コード例 #1
def get_precision(topicid, docs):
	j = Judge()
	rels = []
	for docno in docs:
		rel = j.check(topicid, docno)
	ndcg = get_ndcg(rels)
	return (sum(rels[:5]) / 5., sum(rels) /10., ndcg, rels)
コード例 #2

import sys; sys.path.append("./common")
from dbconfig import *
from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb, sys

con = MySQLdb.connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB)
cur = con.cursor()

N = cur.execute("select userid, action, info from history where action = 'reset_visualization' and userid like 'vs%-%'")

j = Judge()

recs = []
old_userid = ""

for i, row in enumerate(cur):
	userid, action, info = row
	dim, pois, docs = info.split("\t")
	system, userno, topicid = userid.split("-")
	dimx, dimy = dim.split(":")[1].split(" ")[0].split(",")
	docs = docs.strip().split(":")[1].split(" ")

	isum = 0
	for poi in pois.split():
			label, value = poi.split(",")
			if int(value) > 0:
				isum = 1
コード例 #3
import sys; sys.path.append("../common")
from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb

j = Judge()

con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '!!berkeley', 'yournews-tdt4')
cur = con.cursor()

cur.execute("select userid, object from history where action like 'open_doc%' and userid like 'vs%' and  userid != 'vst'")

for row in cur:
	userid, docid = row
	system, user, topic = userid.split("-")
	print system,  user, topic, docid, j.check(topic, docid)
コード例 #4
import MySQLdb, sys
from tdt4rel import Judge

con = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "!!berkeley", "yournews-tdt4")
cur = con.cursor()

def get_note(system, userno, topicid, note_no):
        "select nid, docid, note from notes where userid = '%s-%s-%s' order by nid asc" % (system, userno, topicid)
    nid, docid, note = cur.fetchall()[int(note_no) - 1]
    return (nid, docid, note)

j = Judge()

# f = open("user_notes_cleaned.txt")
f = open("../../data/user_notes_cleaned.txt")

counter = 1
print "sys userno topicid qno noteno noteid docno prec"
for s in f:
    s = s.strip()
    system, userno, topicid, q, note_no = s.split()

    ## remove qustion mark
    if note_no[-1] == "?" or note_no[-1] == "!":
        note_no = note_no[:-1]

    if note_no == "":
コード例 #5

from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb, sys

system = 'training'
user = '******'
topic = '40004'
j = Judge()

f = open("master_notes.txt", "a")

con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '!!berkeley', 'yournews-tdt4')
cur = con.cursor()

n = cur.execute("select nid, userid, docid, note from notes where userid = 'vst' order by nid desc" ) 

counter = 1
res = []
for row in cur:
	nid, userid, docid, note = row

	note = note.replace("\r\n", " ")
	note = note.lower()
	precision = j.check_annotation('40004', docid, note)
		sys.stdout.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (nid, system, user, topic, docid, precision[1])) #, note
		sys.stdout.write("%s %s %s %s %s error\n" % (nid, system, user, topic, docid))
コード例 #6

from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb
import sys
j = Judge()

con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '!!berkeley', 'yournews-tdt4')
cur = con.cursor()

N=cur.execute("select datetime, userid, action, object, info from history where ((action like 'open_doc%' and info = 'from_VIBE') or action like 'reset_visualization%') and userid like 'vs%' and  userid != 'vst' order by datetime")

for row in cur:
	datetime, userid, action, docno, info = row

	system, user, topic = userid.split("-")
	if action.startswith('reset_visualization')	:
		vis = {}
		visx = []
		dim = info.split("\t")[0]
		docs = info.split("\t")[2]
		if len(docs) == 5:
		for doc in docs.split():
			temp = doc.split(",")
			docid = temp[0]
コード例 #7

import sys; sys.path.append("../common")
from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb

def get_next_action(data, i):
	step = 1
	while 1:
		action = data[i + step][2]
		if action not in ['focus_doc', 'select_doc']:
			return (data[i + step][0], action)
		step += 1

j = Judge()

con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '!!berkeley', 'yournews-tdt4')
cur = con.cursor()

cur.execute("select unix_timestamp(datetime), userid, action, object from history where userid like 'vs%' and  userid != 'vst' order by userid, datetime asc")

data = cur.fetchall()

um_on = 0
um_vis = 0

for i in range(len(data)):
	time, userid, action, docid = data[i]
	if action == 'open_doc':
コード例 #8

import sys; sys.path.append("../common")
from tdt4rel import Judge
import MySQLdb

j = Judge()

con = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '!!berkeley', 'yournews-tdt4')
cur = con.cursor()

q = """
select userid, action, object, info from history where action in ('open_doc', 'reset_visualization', 'response', 'save_note') and userid like 'vs%' and  userid != 'vst' order by datetime asc

page = 1
for row in cur:
	userid, action, obj, info = row
	system, userno, topicid = userid.split("-")
	if action == 'nav_page':
		page = int(info.split("=")[1])
	if action == 'search': # reset page <= check again
		page = 1
	if system == 'vsb' and action == 'response':
		docinfo = {}
		docs = info.split()[2:]