def main(): camera = tde4.getCurrentCamera() point_group = tde4.getCurrentPGroup() if camera is None or point_group is None: msg = 'There is no current Point Group or Camera.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return # check if context menu has been used, and retrieve point... point = tde4.getContextMenuObject() if point is not None: # retrieve point's parent pgroup (not necessarily being the current one!)... point_group = tde4.getContextMenuParentObject() points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) else: # otherwise use regular selection... points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) if len(points) == 0: msg = 'There are no selected points.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return # widget default values start_frame = 1 # Backwards compatibility with 3DE4 Release 2. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_CAMERA_FRAME_OFFSET is True: start_frame = tde4.getCameraFrameOffset(camera) pattern = '*' + EXT # Undistortion default is 'On'. undistort = 1 # GUI req = tde4.createCustomRequester() tde4.addFileWidget(req, 'file_browser_widget', 'Filename...', pattern) tde4.addTextFieldWidget(req, 'start_frame_widget', 'Start Frame', str(start_frame)) tde4.addToggleWidget(req, 'undistort_widget', 'Apply Undistortion', undistort) ret = tde4.postCustomRequester(req, TITLE, 500, 0, 'Ok', 'Cancel') if ret == 1: # Query GUI Widgets path = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'file_browser_widget') start_frame = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'start_frame_widget') start_frame = int(start_frame) undistort = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'undistort_widget') undistort = bool(undistort) # Generate file contents data_str = uvtrack_format.generate( point_group, camera, points, start_frame=start_frame, undistort=undistort ) # Write file. if path.find(EXT, len(path)-3) == -1: # Ensure the file path ends with the extension, if not add it. path += EXT f = open(path, 'w') if f.closed: msg = "Error, couldn't open file.\n" msg += repr(path) tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return f.write(data_str) f.close() return
def main(): camera = tde4.getCurrentCamera() point_group = tde4.getCurrentPGroup() if camera is None or point_group is None: msg = 'There is no current Point Group or Camera.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return # check if context menu has been used, and retrieve point... point = tde4.getContextMenuObject() if point is not None: # retrieve point's parent pgroup (not necessarily being the current # one!)... point_group = tde4.getContextMenuParentObject() points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) else: # otherwise use regular selection... points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) if len(points) == 0: msg = 'There are no selected points.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return # widget default values start, end, step = tde4.getCameraSequenceAttr(camera) start_frame = start # Backwards compatibility with 3DE4 Release 2. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_CAMERA_FRAME_OFFSET is True: start_frame = tde4.getCameraFrameOffset(camera) pattern = '*' + EXT rs_enabled = False rs_distance = None # Backwards compatibility with 3DE4 Release 1. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_RS_ENABLED is True: rs_enabled = bool(tde4.getCameraRollingShutterEnabledFlag(camera)) # GUI req = tde4.createCustomRequester() tde4.addFileWidget(req, 'file_browser_widget', 'Filename...', pattern) tde4.addTextFieldWidget(req, 'start_frame_widget', 'Start Frame', str(start_frame)) if rs_enabled is True: rs_distance = uvtrack_format.get_rs_distance(camera) tde4.addTextFieldWidget(req, 'rs_distance_widget', 'Rolling Shutter Content Distance [cm]', str(rs_distance)) ret = tde4.postCustomRequester(req, TITLE, 900, 0, 'Ok', 'Cancel') if ret == 1: # Query GUI Widgets path = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'file_browser_widget') start_frame = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'start_frame_widget') start_frame = int(start_frame) if rs_enabled is True: rs_distance = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, 'rs_distance_widget') rs_distance = float(rs_distance) uvtrack_format.set_rs_distance(camera, rs_distance) # Generate file contents data_str = uvtrack_format.generate( point_group, camera, points, start_frame=start_frame, rs_distance=rs_distance, fmt=uvtrack_format.UV_TRACK_FORMAT_VERSION_PREFERRED, ) # Write file. if path.find(EXT, len(path) - 3) == -1: # Ensure the file path ends with the extension, if not add it. path += EXT f = open(path, 'w') if f.closed: msg = "Error, couldn't open file.\n" msg += repr(path) tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return f.write(data_str) f.close() return
def main(): camera = tde4.getCurrentCamera() point_group = tde4.getCurrentPGroup() if camera is None or point_group is None: msg = 'There is no current Point Group or Camera.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return # check if context menu has been used, and retrieve point... point = tde4.getContextMenuObject() if point is not None: # retrieve point's parent pgroup (not necessarily being the current # one!)... point_group = tde4.getContextMenuParentObject() points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) else: # otherwise use regular selection... points = tde4.getPointList(point_group, 1) if len(points) == 0: msg = 'There are no selected points.' tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return start, end, step = tde4.getCameraSequenceAttr(camera) start_frame = start # Backwards compatibility with 3DE4 Release 2. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_CAMERA_FRAME_OFFSET is True: start_frame = tde4.getCameraFrameOffset(camera) rs_enabled = False rs_distance = None # Backwards compatibility with 3DE4 Release 1. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_RS_ENABLED is True: rs_enabled = bool(tde4.getCameraRollingShutterEnabledFlag(camera)) if rs_enabled is True: rs_distance = uvtrack_format.get_rs_distance(camera) if (uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_PROJECT_NOTES is True and uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_RS_DISTANCE is False): uvtrack_format.set_rs_distance_into_project_notes(rs_distance) # Generate file contents data_str = uvtrack_format.generate( point_group, camera, points, start_frame=start_frame, rs_distance=rs_distance, fmt=uvtrack_format.UV_TRACK_FORMAT_VERSION_PREFERRED) # Write file. file_ext = EXT # Prefix with the current time 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM', for example # '2020-12-04_14_26'. now_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M') prefix = 'tmp_{0}_'.format(now_str) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix=prefix, suffix=file_ext, delete=False) if f.closed: msg = "Error: Couldn't open file.\n%r" msg = msg % tde4.postQuestionRequester(TITLE, msg, 'Ok') return f.write(data_str) f.close() # Override the user's clipboard with the temporary file path. if uvtrack_format.SUPPORT_CLIPBOARD is True: tde4.setClipboardString( else: # Cannot set the clipboard, so we'll print to the Python Console # and the user can copy it. Pretty bad workaround. print( return