def split_raw_data(images, labels, test_ratio=0, validation_ratio=0, moderation_features=None, augmentation_images=None, augmentation_labels=None, split_labels=True, force_mask_creation=False): """Currently depends on test/validation_ratio being 0 when not using test/validation""" # serialize labels if they are lists (e.g. for regression) if isinstance(labels, list): if split_labels: labels = [' '.join(map(str, label)) for label in labels] n_aug = len( augmentation_labels ) if augmentation_images is not None and augmentation_labels is not None else 0 mask = _get_split_mask(test_ratio, validation_ratio, len(labels), n_aug, force_mask_creation) if augmentation_images is not None and augmentation_labels is not None: images = images + augmentation_images labels = labels + augmentation_labels try: if test_ratio != 0 and validation_ratio != 0: train_images, test_images, val_images = tf.dynamic_partition( images, mask, 3) train_labels, test_labels, val_labels = tf.dynamic_partition( labels, mask, 3) elif test_ratio != 0 and validation_ratio == 0: train_images, test_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 2) train_labels, test_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 2) val_images, val_labels = None, None elif test_ratio == 0 and validation_ratio != 0: train_images, val_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 2) train_labels, val_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 2) test_images, test_labels = None, None else: # We are just training, but we still need partitions for rest of the code to interact with. # dynamic_partition returns a length 1 list in this case instead of just the training set. train_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 1)[0] train_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 1)[0] test_images, test_labels = None, None val_images, val_labels = None, None except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Images/labels and partition mask have mismatched lengths") # Also partition moderation features if present <-- NEEDS TO BE FIXED/IMPROVED train_mf, test_mf, val_mf = None, None, None if moderation_features is not None: train_mf, test_mf, val_mf = tf.dynamic_partition( moderation_features, mask, 2) return train_images, train_labels, train_mf, test_images, test_labels, test_mf, val_images, val_labels, val_mf
def undo_mask(x, mask, pad_val=0.0): """Converts the output of boolean_mask to the original input dimensions. The boolean_mask is usually used to condense items from multiple batches into one large 'batch' for faster processing. This function is used to convert back. Args: x: The input to reshape. mask: The mask used in boolean_mask. pad_val: value to pad with. Returns: x reshaped and padded. """ with tf.variable_scope('undo_mask'): flat_x = tf.reshape(x, [-1]) x_shape = tf.shape(x)[1:] expanded_mask = tf.tile( tf.reshape( mask, tf.concat([[-1, tf.shape(mask)[1]], tf.ones_like(x_shape)], 0)), tf.concat([[1, 1], x_shape], 0)) flat_mask = tf.reshape(expanded_mask, [-1]) start_indices = tf.range(tf.shape(flat_mask)[0]) condition_indices = tf.dynamic_partition(start_indices, tf.cast(flat_mask, tf.int32), 2) stitched = tf.dynamic_stitch(condition_indices, [ tf.ones_like(condition_indices[0], tf.float32) * pad_val, tf.reshape(flat_x, [-1]) ]) final_shape = tf.shape(mask) out_shape = tf.concat([[final_shape[0], final_shape[1]], x_shape], 0) return tf.reshape(stitched, out_shape)
def random_substr(str_tensor, max_words): """Select random substring if the input has more than max_words.""" word_batch_r = tf.strings.split(str_tensor, result_type="RaggedTensor") row_splits = word_batch_r.row_splits words = word_batch_r.values start_idx = row_splits[:-1] end_idx = row_splits[1:] words_per_example = end_idx - start_idx ones = tf.ones_like(end_idx) max_val = tf.maximum(ones, words_per_example - max_words) max_words_batch = tf.reduce_max(words_per_example) rnd = tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(start_idx), minval=0, maxval=max_words_batch, dtype=tf.int64) off_start_idx = tf.math.floormod(rnd, max_val) new_words_per_example = tf.where(tf.equal(max_val, 1), words_per_example, ones * max_words) new_start_idx = start_idx + off_start_idx new_end_idx = new_start_idx + new_words_per_example indices = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.size(words), dtype=tf.int64), axis=0) within_limit = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(indices, tf.expand_dims(new_start_idx, axis=1)), tf.less(indices, tf.expand_dims(new_end_idx, axis=1))) keep_indices = tf.reduce_any(within_limit, axis=0) keep_indices = tf.cast(keep_indices, dtype=tf.int32) _, selected_words = tf.dynamic_partition(words, keep_indices, 2) row_splits = tf.math.cumsum(new_words_per_example) row_splits = tf.concat([[0], row_splits], axis=0) new_tensor = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits(values=selected_words, row_splits=row_splits) return tf.strings.reduce_join(new_tensor, axis=1, separator=" ")
def _ComputeLoss(): pair_a = tf.nn.l2_normalize(pregrasp_embedding-postgrasp_embedding, axis=1) pair_b = tf.nn.l2_normalize(goal_embedding, axis=1) distances = tf.losses.cosine_distance( pair_a, pair_b, axis=1, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) _, mask1_data = tf.dynamic_partition(distances, mask, 2) loss = tf.cast(tf.reduce_mean(mask1_data), tf.float32) return loss
def __init__(self, num_train, lr=None, batch_size=32, num_inputs=1, num_outputs=1, w_threshold=0.3, n_hidden=32, hidden_layers=2, ckpt_file='tmp.ckpt', standardize=True, reg_lambda=None, reg_beta=None, DAG_min=0.5): self.w_threshold = w_threshold self.DAG_min = DAG_min if lr is None: self.learning_rate = 0.001 else: self.learning_rate = lr if reg_lambda is None: self.reg_lambda = 1. else: self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda if reg_beta is None: self.reg_beta = 1 else: self.reg_beta = reg_beta self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_inputs = num_inputs self.n_hidden = n_hidden self.hidden_layers = hidden_layers self.num_outputs = num_outputs self.X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.num_inputs]) self.y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 1]) self.rho = tf.placeholder("float", [1, 1]) self.alpha = tf.placeholder("float", [1, 1]) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder("float") self.Lambda = tf.placeholder("float") self.noise = tf.placeholder("float") self.is_train = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="is_train") self.count = 0 self.max_steps = 200 self.saves = 50 self.patience = 30 self.metric = mean_squared_error # One-hot vector indicating which nodes are trained self.sample = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.num_inputs]) # Store layers weight & bias seed = 1 self.weights = {} self.biases = {} # Create the input and output weight matrix for each feature for i in range(self.num_inputs): self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)] = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([self.num_inputs, self.n_hidden], seed=seed) * 0.01) self.weights['out_' + str(i)] = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([self.n_hidden, self.num_outputs], seed=seed)) for i in range(self.num_inputs): self.biases['b_h0_' + str(i)] = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([self.n_hidden], seed=seed) * 0.01) self.biases['out_' + str(i)] = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([self.num_outputs], seed=seed)) # The first and second layers are shared self.weights.update({ 'w_h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.n_hidden, self.n_hidden])) }) self.biases.update( {'b_h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.n_hidden]))}) self.hidden_h0 = {} self.hidden_h1 = {} self.layer_1 = {} self.layer_1_dropout = {} self.out_layer = {} self.Out_0 = [] # Mask removes the feature i from the network that is tasked to construct feature i self.mask = {} self.activation = tf.nn.relu for i in range(self.num_inputs): indices = [i] * self.n_hidden self.mask[str(i)] = tf.transpose( tf.one_hot(indices, depth=self.num_inputs, on_value=0.0, off_value=1.0, axis=-1)) self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)] = self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)] * self.mask[str(i)] self.hidden_h0['nn_' + str(i)] = self.activation( tf.add(tf.matmul(self.X, self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)]), self.biases['b_h0_' + str(i)])) self.hidden_h1['nn_' + str(i)] = self.activation( tf.add( tf.matmul(self.hidden_h0['nn_' + str(i)], self.weights['w_h1']), self.biases['b_h1'])) self.out_layer['nn_' + str(i)] = tf.matmul( self.hidden_h1['nn_' + str(i)], self.weights['out_' + str(i)]) + self.biases['out_' + str(i)] self.Out_0.append(self.out_layer['nn_' + str(i)]) # Concatenate all the constructed features self.Out = tf.concat(self.Out_0, axis=1) self.optimizer_subset = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.learning_rate) self.supervised_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(self.out_layer['nn_0'] - self.y), axis=1), axis=0) self.regularization_loss = 0 self.W_0 = [] for i in range(self.num_inputs): self.W_0.append( tf.math.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)]), axis=1, keepdims=True))) self.W = tf.concat(self.W_0, axis=1) #truncated power series d = tf.cast(self.X.shape[1], tf.float32) coff = 1.0 Z = tf.multiply(self.W, self.W) dag_l = tf.cast(d, tf.float32) Z_in = tf.eye(d) for i in range(1, 10): Z_in = tf.matmul(Z_in, Z) dag_l += 1. / coff * tf.linalg.trace(Z_in) coff = coff * (i + 1) self.h = dag_l - tf.cast(d, tf.float32) # Residuals self.R = self.X - self.Out # Average reconstruction loss self.average_loss = 0.5 / num_train * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.R)) #group lasso L1_loss = 0.0 for i in range(self.num_inputs): w_1 = tf.slice(self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)], [0, 0], [i, -1]) w_2 = tf.slice(self.weights['w_h0_' + str(i)], [i + 1, 0], [-1, -1]) L1_loss += tf.reduce_sum(tf.norm(w_1, axis=1)) + tf.reduce_sum( tf.norm(w_2, axis=1)) # Divide the residual into untrain and train subset _, subset_R = tf.dynamic_partition(tf.transpose(self.R), partitions=self.sample, num_partitions=2) subset_R = tf.transpose(subset_R) #Combine all the loss self.mse_loss_subset = tf.cast(self.num_inputs, tf.float32) / tf.cast( tf.reduce_sum(self.sample), tf.float32) * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(subset_R)) self.regularization_loss_subset = self.mse_loss_subset + self.reg_beta * L1_loss + 0.5 * self.rho * self.h * self.h + self.alpha * self.h #Add in supervised loss self.regularization_loss_subset += self.Lambda * self.rho * self.supervised_loss self.loss_op_dag = self.optimizer_subset.minimize( self.regularization_loss_subset) self.loss_op_supervised = self.optimizer_subset.minimize( self.supervised_loss + self.regularization_loss) self.sess = tf.Session() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.global_variables()) self.tmp = ckpt_file
def split_raw_data(images, labels, test_ratio=0, validation_ratio=0, moderation_features=None, augmentation_images=None, augmentation_labels=None, split_labels=True): """Currently depends on test/validation_ratio being 0 when not using test/validation""" # serialize labels if they are lists (e.g. for regression) if isinstance(labels, list): if split_labels: labels = [' '.join(map(str, label)) for label in labels] # check if there is a previously saved mask to load from current directory mask = [] try: prev_mask_file = open("mask_ckpt.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8-sig') found_prev_mask_file = True print('{0}: {1}'.format("%I:%M%p"), "Previous mask found. Loading 'mask_ckpt.txt'")) for line in prev_mask_file: mask.append(int(line.rstrip())) prev_mask_file.close() except Exception: found_prev_mask_file = False if not found_prev_mask_file: # we build the mask print('{0}: {1}'.format("%I:%M%p"), 'No previous mask found. Building new mask.')) total_samples = len(labels) mask = [0] * total_samples val_mask_num = 1 # this changes depending on whether we are using testing or not val_start_idx = 0 # if no testing then we idx from beginning, else we change this if there is testing if test_ratio != 0: # creating a mask [1,1,1,...,0,0,0] num_test = int(total_samples * test_ratio) mask[:num_test] = [1] * num_test val_mask_num = 2 val_start_idx = num_test if validation_ratio != 0: # if test_ratio != 0 then val_num_mask = 2 and we will create a mask as [1,1,1,...,2,2,2,...,0,0,0,...] # otherwise we will only have train and validation thus creating a mask as [1,1,1,...,0,0,0] num_val = int(total_samples * validation_ratio) mask[val_start_idx:val_start_idx + num_val] = [val_mask_num] * num_val # If we're using a training augmentation set, add them to the training portion if augmentation_images is not None and augmentation_labels is not None: images = images + augmentation_images labels = labels + augmentation_labels mask = mask + ([0] * len(augmentation_labels)) # make the split random <-- ESSENTIAL random.shuffle(mask) # save the mask file in current directory for future use prev_mask_file = open('mask_ckpt.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') for entry in mask: prev_mask_file.write(str(entry) + '\n') prev_mask_file.close() # create partitions, we set train/validation to None if they're not being used if test_ratio != 0 and validation_ratio != 0: train_images, test_images, val_images = tf.dynamic_partition( images, mask, 3) train_labels, test_labels, val_labels = tf.dynamic_partition( labels, mask, 3) elif test_ratio != 0 and validation_ratio == 0: train_images, test_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 2) train_labels, test_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 2) val_images, val_labels = None, None elif test_ratio == 0 and validation_ratio != 0: train_images, val_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 2) train_labels, val_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 2) test_images, test_labels = None, None else: # must be just training, still need queues for rest of dpp code to load/interact with # dynamic_partition returns a list, which is fine in the above cases but in the following case it returns # a list of length 1, hence we index into it with [0] to get what we want train_images = tf.dynamic_partition(images, mask, 1)[0] train_labels = tf.dynamic_partition(labels, mask, 1)[0] test_images, test_labels = None, None val_images, val_labels = None, None # Also partition moderation features if present <-- NEEDS TO BE FIXED/IMPROVED train_mf, test_mf, val_mf = None, None, None if moderation_features is not None: train_mf, test_mf, val_mf = tf.dynamic_partition( moderation_features, mask, 2) return train_images, train_labels, train_mf, test_images, test_labels, test_mf, val_images, val_labels, val_mf
centroids = tf.Variable(tf.gather(vector_values, centroid_indices)) expanded_vectors = tf.expand_dims(vectors, 0) expanded_centroids = tf.expand_dims(centroids, 1) vectors_subtration = tf.subtract(expanded_vectors, expanded_centroids) euclidean_distances = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vectors_subtration), 2) assignments = tf.to_int32(tf.argmin(euclidean_distances, 0)) partitions = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0] num_partitions = 2 data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] #outputs[0] = [10, 20, 50] #outputs[1] = [30, 40] partitions = tf.dynamic_partition(vectors, assignments, num_clusters) update_centroids = tf.concat(0, [ tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_mean(partition, 0), 0) for partition in partitions ]) init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() sess = tf.Session() for step in range(num_steps): _, centroid_values, assignment_values =\[update_centroids,\ centroids,\ assignments])
def _ComputeLoss(): raw_distances = pregrasp_embedding - goal_embedding - postgrasp_embedding distances = tf.reduce_sum(raw_distances**2, axis=1) _, mask1_data = tf.dynamic_partition(distances, mask, 2) loss = tf.cast(tf.reduce_mean(mask1_data), tf.float32) return loss
def _ComputeLoss(): distances = tf.norm(tensor, axis=1) _, mask1_data = tf.dynamic_partition(distances, mask, 2) loss = tf.cast(tf.reduce_mean(mask1_data), tf.float32) return loss