def _flatten_flow(self, flow): """Flattens a graph flow.""" graph = gr.DiGraph( # Flatten all nodes into a single subgraph per node. subgraph_map = {} for item in flow: subgraph = self._flatten(item) subgraph_map[item] = subgraph graph = gr.merge_graphs([graph, subgraph]) # Reconnect all node edges to their corresponding subgraphs. for (u, v, attrs) in flow.iter_links(): u_g = subgraph_map[u] v_g = subgraph_map[v] if any(attrs.get(k) for k in ("invariant", "manual", "retry")): # Connect nodes with no predecessors in v to nodes with # no successors in u (thus maintaining the edge dependency). self._add_new_edges(graph, u_g.no_successors_iter(), v_g.no_predecessors_iter(), edge_attrs=attrs) else: # This is dependency-only edge, connect corresponding # providers and consumers. for provider in u_g: for consumer in v_g: reasons = provider.provides & consumer.requires if reasons: graph.add_edge(provider, consumer, reasons=reasons) if flow.retry is not None: self._connect_retry(flow.retry, graph) return graph
def apply_constraints(self, graph, flow, decomposed_members): # This list is used to track the links that have been previously # iterated over, so that when we are trying to find a entry to # connect to that we iterate backwards through this list, finding # connected nodes to the current target (lets call it v) and find # the first (u_n, or u_n - 1, u_n - 2...) that was decomposed into # a non-empty graph. We also retain all predecessors of v so that we # can correctly locate u_n - 1 if u_n turns out to have decomposed into # an empty graph (and so on). priors = [] # NOTE(harlowja): u, v are flows/tasks (also graph terminology since # we are compiling things down into a flattened graph), the meaning # of this link iteration via iter_links() is that u -> v (with the # provided dictionary attributes, if any). for (u, v, attr_dict) in flow.iter_links(): if not priors: priors.append((None, u)) v_g = decomposed_members[v] if not v_g.number_of_nodes(): priors.append((u, v)) continue invariant = any(attr_dict.get(k) for k in _EDGE_INVARIANTS) if not invariant: # This is a symbol *only* dependency, connect # corresponding providers and consumers to allow the consumer # to be executed immediately after the provider finishes (this # is an optimization for these types of dependencies...) u_g = decomposed_members[u] if not u_g.number_of_nodes(): # This must always exist, but incase it somehow doesn't... raise exc.CompilationFailure( "Non-invariant link being created from '%s' ->" " '%s' even though the target '%s' was found to be" " decomposed into an empty graph" % (v, u, u)) for u in u_g.nodes_iter(): for v in v_g.nodes_iter(): depends_on = u.provides & v.requires if depends_on: _add_update_edges(graph, [u], [v], attr_dict={ _EDGE_REASONS: depends_on, }) else: # Connect nodes with no predecessors in v to nodes with no # successors in the *first* non-empty predecessor of v (thus # maintaining the edge dependency). match = self._find_first_decomposed(u, priors, decomposed_members, self._is_not_empty) if match is not None: _add_update_edges(graph, match.no_successors_iter(), list(v_g.no_predecessors_iter()), attr_dict=attr_dict) priors.append((u, v))
def compile(self, flow, parent=None): """Decomposes a flow into a graph and scope tree hierarchy.""" graph = gr.DiGraph( graph.add_node(flow, kind=FLOW, noop=True) tree_node = tr.Node(flow, kind=FLOW, noop=True) if parent is not None: parent.add(tree_node) if flow.retry is not None: tree_node.add(tr.Node(flow.retry, kind=RETRY)) decomposed = dict( (child, self._deep_compiler_func(child, parent=tree_node)[0]) for child in flow) decomposed_graphs = list(six.itervalues(decomposed)) graph = gr.merge_graphs(graph, *decomposed_graphs, overlap_detector=_overlap_occurence_detector) for u, v, attr_dict in flow.iter_links(): u_graph = decomposed[u] v_graph = decomposed[v] _add_update_edges(graph, u_graph.no_successors_iter(), list(v_graph.no_predecessors_iter()), attr_dict=attr_dict) if flow.retry is not None: graph.add_node(flow.retry, kind=RETRY) _add_update_edges(graph, [flow], [flow.retry], attr_dict={LINK_INVARIANT: True}) for node in graph.nodes_iter(): if node is not flow.retry and node is not flow: graph.node[node].setdefault(RETRY, flow.retry) from_nodes = [flow.retry] connected_attr_dict = {LINK_INVARIANT: True, LINK_RETRY: True} else: from_nodes = [flow] connected_attr_dict = {LINK_INVARIANT: True} connected_to = [ node for node in graph.no_predecessors_iter() if node is not flow ] if connected_to: # Ensure all nodes in this graph(s) that have no # predecessors depend on this flow (or this flow's retry) so that # we can depend on the flow being traversed before its # children (even though at the current time it will be skipped). _add_update_edges(graph, from_nodes, connected_to, attr_dict=connected_attr_dict) return graph, tree_node
def _flatten_flow(self, flow, parent): """Flattens a flow.""" graph = gr.DiGraph( node = tr.Node(flow) if parent is not None: parent.add(node) if flow.retry is not None: node.add(tr.Node(flow.retry)) # Flatten all nodes into a single subgraph per item (and track origin # item to its newly expanded graph). subgraphs = {} for item in flow: subgraph = self._flatten(item, node)[0] subgraphs[item] = subgraph graph = gr.merge_graphs([graph, subgraph]) # Reconnect all items edges to their corresponding subgraphs. for (u, v, attrs) in flow.iter_links(): u_g = subgraphs[u] v_g = subgraphs[v] if any(attrs.get(k) for k in _EDGE_INVARIANTS): # Connect nodes with no predecessors in v to nodes with # no successors in u (thus maintaining the edge dependency). self._add_new_edges(graph, u_g.no_successors_iter(), v_g.no_predecessors_iter(), edge_attrs=attrs) else: # This is symbol dependency edge, connect corresponding # providers and consumers. for provider in u_g: for consumer in v_g: reasons = provider.provides & consumer.requires if reasons: graph.add_edge(provider, consumer, reasons=reasons) if flow.retry is not None: self._connect_retry(flow.retry, graph) return graph, node
def _flatten_flow(self, flow, parent): """Flattens a flow.""" graph = gr.DiGraph( node = tr.Node(flow) if parent is not None: parent.add(node) if flow.retry is not None: node.add(tr.Node(flow.retry)) # Flatten all nodes into a single subgraph per item (and track origin # item to its newly expanded graph). subgraphs = {} for item in flow: subgraph = self._flatten(item, node)[0] subgraphs[item] = subgraph graph = gr.merge_graphs([graph, subgraph]) # Reconnect all items edges to their corresponding subgraphs. for (u, v, attrs) in flow.iter_links(): u_g = subgraphs[u] v_g = subgraphs[v] if any(attrs.get(k) for k in ('invariant', 'manual', 'retry')): # Connect nodes with no predecessors in v to nodes with # no successors in u (thus maintaining the edge dependency). self._add_new_edges(graph, u_g.no_successors_iter(), v_g.no_predecessors_iter(), edge_attrs=attrs) else: # This is dependency-only edge, connect corresponding # providers and consumers. for provider in u_g: for consumer in v_g: reasons = provider.provides & consumer.requires if reasons: graph.add_edge(provider, consumer, reasons=reasons) if flow.retry is not None: self._connect_retry(flow.retry, graph) return graph, node
def compile(self, flow, parent=None): """Decomposes a flow into a graph and scope tree hierarchy.""" graph = gr.DiGraph( graph.add_node(flow, kind=FLOW, noop=True) tree_node = tr.Node(flow, kind=FLOW, noop=True) if parent is not None: parent.add(tree_node) if flow.retry is not None: tree_node.add(tr.Node(flow.retry, kind=RETRY)) decomposed = dict( (child, self._deep_compiler_func(child, parent=tree_node)[0]) for child in flow) decomposed_graphs = list(six.itervalues(decomposed)) graph = gr.merge_graphs(graph, *decomposed_graphs, overlap_detector=_overlap_occurence_detector) for u, v, attr_dict in flow.iter_links(): u_graph = decomposed[u] v_graph = decomposed[v] _add_update_edges(graph, u_graph.no_successors_iter(), list(v_graph.no_predecessors_iter()), attr_dict=attr_dict) # Insert the flow(s) retry if needed, and always make sure it # is the **immediate** successor of the flow node itself. if flow.retry is not None: graph.add_node(flow.retry, kind=RETRY) _add_update_edges(graph, [flow], [flow.retry], attr_dict={LINK_INVARIANT: True}) for node in graph.nodes_iter(): if node is not flow.retry and node is not flow: graph.node[node].setdefault(RETRY, flow.retry) from_nodes = [flow.retry] attr_dict = {LINK_INVARIANT: True, LINK_RETRY: True} else: from_nodes = [flow] attr_dict = {LINK_INVARIANT: True} # Ensure all nodes with no predecessors are connected to this flow # or its retry node (so that the invariant that the flow node is # traversed through before its contents is maintained); this allows # us to easily know when we have entered a flow (when running) and # do special and/or smart things such as only traverse up to the # start of a flow when looking for node deciders. _add_update_edges(graph, from_nodes, [ node for node in graph.no_predecessors_iter() if node is not flow ], attr_dict=attr_dict) # Connect all nodes with no successors into a special terminator # that is used to identify the end of the flow and ensure that all # execution traversals will traverse over this node before executing # further work (this is especially useful for nesting and knowing # when we have exited a nesting level); it allows us to do special # and/or smart things such as applying deciders up to (but not # beyond) a flow termination point. # # Do note that in a empty flow this will just connect itself to # the flow node itself... and also note we can not use the flow # object itself (primarily because the underlying graph library # uses hashing to identify node uniqueness and we can easily create # a loop if we don't do this correctly, so avoid that by just # creating this special node and tagging it with a special kind); we # may be able to make this better in the future with a multidigraph # that networkx provides?? flow_term = Terminator(flow) graph.add_node(flow_term, kind=FLOW_END, noop=True) _add_update_edges(graph, [ node for node in graph.no_successors_iter() if node is not flow_term ], [flow_term], attr_dict={LINK_INVARIANT: True}) return graph, tree_node