コード例 #1
def test_MPO_addition():
    for bc in ['infinite', 'finite']:
        print('bc = ', bc, '-' * 40)
        s = spin_half
        ot1 = OnsiteTerms(4)
        ct1 = CouplingTerms(4)
        ct1.add_coupling_term(2., 2, 3, 'Sm', 'Sp')
        ct1.add_coupling_term(2., 2, 3, 'Sp', 'Sm')
        ct1.add_coupling_term(2., 1, 2, 'Sz', 'Sz')
        ot1.add_onsite_term(3., 1, 'Sz')
        H1 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot1, ct1, [s] * 4, bc).build_MPO()
        ot2 = OnsiteTerms(4)
        ct2 = CouplingTerms(4)
        ct2.add_coupling_term(4., 0, 2, 'Sz', 'Sz')
        ct2.add_coupling_term(4., 1, 2, 'Sz', 'Sz')
        ot2.add_onsite_term(5., 1, 'Sz')
        H2 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot2, ct2, [s] * 4, bc).build_MPO()
        H12_sum = H1 + H2
        ot12 = OnsiteTerms(4)
        ot12 += ot1
        ot12 += ot2
        ct12 = CouplingTerms(4)
        ct12 += ct1
        ct12 += ct2
        H12 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot12, ct12, [s] * 4, bc).build_MPO()
        assert H12.is_equal(H12_sum)
コード例 #2
def test_MPO_expectation_value():
    s = spin_half
    psi1 = mps.MPS.from_singlets(s,
                                 6, [(1, 3), (2, 5)],
                                 lonely=[0, 4],
    ot = OnsiteTerms(4)
    ot.add_onsite_term(0.1, 0, 'Sz')  # -> 0.5
    ot.add_onsite_term(0.2, 3, 'Sz')  # -> 0.
    ct = CouplingTerms(4)  # note: ct.L != psi1.L
    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 2, 3, 'Sz', 'Sz')  # -> 0.
    ct.add_coupling_term(1.5, 1, 3, 'Sz', 'Sz')  # -> 1.5*(-0.25)
    ct.add_coupling_term(2.5, 0, 6, 'Sz', 'Sz')  # -> 2.5*0.25
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot, ct, [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    ev = H.expectation_value(psi1)
    desired_ev = (0.1 * 0.5 + 0.2 * 0. + 1. * 0. + 1.5 * -0.25 +
                  2.5 * 0.25) / H.L
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < 1.e-8
    grid = [
        [s.Id, s.Sz, 3 * s.Sz],
        [None, 0.1 * s.Id, s.Sz],
        [None, None, s.Id],
    L = 1
    exp_dec_H = mpo.MPO.from_grids([s] * L, [grid] * L,
    ev = exp_dec_H.expectation_value(psi1)
    desired_ev = 3 * 0.5 + 0.25 * 0.1**(4 - 1) + 0.25 * 0.1**(
        6 - 1) + 0.25 * 0.1**(10 - 1)  # values > 1.e-15
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < 1.e-15
    L = 3
    exp_dec_H = mpo.MPO.from_grids([s] * L, [grid] * L,
    ev = exp_dec_H.expectation_value(psi1)
    desired_ev = (
        desired_ev +  # first site
        3 * 0. - 0.25 * 0.1**(3 - 1 - 1) +  # second site
        3 * 0. - 0.25 * 0.1**(5 - 2 - 1)) / 3.
    print("ev = ", ev, "desired", desired_ev)
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < 1.e-14
コード例 #3
def test_MPO_hermitian():
    s = spin_half
    ot = OnsiteTerms(4)
    ct = CouplingTerms(4)
    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 2, 3, 'Sm', 'Sp')
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot, ct, [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    #  assert not H.is_hermitian()
    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 2, 3, 'Sp', 'Sm')
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot, ct, [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    #  assert H.is_hermitian()

    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 3, 18, 'Sm', 'Sp')
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot, ct, [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    assert not H.is_hermitian()

    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 3, 18, 'Sp', 'Sm')
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms(ot, ct, [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    assert H.is_hermitian()
コード例 #4
def test_onsite_terms():
    L = 6
    strength1 = np.arange(1., 1. + L * 0.25, 0.25)
    o1 = OnsiteTerms(L)
    for i in [1, 0, 3]:
        o1.add_onsite_term(strength1[i], i, "X_{i:d}".format(i=i))
    assert o1.onsite_terms == [{"X_0": strength1[0]},
                               {"X_1": strength1[1]},
                               {"X_3": strength1[3]},
                               {}] # yapf: disable
    strength2 = np.arange(2., 2. + L * 0.25, 0.25)
    o2 = OnsiteTerms(L)
    for i in [1, 4, 3, 5]:
        o2.add_onsite_term(strength2[i], i, "Y_{i:d}".format(i=i))
    o2.add_onsite_term(strength2[3], 3, "X_3")  # add to previous part
    o2.add_onsite_term(-strength1[1], 1, "X_1")  # remove previous part
    o1 += o2
    assert o1.onsite_terms == [{"X_0": strength1[0]},
                               {"X_1": 0., "Y_1": strength2[1]},
                               {"X_3": strength1[3] + strength2[3], "Y_3": strength2[3]},
                               {"Y_4": strength2[4]},
                               {"Y_5": strength2[5]}] # yapf: disable
    assert o1.onsite_terms == [{"X_0": strength1[0]},
                               {"Y_1": strength2[1]},
                               {"X_3": strength1[3]+ strength2[3], "Y_3": strength2[3]},
                               {"Y_4": strength2[4]},
                               {"Y_5": strength2[5]}] # yapf: disable
    # convert to term_list
    tl = o1.to_TermList()
    assert tl.terms == [[("X_0", 0)], [("Y_1", 1)], [("X_3", 3)], [("Y_3", 3)],
                        [("Y_4", 4)], [("Y_5", 5)]]
    o3, c3 = tl.to_OnsiteTerms_CouplingTerms([None] * L)
    assert o3.onsite_terms == o1.onsite_terms
コード例 #5
def test_MPO_expectation_value(tol=1.e-15):
    s = spin_half
    psi1 = mps.MPS.from_singlets(s,
                                 6, [(1, 3), (2, 5)],
                                 lonely=[0, 4],
    ot = OnsiteTerms(4)  # H.L != psi.L, consider L = lcm(4, 6) = 12
    ot.add_onsite_term(0.1, 0, 'Sz')  # -> 0.5 * 2 (sites 0, 4, not 8)
    ot.add_onsite_term(0.2, 3, 'Sz')  # -> 0.  (not sites 4, 7, 11)
    ct = CouplingTerms(4)  # note: ct.L != psi1.L
    ct.add_coupling_term(1., 2, 3, 'Sz', 'Sz')  # -> 0. (not 2-3, 6-7, 10-11)
    ct.add_coupling_term(1.5, 1, 3, 'Sz',
                         'Sz')  # -> 1.5*(-0.25) (1-3, not 5-7, not 9-11)
    ct.add_coupling_term(2.5, 0, 6, 'Sz',
                         'Sz')  # -> 2.5*0.25*3 (0-6, 4-10, not 8-14)
    H = mpo.MPOGraph.from_terms((ot, ct), [s] * 4, 'infinite').build_MPO()
    desired_ev = (0.1 * 0.5 * 2 + 0.2 * 0. + 1. * 0. + 1.5 * -0.25 +
                  2.5 * 0.25 * 2) / 12
    ev_power = H.expectation_value_power(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev_power - desired_ev) < tol
    ev_TM = H.expectation_value_TM(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev_TM - desired_ev) < tol
    ev = H.expectation_value(psi1, tol)
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < tol

    # now with exponentially decaying term
    grid = [
        [s.Id, s.Sz, 3 * s.Sz],
        [None, 0.1 * s.Id, s.Sz],
        [None, None, s.Id],
    L = 1
    exp_dec_H = mpo.MPO.from_grids([s] * L, [grid] * L,
    desired_ev = (
        3 * 0.5 * 2 +  # Sz onsite
        0.25 * (
            0.1**3 + 0.1**5 + 0.1**9 + 0.1**11 + 0.1**15 +  # Z_0 Z_i
            0.1**1 + 0.1**5 + 0.1**7 + 0.1**11 + 0.1**13) +  # Z_4 Z_i
        -0.25 * (
            0.1**1 +  # Z_1 Z_3
            0.1**2)  # Z_2 Z_4
        + 0.  # other sites
    ) / 6.  # values > 1.e-15
    ev_power = exp_dec_H.expectation_value_power(psi1, tol=tol)
    ev_TM = exp_dec_H.expectation_value_TM(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev_power - desired_ev) < tol
    assert abs(ev_TM - desired_ev) < tol
    ev = exp_dec_H.expectation_value(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < tol
    L = 3  # should give exactly the same answer!
    exp_dec_H = mpo.MPO.from_grids([s] * L, [grid] * L,
    ev_power = exp_dec_H.expectation_value_power(psi1, tol=tol)
    ev_TM = exp_dec_H.expectation_value_TM(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev_power - desired_ev) < tol
    assert abs(ev_TM - desired_ev) < tol
    ev = exp_dec_H.expectation_value(psi1, tol=tol)
    assert abs(ev - desired_ev) < tol