def update(filepath, github_account, discovery_documents): """Updates the google-api-php-client-services repository. Args: filepath (str): the directory to work in. github_account (GitHubAccount): the GitHub account to commit with. discovery_documents (dict(str, str)): a map of API IDs to Discovery document filenames to generate from. """ repo = _git.clone_from_github( _REPO_PATH, join(filepath, _REPO_NAME), github_account=github_account) venv_filepath = join(repo.filepath, 'venv') check_output(['virtualenv', venv_filepath, '-p', 'python2.7']) # The PHP client library generator is published in the # "google-apis-client-generator" package. check_output([join(venv_filepath, 'bin/pip'), 'install', 'google-apis-client-generator==1.6.1']) added, updated = _generate_and_commit_all_clients( repo, venv_filepath, discovery_documents) commit_count = len(added) + len(updated) if commit_count == 0: return _run_tests(repo) repo.soft_reset('HEAD~{}'.format(commit_count)) commitmsg =, None, updated) repo.commit(commitmsg,, repo.push()
def update(filepath, github_account): """Updates the google-api-go-client repository. Args: filepath (str): the directory to work in. github_account (GitHubAccount): the GitHub account to commit with. """ env = os.environ.copy() env['GO111MODULE'] = 'on' repo = _git.clone('', join(filepath, 'google-api-go-client')) generator_filepath = join(repo.filepath, 'google-api-go-generator') check_output(['make', 'all'], cwd=generator_filepath, env=env) repo.add(['.']) added, deleted, updated = set(), set(), set() status_to_ids = { _git.Status.ADDED: added, _git.Status.DELETED: deleted, _git.Status.UPDATED: updated } for filename, status in repo.diff_name_status(): match = _NAME_VERSION_RE.match(filename) if not match: continue name_version = '{}/{}'.format(, status_to_ids.get(status, set()).add(name_version) if not any([added, deleted, updated]): return check_output(['go', 'test', './...'], cwd=repo.filepath, env=env) subject = 'all: autogenerated update ({})'.format( commitmsg =, deleted, updated, subject=subject) repo.commit(commitmsg,, repo.push(remote=_REMOTE_URL, nokeycheck=True)
def update(filepath, github_account): """Updates the discovery-artifact-manager repository. Args: filepath (str): the directory to work in. github_account (GitHubAccount): the GitHub account to commit and push with. """ repo = _git.clone_from_github(_REPO_PATH, join(filepath, _REPO_NAME), github_account=github_account) with TemporaryDirectory() as gopath: os.makedirs(join(gopath, 'src')) check_output([ 'ln', '-s', join(repo.filepath, 'src'), join(gopath, 'src/discovery-artifact-manager') ]) env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = gopath check_output(['go', 'run', 'src/main/updatedisco/main.go'], cwd=repo.filepath, env=env) repo.add(['discoveries']) if not repo.diff_name_status(): return repo.commit('Autogenerated Discovery document update',, repo.push()
def push(self, remote='origin', branch='master', tags=False, nokeycheck=False): """Updates remote refs. Args: remote (str): the remote name. branch (str): the branch name. tags (bool, optional): if true, only tags are pushed. nokeycheck (bool, optional): if true, the "--push-option nokeycheck" flag is passed. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ args = ['git', 'push', remote] if tags: args.append('--tags') else: args.append(branch) if nokeycheck: args.extend(['--push-option', 'nokeycheck']) check_output(args, cwd=self.filepath)
def test_check_output_error_stderr(): program = ('import sys;' 'print("stderr stuff", file=sys.stderr);' 'quit(1)') with pytest.raises(CallError) as excinfo: check_output(['python3', '-c', program]) assert str(excinfo.value) == '\nstderr:\nstderr stuff'
def test_check_output_env(): env = os.environ.copy() env.pop('TESTVAR123', None) program = 'import os;print(os.environ["TESTVAR123"]);' with pytest.raises(CallError): check_output(['python3', '-c', program]) env['TESTVAR123'] = 'TEST' stdoutdata = check_output(['python3', '-c', program], env=env) assert stdoutdata == 'TEST\n'
def tag(self, name): """Creates a tag. Args: name (str): the name of the tag. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ check_output(['git', 'tag', name], cwd=self.filepath)
def checkout_new(self, branch): """Create a new branch and switch to it. Args: branch (str): the name of the branch to checkout. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ check_output(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch], cwd=self.filepath)
def add(self, filepaths): """Add file contents to the index. Args: paths (list(str)): a list of filepaths to add content from. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ check_output(['git', 'add', *filepaths], cwd=self.filepath)
def checkout(self, branch): """Switches branches. Args: branch (str): the name of the branch to checkout. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ check_output(['git', 'checkout', branch], cwd=self.filepath)
def _package_and_push_gem(repo, rubygems_account, new_version): check_output(['./script/package'], cwd=repo.filepath) credentials_filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.gem/credentials') with open(credentials_filename, 'w') as file_: file_.write('---\n:rubygems_api_key: {}\n'.format( rubygems_account.api_key)) # The credentials file must have permissions of `0600`. os.chmod(credentials_filename, 0o600) check_output( ['gem', 'push', 'pkg/google-api-client-{}.gem'.format(new_version)], cwd=repo.filepath)
def soft_reset(self, rev): """Soft resets current HEAD to `rev`. Args: rev (str): a revision parameter. For example: "d1f3ffe7", or "0.13.2". mode (str, optional): the type of reset to perform. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ args = ['git', 'reset', '--soft', rev] check_output(args, cwd=self.filepath)
def _update_and_publish_gh_pages(repo, new_version, github_account): check_output(['npm', 'run', 'doc'], cwd=repo.filepath) repo.checkout('gh-pages') check_output(['rm', '-rf', 'latest'], cwd=repo.filepath) doc_filepath = 'doc/googleapis/{}'.format(new_version) check_output(['cp', '-r', doc_filepath, 'latest'], cwd=repo.filepath) check_output(['cp', '-r', doc_filepath, new_version], cwd=repo.filepath) index_md_filename = join(repo.filepath, '') lines = [] with open(index_md_filename) as file_: lines = file_.readlines() # should be at least 5 lines long and have the first bullet # (latest) on line 4. if len(lines) < 5 or lines[3] != '\n' or not lines[4].startswith('*'): raise Exception(' has an unexpected format') lines[4] = lines[4].replace(' (latest)', '', 1) bullet = ('* [v{nv} (latest)]' '(' '/{nv}/index.html)\n').format(nv=new_version) lines.insert(4, bullet) with open(index_md_filename, 'w') as file_: file_.write(''.join(lines)) repo.add(['latest', new_version]) repo.commit(new_version,, repo.push(branch='gh-pages') repo.checkout('master')
def _generate_all_clients(repo): check_output(['rm', '-rf', 'generated'], cwd=repo.filepath) # The `discovery_v1` service is used by the generator. check_output([ 'git', 'checkout', 'generated/google/apis/discovery_v1.rb', 'generated/google/apis/discovery_v1' ], cwd=repo.filepath) check_output(['./script/generate'], cwd=repo.filepath) # Temporarily disable generation of health care services. check_output([ 'rm', '-rf', 'generated/google/apis/healthcare_v1alpha2', 'generated/google/apis/healthcare_v1alpha2.rb', 'generated/google/apis/healthcare_v1alpha', 'generated/google/apis/healthcare_v1alpha.rb' ], cwd=repo.filepath) added, deleted, updated = set(), set(), set() status_to_ids = { _git.Status.ADDED: added, _git.Status.DELETED: deleted, _git.Status.UPDATED: updated } for filename, status in repo.diff_name_status(staged=False): match = _SERVICE_FILENAME_RE.match(filename) if not match: continue status_to_ids.get(status, set()).add( return added, deleted, updated
def _generate_all_clients(repo): check_output(['make', 'generate'], cwd=repo.filepath) added, deleted, updated = set(), set(), set() status_to_ids = { _git.Status.ADDED: added, _git.Status.DELETED: deleted, _git.Status.UPDATED: updated } for filename, status in repo.diff_name_status(staged=False): match = _SERVICE_FILENAME_RE.match(filename) if not match: continue name_version = '{}:{}'.format(, status_to_ids.get(status, set()).add(name_version) return added, deleted, updated
def clone(url, dest): """Clones a git Repository. Args: url (str): the URL of the repository. dest (str): the destination filepath. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. Returns: Repository: the repository. """ check_output(['git', 'clone', url, dest]) return Repository(dest)
def diff_name_status(self, rev=None, staged=True): """Returns a list of status, filename pairs of changes from `rev`. Args: rev (str, optional): a revision parameter. If set, `staged` is ignored. For example: "d1f3ffe7", or "0.13.2". staged (bool, optional): if true, staged changes are returned. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. Returns: list((str, Status)): a list of filename, Status pairs of changes from HEAD. """ args = ['git', 'diff', '--name-status'] if rev: args.append('{}..HEAD'.format(rev)) elif staged: args.append('--staged') output = check_output(args, cwd=self.filepath).strip() pairs = [] if not output: return pairs for line in output.split('\n'): match = _DIFF_NAME_STATUS_RE.match(line) if not match: continue status = { 'A': Status.ADDED, 'D': Status.DELETED, 'M': Status.UPDATED }.get(, Status.UNKNOWN) pairs.append((, status)) return pairs
def _check_latest_version(latest_tag): output = check_output(['gem', 'search', '-r', '^google-api-client$']) latest_version = _GEM_SEARCH_RE.match(output).group(1) if latest_tag != latest_version: raise Exception( ('latest tag does not match the latest package version on' ' RubyGems: {} != {}').format(latest_tag, latest_version))
def _check_latest_version(latest_tag): latest_version = check_output(['npm', 'view', 'googleapis', 'version']) latest_version = latest_version.strip() if latest_tag != latest_version: raise Exception( ('latest tag does not match the latest package version on npm:' ' {} != {}').format(latest_tag, latest_version))
def commit(self, message, name, email): """Records changes to the repository. Args: message (str): the commit message. name (str): the user's name. email (str): the user's email. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. """ check_output([ 'git', '-c', '{}'.format(name), '-c', '{}'.format(email), 'commit', '-a', '--allow-empty-message', '-m', message ], cwd=self.filepath)
def _update_disco(repo: _git.Repository, github_account: accounts.GitHubAccount) -> int: """Invokes updatedisco on the repo. Returns the number of commits.""" with TemporaryDirectory() as gopath: os.makedirs(join(gopath, 'src')) check_output([ 'ln', '-s', join(repo.filepath, 'src'), join(gopath, 'src/discovery-artifact-manager') ]) env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = gopath check_output(['go', 'run', 'src/main/updatedisco/main.go'], cwd=repo.filepath, env=env) repo.add(['discoveries']) if not repo.diff_name_status(): return 0 repo.commit('Autogenerated Discovery document update',, return 1
def latest_tag(self): """Returns the latest tag. Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. Returns: str: the latest tag. """ data = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0'], cwd=self.filepath) return data.strip()
def _generate_client(repo, venv_filepath, ddoc_filename): client_filepath = join(repo.filepath, 'src/Google/Service') with TemporaryDirectory() as dest_filepath: check_output([join(venv_filepath, 'bin/generate_library'), '--input={}'.format(ddoc_filename), '--language=php', '--language_variant=1.2.1', '--output_dir={}'.format(dest_filepath)]) dirs = os.listdir(dest_filepath) client_name = os.path.splitext(dirs[0])[0] # ex: "BigQuery" old_client_filepath = join(client_filepath, client_name) old_client_filename = '{}.php'.format(old_client_filepath) check_output(['rm', '-rf', old_client_filename, old_client_filepath]) new_client_filepath = join(dest_filepath, client_name) new_client_filename = '{}.php'.format(new_client_filepath) check_output(['cp', new_client_filename, old_client_filename]) check_output(['cp', '-r', new_client_filepath, old_client_filepath])
def authors_since(self, rev): """Returns a list of emails of the authors of all commits since `rev`. Args: rev (str): a revision parameter. For example: "d1f3ffe7", or "0.13.2". Raises: CallError: if the call returns a non-zero return code. Returns: list(str): a list of emails of the authors of all commits since `rev`. """ data = check_output( ['git', 'log', '{}..HEAD'.format(rev), '--pretty=format:%ae'], cwd=self.filepath) # Strip whitespace and filter so '' is never returned as an email. data = data.strip().split('\n') return list(filter(None, data))
def _publish_package(repo, npm_account): with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.npmrc'), 'w') as file_: file_.write('//{}\n'.format( npm_account.auth_token)) check_output(['npm', 'publish'], cwd=repo.filepath)
def _install_dependencies(repo): check_output(['bundle', 'install', '--path', 'vendor/bundle'], cwd=repo.filepath)
def test_check_output(): stdoutdata = check_output(['echo', 'hello world']) assert stdoutdata == 'hello world\n'
def _run_tests(repo): check_output(['bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'spec'], cwd=repo.filepath)
def test_check_output_error_stdout(): program = 'print("stdout stuff");quit(1)' with pytest.raises(CallError) as excinfo: check_output(['python3', '-c', program]) assert str(excinfo.value) == '\nstdout:\nstdout stuff'
def test_check_output_cwd(): with TemporaryDirectory() as filepath: with open(os.path.join(filepath, 'test'), 'w') as file_: file_.write('hello world') stdoutdata = check_output(['cat', 'test'], cwd=filepath) assert stdoutdata == 'hello world'