コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Call init method from LBController
        super(TEControllerLab1, self).__init__()

        # Instantiate probability calculator object
        self.pc = ProbabiliyCalculator()

        # Create lock for synchronization on accessing self.cg
        self.capacityGraphLock = threading.Lock()

        # Set the congestion threshold
        self.congestionThreshold = congestionThreshold
        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        log.info("%s - Congestion Threshold is set to %.2f%% of the link\n"%(t, (self.congestionThreshold)*100.0))

        # Graph that will hold the link available capacities
        with self.capacityGraphLock:
            self.cg = self._createCapacitiesGraph()

        # Variable where we save the last "read-out" copy of the
        # capacity graph
        self.cgc = self.cg.copy()

        # Start the links monitorer thread linked to the event queue
        lmt = LinksMonitorThread(capacity_graph = self.cg,
                                 lock = self.capacityGraphLock,
                                 logfile = dconf.LinksMonitor_LogFile,
コード例 #2
class TEControllerLab1(SimplePathLB):
    def __init__(self):
        # Call init method from LBController
        super(TEControllerLab1, self).__init__()

        # Instantiate probability calculator object
        self.pc = ProbabiliyCalculator()

        # Create lock for synchronization on accessing self.cg
        self.capacityGraphLock = threading.Lock()

        # Set the congestion threshold
        self.congestionThreshold = congestionThreshold
        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        log.info("%s - Congestion Threshold is set to %.2f%% of the link\n"%(t, (self.congestionThreshold)*100.0))

        # Graph that will hold the link available capacities
        with self.capacityGraphLock:
            self.cg = self._createCapacitiesGraph()

        # Variable where we save the last "read-out" copy of the
        # capacity graph
        self.cgc = self.cg.copy()

        # Start the links monitorer thread linked to the event queue
        lmt = LinksMonitorThread(capacity_graph = self.cg,
                                 lock = self.capacityGraphLock,
                                 logfile = dconf.LinksMonitor_LogFile,
    def run(self):
        """Main loop that deals with new incoming events
        getTimeout = 1

        logtimes = False        
        while not self.isStopped():            
            # Get event from the queue (blocking with timeout)
                if logtimes:
                    start_time = time.time()
                    log.info("*** Waiting for event to arrive...\n")
                event = self.eventQueue.get(timeout=getTimeout)
                if logtimes:
                    log.info("*** Waited %s seconds. Timeout occurred...\n"%(str(time.time()-start_time)))
                event = None
            # Check if flows allocations still pending for feedback
            if self.pendingForFeedback != {}:
                if logtimes:
                    log.info("*** Some Flows still pending for Feedback...\n")
                if not self.feedbackResponseQueue.empty():
                    # Read element from responseQueue
                    responsePathDict = self.feedbackResponseQueue.get()
            if event:
                #log.info("*** Got event!...\n")
                start_time = time.time()
                if event['type'] == 'newFlowStarted':
                    # Log it
                    t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
                    log.info("%s - run(): %s retrieved from eventQueue\n"%(t, event['type']))
                    flow = event['data']
                    log.info("\t* Flow: %s\n"%self.toLogFlowNames(flow))

                    # We force that upon dealing with flow, the self.dags
                    # and self.flow_allocation dictionaries are not
                    # modified.
                    with self.dagsLock:
                        with self.flowAllocationLock:
                            # Deal with new flow                    

                    if logtimes:
                        log.info("*** It took %s seconds to deal with new flow event...\n"%(str(time.time()-start_time)))
                    t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
                    log.info("%s - run(): UNKNOWN Event\n"%t)
                    log.info("\t* Event: "%str(event))

            if self.pendingForFeedback != {}:
                # Log a bit
                t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
                #log.info("%s - Some flows are yet to be exactly allocated\n"%t)
                #log.info("\t*  Puting pending flows into requestFeedbackQueue:\n")
                #log.info("\t*  %s:\n"%str([(self.toLogFlowNames(f), self.toLogRouterNames(pl)) for f, pl in self.pendingForFeedback.iteritems()]))
                # Put into queue
    def dealWithAllocationFeedback(self, responsePathDict):
        # Acquire locks for self.flow_allocation and self.dags
        # dictionaries
        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        log.info("%s - Allocation feedback received: processing...\n"%t)

        # Iterate flows for which there is allocation feedback
        for (f, p) in responsePathDict.iteritems():
            flow_dst_prefix = self.getCurrentOSPFPrefix(f.dst.compressed)
            flow_dst_prefix = flow_dst_prefix.compressed
            # Update flow_allocation dictionary
            if flow_dst_prefix in self.flow_allocation.keys():
                pl = self.flow_allocation[flow_dst_prefix].get(f, None)
                if pl == None:
                    # It means flow finished... so we should remove it
                    # from pendingForFeedback
                    # Log a bit
                    to_log = "\t* %s allocated to %s.\n\t  Previous options: %s\n"
                    log.info(to_log%(self.toLogFlowNames(f), self.toLogRouterNames([p]), self.toLogRouterNames(pl)))

                    # Update allocation
                    self.flow_allocation[flow_dst_prefix][f] = [p]

                    # Update current DAG (ongoing_flows = False) should be
                    # done here. But since it's not used anyway, we skip
                    # it for now...
                    # Remove flow from pendingForFeedback
                    if f in self.pendingForFeedback.keys():
                        raise KeyError
                # It means flow finished... so we should remove it
                # from pendingForFeedback

        # Release locks
    def dealWithNewFlow(self, flow):
        Re-writes the parent class method.

        # We acquire the lock now, and assume that capacities are
        # fixed for all execution of the dealWithNewFlow function

        with self.capacityGraphLock:
            # Make copy of the capacity graph at that moment in time
            # and release the lock.
            self.cgc = self.cg.copy()

        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        log.info("%s - Copy of the capacity graph done. Current edge usages:\n"%t)
        for (x, y, data) in self.cgc.edges(data=True):
            currentLoad = self.getCurrentEdgeLoad(x,y)
            x_name = self.db.getNameFromIP(x)
            y_name = self.db.getNameFromIP(y)
            log.info("\t(%s, %s) -> Capacity available %d (%.2f%% full)\n"%(x_name, y_name, data['capacity'], currentLoad*100))
        # Get the communicating interfaces
        src_iface = flow['src']
        dst_iface = flow['dst']
        # Get host ip's
        src_ip = src_iface.ip
        dst_ip = dst_iface.ip
        # Get their correspoding networks
        src_network = src_iface.network
        dst_network = self.getCurrentOSPFPrefix(dst_iface.compressed)

        # Get the string-type prefixes
        src_prefix = src_network.compressed
        dst_prefix = dst_network.compressed
        log.info("\t* Flow matches the following OSPF advertized prefix: %s\n"%str(dst_prefix))                
        # Get current Active DAG for prefix
        adag = self.getActiveDag(dst_prefix)
        log.info("\t* Active DAG for %s: %s\n"%(dst_prefix, self.toLogDagNames(adag).edges()))

        # Get the current path from source to destination
        currentPaths = self.getActivePaths(src_iface, dst_iface, dst_prefix)
        log.info("\t* Current paths: %s\n"%str(self.toLogRouterNames(currentPaths)))
        # ECMP active?
        if len(currentPaths) > 1:
            # ECMP is happening
            ecmp_active = True
            log.info("\t* ECMP is ACTIVE in some routers in path\n")
        elif len(currentPaths) == 1:
            # ECMP not active
            ecmp_active = False
            log.info("\t* ECMP is NOT active\n")
            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            to_log = "%s - dealWithNewFlow(): ERROR. No path between src and dst\n"

        if ecmp_active:
            # Calculate congestion probability of single flow!
            # Insert current available capacities in DAG
            for (u, v, data) in adag.edges(data=True):
                cap = self.cgc[u][v]['capacity']
                data['capacity'] = cap
            # Get ingress and egress router
            ingress_router = currentPaths[0][0]
            egress_router = currentPaths[0][-1]

            # compute congestion probability
            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - Computing single flow congestion probability\n"%t)
            #log.info("\t * DAG: %s\n"%(self.toLogDagNames(adag).edges(data=True)))
            #log.info("\t * Ingress router: %s\n"%ingress_router)
            #log.info("\t * Engress router: %s\n"%egress_router)
            log.info("\t* Flow size: %d\n"%flow.size)
            log.info("\t* Equal Cost Paths: %s\n"%self.toLogRouterNames(currentPaths))

            with self.pc.timer as t:
                congProb = self.pc.flowCongestionProbability(adag, ingress_router,
                                                             egress_router, flow.size)
            # Apply decision function
            # Act accordingly
            # Log it
            to_print = "\t* Flow would create congestion with a probability of %.2f%%\n"
            log.info("\t* It took %s ms to compute probabilities\n"%str(self.pc.timer.msecs))
            to_print = "\t* Paths: %s\n"
            log.info(to_print%str([self.toLogRouterNames(path) for path in currentPaths]))

            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - Applying decision function...\n"%t)

            if self.shouldDeactivateECMP(adag, currentPaths, congProb):
                # Here we have to think what to do when probability of
                # congestion is too high.
                log.info("\t* ECMP Should be de-activated!\n")
                self.flowAllocationAlgorithm(dst_prefix, flow, currentPaths)

                log.info("\t* ECMP is not de-activated!\n")
                # Allocate flow t current paths
                self.addAllocationEntry(dst_prefix, flow, currentPaths)

                # Adding flow and paths to pendingForFeedback
                log.info("\t* Adding flow and paths to pendingForFeedback...\n")
                if not self.pendingForFeedback.get(flow, None):
                    self.pendingForFeedback[flow] = currentPaths
                    raise KeyError("How is it possible that flow is in there? It shouldn't happen\n")
            # currentPath is still a list of a single list: [[A,B,C]]
            # but makes it more understandable
            currentPath = currentPaths

            # Can currentPath allocate flow w/o congestion?
            if self.canAllocateFlow(flow, currentPath):
                # No congestion. Do nothing
                t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
                log.info("%s - Flow can be ALLOCATED in current path: %s\n"%(t, self.toLogRouterNames(currentPath)))

                (edge, currentLoad) = self.getFullestEdge(currentPath[0])
                increase = self.utilizationIncrease(currentPath[0], flow)
                log.info("\t* Min capacity edge %s is %.1f%% full\n"%(str(edge), currentLoad*100))
                log.info("\t* New Flow with size %d represents an increase of %.1f%%\n"%(flow.size, increase*100))

                # We just allocate the flow to the currentPath
                self.addAllocationEntry(dst_prefix, flow, currentPath)

                # Congestion created. 
                t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
                log.info("%s - Flow will cause CONGESTION in current path: %s\n"%(t, self.toLogRouterNames(currentPath)))

                (edge, currentLoad) = self.getFullestEdge(currentPath[0])
                increase = self.utilizationIncrease(currentPath[0], flow)
                log.info("\t* Min capacity edge %s is %.1f%% full\n"%(str(edge), currentLoad*100))
                log.info("\t* New Flow with size %d represents an increase of %.1f%%\n"%(flow.size, increase*100))
                # Call the subclassed method to properly 
                # allocate flow to a congestion-free path
                self.flowAllocationAlgorithm(dst_prefix, flow, currentPath)

    def getCurrentEdgeLoad(self, x,y):
        cap = self.cgc[x][y].get('capacity')
        bw = self.cgc[x][y].get('bw')
        if cap and bw:
            currentLoad = (bw - cap)/float(bw)
        return currentLoad
    def getMinCapacity(self, path):
        We overwrite the method so that capacities are now checked from the
        SNMP couters data updated by the link monitor thread.
        caps_in_path = []
        for (u,v) in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
            edge_data = self.cgc.get_edge_data(u, v)
            if edge_data:
                cap = edge_data.get('capacity', None)
            mini = min(caps_in_path)
            return mini
        except ValueError:
            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - getMinCapacity(): ERROR: min could not be calculated\n"%t)
            log.info("\t* Path: %s\n"%path)            
            raise ValueError

    def canAllocateFlow(self, flow, path_list):
        """Returns true if there is at least flow.size bandwidth available in
        all links along the path (or multiple paths in case of ECMP)
        from flow.src to src.dst,
        for path in path_list:
            # Get edge with minimum capacity of the path
            ((x,y), minCap) = self.getMinCapacityEdge(path)
            bw = self.cgc[x][y].get('bw')

            currentload = (bw - minCap)/float(bw)
            if currentload > self.congestionThreshold:
                return False
                nextload = ((bw - minCap) + flow.size)/float(bw)
                if nextload > self.congestionThreshold:
                    return False
        return True

    def getMinCapacityEdge(self, path):
        caps_edges = []
        for (u,v) in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
            edge_data = self.cgc.get_edge_data(u, v)
            if edge_data:
                cap = edge_data.get('capacity', None)
                caps_edges.append(((u,v), cap))
            min_cap_edge = min(caps_edges, key=lambda x: x[1])
            return min_cap_edge
        except ValueError:
            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - getMinCapacity(): ERROR: min could not be calculated\n"%t)
            log.info("Argument should be a list! (not a list of lists)")
            raise ValueError

    def getFullestEdge(self, path):
        # Get edge with minimum capacity of the path
        ((x,y), minCap) = self.getMinCapacityEdge(path)
        bw = self.cgc[x][y].get('bw')

        currentLoad = (bw - minCap)/float(bw)
        return ((x,y), currentLoad)

    def utilizationIncrease(self, path, flow):
        # Get edge with minimum capacity of the path
        ((x,y), minCap) = self.getMinCapacityEdge(path)
        bw = self.cgc[x][y].get('bw')

        currentLoad = (bw - minCap)/float(bw)
        nextLoad = ((bw - minCap) + flow.size)/float(bw)
        return nextLoad - currentLoad

    def _createCapacitiesGraph(self):
        # Get copy of the network graph
        ng_copy = self.network_graph.copy()
        cg = self.network_graph.copy()
        for node in ng_copy.nodes_iter():
            if not ng_copy.is_router(node):
        for (x, y, edge_data) in cg.edges(data=True):
            edge_data['window'] = []
            edge_data['capacity'] = 0
        return cg

    def shouldDeactivateECMP(self, dag, currentPaths, congProb):
        """This function returns a boolean output that decides wheather we
        should deactivate ECMP.

        if congProb > 0.5:
            return True
            return False

    def getNetworkWithoutFullEdges(self, network_graph, flow_size):
        """Returns a nx.DiGraph representing the network graph without the
        edge that can't allocate a flow of flow_size.
        :param network_graph: IGPGraph representing the network.

        :param flow_size: Attribute of a flow defining its size (in bytes).
        ng_temp = network_graph.copy()
        for (x, y, data) in network_graph.edges(data=True):
            cap = self.cgc[x][y].get('capacity', None)
            if cap and cap <= flow_size and self.network_graph.is_router(x) and self.network_graph.is_router(y):
                edge = (x, y)
                ng_temp.remove_edge(x, y) 
        return ng_temp

    def getIngressRouter(self, flow):
        src_iface = flow['src']
        for r in self.network_graph.routers:
            if self.network_graph.has_successor(r, src_iface.network.compressed):
                return r
        return None

    def getEgressRouter(self, flow):
        dst_iface = flow['dst']
        for r in self.network_graph.routers:
            if self.network_graph.has_successor(r, dst_iface.network.compressed):
                return r
        return None

    def _orderByCapacityLeft(self, paths):
        """Given a list of arbitrary paths. It ranks them by capacity left (or
        total edges weight).
        Function is implemented in TEControllerLab1
        ordered_paths = []
        for path in paths:
            min_capacity = self.getMinCapacity(path)
            ordered_paths.append((path, min_capacity))

        # Now rank them from more to less capacity available
        ordered_paths = sorted(ordered_paths, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        return ordered_paths

    def getRealRequiredCapacity(self, dst_prefix, flow, path):
        Given a flow, and the path that wants to be allocated to (pontentially), 
        returns the real minimum capacity needed for the links on the path in order to allocate:

        - The new incoming flow
        - The already ongoing flows that are affected by forcing the path
        # Get already ongoing flows for prefix
        prefix_ongoing_flows = self.getAllocatedFlows(dst_prefix)

        # Initialize required capacity
        required_capacity = flow.size

        # Travere nodes in path
        for index, node in enumerate(path[:-1]):
            # Filter flows that are coincident with path
            moved_flows = [f for (f, pl) in ongoing_flow_allocations for p in pl if node in p]

    def flowAllocationAlgorithm(self, dst_prefix, flow, initial_paths):
        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        log.info("%s - Greedy path allocation algorithm started\n"%t)

        # Get source connected router (src_cr)
        src_iface = flow['src']
        src_prefix = src_iface.network.compressed
        src_cr = [r for r in self.network_graph.routers if
                  self.network_graph.has_successor(r, src_prefix) and
                  self.network_graph[r][src_prefix]['fake'] == False][0]

        # Get current matching destination prefix
        dst_prefix = dst_prefix

        # Get current DAG for destination prefix
        cdag = self.getCurrentDag(dst_prefix)
        # Get required capacity
        required_capacity = flow['size']
        # Calculate all possible paths for flow
        all_paths = self.getAllPathsRanked(self.initial_graph, src_cr, dst_prefix, ranked_by='length')

        # Get already ongoing flows for that prefix
        ongoing_flow_allocations = self.getAllocatedFlows(dst_prefix)

        # Filter only those that are able to allocate flow + ongoing flows moved without congestion
        congestion_free_paths = [path for (path, plen) in all_paths if self.canAllocateFlow(flow, [path[:-1]]) == True]
        # Check if congestion free paths exist
        if len(congestion_free_paths) == 0:
            path_found = False

            # No. So allocate it in the least congested path.
            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - Flow can't be allocated in the network\n"%t)
            log.info("\t* Allocating it in the path that will create less congestion\n")
            log.info("\t* (But we should look for re-arrangement of already allocated flows... activating ECMP!)\n")

            # Here, we should try to re-arrange flows in a way that
            # all of them can be allocated. But for the moment, we
            # will just allocate it in the path that creates less
            # congestion.

            # Get all possible paths from source connected router to
            # destination prefix ranked by capacity left
            all_congested_paths = self.getAllPathsRanked(self.initial_graph, src_cr, dst_prefix, ranked_by='capacity')

            # Set common variable to iterate
            congested_paths = [path for (path, path_capacity) in all_congested_paths]
            path_congestion_pairs = []
            # Try out all paths, and force the one that will create less congestion.
            # Intermediate results are saved in path_congestion_pairs

            for path in congested_paths:
                # Remove the destination subnet hop node from the path
                path = path[:-1]
                # Initialize accumulated required capacity
                accumulated_required_capacity = required_capacity
                accumulated_congestion = 0
                # Accumulate flows that will be moved
                total_moved_flows = []
                for index, node in enumerate(path[:-1]):
                    # Get flows that will be moved to path
                    moved_flows = [f for (f, pl) in ongoing_flow_allocations for p in pl if node in p]
                    # Accumulate the sizes of the flows that are moved to path
                    accumulated_required_capacity += sum([f.size for f in moved_flows])

                    # Add moved flows to total_moved_flows
                    total_moved_flows += moved_flows
                    # Calculate edge required capacity
                    edge = (node, path[index+1])
                    congestion = accumulated_required_capacity - self.cgc[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity']

                    # Only add if it's positive, since negative
                    # congestion is not used anyway.
                    if congestion > 0:
                        accumulated_congestion += congestion 

                # Choosing this path, would create such amount of accumulated congestion
                # Append it in variable
                path_congestion_pairs.append((path, accumulated_congestion, total_moved_flows))

            # Log it first
            for (path, accumulated_congestion, mf) in path_congestion_pairs:
                log.info("\t\t- Path: %s, Congestion: %d, Moved flows: %s\n"%(self.toLogRouterNames(path), accumulated_congestion, str([str(f) for f in mf])))
            # Let's choose the one with the least congestion
            least_congestion = min(path_congestion_pairs, key=lambda x: x[1])
            chosen_path = least_congestion[0]
            chosen_path_congestion = least_congestion[1]
            chosen_path_moved_flows = least_congestion[2]
            to_log = "\t* Found path that will create less congestion: %s, congestion %d\n"
            log.info(to_log%(self.toLogRouterNames(chosen_path), chosen_path_congestion))
            # Yes. There is a path
            path_found = True

            t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
            log.info("%s - Found path/s that can allocate flow\n"%t)

            path_congestion_pairs = []
            for (path, plen) in all_paths:
                # Remove the destination subnet hop node from the path
                path = path[:-1]

                # Create virtual copy of capacity graph
                cg_copy = self.cgc.copy()

                # Initialize accumulated required capacity
                accumulated_required_capacity = required_capacity
                accumulated_congestion = 0
                # Accumulate flows that will be moved
                total_moved_flows = []
                for index, node in enumerate(path[:-1]):
                    # Get flows that will be moved to path
                    moved_flows_pairs = [(f, pl) for (f, pl) in ongoing_flow_allocations for p in pl if node in p]
                    moved_flows = [f for (f,pl) in moved_flows_pairs]

                    # Accumulate the sizes of the flows that are moved to path
                    accumulated_required_capacity += sum([f.size for f in moved_flows])

                    # Virtually substract capacities from ongoing flows
                    for (f, pl) in moved_flows_pairs:
                        # Accumulate edges where capacities have to be virtually changed
                        p_edges = set()
                        action = [p_edges.update(set(zip(p[:-1], p[1:]))) for p in pl]
                        for (x,y) in list(p_edges):
                            # Add flow size back to available capacity
                            cg_copy[x][y]['capacity'] += f.size

                    # Add moved flows to total_moved_flows
                    total_moved_flows += moved_flows
                    # Calculate edge required capacity
                    edge = (node, path[index+1])
                    congestion = accumulated_required_capacity - cg_copy[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity']

                    if congestion > 0:
                            accumulated_congestion += congestion 

                # Choosing this path, would create such amount of accumulated congestion
                # Append it in variable
                path_congestion_pairs.append((path, accumulated_congestion, total_moved_flows))
            # Sort them from less to more congestion created
            path_congestion_pairs_sorted = sorted(path_congestion_pairs, key=lambda x:x[1])

            if path_congestion_pairs_sorted[0][1] != 0:
                log.info("\t* But all of them create congestion when moving other flows\n")
                log.info("\t* Choosing the one that creates less congestion...\n")
                # There is no path that in the end does not create congestion...
                # Choose the one with the least congestion
                chosen_path = path_congestion_pairs_sorted[0][0]
                chosen_path_congestion = path_congestion_pairs_sorted[0][1]
                chosen_path_moved_flows = path_congestion_pairs_sorted[0][2]
                log.info("\t* Path (ips): %s\n"%chosen_path)
                log.info("\t* Path (readable): %s\n"%str(self.toLogRouterNames(chosen_path)))
                log.info("\t* Congestion created: %d\n"%chosen_path_congestion)

                log.info("\t* There are paths that do not create congestion\n")
                paths_without_congestion = [(p, c, f) for (p, c, f) in path_congestion_pairs if c == 0]
                chosen_path = paths_without_congestion[0][0]
                chosen_path_moved_flows = paths_without_congestion[0][2] 
                log.info("\t* Path (ips): %s\n"%chosen_path)
                log.info("\t* Path (readable): %s\n"%str(self.toLogRouterNames(chosen_path)))

        # From here and below is common code regardless if 
        # congestion_free paths are found or not
        # Get edges of new found path
        chosen_path_edges = set(zip(chosen_path[:-1], chosen_path[1:]))
        # Deactivate old edges from initial path nodes (won't be
        # used anymore)
        for node in chosen_path:
            # Get active edges of node
            active_edges = self.getActiveEdges(cdag, node)
            for a_e in active_edges:
                if a_e not in chosen_path_edges:
                    cdag = self.switchDagEdgesData(cdag, [(a_e)], active = False)
                    cdag = self.switchDagEdgesData(cdag, [(a_e)], ongoing_flows = False)

        # Update the flow_allocation
        for f in chosen_path_moved_flows:
            # Get path list of flow
            pl = self.flow_allocation[dst_prefix].get(f)
            final_pl = []
            # Iterate previous paths (pp) in path list
            for pp in pl:
                # Check if previous path has a node in common with chosen path
                indexes = [pp.index(node) for node in pp if node in chosen_path]
                if indexes == []:
                    index_pp = min(indexes)
                    index_cp = chosen_path.index(pp[index_pp])
                    final_pl.append(pp[:index_pp] + chosen_path[index_cp:])
            # Update allocation entry
            self.flow_allocation[dst_prefix][f] = final_pl

        # Add new edges from new computed path
        cdag = self.switchDagEdgesData(cdag, [chosen_path], active=True)
        # This complete DAG goes to the prefix-dag data attribute
        self.setCurrentDag(dst_prefix, cdag)
        # Retrieve only the active edges to force fibbing
        final_dag = self.getActiveDag(dst_prefix)

        # Log it
        log.info("\t* Final modified dag for prefix: the one with which we fib the prefix\n")
        log.info("\t  %s\n"%str(self.toLogDagNames(final_dag).edges()))
        # Force DAG for dst_prefix
        self.sbmanager.add_dag_requirement(dst_prefix, final_dag)
        # Allocate flow to Path. It HAS TO BE DONE after changing the DAG...
        self.addAllocationEntry(dst_prefix, flow, [chosen_path])

        # Log 
        t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
        to_print = "%s - Forced forwarding DAG in Southbound Manager\n"