コード例 #1
ファイル: archivebot.py プロジェクト: Nukesor/archivebot
async def set_name(event, session):
    """Set the name of the current chat (also affects the saving directory."""
    to_id, to_type = get_peer_information(event.message.to_id)
    new_chat_name = event.message.message.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1].strip()
    # We already save to zips, prevent that
    if new_chat_name == "zips":
        return "Invalid chat name. Pick another."

    subscriber = Subscriber.get_or_create(
        session, to_id, to_type, event.message, chat_name=new_chat_name

    old_chat_path = get_chat_path(subscriber.chat_name)
    new_chat_path = get_chat_path(new_chat_name)

    # Handle any command that tries to escape the download directory
    new_real_path = os.path.realpath(new_chat_path)
    target_real_path = os.path.realpath(config["download"]["target_dir"])
    if (
        not new_real_path.startswith(target_real_path)
        or new_real_path == target_real_path
        user = await archive.get_entity(types.PeerUser(event.message.from_id))
            "User tried to escape directory.",
                "new_chat_name": new_chat_name,
                "chat": subscriber.chat_name,
                "user": get_username(user),
            tags={"level": "info"},

        return "Please stop fooling around and don't try to escape the directory. I have been notified about this."

    # Check whether we already have a chat with this name
    if (
        .filter(Subscriber.chat_name == new_chat_name)
        return "Chat name already exists. Please choose another one."

    # Move the old directory to the new location
    elif old_chat_path != new_chat_path:
        subscriber.chat_name = new_chat_name
        if os.path.exists(old_chat_path):
            os.rename(old_chat_path, new_chat_path)
        return "Chat name changed."
コード例 #2
ファイル: archivebot.py プロジェクト: MRATOTECH/archivebot
async def set_name(event, session):
    """Set query attributes."""
    to_id, to_type = get_peer_information(event.message.to_id)
    new_chat_name = event.message.message.split(' ', maxsplit=1)[1].strip()
    if new_chat_name == 'zips':
        return "Invalid chat name. Pick another."

    subscriber = Subscriber.get_or_create(session,

    old_chat_path = get_chat_path(subscriber.chat_name)
    new_chat_path = get_chat_path(new_chat_name)

    new_real_path = os.path.realpath(new_chat_path)
    target_real_path = os.path.realpath(config.TARGET_DIR)
    if not new_real_path.startswith(target_real_path) or \
            new_real_path == target_real_path:
        user = await archive.get_entity(types.PeerUser(event.message.from_id))
        sentry.captureMessage("User tried to escape directory.",
                                  'new_chat_name': new_chat_name,
                                  'chat': subscriber.chat_name,
                                  'user': get_username(user)
                              tags={'level': 'info'})

        return "Please stop fooling around and don't try to escape the directory. I have been notified about this."

    if session.query(Subscriber) \
            .filter(Subscriber.chat_name == new_chat_name) \
        return "Chat name already exists. Please choose another one."

    elif old_chat_path != new_chat_path:
        subscriber.chat_name = new_chat_name
        if os.path.exists(old_chat_path):
            os.rename(old_chat_path, new_chat_path)
        return "Chat name changed."