def onChannelOpen(self, channel): wrapper = sync.DispatchWrapper(channel) self.locals["channel"] = wrapper self.locals["disconnect"] = wrapper.close self.locals["cmd"] = sync.CommandControl(channel, interactive=True) self.locals["events"] = event.EventRecorder(channel) protocol.invokeAndWait(protocol.removeChannelOpenListener, self) wrapper.addChannelListener(self)
def testFileSystem(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: fs = cmd.FileSystem except AttributeError: # no FileSystem service return roots = fs.roots().get() print("FileSystem roots: " + str(roots)) user = fs.user().get() print("User info: " + str(user))
def testExpressions(c): if not _suspended: return from import expressions # @UnresolvedImport ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) exprs = ctl.Expressions e = exprs.create(_suspended[0], None, "1+2*(3-4/2)").getE() eid = e.get(expressions.PROP_ID) val, cls = exprs.evaluate(eid).getE() print(e.get(expressions.PROP_EXPRESSION) + " = " + str(val)) exprs.dispose(eid)
def testSysMonitor(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: sm = cmd.SysMonitor except AttributeError: # no SysMonotor service return lock = threading.Condition() from import sysmonitor # @UnresolvedImport processes = [] def getProcesses(): sm = c.getRemoteService(sysmonitor.NAME) pending = [] class DoneGetChildren(sysmonitor.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from SysMonitor.getChildren", error) else: class DoneGetContext(sysmonitor.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from SysMonitor.getContext", error) else: processes.append(context) if not pending: with lock: lock.notify() for ctx_id in context_ids: pending.append(sm.getContext(ctx_id, DoneGetContext())) if not pending: with lock: lock.notify() pending.append(sm.getChildren(None, DoneGetChildren())) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getProcesses) lock.wait(5) print("%d processes found:" % len(processes)) for p in processes: print(p) cmdl = sm.getCommandLine(p.getID()).get() if cmdl: print("Command line: " + str(cmdl)) envp = sm.getEnvironment(p.getID()).get() print("Environment: " + str(envp))
def testMemoryMap(c): if not _memory: return cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: mm = cmd.MemoryMap except AttributeError: # no MemoryMap service return map_id = _memory[0] lock = threading.Condition() from import memorymap # @UnresolvedImport def getMap(): mm = c.getRemoteService(memorymap.NAME) class DoneGet(memorymap.DoneGet): def doneGet(self, token, error, mmap): if error: protocol.log("Error from MemoryMap.get", error) else: print(mmap) with lock: lock.notify() mm.get(map_id, DoneGet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getMap) lock.wait(1) def setMap(): mm = c.getRemoteService(memorymap.NAME) class DoneSet(memorymap.DoneSet): def doneSet(self, token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from MemoryMap.set", error) with lock: lock.notify() mm.set(map_id, {memorymap.PROP_FILE_NAME: "/tmp/system.elf"}, DoneSet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(setMap) lock.wait(1) mmap = mm.get(map_id).get() print("Memory map: " + str(mmap))
def testPathMap(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: pm = cmd.PathMap except AttributeError: # no PathMap service return lock = threading.Condition() from import pathmap # @UnresolvedImport def getMap(): pm = c.getRemoteService(pathmap.NAME) class DoneGet(pathmap.DoneGet): def doneGet(self, token, error, mmap): if error: protocol.log("Error from PathMap.get", error) else: print(mmap) with lock: lock.notify() pm.get(DoneGet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getMap) lock.wait(1) def setMap(): pm = c.getRemoteService(pathmap.NAME) class DoneSet(pathmap.DoneSet): def doneSet(self, token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from PathMap.set", error) with lock: lock.notify() pm.set({ pathmap.PROP_SOURCE: "/tmp", pathmap.PROP_DESTINATION: "/home" }, DoneSet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(setMap) lock.wait(1) mmap = pm.get().get() print("Path map: " + str(mmap))
def testLineNumbers(c): if not _suspended: return from import stacktrace # @UnresolvedImport ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) stack = ctl.StackTrace lineNumbers = ctl.LineNumbers for ctx_id in _suspended: bt = stack.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if bt: bt = stack.getContext(bt).get() for frame in bt: addr = frame.get(stacktrace.PROP_INSTRUCTION_ADDRESS) or 0 area = lineNumbers.mapToSource(ctx_id, addr, addr + 1).get() print("Frame %d - CodeArea: %s" % (frame.get(stacktrace.PROP_LEVEL), area))
def testEvents(c): from tcf.util import event # @UnresolvedImport recorder = event.EventRecorder(c) recorder.record("RunControl") ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: rc = ctl.RunControl except AttributeError: # no RunControl service return ctxs = rc.getChildren(None).get() if not ctxs: return ctx = ctxs[0] rc.resume(ctx, 0, 1, None).wait() print(recorder) rc.suspend(ctx).wait() print(recorder) recorder.stop()
def testSyncCommands(c): # simplified command execution ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: diag = ctl.Diagnostics except AttributeError: # no Diagnostics service return s = "Hello TCF World" r = diag.echo(s).getE() assert s == r pi = 3.141592654 r = diag.echoFP(pi).getE() assert pi == r e = errors.ErrorReport("Test", errors.TCF_ERROR_OTHER) r = diag.echoERR(e.getAttributes()).getE() assert e.getAttributes() == r print("Diagnostic tests: " + str(diag.getTestList().getE())) for ctx_id in _suspended: print("Symbols: " + str(ctl.Symbols.list(ctx_id))) for ctx_id in _suspended: frame_ids = ctl.StackTrace.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if frame_ids: error, args = ctl.StackTrace.getContext(frame_ids) if not error: print("Stack contexts: " + str(args)) try: ctl.Breakpoints except AttributeError: # no Breakpoints service return def gotBreakpoints(error, bps): print("Got breakpoint list: " + str(bps)) ctl.Breakpoints.getIDs(onDone=gotBreakpoints) try: print(ctl.Processes.getChildren(None, False)) except: pass # no Processes service
def testDisassembly(c): if not _suspended: return ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: dis = ctl.Disassembly except AttributeError: # no Disassembly service return for ctx_id in _suspended: frames = ctl.StackTrace.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if frames: frameData = ctl.StackTrace.getContext(frames).get() if frameData: addr = frameData[0].get("IP") if addr: print("Disassemble context %s from 0x%x" % (ctx_id, addr)) lines = dis.disassemble(ctx_id, addr, 256, None).get() if lines: for line in lines: print(line)