コード例 #1
ファイル: img.py プロジェクト: MaxIV-KitsControls/taurus
class ImageCounterDevice(ImageDevice):
    """A class encapsulating a generic image device that has an image counter
    def __init__(self, name, image_name='image', **kw):
        self._image_data = CaselessDict()
        self.call__init__(ImageDevice, name, **kw)
        self._image_id_attr = self.getAttribute(self.getImageIDAttrName())

    def _setDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        for n in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(n, (True, None))
            self._image_data[n] = True, d[1]

    def _getDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        dirty = []
        for name in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(name)
            if d is None or d[0] == True:
        return names

    def getImageIDAttrName(self):
        return 'imagecounter'

    def eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
        if evt_src == self._image_id_attr:
            if evt_type == TaurusEventType.Change:
                self.fireEvent(evt_type, evt_value)
            ImageDevice.eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value)

    def getImageData(self, names=None):
        if names is None:
            names = self.getImageAttrNames()
        elif isinstance(names, str):
            names = (names, )

        fetch = self._getDirty(names)

            data = self.read_attributes(fetch)
            for d in data:
                self._image_data[d.name] = False, d
        return self._image_data
コード例 #2
class _PoolUtil(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._ctrl_proxies = CaselessDict()
        self._lock = threading.Lock()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    def get_device(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ctrl_name = args[0]
        device_name = args[1]
        with self._lock:
            ctrl_devs = self._ctrl_proxies.get(ctrl_name)
            if ctrl_devs is None:
                self._ctrl_proxies[ctrl_name] = ctrl_devs = CaselessDict()
            dev = ctrl_devs.get(device_name)
            if dev is None:
                import PyTango
                ctrl_devs[device_name] = dev = PyTango.DeviceProxy(device_name)
        return dev

    get_motor = get_phy_motor = get_pseudo_motor = get_motor_group = \
        get_exp_channel = get_ct_channel = get_zerod_channel = get_oned_channel = \
        get_twod_channel = get_pseudo_counter_channel = get_measurement_group = \
        get_com_channel = get_ioregister = get_device
コード例 #3
class TangoDevTree(CaselessDict):

    def __init__(self, other=None):
        super(TangoDevTree, self).__init__()
        self._devices = CaselessDict()
        if other is not None:

    def _update(self, other):
            if isinstance(other, collections.Mapping):
                other = list(other.values())
            for dev in other:
                except Exception as e:
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(
                "Must give dict<obj, TangoDevInfo> or sequence<TangoDevInfo>")

    def addDevice(self, dev_info):
        domain, family, member = dev_info.domain(), dev_info.family(), dev_info.member()

        families = self[domain] = self.get(domain, CaselessDict())
        devs = self._devices[domain] = self._devices.get(
            domain, CaselessDict())
        devs[dev_info.name()] = dev_info

        families[family] = members = families.get(family, CaselessDict())

        members[member] = dev_info

    def getDomainDevices(self, domain):
        """Returns all devices under the given domain. Returns empty list if
        the domain doesn't exist or doesn't contain any devices"""
        return list(self._devices.get(domain, {}).values())

    def getFamilyDevices(self, domain, family):
        """Returns all devices under the given domain/family. Returns empty list if
        the domain/family doesn't exist or doesn't contain any devices"""
        families = self.get(domain)
        if families is None:
        return list(families.get(family, {}).values())
コード例 #4
 def toDataInfo(klass, name, info):
     info = CaselessDict(info)
     dtype = info[Type]
     dtype, dformat = to_dtype_dformat(dtype)
     default_value = info.get(DefaultValue)
     description = info.get(Description, '')
     daccess = info.get(Access, DataAccess.ReadWrite)
     daccess = to_daccess(daccess)
     memorized = info.get(Memorize, Memorized)
     maxdimsize = info.get(MaxDimSize)
     fget = info.get(FGet)
     fset = info.get(FSet)
     if default_value is not None and dtype != DataType.String:
         if type(default_value) in types.StringTypes:
             default_value = eval(default_value)
     return DataInfo(name,
コード例 #5
ファイル: motion.py プロジェクト: reszelaz/sardana
class PoolMSTest(MoveableSource):
    def __init__(self, initial_elems):
        self.elem_names = initial_elems
        self.moveable_inc = 0

        self.motors = CaselessDict()
        for elem_name in initial_elems:
            self.motors[elem_name] = PoolMoveableTest(elem_name, [elem_name], self)
        self.motor_group = None

    def getMoveable(self, names):
        if len(names) == 1:
            return self.motors.get(names[0])
        l = [name for name in self.elem_names if name in names]
        self.motor_group = PoolMoveableTest("moveable %d" % self.moveable_inc, l, self)
        self.moveable_inc += 1
        return self.motor_group
コード例 #6
class PoolMSTest(MoveableSource):
    def __init__(self, initial_elems):
        self.elem_names = initial_elems
        self.moveable_inc = 0

        self.motors = CaselessDict()
        for elem_name in initial_elems:
            self.motors[elem_name] = PoolMoveableTest(elem_name, [elem_name],
        self.motor_group = None

    def getMoveable(self, names):
        if len(names) == 1:
            return self.motors.get(names[0])
        l = [name for name in self.elem_names if name in names]
        self.motor_group = PoolMoveableTest("moveable %d" % self.moveable_inc,
                                            l, self)
        self.moveable_inc += 1
        return self.motor_group
コード例 #7
ファイル: poolutil.py プロジェクト: cmft/sardana
class _PoolUtil(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._ctrl_proxies = CaselessDict()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    def get_device(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ctrl_name = args[0]
        device_name = args[1]
        ctrl_devs = self._ctrl_proxies.get(ctrl_name)
        if ctrl_devs is None:
            self._ctrl_proxies[ctrl_name] = ctrl_devs = CaselessDict()
        dev = ctrl_devs.get(device_name)
        if dev is None:
            import PyTango
            ctrl_devs[device_name] = dev = PyTango.DeviceProxy(device_name)
        return dev

    get_motor = get_phy_motor = get_pseudo_motor = get_motor_group = \
        get_exp_channel = get_ct_channel = get_zerod_channel = get_oned_channel = \
        get_twod_channel = get_pseudo_counter_channel = get_measurement_group = \
        get_com_channel = get_ioregister = get_device
コード例 #8
ファイル: poolutil.py プロジェクト: sardana-org/sardana
class _PoolUtil(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._ctrl_proxies = CaselessDict()
        self._lock = threading.Lock()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    def get_device(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Factory method to create a single `tango.DeviceProxy` instance
        per controller instance.

        :param ctrl_name: Controller name to which assign the proxy object
        :type ctrl_name: `str`
        :param device_name: Tango device name
        :type device_name: `str`
        :return: single device proxy object
        :rtype: `tango.DeviceProxy`
        ctrl_name = args[0]
        device_name = args[1]
        with self._lock:
            ctrl_devs = self._ctrl_proxies.get(ctrl_name)
            if ctrl_devs is None:
                self._ctrl_proxies[ctrl_name] = ctrl_devs = CaselessDict()
            dev = ctrl_devs.get(device_name)
            if dev is None:
                import PyTango
                ctrl_devs[device_name] = dev = PyTango.DeviceProxy(device_name)
        return dev

    get_motor = get_phy_motor = get_pseudo_motor = get_motor_group = \
        get_exp_channel = get_ct_channel = get_zerod_channel = \
        get_oned_channel = get_twod_channel = get_pseudo_counter_channel = \
        get_measurement_group = get_com_channel = get_ioregister = get_device
コード例 #9
 def toDataInfo(klass, name, info):
     info = CaselessDict(info)
     dtype = info[Type]
     dtype, dformat = to_dtype_dformat(dtype)
     default_value = info.get(DefaultValue)
     description = info.get(Description, '')
     daccess = info.get(Access, DataAccess.ReadWrite)
     daccess = to_daccess(daccess)
     memorized = info.get(Memorize, Memorized)
     maxdimsize = info.get(MaxDimSize)
     fget = info.get(FGet)
     fset = info.get(FSet)
     if default_value is not None and dtype != DataType.String:
         if type(default_value) in types.StringTypes:
             default_value = eval(default_value)
     return DataInfo(name, dtype, dformat=dformat, access=daccess,
                     description=description, default_value=default_value,
                     memorized=memorized, fget=fget, fset=fset,
コード例 #10
ファイル: macroserver.py プロジェクト: rhomspuron/sardana
class MacroServer(MSContainer, MSObject, SardanaElementManager, SardanaIDManager):

    All = "All"

    MaxParalellMacros = 5

    logReportParams = dict(when='midnight', interval=1, backupCount=365)
    logReportKlass = NonOverlappingTimedRotatingFileHandler

    def __init__(self, full_name, name=None, macro_path=None,
                 environment_db=None, recorder_path=None):
        # dict<str, Pool>
        # key   - device name (case insensitive)
        # value - Pool object representing the device name
        self._pools = CaselessDict()
        self._max_parallel_macros = self.MaxParalellMacros
        self._path_id = None

        MSObject.__init__(self, full_name=full_name, name=name, id=InvalidId,
                          macro_server=self, elem_type=ElementType.MacroServer)


        self._type_manager = TypeManager(self)
        self._environment_manager = EnvironmentManager(self,
        self._macro_manager = MacroManager(self, macro_path=macro_path)
        self._recorder_manager = RecorderManager(self,

    def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs = MSObject.serialize(self, *args, **kwargs)
        kwargs['type'] = self.__class__.__name__
        kwargs['id'] = InvalidId
        kwargs['parent'] = None
        return kwargs

    def add_job(self, job, callback=None, *args, **kw):
        th_pool = get_thread_pool()
        th_pool.add(job, callback, *args, **kw)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Environment DB related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_environment_db(self, environment_db):
        """Sets the environment database.

        :param env_db:
            environment database name
        :type env_db: :obj:`str`

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Python related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_python_path(self, path):
        mod_man = ModuleManager()
        if self._path_id is not None:
        self._path_id = mod_man.add_python_path(path)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Macro path related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_macro_path(self, macro_path):
        """Sets the macro path.

        :param macro_path:
            macro path
        :type macro_path:
        self.macro_manager.setMacroPath([p.rstrip(os.sep) for p in macro_path])

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Recorder path related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_recorder_path(self, recorder_path):
        """Sets the recorder path.

        :param recorder_path:
            recorder path
        :type recorder_path:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Report related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_log_report(self, filename=None, format=None):
        log = self.get_report_logger()

        # first check that the handler has not been initialized yet. If it has
        # we remove previous handlers. We only allow one timed rotating file
        # handler at a time
        to_remove = []
        for handler in log.handlers:
            if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler):

        for handler in to_remove:

        if filename is None:

        if format is None:
            format = Logger.DftLogMessageFormat
        formatter = logging.Formatter(format)

        self.info("Reports are being stored in %s", filename)
        klass = self.logReportKlass
        handler = klass(filename, **self.logReportParams)

    def clear_log_report(self):

    def get_report_logger(self):
        return logging.getLogger("Sardana.Report")

    report_logger = property(get_report_logger)

    def report(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        Record a log message in the sardana report (if enabled) with default
        level **INFO**. The msg is the message format string, and the args are
        the arguments which are merged into msg using the string formatting
        operator. (Note that this means that you can use keywords in the
        format string, together with a single dictionary argument.)

        *kwargs* are the same as :meth:`logging.Logger.debug` plus an optional
        level kwargs which has default value **INFO**


            self.report("this is an official report!")

        :param msg: the message to be recorded
        :type msg: :obj:`str`
        :param args: list of arguments
        :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments"""
        level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.INFO)
        return self.report_logger.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Pool related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_pool_names(self, pool_names):
        """Registers a new list of device pools in this manager

        :param pool_names: sequence of pool names
        :type pool_names: seq<str>"""
        for pool in self._pools.values():
            elements_attr = pool.getAttribute("Elements")

        for name in pool_names:
            self.debug("Creating pool %s", name)
            pool = Device(name)
            if pool is None:
                self.error('Could not create Pool object for %s' % name)
            self._pools[name] = pool
            elements_attr = pool.getAttribute("Elements")

    def get_pool_names(self):
        """Returns the list of names of the pools this macro server is connected

            the list of names of the pools this macro server is connected to
        return self._pools.keys()

    def get_pool(self, pool_name):
        """Returns the device pool object corresponding to the given device name
        or None if no match is found.

        :param pool_name: device pool name
        :type pool_name: :obj:`str`
        :return: Pool object or None if no match is found"""
        return self._pools.get(pool_name)

    def get_pools(self):
        """Returns the list of pools this macro server is connected to.

        :return: the list of pools this macro server is connected to
        :rtype: seq<Pool>"""
        return self._pools.values()

    def on_pool_elements_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
        if evt_type not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        self.fire_event(EventType("PoolElementsChanged"), evt_value)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Door related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_element(self, **kwargs):
        type = kwargs['type']
        elem_type = ElementType[type]
        name = kwargs['name']

        kwargs['macro_server'] = self

        td = TYPE_MAP_OBJ[elem_type]
        klass = td.klass
        auto_full_name = td.auto_full_name

        full_name = kwargs.get("full_name", auto_full_name.format(**kwargs))

        self.check_element(name, full_name)

        id = kwargs.get('id')
        if id is None:
            kwargs['id'] = id = self.get_new_id()
        elem = klass(**kwargs)
        ret = self.add_element(elem)
        self.fire_event(EventType("ElementCreated"), elem)
        return ret

    def create_door(self, **kwargs):
        return self.create_element(type="Door", **kwargs)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # General access to elements
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_elements_info(self):
        return self.get_remote_elements_info() + self.get_local_elements_info()

    def get_remote_elements_info(self):
        return [elem.serialize()
                for pool in self.get_pools()
                for elem in pool.getElements()]

    def get_local_elements_info(self):
        # fill macro library info
        ret = [macrolib.serialize()
               for macrolib in self.get_macro_libs().values()]
        # fill macro info
        ret += [macro.serialize()
                for macro in self.get_macros().values()]
        # fill parameter type info
        ret += [paramtype.serialize()
                for paramtype in self.get_data_types().values()]

        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # macro execution
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_max_parallel_macros(self, nb):
        assert nb > 0, "max parallel macros number must be > 0"
        th_pool = get_thread_pool()
        if th_pool.size + 5 < nb:
            th_pool.size = nb
        self._max_parallel_macros = nb

    def get_max_parallel_macros(self):
        return self._max_parallel_macros

    max_parallel_macros = property(get_max_parallel_macros,
                                   set_max_parallel_macros, doc="maximum number of macros which can "
                                   "execute at the same time")

    def macro_manager(self):
        return self._macro_manager

    def recorder_manager(self):
        return self._recorder_manager

    def environment_manager(self):
        return self._environment_manager

    def type_manager(self):
        return self._type_manager

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (Re)load code
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def reload_lib(self, lib_name):
        return self.macro_manager.reloadLib(lib_name)

    def reload_macro_lib(self, lib_name):
        manager = self.macro_manager

            old_lib = manager.getMacroLib(lib_name)
        except UnknownMacroLibrary:
            old_lib = None

        new_elements, changed_elements, deleted_elements = [], [], []

        new_lib = manager.reloadMacroLib(lib_name)
        if new_lib.has_errors():
            return new_lib

        if old_lib is None:
            new_names = set([macro.name for macro in new_lib.get_macros()])
            old_names = set([macro.name for macro in old_lib.get_macros()])
            changed_names = set.intersection(new_names, old_names)
            deleted_names = old_names.difference(new_names)
            new_names = new_names.difference(old_names)

            for new_name in new_names:
            for changed_name in changed_names:
            for deleted_name in deleted_names:

        evt = {"new": new_elements, "change": changed_elements,
               "del": deleted_elements}
        self.fire_event(EventType("ElementsChanged"), evt)
        return new_lib

    reload_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.reloadMacroLib.__doc__

    def reload_macro_libs(self, lib_names):
        for lib_name in lib_names:

    def reload_macro(self, macro_name):
        macro_info = self.macro_manager.getMacro(macro_name)
        lib_name = macro_info.module_name
        return self.reload_macro_lib(lib_name)

    def reload_macros(self, macro_names):
        lib_names = set()
        for macro_name in macro_names:
            macro_info = self.macro_manager.getMacro(macro_name)

    def get_macro_lib(self, lib_name):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLib(lib_name)
    get_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLib.__doc__

    def get_macro_libs(self, filter=None):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLibs(filter=filter)
    get_macro_libs.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLibs.__doc__

    def get_macro_lib_names(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLibNames()
    get_macro_lib_names.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLibNames.__doc__

    def get_macro(self, name):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacro(name)
    get_macro.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacro.__doc__

    def get_macros(self, filter=None):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacros(filter=filter)
    get_macros.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacros.__doc__

    def get_macro_names(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroNames()
    get_macro_names.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroNames.__doc__

    def get_macro_classes(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroClasses()
    get_macro_classes.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroClasses.__doc__

    def get_macro_functions(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroFunctions()
    get_macro_functions.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroFunctions.__doc__

    def get_macro_libs_summary_info(self):
        libs = self.get_macro_libs()
        ret = []
        for module_name, macro_lib_info in libs.items():
            elem = "%s (%s)" % (macro_lib_info.name, macro_lib_info.file_path)
        return ret

    def get_macro_classes_summary_info(self):
        macros = self.get_macros()
        ret = []
        for macro_info in macros:
            elem = "%s (%s)" % (macro_info.name, macro_info.file_path)
        return ret

    def get_or_create_macro_lib(self, lib_name, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the exiting macro lib or creates a new macro lib file. If
        name is not None, a macro template code for the given macro name is
        appended to the end of the file.

        :param lib_name:
            module name, python file name, or full file name (with path)
        :type lib_name: :obj:`str`
        :param macro_name:
            an optional macro name. If given a macro template code is appended
            to the end of the file (default is None meaning no macro code is
        :type macro_name: :obj:`str`

            a sequence with three items: full_filename, code, line number is 0
            if no macro is created or n representing the first line of code for
            the given macro name.
        :rtype: seq<str, str, int>"""
        return self.macro_manager.getOrCreateMacroLib(lib_name,
    get_or_create_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.getOrCreateMacroLib.__doc__

    def set_macro_lib(self, lib_name, code, auto_reload=True):
        module_name = self.macro_manager.setMacroLib(lib_name, code,
        if auto_reload:

    set_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.setMacroLib.__doc__

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Data types
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_data_types(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypes()
    get_data_types.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypes.__doc__

    def get_data_type(self, type_name):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeObj(type_name)
    get_data_type.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeObj.__doc__

    def get_data_type_names(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeNames()
    get_data_type_names.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeNames.__doc__

    def get_data_type_names_with_asterisc(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeListStr()
    get_data_type_names_with_asterisc.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeListStr.__doc__

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Doors
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_doors(self):
        return self.get_elements_by_type(ElementType.Door)

    def get_door_names(self):
        return [door.full_name for door in self.get_doors()]

    # Environment access methods

    def get_env(self, key=None, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the environment matching the given parameters:

               - door_name and macro_name define the context where to look for
                 the environment. If both are None, the global environment is
                 used. If door name is None but macro name not, the given macro
                 environment is used and so on...
               - If key is None it returns the complete environment, otherwise
                 key must be a string containing the environment variable name.

        :param key:
            environment variable name [default: None, meaning all environment]
        :type key: :obj:`str`
        :param door_name:
            local context for a given door [default: None, meaning no door
            context is used]
        :type door_name: :obj:`str`
        :param macro_name:
            local context for a given macro [default: None, meaning no macro
            context is used]
        :type macro_name: :obj:`str`

        :return: a :obj:`dict` containing the environment
        :rtype: :obj:`dict`

        :raises: UnknownEnv"""
        return self.environment_manager.getEnv(key=key, macro_name=macro_name,

    def set_env(self, key, value):
        """Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it persistently.

        :param key: the key for the environment
        :param value: the value for the environment

        :return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
        env_man = self.environment_manager
        if env_man.hasEnv(key):
            evt_type = "change"
            evt_type = "new"

        k, v = self.environment_manager.setEnv(key, value)

        evt = {evt_type: {k: v}}
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return k, v

    def set_env_obj(self, data):
        """Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it persistently.

        :param key: the key for the environment
        :param value: the value for the environment

        :return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
        env_man = self.environment_manager

        new, change = {}, {}
        for key, value in data.items():
            d = new
            if env_man.hasEnv(key):
                d = change
            d[key] = value

        ret = env_man.setEnvObj(data)

        evt = dict(new=new, change=change)
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return ret

    def change_env(self, data):
        env_man = self.environment_manager
        new_change_env = data.get('new', {})
        new_change_env.update(data.get('change', {}))
        del_env = data.get('del', [])

        new, change = {}, {}
        for key, value in new_change_env.items():
            d = new
            if env_man.hasEnv(key):
                d = change
            d[key] = value

        del_keys = env_man.unsetEnv(del_env)

        evt = dict(new=new, change=change)
        evt['del'] = del_keys
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)

    def unset_env(self, key):
        """Unsets the environment for the given key.

        :param key: the key for the environment to be unset"""
        ret = self.environment_manager.unsetEnv(key)
        # list is unhashable - convert to a tuple
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = tuple(key)
        evt = {'del': {key: None}}
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return ret

    def has_env(self, key, macro_name=None, door_name=None):
        return self.environment_manager.hasEnv(key,
                                               macro_name=macro_name, door_name=door_name)

    # General object access methods

    def get_object(self, name, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        objs = self.find_objects(name, type_class, subtype, pool)
        if len(objs) == 0:
            return None
        if len(objs) > 1:
            raise AttributeError(
                'More than one object named "%s" found' % name)
        return objs[0]

    def get_objects(self, names, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        return self.find_objects(names, type_class=type_class, subtype=subtype,

    def find_objects(self, param, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        if is_pure_str(param):
            param = param,

        if type_class == MacroServer.All:
            type_name_list = self.get_data_type_names()
            if is_pure_str(type_class):
                type_name_list = type_class,
                type_name_list = type_class
        obj_set = set()
        param = ['^%s$' % x for x in param]
        re_objs = map(re.compile, param, len(param) * (re.IGNORECASE,))
        re_subtype = re.compile(subtype, re.IGNORECASE)
        for type_name in type_name_list:
            type_class_name = type_name
            if type_class_name.endswith('*'):
                type_class_name = type_class_name[:-1]
            type_inst = self.get_data_type(type_class_name)
            if not type_inst.hasCapability(ParamType.ItemList):
            if self.is_macroserver_interface(type_class_name):
                for name, obj in type_inst.getObjDict(pool=pool).items():
                    for re_obj in re_objs:
                        if re_obj.match(name) is not None:
                            obj_type = ElementType[obj.get_type()]
                            if subtype is MacroServer.All or re_subtype.match(obj_type):
                for name, obj in type_inst.getObjDict(pool=pool).items():
                    for re_obj in re_objs:
                        if re_obj.match(name) is not None:
                            obj_type = obj.getType()
                            if (subtype is MacroServer.All or
                                re_subtype.match(obj.getType())) and \
                               obj_type != "MotorGroup":
        return list(obj_set)

    def get_motion(self, elems, motion_source=None, read_only=False, cache=True,
        if motion_source is None:
            motion_source = self.get_pools()

        motion_klass = Motion
        if decoupled:  # and len(elems)>1:
            motion_klass = MotionGroup
        return motion_klass(elems, motion_source)

        Interface.MacroLibrary: get_macro_libs,
        Interface.MacroCode: get_macros,
        Interface.MacroClass: get_macro_classes,
        Interface.MacroFunction: get_macro_functions,

    def is_macroserver_interface(self, interface):
        if is_pure_str(interface):
            interface = Interface[interface]
        return interface in self._LOCAL_INTERFACES

    def get_elements_with_interface(self, interface):
        ret = CaselessDict()
        if is_pure_str(interface):
            interface_str = interface
            interface = Interface[interface_str]
            interface_str = Interface[interface]

        if self.is_macroserver_interface(interface):
            for pool in self.get_pools():
        return ret

    def get_element_with_interface(self, name, interface):
        for pool in self.get_pools():
            element = pool.getElementWithInterface(name, interface)
            if element is not None:
                return element

    def get_controllers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Controller")

    def get_moveables(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Moveable")

    def get_motors(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Motor")

    def get_pseudo_motors(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("PseudoMotor")

    def get_io_registers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("IORegister")

    def get_measurement_groups(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("MeasurementGroup")

    def get_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("ExpChannel")

    def get_counter_timers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("CTExpChannel")

    def get_0d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("ZeroDExpChannel")

    def get_1d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("OneDExpChannel")

    def get_2d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("TwoDExpChannel")

    def get_pseudo_counters(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("PseudoCounter")

    def get_instruments(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Instrument")

    def get_controller(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Controller")

    def get_moveable(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Moveable")

    def get_motor(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Motor")

    def get_pseudo_motor(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "PseudoMotor")

    def get_io_register(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "IORegister")

    def get_measurement_group(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "MeasurementGroup")

    def get_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "ExpChannel")

    def get_counter_timer(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "CTExpChannel")

    def get_0d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "ZeroDExpChannel")

    def get_1d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "OneDExpChannel")

    def get_2d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "TwoDExpChannel")

    def get_pseudo_counter(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "PseudoCounter")

    def get_instrument(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Instrument")
コード例 #11
class BaseDoor(MacroServerDevice):
    """ Class encapsulating Door device functionality."""

    On = PyTango.DevState.ON
    Running = PyTango.DevState.RUNNING
    Paused = PyTango.DevState.STANDBY

    Critical = 'Critical'
    Error = 'Error'
    Warning = 'Warning'
    Info = 'Info'
    Output = 'Output'
    Debug = 'Debug'
    Result = 'Result'
    RecordData = 'RecordData'

    BlockStart = '<BLOCK>'
    BlockFinish = '</BLOCK>'

    log_streams = (Error, Warning, Info, Output, Debug, Result)

    # maximum execution time without user interruption
    InteractiveTimeout = 0.1

    def __init__(self, name, **kw):
        self._log_attr = CaselessDict()
        self._block_lines = 0
        self._in_block = False
        self._macro_server = None
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._last_running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._ignore_logs = kw.get("ignore_logs", False)
        self._silent = kw.get("silent", True)
        self._debug = kw.get("debug", False)
        self._output_stream = kw.get("output", sys.stdout)
        self._writeLock = threading.Lock()
        self._input_handler = self.create_input_handler()

        self.call__init__(MacroServerDevice, name, **kw)

        self._old_door_state = PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN
            self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusSWDevState.Uninitialized
        except RuntimeError:
            # TODO: For Taurus 4 compatibility
            from taurus.core import TaurusDevState
            self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusDevState.Undefined


        for log_name in self.log_streams:
            tg_attr = self.getAttribute(log_name)
            attr = LogAttr(self, log_name, None, tg_attr)
            if log_name == 'Result':
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.resultReceived, log_name)
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.logReceived, log_name)
            self._log_attr[log_name] = attr

        input_attr = self.getAttribute("Input")

        record_data_attr = self.getAttribute('RecordData')

        macro_status_attr = self.getAttribute('MacroStatus')

        self._experiment_configuration = ExperimentConfiguration(self)

    def create_input_handler(self):
        return BaseInputHandler()

    def get_input_handler(self):
        return self._input_handler

    def get_color_mode(self):
        return "NoColor"

    # def macrosChanged(self, s, v, t):
    #    pass

    def log_start(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_start"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_start = {
                BaseDoor.Critical: kls.LightRed,
                BaseDoor.Error: kls.Red,
                BaseDoor.Info: kls.LightBlue,
                BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Brown,
                BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Debug: kls.DarkGray,
                BaseDoor.Result: kls.LightGreen
        return self._log_start

    def log_stop(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_stop"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_stop = {
                BaseDoor.Critical: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Error: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Info: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Debug: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Result: kls.Normal
        return self._log_stop

    def getStateAttr(self):
        return self._state_attr

    def macro_server(self):
        if self._macro_server is None:
            self._macro_server = self._get_macroserver_for_door()
        return self._macro_server

    def _get_macroserver_for_door(self):
        """Returns the MacroServer device object in the same DeviceServer as this
        db = self.factory().getDatabase()
        door_name = self.dev_name()
        server_list = list(db.get_server_list('MacroServer/*'))
        server_list += list(db.get_server_list('Sardana/*'))
        server_devs = None
        for server in server_list:
            server_devs = db.get_device_class_list(server)
            devs, klasses = server_devs[0::2], server_devs[1::2]
            for dev in devs:
                if dev.lower() == door_name:
                    for i, klass in enumerate(klasses):
                        if klass == 'MacroServer':
                            return self.factory().getDevice(devs[i])
            return None

    def setDebugMode(self, state):
        self._debug = state

    def getDebugMode(self):
        return self._debug

    def setSilent(self, yesno):
        self._silent = yesno

    def isSilent(self):
        return self._silent

    def getLogObj(self, log_name='Debug'):
        return self._log_attr.get(log_name, None)

    def getRunningXML(self):
        return self._user_xml

    def getRunningMacro(self):
        return self._running_macro

    def getLastRunningMacro(self):
        return self._last_running_macro

    def abort(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()

    def stop(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()

    def _clearRunMacro(self):
        # Clear the log buffer
        map(LogAttr.clearLogBuffer, self._log_attr.values())
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._block_lines = 0

    def _createMacroXml(self, macro_name, macro_params):
        """The best effort creation of the macro XML object. It tries to
        convert flat list of string parameter values to the correct macro XML
        object. The cases that can not be converted are:
            * repeat parameter containing repeat parameters
            * two repeat parameters
            * repeat parameter that is not the last parameter

        :param macro_name: (str) macro name
        :param macro_params: (sequence[str]) list of parameter values

        :return (lxml.etree._Element) macro XML element
        macro_info = self.macro_server.getMacroInfoObj(macro_name)
        params_def = macro_info.parameters
        macro_node = createMacroNode(macro_name, params_def, macro_params)
        return macro_node.toXml()

    def preRunMacro(self, obj, parameters):

        xml_root = None
        if isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)):
            if obj.startswith('<') and not parameters:
                xml_root = etree.fromstring(obj)
                macros = []
                if len(parameters) == 0:
                    macros_strs = obj.split('\n')
                    for m in macros_strs:
                        pars = m.split()
                        macros.append((pars[0], pars[1:]))
                    parameters = recur_map(str, parameters)
                    macros.append((obj, parameters))
                xml_root = xml_seq = etree.Element('sequence')
                for m in macros:
                    macro_name = m[0]
                    macro_params = m[1]
                    xml_macro = self._createMacroXml(macro_name, macro_params)
                    xml_macro.set('id', str(uuid.uuid1()))
        elif etree.iselement(obj):
            xml_root = obj
            raise TypeError('obj must be a string or a etree.Element')

        self._running_macros = {}
        for macro_xml in xml_root.xpath('//macro'):
            id, name = macro_xml.get('id'), macro_xml.get('name')
            self._running_macros[id] = Macro(self, name, id, macro_xml)
        return xml_root

    def postRunMacro(self, result, synch):

    def runMacro(self, obj, parameters=[], synch=False):
        self._user_xml = self.preRunMacro(obj, parameters)
        result = self._runMacro(self._user_xml, synch=synch)
        return self.postRunMacro(result, synch)

    def _runMacro(self, xml, synch=False):
        if not synch:
            return self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml)])
        timeout = self.InteractiveTimeout
        evt_wait = self._getEventWait()
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, timeout=timeout)
            ts = time.time()
            result = self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml)])
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, after=ts, timeout=timeout)
            if synch:
        return result

    def stateChanged(self, s, t, v):
        self._old_door_state = self.getState()
            self._old_sw_door_state = self.getSWState()
            # TODO: For Taurus 4 compatibility
            self._old_sw_door_state = self.state

    def resultReceived(self, log_name, result):
        """Method invoked by the arrival of a change event on the Result attribute"""
        if self._ignore_logs or self._running_macro is None:
        return result

    def putEnvironment(self, name, value):
        self.macro_server.putEnvironment(name, value)

    def putEnvironments(self, obj):

    setEnvironment = putEnvironment
    setEnvironments = putEnvironments

    def getEnvironment(self, name=None):
        return self.macro_server.getEnvironment(name=name)

    def inputReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        input_data = CodecFactory().decode(('json', v.value))

    def processInput(self, input_data):
        TaurusManager().addJob(self._processInput, None, input_data)

    def _processInput(self, input_data):
        input_type = input_data['type']
        if input_type == 'input':
            result = self._input_handler.input(input_data)
            if result['input'] is '' and 'default_value' in input_data:
                result['input'] = input_data['default_value']
            result = CodecFactory().encode('json', ('', result))[1]
            self.write_attribute('Input', result)
        elif input_type == 'timeout':

    def recordDataReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        return self._processRecordData(v)

    def _processRecordData(self, data):
        if data is None or data.value is None:
        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        data = map(str, data.value)

        size = len(data[1])
        if size == 0:
        format = data[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)
        data = codec.decode(data)
        return data

    def processRecordData(self, data):

    def macroStatusReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:

        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        v = map(str, v.value)
        if not len(v[1]):
        format = v[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)

        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        v[1] = str(v[1])
        fmt, data = codec.decode(v)
        for macro_status in data:
            id = macro_status.get('id')
            macro = self._running_macros.get(id)
            self._last_running_macro = self._running_macro = macro
            # if we don't have the ID it's because the macro is running a submacro
            # or another client is connected to the same door (shame on him!) and
            # executing a macro we discard this event
            if macro is not None:
        return data

    def logReceived(self, log_name, output):
        if not output or self._silent or self._ignore_logs:

        if log_name == self.Debug and not self._debug:

        o = self.log_start[log_name]
        for line in output:
            if not self._debug:
                if line == self.BlockStart:
                    self._in_block = True
                    for i in xrange(self._block_lines):
                        # erase current line, up one line, erase current line
                        o += '\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K'
                    self._block_lines = 0
                elif line == self.BlockFinish:
                    self._in_block = False
                    if self._in_block:
                        self._block_lines += 1
                        self._block_lines = 0
            o += "%s\n" % line

        o += self.log_stop[log_name]

    def write(self, msg, stream=None):
        if self.isSilent():
        msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
        self._output_stream = sys.stdout
        out = self._output_stream
        if not stream is None:
            start, stop = self.log_start.get(stream), self.log_stop.get(stream)
            if start is not None and stop is not None:

    def writeln(self, msg='', stream=None):
        self.write("%s\n" % msg, stream=stream)

    def getExperimentConfigurationObj(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration

    def getExperimentConfiguration(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration.get()

    def setExperimentConfiguration(self, config, mnt_grps=None):
        self._experiment_configuration.set(config, mnt_grps=mnt_grps)
コード例 #12
ファイル: macroserver.py プロジェクト: julianofjm/sardana
class MacroServer(MSContainer, MSObject, SardanaElementManager,

    All = "All"

    MaxParalellMacros = 5

    logReportParams = dict(when='midnight', interval=1, backupCount=365)
    logReportKlass = NonOverlappingTimedRotatingFileHandler

    def __init__(self,
        # dict<str, Pool>
        # key   - device name (case insensitive)
        # value - Pool object representing the device name
        self._pools = CaselessDict()
        self._max_parallel_macros = self.MaxParalellMacros
        self._path_id = None



        self._type_manager = TypeManager(self)
        self._environment_manager = EnvironmentManager(
            self, environment_db=environment_db)
        self._macro_manager = MacroManager(self, macro_path=macro_path)
        self._recorder_manager = RecorderManager(self,

    def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs = MSObject.serialize(self, *args, **kwargs)
        kwargs['type'] = self.__class__.__name__
        kwargs['id'] = InvalidId
        kwargs['parent'] = None
        return kwargs

    def add_job(self, job, callback=None, *args, **kw):
        th_pool = get_thread_pool()
        th_pool.add(job, callback, *args, **kw)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Environment DB related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_environment_db(self, environment_db):
        """Sets the environment database.

        :param env_db:
            environment database name
        :type env_db:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Python related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_python_path(self, path):
        mod_man = ModuleManager()
        if self._path_id is not None:
        self._path_id = mod_man.add_python_path(path)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Macro path related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_macro_path(self, macro_path):
        """Sets the macro path.

        :param macro_path:
            macro path
        :type macro_path:
        self.macro_manager.setMacroPath([p.rstrip(os.sep) for p in macro_path])

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Recorder path related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_recorder_path(self, recorder_path):
        """Sets the recorder path.

        :param recorder_path:
            recorder path
        :type recorder_path:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Report related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_log_report(self, filename=None, format=None):
        log = self.get_report_logger()

        # first check that the handler has not been initialized yet. If it has
        # we remove previous handlers. We only allow one timed rotating file
        # handler at a time
        to_remove = []
        for handler in log.handlers:
            if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler):

        for handler in to_remove:

        if filename is None:

        if format is None:
            format = Logger.DftLogMessageFormat
        formatter = logging.Formatter(format)

        self.info("Reports are being stored in %s", filename)
        klass = self.logReportKlass
        handler = klass(filename, **self.logReportParams)

    def clear_log_report(self):

    def get_report_logger(self):
        return logging.getLogger("Sardana.Report")

    report_logger = property(get_report_logger)

    def report(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        Record a log message in the sardana report (if enabled) with default
        level **INFO**. The msg is the message format string, and the args are
        the arguments which are merged into msg using the string formatting
        operator. (Note that this means that you can use keywords in the
        format string, together with a single dictionary argument.)

        *kwargs* are the same as :meth:`logging.Logger.debug` plus an optional
        level kwargs which has default value **INFO**


            self.report("this is an official report!")

        :param msg: the message to be recorded
        :type msg: :obj:`str`
        :param args: list of arguments
        :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments"""
        level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.INFO)
        return self.report_logger.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Pool related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_pool_names(self, pool_names):
        """Registers a new list of device pools in this manager

        :param pool_names: sequence of pool names
        :type pool_names: seq<str>"""
        for pool in self._pools.values():
            elements_attr = pool.getAttribute("Elements")

        for name in pool_names:
            self.debug("Creating pool %s", name)
            pool = Device(name)
            if pool is None:
                self.error('Could not create Pool object for %s' % name)
            self._pools[name] = pool
            elements_attr = pool.getAttribute("Elements")

    def get_pool_names(self):
        """Returns the list of names of the pools this macro server is connected

            the list of names of the pools this macro server is connected to
        return self._pools.keys()

    def get_pool(self, pool_name):
        """Returns the device pool object corresponding to the given device name
        or None if no match is found.

        :param pool_name: device pool name
        :type pool_name: str
        :return: Pool object or None if no match is found"""
        return self._pools.get(pool_name)

    def get_pools(self):
        """Returns the list of pools this macro server is connected to.

        :return: the list of pools this macro server is connected to
        :rtype: seq<Pool>"""
        return self._pools.values()

    def on_pool_elements_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
        if evt_type not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        self.fire_event(EventType("PoolElementsChanged"), evt_value)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Door related methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_element(self, **kwargs):
        type = kwargs['type']
        elem_type = ElementType[type]
        name = kwargs['name']

        kwargs['macro_server'] = self

        td = TYPE_MAP_OBJ[elem_type]
        klass = td.klass
        auto_full_name = td.auto_full_name

        full_name = kwargs.get("full_name", auto_full_name.format(**kwargs))

        self.check_element(name, full_name)

        id = kwargs.get('id')
        if id is None:
            kwargs['id'] = id = self.get_new_id()
        elem = klass(**kwargs)
        ret = self.add_element(elem)
        self.fire_event(EventType("ElementCreated"), elem)
        return ret

    def create_door(self, **kwargs):
        return self.create_element(type="Door", **kwargs)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # General access to elements
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_elements_info(self):
        return self.get_remote_elements_info() + self.get_local_elements_info()

    def get_remote_elements_info(self):
        return [
            elem.serialize() for pool in self.get_pools()
            for elem in pool.getElements()

    def get_local_elements_info(self):
        # fill macro library info
        ret = [
            for macrolib in self.get_macro_libs().values()
        # fill macro info
        ret += [macro.serialize() for macro in self.get_macros().values()]
        # fill parameter type info
        ret += [
            for paramtype in self.get_data_types().values()

        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # macro execution
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_max_parallel_macros(self, nb):
        assert nb > 0, "max parallel macros number must be > 0"
        th_pool = get_thread_pool()
        if th_pool.size + 5 < nb:
            th_pool.size = nb
        self._max_parallel_macros = nb

    def get_max_parallel_macros(self):
        return self._max_parallel_macros

    max_parallel_macros = property(get_max_parallel_macros,
                                   doc="maximum number of macros which can "
                                   "execute at the same time")

    def macro_manager(self):
        return self._macro_manager

    def recorder_manager(self):
        return self._recorder_manager

    def environment_manager(self):
        return self._environment_manager

    def type_manager(self):
        return self._type_manager

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (Re)load code
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def reload_lib(self, lib_name):
        return self.macro_manager.reloadLib(lib_name)

    def reload_macro_lib(self, lib_name):
        manager = self.macro_manager

            old_lib = manager.getMacroLib(lib_name)
        except UnknownMacroLibrary:
            old_lib = None

        new_elements, changed_elements, deleted_elements = [], [], []

        new_lib = manager.reloadMacroLib(lib_name)
        if new_lib.has_errors():
            return new_lib

        if old_lib is None:
            new_names = set([macro.name for macro in new_lib.get_macros()])
            old_names = set([macro.name for macro in old_lib.get_macros()])
            changed_names = set.intersection(new_names, old_names)
            deleted_names = old_names.difference(new_names)
            new_names = new_names.difference(old_names)

            for new_name in new_names:
            for changed_name in changed_names:
            for deleted_name in deleted_names:

        evt = {
            "new": new_elements,
            "change": changed_elements,
            "del": deleted_elements
        self.fire_event(EventType("ElementsChanged"), evt)
        return new_lib

    reload_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.reloadMacroLib.__doc__

    def reload_macro_libs(self, lib_names):
        for lib_name in lib_names:

    def reload_macro(self, macro_name):
        macro_info = self.macro_manager.getMacro(macro_name)
        lib_name = macro_info.module_name
        return self.reload_macro_lib(lib_name)

    def reload_macros(self, macro_names):
        lib_names = set()
        for macro_name in macro_names:
            macro_info = self.macro_manager.getMacro(macro_name)

    def get_macro_lib(self, lib_name):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLib(lib_name)

    get_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLib.__doc__

    def get_macro_libs(self, filter=None):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLibs(filter=filter)

    get_macro_libs.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLibs.__doc__

    def get_macro_lib_names(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroLibNames()

    get_macro_lib_names.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroLibNames.__doc__

    def get_macro(self, name):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacro(name)

    get_macro.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacro.__doc__

    def get_macros(self, filter=None):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacros(filter=filter)

    get_macros.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacros.__doc__

    def get_macro_names(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroNames()

    get_macro_names.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroNames.__doc__

    def get_macro_classes(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroClasses()

    get_macro_classes.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroClasses.__doc__

    def get_macro_functions(self):
        return self.macro_manager.getMacroFunctions()

    get_macro_functions.__doc__ = MacroManager.getMacroFunctions.__doc__

    def get_macro_libs_summary_info(self):
        libs = self.get_macro_libs()
        ret = []
        for module_name, macro_lib_info in libs.items():
            elem = "%s (%s)" % (macro_lib_info.name, macro_lib_info.file_path)
        return ret

    def get_macro_classes_summary_info(self):
        macros = self.get_macros()
        ret = []
        for macro_info in macros:
            elem = "%s (%s)" % (macro_info.name, macro_info.file_path)
        return ret

    def get_or_create_macro_lib(self, lib_name, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the exiting macro lib or creates a new macro lib file. If
        name is not None, a macro template code for the given macro name is
        appended to the end of the file.

        :param lib_name:
            module name, python file name, or full file name (with path)
        :type lib_name: str
        :param macro_name:
            an optional macro name. If given a macro template code is appended
            to the end of the file (default is None meaning no macro code is
        :type macro_name: str

            a sequence with three items: full_filename, code, line number is 0
            if no macro is created or n representing the first line of code for
            the given macro name.
        :rtype: seq<str, str, int>"""
        return self.macro_manager.getOrCreateMacroLib(lib_name,

    get_or_create_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.getOrCreateMacroLib.__doc__

    def set_macro_lib(self, lib_name, code, auto_reload=True):
        module_name = self.macro_manager.setMacroLib(lib_name,
        if auto_reload:

    set_macro_lib.__doc__ = MacroManager.setMacroLib.__doc__

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Data types
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_data_types(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypes()

    get_data_types.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypes.__doc__

    def get_data_type(self, type_name):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeObj(type_name)

    get_data_type.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeObj.__doc__

    def get_data_type_names(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeNames()

    get_data_type_names.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeNames.__doc__

    def get_data_type_names_with_asterisc(self):
        return self.type_manager.getTypeListStr()

    get_data_type_names_with_asterisc.__doc__ = TypeManager.getTypeListStr.__doc__

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Doors
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_doors(self):
        return self.get_elements_by_type(ElementType.Door)

    def get_door_names(self):
        return [door.full_name for door in self.get_doors()]

    # Environment access methods

    def get_env(self, key=None, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the environment matching the given parameters:

               - door_name and macro_name define the context where to look for
                 the environment. If both are None, the global environment is
                 used. If door name is None but macro name not, the given macro
                 environment is used and so on...
               - If key is None it returns the complete environment, otherwise
                 key must be a string containing the environment variable name.

        :param key:
            environment variable name [default: None, meaning all environment]
        :type key: str
        :param door_name:
            local context for a given door [default: None, meaning no door
            context is used]
        :type door_name: str
        :param macro_name:
            local context for a given macro [default: None, meaning no macro
            context is used]
        :type macro_name: str

        :return: a :obj:`dict` containing the environment
        :rtype: :obj:`dict`

        :raises: UnknownEnv"""
        return self.environment_manager.getEnv(key=key,

    def set_env(self, key, value):
        """Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it persistently.

        :param key: the key for the environment
        :param value: the value for the environment

        :return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
        env_man = self.environment_manager
        if env_man.hasEnv(key):
            evt_type = "change"
            evt_type = "new"

        k, v = self.environment_manager.setEnv(key, value)

        evt = {evt_type: {k: v}}
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return k, v

    def set_env_obj(self, data):
        """Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it persistently.

        :param key: the key for the environment
        :param value: the value for the environment

        :return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
        env_man = self.environment_manager

        new, change = {}, {}
        for key, value in data.items():
            d = new
            if env_man.hasEnv(key):
                d = change
            d[key] = value

        ret = env_man.setEnvObj(data)

        evt = dict(new=new, change=change)
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return ret

    def change_env(self, data):
        env_man = self.environment_manager
        new_change_env = data.get('new', {})
        new_change_env.update(data.get('change', {}))
        del_env = data.get('del', [])

        new, change = {}, {}
        for key, value in new_change_env.items():
            d = new
            if env_man.hasEnv(key):
                d = change
            d[key] = value

        del_keys = env_man.unsetEnv(del_env)

        evt = dict(new=new, change=change)
        evt['del'] = del_keys
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)

    def unset_env(self, key):
        """Unsets the environment for the given key.

        :param key: the key for the environment to be unset"""
        ret = self.environment_manager.unsetEnv(key)
        # list is unhashable - convert to a tuple
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = tuple(key)
        evt = {'del': {key: None}}
        self.fire_event(EventType("EnvironmentChanged"), evt)
        return ret

    def has_env(self, key, macro_name=None, door_name=None):
        return self.environment_manager.hasEnv(key,

    # General object access methods

    def get_object(self, name, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        objs = self.find_objects(name, type_class, subtype, pool)
        if len(objs) == 0:
            return None
        if len(objs) > 1:
            raise AttributeError('More than one object named "%s" found' %
        return objs[0]

    def get_objects(self, names, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        return self.find_objects(names,

    def find_objects(self, param, type_class=All, subtype=All, pool=All):
        if is_pure_str(param):
            param = param,

        if type_class == MacroServer.All:
            type_name_list = self.get_data_type_names()
            if is_pure_str(type_class):
                type_name_list = type_class,
                type_name_list = type_class
        obj_set = set()
        param = ['^%s$' % x for x in param]
        re_objs = map(re.compile, param, len(param) * (re.IGNORECASE, ))
        re_subtype = re.compile(subtype, re.IGNORECASE)
        for type_name in type_name_list:
            type_class_name = type_name
            if type_class_name.endswith('*'):
                type_class_name = type_class_name[:-1]
            type_inst = self.get_data_type(type_class_name)
            if not type_inst.hasCapability(ParamType.ItemList):
            if self.is_macroserver_interface(type_class_name):
                for name, obj in type_inst.getObjDict(pool=pool).items():
                    for re_obj in re_objs:
                        if re_obj.match(name) is not None:
                            obj_type = ElementType[obj.get_type()]
                            if subtype is MacroServer.All or re_subtype.match(
                for name, obj in type_inst.getObjDict(pool=pool).items():
                    for re_obj in re_objs:
                        if re_obj.match(name) is not None:
                            obj_type = obj.getType()
                            if (subtype is MacroServer.All or
                                re_subtype.match(obj.getType())) and \
                               obj_type != "MotorGroup":
        return list(obj_set)

    def get_motion(self,
        if motion_source is None:
            motion_source = self.get_pools()

        motion_klass = Motion
        if decoupled:  # and len(elems)>1:
            motion_klass = MotionGroup
        return motion_klass(elems, motion_source)

        Interface.MacroLibrary: get_macro_libs,
        Interface.MacroCode: get_macros,
        Interface.MacroClass: get_macro_classes,
        Interface.MacroFunction: get_macro_functions,

    def is_macroserver_interface(self, interface):
        if is_pure_str(interface):
            interface = Interface[interface]
        return interface in self._LOCAL_INTERFACES

    def get_elements_with_interface(self, interface):
        ret = CaselessDict()
        if is_pure_str(interface):
            interface_str = interface
            interface = Interface[interface_str]
            interface_str = Interface[interface]

        if self.is_macroserver_interface(interface):
            for pool in self.get_pools():
        return ret

    def get_element_with_interface(self, name, interface):
        for pool in self.get_pools():
            element = pool.getElementWithInterface(name, interface)
            if element is not None:
                return element

    def get_controllers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Controller")

    def get_moveables(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Moveable")

    def get_motors(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Motor")

    def get_pseudo_motors(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("PseudoMotor")

    def get_io_registers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("IORegister")

    def get_measurement_groups(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("MeasurementGroup")

    def get_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("ExpChannel")

    def get_counter_timers(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("CTExpChannel")

    def get_0d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("ZeroDExpChannel")

    def get_1d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("OneDExpChannel")

    def get_2d_exp_channels(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("TwoDExpChannel")

    def get_pseudo_counters(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("PseudoCounter")

    def get_instruments(self):
        return self.get_elements_with_interface("Instrument")

    def get_controller(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Controller")

    def get_moveable(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Moveable")

    def get_motor(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Motor")

    def get_pseudo_motor(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "PseudoMotor")

    def get_io_register(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "IORegister")

    def get_measurement_group(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "MeasurementGroup")

    def get_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "ExpChannel")

    def get_counter_timer(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "CTExpChannel")

    def get_0d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "ZeroDExpChannel")

    def get_1d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "OneDExpChannel")

    def get_2d_exp_channel(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "TwoDExpChannel")

    def get_pseudo_counter(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "PseudoCounter")

    def get_instrument(self, name):
        return self.get_element_with_interface(name, "Instrument")
コード例 #13
ファイル: img.py プロジェクト: cmft/taurus
class ImageCounterDevice(ImageDevice):
    """A class encapsulating a generic image device that has an image counter

    def __init__(self, name, image_name='image', image_ct='imagecounter', **kw):
        self._image_data = CaselessDict()
        self._image_id_attr_name = image_ct
        self.call__init__(ImageDevice, name, image_name, **kw)
        self._busy = False
        self._image_id_attr = self.getAttribute(self._image_id_attr_name)

    def _setDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        for n in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(n, (True, None))
            self._image_data[n] = True, d[1]

    def _getDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        dirty = []
        for name in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(name)
            if d is None or d[0] == True:
        return names

    def getImageIDAttrName(self):
        return self._image_id_attr_name

    def eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
        if evt_src == self._image_id_attr:
            if evt_type == TaurusEventType.Change:
                # discard events if there is one being processed
                if not self._busy:
                    self._busy = True
                    self.debug("Processing image %d" % evt_value.rvalue)
                    # read the related Image attributes
                    # (asap and in one action)
                    images = self.getImageData()
                    self.fireEvent(evt_type, evt_value)
                    # maintain this fireEvent for backwards compatibility
                    # with Qub widget
                    self._emitImageEvents(evt_type, images)
                    self._busy = False
                    self.debug("Discard image %d" % evt_value.value)
            ImageDevice.eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value)

    def _emitImageEvents(self, evt_type, images):
        for attr_image_name in images:
            image_value = images[attr_image_name][1]
            if hasattr(image_value, 'is_empty') and not image_value.is_empty:
                self.debug("fireEvent for %s attribute" % attr_image_name)
                if not hasattr(image_value, 'rvalue'):
                    image_value.rvalue = image_value.value
                # Only emit to upper layers the events where
                # something has been read.
                attr_image = self.getAttribute(image_value.name)
                attr_image.fireEvent(evt_type, image_value)

    def getImageData(self, names=None):
        if names is None:
            names = self.getImageAttrNames()
        elif isinstance(names, str):
            names = (names,)

        fetch = self._getDirty(names)

            data = self.read_attributes(fetch)
            for d in data:
                self._image_data[d.name] = False, d
        return self._image_data
コード例 #14
class SardanaContainer(object):
    """A container class for sardana elements"""
    def __init__(self):

        # map of all elements
        # key - element ID
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_ids = {}

        # map of all elements by name
        # key - element name
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_names = CaselessDict()

        # map of all elements by name
        # key - element full name
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_full_names = CaselessDict()

        # map of all elements by type
        # key - element type
        # value - map where:
        #    key - element ID
        #    value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_types = {}

    def add_element(self, e):
        """Adds a new :class:`pool.PoolObject` to this container
           :param e: the pool element to be added
           :type e: :class:`pool.PoolObject`
        name, full_name, id = e.get_name(), e.get_full_name(), e.get_id()
        elem_type = e.get_type()
        self._element_ids[id] = e
        self._element_names[name] = e
        self._element_full_names[full_name] = e
        type_elems = self._element_types.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems is None:
            self._element_types[elem_type] = type_elems = {}
        type_elems[id] = e
        return e

    def remove_element(self, e):
        """Removes the :class:`pool.PoolObject` from this container
           :param e: the pool object to be removed
           :type e: :class:`pool.PoolObject`
           :throw: KeyError
        name, full_name, id = e.get_name(), e.get_full_name(), e.get_id()
        elem_type = e.get_type()
        del self._element_ids[id]
        del self._element_names[name]
        del self._element_full_names[full_name]
        type_elems = self._element_types.get(elem_type)
        del type_elems[id]

    def get_element_id_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object ID map
           :return: the internal pool object ID map
           :rtype: dict<id, pool.PoolObject>
        return self._element_ids

    def get_element_name_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object name map
           :return: the internal pool object name map
           :rtype: dict<str, pool.PoolObject>
        return self._element_names

    def get_element_type_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object type map
           :return: the internal pool object type map
           :rtype: dict<pool.ElementType, dict<id, pool.PoolObject>>
        return self._element_types

    def get_element(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object
           :param kwargs: if key 'id' given: search by ID
                          else if key 'full_name' given: search by full name
                          else if key 'name' given: search by name
           :return: the pool object 
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject
           :throw: KeyError
        if kwargs.has_key("id"):
            id = kwargs.pop("id")
            return self.get_element_by_id(id, **kwargs)

        if kwargs.has_key("full_name"):
            full_name = kwargs.pop("full_name")
            return self.get_element_by_full_name(full_name, **kwargs)

        name = kwargs.pop("name")
        return self.get_element_by_name(name, **kwargs)

    def get_element_by_name(self, name, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object
           :param name: pool object name
           :type name: str
           :return: the pool object 
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject
           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_names.get(name)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError("There is no element with name '%s'" % name)
        return ret

    def get_element_by_full_name(self, full_name, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object
           :param name: pool object full name
           :type name: str
           :return: the pool object 
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject
           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_full_names.get(full_name)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError("There is no element with full name '%s'" %
        return ret

    def get_element_by_id(self, id, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object
           :param id: pool object ID
           :type id: int
           :return: the pool object 
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject
           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_ids.get(id)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError("There is no element with ID '%d'" % id)
        return ret

    def get_elements_by_type(self, t):
        """Returns a list of all pool objects of the given type
           :param t: element type
           :type t: pool.ElementType
           :return: list of pool objects
           :rtype: seq<pool.PoolObject>
        elem_types_dict = self._element_types.get(t)
        if elem_types_dict is None:
            return []
        return elem_types_dict.values()

    def get_element_names_by_type(self, t):
        """Returns a list of all pool object names of the given type
           :param t: element type
           :type t: pool.ElementType
           :return: list of pool object names
           :rtype: seq<str>
        return [elem.get_name() for elem in self.get_elements_by_type(t)]

    def rename_element(self, old_name, new_name):
        """Rename an object
           :param old_name: old object name
           :type old_name: str
           :param new_name: new object name
           :type new_name: str
        element = self._element_names.pop(old_name, None)
        if element is None:
            raise KeyError('There is no element with name %s' % old_name)
        element.name = new_name
        self._element_names[new_name] = element

    def check_element(self, name, full_name):
        raise_element_name = True
            elem = self.get_element(name=name)
            raise_element_name = False
        if raise_element_name:
            elem_type = ElementType[elem.get_type()]
            raise Exception("A %s with name '%s' already exists" %
                            (elem_type, name))

        raise_element_full_name = True
            elem = self.get_element(full_name=full_name)
            raise_element_full_name = False
        if raise_element_full_name:
            elem_type = ElementType[elem.get_type()]
            raise Exception("A %s with full name '%s' already exists" %
                            (elem_type, full_name))
コード例 #15
class ReadTangoAttributes(object):
    """ Generic class that has as many devices as the user wants.
    Each device has a tango attribute and a formula and the 'hardware' tango calls
    are optimized in the sense that only one call per tango device is issued.
    axis_attributes = {
        TangoAttribute: {
            Type: str,
            Access: DataAccess.ReadWrite,
            Description: 'Attribute to read (e.g. a/b/c/attr)'
        Formula: {
            'The Formula to get the desired value.\n'
            'e.g. "math.sqrt(VALUE)"'

    def __init__(self):
        #: dict<int(axis), str(reason for being in pending)>
        self._pending = {}

        #: dict<str(dev name), tuple<DeviceProxy, list<str(attributes name)>>>
        self._devices = CaselessDict()

        #: dict<int(axis), seq<str<tango full attribute name>, str<attr name>, DeviceProxy>>
        self._axis_tango_attributes = {}

        #: dict<int(axis), str<formula>>
        self._axis_formulas = {}

    def add_device(self, axis):
            axis] = "No tango attribute associated to this device yet"
        self._axis_formulas[axis] = self.axis_attribute[Formula][DefaultValue]

    def delete_device(self, axis):
        if axis in self._pending:
            del self._pending[axis]
            del self._axis_tango_attributes[axis]
            del self._axis_formulas[axis]

    def state_one(self, axis):
        pending_info = self._pending.get(axis)
        if pending_info is not None:
            return State.Fault, pending_info
        return State.On, 'Always ON, just reading tango attribute'

    def pre_read_all(self):
        self._devices_read = {}

    def pre_read_one(self, axis):
        attr_name, dev = self._axis_tango_attributes[axis][1:]
        dev_attrs = self._devices_read.get(dev)
        if dev_attrs is None:
            self._devices_read[dev] = dev_attrs = []

    def read_all(self):

    def read_one(self, axis):

    def get_extra_attribute_par(self, axis, name):
        if name == TangoAttribute:
            return self._axis_tango_attributes[axis][0]
        elif name == Formula:
            return self._axis_formulas[axis]

    def set_extra_attribute_par(self, axis, name, value):
        if name == TangoAttribute:
            value = value.lower()
            self._axis_tango_attributes[axis] = data = value, None, None
                dev_name, attr_name = value.rsplit("/", 1)
                data[1] = attr_name
                self._pending[axis] = "invalid device name " + value
                raise Exception(self._pending[axis])
            dev_info = self._devices.get(dev_name)
            if dev_info is None:
                    proxy = PyTango.DeviceProxy(dev_name)
                except PyTango.DevFailed, df:
                    if len(df):
                        self._pending[axis] = df[0].reason + ": " + df[0].desc
                        self._pending[axis] = "Unknwon PyTango Error: " + str(
                self._devices[dev_name] = dev_info = proxy, []
            data[2] = dev_info[0]

        elif name == Formula:
            self._axis_formulas[axis] = value
コード例 #16
ファイル: msenvmanager.py プロジェクト: catunlock/sardana
class EnvironmentManager(MacroServerManager):
    """The MacroServer environment manager class. It is designed to be a
    singleton for the entire application.

    def __init__(self, macro_server, environment_db=None):
        MacroServerManager.__init__(self, macro_server)
        if environment_db is not None:

    def reInit(self):
        """(Re)initializes the manager"""
        if self.is_initialized():

        # a string containing the absolute filename containing the environment
        self._env_name = None

        # the full enviroment (a shelf for now - can be accessed as a dict)
        self._env = None

        # cache environment for keys that start with door name
        # dict<string, dict<string, value> > where:
        #  - key: door name
        #  - value: dict where:
        #    - key: environment name
        #    - value: environment value
        self._door_env = None

        # cache environment for keys that start with macro name
        # dict<string, dict<string, value> > where:
        #  - key: macro name
        #  - value: dict where:
        #    - key: environment name
        #    - value: environment value
        self._macro_env = None

        # cache environment for global keys
        # dict<string, value> where:
        #  - key: environment name
        #  - value: environment value
        self._global_env = None



    def cleanUp(self):
        if self.is_cleaned():



    def _initEnv(self):
        self._macro_env, self._global_env = {}, {}
        self._door_env = CaselessDict()

    def _clearEnv(self):
        self._env = self._macro_env = self._global_env = self._door_env = None

    def setEnvironmentDb(self, f_name):
        """Sets up a new environment from a file"""
        f_name = os.path.abspath(f_name)
        self._env_name = f_name
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(f_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
                self.info("Creating environment directory: %s" % dir_name)
            except OSError as ose:
                self.error("Creating environment: %s" % ose.strerror)
                self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
                raise ose
        if os.path.exists(f_name) or os.path.exists(f_name + ".dat"):
                self._env = shelve.open(f_name, flag='w', writeback=False)
            except Exception:
                self.error("Failed to access environment in %s", f_name)
                self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
            backend = getattr(sardanacustomsettings, "MS_ENV_SHELVE_BACKEND",
                self._env = shelve.Shelf(_dbm_shelve(f_name, backend))
            except Exception:
                self.error("Failed to create environment in %s", f_name)
                self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)

        self.info("Environment is being stored in %s", f_name)

        # fill the three environment caches
            self.error("Failed to fill local enviroment cache")
            self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)

    def _fillEnvironmentCaches(self, env):
        # fill the three environment caches
        env_dict = self._global_env
        for k, v in list(env.items()):
            k_parts = k.split('.', 1)
            key = k_parts[0]

            # door or macro property
            if len(k_parts) == 2:
                obj_name, simple_key_name = k_parts
                if obj_name.count('/') == 2:
                    class_dict = self._door_env
                    class_dict = self._macro_env
                obj_dict = class_dict.get(obj_name, None)
                if obj_dict is None:
                    class_dict[obj_name] = obj_dict = {}
                obj_dict[simple_key_name] = v
                env_dict[key] = v

    def hasEnv(self, key, macro_name=None, door_name=None):
        #<door>.<macro>.<property name> (highest priority)
        if macro_name and door_name:
            has = self._hasDoorMacroPropertyEnv((door_name, macro_name, key))
            if has:
                return True

        # <macro>.<property name>
        if macro_name:
            has = self._hasMacroPropertyEnv((macro_name, key))
            if has:
                return True

        # <door>.<property name>
        if door_name:
            has = self._hasDoorPropertyEnv((door_name, key))
            if has:
                return True

        # <property name> (less priority)
        return self._hasEnv(key)

    def _getDoorMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Returns the property value for a property which must have the
        format <door name>.<macro name>.<property name>"""
        if isinstance(prop, str):
            door_name, macro_name_key = prop.split('.', 1)
            door_name, macro_name_key = prop[0], '.'.join(prop[1:])
        door_props = self._door_env.get(door_name)
        if door_props is None:
            return None
        return door_props.get(macro_name_key)

    def _hasDoorMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
        <door name>.<macro name>.<property name>"""
        return not self._getDoorMacroPropertyEnv(prop) is None

    def _getMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Returns the property value for a property which must have the
        format <macro name>.<property name>"""
        if isinstance(prop, str):
            macro_name, key = prop.split('.')
            macro_name, key = prop
        macro_props = self._macro_env.get(macro_name)
        if macro_props is None:
            return None
        return macro_props.get(key)

    def _hasMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
        <macro name>.<property name>"""
        return not self._getMacroPropertyEnv(prop) is None

    def _getDoorPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Returns the property value for a property which must have the
        format <door name>.<property name>"""
        if isinstance(prop, str):
            door_name, key = prop.split('.')
            door_name, key = prop
        door_props = self._door_env.get(door_name)
        if door_props is None:
            return None
        return door_props.get(key)

    def _hasDoorPropertyEnv(self, prop):
        """Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
        <door name>.<property name>"""
        return not self._getDoorPropertyEnv(prop) is None

    def _getEnv(self, prop):
        """Returns the property value for a property which must have the
        format <property name>"""
        return self._global_env.get(prop)

    def _hasEnv(self, prop):
        """Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
        <property name>"""
        return not self._getEnv(prop) is None

    def getEnv(self, key=None, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the environment matching the given parameters:
        - If key is None it returns the complete environment for the given
          macro and/or door. If both are None the the complete environment is
        if key is None:
            return self._getAllEnv(door_name=door_name, macro_name=macro_name)

        #<door>.<macro>.<property name> (highest priority)
        if macro_name and door_name:
            v = self._getDoorMacroPropertyEnv((door_name, macro_name, key))
            if not v is None:
                return v

        # <macro>.<property name>
        if macro_name:
            v = self._getMacroPropertyEnv((macro_name, key))
            if not v is None:
                return v

        # <door>.<property name>
        if door_name:
            v = self._getDoorPropertyEnv((door_name, key))
            if not v is None:
                return v

        # <property name> (less priority)
        v = self._getEnv(key)
        if v is None:
            raise UnknownEnv("Unknown environment %s" % key)
        return v

    def _getAllEnv(self, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
        """Gets the complete environment for the given macro and/or door. If
        both are None the the complete environment is returned"""
        if macro_name is None and door_name is None:
            return dict(self._env)
        elif not door_name is None and macro_name is None:
            return self.getDoorEnv(door_name)
        elif door_name and macro_name:
            return self.getAllDoorMacroEnv(door_name, macro_name)
        elif not macro_name is None and door_name is None:
            return self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})

    def getAllDoorEnv(self, door_name):
        """Gets the complete environment for the given door."""
        door_name = door_name.lower()

        # first go through the global environment
        ret = self._global_env.copy()

        # Then go through the door specific environment
        ret.update(self._door_env.get(door_name, {}))
        return ret

    def getAllDoorMacroEnv(self, door_name, macro_name):
        """Gets the complete environment for the given macro in a specific

        :param door_name:  the door name (case insensitive)
        :type door_name: :obj:`str`
        :param macro_name: the macro name
        :type macro_name: :obj:`str`

        :return: a dictionary with the resulting environment"""
        door_name = door_name.lower()

        # first go through the global environment
        ret = self._global_env.copy()

        # get the specific door environment
        d_env = self._door_env.get(door_name, {})

        # get the specific macro environment
        m_env = self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})

        # put the doors global environment
        for k, v in d_env.items():
            if k.count('.') == 0:
                ret[k] = v

        # put the macro environment

        # put the door and macro specific environment
        for k, v in d_env.items():
            if k.count('.') > 0:
                m_name, key = k.split('.', 1)
                if m_name is macro_name:
                    ret[key] = v

        return ret

    def getDoorMacroEnv(self, door_name, macro_name, keys=None):
        """Gets the environment for the given macro in a specific door for the
        given key(s)

        :param door_name: the door name (case insensitive)
        :param macro_name: the macro name (case sensitive)
        :param key: the keys to be retrieved. If None (default) the complete
                    environment is returned (same as getAllDoorMacroEnv)
                    key can be a string or a sequence<string>.
                    keys must NOT contain '.' characters

        :return: a dictionary with the resulting environment"""
        if keys is None:
            return self.getAllDoorMacroEnv(door_name, macro_name)

        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = (keys,)

        door_name = door_name.lower()

        g_env = self._global_env
        # get the specific door environment
        d_env = self._door_env.get(door_name, {})
        # get the specific macro environment
        m_env = self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})

        # first go through the global environment
        ret = {}
        for k in keys:
            comp_key = '%s.%s' % (macro_name, k)
            if comp_key in d_env:
                ret[k] = d_env[comp_key]
            elif k in m_env:
                ret[k] = m_env[k]
            elif k in d_env:
                ret[k] = d_env[k]
            elif k in g_env:
                ret[k] = g_env[k]

        return ret

    def _grouper(self, iterable):
        # https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes
        args = [iter(iterable)] * 2
        return zip_longest(*args)

    def _dictFromSequence(self, seq):
        return dict(self._grouper(seq))

    def _encode(self, d):
        ret = {}
        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = eval(v)
                    v_lower = v.lower()
                        v = eval(v_lower.capitalize())
            ret[k] = v
        return ret

    def _getCacheForKey(self, key):
        """Returns the cache dictionary object for the given key

        :param key: a string representing the key
        :return: a tuple pair. The first element is the dictionary and the
                 second is the modified key that is applicable to the
        d = None
        key_parts = key.split('.')
        # global property
        if len(key_parts) == 1:
            d = self._global_env
        # macro property
        elif len(key_parts) == 2 and key_parts[0].count('/') != 2:
            macro_name, key = key_parts
            d = self._macro_env.get(macro_name)
            if d is None:
                self._macro_env[macro_name] = d = {}
        # door property
            door_name, key = key.split('.', 1)
            d = self._door_env.get(door_name)
            if d is None:
                self._door_env[door_name] = d = {}
        return d, key

    def _setOneEnv(self, key, value):
        self._env[key] = value
        d, key = self._getCacheForKey(key)
        d[key] = value

    def _unsetOneEnv(self, key):
        if key not in self._env:
            raise UnknownEnv("Unknown environment %s" % key)
        del self._env[key]
        d, key = self._getCacheForKey(key)
        if key in d:
            del d[key]

    def _unsetEnv(self, env_names):
        for key in env_names:

    def setEnvObj(self, obj):
        """Sets the environment for the given object. If object is a sequence
        then each pair of elements k, v is added as env[k] = v.
        If object is a map then the environmnent is updated.
        Other object types are not supported
        The elements which are strings are 'python evaluated'

        @throws TypeError is obj is not a sequence or a map

        @param[in] obj object to be added to the environment

        @return a dict representing the added environment"""

        if isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and \
           not isinstance(obj, str):
            obj = self._dictFromSequence(obj)
        elif not isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
            raise TypeError("obj parameter must be a sequence or a map")

        obj = self._encode(obj)
        for k, v in obj.items():
            self._setOneEnv(k, v)
        return obj

    def setEnv(self, key, value):
        """Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it

        :param key: the key for the environment
        :param value: the value for the environment

        :return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
        ret = self.setEnvObj((key, value))
        return key, ret[key]

    def unsetEnv(self, key):
        """Unsets the environment for the given key.

        :param key: the key for the environment to be unset
        :return: the sequence of keys which have been removed"""
        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = (key,)
        return key
コード例 #17
ファイル: macroserver.py プロジェクト: sardana-org/sardana
class BaseDoor(MacroServerDevice):
    """ Class encapsulating Door device functionality."""

    On = PyTango.DevState.ON
    Running = PyTango.DevState.RUNNING
    Paused = PyTango.DevState.STANDBY

    Critical = 'Critical'
    Error = 'Error'
    Warning = 'Warning'
    Info = 'Info'
    Output = 'Output'
    Debug = 'Debug'
    Result = 'Result'
    RecordData = 'RecordData'

    BlockStart = '<BLOCK>'
    BlockFinish = '</BLOCK>'

    log_streams = (Error, Warning, Info, Output, Debug, Result)

    # maximum execution time without user interruption
    # this also means a time window within door state events must arrive
    # 0.1 s was not enough on Windows (see sardana-ord/sardana#725)
    InteractiveTimeout = .3

    def __init__(self, name, **kw):
        self._log_attr = CaselessDict()
        self._block_lines = 0
        self._in_block = False
        self._macro_server = None
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._last_running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._ignore_logs = kw.get("ignore_logs", False)
        self._silent = kw.get("silent", True)
        self._debug = kw.get("debug", False)
        self._output_stream = kw.get("output", sys.stdout)
        self._writeLock = threading.Lock()
        self._input_handler = self.create_input_handler()
        self._len_last_data_line = 1

        self.call__init__(MacroServerDevice, name, **kw)

        self._old_door_state = PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN
        self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusDevState.Undefined


        for log_name in self.log_streams:
            tg_attr = self.getAttribute(log_name)
            attr = LogAttr(self, log_name, None, tg_attr)
            if log_name == 'Result':
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.resultReceived, log_name)
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.logReceived, log_name)
            self._log_attr[log_name] = attr

        self.__input_attr = self.getAttribute("Input")

        self.__record_data_attr = self.getAttribute('RecordData')

        self.__macro_status_attr = self.getAttribute('MacroStatus')

        self._experiment_configuration = ExperimentConfiguration(self)

    def create_input_handler(self):
        return BaseInputHandler()

    def get_input_handler(self):
        return self._input_handler

    def get_color_mode(self):
        return "NoColor"

    # def macrosChanged(self, s, v, t):
    #    pass

    def log_start(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_start"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_start = {
                BaseDoor.Critical: kls.LightRed,
                BaseDoor.Error: kls.Red,
                BaseDoor.Info: kls.LightBlue,
                BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Brown,
                BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Debug: kls.DarkGray,
                BaseDoor.Result: kls.LightGreen
        return self._log_start

    def log_stop(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_stop"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_stop = {
                BaseDoor.Critical: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Error: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Info: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Debug: kls.Normal,
                BaseDoor.Result: kls.Normal
        return self._log_stop

    def getStateAttr(self):
        return self._state_attr

    def macro_server(self):
        if self._macro_server is None:
            self._macro_server = self._get_macroserver_for_door()
        return self._macro_server

    def _get_macroserver_for_door(self):
        """Returns the MacroServer device object in the same DeviceServer as
        this door"""
        db = self.getParentObj()
        door_name = self.dev_name()
        server_list = list(db.get_server_list('MacroServer/*'))
        server_list += list(db.get_server_list('Sardana/*'))
        for server in server_list:
            server_devs = db.get_device_class_list(server)
            devs, klasses = server_devs[0::2], server_devs[1::2]
            for dev in devs:
                if dev.lower() == door_name:
                    for i, klass in enumerate(klasses):
                        if klass == 'MacroServer':
                            full_name = db.getFullName() + "/" + devs[i]
                            return self.factory().getDevice(full_name)
            return None

    def setDebugMode(self, state):
        self._debug = state

    def getDebugMode(self):
        return self._debug

    def setSilent(self, yesno):
        self._silent = yesno

    def isSilent(self):
        return self._silent

    def getLogObj(self, log_name='Debug'):
        return self._log_attr.get(log_name, None)

    def getRunningXML(self):
        return self._user_xml

    def getRunningMacro(self):
        return self._running_macro

    def getLastRunningMacro(self):
        return self._last_running_macro

    def abort(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()

    def release(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:
            except PyTango.DevFailed as df:
                # Macro already finished - no need to release
                if df.args[0].reason == "API_CommandNotAllowed":

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()
            except PyTango.DevFailed as df:
                # Macro already finished - no need to release
                if df.args[0].reason == "API_CommandNotAllowed":

    def stop(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()

    def _clearRunMacro(self):
        # Clear the log buffer
        list(map(LogAttr.clearLogBuffer, list(self._log_attr.values())))
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._block_lines = 0

    def _createMacroXml(self, macro_name, macro_params):
        """Creation of the macro XML object.

        :param macro_name: (str) macro name
        :param macro_params: (sequence[str]) list of parameter values,
            if repeat parameters are used parameter values may be sequences
        :return (lxml.etree._Element) macro XML element
        macro_info = self.macro_server.getMacroInfoObj(macro_name)
        params_def = macro_info.parameters
        macro_node = createMacroNode(macro_name, params_def, macro_params)
        return macro_node.toXml()

    def preRunMacro(self, obj, parameters):

        xml_root = None
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            if obj.startswith('<') and not parameters:
                xml_root = etree.fromstring(obj)
                macros = []
                if len(parameters) == 0:
                    macros_strs = obj.split('\n')
                    for m in macros_strs:
                        pars = m.split()
                        macros.append((pars[0], pars[1:]))
                    parameters = recur_map(str, parameters)
                    macros.append((obj, parameters))
                xml_root = xml_seq = etree.Element('sequence')
                for m in macros:
                    macro_name = m[0]
                    macro_params = m[1]
                    xml_macro = self._createMacroXml(macro_name, macro_params)
                    xml_macro.set('id', str(uuid.uuid1()))
        elif etree.iselement(obj):
            xml_root = obj
            raise TypeError('obj must be a string or a etree.Element')

        self._running_macros = {}
        for macro_xml in xml_root.xpath('//macro'):
            id, name = macro_xml.get('id'), macro_xml.get('name')
            self._running_macros[id] = Macro(self, name, id, macro_xml)
        return xml_root

    def postRunMacro(self, result, synch):

    def runMacro(self, obj, parameters=[], synch=False):
        self._user_xml = self.preRunMacro(obj, parameters)
        result = self._runMacro(self._user_xml, synch=synch)
        return self.postRunMacro(result, synch)

    def _runMacro(self, xml, synch=False):
        if not synch:
            return self.command_inout(
                "RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')])
        timeout = self.InteractiveTimeout
        evt_wait = self._getEventWait()
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, timeout=timeout)
            # Clear event set to not confuse the value coming from the
            # connection with the event of of end of the macro execution
            # in the next wait event. This was observed on Windows where
            # the time stamp resolution is not better than 1 ms.
            ts = time.time()
            result = self.command_inout(
                "RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')])
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, after=ts, timeout=timeout)
            if synch:
        return result

    def stateChanged(self, s, t, v):
        # In contrary to the Taurus3 the Taurus4 raises exceptions when the
        # device server is getting down and we try to retrieve the state.
        # In this case provide the same behavior as Taurus3 - assign None to
        # the old state
            self._old_door_state = self.stateObj.rvalue
        except PyTango.DevFailed:
            self._old_door_state = None

        self._old_sw_door_state = self.state

    def resultReceived(self, log_name, result):
        """Method invoked by the arrival of a change event on the Result
        if self._ignore_logs or self._running_macro is None:
        return result

    def putEnvironment(self, name, value):
        self.macro_server.putEnvironment(name, value)

    def putEnvironments(self, obj):

    setEnvironment = putEnvironment
    setEnvironments = putEnvironments

    def getEnvironment(self, name=None):
        return self.macro_server.getEnvironment(name=name)

    def inputReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        input_data = CodecFactory().decode(('json', v.value))

    def processInput(self, input_data):
        TaurusManager().addJob(self._processInput, None, input_data)

    def _processInput(self, input_data):
        input_type = input_data['type']
        if input_type == 'input':
            result = self._input_handler.input(input_data)
            if result['input'] == '' and 'default_value' in input_data:
                result['input'] = input_data['default_value']
            result = CodecFactory().encode('json', ('', result))[1]
            self.write_attribute('Input', result)
        elif input_type == 'timeout':

    def recordDataReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        return self._processRecordData(v)

    def _processRecordData(self, data):
        if data is None or data.rvalue is None:
        data = data.rvalue

        size = len(data[1])
        if size == 0:
        format = data[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)
        data = codec.decode(data)
        return data

    def processRecordData(self, data):

    def macroStatusReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:

        v = v.value
        if not len(v[1]):
        format = v[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)

        fmt, data = codec.decode(v)
        for macro_status in data:
            id = macro_status.get('id')
            macro = self._running_macros.get(id)
            self._last_running_macro = self._running_macro = macro
            # if we don't have the ID it's because the macro is running a
            # submacro or another client is connected to the same door (shame
            #  on him!) and executing a macro we discard this event
            if macro is not None:
        return data

    def logReceived(self, log_name, output):
        term_size = get_terminal_size()
        max_chrs = term_size.columns if term_size else None
        if not output or self._silent or self._ignore_logs:

        if log_name == self.Debug and not self._debug:

        o = self.log_start[log_name]
        for line in output:
            if not self._debug:
                if line == self.BlockStart:
                    self._in_block = True
                    for i in range(self._block_lines):
                        if max_chrs is None:
                            nb_lines = 1
                            nb_lines = _get_nb_lines(self._len_last_data_line,
                        # per each line: erase current line,
                        # go up one line and erase current line
                        o += '\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K' * nb_lines
                    self._block_lines = 0
                elif line == self.BlockFinish:
                    self._in_block = False
                    self._len_last_data_line = len(line)
                    if self._in_block:
                        self._block_lines += 1
                        self._block_lines = 0

            o += "%s\n" % line
        o += self.log_stop[log_name]

    def write(self, msg, stream=None):
        if self.isSilent():
        self._output_stream = sys.stdout
        out = self._output_stream
        if stream is not None:
            start, stop = self.log_start.get(stream), self.log_stop.get(stream)
            if start is not None and stop is not None:

    def writeln(self, msg='', stream=None):
        self.write("%s\n" % msg, stream=stream)

    def getExperimentConfigurationObj(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration

    def getExperimentConfiguration(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration.get()

    def setExperimentConfiguration(self, config, mnt_grps=None):
        self._experiment_configuration.set(config, mnt_grps=mnt_grps)
コード例 #18
class SardanaContainer(object):
    """A container class for sardana elements"""

    def __init__(self):

        # map of all elements
        # key - element ID
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_ids = {}

        # map of all elements by name
        # key - element name
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_names = CaselessDict()

        # map of all elements by name
        # key - element full name
        # value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_full_names = CaselessDict()

        # map of all elements by type
        # key - element type
        # value - map where:
        #    key - element ID
        #    value - pointer to the element object
        self._element_types = {}

    def add_element(self, e):
        """Adds a new :class:`pool.PoolObject` to this container

           :param e: the pool element to be added
           :type e: :class:`pool.PoolObject`
        name, full_name, id = e.get_name(), e.get_full_name(), e.get_id()
        elem_type = e.get_type()
        self._element_ids[id] = e
        self._element_names[name] = e
        self._element_full_names[full_name] = e
        type_elems = self._element_types.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems is None:
            self._element_types[elem_type] = type_elems = {}
        type_elems[id] = e
        return e

    def remove_element(self, e):
        """Removes the :class:`pool.PoolObject` from this container

           :param e: the pool object to be removed
           :type e: :class:`pool.PoolObject`

           :throw: KeyError
        name, full_name, id = e.get_name(), e.get_full_name(), e.get_id()
        elem_type = e.get_type()
        del self._element_ids[id]
        del self._element_names[name]
        del self._element_full_names[full_name]
        type_elems = self._element_types.get(elem_type)
        del type_elems[id]

    def get_element_id_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object ID map

           :return: the internal pool object ID map
           :rtype: dict<id, pool.PoolObject>
        return self._element_ids

    def get_element_name_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object name map

           :return: the internal pool object name map
           :rtype: dict<str, pool.PoolObject>
        return self._element_names

    def get_element_type_map(self):
        """Returns a reference to the internal pool object type map

           :return: the internal pool object type map
           :rtype: dict<pool.ElementType, dict<id, pool.PoolObject>>
        return self._element_types

    def get_element(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object

           :param kwargs: if key 'id' given: search by ID
                          else if key 'full_name' given: search by full name
                          else if key 'name' given: search by name

           :return: the pool object
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject

           :throw: KeyError
        if kwargs.has_key("id"):
            id = kwargs.pop("id")
            return self.get_element_by_id(id, **kwargs)

        if kwargs.has_key("full_name"):
            full_name = kwargs.pop("full_name")
            return self.get_element_by_full_name(full_name, **kwargs)

        name = kwargs.pop("name")
        return self.get_element_by_name(name, **kwargs)

    def get_element_by_name(self, name, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object

           :param name: pool object name
           :type name: :obj:`str`

           :return: the pool object
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject

           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_names.get(name)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError("There is no element with name '%s'" % name)
        return ret

    def get_element_by_full_name(self, full_name, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object

           :param name: pool object full name
           :type name: :obj:`str`

           :return: the pool object
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject

           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_full_names.get(full_name)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError(
                "There is no element with full name '%s'" % full_name)
        return ret

    def get_element_by_id(self, id, **kwargs):
        """Returns a reference to the requested pool object

           :param id: pool object ID
           :type id: int

           :return: the pool object
           :rtype: pool.PoolObject

           :throw: KeyError
        ret = self._element_ids.get(id)
        if ret is None:
            raise KeyError("There is no element with ID '%d'" % id)
        return ret

    def get_elements_by_type(self, t):
        """Returns a list of all pool objects of the given type

           :param t: element type
           :type t: pool.ElementType

           :return: list of pool objects
           :rtype: seq<pool.PoolObject>
        elem_types_dict = self._element_types.get(t)
        if elem_types_dict is None:
            return []
        return elem_types_dict.values()

    def get_element_names_by_type(self, t):
        """Returns a list of all pool object names of the given type

           :param t: element type
           :type t: pool.ElementType

           :return: list of pool object names
           :rtype: seq<str>
        return [elem.get_name() for elem in self.get_elements_by_type(t)]

    def rename_element(self, old_name, new_name):
        """Rename an object

           :param old_name: old object name
           :type old_name: :obj:`str`
           :param new_name: new object name
           :type new_name: :obj:`str`
        element = self._element_names.pop(old_name, None)
        if element is None:
            raise KeyError('There is no element with name %s' % old_name)
        element.name = new_name
        self._element_names[new_name] = element

    def check_element(self, name, full_name):
        raise_element_name = True
            elem = self.get_element(name=name)
            raise_element_name = False
        if raise_element_name:
            elem_type = ElementType[elem.get_type()]
            raise Exception("A %s with name '%s' already exists"
                            % (elem_type, name))

        raise_element_full_name = True
            elem = self.get_element(full_name=full_name)
            raise_element_full_name = False
        if raise_element_full_name:
            elem_type = ElementType[elem.get_type()]
            raise Exception("A %s with full name '%s' already exists"
                            % (elem_type, full_name))
コード例 #19
class BaseSardanaElementContainer:

    def __init__(self):
        # dict<str, dict> where key is the type and value is:
        #     dict<str, MacroServerElement> where key is the element full name
        #                                   and value is the Element object
        self._type_elems_dict = CaselessDict()

        # dict<str, container> where key is the interface and value is the set
        # of elements which implement that interface
        self._interfaces_dict = {}

    def addElement(self, elem):
        elem_type = elem.getType()
        elem_full_name = elem.full_name

        # update type_elems
        type_elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems is None:
            self._type_elems_dict[elem_type] = type_elems = CaselessDict()
        type_elems[elem_full_name] = elem

        # update interfaces
        for interface in elem.interfaces:
            interface_elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface)
            if interface_elems is None:
                    interface] = interface_elems = CaselessDict()
            interface_elems[elem_full_name] = elem

    def removeElement(self, e):
        elem_type = e.getType()

        # update type_elems
        type_elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems:
            del type_elems[e.full_name]

        # update interfaces
        for interface in e.interfaces:
            interface_elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface)
            del interface_elems[e.full_name]

    def removeElementsOfType(self, t):
        for elem in self.getElementsOfType(t):

    def getElementsOfType(self, t):
        elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(t, {})
        return elems

    def getElementNamesOfType(self, t):
        return [e.name for e in list(self.getElementsOfType(t).values())]

    def getElementsWithInterface(self, interface):
        elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface, {})
        return elems

    def getElementsWithInterfaces(self, interfaces):
        ret = CaselessDict()
        for interface in interfaces:
        return ret

    def getElementNamesWithInterface(self, interface):
        return [e.name for e in

    def hasElementName(self, elem_name):
        return self.getElement(elem_name) is not None

    def getElement(self, elem_name):
        elem_name = elem_name.lower()
        for elems in list(self._type_elems_dict.values()):
            elem = elems.get(elem_name)  # full_name?
            if elem is not None:
                return elem
            for elem in list(elems.values()):
                if elem.name.lower() == elem_name:
                    return elem

    def getElementWithInterface(self, elem_name, interface):
        elem_name = elem_name.lower()
        elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface, {})
        if elem_name in elems:
            return elems[elem_name]
        for elem in list(elems.values()):
            if elem.name.lower() == elem_name:
                return elem

    def getElements(self):
        ret = set()
        for elems in list(self._type_elems_dict.values()):
        return ret

    def getInterfaces(self):
        return self._interfaces_dict

    def getTypes(self):
        return self._type_elems_dict
コード例 #20
ファイル: tangofactory.py プロジェクト: srgblnch/taurus
class TangoFactory(Singleton, TaurusFactory, Logger):
    """A :class:`TaurusFactory` singleton class to provide Tango-specific
    Taurus Element objects (TangoAuthority, TangoDevice, TangoAttribute)

    Tango model names are URI based See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.
    For example, a TangoAttribute would be::

        \___/   \_____/ \__/ \_____/ \___/
          |        |     |      |      |
          |    hostname port  attr     |
          |   \____________/\______/   |
          |         |           |      |
        scheme   authority     path  fragment

    For Tango Elements:

        - The 'scheme' must be the string "tango" (lowercase mandatory)
        - The 'authority' identifies the Tango database (<hostname> and <port>
          are mandatory if authority is given)
        - The 'path' identifies Tango Device and Attributes.
          For devices it must have the format _/_/_ or alias
          For attributes it must have the format _/_/_/_ or devalias/_
        - The 'fragment' is optional and it refers to a member of the model
          object, thus not being part of the model name itself

    #: the list of schemes that this factory supports. For this factory: 'tango'
    #: is the only scheme
    schemes = ("tango",)
    caseSensitive = False
    elementTypesMap = {TaurusElementType.Authority: TangoAuthority,
                       TaurusElementType.Device: TangoDevice,
                       TaurusElementType.Attribute: TangoAttribute

    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization. Nothing to be done here for now."""

    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Singleton instance initialization.
           **For internal usage only**"""
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.call__init__(Logger, name)
        self._polling_enabled = True
        self.scheme = 'tango'

    def reInit(self):
        """Reinitialize the singleton"""
        self._default_tango_host = None
        self.dft_db = None
        self.tango_db = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_db_queries = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_attrs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_devs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_dev_queries = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_alias_devs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.polling_timers = {}

        # Plugin device classes
        self.tango_dev_klasses = {}

        # Plugin attribute classes
        self.tango_attr_klasses = CaselessDict()

    def cleanUp(self):
        """Cleanup the singleton instance"""
        self.trace("[TangoFactory] cleanUp")
        for k, v in self.tango_attrs.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_dev_queries.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_devs.items():
        self.dft_db = None
        for k, v in self.tango_db_queries.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_db.items():

    def getExistingAttributes(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered attributes on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered attributes on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_attrs)

    def getExistingDevices(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered devices on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered devices on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_devs)

    def getExistingDatabases(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered databases on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered databases on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_db)

    def set_default_tango_host(self, tango_host):
        """Sets the new default tango host.

        :param tango_host: (str) the new tango host
        self._default_tango_host = tango_host
        self.dft_db = None

    def registerAttributeClass(self, attr_name, attr_klass):
        """Registers a new attribute class for the attribute name.

           :param attr_name: (str) attribute name
           :param attr_klass: (taurus.core.tango.TangoAttribute) the new class that
                              will handle the attribute
        self.tango_attr_klasses[attr_name] = attr_klass

    def unregisterAttributeClass(self, attr_name):
        """Unregisters the attribute class for the given attribute
           If no class was registered before for the given attribute, this call
           as no effect

           :param attr_name: (str) attribute name
        if self.tango_attr_klasses.has_key(attr_name):
            del self.tango_attr_klasses[attr_name]

    def registerDeviceClass(self, dev_klass_name, dev_klass):
        """Registers a new python class to handle tango devices of the given tango class name

           :param dev_klass_name: (str) tango device class name
           :param dev_klass: (taurus.core.tango.TangoDevice) the new class that will
                             handle devices of the given tango class name
        self.tango_dev_klasses[dev_klass_name] = dev_klass

    def unregisterDeviceClass(self, dev_klass_name):
        """Unregisters the class for the given tango class name
           If no class was registered before for the given attribute, this call
           as no effect

           :param dev_klass_name: (str) tango device class name
        if self.tango_dev_klasses.has_key(dev_klass_name):
            del self.tango_dev_klasses[dev_klass_name]

    def getDatabase(self, name=None):
        '''Deprecated. Use getAuthority instead'''
        return self.getAuthority(name=name)

    def getAuthority(self, name=None):
        Obtain the object corresponding to the given database name or the
        default database if name is None.
        If the corresponding authority object already exists, the existing
        instance is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

        :param name: (str) database name string alias. If None, the
                        default database is used

        :return: (taurus.core.tangodatabase.TangoAuthority) database object
        :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given alias is invalid.
        ret = None
        if name is None:
            if self.dft_db is None:
                    if self._default_tango_host is None:
                        self.dft_db = _Authority()
                        name = self._default_tango_host
                        validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
                        groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
                        if groups is None:
                            raise TaurusException(
                                "Invalid default Tango authority name %s" % name)
                        self.dft_db = _Authority(host=groups['host'],
                    self.debug("Could not create Authority", exc_info=1)
                name = self.dft_db.getFullName()
                self.tango_db[name] = self.dft_db
            ret = self.dft_db
            ret = self.tango_db.get(name)
            if not ret is None:
                return ret
            validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
            groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
            if not validator.isValid(name):
                raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango authority name %s" % name)
                ret = _Authority(host=groups['host'], port=groups['port'])
                self.debug("Could not create Authority %s", groups['authority'],

            self.tango_db[name] = ret
        return ret

    def getDevice(self, dev_name, create_if_needed=True, **kw):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given tango device name.
           If the corresponding device already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param dev_name: (str) tango device name or tango alias for the
                            device. It must be a valid Tango device URI.
                            If authority is not explicit, the default Tango
                            Database will be used
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Device is created if it
                                    did not exist previously. If False, it
                                    returns None if it did not exist

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoDevice) a device object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   dev_name is invalid.
        d = self.tango_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is None:
            d = self.tango_alias_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is not None:
            return d

        validator = _Device.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango device name '%s'" % dev_name)

        full_dev_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(dev_name)

        if full_dev_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % dev_name)

        d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)

        if not create_if_needed:
            return d

        if d is None:
                db = self.getAuthority(groups.get('authority'))
                dev_klass = self._getDeviceClass(
                    db=db, devname=groups['devname'])
                kw['storeCallback'] = self._storeDevice
                kw['parent'] = db
                d = dev_klass(full_dev_name, **kw)
                # device objects will register themselves in this factory
                # so there is no need to do it here
            except DoubleRegistration:
                d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)
                self.debug("Error creating device %s", dev_name, exc_info=1)
        return d

    def getAttribute(self, attr_name, create_if_needed=True, **kwargs):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name.
           If the corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param attr_name: (str) a valid attribute name URI
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Attribute is created if
                                    it did not already exist. If False,
                                    None is returned if it did not exist
           :return: (taurus.core.tangoattribute.TangoAttribute) attribute object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   alias is invalid.
        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(attr_name)
        if attr is not None:
            return attr

        # Simple approach did not work. Lets build a proper device name
        validator = _Attribute.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(attr_name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException(("Invalid Tango attribute name '%s'") %

        full_attr_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(attr_name)

        if full_attr_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % attr_name)

        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)

        if attr is None:
            dev_name = full_attr_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                dev = self.getDevice(dev_name)
                if dev is not None:
                    # Do another try in case the Device object created the attribute
                    # itself. This happens for the 'state' attribute
                    attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                    if attr is not None:
                        return attr
                        attr_klass = self._getAttributeClass(
                        kwargs['storeCallback'] = self._storeAttribute
                        if not kwargs.has_key('pollingPeriod'):
                                'pollingPeriod'] = self.getDefaultPollingPeriod()
                        attr = attr_klass(full_attr_name, dev, **kwargs)
                        # attribute objects will register themselves in this factory
                        # so there is no need to do it here
                    except DoubleRegistration:
                        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                self.debug("Error creating attribute %s",
                           attr_name, exc_info=1)
        return attr

    def getAttributeInfo(self, full_attr_name):
        """Deprecated: Use :meth:`taurus.core.tango.TangoFactory.getConfiguration` instead.

           Obtain attribute information corresponding to the given attribute name.
           If the corresponding attribute info already exists, the existing information
           is returned. Otherwise a new information instance is stored and returned.

           :param full_attr_name: (str) attribute name in format: <tango device name>'/'<attribute name>

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoConfiguration) configuration object
        self.deprecated("Use getConfiguration(full_attr_name) instead")
        attr = self.getAttribute(full_attr_name)
        return attr

    def getConfiguration(self, param):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute or full name.
           If the corresponding configuration already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param param: (taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute or str)
                         attribute object or full configuration name

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoAttribute) configuration object
        if isinstance(param, str):
            return self.getAttribute(param)
        return param

    def _getAttributeClass(self, **params):
        attr_name = params.get("attr_name")
        attr_klass = self.tango_attr_klasses.get(attr_name, _Attribute)
        return attr_klass

    def _getDeviceClass(self, **kwargs):
        db, dev_name = kwargs.get("db"), kwargs.get("devname")
        if db is None or dev_name is None or len(self.tango_dev_klasses) == 0:
            return _Device
            if '/' not in dev_name:  # we got an alias... find the devslashname
                dev_name = db.getElementFullName(dev_name)
                tango_dev_klass = db.get_class_for_device(dev_name)
            except PyTango.DevFailed:
                # sometimes we can't get the class (e.g. dev_name not defined)
                return _Device
            return self.tango_dev_klasses.get(tango_dev_klass, _Device)

    def _storeDevice(self, dev):
        name, alias = dev.getFullName(), dev.getSimpleName()
        exists = self.tango_devs.get(name)
        if not exists is None:
            if exists == dev:
                msg = "%s has already been registered before" % name
                msg = "%s has already been registered before with a different object!" % name
            raise DoubleRegistration(msg)
        self.tango_devs[name] = dev
        if not alias is None and len(alias):
            self.tango_alias_devs[alias] = dev

    def _storeAttribute(self, attr):
        name = attr.getFullName()
        exists = self.tango_attrs.get(name)
        if not exists is None:
            if exists == attr:
                msg = "%s has already been registered before" % name
                msg = "%s has already been registered before with a different object!" % name
            raise DoubleRegistration(msg)
        self.tango_attrs[name] = attr

    def getExistingAttribute(self, attr_name):
        """Deprecated: use getAtribute with create_if_needed=False
        self.warning(('getExistingAttribute is deprecated. ' +
                      'Use getDevice with create_if_needed=False'))
        return self.getAttribute(attr_name, create_if_needed=False)

    def getExistingDevice(self, dev_name):
        """Deprecated: use getDevice with create_if_needed=False
        self.warning(('getExistingDevice is deprecated. ' +
                      'Use getDevice with create_if_needed=False'))
        return self.getDevice(dev_name, create_if_needed=False)

    def removeExistingDevice(self, dev_or_dev_name):
        """Removes a previously registered device.

           :param dev_or_dev_name: (str or TangoDevice) device name or device object
        if isinstance(dev_or_dev_name, _Device):
            dev = dev_or_dev_name
            dev = self.getDevice(dev_or_dev_name, create_if_needed=False)
        if dev is None:
            raise KeyError("Device %s not found" % dev_or_dev_name)
        full_name = dev.getFullName()
        if self.tango_devs.has_key(full_name):
            del self.tango_devs[full_name]
        simp_name = dev.getSimpleName()
        if self.tango_alias_devs.has_key(simp_name):
            del self.tango_alias_devs[simp_name]

    def removeExistingAttribute(self, attr_or_attr_name):
        """Removes a previously registered attribute.

           :param attr_or_attr_name: (str or TangoAttribute) attribute name or attribute object
        if isinstance(attr_or_attr_name, _Attribute):
            attr = attr_or_attr_name
            attr = self.getExistingAttribute(attr_or_attr_name)
        if attr is None:
            raise KeyError("Attribute %s not found" % attr_or_attr_name)
        full_name = attr.getFullName()
        if self.tango_attrs.has_key(full_name):
            del self.tango_attrs[full_name]

    def isPollingEnabled(self):
        """Tells if the local tango polling is enabled

           :return: (bool) wheter or not the polling is enabled
        return self._polling_enabled

    def disablePolling(self):
        """Disable the application tango polling"""
        if not self.isPollingEnabled():
        self._polling_enabled = False
        for period, timer in self.polling_timers.iteritems():

    def enablePolling(self):
        """Enable the application tango polling"""
        if self.isPollingEnabled():
        for period, timer in self.polling_timers.iteritems():
        self._polling_enabled = True

    def getDatabaseNameValidator(self):
        self.warning(('getDatabaseNameValidator is deprecated.' +
                      'Use "Authority" instead of "Database"'))
        return self.getAuthorityNameValidator()

    def getAuthorityNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoAuthorityNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoAuthorityNameValidator()

    def getDeviceNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoDeviceNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoDeviceNameValidator()

    def getAttributeNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoAttributeNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoAttributeNameValidator()

    def setOperationMode(self, mode):
        """ Deprecated. setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) -> None
            Sets the operation mode for the Tango system."""
        dep = 'setOperationMode'
        rel = 'Taurus4'
        dbg_msg = "Don't use this method"
        msg = '%s is deprecated (from %s). %s' % (dep, rel, dbg_msg)

    def getOperationMode(self):
        """Deprecated. Gives the current operation mode."""
        dep = 'getOperationMode'
        rel = 'Taurus4'
        dbg_msg = "Don't use this method"
        msg = '%s is deprecated (from %s). %s' % (dep, rel, dbg_msg)
        return OperationMode.ONLINE
コード例 #21
ファイル: TangoController.py プロジェクト: rhomspuron/sardana
class ReadTangoAttributes(object):
    """ Generic class that has as many devices as the user wants.
    Each device has a tango attribute and a formula and the 'hardware' tango calls
    are optimized in the sense that only one call per tango device is issued.
    axis_attributes = {
        TangoAttribute: {Type: str, Access: DataAccess.ReadWrite,
                         Description: 'Attribute to read (e.g. a/b/c/attr)'},
        Formula: {Type: str, Access: DataAccess.ReadWrite,
                  DefaultValue: "VALUE",
                  Description: 'The Formula to get the desired value.\n'
                  'e.g. "math.sqrt(VALUE)"'},

    def __init__(self):
        #: dict<int(axis), str(reason for being in pending)>
        self._pending = {}

        #: dict<str(dev name), tuple<DeviceProxy, list<str(attributes name)>>>
        self._devices = CaselessDict()

        #: dict<int(axis), seq<str<tango full attribute name>, str<attr name>, DeviceProxy>>
        self._axis_tango_attributes = {}

        #: dict<int(axis), str<formula>>
        self._axis_formulas = {}

    def add_device(self, axis):
            axis] = "No tango attribute associated to this device yet"
        self._axis_formulas[axis] = self.axis_attribute[Formula][DefaultValue]

    def delete_device(self, axis):
        if axis in self._pending:
            del self._pending[axis]
            del self._axis_tango_attributes[axis]
            del self._axis_formulas[axis]

    def state_one(self, axis):
        pending_info = self._pending.get(axis)
        if pending_info is not None:
            return State.Fault, pending_info
        return State.On, 'Always ON, just reading tango attribute'

    def pre_read_all(self):
        self._devices_read = {}

    def pre_read_one(self, axis):
        attr_name, dev = self._axis_tango_attributes[axis][1:]
        dev_attrs = self._devices_read.get(dev)
        if dev_attrs is None:
            self._devices_read[dev] = dev_attrs = []

    def read_all(self):

    def read_one(self, axis):

    def get_extra_attribute_par(self, axis, name):
        if name == TangoAttribute:
            return self._axis_tango_attributes[axis][0]
        elif name == Formula:
            return self._axis_formulas[axis]

    def set_extra_attribute_par(self, axis, name, value):
        if name == TangoAttribute:
            value = value.lower()
            self._axis_tango_attributes[axis] = data = value, None, None
                dev_name, attr_name = value.rsplit("/", 1)
                data[1] = attr_name
                self._pending[axis] = "invalid device name " + value
                raise Exception(self._pending[axis])
            dev_info = self._devices.get(dev_name)
            if dev_info is None:
                    proxy = PyTango.DeviceProxy(dev_name)
                except PyTango.DevFailed, df:
                    if len(df):
                        self._pending[axis] = df[0].reason + ": " + df[0].desc
                            axis] = "Unknwon PyTango Error: " + str(df)
                self._devices[dev_name] = dev_info = proxy, []
            data[2] = dev_info[0]

        elif name == Formula:
            self._axis_formulas[axis] = value
コード例 #22
ファイル: macroserver.py プロジェクト: cmft/sardana
class BaseDoor(MacroServerDevice):
    """ Class encapsulating Door device functionality."""

    On = PyTango.DevState.ON
    Running = PyTango.DevState.RUNNING
    Paused = PyTango.DevState.STANDBY

    Critical = 'Critical'
    Error = 'Error'
    Warning = 'Warning'
    Info = 'Info'
    Output = 'Output'
    Debug = 'Debug'
    Result = 'Result'
    RecordData = 'RecordData'

    BlockStart = '<BLOCK>'
    BlockFinish = '</BLOCK>'

    log_streams = (Error, Warning, Info, Output, Debug, Result)

    # maximum execution time without user interruption
    InteractiveTimeout = 0.1

    def __init__(self, name, **kw):
        self._log_attr = CaselessDict()
        self._block_lines = 0
        self._in_block = False
        self._macro_server = None
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._last_running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._ignore_logs = kw.get("ignore_logs", False)
        self._silent = kw.get("silent", True)
        self._debug = kw.get("debug", False)
        self._output_stream = kw.get("output", sys.stdout)
        self._writeLock = threading.Lock()
        self._input_handler = self.create_input_handler()

        self.call__init__(MacroServerDevice, name, **kw)

        self._old_door_state = PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN
            self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusSWDevState.Uninitialized
        except RuntimeError:
            #TODO: For Taurus 4 compatibility
            from taurus.core import TaurusDevState
            self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusDevState.Undefined 


        for log_name in self.log_streams:
            tg_attr = self.getAttribute(log_name)
            attr = LogAttr(self, log_name, None, tg_attr)
            if log_name == 'Result':
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.resultReceived, log_name)
                attr.subscribeEvent(self.logReceived, log_name)
            self._log_attr[log_name] = attr

        input_attr = self.getAttribute("Input")

        record_data_attr = self.getAttribute('RecordData')

        macro_status_attr = self.getAttribute('MacroStatus')

        self._experiment_configuration = ExperimentConfiguration(self)

    def create_input_handler(self):
        return BaseInputHandler()

    def get_input_handler(self):
        return self._input_handler

    def get_color_mode(self):
        return "NoColor"

    #def macrosChanged(self, s, v, t):
    #    pass

    def log_start(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_start"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_start = { BaseDoor.Critical : kls.LightRed,
                                BaseDoor.Error    : kls.Red,
                                BaseDoor.Info     : kls.LightBlue,
                                BaseDoor.Warning  : kls.Brown,
                                BaseDoor.Output   : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Debug    : kls.DarkGray,
                                BaseDoor.Result   : kls.LightGreen }
        return self._log_start

    def log_stop(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_log_stop"):
            import taurus.core.util.console
            if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor":
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors
                kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors
            self._log_stop = {  BaseDoor.Critical : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Error    : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Info     : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Warning  : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Output   : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Debug    : kls.Normal,
                                BaseDoor.Result   : kls.Normal }
        return self._log_stop

    def getStateAttr(self):
        return self._state_attr

    def macro_server(self):
        if self._macro_server is None:
            self._macro_server = self._get_macroserver_for_door()
        return self._macro_server

    def _get_macroserver_for_door(self):
        """Returns the MacroServer device object in the same DeviceServer as this
        db = self.factory().getDatabase()
        door_name = self.dev_name()
        server_list = list(db.get_server_list('MacroServer/*'))
        server_list += list(db.get_server_list('Sardana/*'))
        server_devs = None
        for server in server_list:
            server_devs = db.get_device_class_list(server)
            devs, klasses = server_devs[0::2], server_devs[1::2]
            for dev in devs:
                if dev.lower() == door_name:
                    for i, klass in enumerate(klasses):
                        if klass == 'MacroServer':
                            return self.factory().getDevice(devs[i])
            return None

    def setDebugMode(self, state):
        self._debug = state

    def getDebugMode(self):
        return self._debug

    def setSilent(self, yesno):
        self._silent = yesno

    def isSilent(self):
        return self._silent

    def getLogObj(self, log_name='Debug'):
        return self._log_attr.get(log_name, None)

    def getRunningXML(self):
        return self._user_xml

    def getRunningMacro(self):
        return self._running_macro

    def getLastRunningMacro(self):
        return self._last_running_macro

    def abort(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, after=time_stamp,

    def stop(self, synch=True):
        if not synch:

        evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state"))
            time_stamp = time.time()
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, after=time_stamp,

    def _clearRunMacro(self):
        # Clear the log buffer
        map(LogAttr.clearLogBuffer, self._log_attr.values())
        self._running_macros = None
        self._running_macro = None
        self._user_xml = None
        self._block_lines = 0

    def _createMacroXml(self, macro_name, macro_params):
        """The best effort creation of the macro XML object. It tries to
        convert flat list of string parameter values to the correct macro XML
        object. The cases that can not be converted are:
            * repeat parameter containing repeat parameters
            * two repeat parameters
            * repeat parameter that is not the last parameter

        :param macro_name: (str) macro name
        :param macro_params: (sequence[str]) list of parameter values

        :return (lxml.etree._Element) macro XML element
        macro_info = self.macro_server.getMacroInfoObj(macro_name)
        params_def = macro_info.parameters
        macro_node = createMacroNode(macro_name, params_def, macro_params)
        return macro_node.toXml()

    def preRunMacro(self, obj, parameters):

        xml_root = None
        if isinstance(obj , (str, unicode)):
            if obj.startswith('<') and not parameters:
                xml_root = etree.fromstring(obj)
                macros = []
                if len(parameters) == 0:
                    macros_strs = obj.split('\n')
                    for m in macros_strs:
                        pars = m.split()
                        macros.append((pars[0], pars[1:]))
                    parameters = map(str, parameters)
                    macros.append((obj, parameters))
                xml_root = xml_seq = etree.Element('sequence')
                for m in macros:
                    macro_name = m[0]
                    macro_params = m[1]
                    xml_macro = self._createMacroXml(macro_name, macro_params)
                    xml_macro.set('id', str(uuid.uuid1()))
        elif etree.iselement(obj):
            xml_root = obj
            raise TypeError('obj must be a string or a etree.Element')

        self._running_macros = {}
        for macro_xml in xml_root.xpath('//macro'):
            id, name = macro_xml.get('id'), macro_xml.get('name')
            self._running_macros[id] = Macro(self, name, id, macro_xml)
        return xml_root

    def postRunMacro(self, result, synch):

    def runMacro(self, obj, parameters=[], synch=False):
        self._user_xml = self.preRunMacro(obj, parameters)
        result = self._runMacro(self._user_xml, synch=synch)
        return self.postRunMacro(result, synch)

    def _runMacro(self, xml, synch=False):
        if not synch:
            return self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml)])
        timeout = self.InteractiveTimeout
        evt_wait = self._getEventWait()
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, timeout=timeout)
            ts = time.time()
            result = self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml)])
            evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, after=ts, timeout=timeout)
            if synch:
                evt_wait.waitEvent(self.Running, equal=False, after=ts,
        return result

    def stateChanged(self, s, t, v):
        self._old_door_state = self.getState()
            self._old_sw_door_state = self.getSWState()
            # TODO: For Taurus 4 compatibility
            self._old_sw_door_state = self.state

    def resultReceived(self, log_name, result):
        """Method invoked by the arrival of a change event on the Result attribute"""
        if self._ignore_logs or self._running_macro is None:
        return result

    def putEnvironment(self, name, value):
        self.macro_server.putEnvironment(name, value)

    def putEnvironments(self, obj):

    setEnvironment = putEnvironment
    setEnvironments = putEnvironments

    def getEnvironment(self, name=None):
        return self.macro_server.getEnvironment(name=name)

    def inputReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES:
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        input_data = CodecFactory().decode(('json', v.value))

    def processInput(self, input_data):
        TaurusManager().addJob(self._processInput, None, input_data)

    def _processInput(self, input_data):
        input_type = input_data['type']
        if input_type == 'input':
            result = self._input_handler.input(input_data)
            if result['input'] is '' and 'default_value' in input_data:
                result['input'] = input_data['default_value']
            result = CodecFactory().encode('json', ('', result))[1]
            self.write_attribute('Input', result)
        elif input_type == 'timeout':

    def recordDataReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return
        return self._processRecordData(v)

    def _processRecordData(self, data):
        if data is None or data.value is None: return
        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        data = map(str, data.value)

        size = len(data[1])
        if size == 0: return
        format = data[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)
        data = codec.decode(data)
        return data

    def processRecordData(self, data):

    def macroStatusReceived(self, s, t, v):
        if v is None or self._running_macros is None:
        if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return

        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        v = map(str, v.value)
        if not len(v[1]):
        format = v[0]
        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format)

        # make sure we get it as string since PyTango 7.1.4 returns a buffer
        # object and json.loads doesn't support buffer objects (only str)
        v[1] = str(v[1])
        fmt, data = codec.decode(v)
        for macro_status in data:
            id = macro_status.get('id')
            macro = self._running_macros.get(id)
            self._last_running_macro = self._running_macro = macro
            # if we don't have the ID it's because the macro is running a submacro
            # or another client is connected to the same door (shame on him!) and
            # executing a macro we discard this event
            if macro is not None:
        return data

    def logReceived(self, log_name, output):
        if not output or self._silent or self._ignore_logs:

        if log_name == self.Debug and not self._debug:

        o = self.log_start[log_name]
        for line in output:
            if not self._debug:
                if line == self.BlockStart:
                    self._in_block = True
                    for i in xrange(self._block_lines):
                        o += '\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K'  #erase current line, up one line, erase current line
                    self._block_lines = 0
                elif line == self.BlockFinish:
                    self._in_block = False
                    if self._in_block:
                        self._block_lines += 1
                        self._block_lines = 0
            o += "%s\n" % line

        o += self.log_stop[log_name]

    def write(self, msg, stream=None):
        if self.isSilent():
        msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
        self._output_stream = sys.stdout
        out = self._output_stream
        if not stream is None:
            start, stop = self.log_start.get(stream), self.log_stop.get(stream)
            if start is not None and stop is not None:

    def writeln(self, msg='', stream=None):
        self.write("%s\n" % msg, stream=stream)

    def getExperimentConfigurationObj(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration

    def getExperimentConfiguration(self):
        return self._experiment_configuration.get()

    def setExperimentConfiguration(self, config, mnt_grps=None):
        self._experiment_configuration.set(config, mnt_grps=mnt_grps)
コード例 #23
ファイル: sardana.py プロジェクト: rhomspuron/sardana
class BaseSardanaElementContainer:

    def __init__(self):
        # dict<str, dict> where key is the type and value is:
        #     dict<str, MacroServerElement> where key is the element full name
        #                                   and value is the Element object
        self._type_elems_dict = CaselessDict()

        # dict<str, container> where key is the interface and value is the set
        # of elements which implement that interface
        self._interfaces_dict = {}

    def addElement(self, elem):
        elem_type = elem.getType()
        elem_full_name = elem.full_name

        # update type_elems
        type_elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems is None:
            self._type_elems_dict[elem_type] = type_elems = CaselessDict()
        type_elems[elem_full_name] = elem

        # update interfaces
        for interface in elem.interfaces:
            interface_elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface)
            if interface_elems is None:
                    interface] = interface_elems = CaselessDict()
            interface_elems[elem_full_name] = elem

    def removeElement(self, e):
        elem_type = e.getType()

        # update type_elems
        type_elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(elem_type)
        if type_elems:
            del type_elems[e.full_name]

        # update interfaces
        for interface in e.interfaces:
            interface_elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface)
            del interface_elems[e.full_name]

    def removeElementsOfType(self, t):
        for elem in self.getElementsOfType(t):

    def getElementsOfType(self, t):
        elems = self._type_elems_dict.get(t, {})
        return elems

    def getElementNamesOfType(self, t):
        return [e.name for e in self.getElementsOfType(t).values()]

    def getElementsWithInterface(self, interface):
        elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface, {})
        return elems

    def getElementsWithInterfaces(self, interfaces):
        ret = CaselessDict()
        for interface in interfaces:
        return ret

    def getElementNamesWithInterface(self, interface):
        return [e.name for e in self.getElementsWithInterface(interface).values()]

    def hasElementName(self, elem_name):
        return self.getElement(elem_name) is not None

    def getElement(self, elem_name):
        elem_name = elem_name.lower()
        for elems in self._type_elems_dict.values():
            elem = elems.get(elem_name)  # full_name?
            if elem is not None:
                return elem
            for elem in elems.values():
                if elem.name.lower() == elem_name:
                    return elem

    def getElementWithInterface(self, elem_name, interface):
        elem_name = elem_name.lower()
        elems = self._interfaces_dict.get(interface, {})
        if elem_name in elems:
            return elems[elem_name]
        for elem in elems.values():
            if elem.name.lower() == elem_name:
                return elem

    def getElements(self):
        ret = set()
        for elems in self._type_elems_dict.values():
        return ret

    def getInterfaces(self):
        return self._interfaces_dict

    def getTypes(self):
        return self._type_elems_dict
コード例 #24
class TangoFactory(Singleton, TaurusFactory, Logger):
    """A :class:`TaurusFactory` singleton class to provide Tango-specific
    Taurus Element objects (TangoAuthority, TangoDevice, TangoAttribute,

    Tango model names are URI based See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.
    For example, a TangoAttribute would be::

        \___/   \_____/ \__/ \_____/ \___/
          |        |     |      |      |
          |    hostname port  attr     |
          |   \____________/\______/   |
          |         |           |      |
        scheme   authority     path  fragment

    For Tango Elements:

        - The 'scheme' must be the string "tango" (lowercase mandatory)
        - The 'authority' is the Tango database (<hostname> and <port> mandatory)
        - The 'path' is the Tango object, which can be a Device or Attribute.
          For device it must have the format _/_/_ or alias
          For attribute it must have the format _/_/_/_ or devalias/_
        - The 'fragment' is optional and it refers to an attribute of the model
          object, thus not being part of the model name itself

    #: the list of schemes that this factory supports. For this factory: 'tango'
    #: is the only scheme
    schemes = ("tango", )
    caseSensitive = False
    elementTypesMap = {
        TaurusElementType.Authority: TangoAuthority,
        TaurusElementType.Device: TangoDevice,
        TaurusElementType.Attribute: TangoAttribute

    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization. Nothing to be done here for now."""

    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Singleton instance initialization.
           **For internal usage only**"""
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.call__init__(Logger, name)
        self._polling_enabled = True
        self.scheme = 'tango'

    def reInit(self):
        """Reinitialize the singleton"""
        self._default_tango_host = None
        self.dft_db = None
        self.tango_db = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_db_queries = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_attrs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_devs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_dev_queries = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.tango_alias_devs = CaselessWeakValueDict()
        self.polling_timers = {}

        # Plugin device classes
        self.tango_dev_klasses = {}

        # Plugin attribute classes
        self.tango_attr_klasses = CaselessDict()

    def cleanUp(self):
        """Cleanup the singleton instance"""
        self.trace("[TangoFactory] cleanUp")
        for k, v in self.tango_attrs.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_dev_queries.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_devs.items():
        self.dft_db = None
        for k, v in self.tango_db_queries.items():
        for k, v in self.tango_db.items():

    def getExistingAttributes(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered attributes on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered attributes on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_attrs)

    def getExistingDevices(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered devices on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered devices on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_devs)

    def getExistingDatabases(self):
        """Returns a new dictionary will all registered databases on this factory

           :return:  dictionary will all registered databases on this factory
           :rtype: dict"""
        return dict(self.tango_db)

    def set_default_tango_host(self, tango_host):
        """Sets the new default tango host.

        :param tango_host: (str) the new tango host
        self._default_tango_host = tango_host
        self.dft_db = None

    def registerAttributeClass(self, attr_name, attr_klass):
        """Registers a new attribute class for the attribute name.

           :param attr_name: (str) attribute name
           :param attr_klass: (taurus.core.tango.TangoAttribute) the new class that
                              will handle the attribute
        self.tango_attr_klasses[attr_name] = attr_klass

    def unregisterAttributeClass(self, attr_name):
        """Unregisters the attribute class for the given attribute
           If no class was registered before for the given attribute, this call
           as no effect

           :param attr_name: (str) attribute name
        if self.tango_attr_klasses.has_key(attr_name):
            del self.tango_attr_klasses[attr_name]

    def registerDeviceClass(self, dev_klass_name, dev_klass):
        """Registers a new python class to handle tango devices of the given tango class name

           :param dev_klass_name: (str) tango device class name
           :param dev_klass: (taurus.core.tango.TangoDevice) the new class that will
                             handle devices of the given tango class name
        self.tango_dev_klasses[dev_klass_name] = dev_klass

    def unregisterDeviceClass(self, dev_klass_name):
        """Unregisters the class for the given tango class name
           If no class was registered before for the given attribute, this call
           as no effect

           :param dev_klass_name: (str) tango device class name
        if self.tango_dev_klasses.has_key(dev_klass_name):
            del self.tango_dev_klasses[dev_klass_name]

    def getDatabase(self, name=None):
        '''Deprecated. Use getAuthority instead'''
        return self.getAuthority(name=name)

    def getAuthority(self, name=None):
        Obtain the object corresponding to the given database name or the
        default database if name is None.
        If the corresponding authority object already exists, the existing
        instance is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

        :param name: (str) database name string alias. If None, the
                        default database is used

        :return: (taurus.core.tangodatabase.TangoAuthority) database object
        :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given alias is invalid.
        ret = None
        if name is None:
            if self.dft_db is None:
                    if self._default_tango_host is None:
                        self.dft_db = _Authority()
                        name = self._default_tango_host
                        validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
                        groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
                        if groups is None:
                            raise TaurusException(
                                "Invalid default Tango authority name %s" %
                        self.dft_db = _Authority(host=groups['host'],
                    self.debug("Could not create Authority", exc_info=1)
                name = self.dft_db.getFullName()
                self.tango_db[name] = self.dft_db
            ret = self.dft_db
            ret = self.tango_db.get(name)
            if not ret is None:
                return ret
            validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
            groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
            if not validator.isValid(name):
                raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango authority name %s" % name)
                ret = _Authority(host=groups['host'], port=groups['port'])
                self.debug("Could not create Authority %s",

            self.tango_db[name] = ret
        return ret

    def getDevice(self, dev_name, create_if_needed=True, **kw):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given tango device name.
           If the corresponding device already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param dev_name: (str) tango device name or tango alias for the
                            device. It must be a valid Tango device URI.
                            If authority is not explicit, the default Tango
                            Database will be used
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Device is created if it
                                    did not exist previously. If False, it
                                    returns None if it did not exist

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoDevice) a device object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   dev_name is invalid.
        d = self.tango_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is None:
            d = self.tango_alias_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is not None:
            return d

        validator = _Device.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango device name '%s'" % dev_name)

        full_dev_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(dev_name)

        if full_dev_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % dev_name)

        d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)

        if not create_if_needed:
            return d

        if d is None:
                db = self.getAuthority(groups.get('authority'))
                dev_klass = self._getDeviceClass(db=db,
                kw['storeCallback'] = self._storeDevice
                kw['parent'] = db
                d = dev_klass(full_dev_name, **kw)
                # device objects will register themselves in this factory
                # so there is no need to do it here
            except DoubleRegistration:
                d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)
                self.debug("Error creating device %s", dev_name, exc_info=1)
        return d

    def getAttribute(self, attr_name, create_if_needed=True, **kwargs):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name.
           If the corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param attr_name: (str) a valid attribute name URI
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Attribute is created if
                                    it did not already exist. If False,
                                    None is returned if it did not exist
           :return: (taurus.core.tangoattribute.TangoAttribute) attribute object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   alias is invalid.
        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(attr_name)
        if attr is not None:
            return attr

        # Simple approach did not work. Lets build a proper device name
        validator = _Attribute.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(attr_name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException(
                ("Invalid Tango attribute name '%s'") % attr_name)

        full_attr_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(attr_name)

        if full_attr_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % attr_name)

        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)

        if attr is None:
            dev_name = full_attr_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                dev = self.getDevice(dev_name)
                if dev is not None:
                    # Do another try in case the Device object created the attribute
                    # itself. This happens for the 'state' attribute
                    attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                    if attr is not None:
                        return attr
                        attr_klass = self._getAttributeClass(
                        kwargs['storeCallback'] = self._storeAttribute
                        if not kwargs.has_key('pollingPeriod'):
                                'pollingPeriod'] = self.getDefaultPollingPeriod(
                        attr = attr_klass(full_attr_name, dev, **kwargs)
                        # attribute objects will register themselves in this factory
                        # so there is no need to do it here
                    except DoubleRegistration:
                        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                self.debug("Error creating attribute %s",
        return attr

    def getAttributeInfo(self, full_attr_name):
        """Deprecated: Use :meth:`taurus.core.tango.TangoFactory.getConfiguration` instead.

           Obtain attribute information corresponding to the given attribute name.
           If the corresponding attribute info already exists, the existing information
           is returned. Otherwise a new information instance is stored and returned.

           :param full_attr_name: (str) attribute name in format: <tango device name>'/'<attribute name>

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoConfiguration) configuration object
        self.deprecated("Use getConfiguration(full_attr_name) instead")
        attr = self.getAttribute(full_attr_name)
        return attr

    def getConfiguration(self, param):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute or full name.
           If the corresponding configuration already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param param: (taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute or str) attribute object or full configuration name

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoAttribute) configuration object
        if isinstance(param, str):
            return self.getAttribute(param)
        return param

    def _getAttributeClass(self, **params):
        attr_name = params.get("attr_name")
        attr_klass = self.tango_attr_klasses.get(attr_name, _Attribute)
        return attr_klass

    def _getDeviceClass(self, **kwargs):
        db, dev_name = kwargs.get("db"), kwargs.get("devname")
        if db is None or dev_name is None or len(self.tango_dev_klasses) == 0:
            return _Device
            if '/' not in dev_name:  # we got an alias... find the devslashname
                dev_name = db.getElementFullName(dev_name)
            tango_dev_klass = db.get_class_for_device(dev_name)
            return self.tango_dev_klasses.get(tango_dev_klass, _Device)

    def _storeDevice(self, dev):
        name, alias = dev.getFullName(), dev.getSimpleName()
        exists = self.tango_devs.get(name)
        if not exists is None:
            if exists == dev:
                msg = "%s has already been registered before" % name
                msg = "%s has already been registered before with a different object!" % name
            raise DoubleRegistration(msg)
        self.tango_devs[name] = dev
        if not alias is None and len(alias):
            self.tango_alias_devs[alias] = dev

    def _storeAttribute(self, attr):
        name = attr.getFullName()
        exists = self.tango_attrs.get(name)
        if not exists is None:
            if exists == attr:
                msg = "%s has already been registered before" % name
                msg = "%s has already been registered before with a different object!" % name
            raise DoubleRegistration(msg)
        self.tango_attrs[name] = attr

    def getExistingAttribute(self, attr_name):
        """Deprecated: use getAtribute with create_if_needed=False
        self.warning(('getExistingAttribute is deprecated. ' +
                      'Use getDevice with create_if_needed=False'))
        return self.getAttribute(attr_name, create_if_needed=False)

    def getExistingDevice(self, dev_name):
        """Deprecated: use getDevice with create_if_needed=False
        self.warning(('getExistingDevice is deprecated. ' +
                      'Use getDevice with create_if_needed=False'))
        return self.getDevice(dev_name, create_if_needed=False)

    def removeExistingDevice(self, dev_or_dev_name):
        """Removes a previously registered device.

           :param dev_or_dev_name: (str or TangoDevice) device name or device object
        if isinstance(dev_or_dev_name, _Device):
            dev = dev_or_dev_name
            dev = self.getDevice(dev_or_dev_name, create_if_needed=False)
        if dev is None:
            raise KeyError("Device %s not found" % dev_or_dev_name)
        full_name = dev.getFullName()
        if self.tango_devs.has_key(full_name):
            del self.tango_devs[full_name]
        simp_name = dev.getSimpleName()
        if self.tango_alias_devs.has_key(simp_name):
            del self.tango_alias_devs[simp_name]

    def removeExistingAttribute(self, attr_or_attr_name):
        """Removes a previously registered attribute.

           :param attr_or_attr_name: (str or TangoAttribute) attribute name or attribute object
        if isinstance(attr_or_attr_name, _Attribute):
            attr = attr_or_attr_name
            attr = self.getExistingAttribute(attr_or_attr_name)
        if attr is None:
            raise KeyError("Attribute %s not found" % attr_or_attr_name)
        full_name = attr.getFullName()
        if self.tango_attrs.has_key(full_name):
            del self.tango_attrs[full_name]

    def addAttributeToPolling(self, attribute, period, unsubscribe_evts=False):
        """Activates the polling (client side) for the given attribute with the
           given period (seconds).

           :param attribute: (taurus.core.tango.TangoAttribute) attribute name.
           :param period: (float) polling period (in seconds)
           :param unsubscribe_evts: (bool) whether or not to unsubscribe from events
        tmr = self.polling_timers.get(period, TaurusPollingTimer(period))
        self.polling_timers[period] = tmr
        tmr.addAttribute(attribute, self.isPollingEnabled())

    def removeAttributeFromPolling(self, attribute):
        """Deactivate the polling (client side) for the given attribute. If the
           polling of the attribute was not previously enabled, nothing happens.

           :param attribute: (str) attribute name.
        p = None
        for period, timer in self.polling_timers.iteritems():
            if timer.containsAttribute(attribute):
                if timer.getAttributeCount() == 0:
                    p = period
        if p:
            del self.polling_timers[period]

    def isPollingEnabled(self):
        """Tells if the local tango polling is enabled

           :return: (bool) wheter or not the polling is enabled
        return self._polling_enabled

    def disablePolling(self):
        """Disable the application tango polling"""
        if not self.isPollingEnabled():
        self._polling_enabled = False
        for period, timer in self.polling_timers.iteritems():

    def enablePolling(self):
        """Enable the application tango polling"""
        if self.isPollingEnabled():
        for period, timer in self.polling_timers.iteritems():
        self._polling_enabled = True

    def getDatabaseNameValidator(self):
        self.warning(('getDatabaseNameValidator is deprecated.' +
                      'Use "Authority" instead of "Database"'))
        return self.getAuthorityNameValidator()

    def getAuthorityNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoAuthorityNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoAuthorityNameValidator()

    def getDeviceNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoDeviceNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoDeviceNameValidator()

    def getAttributeNameValidator(self):
        """Return TangoAttributeNameValidator"""
        import tangovalidator
        return tangovalidator.TangoAttributeNameValidator()

    def setOperationMode(self, mode):
        """ Deprecated. setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) -> None
            Sets the operation mode for the Tango system."""
        dep = 'setOperationMode'
        rel = 'Taurus4'
        dbg_msg = "Don't use this method"
        msg = '%s is deprecated (from %s). %s' % (dep, rel, dbg_msg)

    def getOperationMode(self):
        """Deprecated. Gives the current operation mode."""
        dep = 'getOperationMode'
        rel = 'Taurus4'
        dbg_msg = "Don't use this method"
        msg = '%s is deprecated (from %s). %s' % (dep, rel, dbg_msg)
        return OperationMode.ONLINE
コード例 #25
class ImageCounterDevice(ImageDevice):
    """A class encapsulating a generic image device that has an image counter
    def __init__(self,
        self.lock = Lock()
        self._image_data = CaselessDict()
        self._image_id_attr_name = image_ct
        self.call__init__(ImageDevice, name, image_name, **kw)
        self.image_attr = self.getAttribute(image_name)
        self._image_id_attr = self.getAttribute(self._image_id_attr_name)
        self.discard_event = False

    def _setDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        for n in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(n, (True, None))
            self._image_data[n] = True, d[1]

    def _getDirty(self, names=None):
        names = names or self.getImageAttrNames()
        dirty = []
        for name in names:
            d = self._image_data.get(name)
            if d is None or d[0] is True:
        return names

    def getImageIDAttrName(self):
        return self._image_id_attr_name

    def eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
        if evt_src == self._image_id_attr:
            if evt_type == TaurusEventType.Change:

                # discard events if there is one being processed
                if self.lock.locked():
                    self.discard_event = True
                    self.debug("Discard event %d" % evt_value.value)

                with self.lock:
                    while True:
                        self.debug("Processing image %d" % evt_value.rvalue)
                        # read the related Image attributes
                        # (asap and in one action)
                        images = self.getImageData()
                        self.fireEvent(evt_type, evt_value)
                        # maintain this fireEvent for backwards compatibility
                        # with Qub widget
                        self._emitImageEvents(evt_type, images)

                        if self.discard_event:
                            self.discard_event = False
            ImageDevice.eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value)

    def _emitImageEvents(self, evt_type, images):
        for attr_image_name in images:
            image_value = images[attr_image_name][1]
            if hasattr(image_value, 'is_empty') and not image_value.is_empty:
                self.debug("fireEvent for %s attribute" % attr_image_name)
                if not hasattr(image_value, 'rvalue'):
                    image_value.rvalue = image_value.value
                # Only emit to upper layers the events where
                # something has been read.
                attr_image = self.getAttribute(image_value.name)
                attr_image.fireEvent(evt_type, image_value)

    def getImageData(self, names=None):
        if names is None:
            names = self.getImageAttrNames()
        elif isinstance(names, string_types):
            names = (names, )

        fetch = self._getDirty(names)

            data = self.read_attributes(fetch)
            for d in data:
                self._image_data[d.name] = False, d
        return self._image_data