コード例 #1
 def _ensure_no_eos(feat, v):
   if feat not in self.output_features:
     return v
   with tf.control_dependencies([
           v, tf.constant(1, tf.int64),
           message="Feature '{feat}' unexpectedly contains EOS=1 token "
           "after {label}.".format(feat=feat, label=error_label))
     return v
コード例 #2
  def _finalize(self, _, contents):
    """Structure output and compute segment and position metadata."""

    # The output shape information is lost during the filter; however we can
    # guarantee the shape. (That's the point of this exercise, after all!)
    contents.set_shape((self._packed_length, self._num_sequences * 2))

    # Both the dummy branch of the scan step function and the eviction dataset
    # use vectors of minus one. The cost of this check is negligible and the
    # leakage of such dummy sequences would be difficult to debug downstream.
    check_leaks = tf.assert_none_equal(contents, -tf.ones_like(contents))
    with tf.control_dependencies([check_leaks]):
      contents = tf.identity(contents)

    segment, position = self._compute_auxiliary_structure(contents)
    return {"contents": contents[:, :self._num_sequences],
            "segment": segment, "position": position}