def DrawClear(x,y): color("white") box(x*34+182,y*34+202,32,32) color("Black") if check(x,y) > 0: text(x*34+192,y*34+207,check(x,y)) flags[x][y] = 3
def doSecond(): global points points = points-1 color("white") box(0,0,100,100) color("black") text(0,0,points)
def flag(i,j): color("red") tx = startx + size/2 + i * size ty = starty + size/2 + j * size spot(tx, ty, size/3) color("black") text(tx - size/10, ty - size/10, "F")
def draw_debug(self, position = [30, 30], size = [200,200]): for i in range(0, self.i_size): for j in range(0, self.j_size): #Set rgba value based on max value #Convert to color string "rgba(...) #Positive values are red, negative are blue #Values close to zero will be paler if self.array[i][j] >= 0 : colour = "red" else: colour = "blue" #Draw box color(colour) box(position[0] + j * size[0]/self.j_size, position[1] + i * size[1]/self.i_size, size[0]/self.j_size - 1, size[1]/self.i_size - 1) #Draw text color("white") text(position[0] + j * size[0]/self.j_size, position[1] + i * size[1]/self.i_size, str(i) + str(j) + " " + str(self.array[i][j]))
def initialPlayer1(): reset() drawToolbar() text(10, 10, "Colour Palette:") for i in range(0, 8): color(palette[i]) box((i * 25 + 10), 35, 25, 25)
def DrawNumber(x,y,NumberOfMines): global BombArray if BombArray[x][y] == 1: color("blue") elif BombArray[x][y] == 2: color("green") elif BombArray[x][y] == 3: color("red") elif BombArray[x][y] == 4: color("purple") elif BombArray[x][y] == 5: color("#940023") elif BombArray[x][y] == 6: color("black") elif BombArray[x][y] == 7: color("#878787") elif BombArray[x][y] == 8: color("#00C19B") size = SquareSize /2 fontsize = str(size)+"px Courier New Bold" font(fontsize) x += 0.125 text(StartingX + SquareSize * x +size/2,StartingY + SquareSize * y +size/2, NumberOfMines)
def doSecond(): global points points = points - 1 color("white") box(0,screen_height - 100, 100, 100) color("black") if points < 0: points = 0 text(10,screen_height - 30, ("Points: " + str(points)))
def print_params(P): color("black") t = ["a", "b", "c"] t[0] = str(P.J) t[1] = str(P.T) t[2] = str(P.B) for i in range(0,3): text(690, 50 + (i+1) * 20, t[i])
def stopButton(): global stopMinY,stopMaxY,stopMinX,stopMaxX color("red") rectangle((screen_width - 180), screen_height - 40, 150,30) text(screen_width - 85, screen_height - 35, "STOP") stopMinX = (screen_width - 180) stopMaxX = (screen_width - 30) stopMinY = (screen_height - 40) stopMaxY = (screen_height - 10) print stopMinX
def stopButton(): global stopMinY, stopMaxY, stopMinX, stopMaxX color("red") rectangle((screen_width - 180), screen_height - 40, 150, 30) text(screen_width - 85, screen_height - 35, "STOP") stopMinX = (screen_width - 180) stopMaxX = (screen_width - 30) stopMinY = (screen_height - 40) stopMaxY = (screen_height - 10) print stopMinX
def getSurroundingMines(x, y): surround = 0 global mine for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): if get(mine, x + i, y + j) == 1: surround = surround + 1 color('black') if surround > 0: text(x * 60 + 17, y * 60 + 20, surround) return surround
def getSurroundingMines(x, y): surround = 0 global mine for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1, 2): if get(mine, x+i, y+j) ==1: surround=surround+1 color('black') if surround>0: text(x*60 + 17, y*60 + 20 , surround) return surround
def drawGrid(): font("100px arial") text(250,55, "Connect 4") color("blue") box(offset_x,offset_y,700,700) x=offset_x + 49 y=offset_y +49 for i in range(0,7): for j in range(0,7): color("white") spot(x+i*100,y+j*100,35) color("black")
def draw(Num_1,Num_2): if Winner == 3: image(850,50,"") color("White") box(840,120,500,200) color("Black") text(850,125, "Player 1: %d" % Num_1) text(1050,125, "Player 2: %d" % Num_2) image(850,155,"animals/Diplodocus.png") image(1050,180,"animals/Stegosaurus.png") x = 25 y = 25 color("green") box(25,25,800,800) color("black") for i in range(0,9): line(x,y,x,(y+800)) x += 100 x = 25 for j in range(0,9): line(x,y,(x+800),y) y += 100 for a in range(0,8): for b in range(0,8): if Grid[a][b] == 1: y1 = a x1 = b y1 *= 100 y1 += 30 x1 *= 100 x1 += 30 image(x1,y1,"animals/Diplodocus.png") elif Grid[a][b] == 2: y1 = a x1 = b y1 *= 100 y1 += 55 x1 *= 100 x1 += 35 image(x1,y1,"animals/Stegosaurus.png")
def draw(Num_1,Num_2): if Winner == 3: image(450,50,"") text(450,150, "Player 1: (%d)" % Num_1) text(450,250, "Player 2: (%d)" % Num_2) x = 25 y = 25 color("green") box(25,25,400,400) color("black") for i in range(0,9): line(x,y,x,(y+400)) x += 50 x = 25 for j in range(0,9): line(x,y,(x+400),y) y += 50 for a in range(0,8): for b in range(0,8): if Grid[a][b] == 1: y1 = a x1 = b y1 *= 125 y1 += 15 y1 /= 2.0 x1 *= 125 x1 += 15 x1 /= 2.0 image(x1,y1,"") elif Grid[a][b] == 2: y1 = a x1 = b y1 *= 125 y1 += 15 y1 /= 2.0 x1 *= 125 x1 += 5 x1 /= 2 image(x1,y1,"")
def reveal(i, j): global flags global uncovered if flags[i][j]: return if mines[i][j] == -1: defeat() tx = xstart + size / 10 + i * size ty = ystart + size / 10 + j * size color("white") box(tx, ty, size / 10 * 8, size / 10 * 8) color("black") text(tx + size / 10 * 3, ty + size / 10 * 3, mines[i][j]) uncovered += 1 flags[i][j] = 2 if mines[i][j] == 0: for offx in range(-1, 2): for offy in range(-1, 2): if i + offx >= 0 and i + offx <= 9 and j + offy >= 0 and j + offy <= 9: reveal(i + offx, j + offy)
def draw_car(self, Name): RandomNumber = randint(1, 3) #Generate a random number between 1 and 3 if RandomNumber == 1: color("red") #Random number 1 = set red elif RandomNumber == 2: color("green") #Random number 2 = set green elif RandomNumber == 3: color("blue") #Random number 3 = set blue text(self.CoordD["x"]-15, self.CoordD["y"]-35, self.Name) #Sets the name of the car to a string parameter passed to the method line(self.CoordA["x"], self.CoordA["y"], self.CoordB["x"], self.CoordB["y"]) line(self.CoordA["x"], self.CoordA["y"], self.CoordD["x"], self.CoordD["y"]) line(self.CoordB["x"], self.CoordB["y"], self.CoordD["x"], self.CoordD["y"]) line(self.CoordA["x"], self.CoordA["y"], self.CoordC["x"], self.CoordC["y"]) line(self.CoordB["x"], self.CoordB["y"], self.CoordC["x"], self.CoordC["y"]) line(self.CoordD["x"], self.CoordD["y"], self.CoordC["x"], self.CoordC["y"])
def finishButtons(): global fbShown, chosen_color, p2cMinX, p2cMaxX, p2cMinY, p2cMaxY, p2wMinX, p2wMaxX, p2wMinY, p2wMaxY, p3cMinX, p3cMaxX, p3cMinY, p3cMaxY, p3wMinX, p3wMaxX, p3wMinY, p3wMaxY color("green") #P2 Correct rectangle((screen_width / 2) - 75, screen_height / 2, 150, 30) text((screen_width / 2) - 45, ((screen_height / 2) + 5), "P2 Correct") #P3 Correct rectangle((screen_width / 2) - 75, ((screen_height / 2) + 40), 150, 30) text((screen_width / 2) - 45, ((screen_height / 2) + 45), "P3 Correct") color("red") #P2 Wrong rectangle((screen_width / 2) + 95, screen_height / 2, 150, 30) text((screen_width / 2) + 125, ((screen_height / 2) + 5), "P2 Wrong") #P3 Wrong rectangle((screen_width / 2) + 95, ((screen_height / 2) + 40), 150, 30) text((screen_width / 2) + 125, ((screen_height / 2) + 45), "P3 Wrong") p2cMinX = ((screen_width / 2) - 75) p2cMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 75) p2cMinY = (screen_height / 2) p2cMaxY = (screen_height / 2) + 30 p2wMinX = ((screen_width / 2) + 95) p2wMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 245) p2wMinY = (screen_height / 2) p2wMaxY = ((screen_height / 2) + 30) p3cMinX = ((screen_width / 2) - 75) p3cMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 175) p3cMinY = ((screen_height / 2) + 40) p3cMaxY = ((screen_width / 2) + 70) p3wMinX = ((screen_width / 2) + 95) p3wMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 245) p3wMinY = ((screen_width / 2) + 40) p3wMaxY = ((screen_width / 2) + 70) fbShown = "true"
def finishButtons(): global p2cMinX,p2cMaxX,p2cMinY,p2cMaxY, p2wMinX, p2wMaxX, p2wMinY, p2wMaxY, p3cMinX, p3cMaxX, p3cMinY, p3cMaxY, p3wMinX, p3wMaxX, p3wMinY, p3wMaxY color("green") #P2 Correct rectangle((screen_width / 2) - 75, screen_height / 2, 150,30) text((screen_width / 2) - 45, ((screen_height / 2) + 5), "P2 Correct") #P3 Correct rectangle((screen_width / 2) - 75, ((screen_height / 2) + 40), 150,30) text((screen_width / 2) - 45, ((screen_height / 2) + 45), "P3 Correct") color("red") #P2 Wrong rectangle((screen_width / 2) + 95, screen_height / 2, 150,30) text((screen_width / 2) + 125, ((screen_height / 2) + 5), "P2 Wrong") #P3 Wrong rectangle((screen_width / 2) + 95, ((screen_height / 2) + 40), 150,30) text((screen_width / 2) + 125, ((screen_height / 2) + 45), "P3 Wrong") p2cMinX = ((screen_width / 2) - 75) p2cMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 75) p2cMinY = (screen_height / 2) p2cMaxY = (screen_height / 2) + 30 p2wMinX = ((screen_width / 2) + 95) p2wMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 245) p2wMinY = (screen_height / 2) p2wMaxY = ((screen_height / 2) + 30) p3cMinX = ((screen_width / 2) - 75) p3cMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 175) p3cMinY = ((screen_height / 2) + 40) p3cMaxY = ((screen_width / 2) + 70) p3wMinX = ((screen_width / 2) + 95) p3wMaxX = ((screen_width / 2) + 245) p3wMinY = ((screen_width / 2) + 40) p3wMaxY = ((screen_width / 2) + 70)
def handle_mousedown(x,y,button): global EndGame global flags global score positionx = (x - 184)/34 print positionx positiony = (y - 204)/34 print positiony if positionx < 0 or positionx > 15: return if positiony < 0 or positiony > 15: return if EndGame == False: if button == "left" and flags[positionx][positiony] != 1: if m[positionx][positiony] == 0: DrawClear(positionx,positiony) score = score + 1 color("black") box(625,155,100,28) color("white") text(630,160,"score") text(700,160,score) elif m[positionx][positiony] == 1: DrawBomb(positionx,positiony) EndGame = True color("black") box(370,435,166,54) color("red") box(372,437,162,50) color("white") text(377,450, "YOU ARE DEAD") elif button == "right" and flags[positionx][positiony] != 3: if flags[positionx][positiony] == 1: color("grey") box(positionx*34+182,positiony*34+202,32,32) flags[positionx][positiony] = 0 elif flags[positionx][positiony] == 0: DrawFlag(positionx,positiony) flags[positionx][positiony] = 1
def check_winner(boardArray): global winnerRed, winnerYellow winnerRed=0 winnerYellow=0 #1winnerchecker row = 0 col = 0 #2verticals for i in range (0,5): for i in range (0,8): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row +1][col]==boardArray [row +2][col]==boardArray [row+3][col]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row +1][col]==boardArray [row +2][col]==boardArray [row+3][col]==2: winnerYellow = 1 col = col + 1 col=0 row = row+1 row = 0 col = 0 #2horizontals for i in range (0,5): for i in range (0,8): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row][col+1]==boardArray [row][col+2]==boardArray [row][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row][col+1]==boardArray [row][col+2]==boardArray [row][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=0 col=col+1 row = 0 col = 0 #2diagonals positive row=3 col=0 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=0 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=5 col=0 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=6 col=0 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=7 col=0 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=1 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=1 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=5 col=1 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=6 col=1 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=7 col=1 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=2 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=2 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=5 col=2 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=6 col=2 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=7 col=2 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=3 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=3 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=5 col=3 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=6 col=3 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=7 col=3 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=4 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=4 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=5 col=4 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=6 col=4 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=7 col=4 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row-1][col+1]==boardArray [row-2][col+2]==boardArray [row-3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 #2diag neg row=0 col=4 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=1 col=4 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=2 col=4 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=4 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=4 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=0 col=3 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=1 col=3 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=2 col=3 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=3 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=3 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=0 col=2 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=1 col=2 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=2 col=2 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=2 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=2 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=0 col=1 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=1 col=1 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=2 col=1 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=1 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=1 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=0 col=0 for i in range (0,5): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=1 col=0 for i in range (0,4): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=2 col=0 for i in range (0,3): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=3 col=0 for i in range (0,2): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row=4 col=0 for i in range (0,1): if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==1: winnerRed = 1 if boardArray [row][col] ==boardArray [row+1][col+1]==boardArray [row+2][col+2]==boardArray [row+3][col+3]==2: winnerYellow = 1 row = row + 1 row = 0 col = 0 #2declaration if winnerRed == 1: print 'Red is the winner' color("red") spot(445,500,150) color("black") text(390,480,"Red Wins!!!") image(310,490,"misc/WhiteBalloon.png") image(325,400,"misc/BlackBalloon.png") image(375,360,"misc/BlueBalloon.png") image(450,360,"misc/GreenBalloon.png") image(375,540,"misc/OrangeBalloon.png") image(450,540,"misc/PinkBalloon.png") image(510,400,"misc/RedBalloon.png") image(510,510,"misc/YellowBalloon.png") return "red" if winnerYellow == 1: print 'Yellow is the winner' color("yellow") spot(445,500,150) color("black") text(390,480,"Yellow Wins!!!") image(310,490,"misc/WhiteBalloon.png") image(325,400,"misc/BlackBalloon.png") image(375,360,"misc/BlueBalloon.png") image(450,360,"misc/GreenBalloon.png") image(375,540,"misc/OrangeBalloon.png") image(450,540,"misc/PinkBalloon.png") image(510,400,"misc/RedBalloon.png") image(510,510,"misc/YellowBalloon.png") return "yellow" return None
def handle_frame(): global time, friction, car_x, car_y, car_v, car_a, direction, lap1, car_x2, car_y2, car_v2, car_a2, direction2, lap2, player_won # refreshes screen color("rgba(255,255,255,0.1)") box(0,screen_height/10,screen_width,screen_height/10*9) # Does time if lap1 < 4: time = time + 0.04 color( "rgba(150,150,150,0.7)") box(0,0,screen_width,screen_height/10) color("blue") #text(40,20,str(math.ceil(time))) text(180,20,"Polygon Racers!") text(20,50,"arrow keys lap: " + str(math.floor(lap1))[0]+"/4") text(280,50,"wasd keys lap: " + str(math.floor(lap2))[0]+"/4") # Does laps for player 1 if track.test_in_top_detector(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]) == True: if ((lap1-0.5) % 1) == 0: lap1 = lap1 + 0.5 if lap1 == 4.0 and lap2 < 4: player_won = 1 if track.test_in_bottom_detector(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]) == True: if (lap1 % 1) == 0: lap1 = lap1 + 0.5 # Does laps for player 2 if track.test_in_top_detector(player_2.points[0],player_2.points[1]) == True: if ((lap2-0.5) % 1) == 0: lap2 = lap2 + 0.5 if lap2 == 4.0 and lap1 < 4: player_won = 2 if track.test_in_bottom_detector(player_2.points[0],player_2.points[1]) == True: if (lap2 % 1) == 0: lap2 = lap2 + 0.5 ################################ # Collisions with the polygons ################################ if not track.test_point(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]): car_v = car_v*-0.6 car_x = car_x + -5 * cos(direction) car_y = car_y - -5 * sin(direction) if not track.test_point(player_1.points[2],player_1.points[3]): if car_v > 0: car_v = car_v*-0.6 if track.test_point(player_1.points[2],player_1.points[3]): car_x = car_x - side_bounce * sin(direction) car_y = car_y + side_bounce * cos(direction) else: #if track.test_point(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]): car_v = 5 #if track.test_point(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]): #car_x = car_x - 4 * sin(direction+(pi/2)) #car_y = car_y + 4 * cos(direction+(pi/2)) #print "should be working" elif not track.test_point(player_1.points[4],player_1.points[5]): if car_v > 0: car_v = car_v*-0.6 if track.test_point(player_1.points[2],player_1.points[3]): car_x = car_x - side_bounce * sin(direction) car_y = car_y + side_bounce * cos(direction) else: car_v = 5 #if track.test_point(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]): #if track.test_point(player_1.points[0],player_1.points[1]): #car_x = car_x - 4 * sin(direction-(pi/2)) #car_y = car_y + 4 * cos(direction-(pi/2)) #print "should be working2" ############################# # Colisions for second car if not track.test_point(player_2.points[0],player_2.points[1]): car_v2 = car_v2*-0.6 car_x2 = car_x2 + -5 * cos(direction2) car_y2 = car_y2 - -5 * sin(direction2) if not track.test_point(player_2.points[2],player_2.points[3]): if car_v2 > 0: car_v2 = car_v2*-0.6 if track.test_point(player_2.points[2],player_2.points[3]): car_x2 = car_x2 - side_bounce * sin(direction2) car_y2 = car_y2 + side_bounce * cos(direction2) else: car_v2 = 2 #car_x = car_x - 10 * sin(direction) #car_y = car_y + 10 * cos(direction) #print "should be working" if not track.test_point(player_2.points[4],player_2.points[5]): if car_v2 > 0: car_v2 = car_v2*-0.6 if track.test_point(player_2.points[2],player_2.points[3]): car_x2 = car_x2 - side_bounce * sin(direction2) car_y2 = car_y2 + side_bounce * cos(direction2) else: car_v2 = 2 #car_x = car_x - 10 * sin(direction) #car_y = car_y + 10 * cos(direction) #print "should be working2" ########## # Physics #car1 if car_v > 0: car_v -= friction else: car_v += friction car_v = min(car_v + car_a,10) car_x = car_x + car_v * cos(direction) car_y = car_y - car_v * sin(direction) direction = direction + spin*min(1,car_v/5) #car2 if car_v2 > 0: car_v2 -= friction else: car_v2 += friction car_v2 = min(car_v2 + car_a2,10) car_x2 = car_x2 + car_v2 * cos(direction2) car_y2 = car_y2 - car_v2 * sin(direction2) direction2 = direction2 + spin2*min(1,car_v2/5) ################ # Drawing bits ################ color("black") track.draw_polygons() player_1.move(car_x,car_y,direction) player_2.move(car_x2,car_y2,direction2) if player_won == 1: image(screen_width/2 - 320,screen_height/2 - 200,"") if player_won == 2: image(screen_width/2 - 320,screen_height/2 - 200,"")
def word(): a = [ "Dog", "Cat", "Castle", "Voldemort", "Barack Obama", "Snowman", "Aeroplane", "Apple", "Bible", "Chocolates", "Electricity" ] text(screen_width / 2, screen_height / 2, random.choice(a))
def Num_of_Values(): global Winner Num_0 = 0 Num_1 = 0 Num_2 = 0 for a in range(0,8): for b in range(0,8): c = Grid[a][b] if c == 0: Num_0 += 1 elif c == 1: Num_1 += 1 elif c == 2: Num_2 += 1 if Num_0 == 0: if Num_1 > Num_2: Winner = 1 elif Num_1 == Num_2: Winner = 0 elif Num_2 > Num_1: Winner = 2 if Winner == 1 or Winner == 2: color("White") box(26,26,399,399) color("Red") text(75,195,"Game over. The winner was player (%d)" % Winner) text(75,215,"To restart, run again.") else: color("White") box(26,26,399,399) color("Red") text(75,195,"Game over. Both players got the same score.") text(75,215,"To restart, run again.") return elif Num_1 == 0: color("White") box(26,26,399,399) color("Red") text(75,195,"Game over. The winner was player 2.") text(75,215,"To restart, run again.") return elif Num_2 == 0: color("White") box(26,26,399,399) color("Red") text(75,195,"Game over. The winner was player 1.") text(75,215,"To restart, run again.")
from import (color, line, spot, circle, box, image, text, background) from import * EndGame = False score = 0 color("white") text(630,160,"score 0") #---Grid----------------------------------------- color("black") box(0,0,1000,1200) color("grey") box(178,198,550,550) color("white") box(180,200,546,546) color("red") box(138,140,630,3) color("red") box(138,145,630,3) color("red") box(138,185,630,3) color("red") box(138,190,630,3) color("red") box(138,750,630,3)
background("paper.jpg") line(0,0,screen_width, screen_height) spot(200,300, 20) circle(300,200, 20) box(500, 500, 60, 60) image(200,200,"bird.png") line(560,0,560,495) text(600, 100, "Hello Tealight!") lastx = None lasty = None hue = 0 def handle_mousemove(x,y): global lastx, lasty, hue line(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y) color("hsl(%d,100%%,50%%)" % hue) hue += 1 lastx = x lasty = y
def drawToolbar(): tools = ["line","bold","circle","bird","stars","italics","triangle","hearts","eraser"] text (screen_width - 300, 10, "Toolbar:") rectangle(screen_width - 300,35,25,25) line(screen_width - 286, 40, screen_width - 286, 52) rectangle(screen_width - 275,35,25,25) box (screen_width - 264, 37, 5, 20) rectangle(screen_width - 250,35,25,25) spot (screen_width - 238, 47, 8) rectangle(screen_width - 225,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 219, 38, "B") rectangle(screen_width - 200,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 193, 38, "*") rectangle(screen_width - 175,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 165, 38, "/") rectangle(screen_width - 150,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 145, 38, "T") rectangle(screen_width - 125,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 120, 38, "H") rectangle(screen_width - 100,35,25,25) text(screen_width - 95, 38, "X")
def welcome(): color("black") text(startx, starty+size*10+20, "Welcome to Mineswepper!") text(startx, starty+size*10+50, "- Left click to play, right click to flag/unflag a cell.")
import random from random import randrange from math import floor from import (color, line, spot, circle, box, image, text, background) score = 0 ingame = 1 color('white') box(0, 0, 1000, 1000) color("black") text(0, 600, "Score: " + str(score)) #this makes the grid def makegrid(): for j in range(0, 10): for i in range(0, 10): if ((i + j) % 2) != 1: color("black") else: color("blue") box(i * 60, j * 60, 50, 50) #this gets the information about a box from the corresponding list def get(A, x, y): position = (11 * (y)) + x return A[position] #this sets the information about a box to the corresponding lis
def uncover(boxX, boxY): global score global ingame global mine print boxY, boxX print get(mine, boxX, boxY) if get(mine, boxX, boxY)==1: color('red') box(boxX*60,boxY*60,50,50) ingame=0 color("white") box(0,600,500,50) color("black") text(0, 600,"Final score: "+str(score)) text(500,600, "You Lost!") findMines() if get(mine, boxX, boxY)==0: color('white') box(boxX*60,boxY*60,50,50) setbox(mine,boxX,boxY,2) end = getSurroundingMines(boxX,boxY) score = getscore() color("white") box(0,600,500,50) color("black") text(0, 600,"Score: "+str(score)) if score==85: score = 100 ingame=0 color("white") box(0,600,500,50) color("black") text(0, 600,"Final score: "+str(score)) text(500,600, "You WIN!") if end == 0: if boxX<9: if boxY<9: if boxX>0: if boxY>0: uncover(boxX +1, boxY) uncover(boxX -1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY +1) uncover(boxX, boxY -1) if boxX<9: if boxY==9: if boxX>0: uncover(boxX +1, boxY) uncover(boxX -1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY -1) if boxX<9: if boxY==0: if boxX>0: uncover(boxX +1, boxY) uncover(boxX -1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY +1) if boxY<9: if boxX==9: if boxY>0: uncover(boxX +1, boxY) uncover(boxX -1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY -1) if boxY<9: if boxX==0: if boxY>0: uncover(boxX, boxY +1) uncover(boxX, boxY -1) uncover(boxX +1, boxY) if boxX == 0: if boxY == 9: uncover(boxX, boxY -1) uncover(boxX +1, boxY) if boxX == 9: if boxY == 0: uncover(boxX, boxY +1) uncover(boxX -1, boxY) if boxX == 0: if boxY == 0: uncover(boxX, boxY +1) uncover(boxX +1, boxY) if boxX == 9: if boxY == 9: uncover(boxX, boxY -1) uncover(boxX -1, boxY)
def handle_frame(): global balls, sr, sb, gameend, e3, redcount, bluecount, hippo1, hippo2, hippo3, hippo4 if gameend==0: sleep(20) color("white") box(0,0,screen_width,screen_height) color("black") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2,domain+radius) color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") circle(screen_width/2-domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(255,0,255,1)") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2-domain/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(255,100,0,1)") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2+domain/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") circle(screen_width/2+domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) for ball in balls: #a[d*i+8]=-a[d*i]/1000 #a[d*i+9]=-a[d*i+1]/1000 ball.position = ball.position + ball.velocity # TODO: Acceleration #a1=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 #a2=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 #aa=sqrt(a1*a1+a2*a2) #a[d*i+8]=-mu*a[d*i+2]-g*a1/aa #a[d*i+9]=-mu*a[d*i+3]-g*a2/aa #if a[d*i]<screen_width: # a[d*i+2]=a[d*i+2]*1+a[d*i+8] # a[d*i+3]=a[d*i+3]*1+a[d*i+9] for i in range (0,len(balls)): for j in range (i+1,len(balls)): normal = balls[i].position - balls[j].position nn=normal.mod() if nn<2*radius: if nn !=0: # rotate so colission along x tangent=Vector(-normal.y,normal.x) v3 = Vector(normal * balls[i].velocity, tangent * balls[i].velocity) v4 = Vector(normal * balls[j].velocity, tangent * balls[j].velocity) v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3.x+(1+e)*v4.x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4.x+(1+e)*v3.x) balls[i].velocity = \ Vector((normal.x*v5x-normal.y*v3.y)/nn**2, (normal.y*v5x+normal.x*v3.y)/nn**2) balls[j].velocity = \ Vector((normal.x*v6x-normal.y*v4.y)/nn**2, (normal.y*v6x+normal.x*v4.y)/nn**2) balls[i].position += normal.scale((2*radius-nn) / (2 * nn)) balls[j].position += normal.scale(-(2*radius-nn) / (2 * nn)) #if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)>domain*domain and a[d*i]<screen_width: #print(i) # n1=-(a[d*i]-screen_width/2) # n2=-(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2) # v1x=a[d*i+2] # v1y=a[d*i+3] # nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 # a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e2*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e2)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn # a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e2)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e2*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn # a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(1-domain+sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) # a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(1-domain+sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) #hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2 #hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 #if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo1>1: # print(i) # a[d*i+2]=nom*a[d*i+2] # a[d*i+3]=nom*a[d*i+3] #if hippo1>1: # hippo1=hippo1-1 #if hippo2==2: # hippo2=1 #if hippo3==2: # hippo3=1 #if hippo4==2: # hippo4=1 #if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo1>0: # n1=hcx # n2=hcy # nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 # v1x=a[d*i+2] # v1y=a[d*i+3] # a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn # a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn # a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) # a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) #if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo1==1: # a[d*i]=screen_width+100 # a[d*i+1]=screen_height+100 # a[d*i+2]=0 # a[d*i+3]=0 # team=int(i/n) # if team==0: # sr=sr-1 # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==1: # sr=sr-1 # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==2: # sr=sr+3 # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==3: # sr=sr-1 # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==4: # sr=-100 # gameend=1 # print("Blue team wins!") #hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 #hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2 #if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo2==1: # n1=hcx # n2=hcy # nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 # v1x=a[d*i+2] # v1y=a[d*i+3] # a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn # a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn # a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) # a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) #if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo2==1: # a[d*i]=1000000 # a[d*i+1]=1000000 # a[d*i+2]=0 # a[d*i+3]=0 # team=int(i/n) # if team==0: # sr=sr # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==1: # sb=sb+1 # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==2: # sr=sr # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==3: # sr=sr # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==4: # sb=-100 # gameend=1 # print("Red team wins!") # #hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 #hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2 #if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo3==1: # n1=hcx # n2=hcy # nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 # v1x=a[d*i+2] # v1y=a[d*i+3] # a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn # a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn # a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) # a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) #if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo3==1: # a[d*i]=1000000 # a[d*i+1]=1000000 # a[d*i+2]=0 # a[d*i+3]=0 # team=int(i/n) # if team==0: # sr=sr # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==1: # sr=sr # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==2: # sr=sr # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==3: # sr=sr+1 # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==4: # sr=-100 # gameend=1 # print("Blue team wins!") #hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2 #hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 #if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo4==1: # n1=hcx # n2=hcy # nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 # v1x=a[d*i+2] # v1y=a[d*i+3] # a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn # a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn # a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) # a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) # #if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo4==1: # a[d*i]=1000000 # a[d*i+1]=1000000 # a[d*i+2]=0 # a[d*i+3]=0 # team=int(i/n) # if team==0: # sb=sb+3 # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==1: # sb=sb-1 # bluecount=bluecount-1 # elif team==2: # sb=sb-1 # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==3: # sb=sb-1 # redcount=redcount-1 # elif team==4: # sb=-100 # gameend=1 # print("Red team wins!") for i, ball in enumerate(balls): color(ctorgba(ball.colour)) spot(ball.position.x, ball.position.y, radius) if i==4*n: color("white") text(ball.position.x-3, ball.position.y-12,"!") if hippo1==1: color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo2==1: color("rgba(255,0,255,1)") spot(screen_width/2,screen_height/2-domain/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo3==1: color("rgba(255,100,0,1)") spot(screen_width/2,screen_height/2+domain/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo4==1: color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) color("red") text(10,10,sr) color("blue") text(screen_width-100,10,sb) if redcount==0 or bluecount==0: gameend=1 if sr>sb: print("Red team wins!") elif sb>sr: print("Blue team wins!") else: print("Draw!")
import random from random import randrange from math import floor from import (color, line, spot, circle, box, image, text, background) score=0 ingame=1 color('white') box(0,0,1000,1000) color("black") text(0, 600,"Score: "+str(score)) #this makes the grid def makegrid(): for j in range(0, 10): for i in range(0, 10): if((i+j) % 2) !=1: color("black") else: color("blue") box(i*60, j*60, 50, 50) #this gets the information about a box from the corresponding list def get(A, x, y): position = (11*(y))+x return A[position] #this sets the information about a box to the corresponding lis def setbox(A, x, y, val): position = (11*(y))+x A[position] = val
background("paper.jpg") line(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height) spot(200, 300, 20) circle(300, 200, 20) box(500, 500, 60, 60) image(200, 200, "bird.png") line(560, 0, 560, 495) text(600, 100, "Hello Tealight!") lastx = None lasty = None hue = 0 def handle_mousemove(x, y): global lastx, lasty, hue line(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y) color("hsl(%d,100%%,50%%)" % hue) hue += 1 lastx = x
def word(): a = ["Dog", "Cat", "Castle", "Voldemort", "Barack Obama", "Snowman", "Aeroplane", "Apple", "Bible", "Chocolates", "Electricity"] text(screen_width /2, screen_height / 2, random.choice(a))
def handle_frame(): global mx,my, gamestate, sr, sb, shiftx, shifty, dshiftx, dshifty, gameover, player, aimrad, ffwd, counter counter=(counter+1)%20 if ffwd==0 or counter==0: color("black") box(0,0,screen_width,screen_height) vsum=0 shiftx=(shiftx+dshiftx)%screen_width shifty=(shifty+dshifty)%screen_height mx=mmx-shiftx my=mmy-shifty if ffwd==0 or counter==0: color("white") circle(cx+shiftx,cy+shifty,2*radius) circle(cx+screen_width+shiftx,cy+shifty,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx-screen_width,cy+shifty,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx,cy+shifty+screen_height,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx,cy+shifty-screen_height,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx+screen_width,cy+shifty+screen_height,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx+screen_width,cy+shifty-screen_height,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx-screen_width,cy+shifty+screen_height,2*radius) circle(cx+shiftx-screen_width,cy+shifty-screen_height,2*radius) color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty+screen_height-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty-screen_height-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty+screen_height-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty-screen_height-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty+screen_height-24,sr) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty-screen_height-24,sr) color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty,sb) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty,sb) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty,sb) text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty+screen_height,sb) text(cx+shiftx-6,cy+shifty-screen_height,sb) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty+screen_height,sb) text(cx+shiftx+screen_width-6,cy+shifty-screen_height,sb) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty+screen_height,sb) text(cx+shiftx-screen_width-6,cy+shifty-screen_height,sb) a1=mx-a[d*(n-1)] a2=my-a[d*(n-1)+1] if a1>screen_width/2: a1=-screen_width+a1 elif a1<-screen_width/2: a1=screen_width+a1 if a2>screen_height/2: a2=-screen_height+a2 elif a2<-screen_height/2: a2=screen_height+a2 aa=a1*a1+a2*a2 a1=a1*aimrad/sqrt(aa) a2=a2*aimrad/sqrt(aa) if gamestate==0 and aa<aimrad**2: if player==0: color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") elif player==1: color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx+screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty+screen_height+a2) line(a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height,a[d*(n-1)]+shiftx-screen_width+a1,a[d*(n-1)+1]+shifty-screen_height+a2) for i in range (0,n): if a[d*i+7]!=1: a[d*i]=a[d*i]+a[d*i+2] a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+a[d*i+3] vv=sqrt(a[d*i+2]**2+a[d*i+3]**2) if vv!=0: a[d*i+2]=a[d*i+2]*(1-mu/vv) a[d*i+3]=a[d*i+3]*(1-mu/vv) k1=int(a[d*i+1]/screen_height) k2=a[d*i+1]%screen_height a[d*i]=(a[d*i]%screen_width)*(-1)**k1 a[d*i+1]=k2 a[d*i+2]=a[d*i+2]*(-1)**k1 vsum=vsum+vv #Collisions for j in range (i+1,n): if a[d*j+7]!=1: n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] v3x=n1*v1x+n2*v1y v3y=-n2*v1x+n1*v1y v4x=n1*v2x+n2*v2y v4y=-n2*v2x+n1*v2y v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3x+(1+e)*v4x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4x+(1+e)*v3x) v7x=(n1*v5x-n2*v3y)/nn v7y=(n2*v5x+n1*v3y)/nn v8x=(n1*v6x-n2*v4y)/nn v8y=(n2*v6x+n1*v4y)/nn a[d*i+2]=v7x a[d*i+3]=v7y a[d*j+2]=v8x a[d*j+3]=v8y a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]-screen_width) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] v3x=n1*v1x+n2*v1y v3y=-n2*v1x+n1*v1y v4x=n1*v2x+n2*v2y v4y=-n2*v2x+n1*v2y v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3x+(1+e)*v4x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4x+(1+e)*v3x) v7x=(n1*v5x-n2*v3y)/nn v7y=(n2*v5x+n1*v3y)/nn v8x=(n1*v6x-n2*v4y)/nn v8y=(n2*v6x+n1*v4y)/nn a[d*i+2]=v7x a[d*i+3]=v7y a[d*j+2]=v8x a[d*j+3]=v8y a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]+screen_width) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] v3x=n1*v1x+n2*v1y v3y=-n2*v1x+n1*v1y v4x=n1*v2x+n2*v2y v4y=-n2*v2x+n1*v2y v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3x+(1+e)*v4x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4x+(1+e)*v3x) v7x=(n1*v5x-n2*v3y)/nn v7y=(n2*v5x+n1*v3y)/nn v8x=(n1*v6x-n2*v4y)/nn v8y=(n2*v6x+n1*v4y)/nn a[d*i+2]=v7x a[d*i+3]=v7y a[d*j+2]=v8x a[d*j+3]=v8y a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]+screen_height) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] v3x=n1*v1x+n2*v1y v3y=-n2*v1x+n1*v1y v4x=n1*v2x+n2*v2y v4y=-n2*v2x+n1*v2y v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3x+(1+e)*v4x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4x+(1+e)*v3x) v7x=(n1*v5x-n2*v3y)/nn v7y=(n2*v5x+n1*v3y)/nn v8x=(n1*v6x-n2*v4y)/nn v8y=(n2*v6x+n1*v4y)/nn a[d*i+2]=v7x a[d*i+3]=v7y a[d*j+2]=v8x a[d*j+3]=v8y a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]-screen_height) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] v3x=n1*v1x+n2*v1y v3y=-n2*v1x+n1*v1y v4x=n1*v2x+n2*v2y v4y=-n2*v2x+n1*v2y v5x=0.5*((1-e)*v3x+(1+e)*v4x) v6x=0.5*((1-e)*v4x+(1+e)*v3x) v7x=(n1*v5x-n2*v3y)/nn v7y=(n2*v5x+n1*v3y)/nn v8x=(n1*v6x-n2*v4y)/nn v8y=(n2*v6x+n1*v4y)/nn a[d*i+2]=v7x a[d*i+3]=v7y a[d*j+2]=v8x a[d*j+3]=v8y a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) #Pocket if (a[d*i]-cx)**2+(a[d*i+1]-cy)**2<4*radius**2 and i!=n-1: a[d*i+7]=1 if i<(n/2)-1: sr=sr+1 elif i<n-2: sb=sb+1 else: if gameover==0: gameover=1 if player==0: if sb==n/2-1: print("Blue wins.") else: print("Red wins.") if player==1: if sr==n/2-1: print("Red wins.") else: print("Blue wins.") if ffwd==0 or counter==0: c=[a[d*i+4],a[d*i+5],a[d*i+6],1] colstring = ctorgba(c) color(colstring) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx,a[d*i+1]+shifty,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx,a[d*i+1]+shifty+screen_height,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx,a[d*i+1]+shifty-screen_height,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty+screen_height,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx+screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty-screen_height,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty+screen_height,radius) spot(a[d*i]+shiftx-screen_width,a[d*i+1]+shifty-screen_height,radius) if vsum>0.1: gamestate=1 else: gamestate=0 for i in range(0,n): a[d*i+2]=0 a[d*i+3]=0
background("paper.jpg") line(0,0,screen_width, screen_height) spot(200,300, 20) circle(300,200, 20) box(500, 500, 60, 60) image(200,200,"bird.png") line(560,0,560,495) text(600, 100, "Hello Adam!") lastx = None lasty = None hue = 0 def handle_mousemove(x,y): global lastx, lasty, hue line(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y) circle(lastx or x, lasty or y, x) #color("hsl(%d,100%%,50%%)" % hue) color("rgba(400,9,0,0.7)" % hue) box(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y)
def uncover(boxX, boxY): global score global ingame global mine if get(mine, boxX, boxY) == 1: color('red') box(boxX * 60, boxY * 60, 50, 50) ingame = 0 color("white") box(0, 600, 500, 50) color("black") text(0, 600, "Final score: " + str(score)) text(500, 600, "You Lost!") findMines() if get(mine, boxX, boxY) == 0: color('white') box(boxX * 60, boxY * 60, 50, 50) setbox(mine, boxX, boxY, 2) end = getSurroundingMines(boxX, boxY) score = getscore() color("white") box(0, 600, 500, 50) color("black") text(0, 600, "Score: " + str(score)) if score == 85: score = 100 ingame = 0 color("white") box(0, 600, 500, 50) color("black") text(0, 600, "Final score: " + str(score)) text(500, 600, "You WIN!") if end == 0: if boxX < 9: if boxY < 9: if boxX > 0: if boxY > 0: uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY + 1) uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) if boxX < 9: if boxY == 9: if boxX > 0: uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) if boxX < 9: if boxY == 0: if boxX > 0: uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY + 1) if boxY < 9: if boxX == 9: if boxY > 0: uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY) uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) if boxY < 9: if boxX == 0: if boxY > 0: uncover(boxX, boxY + 1) uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) if boxX == 0: if boxY == 9: uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) if boxX == 9: if boxY == 0: uncover(boxX, boxY + 1) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY) if boxX == 0: if boxY == 0: uncover(boxX, boxY + 1) uncover(boxX + 1, boxY) if boxX == 9: if boxY == 9: uncover(boxX, boxY - 1) uncover(boxX - 1, boxY)
def handle_frame(): global sr, sb, gameend, e3, redcount, bluecount if gameend==0: sleep(20) color("white") box(0,0,screen_width,screen_height) color("black") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2,domain+radius) color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") circle(screen_width/2-domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(255,0,255,1)") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2-domain/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(255,100,0,1)") circle(screen_width/2,screen_height/2+domain/2,hipporadius) color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") circle(screen_width/2+domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) for i in range (0,4*n+1): #a[d*i+8]=-a[d*i]/1000 #a[d*i+9]=-a[d*i+1]/1000 a[d*i]=a[d*i]+a[d*i+2] a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+a[d*i+3] a1=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 a2=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 aa=sqrt(a1*a1+a2*a2) a[d*i+8]=-mu*a[d*i+2]-g*a1/aa a[d*i+9]=-mu*a[d*i+3]-g*a2/aa a[d*i+2]=a[d*i+2]*1+a[d*i+8] a[d*i+3]=a[d*i+3]*1+a[d*i+9] for i in range (0,4*n+1): c=[a[d*i+4],a[d*i+5],a[d*i+6],1] colstring = ctorgba(c) color(colstring) spot(a[d*i],a[d*i+1],radius) if i==4*n: color("white") text(a[d*i]-3,a[d*i+1]-11,"!") for i in range (0,4*n+1): for j in range (i+1,4*n+1): n1=(a[d*i]-a[d*j]) n2=(a[d*i+1]-a[d*j+1]) nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] v2x=a[d*j+2] v2y=a[d*j+3] if nn<4*radius*radius: if nn !=0: if a[d*i+7]==0 and a[d*i+7]==0: a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*j+2]=((n2*n2-n1*n1)*v2x-2*n1*n2*v2y)/nn a[d*j+3]=(-2*n1*n2*v2x+(n1*n1-n2*n2)*v2y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*j]=a[d*j]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*j+1]=a[d*j+1]-(0+radius-sqrt(nn)/2)*n2/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+7]=0 a[d*j+7]=0 if a[d*i+7]!=0: a[d*i+7]=a[d*i+7]-1 #print(i,domain*domain,(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)) if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)>domain*domain and a[d*i]<screen_width: #print(i) n1=-(a[d*i]-screen_width/2) n2=-(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2) v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e2*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e2)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e2)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e2*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0-domain+sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0-domain+sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2 hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo1==1: n1=hcx n2=hcy nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2+domain/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo1==1: a[d*i]=screen_width+100 a[d*i+1]=screen_height+100 a[d*i+2]=0 a[d*i+3]=0 team=int(i/n) if team==0: sr=sr-1 bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==1: sr=sr-1 bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==2: sr=sr+3 redcount=redcount-1 elif team==3: sr=sr-1 redcount=redcount-1 elif team==4: sr=-100 gameend=1 print("Blue team wins!") hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2 if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo2==1: n1=hcx n2=hcy nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2+domain/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo2==1: a[d*i]=1000000 a[d*i+1]=1000000 a[d*i+2]=0 a[d*i+3]=0 team=int(i/n) if team==0: sr=sr bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==1: sb=sb+1 bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==2: sr=sr redcount=redcount-1 elif team==3: sr=sr redcount=redcount-1 elif team==4: sb=-100 gameend=1 print("Red team wins!") hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2 hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2 if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo3==1: n1=hcx n2=hcy nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2-domain/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo3==1: a[d*i]=1000000 a[d*i+1]=1000000 a[d*i+2]=0 a[d*i+3]=0 team=int(i/n) if team==0: sr=sr bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==1: sr=sr bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==2: sr=sr redcount=redcount-1 elif team==3: sr=sr+1 redcount=redcount-1 elif team==4: sr=-100 gameend=1 print("Blue team wins!") hcx=a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2 hcy=a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2 if hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy>hipporadius*hipporadius and hcx*hcx+hcy*hcy<(hipporadius+radius)*(hipporadius+radius) and hippo4==1: n1=hcx n2=hcy nn=n1*n1+n2*n2 v1x=a[d*i+2] v1y=a[d*i+3] a[d*i+2]=((n2*n2-e3*n1*n1)*v1x-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1y)/nn a[d*i+3]=(-(1+e3)*n1*n2*v1x+(n1*n1-e3*n2*n2)*v1y)/nn a[d*i]=a[d*i]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n1/sqrt(nn) a[d*i+1]=a[d*i+1]+(0+radius+hipporadius-sqrt(nn))*n2/sqrt(nn) if (a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2)*(a[d*i]-screen_width/2-domain/2)+(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)*(a[d*i+1]-screen_height/2)<hipporadius*hipporadius and hippo4==1: a[d*i]=1000000 a[d*i+1]=1000000 a[d*i+2]=0 a[d*i+3]=0 team=int(i/n) if team==0: sb=sb+3 bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==1: sb=sb-1 bluecount=bluecount-1 elif team==2: sb=sb-1 redcount=redcount-1 elif team==3: sb=sb-1 redcount=redcount-1 elif team==4: sb=-100 gameend=1 print("Red team wins!") if hippo1==1: color("rgba(255,0,0,1)") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo2==1: color("rgba(255,0,255,1)") spot(screen_width/2,screen_height/2-domain/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-domain/2+1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo3==1: color("rgba(255,100,0,1)") spot(screen_width/2,screen_height/2+domain/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2+hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) if hippo4==1: color("rgba(0,0,255,1)") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2,screen_height/2,hipporadius) color("white") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/5) color("black") spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2+hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) spot(screen_width/2+domain/2-1.2*hipporadius/3,screen_height/2-hipporadius/3,hipporadius/10) color("red") text(10,screen_height-24,sr) color("blue") text(screen_width-100,10,sb) if redcount==0 or bluecount==0: gameend=1 if sr>sb: print("Red team wins!") elif sb>sr: print("Blue team wins!") else: print("Draw!")
def show_num(i,j,num): tx = startx + i*size ty = starty + j*size white(tx, ty) color("black") text(tx + size/7*3, ty + size/7*3, num)
background("paper.jpg") line(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height) spot(200, 300, 20) circle(300, 200, 20) box(500, 500, 60, 60) image(200, 200, "bird.png") line(560, 0, 560, 495) text(10, 10, "Hello Tealight!") lastx = None lasty = None hue = 0 def handle_mousemove(x, y): global lastx, lasty, hue line(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y) color("hsl(%d,100%%,50%%)" % hue) hue += 1 lastx = x
background("paper.jpg") line(0,0,screen_width, screen_height) spot(200,300, 20) circle(300,200, 20) box(500, 500, 60, 60) image(200,200,"bird.png") line(560,0,560,495) text(10, 10, "Hello Tealight!") lastx = None lasty = None hue = 0 def handle_mousemove(x,y): global lastx, lasty, hue line(lastx or x, lasty or y, x, y) color("hsl(%d,100%%,50%%)" % hue) hue += 1 lastx = x lasty = y