def concurrent_engine_quotes(num=4): engine = Engine(best_ip=True, thread_num=num) engine.connect() engine.stock_list.index.tolist() now = engine.stock_quotes() return ( - now).total_seconds()
def original_engine_quotes(): engine = Engine(best_ip=True) engine.connect() engine.stock_list.index.tolist() now = engine.stock_quotes() return ( - now).total_seconds()
def transactions(): eg = Engine(best_ip=True) eg.connect() m1 = eg.get_security_bars('000001', '1m') df = eg.time_and_price('000001') ohlcv = df.price.resample('1 Min', label='right', closed='left').ohlc() ohlcv['volume'] = df.vol.resample('1 Min', label='right', closed='left').sum()
def tdx_bundle(assets, ingest_minute, # whether to ingest minute data, default False environ, asset_db_writer, minute_bar_writer, daily_bar_writer, adjustment_writer, calendar, start_session, end_session, cache, show_progress, output_dir): eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, best_ip=True, thread_num=8) eg.connect() symbols = fetch_symbols(eg, assets) metas = [] def gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq='1d'): for index, symbol in symbol_map.iteritems(): data = reindex_to_calendar( calendar, fetch_single_equity(eg, symbol, freq), freq=freq, ) if freq == '1d': metas.append(get_meta_from_bars(data)) yield int(symbol), data symbol_map = symbols.symbol assets = set([int(s) for s in symbol_map]) daily_bar_writer.write(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1d"), assets=assets, show_progress=show_progress) if ingest_minute: with click.progressbar(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1m"), label="Merging minute equity files:", length=len(assets), item_show_func=lambda e: e if e is None else str(e[0]), ) as bar: minute_bar_writer.write(bar, show_progress=False) symbols = pd.concat([symbols, pd.DataFrame(data=metas)], axis=1) splits, dividends = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols) symbols.set_index('symbol', drop=False, inplace=True) asset_db_writer.write(symbols) adjustment_writer.write( splits=splits, dividends=dividends ) eg.exit()
def test_data(): eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, thread_num=8) with eg.connect(): symbols = fetch_symbols(eg) symbols = symbols[:5] metas = [] def gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq='1d'): for index, symbol in symbol_map.iteritems(): data = fetch_single_equity(eg, symbol, freq) if freq == '1d': metas.append(get_meta_from_bars(data)) assert data is not None yield int(symbol), data symbol_map = symbols.symbol assets = set([int(s) for s in symbol_map]) gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1d") gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1m") symbols = pd.concat([symbols, pd.DataFrame(data=metas)], axis=1) splits, dividends = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols) symbols.set_index('symbol', drop=False, inplace=True) assert symbols is not None assert splits is not None assert dividends is not None
def test_security_list(): engine = Engine(best_ip=True) engine.connect() code = engine.stock_list.index.tolist() api = TdxHq_API() api.connect() best_ip = engine.best_ip print("security list: ({},{})".format(concurrent_api(2), original_api())) print("concurrent quotes ({},{})".format( concurrent_quotes(code, best_ip, 2), original_quotes(code, best_ip))) print("concurrent engine quotes ({},{})".format( concurrent_engine_quotes(2), original_engine_quotes()))
def test_transaction(): engine = Engine(best_ip=True, thread_num=1) with engine.connect(): df = engine.get_k_data('000001', '20170601', '20171231', '1m') df = engine.get_security_bars(['000001', '000521'], '1d', start=pd.to_datetime('20180102'))
def engine_func(best_ip, thread_num): engine = Engine(best_ip=best_ip, thread_num=thread_num) with engine.connect(): assert engine.best_ip is not None assert engine.gbbq is not None assert engine.security_list is not None assert engine.stock_quotes() is not None assert engine.customer_block is not None assert engine.quotes('000001') is not None assert engine.get_security_bars('000001', '1m') is not None assert engine.get_security_bars('000001', '1d') is not None assert engine.get_security_bars('000300', '1m', index=True) is not None assert engine.get_security_bars('000300', '1d', index=True) is not None assert engine.concept is not None assert engine.fengge is not None assert engine.index is not None assert engine.stock_list is not None
class TdxCatsBroker(TdxShipaneBroker): """ 中信Cats系统CSV下单模块封装 """ def __init__(self, cats_client=None): """ :param cat_client: :type cat_client: CatsTrade """ self._shipane_client = cats_client self._orders = {} self.currency = 'RMB' self._subscribed_assets = [] self._bars = {} self._bars_update_dt = None self._bars_update_interval = pd.tslib.Timedelta('5 S') self._mkt_client = Engine(auto_retry=True, best_ip=True) self._mkt_client.connect() # super(TdxShipaneBroker, self).__init__(tdx_uri, account_id) def tdx_order_to_zipline_order(self, order): """ status 0 已报 1 部分成交 2 全部成交 3 部分撤单 4 全部撤单 5 交易所拒单 6 柜台未接受 :param order: :return: """ if order.status == "3" or '4' == order.status: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED elif order.status == "0": zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.OPEN elif order.status == "1": zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.FILLED elif order.status == "2": zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.HELD elif order.status == "5" or order.status == "6": zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.REJECTED zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order.order_id) od = ZPOrder( dt=order.dt, asset=symbol(order.symbol), amount=order.amount, filled=order.filled, stop=None, limit=order.price, # TODO 市价单和限价单 id=zp_order_id, ) od.broker_order_id = order.order_id od.status = zp_status return od
pass calendar = get_calendar('SHSZ') if start: if not calendar.is_session(start): start = calendar.all_sessions[searchsorted(calendar.all_sessions, start)] bundles.register('tdx', partial(tdx_bundle, assets, minute, fundamental), 'SHSZ', start, end, minutes_per_day=240) bundles.register('tdx', partial(tdx_bundle, None, False, False), minutes_per_day=240) if __name__ == '__main__': eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, thread_num=8) with eg.connect(): symbols = fetch_symbols(eg) symbols = symbols[:3] data = [] metas = [] for symbol in symbols.symbol: data.append((int(symbol), fetch_single_equity(eg, symbol))) metas.append(get_meta_from_bars(data[-1][1])) symbols = pd.concat([symbols, pd.DataFrame(data=metas)], axis=1) splits, dividends = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols)
class TdxBroker(Broker): def __init__(self, tdx_uri, account_id=None): self._orders = {} if tdx_uri.startswith('tcp'): self._client = zerorpc.Client() self._client.connect(tdx_uri) elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit': self._client = TdxClient(tdx_uri) self._client.login() else: raise Exception( "please use 32bit python to use local client directly, or use tcp client" ) self.currency = 'RMB' self._subscribed_assets = [] self._bars = {} self._bars_update_dt = None self._bars_update_interval = pd.tslib.Timedelta('5 S') self._mkt_client = Engine(auto_retry=True, best_ip=True) self._mkt_client.connect() super(TdxBroker, self).__init__() def subscribe_to_market_data(self, asset): # TODO fix me subcribe_to_market_data if asset not in self.subscribed_assets: # remove str() cast to have a fun debugging journey # self._client.subscribe_to_market_data(str(asset.symbol)) self._subscribed_assets.append(asset) self._bars_update_dt = None def _update_bars(self): now = pd.to_datetime('now') if self._bars_update_dt and (now - self._bars_update_dt < self._bars_update_interval): return for code in self.subscribed_assets: bars = self._mkt_client.time_and_price(code.symbol) bars.index = bars.index.tz_localize('Asia/Shanghai').tz_convert( 'UTC') self._bars[code.symbol] = bars self._bars_update_dt = now @property def subscribed_assets(self): return self._subscribed_assets @property def positions(self): now = z_positions = protocol.Positions() for pos in self._client.positions(): if isinstance(pos, list): pos = TdxPosition(*pos) sid = pos.sid available = pos.available z_position = protocol.Position(symbol(sid)) z_position.amount = pos.amount z_position.cost_basis = pos.cost_basis z_position.last_sale_price = pos.last_sale_price z_position.last_sale_date = now z_positions[symbol(sid)] = z_position return z_positions @property def portfolio(self): z_portfolio = protocol.Portfolio() pfo = self._client.portfolio() if isinstance(pfo, list): pfo = TdxPortfolio(*pfo) z_portfolio.capital_used = None # TODO z_portfolio.starting_cash = None z_portfolio.portfolio_value = pfo.portfolio_value z_portfolio.pnl = None z_portfolio.returns = None = z_portfolio.start_date = None z_portfolio.positions = self.positions z_portfolio.positions_value = pfo.positions_value z_portfolio.position_exposure = z_portfolio.positions_value / ( z_portfolio.positions_value + return z_portfolio @property def account(self): z_account = protocol.Account() z_account.settled_cash = z_account.accrued_interest = None z_account.buying_power = self.portfolio.portfolio_value z_account.equity_with_loan = self.portfolio.portfolio_value z_account.total_positions_value = self.portfolio.positions_value z_account.total_positions_exposure = z_account.total_positions_value / ( z_account.total_positions_value + z_account.settled_cash) return z_account @property def time_skew(self): return pd.Timedelta('1 S') def order(self, asset, amount, style): code = asset.symbol if amount > 0: action = BUY else: action = SELL is_busy = (amount > 0) if isinstance(style, MarketOrder): order_type = FIVE_LEVEL_MARKET_ORDER price = 0.0 elif isinstance(style, LimitOrder): order_type = LIMIT_CHARGE price = style.get_limit_price(is_busy) elif isinstance(style, StopOrder): raise Exception("stop order is not supported") elif isinstance(style, StopLimitOrder): raise Exception("stop limit order is not supported") data, err = self._client.order(code, abs(amount), price, action, order_type) if isinstance(data, list): data = OrderRt(*data) order_id = str(data.order_id) zp_order = self._get_or_create_zp_order(order_id)"Placing order-{order_id}: " "{action} {qty} {symbol} with {order_type}, price = {price}". format(order_id=order_id, action=action, qty=amount, symbol=code, order_type=order_type, price=price)) return zp_order @property def orders(self): self._update_orders() return self._orders def _get_or_create_zp_order(self, order_id, order=None): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] if not order: order = self._client.orders()[order_id] if isinstance(order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object order = TdxOrder(*order) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(order) return self._orders[zp_order_id] # amount 可正数可负数 def _create_zp_order(self, order_id, asset, price, amount, order_type): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] dt = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True) self._orders[zp_order_id] = ZPOrder( dt=dt, asset=asset, amount=amount, stop=None, limit=price if order_type is LIMIT_CHARGE else None, id=zp_order_id, broker_order_id=order_id) return self._orders[zp_order_id] def _tdx_to_zp_order_id(self, order_id): return "TDX-{date}-{account_id}-{order_id}".format( date=str(pd.to_datetime('today').date()), account_id=self._client.account_id(), order_id=order_id) def tdx_order_to_zipline_order(self, order): if order.status == '已撤': zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED elif order.filled == 0: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.OPEN else: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.FILLED zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order.order_id) od = ZPOrder( dt=pd.to_datetime(order.dt), asset=symbol(order.symbol), amount=order.amount, filled=order.filled, stop=None, limit=order.price, # TODO 市价单和限价单 id=zp_order_id, ) od.broker_order_id = order.order_id od.status = zp_status return od def _update_orders(self): ods = self._client.orders() for tdx_order_id, tdx_order in iteritems(ods): if isinstance(tdx_order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object tdx_order = TdxOrder(*tdx_order) zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(tdx_order_id) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order( tdx_order) def _tdx_transaction_to_zipline(self, transaction): return ZPTransaction( asset=symbol(transaction.asset), amount=transaction.amount, dt=pd.to_datetime( transaction.dt).tz_localize('Asia/Shanghai').tz_convert('UTC'), price=transaction.price, order_id=self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(transaction.order_id), commission=transaction.commission, ) @property def transactions(self): t = self._client.transactions() rt = {} for exec_id, transaction in t.items(): try: if isinstance( transaction, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object transaction = TdxTransaction(*transaction) rt[exec_id] = self._tdx_transaction_to_zipline(transaction) except SymbolNotFound as e: log.warning(e.message) return rt def cancel_order(self, order_id): if order_id not in self.orders: # order become transaction, can't cancel return tdx_order_id = self.orders[order_id].broker_order_id broker_id = self._client.get_stock_type("{:6d}".format( self.orders[order_id].asset.sid)) self._client.cancel_orders(broker_id, tdx_order_id) def get_last_traded_dt(self, asset): self.subscribe_to_market_data(asset) self._update_bars() return self._bars[str(asset.symbol)].index[-1] def get_spot_value(self, assets, field, dt, data_frequency): symbol = str(assets.symbol) self.subscribe_to_market_data(assets) self._update_bars() bars = self._bars[symbol] last_event_time = bars.index[-1] minute_start = (last_event_time - pd.Timedelta('1 min')) \ .time() minute_end = last_event_time.time() if bars.empty: return pd.NaT if field == 'last_traded' else np.NaN else: if field == 'price': return bars.price.iloc[-1] elif field == 'last_traded': return last_event_time or pd.NaT minute_df = bars.between_time(minute_start, minute_end, include_start=True, include_end=True) if minute_df.empty: return np.NaN else: if field == 'open': return minute_df.price.iloc[0] elif field == 'close': return minute_df.price.iloc[-1] elif field == 'high': return minute_df.price.max() elif field == 'low': return minute_df.price.min() elif field == 'volume': return minute_df.vol.sum() def get_realtime_bars(self, assets, frequency): if frequency == '1m': resample_freq = 'Min' elif frequency == '1d': resample_freq = '24 H' else: raise ValueError("Invalid frequency specified: %s" % frequency) df = pd.DataFrame() for asset in assets: symbol = str(asset.symbol) self.subscribe_to_market_data(asset) self._update_bars() trade_prices = self._bars[symbol]['price'] trade_sizes = self._bars[symbol]['vol'] ohlcv = trade_prices.resample(resample_freq, label='right', closed='left').ohlc() ohlcv['volume'] = trade_sizes.resample(resample_freq, label='right', closed='left').sum() ohlcv.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[ asset, ], ohlcv.columns]) df = pd.concat([df, ohlcv], axis=1) return df
eg.exit() def register_tdx(assets=None, minute=False, start=None, fundamental=False, end=None): try: bundles.unregister('tdx') except bundles.UnknownBundle: pass calendar = get_calendar('SHSZ') if start: if not calendar.is_session(start): start = calendar.all_sessions[searchsorted(calendar.all_sessions, start)] bundles.register('tdx', partial(tdx_bundle, assets, minute, fundamental), 'SHSZ', start, end, minutes_per_day=240) bundles.register('tdx', partial(tdx_bundle, None, False, False), minutes_per_day=240) if __name__ == '__main__': eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, thread_num=8) with eg.connect(): symbols = fetch_symbols(eg) symbols = symbols[:3] data = [] metas = [] for symbol in symbols.symbol: data.append((int(symbol), fetch_single_equity(eg, symbol))) metas.append(get_meta_from_bars(data[-1][1])) symbols = pd.concat([symbols, pd.DataFrame(data=metas)], axis=1) splits, dividends = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols)
def transactions(): eg = Engine(best_ip=True, auto_retry=True) eg.connect() m1 = eg.get_k_data('000001', '20170101', '20180101', '1m')
def main(): logbook.StderrHandler().push_application() engine = Engine(best_ip=True, thread_num=1) with engine.connect(): engine.get_k_data('000002', '20100921', '20100930', '1m')
def ensure_benchmark_data(symbol, first_date, last_date, now, trading_day): """ Ensure we have benchmark data for `symbol` from `first_date` to `last_date` Parameters ---------- symbol : str The symbol for the benchmark to load. first_date : pd.Timestamp First required date for the cache. last_date : pd.Timestamp Last required date for the cache. now : pd.Timestamp The current time. This is used to prevent repeated attempts to re-download data that isn't available due to scheduling quirks or other failures. trading_day : pd.CustomBusinessDay A trading day delta. Used to find the day before first_date so we can get the close of the day prior to first_date. We attempt to download data unless we already have data stored at the data cache for `symbol` whose first entry is before or on `first_date` and whose last entry is on or after `last_date`. If we perform a download and the cache criteria are not satisfied, we wait at least one hour before attempting a redownload. This is determined by comparing the current time to the result of os.path.getmtime on the cache path. """ path = get_data_filepath(get_benchmark_filename(symbol)) # If the path does not exist, it means the first download has not happened # yet, so don't try to read from 'path'. if os.path.exists(path): try: data = pd.Series.from_csv(path).tz_localize('UTC') if has_data_for_dates(data, first_date, last_date): return data # Don't re-download if we've successfully downloaded and written a # file in the last hour. last_download_time = last_modified_time(path) if (now - last_download_time) <= ONE_HOUR: logger.warn( "Refusing to download new benchmark data because a " "download succeeded at %s." % last_download_time ) return data except (OSError, IOError, ValueError) as e: # These can all be raised by various versions of pandas on various # classes of malformed input. Treat them all as cache misses. "Loading data for {path} failed with error [{error}].".format( path=path, error=e, ) ) "Cache at {path} does not have data from {start} to {end}.\n" "Downloading benchmark data for '{symbol}'.", start=first_date, end=last_date, symbol=symbol, path=path, ) engine = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, thread_num=8, best_ip=True) engine.connect() data = engine.get_security_bars(symbol, '1d',index=True) data = data['close'].sort_index().tz_localize('UTC').pct_change(1).iloc[1:] data.index = data.index.normalize() # change datetime at 15:00 to midnight data.to_csv(path) return data
print(grouped.sort_values('up_limit', ascending=False)) def minute_time_data(): stock_list = engine.stock_list.index.tolist() now = for stock in stock_list: fs = engine.api.to_df( engine.api.get_minute_time_data(stock[0], stock[1])) # print(fs) print(( - now).total_seconds()) def quotes(): start_dt = quote = engine.stock_quotes() print( - start_dt).total_seconds() process_quotes(quote) if __name__ == '__main__': engine = Engine(best_ip=True) with engine.connect(): print( engine.get_security_bars('002920', '1d', pd.to_datetime('20170701')))
class TdxBroker(Broker): def __init__(self, tdx_uri, account_id=None): self._orders = {} if tdx_uri.startswith('tcp'): self._client = zerorpc.Client() self._client.connect(tdx_uri) elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit': self._client = TdxClient(tdx_uri) self._client.login() else: raise Exception("please use 32bit python to use local client directly, or use tcp client") self.currency = 'RMB' self._subscribed_assets = [] self._bars = {} self._bars_update_dt = None self._bars_update_interval = pd.tslib.Timedelta('5 S') self._mkt_client = Engine(auto_retry=True, best_ip=True) self._mkt_client.connect() super(TdxBroker, self).__init__() def subscribe_to_market_data(self, asset): # TODO fix me subcribe_to_market_data if asset not in self.subscribed_assets: # remove str() cast to have a fun debugging journey # self._client.subscribe_to_market_data(str(asset.symbol)) self._subscribed_assets.append(asset) self._bars_update_dt = None def _update_bars(self): now = pd.to_datetime('now') if self._bars_update_dt and (now - self._bars_update_dt < self._bars_update_interval): return for code in self.subscribed_assets: bars = self._mkt_client.time_and_price(code.symbol) if bars.empty: return bars.index = bars.index.tz_localize('Asia/Shanghai').tz_convert('UTC') self._bars[code.symbol] = bars self._bars_update_dt = now @property def subscribed_assets(self): return self._subscribed_assets def is_alive(self): return True @property def positions(self): now = z_positions = protocol.Positions() for pos in self._client.positions(): if isinstance(pos, list): pos = TdxPosition(*pos) sid = pos.sid available = pos.available z_position = protocol.Position(symbol(sid)) z_position.amount = pos.amount z_position.cost_basis = pos.cost_basis z_position.last_sale_price = pos.last_sale_price z_position.last_sale_date = now z_positions[symbol(sid)] = z_position return z_positions @property def portfolio(self): z_portfolio = protocol.Portfolio() pfo = self._client.portfolio() if isinstance(pfo, list): pfo = TdxPortfolio(*pfo) z_portfolio.capital_used = None # TODO z_portfolio.starting_cash = None z_portfolio.portfolio_value = pfo.portfolio_value z_portfolio.pnl = None z_portfolio.returns = None = z_portfolio.start_date = None z_portfolio.positions = self.positions z_portfolio.positions_value = pfo.positions_value z_portfolio.position_exposure = z_portfolio.positions_value / (z_portfolio.positions_value + return z_portfolio @property def account(self): z_account = protocol.Account() z_account.settled_cash = z_account.accrued_interest = None z_account.buying_power = self.portfolio.portfolio_value z_account.equity_with_loan = self.portfolio.portfolio_value z_account.total_positions_value = self.portfolio.positions_value z_account.total_positions_exposure = z_account.total_positions_value / ( z_account.total_positions_value + z_account.settled_cash) return z_account @property def time_skew(self): return pd.Timedelta('1 S') def order(self, asset, amount, style): code = asset.symbol if amount > 0: action = BUY else: action = SELL is_busy = (amount > 0) if isinstance(style, MarketOrder): order_type = FIVE_LEVEL_MARKET_ORDER price = 0.0 elif isinstance(style, LimitOrder): order_type = LIMIT_CHARGE price = style.get_limit_price(is_busy) elif isinstance(style, StopOrder): raise Exception("stop order is not supported") elif isinstance(style, StopLimitOrder): raise Exception("stop limit order is not supported") data, err = self._client.order(code, abs(amount), price, action, order_type) if isinstance(data,list): data = OrderRt(*data) order_id = str(data.order_id) zp_order = self._get_or_create_zp_order(order_id)"Placing order-{order_id}: " "{action} {qty} {symbol} with {order_type}, price = {price}".format( order_id=order_id, action=action, qty=amount, symbol=code, order_type=order_type, price=price )) return zp_order @property def orders(self): self._update_orders() return self._orders def _get_or_create_zp_order(self, order_id, order=None): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] if not order: order = self._client.orders()[order_id] if isinstance(order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object order = TdxOrder(*order) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(order) return self._orders[zp_order_id] # amount 可正数可负数 def _create_zp_order(self, order_id, asset, price, amount, order_type): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] dt = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True) self._orders[zp_order_id] = ZPOrder( dt=dt, asset=asset, amount=amount, stop=None, limit=price if order_type is LIMIT_CHARGE else None, id=zp_order_id, broker_order_id=order_id ) return self._orders[zp_order_id] def _tdx_to_zp_order_id(self, order_id): return "TDX-{date}-{account_id}-{order_id}".format( date=str(pd.to_datetime('today').date()), account_id=self._client.account_id(), order_id=order_id ) def tdx_order_to_zipline_order(self, order): if order.status == '已撤': zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED elif order.filled == 0: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.OPEN else: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.FILLED zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order.order_id) od = ZPOrder( dt=pd.to_datetime(order.dt), asset=symbol(order.symbol), amount=order.amount, filled=order.filled, stop=None, limit=order.price, # TODO 市价单和限价单 id=zp_order_id, ) od.broker_order_id = order.order_id od.status = zp_status return od def _update_orders(self): ods = self._client.orders() for tdx_order_id, tdx_order in iteritems(ods): if isinstance(tdx_order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object tdx_order = TdxOrder(*tdx_order) zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(tdx_order_id) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(tdx_order) def _tdx_transaction_to_zipline(self, transaction): return ZPTransaction( asset=symbol(transaction.asset), amount=transaction.amount, dt=pd.to_datetime(transaction.dt).tz_localize('Asia/Shanghai').tz_convert('UTC'), price=transaction.price, order_id=self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(transaction.order_id), commission=transaction.commission, ) @property def transactions(self): t = self._client.transactions() rt = {} for exec_id, transaction in t.items(): try: if isinstance(transaction, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object transaction = TdxTransaction(*transaction) rt[exec_id] = self._tdx_transaction_to_zipline(transaction) except SymbolNotFound as e: log.warning(e.message) return rt def cancel_order(self, order_id): if order_id not in self.orders: # order become transaction, can't cancel return tdx_order_id = self.orders[order_id].broker_order_id broker_id = self._client.get_stock_type("{:6d}".format(self.orders[order_id].asset.sid)) self._client.cancel_orders(broker_id, tdx_order_id) def get_last_traded_dt(self, asset): self.subscribe_to_market_data(asset) self._update_bars() return self._bars[str(asset.symbol)].index[-1] def get_spot_value(self, assets, field, dt, data_frequency): symbol = str(assets.symbol) self.subscribe_to_market_data(assets) self._update_bars() if symbol not in self._bars: return pd.NaT if field == 'last_traded' else np.NaN bars = self._bars[symbol] last_event_time = bars.index[-1] minute_start = (last_event_time - pd.Timedelta('1 min')) \ .time() minute_end = last_event_time.time() if bars.empty: return pd.NaT if field == 'last_traded' else np.NaN else: if field == 'price': return bars.price.iloc[-1] elif field == 'last_traded': return last_event_time or pd.NaT minute_df = bars.between_time(minute_start, minute_end, include_start=True, include_end=True) if minute_df.empty: return np.NaN else: if field == 'open': return minute_df.price.iloc[0] elif field == 'close': return minute_df.price.iloc[-1] elif field == 'high': return minute_df.price.max() elif field == 'low': return minute_df.price.min() elif field == 'volume': return minute_df.vol.sum() def get_realtime_bars(self, assets, frequency): if frequency == '1m': resample_freq = 'Min' elif frequency == '1d': resample_freq = 'd' else: raise ValueError("Invalid frequency specified: %s" % frequency) df = pd.DataFrame() for asset in assets: symbol = str(asset.symbol) self.subscribe_to_market_data(asset) self._update_bars() trade_prices = self._bars[symbol]['price'] trade_sizes = self._bars[symbol]['vol'] ohlcv = trade_prices.resample(resample_freq, label='left', closed='left').ohlc() ohlcv['volume'] = trade_sizes.resample(resample_freq, label='left', closed='left').sum() ohlcv.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[asset, ], ohlcv.columns]) df = pd.concat([df, ohlcv], axis=1) return df
def tdx_bundle(assets, ingest_minute, # whether to ingest minute data, default False fundamental, # whether to ingest fundamental data, default False environ, asset_db_writer, minute_bar_writer, daily_bar_writer, adjustment_writer, fundamental_writer, calendar, start_session, end_session, cache, show_progress, output_dir): # eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, best_ip=True, thread_num=1) eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, best_ip=True, thread_num=1) eg.connect() symbols = fetch_symbols(eg, assets) metas = [] today = pd.to_datetime('today', utc=True) distance = calendar.session_distance(start_session, today) dates_path = join(output_dir, DATE_DIR) if os.path.isfile(dates_path): with open(dates_path, 'r') as f: dates_json = json.load(f) else: dates_json = { '1d': {}, '1m': {} } session_bars = create_engine('sqlite:///' + join(output_dir, SESSION_BAR_DB)) def gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq='1d'): if not session_bars.has_table(SESSION_BAR_TABLE): Base.metadata.create_all(session_bars.connect(), checkfirst=True, tables=[Base.metadata.tables[SESSION_BAR_TABLE]]) func = partial(fetch_single_equity, eg) now = pd.to_datetime('now', utc=True) if end_session >= now.normalize(): end = now.normalize() if now.tz_convert('Asia/Shanghai').time() < datetime.time(15, 5): end = end - pd.Timedelta('1 D') else: end = end_session end_idx = calendar.all_sessions.searchsorted(end) if calendar.all_sessions[end_idx] > end: end = calendar.all_sessions[end_idx -1] for index, symbol in symbol_map.iteritems(): try: start = pd.to_datetime(dates_json[freq][symbol], utc=True) + pd.Timedelta('1 D') start = calendar.all_sessions[calendar.all_sessions.searchsorted(start)] if start > end: if freq == '1d'and symbol in dates_json[freq]: data = pd.read_sql( "select * from {} where id = {} order by day ASC ".format(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, int(symbol)), session_bars, index_col='day') data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index) yield int(symbol), data else: yield int(symbol), pd.DataFrame() continue except KeyError: start = start_session if freq == '1m': single_distance = calendar.session_distance(start, end) if single_distance >= 100: func = eg.get_k_data data = reindex_to_calendar( calendar, func(symbol, start, end, freq), start_session=start, end_session=end, freq=freq, ) if data is None or data.empty: if freq == '1d'and symbol in dates_json[freq]: data = pd.read_sql( "select * from {} where id = {} order by day ASC ".format(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, int(symbol)), session_bars, index_col='day') data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index) yield int(symbol), data continue if freq == '1d': if data.close.isnull()[0]: # padding fill error if the first is NaN data2 = pd.read_sql( "select * from {} where id = {} order by day desc limit 1 ".format(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, int(symbol)), session_bars, index_col='day') if data2.empty: data = data[data.close.notnull()] else: data["close"][0] = data2["close"][0] fillna(data) data.to_sql(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, session_bars.connect(), if_exists='append', index_label='day') if symbol in dates_json[freq]: data = pd.read_sql( "select * from {} where id = {} order by day ASC ".format(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, int(symbol)), session_bars, index_col='day') data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index) dates_json[freq][symbol] = data.index[-1].strftime('%Y%m%d') yield int(symbol), data with open(dates_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(dates_json, f) symbol_map = symbols.symbol assets = set([int(s) for s in symbol_map]) daily_bar_writer.write(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1d"), assets=assets, show_progress=show_progress) splits, dividends, shares = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols, start_session, end_session) metas = pd.read_sql("select id as symbol,min(day) as start_date,max(day) as end_date from bars group by id;", session_bars, parse_dates=['start_date','end_date'] ) metas['symbol'] = metas['symbol'].apply(lambda x:format(x,'06')) metas['first_traded'] = metas['start_date'] metas['auto_close_date'] = metas['end_date'] symbols = symbols.set_index('symbol', drop=False).join(metas.set_index('symbol'), how='inner') asset_db_writer.write(symbols) adjustment_writer.write( splits=splits, dividends=dividends, shares=shares ) if fundamental:"writing fundamental data:") try: fundamental_writer.write(start_session, end_session) except Exception as e: pass if ingest_minute: with click.progressbar(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1m"), label="Merging minute equity files:", length=len(assets), item_show_func=lambda e: e if e is None else str(e[0]), ) as bar: minute_bar_writer.write(bar, show_progress=False) eg.exit()
class TdxShipaneBroker(TdxBroker): def __init__(self, tdx_uri, shipane_client, account_id=None): self._shipane_client = shipane_client self._orders = {} self.currency = 'RMB' self._subscribed_assets = [] self._bars = {} self._bars_update_dt = None self._bars_update_interval = pd.tslib.Timedelta('5 S') self._mkt_client = Engine(auto_retry=True, best_ip=True) self._mkt_client.connect() # super(TdxShipaneBroker, self).__init__(tdx_uri, account_id) @property def positions(self): now = z_positions = protocol.Positions() for pos in self._shipane_client.positions(): if isinstance(pos, list): pos = TdxPosition(*pos) sid = pos.sid z_position = protocol.Position(symbol(sid)) z_position.available = pos.available z_position.amount = pos.amount z_position.cost_basis = pos.cost_basis z_position.last_sale_price = pos.last_sale_price z_position.last_sale_date = now z_positions[symbol(sid)] = z_position return z_positions @property def portfolio(self): z_portfolio = protocol.Portfolio() pfo = self._shipane_client.portfolio() if isinstance(pfo, list): pfo = TdxPortfolio(*pfo) z_portfolio.capital_used = None # TODO z_portfolio.starting_cash = None z_portfolio.portfolio_value = pfo.portfolio_value z_portfolio.pnl = None z_portfolio.returns = None = z_portfolio.start_date = None z_portfolio.positions = self.positions z_portfolio.positions_value = pfo.positions_value z_portfolio.position_exposure = z_portfolio.positions_value / (z_portfolio.positions_value + return z_portfolio def order(self, asset, amount, style): code = asset.symbol if amount > 0: action = BUY else: action = SELL is_busy = (amount > 0) if isinstance(style, MarketOrder): order_type = FIVE_LEVEL_MARKET_ORDER price = 0.0 elif isinstance(style, LimitOrder): order_type = LIMIT_CHARGE price = style.get_limit_price(is_busy) elif isinstance(style, StopOrder): raise Exception("stop order is not supported") elif isinstance(style, StopLimitOrder): raise Exception("stop limit order is not supported") data, err = self._shipane_client.order(code, abs(amount), price, action, order_type) if isinstance(data,list): if len(data) > 0: data = OrderRt(*data) else: return None order_id = str(data.order_id) zp_order = self._get_or_create_zp_order(order_id)"Placing order-{order_id}: " "{action} {qty} {symbol} with {order_type}, price = {price}".format( order_id=order_id, action=action, qty=amount, symbol=code, order_type=order_type, price=price )) return zp_order @property def orders(self): self._update_orders() return self._orders def _get_or_create_zp_order(self, order_id): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self.orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] if isinstance(order_id, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object order = TdxOrder(*order_id) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(order) return self._orders[zp_order_id] # amount 可正数可负数 def _create_zp_order(self, order_id, asset, price, amount, order_type): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] dt = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True) self._orders[zp_order_id] = ZPOrder( dt=dt, asset=asset, amount=amount, stop=None, limit=price if order_type is LIMIT_CHARGE else None, id=zp_order_id, broker_order_id=order_id ) return self._orders[zp_order_id] def _tdx_to_zp_order_id(self, order_id): return "TDX-{date}-{account_id}-{order_id}".format( date=str(pd.to_datetime('today').date()), account_id="XXX", order_id=order_id ) def tdx_order_to_zipline_order(self, order): if order.status is not None and 'CANCEL' == order.status: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED elif order.filled == 0: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.OPEN else: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.FILLED zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order.order_id) od = ZPOrder( dt=pd.to_datetime(order.dt), asset=symbol(order.symbol), amount=order.amount, filled=order.filled, stop=None, limit=order.price, # TODO 市价单和限价单 id=zp_order_id, ) od.broker_order_id = order.order_id od.status = zp_status return od def _update_orders(self): ods = self._shipane_client.orders() if ods is None or len(ods) <= 0: return for tdx_order_id, tdx_order in iteritems(ods): if isinstance(tdx_order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object tdx_order = TdxOrder(*tdx_order) zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(tdx_order_id) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(tdx_order) @property def transactions(self): # TODO: do we need the tx record now? # t = self._client.transactions() rt = {} return rt def cancel_order(self, order_id): if order_id not in self.orders: # order become transaction, can't cancel return tdx_order_id = self.orders[order_id].broker_order_id self._shipane_client.cancel_orders(0, tdx_order_id)
def main(): engine = Engine(best_ip=True, thread_num=1) with engine.connect(): engine.get_k_data('000001', '20161201', '20171231', '1m')
def tdx_bundle( assets, ingest_minute, # whether to ingest minute data, default False fundamental, # whether to ingest fundamental data, default False environ, asset_db_writer, minute_bar_writer, daily_bar_writer, adjustment_writer, fundamental_writer, calendar, start_session, end_session, cache, show_progress, output_dir): eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, best_ip=True, thread_num=8) eg.connect() symbols = fetch_symbols(eg, assets) metas = [] today = pd.to_datetime('today', utc=True) distance = calendar.session_distance(start_session, today) dates_path = join(output_dir, DATE_DIR) if os.path.isfile(dates_path): with open(dates_path, 'r') as f: dates_json = json.load(f) else: dates_json = {'1d': {}, '1m': {}} session_bars = create_engine('sqlite:///' + join(output_dir, SESSION_BAR_DB)) def gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq='1d'): if not session_bars.has_table(SESSION_BAR_TABLE): Base.metadata.create_all( session_bars.connect(), checkfirst=True, tables=[Base.metadata.tables[SESSION_BAR_TABLE]]) func = partial(fetch_single_equity, eg) now = pd.to_datetime('now', utc=True) if end_session >= now.normalize(): end = now.normalize() if now.tz_convert('Asia/Shanghai').time() < datetime.time(15, 5): end = end - pd.Timedelta('1 D') else: end = end_session if freq == '1m': if distance >= 100: func = eg.get_k_data for index, symbol in symbol_map.iteritems(): try: start = pd.to_datetime(dates_json[freq][symbol], utc=True) + pd.Timedelta('1 D') if start >= end: continue except KeyError: start = start_session data = reindex_to_calendar( calendar, func(symbol, start, end, freq), freq=freq, ) if freq == '1d': data.to_sql(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, session_bars.connect(), if_exists='append', index_label='day') if symbol in dates_json[freq]: data = pd.read_sql( "select * from {} where id = {} order by day ASC ". format(SESSION_BAR_TABLE, int(symbol)), session_bars, index_col='day') data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index) dates_json[freq][symbol] = end.strftime('%Y%m%d') yield int(symbol), data with open(dates_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(dates_json, f) symbol_map = symbols.symbol assets = set([int(s) for s in symbol_map]) daily_bar_writer.write(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1d"), assets=assets, show_progress=show_progress) if ingest_minute: with click.progressbar( gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1m"), label="Merging minute equity files:", length=len(assets), item_show_func=lambda e: e if e is None else str(e[0]), ) as bar: minute_bar_writer.write(bar, show_progress=False) splits, dividends, shares = fetch_splits_and_dividends( eg, symbols, start_session, end_session) metas = pd.read_sql( "select id as symbol,min(day) as start_date,max(day) as end_date from bars group by id;", session_bars, parse_dates=['start_date', 'end_date']) metas['symbol'] = metas['symbol'].apply(lambda x: format(x, '06')) metas['first_traded'] = metas['start_date'] metas['auto_close_date'] = metas['end_date'] symbols = symbols.set_index('symbol', drop=False).join(metas.set_index('symbol'), how='inner') asset_db_writer.write(symbols) adjustment_writer.write(splits=splits, dividends=dividends, shares=shares) if fundamental:"writing fundamental data:") try: fundamental_writer.write(start_session, end_session) except Exception as e: pass eg.exit()
def tdx_bundle(assets, ingest_minute, # whether to ingest minute data, default False overwrite, environ, asset_db_writer, minute_bar_writer, daily_bar_writer, adjustment_writer, calendar, start_session, end_session, cache, show_progress, output_dir): eg = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, best_ip=True, thread_num=8) eg.connect() symbols = fetch_symbols(eg, assets) metas = [] today = pd.to_datetime('today',utc=True) distance = calendar.session_distance(start_session, today) if ingest_minute and not overwrite and (start_session < today - pd.DateOffset(years=3)): minute_start = calendar.all_sessions[searchsorted(calendar.all_sessions, today - pd.DateOffset(years=3))] logger.warning( "overwrite start_session for minute bars to {}(3 years)," " to fetch minute data before that, please add '--overwrite True'".format(minute_start)) else: minute_start = start_session def gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq='1d'): func = partial(fetch_single_equity, eg) start = start_session end = end_session if freq == '1m': if distance >= 100: func = eg.get_k_data start = minute_start for index, symbol in symbol_map.iteritems(): data = reindex_to_calendar( calendar, func(symbol, start, end, freq), freq=freq, ) if freq == '1d': metas.append(get_meta_from_bars(data)) yield int(symbol), data symbol_map = symbols.symbol assets = set([int(s) for s in symbol_map]) daily_bar_writer.write(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1d"), assets=assets, show_progress=show_progress) if ingest_minute: with click.progressbar(gen_symbols_data(symbol_map, freq="1m"), label="Merging minute equity files:", length=len(assets), item_show_func=lambda e: e if e is None else str(e[0]), ) as bar: minute_bar_writer.write(bar, show_progress=False) symbols = pd.concat([symbols, pd.DataFrame(data=metas)], axis=1) splits, dividends = fetch_splits_and_dividends(eg, symbols) symbols.set_index('symbol', drop=False, inplace=True) asset_db_writer.write(symbols) adjustment_writer.write( splits=splits, dividends=dividends ) eg.exit()
def ensure_benchmark_data(symbol, first_date, last_date, now, trading_day): """ Ensure we have benchmark data for `symbol` from `first_date` to `last_date` Parameters ---------- symbol : str The symbol for the benchmark to load. first_date : pd.Timestamp First required date for the cache. last_date : pd.Timestamp Last required date for the cache. now : pd.Timestamp The current time. This is used to prevent repeated attempts to re-download data that isn't available due to scheduling quirks or other failures. trading_day : pd.CustomBusinessDay A trading day delta. Used to find the day before first_date so we can get the close of the day prior to first_date. We attempt to download data unless we already have data stored at the data cache for `symbol` whose first entry is before or on `first_date` and whose last entry is on or after `last_date`. If we perform a download and the cache criteria are not satisfied, we wait at least one hour before attempting a redownload. This is determined by comparing the current time to the result of os.path.getmtime on the cache path. """ path = get_data_filepath(get_benchmark_filename(symbol)) # If the path does not exist, it means the first download has not happened # yet, so don't try to read from 'path'. if os.path.exists(path): try: data = pd.Series.from_csv(path).tz_localize('UTC') if has_data_for_dates(data, first_date, last_date): return data # Don't re-download if we've successfully downloaded and written a # file in the last hour. last_download_time = last_modified_time(path) if (now - last_download_time) <= ONE_HOUR: logger.warn( "Refusing to download new benchmark data because a " "download succeeded at %s." % last_download_time) return data except (OSError, IOError, ValueError) as e: # These can all be raised by various versions of pandas on various # classes of malformed input. Treat them all as cache misses. "Loading data for {path} failed with error [{error}].".format( path=path, error=e, )) "Cache at {path} does not have data from {start} to {end}.\n" "Downloading benchmark data for '{symbol}'.", start=first_date, end=last_date, symbol=symbol, path=path, ) engine = Engine(auto_retry=True, multithread=True, thread_num=8) engine.connect() data = engine.get_security_bars(symbol, '1d', index=True) data = data['close'].sort_index().tz_localize('UTC').pct_change(1).iloc[1:] data.index = data.index.shift(-15, '1H') # change datetime at 15:00 to midnight data.to_csv(path) return data
class TdxShipaneBroker(TdxBroker): def __init__(self, tdx_uri, shipane_client, account_id=None): self._shipane_client = shipane_client self._orders = {} self.currency = 'RMB' self._subscribed_assets = [] self._bars = {} self._bars_update_dt = None self._bars_update_interval = pd.tslib.Timedelta('5 S') self._mkt_client = Engine(auto_retry=True, best_ip=True) self._mkt_client.connect() # super(TdxShipaneBroker, self).__init__(tdx_uri, account_id) @property def positions(self): now = z_positions = protocol.Positions() for pos in self._shipane_client.positions(): if isinstance(pos, list): pos = TdxPosition(*pos) sid = pos.sid z_position = protocol.Position(symbol(sid)) z_position.available = pos.available z_position.amount = pos.amount z_position.cost_basis = pos.cost_basis z_position.last_sale_price = pos.last_sale_price z_position.last_sale_date = now z_positions[symbol(sid)] = z_position return z_positions @property def portfolio(self): z_portfolio = protocol.Portfolio() pfo = self._shipane_client.portfolio() if isinstance(pfo, list): pfo = TdxPortfolio(*pfo) z_portfolio.capital_used = None # TODO z_portfolio.starting_cash = None z_portfolio.portfolio_value = pfo.portfolio_value z_portfolio.pnl = None z_portfolio.returns = None = z_portfolio.start_date = None z_portfolio.positions = self.positions z_portfolio.positions_value = pfo.positions_value z_portfolio.position_exposure = z_portfolio.positions_value / (z_portfolio.positions_value + return z_portfolio def order(self, asset, amount, style): code = asset.symbol if amount > 0: action = BUY else: action = SELL is_busy = (amount > 0) if isinstance(style, MarketOrder): order_type = FIVE_LEVEL_MARKET_ORDER price = 0.0 elif isinstance(style, LimitOrder): order_type = LIMIT_CHARGE price = style.get_limit_price(is_busy) elif isinstance(style, StopOrder): raise Exception("stop order is not supported") elif isinstance(style, StopLimitOrder): raise Exception("stop limit order is not supported") data, err = self._shipane_client.order(code, abs(amount), price, action, order_type) if isinstance(data,list): if len(data) > 0: data = OrderRt(*data) else: return None order_id = str(data.order_id) zp_order = self._get_or_create_zp_order(order_id)"Placing order-{order_id}: " "{action} {qty} {symbol} with {order_type}, price = {price}".format( order_id=order_id, action=action, qty=amount, symbol=code, order_type=order_type, price=price )) return zp_order @property def orders(self): self._update_orders() return self._orders def _get_or_create_zp_order(self, order_id): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self.orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] if isinstance(order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object order = TdxOrder(*order) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(order) return self._orders[zp_order_id] # amount 可正数可负数 def _create_zp_order(self, order_id, asset, price, amount, order_type): zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order_id) if zp_order_id in self._orders: return self._orders[zp_order_id] dt = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True) self._orders[zp_order_id] = ZPOrder( dt=dt, asset=asset, amount=amount, stop=None, limit=price if order_type is LIMIT_CHARGE else None, id=zp_order_id, broker_order_id=order_id ) return self._orders[zp_order_id] def _tdx_to_zp_order_id(self, order_id): return "TDX-{date}-{account_id}-{order_id}".format( date=str(pd.to_datetime('today').date()), account_id="XXX", order_id=order_id ) def tdx_order_to_zipline_order(self, order): if order.status is not None and 'CANCEL' == order.status: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED elif order.filled == 0: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.OPEN else: zp_status = ZP_ORDER_STATUS.FILLED zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(order.order_id) od = ZPOrder( dt=pd.to_datetime(order.dt), asset=symbol(order.symbol), amount=order.amount, filled=order.filled, stop=None, limit=order.price, # TODO 市价单和限价单 id=zp_order_id, ) od.broker_order_id = order.order_id od.status = zp_status return od def _update_orders(self): ods = self._shipane_client.orders() if ods is None or len(ods) <= 0: return for tdx_order_id, tdx_order in iteritems(ods): if isinstance(tdx_order, list): # handle rpc response for namedtuple object tdx_order = TdxOrder(*tdx_order) zp_order_id = self._tdx_to_zp_order_id(tdx_order_id) self._orders[zp_order_id] = self.tdx_order_to_zipline_order(tdx_order) @property def transactions(self): # TODO: do we need the tx record now? # t = self._client.transactions() rt = {} return rt def cancel_order(self, order_id): if order_id not in self.orders: # order become transaction, can't cancel return tdx_order_id = self.orders[order_id].broker_order_id self._shipane_client.cancel_orders(0, tdx_order_id)