid = str(file.getAttribute('ID')) # get PFN and LFN nodes logical = file.getElementsByTagName('logical')[0] lfnNode = logical.getElementsByTagName('lfn')[0] # convert UTF8 to Raw lfn = str(lfnNode.getAttribute('name')) # get metadata nevents = None for meta in file.getElementsByTagName('metadata'): # get fsize name = str(meta.getAttribute('att_name')) if name == 'events': nevents = long(meta.getAttribute('att_value')) nEventsMap[lfn] = nevents break except: pass self.logger.debug('nEventsMap=%s' % str(nEventsMap)) # get lumi block number lumiBlockNr = self.job.getLumiBlockNr() # check files fileList = [] for file in self.job.Files: fileList.append(file.lfn) if file.type == 'input': if file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['user','panda']: # skipped file file.status = 'skipped' elif self.job.prodSourceLabel in ['managed','test','rc_test','ptest']: # failed by pilot file.status = 'failed' elif file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': # add only log file for failed jobs if self.jobStatus == 'failed' and file.type != 'log': file.status = 'failed' continue # set failed if it is missing in XML if not file.lfn in lfns: if self.job.jobStatus == 'finished' and EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(self.job): # unset file status for ES jobs pass else: file.status = 'failed' continue # look for GUID with LFN try: i = lfns.index(file.lfn) file.GUID = guids[i] file.fsize = fsizes[i] file.md5sum = md5sums[i] file.checksum = chksums[i] surl = surls[i] # status file.status = 'ready' # change to full LFN if fullLfnMap.has_key(file.lfn): file.lfn = fullLfnMap[file.lfn] # add SURL to extraInfo self.extraInfo['surl'][file.lfn] = surl # add nevents if nEventsMap.has_key(file.lfn): self.extraInfo['nevents'][file.lfn] = nEventsMap[file.lfn] except: # status file.status = 'failed' type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error(": %s %s" % (type,value)) # set lumi block number if lumiBlockNr != None and file.status != 'failed': self.extraInfo['lbnr'][file.lfn] = lumiBlockNr # check consistency between XML and filesTable for lfn in lfns: if not lfn in fileList: self.logger.error("%s is not found in filesTable" % lfn) self.job.jobStatus = 'failed' for tmpFile in self.job.Files: tmpFile.status = 'failed' self.job.ddmErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Adder self.job.ddmErrorDiag = "pilot XML is inconsistent with filesTable" return 2 # return self.logger.debug("parseXML end") return 0
def run(self): try: while True: _logger.debug('%s start' % self.pandaID) # query job job = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([self.pandaID],fromDefined=False, fromArchived=False,fromWaiting=False)[0] _logger.debug('%s in %s' % (self.pandaID, job.jobStatus)) # check job status if job == None: _logger.debug('%s escape : not found' % self.pandaID) return if not job.jobStatus in ['running','sent','starting','holding', 'stagein','stageout']: if job.jobStatus == 'transferring' and (job.prodSourceLabel in ['user','panda'] or job.jobSubStatus not in [None, 'NULL', '']): pass else: _logger.debug('%s escape : %s' % (self.pandaID,job.jobStatus)) return # time limit timeLimit = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.sleepTime) if job.modificationTime < timeLimit or (job.endTime != 'NULL' and job.endTime < timeLimit): _logger.debug('%s %s lastmod:%s endtime:%s' % (job.PandaID,job.jobStatus, str(job.modificationTime), str(job.endTime))) destDBList = [] if job.jobStatus == 'sent': # sent job didn't receive reply from pilot within 30 min job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_SendError job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = "Sent job didn't receive reply from pilot within 30 min" elif job.exeErrorDiag == 'NULL' and job.pilotErrorDiag == 'NULL': # lost heartbeat job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Watcher if job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag == 'NULL': if job.endTime == 'NULL': # normal lost heartbeat job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'lost heartbeat : %s' % str(job.modificationTime) else: # job recovery failed job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'lost heartbeat : %s' % str(job.endTime) if job.jobStatus == 'transferring': job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag += ' in transferring' # get worker workerSpecs = self.taskBuffer.getWorkersForJob(job.PandaID) if len(workerSpecs) > 0: workerSpec = workerSpecs[0] if workerSpec.status in ['finished', 'failed', 'cancelled', 'missed']: job.supErrorCode = SupErrors.error_codes['WORKER_ALREADY_DONE'] job.supErrorDiag = 'worker already {0} at {1} with {2}'.format(workerSpec.status, str(workerSpec.endTime), workerSpec.diagMessage) job.supErrorDiag = JobSpec.truncateStringAttr('supErrorDiag', job.supErrorDiag) else: # job recovery failed job.jobDispatcherErrorCode = ErrorCode.EC_Recovery job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag = 'job recovery failed for %s hours' % (self.sleepTime/60) # set job status job.jobStatus = 'failed' # set endTime for lost heartbeat if job.endTime == 'NULL': # normal lost heartbeat job.endTime = job.modificationTime # set files status for file in job.Files: if file.type == 'output' or file.type == 'log': file.status = 'failed' if not file.destinationDBlock in destDBList: destDBList.append(file.destinationDBlock) # event service if EventServiceUtils.isEventServiceJob(job) and not EventServiceUtils.isJobCloningJob(job): eventStat = self.taskBuffer.getEventStat(job.jediTaskID, job.PandaID) # set sub status when no sucessful events if EventServiceUtils.ST_finished not in eventStat: job.jobSubStatus = 'es_heartbeat' # update job self.taskBuffer.updateJobs([job],False) # start closer if job.jobStatus == 'failed': source = 'jobDispatcherErrorCode' error_code = job.jobDispatcherErrorCode error_diag = job.jobDispatcherErrorDiag try: _logger.debug("Watcher will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules(self.taskBuffer, job.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job.attemptNr) _logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules is back") except Exception as e: _logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s"%(e, traceback.format_exc())) # updateJobs was successful and it failed a job with taskBufferErrorCode try: _logger.debug(" will peek the job") job_tmp = self.taskBuffer.peekJobs([job.PandaID], fromDefined=False, fromArchived=True, fromWaiting=False)[0] if job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode: source = 'taskBufferErrorCode' error_code = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorCode error_diag = job_tmp.taskBufferErrorDiag _logger.debug(" 2 will call apply_retrial_rules") retryModule.apply_retrial_rules(self.taskBuffer, job_tmp.PandaID, source, error_code, error_diag, job_tmp.attemptNr) _logger.debug("apply_retrial_rules 2 is back") except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.error("apply_retrial_rules 2 excepted and needs to be investigated (%s): %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) cThr = Closer(self.taskBuffer,destDBList,job) cThr.start() cThr.join() _logger.debug('%s end' % job.PandaID) return # single action if self.single: return # sleep time.sleep(60*self.sleepTime) except: type, value, traceBack = sys.exc_info() _logger.error("run() : %s %s" % (type,value)) return