コード例 #1
    def init_objects(self):
        # Add meter
        # meter = MeterPoint()
        # meter.name = 'BuildingElectricMeter'
        # meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        # meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh
        # self.meterPoints.append(meter)

        # Add weather forecast service
        weather_service = TemperatureForecastModel(self.config_path, self)

        # # Add inelastive asset
        # inelastive_load = LocalAsset()
        # inelastive_load.name = 'InelasticBldgLoad'
        # inelastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        # inelastive_load.minimumPower = -200
        # # Add inelastive asset model
        # inelastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        # inelastive_load_model.name = 'InelasticBuildingModel'
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultPower = -100  # [kW]
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(float("inf"), 0, -100, True)]
        # # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        # inelastive_load_model.object = inelastive_load
        # inelastive_load.model = inelastive_load_model

        # Add elastive asset
        elastive_load = LocalAsset()
        elastive_load.name = 'TccLoad'
        elastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        elastive_load.minimumPower = -self.max_deliver_capacity

        # Add inelastive asset model
        # self.elastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        self.elastive_load_model = TccModel()
        self.elastive_load_model.name = 'TccModel'
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower = -0.5*self.max_deliver_capacity  # [kW]
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0.055, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower, True),
                                                    Vertex(0.06, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower/2, True)]

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        self.elastive_load_model.object = elastive_load
        elastive_load.model = self.elastive_load_model

        # Add inelastive and elastive loads as building' assets

        # Add Market
        market = Market()
        market.name = 'dayAhead'
        market.commitment = False
        market.converged = False
        market.defaultPrice = 0.0428  # [$/kWh]
        market.dualityGapThreshold = self.duality_gap_threshold  # [0.02 = 2#]
        market.initialMarketState = MarketState.Inactive
        market.marketOrder = 1  # This is first and only market
        market.intervalsToClear = 1  # Only one interval at a time
        market.futureHorizon = timedelta(hours=24)  # Projects 24 hourly future intervals
        market.intervalDuration = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h] Intervals are 1 h long
        market.marketClearingInterval = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h]
        market.marketClearingTime = Timer.get_cur_time().replace(hour=0,
                                                                 microsecond=0)  # Aligns with top of hour
        market.nextMarketClearingTime = market.marketClearingTime + timedelta(hours=1)

        # Campus object
        campus = Neighbor()
        campus.name = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.description = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.maximumPower = self.max_deliver_capacity
        campus.minimumPower = 0.  # [avg.kW]
        campus.lossFactor = self.campus_loss_factor

        # Campus model
        campus_model = NeighborModel()
        campus_model.name = 'PNNL_Campus_Model'
        campus_model.location = self.name
        campus_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0.045, 25, 0, True), Vertex(0.048, 0, self.max_deliver_capacity, True)]
        campus_model.demand_threshold_coef = self.demand_threshold_coef
        # campus_model.demandThreshold = self.demand_threshold_coef * self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.demandThreshold = self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.transactive = True
        campus_model.inject(self, system_loss_topic=self.system_loss_topic)

        # Avg building meter
        building_meter = MeterPoint()
        building_meter.name = self.name + ' ElectricMeter'
        building_meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.AverageDemandkW
        building_meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh

        # Cross-reference object & model
        campus_model.object = campus
        campus.model = campus_model
        self.campus = campus

        # Add campus as building's neighbor
コード例 #2
class BuildingAgent(MarketAgent, myTransactiveNode):
    def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
        MarketAgent.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self.config_path = config_path
        self.config = utils.load_config(config_path)
        self.name = self.config.get('name')
        self.agent_name = self.config.get('agentid', 'building_agent')
        self.db_topic = self.config.get("db_topic", "tnc")
        self.power_topic = self.config.get("power_topic")

        self.market_cycle_in_min = int(self.config.get('market_cycle_in_min', 60))
        self.duality_gap_threshold = float(self.config.get('duality_gap_threshold', 0.01))
        self.campus_loss_factor = float(self.config.get('campus_loss_factor', 0.01))

        self.neighbors = []
        self.max_deliver_capacity = float(self.config.get('max_deliver_capacity'))
        self.demand_threshold_coef = float(self.config.get('demand_threshold_coef'))
        self.monthly_peak_power = float(self.config.get('monthly_peak_power'))

        self.building_demand_topic = "{}/{}/campus/demand".format(self.db_topic, self.name)
        self.campus_supply_topic = "{}/campus/{}/supply".format(self.db_topic, self.name)
        self.system_loss_topic = "{}/{}/system_loss".format(self.db_topic, self.name)

        self.mix_market_running = False
        verbose_logging = self.config.get('verbose_logging', True)

        self.prices = [None for i in range(25)]
        self.quantities = [None for i in range(25)]
        self.building_demand_curves = [None for i in range(25)]
        self.mix_market_duration = timedelta(minutes=20)

        self.reschedule_interval = timedelta(minutes=10, seconds=1)

        self.simulation = self.config.get('simulation', False)
            self.simulation_start_time = parser.parse(self.config.get('simulation_start_time'))
            self.simulation_one_hour_in_seconds = int(self.config.get('simulation_one_hour_in_seconds'))
            self.simulation_start_time = datetime.now()
            self.simulation_one_hour_in_seconds = 3600

        # Create market names to join
        self.base_market_name = 'electric'  # Need to agree on this with other market agents
        self.market_names = []
        for i in range(24):
            self.market_names.append('_'.join([self.base_market_name, str(i)]))

        Timer.created_time = datetime.now()
        Timer.simulation = self.simulation
        Timer.sim_start_time = self.simulation_start_time
        Timer.sim_one_hr_in_sec = self.simulation_one_hour_in_seconds

        if self.simulation:
            self.ep_lines = []
            self.cur_ep_line = 0
            # with open(ep_res_path, 'r') as fh:
            #     for line in fh:
            #         self.ep_lines.append(line)

        _log2.debug("Mixmarket for agent {}:".format(self.name))

    def onstart(self, sender, **kwargs):
        # Add other objects: assets, services, neighbors

        # Join electric mix-markets
        for market in self.market_names:
            self.join_market(market, SELLER, self.reservation_callback, self.offer_callback,
                             self.aggregate_callback, self.price_callback, self.error_callback)

        # Subscriptions

    def new_supply_signal(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
        _log.debug("At {}, {} receives new supply records: {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),
                                                                     self.name, message))
        supply_curves = message['curves']
        start_of_cycle = message['start_of_cycle']

        self.campus.model.receive_transactive_signal(self, supply_curves)
        _log.debug("At {}, mixmarket state is {}, start_of_cycle {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),

        db_topic = "/".join([self.db_topic, self.name, "CampusSupply"])
        message = supply_curves
        headers = {headers_mod.DATE: format_timestamp(Timer.get_cur_time())}
        self.vip.pubsub.publish("pubsub", db_topic, headers, message).get()

        if start_of_cycle:
            _log.debug("At {}, start of cycle. "
                       "Mixmarket state before overriding is {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),

            # if self.simulation:
            #     self.run_ep_sim(start_of_cycle)
            # else:

    def new_demand_signal(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
        mtrs = self.campus.model.meterPoints
        if len(mtrs) > 0:
            bldg_meter = mtrs[0]
            power_unit = message[1]
            cur_power = float(message[0]["WholeBuildingPower"])
            power_unit = power_unit.get("WholeBuildingPower", {}).get("units", "kW")
            if isinstance(power_unit, str) and power_unit.lower() == "watts":
                cur_power = cur_power / 1000.0
            if Timer.get_cur_time().minute >= 58:

    def near_end_of_hour(self, now):
        near_end_of_hour = False
        if (now + self.mix_market_duration).hour != now.hour:
            near_end_of_hour = True
            _log.debug("{} did not start mixmarket because it's too late.".format(self.name))

        return near_end_of_hour

    def start_mixmarket(self, start_of_cycle):
        # Reset price array
        self.prices = [None for i in range(25)]

        # Save the 1st quantity as prior 2nd quantity
        cur_quantity = self.quantities[1]
        cur_curve = self.building_demand_curves[1]

        # Reset quantities and curves
        self.quantities = [None for i in range(25)]
        self.building_demand_curves = [None for i in range(25)]

        # If new cycle, set the 1st quantity to the corresponding quantity of previous hour
        if start_of_cycle:
            self.quantities[0] = cur_quantity
            self.building_demand_curves[0] = cur_curve

        # Balance market with previous known demands
        market = self.markets[0]  # Assume only 1 TNS market per node
        market.signal_new_data = True

        # Check if now is near the end of the hour, applicable only if not in simulation mode
        now = Timer.get_cur_time()
        near_end_of_hour = False
        if not self.simulation:
            near_end_of_hour = self.near_end_of_hour(now)

        if market.converged:
            # Get new prices (expected 25 values: current hour + next 24)
            prices = market.marginalPrices

            # There is a case where the balancing happens at the end of the hour and continues to the next hour, which
            # creates 26 values. Get the last 25 values.
            prices = prices[-25:]
            self.prices = [p.value for p in prices]

            # Signal to start mix market only if the previous market is done
            if not self.mix_market_running and not near_end_of_hour:
                self.mix_market_running = True
                # Update weather information
                weather_service = None
                if len(self.informationServiceModels)>0:
                    weather_service = self.informationServiceModels[0]

                _log.debug("prices are {}".format(self.prices))
                if weather_service is None:
                                            message={"prices": self.prices[-24:],
                                                     "hour": now.hour})
                    temps = [x.value for x in weather_service.predictedValues]
                    temps = temps[-24:]
                    _log.debug("temps are {}".format(temps))
                                            message={"prices": self.prices[-24:],
                                                     "temp": temps,
                                                     "hour": now.hour})

    def balance_market(self, run_cnt):
        market = self.markets[0]  # Assume only 1 TNS market per node
        market.new_data_signal = True

        if market.converged:
            _log.debug("TNS market {} balanced successfully.".format(market.name))
            balanced_curves = [(x.timeInterval.startTime,
                                x.value.power) for x in market.activeVertices]
            _log.debug("Balanced curves: {}".format(balanced_curves))

            # Sum all the powers as will be needed by the net supply/demand curve.

            # Check to see if it is ok to send signals
            if not self.campus.model.converged:
                _log.debug("Campus model not converged. Sending signal back to campus.")
                self.campus.model.prep_transactive_signal(market, self)
                self.campus.model.send_transactive_signal(self, self.building_demand_topic)

    def offer_callback(self, timestamp, market_name, buyer_seller):
        if market_name in self.market_names:
            # Get the price for the corresponding market
            idx = int(market_name.split('_')[-1])
            price = self.prices[idx+1]
            #price *= 1000.  # Convert to mWh to be compatible with the mixmarket

            # Quantity
            min_quantity = 0
            max_quantity = 10000  # float("inf")

            # Create supply curve
            supply_curve = PolyLine()
            supply_curve.add(Point(quantity=min_quantity, price=price))
            supply_curve.add(Point(quantity=max_quantity, price=price))

            # Make offer
            _log.debug("{}: offer for {} as {} at {} - Curve: {} {}".format(self.agent_name,
                                                                         supply_curve.points[0], supply_curve.points[1]))
            success, message = self.make_offer(market_name, SELLER, supply_curve)
            _log.debug("{}: offer has {} - Message: {}".format(self.agent_name, success, message))

    def init_objects(self):
        # Add meter
        # meter = MeterPoint()
        # meter.name = 'BuildingElectricMeter'
        # meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        # meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh
        # self.meterPoints.append(meter)

        # Add weather forecast service
        weather_service = TemperatureForecastModel(self.config_path, self)

        # # Add inelastive asset
        # inelastive_load = LocalAsset()
        # inelastive_load.name = 'InelasticBldgLoad'
        # inelastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        # inelastive_load.minimumPower = -200
        # # Add inelastive asset model
        # inelastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        # inelastive_load_model.name = 'InelasticBuildingModel'
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultPower = -100  # [kW]
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(float("inf"), 0, -100, True)]
        # # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        # inelastive_load_model.object = inelastive_load
        # inelastive_load.model = inelastive_load_model

        # Add elastive asset
        elastive_load = LocalAsset()
        elastive_load.name = 'TccLoad'
        elastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        elastive_load.minimumPower = -self.max_deliver_capacity

        # Add inelastive asset model
        # self.elastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        self.elastive_load_model = TccModel()
        self.elastive_load_model.name = 'TccModel'
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower = -0.5*self.max_deliver_capacity  # [kW]
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0.055, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower, True),
                                                    Vertex(0.06, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower/2, True)]

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        self.elastive_load_model.object = elastive_load
        elastive_load.model = self.elastive_load_model

        # Add inelastive and elastive loads as building' assets

        # Add Market
        market = Market()
        market.name = 'dayAhead'
        market.commitment = False
        market.converged = False
        market.defaultPrice = 0.0428  # [$/kWh]
        market.dualityGapThreshold = self.duality_gap_threshold  # [0.02 = 2#]
        market.initialMarketState = MarketState.Inactive
        market.marketOrder = 1  # This is first and only market
        market.intervalsToClear = 1  # Only one interval at a time
        market.futureHorizon = timedelta(hours=24)  # Projects 24 hourly future intervals
        market.intervalDuration = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h] Intervals are 1 h long
        market.marketClearingInterval = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h]
        market.marketClearingTime = Timer.get_cur_time().replace(hour=0,
                                                                 microsecond=0)  # Aligns with top of hour
        market.nextMarketClearingTime = market.marketClearingTime + timedelta(hours=1)

        # Campus object
        campus = Neighbor()
        campus.name = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.description = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.maximumPower = self.max_deliver_capacity
        campus.minimumPower = 0.  # [avg.kW]
        campus.lossFactor = self.campus_loss_factor

        # Campus model
        campus_model = NeighborModel()
        campus_model.name = 'PNNL_Campus_Model'
        campus_model.location = self.name
        campus_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0.045, 25, 0, True), Vertex(0.048, 0, self.max_deliver_capacity, True)]
        campus_model.demand_threshold_coef = self.demand_threshold_coef
        # campus_model.demandThreshold = self.demand_threshold_coef * self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.demandThreshold = self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.transactive = True
        campus_model.inject(self, system_loss_topic=self.system_loss_topic)

        # Avg building meter
        building_meter = MeterPoint()
        building_meter.name = self.name + ' ElectricMeter'
        building_meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.AverageDemandkW
        building_meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh

        # Cross-reference object & model
        campus_model.object = campus
        campus.model = campus_model
        self.campus = campus

        # Add campus as building's neighbor

    # Dummy callbacks
    def aggregate_power(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
        _log.debug("{}: received topic for power aggregation: {}".format(self.agent_name,
        data = message[0]
        _log.debug("{}: updating power aggregation: {}".format(self.agent_name,

    def reservation_callback(self, timestamp, market_name, buyer_seller):
        _log.debug("{}: wants reservation for {} as {} at {}".format(self.agent_name,
        return True

    def aggregate_callback(self, timestamp, market_name, buyer_seller, aggregate_demand):
        if buyer_seller == BUYER and market_name in self.market_names:  # self.base_market_name in market_name:
            _log.debug("{}: at ts {} min of aggregate curve : {}".format(self.agent_name,
            _log.debug("{}: at ts {} max of aggregate curve : {}".format(self.agent_name,
                                                                         aggregate_demand.points[- 1]))
            _log.debug("At {}: Report aggregate Market: {} buyer Curve: {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),
            idx = int(market_name.split('_')[-1])
            idx += 1  # quantity has 25 values while there are 24 future markets
            self.building_demand_curves[idx] = (aggregate_demand.points[0], aggregate_demand.points[-1])

    def price_callback(self, timestamp, market_name, buyer_seller, price, quantity):
        _log.debug("{}: cleared price ({}, {}) for {} as {} at {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),
        idx = int(market_name.split('_')[-1])
        self.prices[idx+1] = price  # price has 24 values, current hour price is excluded
        if price is None:
            raise "Market {} did not clear. Price is none.".format(market_name)
        idx += 1  # quantity has 25 values while there are 24 future markets
        if self.quantities[idx] is None:
            self.quantities[idx] = 0.
        if quantity is None:
            _log.error("Quantity is None. Set it to 0. Details below.")
            _log.debug("{}: ({}, {}) for {} as {} at {}".format(self.agent_name,
            quantity = 0
        self.quantities[idx] += quantity

        _log.debug("At {}, Quantity is {} and quantities are: {}".format(Timer.get_cur_time(),
        if quantity is not None and quantity < 0:
            _log.error("Quantity received from mixmarket is negative!!! {}".format(quantity))

        # If all markets (ie. exclude 1st value) are done then update demands, otherwise do nothing
        mix_market_done = all([False if q is None else True for q in self.quantities[1:]])
        if mix_market_done:
            # Check if any quantity is greater than physical limit of the supply wire
            _log.debug("Quantity: {}".format(self.quantities))
            if not all([False if q > self.max_deliver_capacity else True for q in self.quantities[1:]]):
                _log.error("One of quantity is greater than "
                           "physical limit {}".format(self.max_deliver_capacity))

            # Check demand curves exist
            all_curves_exist = all([False if q is None else True for q in self.building_demand_curves[1:]])
            if not all_curves_exist:
                _log.error("Demand curves: {}".format(self.building_demand_curves))
                raise "Mix market has all quantities but not all demand curves"

            # Update demand and balance market
            self.mix_market_running = False
            #self.elastive_load_model.default_powers = [-q if q is not None else None for q in self.quantities]
            curves_arr = [(c[0].tuppleize(), c[1].tuppleize()) if c is not None else None
                          for c in self.building_demand_curves]
            _log2.debug("Data at time {}:".format(Timer.get_cur_time()))
            _log2.debug("Market intervals: {}".format([x.name for x in self.markets[0].timeIntervals]))
            _log2.debug("Quantities: {}".format(self.quantities))
            _log2.debug("Prices: {}".format(self.prices))
            _log2.debug("Curves: {}".format(curves_arr))

            db_topic = "/".join([self.db_topic, self.name, "AggregateDemand"])
            message = {"Timestamp": format_timestamp(timestamp), "Curves": self.building_demand_curves}
            headers = {headers_mod.DATE: format_timestamp(Timer.get_cur_time())}
            self.vip.pubsub.publish("pubsub", db_topic, headers, message).get()

            db_topic = "/".join([self.db_topic, self.name, "Price"])
            price_message = []
            for i in range(len(self.markets[0].timeIntervals)):
                ts = self.markets[0].timeIntervals[i].name
                price = self.prices[i]
                quantity = self.quantities[i]
                price_message.append({'timeInterval': ts, 'price': price, 'quantity': quantity})
            message = {"Timestamp": format_timestamp(timestamp), "Price": price_message}
            headers = {headers_mod.DATE: format_timestamp(Timer.get_cur_time())}
            self.vip.pubsub.publish("pubsub", db_topic, headers, message).get()


    def run_ep_sim(self, start_of_cycle):
        # Reset price array
        self.prices = [None for i in range(25)]

        # Save the 1st quantity as prior 2nd quantity
        cur_quantity = self.quantities[1]
        cur_curve = self.building_demand_curves[1]

        # Reset quantities and curves
        self.quantities = [None for i in range(25)]
        self.building_demand_curves = [None for i in range(25)]

        # If new cycle, set the 1st quantity to the corresponding quantity of previous hour
        if start_of_cycle:
            self.quantities[0] = cur_quantity
            self.building_demand_curves[0] = cur_curve

        # Balance market with previous known demands
        market = self.markets[0]  # Assume only 1 TNS market per node
        market.signal_new_data = True

        # Check if now is near the end of the hour, applicable only if not in simulation mode
        now = Timer.get_cur_time()
        near_end_of_hour = False
        if not self.simulation:
            near_end_of_hour = self.near_end_of_hour(now)

        if market.converged:
            # Get new prices (expected 25 values: current hour + next 24)
            prices = market.marginalPrices

            # There is a case where the balancing happens at the end of the hour and continues to the next hour, which
            # creates 26 values. Get the last 25 values.
            prices = prices[-25:]
            self.prices = [p.value for p in prices]

            # Signal to start mix market only if the previous market is done
            if not self.mix_market_running and not near_end_of_hour:
                self.mix_market_running = True

            # Read data from e+ output file
            self.quantities = []
            self.prices = []
            self.building_demand_curves = []

            if self.cur_ep_line < len(self.ep_lines):
                for i in range(self.cur_ep_line, len(self.ep_lines)):
                    line = self.ep_lines[i]
                    if "mixmarket DEBUG: Quantities: " in line:
                        self.quantities = eval(line[line.find('['):])
                    if "mixmarket DEBUG: Prices: " in line:
                        self.prices = eval(line[line.find('['):])
                    if "mixmarket DEBUG: Curves: " in line:
                        tmp = eval(line[line.find('['):])

                        for item in tmp:
                            if item is None:
                                p1 = Point(item[0][0], item[0][1])
                                p2 = Point(item[1][0], item[1][1])
                                self.building_demand_curves.append((p1, p2))

                    # Stop when have enough information (ie. all data responded by a single E+ simulation)
                    if len(self.quantities) > 0 and len(self.prices) > 0 and len(self.building_demand_curves) > 0:
                        self.cur_ep_line = i + 1

            # End E+ output reading

    def error_callback(self, timestamp, market_name, buyer_seller, error_code, error_message, aux):
        _log.debug("{}: error for {} as {} at {} - Message: {}".format(self.agent_name,