def get_strategy_max_purchase_usd(cls, env: ExecEnv, strategy_id: str) -> float: """ Returns the maximum amount of money to use on the given strategy. """ setting_str = env.get_setting('max_purchase_usd.' + strategy_id) if setting_str == '': env.warn_main(f'Maximum purchase amount for {strategy_id} not set. ' f'Using default value of ${cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_USD}') return cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_USD else: return float(setting_str)
def get_strategy_max_purchase_pct(cls, env: ExecEnv, strategy_id: str) -> float: """ Returns the maximum percentage of our account balance to use on the given strategy. """ setting_str = env.get_setting('max_purchase_pct.' + strategy_id) if setting_str == '': env.warn_main(f'Maximum purchase percent for {strategy_id} not set. Using default value of ' f'{100 * cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_PCT:.0f}%') return cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_PCT else: return float(setting_str)
def get_endpoint(cls, env: ExecEnv) -> BrokerEndpoint: """ Returns the alpaca endpoint being used for live trading: LIVE or PAPER. """ return BrokerEndpoint.LIVE if env.get_setting('alpaca.endpoint').lower() == 'live' else BrokerEndpoint.PAPER
def get_symbols(cls, env: ExecEnv) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of symbols being watched by the program. """ return [symbol.upper().strip() for symbol in env.get_setting('symbols').split(',')]
class TC2Program(Loggable): """ The backend program, which is initialized by django startup code. """ # Live execution environment. live_env: ExecEnv # Log feeds. logfeed_data: LogFeed logfeed_trading: LogFeed logfeed_optimization: LogFeed logfeed_api: LogFeed logfeed_visuals: LogFeed # Logic loops (running inside threads). strategy_optimizer: StrategyOptimizer live_day_trader: LiveTrader live_swing_trader: LiveTrader daily_collector: DailyCollector visuals_refresher: VisualsRefresher health_checks_refresher: HealthChecksRefresher # Threads (containing logic loops). day_trading_process: Process swing_trading_process: Process optimizations_process: Process collection_process: Process def __init__(self, logfeed_program): super().__init__(logfeed_program, logfeed_program) def start_program(self) -> None: """ Loads settings and runs program processes in their own threads. This can take several seconds to complete. """ # Log startup. self.warn_main('.........') self.warn_main('........') self.warn_main('.......') self.warn_main('......') self.warn_main('.....') self.warn_main('....') self.warn_main('...') self.warn_main('..') self.warn_main('.') self.warn_main('') self.warn_main('Program starting...') self.warn_main('') self.warn_main('.') self.warn_main('..') self.warn_main('...') self.warn_main('....') self.warn_main('.....') self.warn_main('......') self.warn_main('.......') self.warn_main('........') self.warn_main('.........') # Load pre-reqs first. try: self.info_main('Loading settings from config...') self.load_pre_reqs() self.info_main('Loaded settings') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to load program essentials:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Connect to market data and brokerage account data. try: self.info_main('Connecting to live data streams') self.init_account_data_streams() livestream_updates = AccountDataStream._livestream_updates self.info_main('Connected to alpaca and polygon streams') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to connect to data streams:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Mark data as loading and start a thread to get data and models up to date. try: self.perform_data_catchup() except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to start data catch-up task:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Run data collection in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting data collection process') self.start_daily_collection(livestream_updates) self.info_main('Started data collection process') except Exception: self.error_main('FAILED TO START DATA COLLECTION:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Run live trading in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting trading process') self.start_live_trading(livestream_updates) self.info_main('Started trading process') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to start trading logic:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Run strategy optimization in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting simulation and evaluation process') self.start_strategy_optimization() self.info_main('Started simulation and evaluation process') except Exception: self.error_main( 'Failed to start strategy parameter optimization logic:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Init manager class and refresher thread for visualization. try: self.info_main( 'Initializing visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) generation components' ) self.init_visualization() self.info_main('Initialized visualization components') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to initialize visualization components:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Init manager class and refresher thread for health checks. try: self.info_main('Initializing health checker') self.init_health_checks() self.info_main('Initialized health checker') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to initialize health checker') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() self.info_main('Started successfully!') def load_pre_reqs(self) -> None: # Initialize log feeds. self.logfeed_data = LogFeed(LogCategory.DATA) self.logfeed_data.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_trading = LogFeed(LogCategory.LIVE_TRADING) self.logfeed_trading.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_optimization = LogFeed(LogCategory.OPTIMIZATION) self.logfeed_optimization.log(LogLevel.ERROR, ' ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_visuals = LogFeed(LogCategory.VISUALS) self.logfeed_visuals.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_api = LogFeed(LogCategory.API) self.logfeed_api.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') # Create time environment for live data collection and trading. live_time_env = TimeEnv( # Create database managers but don't initialize connections. live_redis = RedisManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) live_mongo = MongoManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) # Initialize collector manager to access live_data_collector = PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_data, time_env=live_time_env) # Initialize the live execution environment with program logs. self.live_env = ExecEnv(logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_program) # Setup the live execution environment with live time & data variables. self.live_env.setup_first_time(env_type=EnvType.LIVE, time=live_time_env, data_collector=live_data_collector, mongo=live_mongo, redis=live_redis) # Set Alpaca credentials as environment variables so we don't have to pass them around. live_trading = True if Settings.get_endpoint( self.live_env) == BrokerEndpoint.LIVE else False os.environ['APCA_API_BASE_URL'] = '' \ if live_trading else '' os.environ['APCA_API_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_key_id') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_key_id') os.environ['APCA_API_SECRET_KEY'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_secret_key') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_secret_key') os.environ['POLYGON_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting( 'alpaca.live_key_id') def init_account_data_streams(self) -> None: AccountDataStream.connect_to_streams(symbols=Settings.get_symbols( self.live_env), logfeed_data=self.logfeed_data) def start_daily_collection( self, livestream_updates: 'multiprocessing list') -> None: """ Starts a multiprocessing.Process, which is basically a Thread that can use its own core. Schedules data collection to run (and trigger model feeding) after markets close every day. """ # Daily collector logic loop to schedule daily collection and model feeding. self.daily_collector = DailyCollector(self.live_env, self.logfeed_data) self.collection_process = Process( target=self.daily_collector.start_collection_loop, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.collection_process.start() def perform_data_catchup(self) -> None: """ Fetches historical data off-thread from, if any is missing. """ # Train models on any data that was missed while the bot was offline. catch_up_days = 3 # Retrain models if the bot has insufficient warm-up data. warm_up_days = 27 def catch_up(): self.info_main( 'Trading and simulation disabled while checking for missing recent data...' ) catch_up_start_moment = pytime.monotonic() # Fork data_env for the new thread. catch_up_env = ExecEnv(self.logfeed_program, self.logfeed_data, creator_env=self.live_env) catch_up_env.fork_new_thread() catch_up_env.info_process( 'Performing catch-up task: checking for missing recent data') # Fork model feeder for the new thread. catch_up_model_feeder = ModelFeeder(catch_up_env) # Reset models and go back 31 days if missing [t-31, t-4]. # OR go back 4 days if only missing at most [t-4, t-1]. # Start at t-31 days. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Check that each day [t-31, t-4] has valid data. symbols_reset = [] for _ in range(warm_up_days): # Check the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): # Only check the symbol if it hasn't been reset. if symbol in symbols_reset: continue # Load the day's data and validate it. day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): catch_up_env.info_process( '{} missing price data on {}. Resetting its model data' .format(symbol, day_date)) catch_up_model_feeder.reset_models([symbol]) symbols_reset.append(symbol) # Go back to the latest potential missing day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1 if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Use price data to train models. for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days): # Go through each reset symbol. for symbol in symbols_reset: # Load mongo price data if present. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) # Collect polygon-rest price data if necessary. if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): try: day_data = catch_up_env.data_collector( ).collect_candles_for_day(day_date, symbol) except Exception as e: catch_up_env.error_process( 'Error collecting polygon-rest data:') catch_up_env.warn_process(traceback.format_exc()) collection_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant # Validate data. validation_debugger = [] if day_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( day_data.candles, debug_output=validation_debugger): # Save data catch_up_env.redis().reset_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.mongo().save_symbol_day(day_data) # Use data to train models for symbol on day. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() catch_up_model_feeder.train_models(symbol=symbol, day_date=day_date, day_data=day_data, stable=True) train_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant catch_up_env.info_process( f'Catch-up for {symbol} on {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}: collection took ' f'{collection_time:.2f}s; training took {train_time:.2f}s' ) else: catch_up_env.redis().incr_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.warn_process( f'Couldn\'t collect catch-up data for {symbol} on {day_date}: ' f'{"null" if day_date is None else len(day_data.candles)} candles' ) catch_up_env.warn_process( '\n'.join(validation_debugger)) # Move to the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) # Determine whether or not we have yesterday's cached data for at least one symbol. unstable_data_present = False while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): unstable_data = catch_up_env.redis().get_cached_candles( symbol, day_date) if unstable_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( unstable_data): unstable_data_present = True break if unstable_data_present: msg = f'Valid cached redis data on {day_date:%B %d} found. ' \ f'Models and strategies should function normally' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg) else: msg = f'No valid redis data cached on {day_date:%b %d}. Models that need yesterday\'s data will ' \ f'fail, causing some strategies to fail.' catch_up_env.warn_main(msg) catch_up_env.warn_process(msg) # Allow processes to resume now that data_collector is not busy. catch_up_env.mark_data_as_loaded() msg = f'Trading and strategy optimization enabled (catch up task took ' \ f'{(pytime.monotonic() - catch_up_start_moment) / 3600:.2f} hrs)' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg) data_load_thread = Thread(target=catch_up) data_load_thread.start() def start_live_trading(self, livestream_updates: 'multiprocessing list') -> None: """ Runs live day- and swing-trading in their own Processes. """ self.live_day_trader = LiveTrader(creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_trading=self.logfeed_trading, day_trader=True) self.day_trading_process = Process(target=self.live_day_trader.start, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.day_trading_process.start() self.live_swing_trader = LiveTrader( creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_trading=self.logfeed_trading, day_trader=False) self.swing_trading_process = Process( target=self.live_swing_trader.start, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.swing_trading_process.start() def start_strategy_optimization(self) -> None: """ Runs strategy optimization in its own Process. """ self.strategy_optimizer = StrategyOptimizer( creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_optimization=self.logfeed_optimization) self.optimizations_process = Process( target=self.strategy_optimizer.start) self.optimizations_process.start() def init_visualization(self) -> None: """ Schedules visuals to update continuously. The user can also update visuals manually using the webpanel. """ # Schedule visuals to continuously update in the background. self.visuals_refresher = VisualsRefresher( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_visuals, symbols=Settings.get_symbols(self.live_env), live_time_env=self.live_env.time()) self.visuals_refresher.start() def init_health_checks(self) -> None: """ Schedules health checks (e.g. data checks, analysis model checks) to run at night. The user can also run checks manually using the webpanel. """ # Schedule health checks to run every night. self.health_checks_refresher = HealthChecksRefresher( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_program, symbols=Settings.get_symbols(self.live_env), live_time_env=self.live_env.time()) self.health_checks_refresher.start() def shutdown(self) -> None: self.info_main('Shutting down...') try: # Stop thread that runs health checks. self.health_checks_refresher.stop() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop thread that generates visuals. self.visuals_refresher.stop() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop collection process. self.daily_collector.stop() self.collection_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Close account/market websocket connections. AccountDataStream.shutdown() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop evaluations process. self.strategy_optimizer.stop() self.optimizations_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop day trading process. self.live_day_trader.stop() self.day_trading_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop swing trading process. self.live_swing_trader.stop() self.swing_trading_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.info_main('Shutdown complete')